The Old Edinburgh Club (OEC) Privacy Policy is devised under the framework provided by the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018), and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). This requires us to be explicit about our retention of personal information. Under normal circumstances, charities are prohibited from holding and using such information without the explicit and freely given consent of the individuals concerned.
Individual rights under UK legislation
This legislation confirms the following rights for individuals:
- The right to be informed
- The right of access
- The right to rectification
- The right to erasure
- The right not to be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling.
The OEC and personal information of members
The Old Edinburgh Club is a charity registered in Scotland. We collect and store the personal information of our members. For this purpose, ‘Members’ as a category includes those individuals who (a) have a current paid-up membership, whether individual or joint membership, of the OEC and are entitled to receive a copy of the current Book of the Old Edinburgh Club; (b) have previously been members of the Old Edinburgh Club in the last seven years but are not current members; (c) have previously been members of the Old Edinburgh Club and who have at some point in that membership signed a Gift Aid form on the Club’s behalf; (d) have previously held office within the Club, e.g., Membership Secretary; and (e) have been gifted honorary membership (e.g., for one year to our lecturers). ‘Personal information’ means the member’s name, address, any additional postal or email addresses supplied by the member, the type of membership held, Standing Order bank details, and in the case of Gift Aid forms, whether at the time of signing the form they were liable to UK income tax.
Collection of information
This information is collected through completed membership forms or through the provision of the same information in an equivalent form or communicated verbally to members of the Old Edinburgh Club Council (for example, at an Old Edinburgh Club event), and/or through any additional correspondence between individuals and Old Edinburgh Club Council members. It will also be collected through a member’s completion and submission of the Old Edinburgh Club Privacy Policy Member’s Declaration form.
Storage of information
Members’ personal information is held and stored by the Membership Secretary on behalf of the Council of the Old Edinburgh Club. Other members of the OEC Council will hold information when it is relevant to the execution of Council duties, e.g., when organising summer visits. Copies of correspondence including emails will also be retained, usually by the Council member contacted, and Council members may also share correspondence when the duties of their office dictates. Any electronic sharing of personal information will be encrypted.
Use of information
The personal information of members will be used to (a) maintain the integrity of the membership list; (b) inform members of upcoming Old Edinburgh Club events and make other announcements of direct relevance to Old Edinburgh Club activities; (c) make other notifications to members where the Council of the Old Edinburgh Club deem it necessary either in the interests of individual members or to the wellbeing of the Club; and (d) maintain accurate records relating to the financial and other activities of the Old Edinburgh Club.
Communication with members
Communication with members will normally be by email, where an email address has been provided. Requests for communications by channels other than email will be honoured wherever reasonably practicable.
Members’ consent
On joining, members are asked to provide the Old Edinburgh Club with an unambiguous statement of consent to the use and storage of their personal information. This is embodied in our online Membership application form. We also offer an offline alternative where appropriate.
Consent thus granted will be considered to expire after a period of ten years, although consent may be withdrawn at any time by a member who wishes to do so by communicating their intention to the Secretary of the Old Edinburgh Club.
Please note that the granting of consent is a condition of membership of the Old Edinburgh Club and that failure to give consent, or subsequent withdrawal of that consent, constitutes resignation of Old Edinburgh Club membership.
Member control of personal information
Members have the right to ask at any time for a copy of the personal information that the Old Edinburgh Club holds for them, and they have the right to correct this information. The Secretary will comply with any member request for rectification or deletion of or access to personal data of this kind within one calendar month.
Protection of information from third parties
The Old Edinburgh Club will not share members’ personal data with third parties except where (a) this is required for mailing a copy of the Book of the Old Edinburgh Club; (b) the independent examiner of the charity accounts/reports makes a request for information that is directly relevant to the prudent exercise of that role and office; (c) a list of delegates attending an Old Edinburgh Club event is requested by the staff of an institution or venue hosting that event is made on security, physical safety or public health grounds; or (d) in the event of the Old Edinburgh Club being in receipt of a court order or warrant to cooperate with an official investigation by the Police or like body.
Questions or complaints
Queries or complaints about data handling or breaches of privacy should be directed in the first instance to the Secretary of the Old Edinburgh Club (
Members requiring a copy of this document in a different format (large print, braille, alternative languages) should contact the Secretary to discuss their requirements.