2023-24 programme
- Reinventing Edinburgh: The Fall and Rise of the Municipality 1830-70 by Richard Rodger (October 2023)
- Royal Society of Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century by Bill Jenkins (November 2023)
- Members’ Evening, with Sweet Singers of Israel by Derrick Johnstone and From Quill to Computer, Edinburgh Manuscript Collection and New Age Discoverability by Karen O’Brien and Iain Duffus (December 2023)
- Trinity Church – Medieval Edinburgh by Lizzie Swarbrick (January 2024)
- The University of Edinburgh in the Eighteenth Century by Alasdair Raffe (February 2024)
- Books and Borrowing: Edinburgh, 1750-1830 by Karen Baston (March 2024)
2022-23 programme
Entertainment for all the Family? Going to the Pictures in Edinburgh, by Trevor Griffiths (October 2022)
Secondary Schools in 20th Century Edinburgh: Social Divisions and Intellectual Excellence, by Lindsay Paterson (November)
Members’ Evening, with Maurice McIlwrick on The Secret Edinburgh Tunnel, Joan Fraser on Elevating the Poor in Victorian Edinburgh and Graeme Cruickshank on Pilkington Jackson’s Union Canal Memorial Frieze (December)
Instruments, Institutions and Individuals: The Local Networks of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, in the 19th Century, by Rebekah Higgitt (January 2023)
Scottish Historic Schools: The Architecture of Burgh Schools, Academies and Educational Institutions before 1880, by Diane Watters (February)
Networked Edinburgh 1800-1820 and the Stamp Office Story, by Penelope Wilson (March)
2021-22 programme
India in Edinburgh: 1750s to the present, by Roger Jeffery (October 2021)
Science, Technology and Edinburgh, by Sam Alberti (November)
Censuses of Edinburgh: Past, present and future, by Prof Richard Rodger (January 2022)
‘Meet me at Binns’: Capturing and conserving local significance, by Nicholas Uglow (February)
Widows, Dowers and Debts in Early Modern Scotland, by Dr Rebecca Mason (March)
‘Have a cuppa tea’: Life journeys of people with sight loss in and around Edwardian Edinburgh, by Dr Ian Hutchison (April)
2020-21 programme
Maps, History and the Edge of the City, by Bruce Gittings (November 2020)
Member’s Evening (December): Reminiscences: Photographs as Reminders of Edinburgh History, featuring members, Gina Gainey, Toni Buchan and Leonie Paterson
170 years of agitation: Lord Cockburn and the founding of the Cockburn Association by Terry Leventhal (January 2021)
HM Treasury and the University of Edinburgh, by Dr Ian Levitt (2021)
Who runs Edinburgh?, by Prof David McCrone (March)
John Ritchie Findlay: Architectural Patron and Benefactor, by Dr Clarisse Godard Desmarest (April)
2019-20 programme
The World’s First Football Club – Edinburgh 1824 by Andy Mitchell (October 2019)
The Saving of John Knox House by Bob Morris (November)
Members’ Evening, Edinburgh Homes for Heroes (December)
Music and Theatre in 18th Century Edinburgh by David Todd (January 2020)
How Edinburgh University celebrated its Tercentenary in 1884’ by Robert Anderson (February)
The Archaeology of Edinburgh by Tom Addyman and Phil Karsgaard (March)