Making historical research more accessible

BOEC18 front cover

We are pleased to announce the completion of a project to digitise nearly 70 articles first published between 1991 and 2008. These authoritative articles appeared in the Book of the Old Edinburgh Club, the Club’s journal which was launched in 1908.

There is an eclectic mix of topics featuring Edinburgh people, places, culture and society. One article, ‘The West Port Murders and the Miniature Coffins from Arthur’s Seat’, is linked to the recent exhibition in the National Museum of Scotland, ‘Anatomy: A Matter of Death and Life’, where the coffins were on display. See our President Ted Duvall’s article.

Other topics include ‘Defending the Burgh’, ‘Fire and Filth: Edinburgh’s Environment, 1660-1760’, ‘New Light on the First New Town’ and ‘The Palace at Edinburgh Castle.’

Authors include Iain Gordon Brown, Owen Dudley Edwards, Rab Houston and Charles McKean.

The digitisation was enabled by a bequest from OEC member Jean Butchart, who previously helped to fund work on the first 35 volumes which date back to 1908.

The articles are available for download and earlier volumes can also available.

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