General Index to The Book of the Old Edinburgh Club
Volumes I-XX
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Graham Rule, OEC, April 2015
Preface to original 1936 edition
This work is not the outcome of a collation of previous indexes, but is based on a fresh reading of the entire letter-press of Volumes I to XX of the Book of the Old Edinburgh Club.
The aim throughout has been to provide a full, reliable and comprehensive guide to the extensive and varied stores of information contained in the Club’s publications. Every person and every topographical reference, however obscure, is recorded in the General Index, the only exception being in the case of the List of Owners of Property in Edinburgh, 1635 (Vol. XIII.) where, owing to the difficulty of identification, only well-known names are included. Further, to facilitate the labours of the research worker an elaborate system of cross-reference has been employed.
The most difficult problem encountered in the compilation of the General Index has been the vagaries of spelling, both as regards persons and places. This has been overcome in many instances by placing the modern orthography first and printing the archaic variants within brackets; but where, for various reasons, this has not been done, a cross-reference has been inserted. In a Work of this magnitude there is bound to be an enormous number of persons bearing the same name. To assist identification a date is placed, wherever possible, after the name of the person. For example, John Hamilton, burgess (1515) must not be confused with John Hamilton, burgess (1666).
In the case of the ‘Macs’ the practice throughout has been to index the three forms. Thus : ‘Macdonald,’ ‘McDonald,’ ‘M‘Donald.’ Those consulting this portion of the General Index, however, would be well advised to refer to the three spellings, since the names, though relating, it may be, to the same person, are often spelt differently. As an additional help towards the identification of obscure persons, the occupation, when mentioned in the text, is inserted in the General Index.
I should add that I have been assisted in the reading of the proofs by Sir Francis J. Grant, K.C.V.O., LL.D., Lord Lyon King of Arms, and Mr. William Angus, Keeper of the Registers and Records of Scotland, to whom I express my warm thanks. Not only have they given valuable and ungrudging service but have saved me from many pitfalls.
W. Forbes Gray
8 Mansionhouse Road, Edinburgh
June 1936
Abbey Cross, XV. 74.
Abbey ‘Abbey laird,’ XV. 72-3.
Abbey Porch, XI. 6.
Abbey Strand, I. 13; XI. 6; XV. 75.
Abbeyhill, I. 13; IV. 156 n.; VII. c; XV. 66, 203 troops quartered at, XIX. 116.
Abbot of Dunfermline, III. 213.
Abbot of Rievaulx, biographer of David 1., V. 20.
Abbot’s Meadow, XVIII. 184.
Abbotsford, portions of Old Tolbooth at, XIV. 16, 22, 23 old Edinburgh stones at, 52, 82, 95; XV. 101.
Abbotsford, Club, X. 118.
Abbotshall, Lord. See Ramsay, Sir Andrew.
Abercom, James, eighth Earl of, XX. App. 30.
Abercrombie, James, farmer, IV. 159, 160, 161, 162, 166-8, 170-3.
Abercrombie, Thomas, warded, XII. 163.
Abercrombie, Walter, sergeant, VIII. 138.
Abercromby, Alexander, Lord, III. 121, 143, 172.
Abercromby, Friar Andrew, III. 63, 74, 98.
Abercromby, George, of Tullibody, III. 143.
Abercromby, James, Lord Dunfermline, III. 106, 119, 120.
Abercromby, Friar James, III. 98.
Abercromby, Lady (Christian Fletcher), VIII. 210, 211.
Abercromby, Sir Ralph, IX. 97; XII. App. 20; XIII. App. 16.
Abercromby, Robert, Jesuit, XVI. 153.
Abercromby Place, XIV. 156.
Aberdeen, Anne Lockhart, wife of first Earl of, IX. 185.
Aberdeen, Chancellor (1684), XVI. 129.
Aberdeen, Robert, member of Poker Club, III. 153.
Aberdeen, breviary, VII. xix, xxvi; X. 168.
Aberdeen burgh seal, III. 5.
Aberdour, Lord. See Sholto John Douglas, 17th Earl of Morton.
Abergare (Canongate), VII. lvii, lx.
Abernethy, Alexander, candlemaker, XVII. 132.
Abernethy, James, deacon of Skinners, VI. 65, 68, 86, 89, 91, 105 n.
Abernethy, John, bishop, XIII. 134.
Abernethy’s Close, XII. 30.
Abir …, John, XI. 129.
Abircomie, William, minister, VI. 138.
Abjuration Oath, XVI. 139.
Aboyne, Charles, fourth Earl of, III. 139.
Academy, Edinburgh, origin of, V. 87.
Academy, Royal Scottish Naval and Military, XX. 158.
Academy, for Teaching Exercises. See Riding School.
Acheson, Alexander, of Gosford, XII. 62. And see Aitchison.
Acheson, Sir Archibald, mansion of, I. 15; XI. 6; XII. 62, 117 n.; XIV. 3, 4, 5, 72.
Acheson, Helen (1572), XVI. 5.
Acheson, (Achesoun), James, goldsmith, XIX. 11.
Acheson, (Achesoun), John, ‘master cunyear,’ XIX. 11.
Acheson, John, merchant (1572), XVI. 6.
Acheson, (Achieson), John, XIV. 3.
Acheson, Sir Patrick, son of Sir Archibald, XII. 117, 118.
Acheson House, carved stones at, XVII. 28-9.
Acis and Galatea, Handel’s, XIX. 203, 205, 214.
Act (1469) anent murderers and sanctuary, XV. 60-1.
Act (1753) anent public buildings in Edinburgh, XIII. 5.
Acta Dominorum Concilii, IX. 1 XI. 95, 101, 105, 109, 110, 122.
Acts anent spoliations, XI. 93.
Acts of bailies of Canongate, XX. 15-16.
Adair, Patrick, IV. 132.
Adair’s ‘Map of Midlothian,’ III. 184.
Adam of Lanark, royal confessor, III. 32; two missions to papal court, 33; and David II.’s ransom, 33 promoted bishop of Galloway, 38.
Adam, Alexander, rector of High School, XII. App. 20.
Adam, Alexander, in Blackness, V. 133.
Adam, Andrew, murders his father, XVI. 101.
Adam, Admiral Sir Charles, III. 172.
Adam, Colin, covenanter, XI. 160.
Adam, James, architect, XII. App. 11.
Adam, John, architect, III. 152, 153; XII. 147; XVII. 160, 163; XVIII. 171.
Adam, John, bailie of Paisley, VIII. 139.
Adam, Mr., city accountant (1856), XIV. 159.
Adam, Robert, architect, IV. 52 XII. 147 XV. App. 12 lecture on his career, by John Swarbrick, 14; (and his brother James) prepare plans for Register House, XVII. 159 and n., 160, 162, 165 superintends the building, 163-4 plans for Leith St., 170, 171; payments to, 171 designer of mansion in St. Andrew Square, 173; XIX. 56, 224; XX. 120, 121, 157 design for riding school, 117-119.
Adam, Robert, commissioner for Glasgow, I. 89.
Adam, William, of Maryburgh, architect, V. 82; XII. 145, 147, 148 plan for Old Infirmary, XV. 150-l XX. App. 31.
Adam family, genealogy of, XII. 148.
Adam mantelpieces, III. 252.
Adam Square, II. 155; XI. 6; XII. 147, 218, 224; XIV. 137 XVII. 156 XX. 125.
Adamnan, his Life of St. Columba, V. 2 n., 8 n.
Adam’s Close, XII. 147, 148.
Adam’s Court. See Adam’s Close.
Adams, Alexander, Speculative Society, V. 169, 174, 178, 183.
Adams, John, XX. 142; joint master with Angelo of riding school, 135, 139; advances money for repair of riding school, 140 his death, 143.
Adams, Mr., slater, XX. 127.
Adamson, Alexander, (1525), IX. 55; XVII. 51.
Adamson, Alexander, owns property in Brown’s Close, XII. 22.
Adamson, Andrew, flesher, XVII. 138.
Adamson, Elizabeth, XII. 12.
Adamson, George, forger, VI. 127.
Adamson, George, covenanter, VI. 133; XI. 56.
Adamson, Friar Henry, III. 70-1.
Adamson, Hew (1577), XV. 45.
Adamson, James, Burntisland, warded, V. 147.
Adamson, Friar John, III. 52, 93, 95; IX. 8, 41 n.; X. 109, 110, 112, 116.
Adamson, John (1511), feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 71.
Adamson, John (1549), XII. 22, 38.
Adamson, John, merchant (1596), X. 218 n., 229.
Adamson, John, yr. (1604), XI. 132.
Adamson, John (1610), notary, Canongate, XIV. 42, 43.
Adamson, John (1622), advocate, X. 218 n.; XII. 141, 142; XIII. 102, 115, 116, 128, 135.
Adamson, John, principal of Town’s College (1625-53), IV. 148; XI. 159, 160, 161; XIII. 116 and n.
Adamson, John (1634), his tenement in Beth’s Wynd, XIII. 34.
Adamson, John (1682), blue gownsman, XVI. 112.
Adamson, John (1684), IX. 115.
Adamson, Katherine, XII. 38.
Adamson, Peter (1658), IV. 122.
Adamson, Robert, servitor, IV. 141.
Adamson, Robert, writer, X. 218 n.
Adamson, Sanders, III. 79.
Adamson, Thomas (1658), IV. 122.
Adamson, (Adamesoun), William, bailie (1513), II. 62 III. 80, 93 IV. 81 IX. 41 n., 55, 72, 73; feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 74, 81.
Adamson, William, owns property in Lawnmarket, XII. 15.
Adamson, William (1528), witness, XVII. 51.
Adamson, William (1553), XV. 51.
Adamson, William, member of Burlaw Court, XV. 176, 181, 185.
Adamson, William, blacksmith, V. 138.
Adamson’s Close, XII. 21, 22, 37, 38, 141, 142, 151.
Adamson’s Land, XII. 141.
Addison, Joseph, IV. 10; his Cato, XI. 163, 168 and n. The Drummer, 167 and n. his Rosamund, XX. App. 28.
Addison, Thomas, Oyster Club, III. 173.
Addiston House, III. 193.
Adelaide, Queen, XX. 65.
Adelphi, XVIII. App. 12.
Adinston’s Land, Leith, XIX. 100.
Admiral of Firth of Forth, II. 7; III. 12.
Admiralty House, XX. App. 22.
Advocates, Faculty of, II. 231 XIV. 80 XV. 152 buy Lauriston House, XVIII. 164.
Advocates’ Close, I. 7, 106; XII. 24, 66; XIV. 70; carved stones in, 89; XVI. 34 n. XX. App. 8.
Advocates’ Library, II. 10, 14, 62, 169, 233 III. 235 IV. 45 V. 50, 52 IX. 83 X. 72, 82, 107, 127; XIII. 41 XVII. 151-2. See also National Library.
African or Darien Company, X. 227.
Agnew, Sir Andrew, III. 119.
Agnew, Stair A., III. 177.
Agriculture, Society for Improvement in Knowledge of, XV. 168.
Ahannay, John, ‘smyth,’ IV. 85.
Aidan, king of Dalriada, XI. 88.
Aikenhead, David, provost, II. 136 XII. 37; XIII. 46, 55, 111 and n.
Aikenhead, (Aiknayheid), David, apothecary, IV. 118.
Aikenhead, James, advocate, X. 48; XIII. 99, 122, 123.
Aikenhead, James, son of Thomas, X. 193, 194.
Aikenhead, James, apothecary, XI. 46, 57 XVI. 113.
Aikenhead, Patrick, commissary clerk, XVI. 155.
Aikenhead, Thomas. merchant, X. 193, 194, 198; XI. 48.
Aikenhead, (Aikkinheid), Thomas, deacon of Skinners, VI. 71, 83, 84, 88, 90, 105.
Aikenhead, Thomas (1622), XII. 13 XIII. 99, 101, 141.
Aikman, Archibald, grocer, XIV. 155.
Aikman, Captain (1573), V. 63.
Aikman, Francis, X. 74; XII. 46.
Aikman, G., engraver, XII. 241.
Aikman, James, XII. 39.
Aikman, John, warded, VI. 113.
Aikman, John, XII. 46, 47.
Aikman, Robert, XIII. 98.
Aikman, Samuel, skinner, VI. 64, 99.
Aikman, Walter, Leith captain, XVI., 19.
Aikman, William, painter, IX. 82; XIV. App. 21, 22.
Aikman, William, advocate, VI. 127.
Aikman, William (1557), XV. 27.
Aikman, William, XII. 46.
Aikman’s Close, XII. 46, 54, 62, 79 XIV. 72.
Aikman’s Land, XII. 54.
Ainslie, Alexander, of Pilton, XV. 182, 194.
Ainslie, Andrew, XII. 84.
Ainslie, Barbara, XII. 85.
Ainslie, Dalston, goldsmith, XIX. 18, 19.
Ainslie, John, his maps of Edinburgh, XII. 3, 211, 223-4, 227-8.
Ainslie, J. B. (Philo-Scotus), II. 221.
Ainslie, Robert, W.S., Burns’s friend, XI. App. 17; XVII. App. 13.
Ainslie, Robert, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 17 5.
Ainslie, Thomas, smith, XVIII. 62 XIX. 124.
Ainslie, Thomas, Provost of Jedburgh, VI. 128.
Ainslie’s Close, XII. 151.
Aird, Andrew, his Glimpses of Old Glasgow, IX. 185.
Aird, Rev. William, St. Cuthbert’s, II. 130.
Aird’s Close, I. 22.
Airdrey, Lady, wife of governor of Castle, XIV. 46.
Aitcheson, Edward (1685), XVI. 142.
Aitchison, Andrew, sheriff depute, VIII. 127.
Aitchison, (Acheson), Gilbert, XII. 19; XIII. 103, 107, 110, 113, 116, 126.
Aitchison, James (1517), XIV. 3.
Aitchison, James, merchant (1588), XV. 19.
Aitchison, John (1635), XIII. 126.
Aitchison, John, servitor, VIII. 146.
Aitchison, John, farmer, XIX. 166.
Aitchison, Robert, XII. 19; XIII. 105.
Aitchison, Thomas, his Edinburgh Directory, XII. 226.
Aitchison, William, distiller, XV. App. 20.
Aitchison, See also Acheson.
Aitken, Allen, XI. 61.
Archibald, wright, XII. 98.
Archibald, Edward, covenanter, VIII. 152 XVI. 123.
Archibald, George, smith, XII. 148.
Archibald, G. S., architect, III. 251.
Archibald, Henry, writer, XII. 98.
Archibald, Janet, mother of Sir Daniel Wilson, XVII. 1.
Archibald, John, friend of ‘Clarinda,’ XVII. App. 13.
Archibald, Patrick, cordiner, XIII. 112.
Archibald, William, printer, XII. 234.
Archibald, William, mason, XIII. 25.
Aitken’s Close, XII. 78, 98, 99, 148.
Aitkin, Margaret, X. 199.
Albany, Alexander, third Duke of, arms of, XV. 123, 130, 132.
Albany, John, Duke of, III. 38, 52; IX. 1-3 n., 6-7, 8-13, 15, 17, 18, 23, 32, 33, 35, 38-40, 43, 47, 51-3, 55, 56, 59; negotiates for Staple being fixed at Middelburg, 67, 68; question of his receiving money for fixing the Staple, 69; 70, 76, 77; X. 110, 112, 190; XI. 110, 112,119.
Albany aisle. See St. Giles’ Church.
Albert Keep (Castle), VI. 9-10.
Albertus, Derick, XII. 208.
Albigenses, body of sectaries, III. 16, 17.
Albion Street, XII. 229.
Aldcome, Hemy, XIX. 18.
Alderman of Edinburgh, XV. App. 9, 10.
Ale, poor quality of, XVI. 47.
Alemoor, Lord (Andrew Pringle), XX. 116.
Alesius, Alexander, description of Edinburgh, XII. 215.
Alexander I. of Scotland, V. 10, 19, 38; X. 9.
Alexander II., friend of Friar Preachers, III. 23, 30; gift of ground in Edinburgh to the Order, 24 and n. donations to Black Friars, 66, 69, 73, 88; V. 10, 34; VI. 12 n.
Alexander III., charter to Black Friars, III. 88 V. 10, 32, 36, 37, 66; X. 3, 4.
‘Alexander taming Bucephalus,’ XX. 158.
Alexander, Anthony, master of work at Parliament House, XIII. 21. See Alschunder.
Alexander, Claud, of Ballochmyle, XII. App. 20.
Alexander, Claud, of Newton, XI. 33.
Alexander, Dame, XIII. 123.
Alexander, David, legacy to Candlemakers, XVII. 108.
Alexander, Friar, Prior of Hospital of St. John
Alexander, of Jerusalem in Scotland, V. 33.
Alexander, of Berwick, Friar, III. 33.
Alexander, of Scotland, Friar, III. 36.
Alexander, George, warded, XII. 194.
Alexander, Guthrie’s Close, XII. 151.
Alexander, James, VI. 111.
Alexander, John, precentor, South Leith, VIII. 107.
Alexander, Lindsay’s Close, XII. 55 n., 154.
Alexander, Mr., Roystoun’s Close, XX. 125.
Alexander, Patrick, VI. 108.
Alexander, Uddart’s Close, XII. 84, 85.
Alexander, Sir William, Earl of Stirling, XIII. 21, 34, 130 n., 131.
Alexander, William, lord provost, IV. 46.
Alexander, William, baxter, XIV. 43.
Alexander, William, purchases horses for riding school, XX. 117.
Alexander, W., merchant, member of Poker Club, III. 152.
Alexander, Young’s Close, XII. 87.
Alexander’s Feast, Handel’s, XIX. 201, 203, 205.
Alexander’s Land, Bristo St., XIX. 85.
Algoe, Peter, agent for the good Town, XIII. 121.
Alicia, prioress of Haydngrove, V. 33.
Alison, Alexander, deputy receiver of excise, XII. 127.
Alison, Andrew, XIV. 143.
Alison, Rev. Archibald, III. 113.
Alison, Catherine, XII. 127.
Alison, Colin, warded, XII. 184.
Alison, James, merchant, XII. 128; XIII. 144.
Alison, John, chamberlain, XI. 53.
Alison, Margaret, XII. 128.
Alison, Thomas, slater, III. 100. See also Allison.
Alison, Square, XI. 6.
Alison’s Close, XII. 58, 80, 127, 128, 136; XIII. 143.
Alison’s Wynd, XII. 128.
Allan, Adam (1570), XV. 37.
Adam, covenanter, II. 99.
Adam, Andrew, painter, IX. 82.
Adam, Bridget, Speculative Society meet in coffee-house of, V. 170, 174, 178, 180.
Adam, Charles, surgeon, Restalrig, IV. 159.
Adam, Charles, warded, VIII. 129.
Adam, David, painter, I. 8; IX. 84; his view of High Street, 221; XII. App. 31 XVIII. 4, 7.
Adam, David, Speculative Society, V. 172, 181.
Adam, David (1658), whipt for rioting, IV. 118.
Adam, George, farmer, XV. 197.
Adam, Hary, writer, IV. 159, 166-8, 170- 173, 177.
Adam, John, of Allanfield, XIX. 180.
Adam, John, warded, VI. 131 XII. 166.
Adam, Miss, of Hillside, II. 164.
Adam, Robert, baxter, XIV. 142.
Adam, Robert, & Sons, bankers, XIV. 150; XVIII. 85.
Adam, R., bookseller, XII. 225.
Adam, Sir William, painter, IX. 99-102.
Allan’s Close, 1. 7 IV. 46; XII. 30, 32.
Allen, John, physiologist, III. 114.
Aney Close, XII. 93, 94.
Allhallow Fair, VI. 80 n.
Allison, Isobel, VI. 150, 156. See Alison.
Allison, Patrick, in Carnwath, IX. 140, 143.
Allison, William, schoolmaster, VIII. 108.
Alloway, Lord. See Cathcart, David.
Alloway – , member of Friday Club, III. 118.
Almanac-sellers, II. 222.
Almondell House, excursion to, XII. App. 4-10.
Alschunder, William, XIV. 37.
Alston, James, merchant, XVI. 115.
Alston, Maria, wife of Sir John Nisbet, last of Dean, I. 125.
Altar-stone, road to, XIX. 162.
Alves, William, of Pilrig, XI. App. 20.
Ambassador’s (French) Chapel, II. 141; XI. 8.
Ambrose’s Tavern, Gabriel’s Road, XVII. 78.
Amisfield, Lady, imprisoned in Tolbooth, IV. 107.
Amulree House, Corstorphine, III. 183.
Anchor Close, I. 7, 8 III. 163, 165; Provost Drummond and, IV. 36 Dannie Douglas’s tavern, 36, 37 Alexander Smellie’s printing office, 36 William Smellie’s History of, 38; XII. 33, 34; carved stones in, XIV. 98.
Anchor Tavern, XII. 33.
Anchorfield Burn, XIX. 142, 181, 187.
Ancrum House, XI. 6.
Anderson of Balram, XVI. Introd. xxviii.
Anderson of Whitburgh, II. 27.
Anderson Agnes, IV. 116.
Anderson Alexander, Warded, VI. 123 XI. 30.
Anderson Alexander, candlemaker, VIII. 130.
Anderson Andrew, printer VI. 150-], 156.
Anderson Archibald, tailor, XIII. 117.
Anderson Bailie (1679). VI. 136.
Anderson Bessie (1587), XV. 46.
Anderson Christian, VIII. 121, 124.
Anderson David. See St. Vigeans, Lord.
Anderson Dame Elizabeth, XIV. 108.
Anderson George, Warded, XII. 194.
Anderson George (1754), XIX. 56.
Anderson Harie, Warded, IX. 154, 158.
Anderson Henry, shoemaker, XII. 126.
Anderson Henry, member of Burlaw Court, XV. 176, 184, 205.
Anderson, H. M., The Grammar School of the Canongate, XX. 1-25.
Anderson, James (1657), imprisoned for debt, IV. 113.
Anderson, James, covenanter, V. 135.
Anderson, James, printer, VI. 150.
Anderson, James (1682), in Temple, VIII. 121, 122.
Anderson, James, writer, XII. 149.
Anderson, James, quarrier, XIII. 21, 24, 31, 40.
Anderson, James, farmer, XV. 185, 189, 191.
Anderson, James T., Marrow-Bone Club, III. 176.
Anderson, Janet, III. 103.
Anderson, Jasper, IV. 163.
Anderson, John, of Dowhill, VIII. 155.
Anderson, John (1525), resignation of land in favour of St. Paul’s Work, XVII. 50.
Anderson, John (1657), IV. 115.
Anderson, John (1658), Warded, IV. 119, 123.
Anderson, John (1660), merchant, Glasgow, IV. 135.
Anderson, Captain John (1684), IX. 176.
Anderson, John (1685), banished, XII. 187.
Anderson, John, flesher, XII. 37.
Anderson, John, gunsmith, XII. 126.
Anderson, John, coppersmith, XII. 126, 127.
Anderson, John, his Plan of Edinburgh (1824), XII. 235, 237, 241.
Anderson, John, town omcer, XIII. 112.
Anderson, Jonet, keeps geese in her house, XV. 12.
Anderson, Lillias, XIII. 82.
Anderson, Margret, witch, IV. 121, 122.
Anderson, Margaret (1684), IX. 120-1.
Anderson, Marion, second wife of Lord Fountainhall, XVI. Introd. xxviii.
Anderson, Matthew, provost, Kirkcaldy, IX. 139.
Anderson, Nychole, mason, XV. 23.
Anderson, Patrick, comptroller of stamp duties, XX. 58.
Anderson, Patrick, sheriff officer, V. 122.
Anderson, Rachel, XIII. 82.
Anderson, Robert, treasurer of Pantheon, I. 59.
Anderson, Robert (1683), merchant, VIII. 148.
Anderson, Robert, farmer, XV. 172, 188, 197.
Anderson, Symond, V. 137.
Anderson, Thomas, farmer in Broughton, XIII. 82; XV. 195.
Anderson, William, burgess, III. 81, 99, 102, 103; feus from Black Friars, 78a; and from town, V. 76; IX. 53.
Anderson, William, merchant (1588), XV. 25.
Anderson, Rev. William (1666), V. 132, 133.
Anderson, William, skinner, VI. 64, 104.
Anderson, William, stabler, XII. 126.
Anderson, William, farmer, XV. 181, 185, 188.
Anderson, William, Marchmont herald, XX. App. 16.
Anderson, William, provost of Glasgow, XX. 29.
Anderson, William, Livingstone parish, II. 97.
Anderson, William, ironmonger, XII. 126.
Anderson, William, schoolmaster, XIX. 113.
Anderson, W., owner of George Inn, XIV. 145.
Anderson’s Close, XII. 126.
Anderson’s Land, III. 80; XII. 126, 127.
Andrew, Friar, bishop of Argyle, III. 38.
Andrew, of Oroden, Friar, III. 41.
Andrew, Robert, factor, VI. 108.
Andrew, (Andro), Robert, VIII. 119.
Andrew, William, VI. 140.
Angelo, ‘Mr.,’ XX. 127, 133, 135, 146, 149, 150, 157 first master of riding school, 123-5 presents gold medal, 126 royal grant paid to, 128 sells horses of riding school, 129; services approved, 131 retires, 132, 133 reappointed, 136 salary liquidates debts, 137-8 Adams joint master with, 139, 142 retiral and death, 144.
Angelo, Mrs., XX. 139, 142.
Anglia Street, XII. 229.
Angouêlme, Duc d’, XV. 96.
Angus, Earl of. See Douglas, Archibald, ‘Bell-the-Cat.’
Angus, Mareon, IV. 133.
Angus, Patrick, XVIII. 123.
Angus, William, eleventh Earl of, XVIII. 15.
Angus, William, The Incorporated Trade of the Skinners of Edinburgh, with Extracts from their Minutes, 1549-1603, VI. 11-106; XI. 126; XX. 112 n.
Ankerville, Lord. See Ross, David.
Anna and Edgar, VIII. 168 n.
Annabella, queen of Robert III., XIV. 114.
Annan, Lord, XVIII. 15.
Annand, William, dean of Edinburgh, XVI. 65 and n., 67, 153 preaches on Christmas Day, 73.
Annandale, David, chairmaster, IX. 196.
Anne, Queen, III. 223 re-establishes Order of the Thistle, XVIII. 31.
Anne, of Denmark, IV. 37 XIV. 66, 99.
‘Annie Laurie,’ Lady John Scott’s version of, XX. App. 27.
Annuity Tax, XIII. 29, 37, 43, 51.
‘Another West’ Yard (Blackfriars), II. 72.
Antemanum Club, III. 178.
Antiquaries, Society of, Scotland, III. 136, 137, 163 museum of, 223 premises in Gosford’s Close, IX. 215 XI. 14 XII. 132 XVI. Introd. xv.
Antwerp and Scottish trade, IX. 51.
‘Apostles’ heads,’ Coates House, II. 141-2.
Apothecaries, XV. 24; XVI. 100.
Applegarth, laird of, his ‘land,’ III. 78a; VIII. 146.
‘Apple-Glory ’ (Sarah Sibbald), II. 194; XIV. App. 12.
Arbroath, Lord, XVI. 18.
Arbruckle, Lady, IV. 164.
Arbuckle, John, banished, XII. 187.
Arbuckle’s Mill, Coltbridge, I. 99.
Arbuthnot, George, master of Canongate School, XX. 17, 18.
Arbuthnot, Sir William, lord provost, acquires superiority of Common Myre, X. 156, 220; XIV. 164 and n.
Archer, Thomas, XII. 169, 172.
Archers, Royal Company of, IX. 96 feu at South Loch, X. 253 acquire Chalmers’s portrait of William St. Clair of Roslin, XVIII. 6-7; XIX. 79.
Archers’ Hall, IX. 96 X. 253 XIX. 76, 83 its erection tavern at new Assembly at, 79 Francis Bonnard, manager, 80-1; Assembly removes to Buccleuch Place, 81.
Archibald, George, seedsman, XVIII. 161.
Archibald, Hew, warded, IX. 135, 136.
Archibald, John, merchant, XII. 56.
Archibald, Joseph, seedsman, XVIII. 161.
Archibald, William, writer, his property at Burghmuirhead, X. 201.
Archibald’s Close, XII. 56.
Archibald’s Nursery, XVIII. 160-1, 162.
Archus Occidentalis, XII. 50.
Archus Orientales, or Inferiores, XII. 50.
Ardmillan, Lord, judge, XI. App. 17.
Ardros, X. 131.
Areskine, Charles, of Tinwald. See Erskine.
Argyle, Anne, ninth Countess of, XVI. 142.
Argyle, Archibald, fifth Earl of, III. 55; XVI. 18.
Argyle, Archibald, seventh Earl of, XII. 107.
Argyle, Archibald, Marquess of, execution of, IV. 101, 111; referred to in ‘Releife Book,’ 139, 140 n. head ‘taine doune,’ V. 116; town house of, XIV. 58, App. 18 XVI. 49, 58.
Argyle, Archibald, ninth Earl of, XVI. 111, 166; imprisoned in Castle, 143; rejoicings over defeat of, 143.
Argyle, Colin, third Earl of, IX. 17, 38.
Argyle, Friar Andrew, bishop of, III. 38.
Argyle, Jane, fifth Countess of, prisoner, XVI. 13.
Argyle, John, second Duke of, IV. 23, 26, 28, 30, 31, 33; and the ‘Fifteen, 6, 7; VIII. App. 6; XX. App. 30; buys Wester Granton and Royston, 26.
Argyle, Margaret, Marchioness of, IX. 184.
Argyle Battery, XI. 6, 11.
Argyle Brewery (Campbell’s), XI. 132, 138, 139.
Argyle Square, XI. 6; XII. 139; XVIII. 93; XX. 157.
Argyle Tower (Castle), VI. 8 XI. 12.
Argyle’s Close, XII. 153.
‘Arles,’ II. 222.
Armorial Bearings of Edinburgh : earliest ‘seal, III. 2 patron saint, St. Giles, 2 ‘seal of cause,’ sixteenth century, 3; common seal of same period, 3; non- heraldic form, 5 beginning of armorial coat, 5; coat-of-arms, 7; fox used in place of hind in Hollar’s ‘View’ of Edinburgh, 7, 8 in MS. by Conrad von Grünenberg, 8; hind with Maiden as supporters on ‘Orange Colours,’ 8; insignia on printed Acts of Town Council, 8; Patent of Arms granted to, 8 and title-page; blazon of arms, 9 thistle in place of hind on arms, 10 no coat-of-arms previous to Reformation, 10; Castrum Puellarum, Chateau de Pucelles, Maidenburgh, ll Lord Provost as Admiral of the Forth, 12; ‘livery colours,’ 12.
Armour, James, VI. 115, 116.
Armour, John, secy. of musical society, XI. 139.
Armourers’, armorial shield, VIII. 62; XIX. 2, 26.
Arms, II. 231, 233, 235, 237 earliest known instance of complete achieve- ment of, in Scotland, III. 1 municipal, 1 of kings of Scotland, 4 of Scotland, 4; grant of, from Lord Lyon, 5; of Edinburgh, 8, 9; Castrum Puellarum in, 11 crest on, 11.
Armstrong, A. and M., their map of Edinburgh, XII. 210-11, 222.
Armstrong, Christopher, candlemaker, XVII. 115.
Armstrong, George, of Restalrig, IV. 163, 170, 172.
Armstrong, James, of Restalrig, IV. 176, 179, 183.
Armstrong, John, warded, IX. 121.
Armstrong, Robert (1666), V. 130.
Armstrong, Robert, hammerman, VIII. 49.
Armstrong, Thomas, murderer, IV. 84; X. 86.
Armstrong, William, donor of chandelier to Magdalen Chapel, VIII. 49-50.
Armstrong, William, builder, XV. 210, 211.
Arne, Thomas, musical composer, XIX. 209 n., 213, 214.
Arniston, Lord. See Dundas, Robert, second Lord President.
Arniston House, Club visits, XIX. App. 16-18.
Arnot, Alexander, of Lochrig, IX. 164, 173.
Arnot, David, of Capledrae, VIII. 128.
Arnot, George, brewer, XV. 182.
Arnot, George, in Arlarie, II. 94.
Arnot, Henry, XII. 121.
Arnot, Hugo, historian of Edinburgh; his grave, VII. App. 7 Sir Daniel Wilson on, XVII. 9; on neglect of horse-riding, XX. 111 on riding school, 113 on Angelo, riding master, 124.
Arnot, James, merchant, XIII. 116.
Arnot, Sir John, of Birswick, provost, I. 90, 93.
Arnot, Marie, V. 103.
Arnot, Marion, wife of James Nisbet, first of Craigentinnie, I. 90, 93, 94, 95, 109.
Arnot, Rachel, wife of Archibald Johnston, I. 94, 95.
Arnot, Robert, VI. 124.
Arnot, William, conventicler, VI. 124.
Arnott, James, gardener, XV. 185.
Arran, James, first Earl of, III. 53, 56 at heresy trial, 55 abjures reformed faith, 58; issues letters of protection in favour of Black Friars, 58, 98 IX. 9, 12, 17, 21; provost of Edinburgh, 24, 30; differences with town, 27, 29, 31, 32, 37, 52; XV. App. 10.
Arran, James, second Earl of, proclamation anent Hertford invasion, X. 126 summons army to Burgh Muir, 190 XIX. 153, 154.
Arran, James, third Earl of, conduct as provost, X. 184, 186.
Arres, Mariot, XV. 124.
Arthur, Elizabeth, Lady Cambusnethan, VI. 117; VIII. 145, 149.
Arthur, John, tailor, XIX. 112.
Arthur, William, minister of West Kirk, IV. 133; VI. 117 XIII. 113 and n.
Arthur, William, deacon of Canongate Cordiners, XIV. 37, 43; XVIII. 115.
Arthur, William, wife of Sir Patrick Nisbet, Lord Eastbank, I. 109.
Arthur’s Seat, IV. 154; X. 14, 44; XV. 65, 66; XVII. 3 XVIII. 181, 183, 184, 204.
Artillery Park, XV. 66.
Artois, le Comte d’. See Charles X.
Ashley Court, V. 158.
Askew-Robertsons of Ladykirk, XIX. 185.
Aapasio Vindicated, VIII. 176-9.
‘Assembly,’ The, contribute to Infirmary funds, XV. 154, 160; various forms of, XIX. 31-2; chief objects, 32; popularity of minuets and country dances, 34 first Edinburgh, 34-6 premises in West Bow, 36-8; an ‘incident,’ 38 fresh venture in Old Assembly Close, 39, 43; Allan Ramsay and, 39; Letter from a Gentleman concerning, 40-1 Patrick Walker’s protest, 41 descriptions of, 41-4, 53; philanthropic purpose, 42, 46, 48-50; Lady Orbiston and, 42, 46; directresses of, 42, 44-6 49-54, 76-8, 86-91; sidelights, 44-5; removal to Bell’s Wynd, 45-6, 55, 197; public works assisted by, 46-7, 60 remuneration of musicians, 50 ‘Nicky’ Murray, mistress of ceremonies, 54-5; new hall proposed, 56 efforts to secure site, 57 premises in Bell’s Wynd purchased, 57 card and tea-rooms, 57-9 hall-keepers, 59-60 premises not to be let for rival entertainments, 60; ridotto held, 63; Leith, 70; patrons of; Hamilton of Bangour’s verses on, 71-2; Goldsmith and, 7 2-3; Topham’s description of Bell’s Wynd, 73 lack of accommodation, 74 premises in George St., 74-5 removal from Old Town; Creech and, 75-6 Bell’s Wynd premises occupied by town guard, 76 amount raised for charities, 76-8 funds invested, 77 Archers’ Hall and, 79-81 directors, 87-8 managers of, unite with Musical Society with view to erecting hall for both organisations, 223-4.
Assembly Close, XII. 70.
Assembly Rooms in West Bow, II. 11; IV. 150; XI. 6; XIV. 63, 64; in Bell’s Wynd, XI. 6; XII. 70, 74; Musical Society concerts in, XIX. 223, 235, 236; in Buccleuch Place, IX. 212 in George St., III. 110; IX. 213, 224, 227, 230, 231 XIX. 240-2.
Assembly of Birds, III. 17 8.
Assessors, City, XVI. 146.
Asylum, Edinburgh, for the Insane, X. 206, 207-8. See Bedlam.
Atcherley, James, XX. 59.
Atheling, Edgar, takes refuge in Scotland, V. 4, 15, 16, 20, 51 intervenes between Malcolm III. and William II.; escorts Malcolm to Gloucester, 16.
‘Athens of Britain,’ XX. 112.
Atholl, John, first Duke of, opponent of Union of 1707, III. 225; XVI. 60.
Atholl, John, first Marquess of, VIII. 125; XII. 173; XVI. 98, 127, 212.
Atholl, Katherine, first Countess of, XVI. 28.
Atholl, William, first Earl of, XVI. 28.
Atkinson, Edward, tenant of George Inn, XIV. 145.
Auchinleck, Lord. See Boswell, Alexander
Auchinleck, Euphame Erskine, Lady, stepmother of James Boswell, XV. App. 13.
Auchinleck, Elizabeth, a foundress of convent of St. Catherine of Siena, X. 115-16, 130.
Auchinleck, Sir John, of that Ilk, X. 115.
Auchinleck Chronicle, XI. 94.
Auchmutie, John, XVI. 177, 182.
Auchmuty, Isabel, wife of Sir John Byres, second of Coates, II. 137.
Auchterlonie – , deacon convener of the Trades, II. 164.
Auditors appointed to hear and determine cases, XI. 89, 91-4, 97, 98, 101.
Augustinian Order, Ordinale or Directory of some English houses of, VII. 1-221 Rule and the, liii, 62.
Augustinian Uses, Holyrood Ordinale and English, VII. Introd. xxviii.
Auld, William, clockmaker, III. 231.
Auldbar, Elizabeth Douglas or Lyon, Lady, IV. 109.
Auldjoy, Margaret, X. 158, 162.
Auldoucht ‘land,’ III. 82.
Aurora, painting of, XX. App. 28.
Austen, James, taverner, III. 158.
Awldhoght, Thomas III. 90.
Ayer, James (or Eayr), brewer, XII. 139, 140.
Ayer, Joseph, brewer, XII. 139.
Ayr Bank, XX. 56.
Ayr Bank Close, XII. 94.
Ayre’s Close, XII. 139.
Ayton, John, merchant, IV. 136.
Aytoun, Henry de, burgess, III. 88.
Aytoun, James, jeweller, XIX. 19.
Aytoun, Roger, W.S., his account of quarrying at Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 203.
Babelon, William, alias Young, VIII. 156.
Baberton, XIII. 36; XX. 30.
Back Close, XII. 132.
‘Back Entry to Old Bank,’ XII. 129.
Back Muir, X. 179, 182.
Back (or Parliament) Stairs, III. 211 XII. 10, 130, 139.
Back Wall, XII. 224.
‘Bagimount’s Roll,’ III. 45.
Baglap, Ballop, or Rigsland, X. 26-9 and n. 33, 35, 192, 193.
Baiker, Jacob, XII. 208. See Baker.
Bailie, Heugh, gypsy, VIII. 137.
Bailie, Captain James, V. 136, 145; VIII. 113.
Bailie, John, of St. John’s kirk, IX. 148.
Bailie, William, lieut. of merchant youths, XVI. 95.
Bailie, See Baillie.
Bailie Baird’s Close, XII. 51.
Bailie Brown’s Close, XII. 19, 20, 21.
Bailie Clark’s Close, XII. 54, 56.
Bailie Court, XIV. 174; XVI. 155.
Bailie Fyfe’s Close, I. 9; XI. 170; XII. 44, 45; XIV. 139; carved stones in, XV. 116-9; XIX. 50; XX. 135.
Bailie Grant’s Close, XII. 49.
Bailie Reid’s Close, XII. 17, 121.
Bailie Robertson’s Close, XII. 138, 149.
Bailies of Canongate, Acts of, XX. 10.
Baillie, Alexander (1685), in Corstorphine, XI. 30, 33.
Baillie, Alexander, writer, XII. 47.
Baillie, Gavin, builder of Easter Morningside House, X. 199.
Baillie, Lady Grisell, IX. 190.
Baillie, James. See Forrester, second Lord.
Baillie, Sir James (1635), XIII. 131.
Baillie, James, soldier, VI. 148, 149.
Baillie, James, advocate, XII. 129. Joanna, wife of second Lord Forrester, III. 181.
Baillie, John, apothecary, XII. 32.
Baillie, John, innkeeper, XIV. 126.
Baillie, Lilias, III. 181.
Baillie, Margaret, Lady Luss, V. 145.
Baillie, Margaret, wife of James Mitchell, goldsmith, XII. 129.
Baillie, Robert of Jerviswood, prisoner in Tolbooth, VIII. 101, 158 IX. 133, 146, 151, 163, 174-5; XI. 161.
Baillie, Robert (1527), buys King’s Stables, XIV. 114.
Baillie, Sir William, of Lamington, III. 181.
Baillie, William, of Lamington (1683), VIII. 156.
Baillie, William, of Letham, III. 181.
Baillie, William, of Baillie’s Close, XII. 129.
Baillie, William See Forrester, third Lord.
Baillie, See Bailie.
Baillie’s Close, XII. 59, 128, 129.
Baillie’s Land, XII. 128.
‘Baillies of the Mure,’ III. 202.
Bain, Alexander, builds Fountain House, XX. 56.
Bain, Alexander, son of above, XX. 56.
Bain, James, of Bainfield, deacon of Society and Fraternity of Gardeners, XX. 57.
Bain, See Bayne.
Bainfield, XX. 57.
Baird, Bailie, V. 135; XVI. 146.
Baird, General Sir David, IX. 109; XII. 51 XVII. App. 9.
Baird, David, bailie, XII. 51, 155.
Baird, George, warded, XI. 62.
Baird, George H., principal of University, I. 145.
Baird, Sir James, second of Saughton Hall, III. 191.
Baird, Sir James, sixth bart., III. 139, 141.
Baird, Sir James Gardiner, of Saughton Hall, XVIII. App. 30.
Baird, James, farmer, XV. 185.
Baird, John (1671), VI. 110.
Baird, John, skinner, VI. 72.
Baird, Sir Robert, of Saughton Hall, III. 191 VI. 109; XI. 47 XII. 51 XVI. 121 XIX. 160, 161.
Baird, Robert (1671), VI. 109.
Baird, Robert, dean of guild, prosecuted for eating Wildfowl, XVI. 105.
Baird, Sir William, fifth of Saughton Hall, III. 191.
Baird, William, of Newbyth, XII. 51 XVII. App. 9.
Baird, William, of Saughton, bailie, III. 191-2.
Baird, William, merchant, son of Sir Robert of Saughton, XII. 51.
Baird, William, George Drummond : An Eighteenth Century Lord Provost, IV. 1-54.
Baird’s Close, I. 122 XII. 51, 155.
Baird’s Court, XIV. 56.
Bairds of Auchmedden, III. 191.
Bairds of Newbyth, III. 192 XII. 51, 52 XIV. 56.
Baittie, John, XII. 164, 168.
Bakehouse Close, I. 14, 15; II. 119; XI. 6; XII. 99, 117; XIV. 1, 2, 72; XX. 78, 83.
Baker, Jacob, XII. 169. See Baiker.
Baker’s Close, XII. 60, 129.
Bakers of Canongate, II. 113; prisoners, VIII. 145-6; XII. 90, 99, 105, 117, 122; XIV. 5, 27, 29; thirled to the Canonmills, 29, 34; XVIII. 114, 135, App. 20; XIX. 4; XX. 78, 83, 99; Incorporation of, 14.
Bakers’ Incorporation, I. 114, 129; influence at Dean ‘ Gaudé day,’ 130-1 appeals for Episcopal ministers and Jacobite prisoners, 131-2; carved stones connected with, 132-5 II. 113 seal of cause, VI. 17 scale of taxation of, 27; ministers’ stipends, 34; IX. 46; XII. 14, 15, 60, 129; XIII. 120; source of trouble, XV. 10-11, 112, 134; XVI. 154, 160; action against magistrates, 117 hold up prices, 131.
Bakers’ Lands, XII. 122.
Balcanquhal, David, of that Ilk, VIII. 104.
Balcanquhal, Robert, XIII. 114 and n., 138.
Balcanquhal, Walter, trustee under George Heriot’s will, XIII. 114 n. XV. 35, 36; XVII. App. 16.
Balcarres, Earl of (1683), VIII. 145 IX. 139; XI. 62; XVI. 183.
Balcarres, Lord (1781), III. 141.
Balcarres, Countess-Dowager of (1745), II. 2; XI. 6.
Bald, James, cooper, XII. 200, 201. See Bauld.
Baldchild’s King’s Arms tavern, II. 154.
Balderston, Thomas, XIX. 59-60.
Baldwin, R., XVII. 154, 159.
Balegerno, Lady, VI. 152.
Balfour, Alexander, covenanter, II. 98, 100.
Balfour, Sir Andrew, physician, XV. 146 XVI. 157 and n.
Balfour, Andrew (1549), tenant in Calton, XVIII. 34, 37.
Balfour, Bailie (1737), XV. 148.
Balfour, Betty, of Pilrig, II. 5.
Balfour, Colonel, XVI. 205.
Balfour, David (1681), VIII. 102.
Balfour, David, hero of Kidnapped, VII. App. 7; XX. App. 21.
Balfour, Helen, of Pilrig, XIX. 173.
Balfour, Henry, of Dunbog, XIX. 165 n.
Balfour, Henry, tenant in Bonnington, XIX.
Balfour, Sir James, of Kinnaird, Lyon King of Arms, XVIII. 14, 24.
Balfour, James, of Pilrig, grave of, VII. App. 7 XI. App. 21 XIX. 107, 172, 174, 175 his gunpowder factory, 170 XX. App. 20.
Balfour, James, of Pilrig, prof. of moral philosophy, XX. App. 21.
Balfour, James, secy. Hon. Coy. of Edinburgh Golfers, XVIII. 7-8.
Balfour, James, in Gilstoun, II. 98, 100.
Balfour, John, of Kinloch, VI. 138.
Balfour, John, maltman, IX. 44.
Balfour, John, bookseller, II. 3.
Balfour, Captain John, VI. 136.
Balfour, Prof. John H., III. 133, 135.
Balfour, J. B. (1861), Marrow-Bone Club, III. 177.
Balfour, Louisa, XIX. 165.
Balfour, Peggie, of Pilrig, II. 5.
Balfour, Robert, merchant, Leith, XV. 182.
Balfour, Thomas, Duns, XII. 176.
Balfour, William, X. 228.
Balfour’s Coffee-house, XIV. 137.
Balfour’s Land, XII. 120.
Balgray, Lord. See Williamson, David.
‘Ballad Hawker at the Cross,’ XVII. 14.
Ballad-singers, street, II. 220, 221.
Ballainzie, John, XII. 195.
Ballancrieff (Balancryf), William of, V. 33.
Ballantine, James, poet, II. 182, 183, 198, 209, 213, 217; III. 176; XX. App. 16.
Ballantyne, Abbot, his mansion, XI. 6.
Ballantyne, Henry, bailie, XII. 114.
Ballantyne, James, Scott’s partner, III. 168.
Ballantyne, James, writer, XII. 39.
Ballantyne, John, of Craigmuir, XI. 62, 66; XII. 168.
Ballantyne, John, Scott’s friend, III. 167 XX. App. 22, 23.
Ballantyne, See also Bannatyne.
Ballantyne’s Close, XII. 39, 43, 89, 90, 114.
Ballenden, Hemy. XII. 90. See Bellenden.
Ballenden, Janet, wife of Provost Henry Nisbet, I. 87.
Ballenden, William, VIII. 10.
Balliol, John, X. 3.
Balmain, J as., commissioner of excise, XVIII. 167; XIX. 237.
Balmamoon, John, covenanter, II. 95.
Balmanno, David, II. 96.
Balmanno, John, II. 96, 107.
Balmerino, Arthur, sixth Lord, VII. App. 7. See Coupar.
Balmerino, James, first Lord, buys lands of Restalrig, XVIII. 33, 43.
Balmerino, James, fifth Lord, XV. 182; XVIII. 50; grants land to Calton Incorporation for burial purposes, XIX. 127.
Balmerino, John, second Lord, I. 95; and Restalrig, IV. 157, 159, 186, 187 XIII. 17, 126, 136, 138; charter of confirmation of lands of Restalrig, XVIII. 47-9; sells Calton to Edinburgh, 50; his Deed of Gift to Incorporated Trades of Calton, 45-6, 56, 63, 64; keeper of Holyroodhouse and Park, 185.
Balmerino, John, Master of, XIX. 97, 99; grants feu, 96; petitions against ‘billeting,’ 114.
Balmerino, Margaret Chalmers, wife of sixth Lord, IV. 174.
Balmerino mansion, High St., XI. 6 XV. 126.
Balmerino mansion, Leith, XX. App. 9.
Balmer’s Field, XIX. 187.
Bane, Donald, elected to the throne, V. 19 lays siege to Castle, 19.
Bane, John, W.S., IV. 130.
Banff, Jean Keith, Lady, I. 108.
Bangholm, XV. 170; XIX. 146, 163; XX. App. 22.
Banishment of Tolbooth prisoners to America, XII. 187, 188.
Bank Close, II. 13; IV. 77; XII. 61.
Bank House, XIX. 188.
Bank, New, II. 13.
Bank, Old, II. 13.
Bank, of Scotland, II. 13, 48, 173 III. 237; XII. 35; origin of, 61 XIV. 70, 150; XV. 141; XVII. 171, 172; XVIII. 85, 173.
Bank, Street, Widening of, XVIII. 96.
Bankend, XIX. 146.
Banking Company, Leith, XX. 64.
Banks, Alexander, minister, XII. 119.
Banks, John, applies for bedemanship, XVII. 52.
Banks, Katherine, wife of (1) William Herries, (2) of James Weill, X. 43, 189.
Banks, Robert, goldsmith, XIX. 15-17.
Banks, William, tobacco-pipe maker, XII. 119.
Banks remove their cash to Castle for safety, II. 46.
Bannatyne, George, collector of ballads, I. 86, 87, 92. See Ballantyne.
Bannatyne, James See Newhall, Lord.
Bannatyne, James, son of George, I. 91, 92.
Bannatyne, James (1627), XIX. 93.
Bannatyne, Janet, wife of George Foulis, goldsmith, I. 92.
Bannatyne, Jonet, wife of Henry Nisbet, provost, I. 87, 93.
Bannatyne, Jonet, wife of John Nisbet, servitor to Alexander Guthrie, I. 91, 92.
Bannatyne, John, of Corhouse, VIII. 154; IX. 164, 170; XII. 181, 184, 195, 197.
Bannatyne, John (1635), XIII. 137.
Bannatyne, John, deacon of Skinners, VI. 63, 64, 68, 72, 74, 92, 95, 106.
Bannatyne, John, writer, XVIII. 46.
Bannatyne, Katherine, I. 91 X. 212 n., 219 n.
Bannatyne, Marion, X. 193.
Bannatyne, Patrick, and St. Ninian’s chaplaincy, XIX. 93.
Bannatyne, Patrick, XII. 75.
Bannatyne, Robert, deacon of the Skinners, VI. 99, 100, 101, 106.
Bannatyne, Robert, glover, XIII. 112.
Bannatyne, Stephen, clerk to Skinners, VI. 21, 63, 64, 73-7, 96, 98-104.
Bannatyne, Thomas, monument in Greyfriars Churchyard, X. 16 XIII. 128 n.
Bannatyne, Sir William Macleod (Lord Bannatyne), III. 143, 151 IX. 109.
Bannatyne family, arms of, I. 87, 91..
Bannatyne Club, I. 86, 92 VIII. App. 4 Miscellany, VI. 7 VII. xv. lvii. IX. 85; origin and Work of, XVI. Introd. ix Edinburgh material in publications of, ix; XVII. 10.
Bannerman, Elizabeth, XII. 18.
Banners, X. 78-9.
‘Banquet silver,’ XIX. 6 XX. 89.
Banquets, expenses of, XVI. App. 8.
Baptie, John, VI. 141.
Baptie, Robert, in Templehall, VI. 141.
Baptie, Thomas, VI. 141.
Baptista and Shelley, XI. 84.
Baptists buy St. Cecilia’s Hall, XIX. 244.
Barbadoes, prisoners transported to, IV. 111.; V. 128, 130.
Barbarini, Signora, XIX. 209.
Barber, Elizabeth, IV. 115.
Barbers, scale of taxation of, VI. 27 contributions of, to ministers’ stipends, 34, 46 n.; IX. 90; XVII. 92, 120.
Barbour, George, XX. 102.
Barbour, James, master of ‘foule folk on the mure,’ X. 174; XVII. 51.
Barbour, John, author of The Brus, V. 38-9.
Barcar, Nicolas, III. 78a, 101.
Barcar, Patrick, Leith skipper, seizes Dutch ships, IX. 60-1 held responsible for capture of Christopher by Dutch, 61-2.
Barcar, William, III. 100.
Barcar, See Barker.
Barclay, Friar A1ex., III. 37. See Berklay.
Barclay, Alexander, in Blair, II. 94.
Barclay, Andrew, writer, XII. 45.
Barclay, Arthur, of Colhill, XVIII. 28.
Barclay, Captain, VI. 116.
Barclay, Charles, proprietor in Bonnington, XIX. 176.
Barclay, Elizabeth, of Towie, V. 148.
Barclay, Gilbert, XII. 83.
Barclay, Henry, XII. 25.
Barclay, James, deacon of Skinners, VI. 63, 64, 69, 73, 75, 95, 97, 98, 100, 101, 106.
Barclay, John, of Kippo, III. 89.
Barclay, Dr. John, lecturer on surgery, V. 84, 88.
Barclay, John, founder of Berean sect, I. 51, 56.
Barclay, John, XII. 83.
Barclay, Margaret, wife of John Byres, first of Coates, II. 135.
Barclay, Mary, XIX. 176.
Barclay, Mrs., ‘Woman’s Wardrobe Keeper and Mautua-maker to the Theatre Royal,’ XIX. 64.
Barclay, Penelope, Wife of Sir Charles Erskine, first bart. of Cambo, XVIII. 28.
Barclay, Robert, of Urie, XII. 204.
Barclay, Robert, tailor, buys land at Bonnington Toll, XIX. 17 5.
Barclay, Robert, jun., XIX. 176.
Barclay, Thomas, Kirkcaldy, warded, XII. 188, 189.
Barclay, William, of Auchredie, V. 148, 149.
Barclay, William, Bonnington Toll, XIX. 176.
Barclay, William, servitor, IV. 141.
Barclay’s Close, XII. 83, 151.
‘Barclay’s Houses,’ XIX. 176.
Barefoot’s (Bearford’s) Parks, XII. 220.
Baresse, tilting ground, XI. 6. See ‘Barras.’ .
Barganie House, IV. 60.
Bargany, Lord, VI. 140.
Barjarg, Lord. See Erskine, James
Barker, J., his panoramic View from Calton Hill, XVIII. App. 9. See Barcar.
Barnard, Lady Anne, authoress of Auld Robin Gray, XIX. 72.
Barnbougall, laird of, IV. 106 XVI. App. 14.
Barnbougall, Lady, III. 89.
Barnbougall, (Barnebowgall), Littill, III. 83.
Barnes, John, provost of Glasgow, IX. 176.
Barnes’ Close, XII. 70, 72.
Barnett, David, IV. 72 on City Museum and Lady Stair’s House, XVI. App. 27.
Barns, X. 223.
Barnton, XIX. 149; XX. App. 21.
Barnwell Observances, VII. xxii, lxiv.
Baron, James, IX. 31. See Barron.
Baron, Grant’s Close, XII. 49.
Baron, Maule’s Close, XII. 48, 49.
Baron, (Baroune), Patrick, bailie, IX. 19,
‘Barras,’ XI. 6; XIV. 103, 105, 113; royal tournament at, 114; ‘custodian’ of the, 115.
Barrell, Harie, flesher, XVI. 6.
Barrenger’s Close, I. 9; XII. 45, 46.
Barrie, Arthur, cordiner, XIV. 37, 43 XVIII. 114.
Barrie, Bessie, V. 144.
Barrie, George, VI. 121.
Barrie, James, mason, XIII. 25.
Barrie, Samuel, VI. 121.
Barrie, Thomas, messenger, XVI. 20.
Barrie, Thomas and William, invade sanctuary, XV. 63-4.
Barrie, William, in Clerklandrnilne, VI. 121.
Barrie’s Close, XII. 44, 67, 68.
Barron, Helen, XII. 33.
Barron, (Barroun), Sir James, chaplain of St. Paul’s Work, XVII. 51.
Barron, (Barroun), James (1568), XV. 35.
Barron, (Barroun), James, merchant, XII. 33.
Barron, (Barroun), William, contractor, XIII. 31.
Barron’s Close, XII. 32, 33.
Barry’s hotel, Queen Street, III. 106, 108, 110, 111, 118, 170, 171 proprietor, 119, 125-7, 129-30; Oyster Club meet at, 173.
Barscube, laird of, VIII. 125; IX. 128.
Barskimming, Lord. See Miller, Sir Thomas
Barten, William, VI. 74. See Barton.
Barthelszoon, C., burgomaster of Middelburg, IX. 70-1, 72, 73, 75, 76.
Bartholomew, George, engraver, XII. 239.
Bartleman, James, VI. 137.
Barton, Henry, XIX. 150. See Barten.
Barton, James, seaman, XIX. 150.
Barton, Margaret, XIX. 150.
Barton, Robert, of Over Barton, III. 96; comptroller of Scotland, IX. 21, 25, 38, 53, 63-8, 69, 70, 76, 77; complaint on account of piratical proceedings of his ship the Martin, 56-60; XIX. 144 n., 149, 150.
Barton, Robert (1665), V. 127.
Barton, Sanders, part owner of Martin of Leith, IX. 57.
Barton, Thomas, XVI. 14.
Bartraham, Thomas, X. 75.
Bartuarame, Andrew, XII. 155.
Basire, James, XVII. 166.
Bass, Covenanters sent to, VI. 118, 120, 126, 135, 147; VIII. 110, 114, 125, 129, 143, 157; Wesley’s visit to, 165; IX. 144, 155; Lauders of the, X. 111, 116; XII. 172; XIII. 116 n.; XVI. 50 n. sold to government, 79 Gilbert Rule sent to, 105.
Bass, Lady Lauder of the, XIII. 116 and n.
Bassendean, Alexander, XII. 86.
Bassendean, Gilbert, XII. 48.
Bassendean, James, III. 61, 78a, 80, 82, 98, 103; XII. 86, 154.
Bassendean, (or Bassendyne), Michael, XII. 86; XV. 112.
Bassendean, Nicol, XII. 86; XV. 112.
Bassendean, Ronald, XII. 86.
Bassendean, See also Bassendyne.
Bassendyne, Alexander, XV. 112.
Bassendyne, Alison, XII. 48.
Bassendyne, Thomas, printer, XII. 48 XV. 112.
Bassendyne’s Close, V. 160, 161 XII. 48, 85, 86, 156.
Bates, William, musician, XIX. 209-10 and n.
Bath, Queen Mary’s, XI. 6.
Bathfield House, XIX. 186-7.
Bathgate, George, messenger, XII. 130.
Bathgate, John, messenger, XII. 130.
Bathgate’s Close, XII. 130.
Baths, public and private, XV. 157-8 App. 19.
Baty, Helen, wife of Allan Stewart, provost, III. 95. See Bawtie.
Baty, James, III. 95.
Baty, Margaret, X. 73.
Bauld, Archibald, VI. 104. See Bald.
Bawtie, John, XV. 44, 45. See Baty.
Baxter, Adam, skinner, VI. 69.
Baxter, Cuthbert, VI. 45, 68, 69.
Baxter, James Herriot, X. 228.
Baxter, Thomas, blacksmith, VIII. 35.
Baxter, Walter, quarrier, XIII. 40.
Baxter’s Close, Lawnmarket, I. 6; III. 244; XII. 14; XIV. 73, 75; fire in, XVI. 146 in Canongate, XII. 105, 124; in Cowgate, XII. 129.
Baxters. See Bakers.
Bayle, John, vintner, III. 167 career, 125-7 XIX. 85 manager of ‘George’s Square Assembly Rooms,’ 84; his tavern, 84 12..
Bayle, Lucy, III. 126; XIX. 85.
Bayne, Alexander, Prof. of Scots Law, X. 114, 151, 160; demolishes St. Catherine’s Convent, 152. See Bain.
Bayne, Dr. Alexander, son of Prof., X. 152, 160.
Bayne, Alexander, first governor of Musical Society, XIX. 195, 197.
Bayne, Sir Donald, of Tulloch, XII. 156.
Bayne, Donald, bowmaker, XII. 156 XIII. 117 and n.
Bayne, Duncan, gardener, XV. 185, 202.
Bayne, James, wright, XII. 82.
Bayne, John, of Pitcairlie, V. 160, 161 XII. 156; XIII. 117 n.
Bayne, Mrs., gardener, XV. 182.
Bayne’s (or Bain’s) Land, XII. 82.
Beacon newspaper, III. 234.
Bean, Will., IV. 163.
Bearford’s (or Barefoot’s) Parks, XII. 149 n.; 220; XIII. 79-91; XV. 170, 182, 185.
Beastoune, Susanna, V. 127.
Beaton, Archbishop, and Cardinal. See Betoun.
Beaton, Archibald, XII. 83.
Beaton, David, warded, XII. 200, 202.
Beaton, William, advocate, XII. 202.
Beatson, David, town official, XIV. 155, 159.
Beatson, James, XIV. 159.
Beatson, Robert, XIV. 159.
Beattie, James, poet, III. 144 IV. 37 Wesley admires his Essay on Truth, VIII. 199.
Beattie, James (1670), warded, VI. 107.
Beattie, William (1683), warded, VIII. 142.
Beattie, William, sells candles on street, XVII. 145.
Beaufort, Jane, queen of James I., XV. 131.
Beauties of Speculation, IX. 227.
Bede, his Life of St. Cuthbert, V. 8 n.
Bedemen, XVII. 51-3 petition for payment of their dues, 53 revision of rules, 54.
Bedford, Robert, in Leith, V. 127.
Bedlam, II. 86 X. 208, 209 n. XI. 6.
Bee, The, IX. 93.
Beehive Inn, I. 23.
Beer, favourite drink in sixteenth-century Edinburgh, X. 22 n.; 227; feuars of Burgh Muir and manufacture of, 71, 227 public brewing company formed, 227-8 dispute anent price of, 236.
Beg, Thomas, merchant, X. 198, 203. See Begg.
Beg, Thomas, son of above, X. 198, 199, 203.
Begbie, Andro, VIII. 123, 124.
Begbie, Warburton, physician, XVIII. App.
Begbie, William, of Restalrig, IV. 180.
Begbie murder, XV. 113.
Begg, John, of Ardwall, VIII. 157.
Begg, John, watchmaker to King, III. 232.
Begg, John, farmer, IX. 110.
Begg, See also Beg.
Beggar Row, XVIII. 42; XIX. 93, 106, 110.
Beggars, II. 37, 38; IV. 93, 94, 98 transported to America, XII. 188 XIV. App. 12; XV. 6, 38; XVI. 163; beating, 131; to be put in correction house, 146 Act against, 155 XIX. 93, 94.
‘Beggars’ Warning,’ III. 64.
Behn’s Oroonoko, XI. 167 and n.
Beild, Magnus, IX. 63, 65.
Belhaven, Lord, XV. 110.
Bell, Alison, VIII. 137.
Bell, Andrew, engraver and proprietor of Encyclopaedia Britannica, IX. 85, 91, 94; XVIII. 158; XX. 53.
Bell, Andrew, his plan of Edinburgh, XII. 221.
Bell, Dr. Andrew, I. 19 one of his schools held in St. Cecilia’s Hall, XIX. 244; educational endowment to Leith, XX. 66, 67, 76.
Bell, Benjamin, surgeon, III. 169, 172.
Bell, Bessie, II. 5.
Bell, Captain, VI. 89.
Bell, Carlyle, W.S., town clerk, III. 173 XIV. 148, 152 and n., 153, 154, 171.
Bell, Daniel, candlemaker, XVII. 114.
Bell, (Bele), Francis, skinner, VI. 66, 71, 93, 95; XII. 153.
Bell, George, surgeon, III. 169, 172, 176.
Bell, George, sheriff officer, V. 122.
Bell, George, merchant, Duns, V. 113.
Bell, George Joseph, Commentaries, XV. 60-1.
Bell, Hamilton, W.S., XII. 110.
Bell, James (1530), III. 79.
Bell, James, Gowks Club, III. 172.
Bell, James, herd, XV. 194.
Bell, John (1660), IV. 118 n. 136.
Bell, John, bellman, VIII. 152.
Bell, John, brewer, XII. 74, 141.
Bell, John, stabler, XII. 110.
Bell, J. Montgomery, III. 175, 176.
Bell, Peggie, XIX. 42.
Bell, Robert, Gowks Club, III. 172.
Bell, Robert, writer, XII. 17.
Bell, Robert Charles, engraver, IX. 97, 103.
Bell, Sibilla, VI. 156.
Bell, Stephen, XII. 153.
Bell, Stevin, IX. 20.
Bell, Thomas (1578), XV. 25.
Bell, Thomas, skinner, VI. 69, 95.
Bell, Thomas, owner of property in Lauriston, XVIII. 161.
Bell, William, secy. of the ‘Gowks,’ III. 169, 170, 172.
Bell, William. W.S., Oyster Club, III. 174.
Bell, William, mason, XV. 23.
Bell, William, candlemaker, XVII. 114.
Bell & Bradfute, booksellers, III. 234 IV. 112 n. IX. 98.
Bell Close, XII. 151 XVII. 18-20.
Bell Foundry, 19.
Bell of Magdalen Chapel, VIII. 34-9, 76.
Bell Rannie & Co., III. 140.
Bell’s Brae, I. 124, 131, 132.
Bell’s Brewery, XII. 74.
Bell’s Close, Canongate, XII. 110, 153 XIV. 131.
Bell’s ‘land,’ III. 81.
Bell’s Mills, I. 97, 104, 114, 121, 129; III. 190; XI. 13; XV. 170, 186; XVIII. 160.
Bell’s Wynd, III. 81 XI. 15 XII. 1, 73.5, 133; XIII. 121 n.; XVII. 53; XIX, 45, 57-9, 73, 75, 76, 83, 86, 223.
Bell-house, Castlehill, XII. 151, 152.
Bell-house, Close, XII. 152.
Bellenden, Abbot, XIX. 143. See Ballenden.
Bellenden, Adam, bishop of Dunblane, XVIII. 16, 19, 21, 23; XX. 9.
Bellenden, Anna, X. 23; XIII. 112 n.
Bellenden, Christian, last prioress of St. Catherine’s Convent, X. 127-9, 131, 134-40.
Bellenden, Helen, wife of Clement Cor, XIV. 91.
Bellenden, Sir James, XIII. 80 XVI. 63 n.
Bellenden, Janet, X. 137.
Bellenden, Sir John, Justice-Clerk, X. 129, 134, 135, 139, 140; appointed heritable justiciar of Broughton and Canongate, XV. 66; XVIII. 117; XX. 101.
Bellenden, John, chronicler, VII. xcvii. X. 2.
Bellenden, Sir Lewis (or Ludovic), X. 134, 135, 146 XI. App. 20; superior of Broughton, XIII. 79-80, 112 n.; XV. 66; XVIII. App. 14, 15.
Bellenden, Thomas, of Auchinoul, X. 136.
Bellenden, Lord William, Treasurer-Depute, XVI. 63.
Bellenden, Sir William, prisoner in Tolbooth, V. 138 XIII. 80.
Bellenden, Zachary, X. 135.
Bellenden’s Land, XI. 6.
Bellevue, lands of, XIX. 134.
Bellevue, House (Drummond Place), III. 126 converted into Excise Office, IV. 47; XIV. 151.
Bellhouse, Old Tolbooth, IV. 88 VI. 22 XIV. 8.
Bellinger, Mr., XX. 117.
Belsches, Alexander, of Invermay, founder of Speculative Society, V. 166, 171, 178, 180; discourse on ‘Sobriety,’ 188.
Belsches, John, Wig Club, III. 141 XIX. 49, 87.
Belsches, Williamina, Scott’s first love, XIX. 84.
Beltane festival, celebrated by Tailors’ Incorporation, XI. 140 XVIII. 49, 54, 67, 68, 105, 109, 110.
Beltmakre, James, III. 90.
Beniston, John, XII. 190.
Bennet, Archibald, secy., Bank of Scotland, XV. 213.
Bennet, James, VI. 119; IX. 138.
Bennet, John, skinner, VI. 64-5.
Bennet, John, wigmaker, XVIII. 72.
Bennet, John, in Leslie, II. 94.
Bennet, John, in Dysart, XV. 92-3.
Bennet, Robert, III. 206.
Bennett, Christian, wife of William Nisbet, son of the M.P., I. 111.
Bennett, James, accused of false coining, XI. 47.
Bennett, Jean, second wife of William Nisbet, M.P., of Craigentinny, I. 111.
Bennett, Robert, of Chesleis, VI. 153.
Bereans, congregation of, XIV. App. 19.
Beren, Henry, VI. 117.
Berklay, John, of Kyppow, III. 88. See Barclay.
‘Bernard’s Neuk,’ XIII. 136 n.
Berrie, William, watchmaker, XIX. 19.
Berriedale, Lord, IV. 110.
Bertram, Mrs., proprietrix in Lauriston, XVIII. 160.
Bertram, Thomas, III. 94.
Bertram, Walter, III. 28, 92; erects chapel at priory of Black Friars, 48-9.
Bertram, William, of Nisbet, XX. 54.
Bertram, William, banker, XX. 54.
Bertram, (Bartrahan), Bertram, , X. 75.
Bertram’s aisle, in church of Black Friars, III. 27.
Bertram’s Over and Nether lands, III. 82.
Berwick, Alexander, brewer, XII. 119.
Berwick, David, III. 61, 91.
Berwick, Dominican priory at, III., 22 animosity of Black Friars of, towards English, 35.
Berwick, Close, XII. 152.
Bess (Bests’, Bethia’s, Beith’s) Wynd, XII. 64, 65, 152; XVI. 6.
Best, John (1516), III. 81, 94.
Best, John (1598), VI. 99; XII. 65.
Beth’s Wynd, XII. 65, 152 XIII. 1, 34, 137 XIV. 78. See also Bess Wynd.
Bethune (or Betoun) of Balfour, III. 183.
Bethune Alexander, W.S., of Long Hermiston, III. 183 IV. 73 n.
Bethune Grizel, III. 183.
Bethune Henry, III. 153.
Betoun, Cardinal, III. 27 n.; and Black Friars in Edinburgh, 28, 84-5 at heresy trial, 55; arrest of. 56; convokes provincial councils, 63 death, 70; palace in Blackfriars Wynd, 70; V. 53, 70, 90; XI. 6; XIII. 129; XV. 103; carved stone on mansion of, 107 XIX. 153, 154; XX. App. 8.
Betoun, James archbishop of Glasgow, I. 19, 90 III. 53 IX. 2, 5-9, 13, 28, 30, 32-5, 38, 39, 47, 53, 67, 69; X. 122, 123; XI. 110; XII. 82; XV. 107.
Betoun, William, merchant, XV. 24.
Betoun, See Beaton.
Betty, Bryan, XII. 11.
Beugo, Agnes, IX. 97.
Beugo, John, engraver, IX. 96; friend of Burns, 97 engraves Kincaid’s map of Edinburgh, XII. 211, 224.
Beveridge, A. and J., XVII. 137.
Beveridge, (Beverage) Friar, III. 54.
Beveridge, George, dweller in sanctuary, XV. 79, 80.
Beveridge, James, dyer, XII. 140.
Bewick, Thomas, IX. 92, 93, 102 ‘Cadger’s Trot’ sketched at Edinburgh, 103.
Bible Land, XII. 97. See also Shoemakers’ Lands.
Bickerton, Henry, XII. 9.
Bickertoun, William, mason, V. 71, 72.
Big Jack’s Close, I. 11 XI. 79 XII. 96 its removal, XVII. App. 30.
Big Jack’s Land, I. ll XI. 79.
Big Lochend Close, I. 12.
Biggar of Whitehouse, III. 201.
Biggar Alexander of Gairnshall, X. 48.
Biggar Charles, talks with Napoleon, XX. App. 34.
Biggar Henry B.,advocate, XI. App. 18.
Biggar Captain J as., of Whitehouse, X. 48.
Biggar James, in Ettrick Forest, XI. 61, 64.
Biggar John, of Woolmet, II. 15; IV. 123; XVIII. 4; XX. App. 33, 34.
Biggar John and Walter erect linen manufactory in Sciennes, XX. App. 33.
Biggar John, architect, XX. App. 34.
Biggar John, jun., architect, XX. App. 35.
Biggar, Robert, shareholder in Darien scheme, XX. App. 33.
Biggar, Walter, linen manufacturer, Sciennes, buys factory in Fountainbridge, XX. 53, App. 34.
Biggar, William, of Woolmet, VIII. 136.
Biggar’s Interest Circle, XX. App. 34.
Biggart, Robert, VI. 103.
Biglaw, Janet, V. 108.
‘Bill Chamber,’ IV. 36.
Bilton, George, IV. 134.
Binnie, Bailie, VI. 110. See Binny.
Binnie, John, treasurer for choir of St. Giles, XIII. 51.
Binnie, John, vintner, VIII. 112, 119, 120.
Binnie’s Land, XVII. 111.
Binning, Lord (1633), XVIII. 15.
Binning, Lord (1753-1828), III. 141, 154 XVIII. 206. See also Haddington, Earl of.
Binning, Elizabeth, XII. 136.
Binning, James, warded, XII. 195.
Binning, John, of Dalvennan, IX. 170.
Binning, Thomas, ‘Constable officer,’ VIII. 116.
Binning, Sir William, of Wallyford, III. 192 XVI. 96; co-partner with Brand and Kennedy for importation of firelocks, XX. 32-3 litigation regarding linen manufactory, XVII. 65.
Binny, William (1619), X. 238. See Binnie.
Binston, John, XII. 169.
Biographia Britannica, V. 189.
Bird, Robert, in Links of Kirkcaldie, II. 94.
Birds, Assembly of, III. 178.
Birkmyre, Thomas, XIV. 37, 43.
Birnie, Richard, XII. 31.
Birnie, William, skinner, VI. 64, 73.
Birnie’s Close, XII. 30, 31.
Birrell, Thomas, servitor, VIII. 145.
Birsbain, John, of Freeland, IX. 142, 147.
Bishop, David, town officer, XIII. 143.
Bishop, David, rector of Canongate School, XX. 10.
Bishop, James, spirit merchant, XII. 140.
Bishop, James, farmer, XV. 185.
Bishop’s Close, I. 8 XI. 14 XII. 41, 43,
Bishop’s Land, II. 45 XII. 41, 43, 79 XV. 101.
Bisset, Anthony, XIV. 140.
Bisset, Edward, III. 97.
Bisset, James, cordiner, XVIII. 61.
Biggets, owners of Dalry estate, II. 144; XX. 28.
Black, Adam, publisher, III. 176; IX. 111; XII. 237, 241.
Black, Alexander (1610), XIV. 44.
Black, Alexander (1673), Warded, VI. 117.
Black, Andrew, hammerman, XIV. 36, 42.
Black, Charles, builder, XIX. 86.
Black, Donald, chairman, IX. 218.
Black, Elizabeth, IV. 115.
Black, Evan, IV. 123.
Black, Friar, and St. Margaret’s Chapel, V. 58.
Black, James (1685), warded, XI. 24.
Black, Janet, IV. 128.
Black, John, servitor, IX. 151, 152.
Black, John, cloth merchant, XIV. 159.
Black, Joseph, chemist, III. 152, 153, 154; IV. 37; XIII. App. 16.
Black, (Blak), Stephen, VI. 83, 88, 89.
Black, Thomas (1668), warded, V. 141.
Black, William, in Calton (1631), XVIII. 45.
Black, William, covenanter, VI. 116.
Black, William, author of A Game at Golf, XVIII. 1.
Black’s Economical Guide through Edinburgh, XII. 245; Plan of Edinburgh, XII. 247.
Black Bull Inn (or Tavern) at Canongatehead, XIV. 131-2, 137; in High Street, XIX. 88; in Pleasance, XIV. 130, 132, 138, 139; in Catherine Street, II. 155; XIV. 139, 146; in Grassmarket, I. 23; III. 182 in Mylne Square, XIV. 100; in Bul1’s Close, XII. 37.
Black Friars in Edinburgh : principal house of Friar Preachers, III. 14-15; established, 24; site of priory, 24-5; Edinburgh at period of introduction of, 24 description of priory, 24-5, 28-9 church built, 26 description of church, 27-8; confraternity of, 27-8; gifts to, 28; citizens buried in church of, 28; plan of priory, 28-9 daily routine, 29- 30 grant by magistrates to, 31 royal confessors chosen from, 32 interest in affairs of state, 33, 34; schools of, 35; War of Independence frees from foreign yoke, 35 maintain students at foreign schools, 36; King Robert Bruce gives presents and grants to, 39-40; assign their heritable succession, 43; ‘Bagimount’s Roll’ and King’s taxes collected in ‘great house ’ of, 45; Exchequer Rolls with, 45; receive royal guests, 46; royal espousals by proxy at priory of, 47; ‘Carlile’ Herald and Perkin Warbeck at, 47, 48; grants from burgesses, 48-9 Hertford destroys priory, 49-50, 59; English visitors lodged at priory, 51 heresy trials, 54-5; riot at priory, 57 letters of protection, 58; priory as seat of justice, 60-1; object to schools in neighbourhood, 61 last appearance in public, 62 provincial councils held at priory, 63 priory destroyed, 64-7; numerical strength, 67-8; majority go to France and Ireland, 68 gifts and legacies to, 69-72 hospital of St. Laurence supervised by, 75; chartulary, 88-104; other references, X. 75, 104, 139; James IV.’s gift, 174; gift of beer, 227 town payment to, XV. 32. See also Friar Preachers, Chapter General, Dominic, Master-General.
Black Friars blockhouse, II. 72, 73.
Black Friars, Chapter General of, instituted, III. 20; rule of absolute poverty adopted at first, 21 second, 22; Dominican oifices sanctioned at, 31 n. confirms degree of theology on friars, 34; decrees of, against practice of medicine, 34; and study of alchemy, 35; decree confirming degrees, 36-7; and Black Friar bishops, 39; orders mass for David II., 40; and ‘Observance,’ 41-2; decree anent Scottish vicariate, 43-4; Scottish contribution to, 44; on disaster to Order, 67. See also Black Friars, Friar Preachers.
Black Friars Monastery, I. 19; II. 65, 71, 72; IV. 15; site of: granted to Friars by Alexander 11., V. 67 present boundaries, 67; gift included a transitum or trance, 67; place and ground presented by Queen Mary to town council to build a hospital, 68; town council confirmed in possession, 69; southern ground feued, 69, 75 buildings erected thereon, 70, 74, 76, 77, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86; northern portion feued by friars, 89 buildings erected thereon, 89, 90; changes during last half century, 91; XI. 6, 13; XII. 46, 149, 151; gardens of, XIV. 113; XV. 143, 150; XX. App. 7.
Black Rood, V. 18, 20; removed to Berwick by Edward I., 21 certain Scots swear allegiance to English king on, 22 restored to Scotland by Edward III., 22 retaken by English, 22 placed in Durham Cathedral, 22; all trace lost after 1540, 22 VII. ciii.
Black Sisters, III. 75.
Black Turnpike, XI. 6; XIII. owned by Robert Hepburn of Bearford, 123 and n. XIV. 83, 85 XIX. 56.
Black Wigs, The, III. 178.
Blackadder (Blakater) Beatrix, sister of the Sciennes, X. 125, 130, 132, 136, 137, 146, 228.
Blackadder John, covenanter, XII. 169, 207 XVI. 142.
Blackadder Lady, XIII. 115.
Blackadder (Blecater), William, XI. 67-9, 71.
Blackburn, John, flesher, VI. 127.
Blackburn, Margaret, III. 103.
Blackfaulds, XIX. 143.
Blackford estate, X. 49, 53, 57, 183, 222, 224, 225; XII. 212, 218, 219.
Blackford Hill, X. 2, 77, 90, 167, 184; lithographic view taken from, XVIII. App. 9.
Blackfriars Port, II. 71.
Blackfriars Wynd, I. 95; II. 214; Episcopal chapel in, 13; III. 24, 53, 61, 70, 97, 102; V. 68, 70; IX. 195; X. 70 n., 256; XI. 6, 11; XII. 11, 46, 81, 82, 133, 150; XIII. 125, 129; carved stones in, XV. 103-7; stage at, XVI. 167; XVII. 100; XIX. 211 n.; XX. App. 8.
Blackfriars Yard, II. 69.
Blackhall, Mrs., tavern-keeper in Leith, XIX. 70.
Blackhall, XV. 170.
Blackie, Hugh, merchant, XI. 22.
Blacklock, Richard, XII. 79; XV. 101.
Blacklock, Thomas, poet, X. 232.
Blacklock, Walter, XII. 79.
Blacklock’s Close, XII. 78, 79.
Blackness Castle, Covenanters sent to, IX. 156; XVI. 22, 131.
‘Blacknin’ Tam,’ II. 211.
Blacksmiths, armorial shield, VIII. 62.
Blacksmiths, of Canongate, XIX. 2, 3, 29; numerical importance of, 9-10; dispute with locksmiths, 27.
Blackstock, Andrew, VIII. 10.
Blackstock (Blakstok), John, III. 81, 95.
Blackwell, Richard, vintner, III. 128, 129.
Blackwood, Alexander, shoemaker in Calton, XVIII. 59 n.
Blackwood, James, merchant, London, XX. 39.
Blackwood, John, publisher, XIV. App. 13.
Blackwood, John (1799), XVIII. 59 n.
Blackwood, Robert (1510), III. 206.
Blackwood, Robert, co-founder of Darien Coy., XX. App. 20.
Blackwood, Robert, bailie, South Leith, XV. 171, 172.
Blackwood, (Blaikwood), Robert, VIII. 134.
Blackwood, Thomas (1799), XVIII. 59 n.
Blackwood, William, founder of magazine, XII. App. 34; XVIII, 59.
Blaikie, John (1627), in Calton, XVIII. 38, 45.
Blaikie, John (1681), shoemaker, Leith, VIII. 114; XII. 194.
Blaikie, Walter Biggar, Edinburgh at the Time of the Occupation of Prince Charles, II. 1-60 III. 243 n. his death, XVII. App. 3-4; XVIII. 4.
Blair, Sir Adam, of Carberry, VIII. 148; IX. 139, 169 XII. 163 XIV. App. 16; XVI. 63.
Blair, Alexander, covenanter, V. 95, 98 VI. 121 VIII. 113.
Blair, Andrew, of Musical Society, XIX. 196.
Blair, Archibald, writer, XII. 51.
Blair, Sir David Hunter, III. 141.
Blair, Hew, XVI. 134.
Blair, Dr. Hugh, I. 4; II. 6; member of Poker Club, III. 152, 154; IV. 37 V. 182 VIII. 182 and n. his Dissertation on Ossian, 199, 200 XII. App. 10 XVII. App. 12; XVIII. 143.
Blair, Sir Jas Hunter, of Dunskey, II. 162 III. 235, 236.
Blair, John, covenanter, warded, VI. 131.
Blair, John, agent of Royal Burghs, XII. 51, 52.
Blair, John, merchant, Virginia, XII. 135.
Blair, Peter, skinner, XV. 175, 185.
Blair, Robert, lord president, II. 164 XII. App. 7, 20.
Blair, Robert, author of The Grave, VIII. 168 n.
Blair, Robert, bailie, VI. 136.
Blair, William, of Avontoun, XII. 41.
Blair Collection, Register House, XIX. 161.
Blair’s close, XII. 51, 155.
Blair’s Inn, XVI. 172.
Blair St.. XII. 77.
Blakater. See Blackadder.
Blake, Captain William, V. 106.
Blanc, Hippolyte J., architect, VII. App. 9.
Blantyre, Alexander, Lord, warded, VI. 133; XII. 162.
Blantyre, John, Lord, warded, IV. 131.
Blantyre, Friar Walter of, III. 32.
Blaw, Robert, schoolmaster, XI. 68, 73.
Bleaching green, Calton, XIX. 108, 130, 131.
Blind Asylum, XII. 229.
Blinkbonny, I. 125; XV. 170, 185.
‘Blue Blanket,’ II. 62 inspected by Club, VIII. App. 8 X. 82.
‘Blue Coats,’ home of, XIV. 78.
Blue gownsmen, XVI. 54.
Blyth, Alexander, farmer, XV. 185.
Blyth, Cuthbert, VI. 75, 100, 101.
Blyth, Friar, III. 73.
Blyth, G., burgess, III. 103.
Blyth, George, skinner, VI. 66.
Blyth, Henry, chirurgeon, XV. 45.
Blyth, James, III. 97, 99.
Blyth, John (1552), III. 99, 103.
Blyth, John (1583), XV. 40.
Blyth, John (1675), VI. 130.
Blyth, Katherine, XV. 40.
Blyth, Sir Simon, III. 80, 97, 99; XII. 10.
Blyth, Sybell, XII. 83.
Blyth’s Close, Lawnmarket, I. 100 XII. 10, 57, 153; XIV. 59, 60, 61, 73; in Canongate, XII. 101.
Blythman, William, flesher, XIII. 126, 127; XV. 45, 46.
Blythswood, Jane C., II. 162.
Boa, Andrew, schoolmaster, XIX. 113.
Boar Club, III. 178.
Board of Customs, XIV. 151.
Boche (or boiche), disease prevalent in Edinburgh, IX. 22.
Bodelie, John, IV. 140.
Body-snatching at North Leith, XV. 203.
Bodyguard, H.M., XVI. 60. See also Archers.
Bog, Andro, X. 72.
Boghall, laird of. See Fleming, J as.
Bogie, Robert, covenanter, II. 97 VI. 136.
Bogue, Thomas, writer, XIX. 48.
Boiamund of Vicci, III. 45. See Bagimont.
Boig, James, covenanter, VIII. lll.
Boig, John, XII. 62.
Boig, Thomas, merchant, VIII. 113.
Bois Wynd, XII. 152.
Bonaly, III. 131, 133; excursion to, XI. App. 4.
Bonaly, Friday Club, account of, III. 131-5.
Bonar, Alexander, banker, acquires lands of Rosebank, XX. 52.
Bonar, Andrew, banker, X. 161, 166; buys superiority of Wester Morningside, 204 XIX, 180; buys Warriston, 179; XX. 52, App. 22.
Bonar, David (1531), III. 96.
Bonar, David, farmer (1672), VI. 113.
Bonar, Horatius, hymn writer, I. 12 XX. App. 22.
Bonar, Horatius, W.S., V. 165.
Bonar, Jean, VI. 113.
Bonar, Rev. John, minister of Cockpen, V. 163.
Bonar, John, son of Rev. John, of Cockpen, V. 163, 177 intended for the ministry, 164, 174; employed in Excise Ofice, 164 a founder of Speculative Society, 164 extracts from diary, 164 first secretary of Speculative Society, 165; Deputy Solicitor of the Excise in Scotland, 165, 182, 183; married Janet Palmer, 165 discourse on ‘Importance of Virtue to the Happiness of Society,’ 172-3 The Triumphs of Faith, 182, 190 discourse on ‘The Original of Language,’ 188.
Bonar, John, son of Andrew the banker, X. 161, 166, 204.
Bonar, John, Gowks Club, III. 172.
Bonar, John, merchant in Leith, owner of ‘The Grove,’ Fountainbridge, XX. 54.
Bonar, Thomson, buys ‘The Grove,’ XX. 52; proprietor of early editions of Encyclopoedia Britannica, 53.
Bonar, See also Bonnar, Bonner, Bonnor.
Boner, Thomas, VIII. 83.
Bo’ness, Sweet Singers of, VIII. 109; XVI. 108.
Boniface VIII., pope, III. 38.
Bonkil, Alexander, XII. 152. See Bonkle.
Bonkil, John, XII. 152.
Bonkill, Margaret, XV. 34.
Bonkill’s Close, XII. 152.
Bonkle, Edward, XII. 152 XV. 131. See Bonkil.
Bonnar, John (1657), merchant, IV. 117, 118.
Bonnar, John, Cape Club, III. 161.
Bonnar, Thomas, wright, V. 85.
Bonnar, Thomas, engraver, IX. 110.
Bonnar, William, R.S.A., IX. 110 XI. App. 18.
Bonnard, Francis, manager at Archers’ Hall, XIX, 80-1 and of ‘George’s Square Assembly Rooms,’ 84.
Bonner, James, preaches in Parliament House, XIII. 61.
Bonnet, Madame, XIX. 62.
Bonnet Lairds, III. 178.
Bonnetmakers, scale of taxation of, VI. 27; contributions of, to ministers’ stipends, 34; dispute with Websters, 36 n.; XVI. 129, 154; unite with litsters, 133; steel, XIX. 22.
Bonnington, XIV. 175 district described, XIX. 142-3; Abbot Bellenden’s grant, 143-4; included in charter granted by David I., 144 James Crawford and, 144; manor-house, 145, 159, 161, 165; originally two hamlets; farming communities, 146 divided among J as. Crawford’s four sisters, 148-50 Sandilands of Calder and, 150 Barton family and, 149-50; James Duncan acquires, 152 Sir Thomas Craig of Riccarton and, 153; fords at, 153-4, 159; feud between Logans of, and Kincaids of Warriston, 154-6; Sir Lewis Craig owns three-fourths, 157 Robert Lockhart and, 158 Bairds of Saughton and, 160-1 Brown family and, 161-2 Alexander Le Grand buys, 162-4; Clerk-Rattrays and, 164-5; feuing operations, 166; 17th-century cloth factory at, 168; yarn factory at, 173; XX. App. 22.
Bonnington, House, XIX. 166, 174, 177; built by John Haig, 176.
Bonnington, Lodge, XIX. 175.
Bonnington, Mills, XV. 170, 183, 186; XVII. 60-1, 64, 65; XIX. 153, 164, 170, 172-5, 177, 178; attack on, 154; sale of, 157 XX. App. 20.
Bonnington, Park House, XIX. 142, 166, 167.
Bonnington, Toll, XIX. 142, 164, 168-70, 175-79; sold by Davidsons to Robert Barclay, who erects villas, 175 ‘ Barclay’s Houses’; a Jacobite hamlet; lands and houses sold by public auction; John Haig buys four acres at, 176; later proprietors, 178-9.
Bonnor, John, schoolmaster, VIII. 108. See Bonar.
Bonnyhaugh, XIX. 159, 176; oldest house in Bonnington; cloth manufactory established there; Gilbert Stewart buys house and bleach-fields, 168; property passes to William Stuart Carmichael, 168-9; Bishop Keith and; Jacobite associations of sold to Selbys, 169; ‘Laird’ Cunningham and, 170.
Bonnymills, II. 44.
Bontine, John, XIV. 97; XV. 131. See Bountoune.
Bonye, Alexander, tailor, XV. 47.
Boog, Bailie, XIV. 157.
Boog, Isobel, XII. 26.
Book of the Gospels, V. 13; story of its loss and recovery, 13, 23; purchased by Bodleian Library, 23; poem on fly leaf of, 23.
Book of Hammermen of Canongate, XX. 108.
Books against Popery, XVI. 149, 160.
Booksellers, II. 13-14; Privy Council order to, XVI. 149; imprisoned and fined, 160.
Booths along south wall of St. Giles, II. 225-6; XV. 7, 13.
Bore Stone, Burgh Muir, III. 202 X. 59 legend regarding, 79-80; original site of, 207 XII. 236.
Boreland, James, owner of superiority of King’s Stables, II. 123. See Borland.
Boreland, Thomas, II. 123 XI. 6 sells superiority of King’s Stables to town, XIV. 115-16 XVI. 140.
Boreland’s houses, West Port, XVI. 107.
Borland, John, litster, XIII. 96. See Boreland.
Borough Muir Castle, IV. 60.
Borthrane, Thomas, X. 175, 176.
Borthwick of Crookston, town mansion in Lauriston, XVIII. 166.
Borthwick Alexander (1682), VIII. 133.
Borthwick Alexander, vintner, owner of property in Mylne Square, XIV. 47, 100.
Borthwick Bessie, X. 201.
Borthwick George, pewterer, XIX. 28.
Borthwick James, tenant in Restalrig, XVIII. 41.
Borthwick James, warded, VIII. 121, 122.
Borthwick, (Borthwik), John, murdered, IV. 85.
Borthwick, Lilias. Lady, XIII. 136.
Borthwick, (Borthwik) N. de, of Balwolphy, III. 82, 89.
Borthwick, Robert, IX. 3-4, 14.
Borthwick, Robert, ‘master meltar,’ X. 77, 78.
Borthwick, Thomas, procurator fiscal, VI. 157.
Borthwick, Walter, bailie, V. 113, 115, 117; VI. 110.
Borthwick, William, first Lord, XII. 70, 71.
Borthwick, William, fourth Lord, guardian of James V., IX. 13, 14, 15, 35, 36.
Borthwick, William, seventh Lord, IV. 101.
Borthwick, William, surgeon, II. 89, 107 XVI. 137.
Borthwick’s Close, XI. 8, ll XII. 69-72, 118, 152, 154; XIX. 43.
Boss. Graham, VIII. 67, 71, 72.
Boswall, Alexander, painter, VIII. 64.
Boswall, John D., advocates harbour at Wardie, XX. 71-2.
Boswell, Alexander (Lord Auchinleck), III. 230; V. 171 n.
Boswell, Sir Alexander, III. 234; XII. App. 21 XIX. 54.
Boswell, Bessie, IV. 90.
Boswell, David, of Auchinleck (1683), VIII. 157.
Boswell, David, brother of Johnson’s biographer, V. 171 and n., 177, 181, 185, 188; discourse on ‘Charity,’ 186.
Boswell, Dr., uncle of biographer, I. 3 XII. 52; XIV. 57.
Boswell, James, biographer, I. 4 III. 230 V. 171 n. VIII. 163, 176; interviews John Wesley, 197; IX. 81 XIV. 57; house in James’s Court, 75 135; XV. App. 13; XVII. 85; XX. App. 26; right of burial in Duddingston Church, 29.
Boswell, (Boissuell), John, skinner, VI. 82, 85.
Boswell, Robert, W.S., XV. App. 13.
Boswell, Thomas, of Burntisland, XIII. 129.
Boswell’s Court, I. 2 XII. 52 XIV. 57, 58.
Botanic Gardens, XIX. 109. See Medicine Gardens and Physic Gardens.
Bothwell, Earl of. See Hepburn, James
Bothwell, Lady, XV. App. 19.
Bothwell, Adam, bishop of Orkney, I. 6 II. 134; III. 188; V. 33; XI. 6; XII. 10; carved stones at house of, XIV. 88-9 XV. 63 superior of Broughton, XVIII. App. 14; XX. 5.
Bothwell, Alexander, of Glencorse, VIII. 112.
Bothwell, Lady Anne, I. 6.
Bothwell, Francis, Earl of, IX. 31 his petition concerning threatened English invasion, 34; X. 40-3 superior of lands of Whitehouse, 44, 45; XI. 114, 120; XV. 100; tries to capture James VI., XVI. 26; confronts the King, 28-9.
Bothwell, Francis, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 74.
Bothwell, John, first Lord Holyroodhouse, III. 215; XV. 63, 66, 67.
Bothwell, John, second Lord Holyroodhouse, XV. 63.
Bothwell, William, XII. 9, 10.
Bothwell Brig, battle of, II. 81, 89-90, 98, 101, 103, 114; VIII. 105, 111, 125, 135, 155.
Bountoune, John, VI. 139. See Bontine.
Boutellier, Jean, XVII. App. 7.
Bow, Nether. See Netherbow.
Bow, West. See West Bow.
Bowe (Bove), James, skinner, VI. 67, 68.
Bower, John, fishmonger, XIII. 134.
Bowershall, XIX. 154.
Bowfoot, XII. 50.
Bowfoot, Well, XI. 6.
Bowhead, tenements, demolition of, I. 4, 5 XII. 11, 50, 56, 57 XVII. 3 XVIII. App. 13; XIX. 162; XX. 125.
‘Bowhead House,’ XIV. 63, 64.
Bowhead Well, XII. 12, 126, 156; XIV. 75.
Bowie, Alexander, warded, XII. 195.
Bowie, James, original member of Wagering Club, II. 152.
Bowie, James, skinner, VI. 73, 88.
Bowie, Jerome, chaplain, XIV. 115.
Bowie, John (1683), VIII. 150.
Bowie, John, skinner, VI. 64, 73, 76.
Bowie, John, brewer, XV. 185.
Bowie, Margaret, VI. 73.
Bowie, William, whipt for rioting, IV. 118.
Bowie, William, in Craigmade, warded, VI. 121.
Bowling greens, XI. 6; XII. 140; XIII. 137 XVII. 38.
Bowling Green Close, XII. 97.
Bowman, Robert, saddler, VIII. 107.
Bowmont Place, XII. 230.
Bowye, Jerome, master of royal wine cellar, V. 56-7.
Bowyer trade, XIX. 25.
Boyd, David, bailie (1664), V. 117; VI. 109; XVI. 82, 84, 95.
Boyd, George, in Westergall, VI. 127.
Hugh, merchant, XII. 46.
Hugh, James, merchant, IX. 125.
Hugh, James, innkeeper, XII. 109-11, 123; XIV. 129, 130, 135, 146; XV. 182.
Hugh, John, bailie (1671), VI. 110, 111, 112.
Hugh, John, merchant, IV. 123.
Hugh, John, warded, IX. 172.
Hugh, Margaret, XIX. 159.
Hugh, Robert, fourth Lord, XVI. 18.
Hugh, Robert of Portincorse, XI. 30, 47; XII. 161, 186, 195; XIII. 114.
Hugh, Robert, of Trochrig, XI. 35 XII. 168.
Hugh, Robert (1685), minister at Kilbride, XI. 22.
Hugh, Thomas, flesher, XI. 63.
Hugh, William, of Hillhousefield, XIX. 185.
Hugh, Zachary, monument of, IV. 149.
Boyd’s Close, High St., XII. 45, 46; in Canongate, XII. 109, 110, 122; XIV. 129.
Boyd’s Entry, XII. I08, 109 carved lintel in, XVII. 24.
Boyd’s Inn, XIV. 129, 130.
Boyd’s Land, XII. 46.
Boyes, Hon. Mr., XV. 94.
Boyle, David, Lord Justice-Clerk, XVIII. 196.
Boyle, David, of Kelburne, IV. 128.
Boyle, Hon. Patrick, III. 152; resident in Fountainbridge, XX. 51.
Boyne, Lord. See Ogilvie, Patrick.
Brabour, Robert, XI. 28.
Bradshaw, lands of, X. 120.
Brady, royal messenger, XVI. 17 8.
Braes, laird of, VIII. 119.
Braid, laird of (1593). See Fairlie of Braid.
Braid estate, acquired by Sir William Dick, X. 15 gypsies encamp on, 90, 93 178, 179, 203 early owners of, XI. App. 14; acquired by Gordons of Cluny, 15.
Braid Brigs of, IX. 224.
Braid Burn, X. 5, 153, 159, 161, 175, 176, 180, 221, 222; XIV. 159.
Braid Castle of, XI. App. 14, 15.
Braid Hills, II. 25, 62 X. 2, 57, 80; Edward I. at, 59-60 Cromwell encamps on, 200; golf on, 252.
Braid Mill, XV. 170, 185.
Braid Wynd, XIX. 185.
Braidwood, James, legacy to Candlemakers, XVII. 109, 113.
Braidwood, Thomas, his school for deaf and dumb, XX. 137.
Braidwood, William, candlemaker, XVII. 106, 107.
Brand, Alexander, of Baberton and Reidhall, father of Sir Alexander, XX. 30.
Brand, Sir Alexander, II. 147; XII. 176; XVI. 145 XX. 40, 45, 51 buys Dalry estate, 29; renames property; obtains monopoly of Spanish leather a founder and master of Merchant Company, 30 shareholder in New Mills Cloth Manufactory, 31 imports 5000 stand of firelocks, 31-3; tenant of Crown lands of Orkney and Zetland, 32, 35; knighted for municipal services efforts to improve trade, manufactures and coinage; a madcap venture, 33-4 bankruptcy, 34; feuing scheme, 35-6, 45-7 makes provision for his family, 36 domestic life English traveller visits, 36-8 writes broadside on street cleansing; death; Dalry for sale, 38; his tenement in Castlehill, 39; grants disposition to Society and Fraternity of Gardeners, 57.
Brand, Alexander, jun., XX. 36, 39.
Brand, Alexander, clockmaker, VIII. 39.
Brand, Bethia, XX. 36.
Brand, Christian, XX. 36.
Brand, Elizabeth, XX. 36.
Brand, George, XX. 36.
Brand, Isaak, XX. 10.
Brand, James, baxter, Canongate, VIII. 145.
Brand, John, minister in Canongate, XIX. 93.
Brand, Katherine, XX. 36.
Brand, Sarah, widow of James Blackwood, XX. 39.
Brandfield, XX. 33, 34, 40 Dalry manor house called, 30.
Brandsfield, XIV. 108 n. XX. 35, 36, 38, 39, 45, 46 lands of Dalry called, 30.
Brasiers, XVI. 101 XIX. 2.
Braun’s Civitates Orbis, III. 210.
Brauss (Bruce), Peter, XV. App. 13. See Bruce.
Braxfield, Lord, his mansion in George Square, XII. App. 19; XV. App. 12; member of Musical Society, XIX. 237 XX. 115. See also M’Queen, Robert
Bread market, XVI. 117.
Breadalbane, John, fourth Earl of, I. 144.
Brebner, Bessie, V. 107.
Brechin, William, of Kilconcath, bishop of, III. 38.
Breda, commissioners to, XVI. 33.
Bremner, James, musician, XIX. 210.
Bremner, Robert, London agent of Musical Society, XIX. 211, 216, 235.
Breweries, XI. 136-8; XV. 183.
Brewers, proprietors or tenants of the King’s Stables, XIV. 115; XVII. 120.
Brewers, Society of, X. 146, 148, 222; its foundation, 227-8 operations at Greyfriars Port, 228 croft and arable lands conveyed to, 229-30; payment to town by, 230 use of Bruntsfield Links, 230; site of windmill of, 232; a monopoly, 233; acquire ground on Grange estate, 234; petition ministers of Edinburgh, 235; magistrates’ complaint against, 235-6; dissolution in 1619, 236 city’s payment to, 236; improvements, 237; buildings, croft and arable land set in tack, 238 and Bruntsfield Links, 240; effect of conveying South Loch to, 255, 256; XI. 14, 131, 132, 137; XII. 139 n., 140 n.; XV. App. 18; XVII. App. 11.
Brewing, II. 13.
Brian, Friar, V. 33.
Brice, William, of Bristol, V. 23. See. Bryce.
Brickwell, Captain, XVI. 9, 10.
Bridewell, XVII. 88 and n. constructed of stone from Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 193; XIX. 133.
Bridge Hotel, I. 149.
Bridge Street, III. 125.
Briggs, lands of, X. 203.
Brighous, X. 206.
Brigs of Braid, IX. 224.
Brisbane, John, yr., of Rosland, VI. 116.
Brisbane, (Birsbain), John, of Freeland, IX. 142, 147.
Brisbane, Thomas, of Brisbane, VIII. 187.
Brissoun, William, XV. 22, 23. See Bryson.
Bristo, conventicle in, III. 50 VIII. 115, 116; X. 232; XIV. 122, 142; Wester Croft of, 140; XVI. 133; XVIII. 156.
Bristo Church. II. 13 XI. 11.
Bristo House. See Ross House.
Bristo Port, II. 1, 8, 70, 72-5, 79, 186 IX. 93; XI. 7, 12; XIV. 124, 139, 141-5 XVII. 112, App. 11.12 XVIII. 162 XIX. 41. See also Greyfriars Port.
British Hotel, Barry’s, III. 119, 129.
British Inn, XII. 132.
British Linen Company, IX. 209; XII. 98, 116, App. 22; XIV. 150; XV. 113; XX. App. 33.
Broad Meadows, X. 241 XII. 100.
‘Broadbrim, Nathan,’ V. 169. See Bonar, John, of Speculative Society.
Broadstairs House, XI. 148.
Brocas, William, smith, V. 69; XII. 134.
Brock, Walter, VIII. 134, 140.
Broddy, Joseph, VI. 149.
Brodie, Alexander, of Brodie, III. 8 XVI. 33.
Brodie, David, of Pitgevenie, XI. 26.
Brodie, Francis, wright, XII. 60, 124 XIV. 66.
Brodie, John, III. 175.
Brodie, John C., III. 176.
Brodie, Thomas, III. 176.
Brodie, Deacon William, his abode, I. 5 member of Cape Club, III. 155, 160, 161; XI. 7, 13; XII. 60, 113, 124, 132, App. 11 makes structural alterations on Old Tolbooth, XIV. 14, 66.
Brodie, William (1685), warded, XI. 24.
Brodie, William, barber, XII. 124.
Brodie, William, tailor, XII. 124.
Brodie’s Close, Lawnmarket, I. 5, 6; XII. 60, 63, 129; XIV. 66; in Canongate, XII. 60, 124; in Castlehill, XII. 152.
Brody’s Close, XII. 141.
Brokas. See Brocas.
Brook, Alexander, J. S., IX. 81.
Brookes Bog, XV. 183.
Broomhills, XIX. 143, 182.
‘Brose and Butter,’ old Scots tune, I. 3.
Brougham, Henry, Lord, III. 107, 110, 112, 116 member of Friday Club, 114 IX. 108; XVIII. 95.
Brougham, J. W., III. 172.
Broughton, Edward, accomptant of the Edinburgh fines, XX. 50.
Broughton, barony of, II. 167, 169, 174; III. 194; IV. 46, 47, 91-2; IX. 36; X. 243; XI. App. 19; XIII. 79; superiority acquired by Lord Roxburgh, 80; portions conveyed to Heriot’s Hospital, 80; town council feu part of, 91 XIV. 27; XV. 182, 184, 197 King’s men fired at in, XVI. 22; regality of, 92 barons of, 154; XVII. 80 XVIII. 113, 125 lecture on, App. 14-23 extent of, 14; haunt of witches, 16; abolition of superiority, 18 tolbooth; barony burnt by Hertford, 19 General Leslie’s headquarters, 20; XIX. 4, 11, 109, 143, 144, 147; XX. 83, 100, 101; App. 10, 20, 21.
Broughton Burn, XVII. 81 XIX. 154.
Broughton Loan, II. 170; XV. 170; XVII. 80, 81 XVIII. App. 18, 19, 21 XIX. 159.
Broughton Place, XX. 52.
Broughton tolbooth, murder trial at, IV. 92.
Broughton village, XIX. 153.
Broun, Agnes, wife of Sir Patrick Nisbet (who excambed Craigentinny for Dean), I. 116.
Broun, Alexander, warded, VIII. 137.
Broun, Alexander, hammerman, XX. 109.
Broun, Archibald, brewer, Portsburgh, XI. 45.
Broun, Bailie (1681), VIII. 106.
Broun, Bessie, tenant of Cordiners, XVIII. 123.
Broun, Charles, of Coalston, XII. 54.
Broun, David, skinner, VI. 59, 93, 98, 101, 102.
Broun, David, wright, VIII. 31, 32.
Broun, George, Lord Coalston, XII. 54.
Broun, George (1684), warded, IX. 154; XII. 166.
Broun, James, covenanter, V. 138, 139.
Broun, Janet, V. 114, 115, 117.
Broun, John (1512), III. 93, 103.
Broun, John (1528), witness, XVII. 51.
Broun, John (1681), ‘waitter,’ VIII. 115.
Broun, John (1684), warded, V. 104; IX. 169; XI. 51, 61 XII. 162, 166.
Broun, Jonet, accused of child murder, VIII. 103.
Broun, Maillie, suspected of witchcraft, XV. 47.
Broun, Markie, III. 79.
Broun, Matthew, ‘walker,’ XV. 40.
Broun, Richard, king’s sergeant of Burgh Muir, X. 18, 19.
Broun, Robert, gypsy, IV. 110; X. 92.
Broun, Robert, in Leith, IV. 128.
Broun, Robert (1682), warded, VIII. 133.
Broun, Thomas, boxmaster, Hammermen, VIII. 29, 31, 35.
Broun, Thomas (1682), warded, VIII. 123, 124; XI. 45.
Broun, Walter, notary public, XIV. 44.
Broun, William covenanter, V. 144 VI. 130, 136.
Broun, William, writer, VIII. 127.
Broun, William (1708), bailie of Calton, XVIII. 64.
Broun, William, Jedburgh, V. 118.
Broun, William, chief cannonier at Castle, XVI. 54.
Broun. See also Brown.
Brounehall, laird of, XX. 82.
Brounisfield. See Bruntsfield.
‘Browms of the Brigs,’ X. 206.
Brown, Agnes, warded, XII. 200.
Brown, Agnes Maxwell, V. 108.
Brown, Alexander, of Thorniedykes, VIII. 150.
Brown, A1ex., merchant, Luckenbooths, XII. 28, 65.
Brown, Alexander, vintner, XIII. 132.
Brown, Alexander, plasterer, XIII. 74.
Brown, Amy, IV. 69.
Brown, Andrew, of Blackford, XII. 100.
Brown, Andrew, of Greenbank, XII. 51, 100. Andrew, Prof. of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, XIV. 172 and n.
Brown, Andrew, brassfounder, XII. 52, 100.
Brown, Andrew, barber, XIII. 123.
Brown, Archibald of Greenbank, X. 224.
Brown, Benjamin L., XX. 25.
Brown, David, owner of Semple mansion, XII. 8.
Brown, David, saddler, XIII. 115.
Brown, David, overseer of Orphan Hospital, XIX. 127.
Brown, Elizabeth, XII. 21.
Brown, George, of Lindsaylands and Elliston, III. 153 XII. App. 18; XX. 129, 145.
Brown, George, merchant in Leith, XV. 92-3.
Brown, George, gardener, XV. 185.
Brown, Prof. G. Baldwin, VI. 2; Magdalen Chapel, Cowgate (with Dr. Thomas Ross), VIII. 1-78 Tailors’ Hall, Cowgate (with Dr. Ross and W. Forbes Gray), XI. 125-71.
Brown, George Bell, brewer, XII. 103.
Brown, Horatio R. F., XIV. App. 19, 24.
Brown, Hugh, of Newhall, XIV. App. 24.
Brown, Hugh (1598), brewer, X. 228, 237.
Brown, Hugh, merchant, XII. 151.
Brown, Hugh, XII. 26.
Brown, James, builder of Brown Square, XII. 54, App. 18, 20 XVII. App. 12 XVIII. App. 26 XIX. 79-81 buys premises of George Square Assembly, 36; XX. 118, 121, 131, 133; financially involved through riding school, 129-30.
Brown, Brown, James, grandson of Thomas, bookseller, XII. 21.
Brown, James, chirurgeon, XIII. 40.
Brown, James, staymaker, member of Wagering Club, II. 152.
Brown, James, cordiner, XIII. 109.
Brown, James, bean-seller, II. 178.
Brown, James, tailor, XIII. 130.
Brown, James, accountant, III. 174.
Brown, James, seller of ‘Jib,’ V. 90.
Brown, James (1672), warded, VI. 115.
Brown, James, indweller in Edinburgh, interdicted from hiring out Sedan chairs, IX. 188 Council permits him to have stances in the streets, 191, 192.
Brown, James, XII. 86.
Brown, John, of Annsmills, XII. 103.
Brown, John, of Bonniington, XIX. 162.
Brown, John, of Fordell, XII. 12.
Brown, John, of Gorgiemylne, acquires barony of Braid, XI. App. 15.
Brown, Dr. John, XX. App. 29.
Brown, John, farmer, Bunstane, XII. 103.
Brown, John, gardener, XII. 102 XV. 146.
Brown, John, janitor, VIII. 91.
Brown, John, cordiner, XVIII. 75.
Brown, John, painter, IX. 87.
Brown, John, secy., Old Boys’ Club, Canongate School, XX. 24, 25.
Brown, J., bookseller, North Bridge, XII. 227.
Brown, Joseph (1681), XVI. 111.
Brown, Joseph, baker, XII. 102, 103 XIV. 168, 169.
Brown, Malcolm, VI. 114.
Brown, Matthew, owner of property at Burghmuirhead, X. 202.
Brown, Murdo, VI. 104.
Brown, Patrick, deacon of Skinners, VI. 68, 70, 71, 72, 90, 92, 94, 95, 105.
Brown, Prof. P. Hume, IX. 48.
Brown, P., and Nelson, T., Plan of Edinburgh, XII. 239.
Brown, Robert, of Newbattle, XIII. 110.
Brown, Robert, advocate, owner of Newhall, XIV. App. 23-4.
Brown, Robert, bookseller, XII. 54 XIX. 162.
Brown, Robert, clockmaker, XIX. 19.
Brown, Robert (1654), tacksman, XVII. 61.
Brown, Robert, deacon of Tailors, X. 30.
Brown, Robert, burgess, Canongate, XII. 124.
Brown, Thomas, covenanter, II. 97, 99.
Brown, Thomas, notary public, II. 102, 103.
Brown, Thomas, smith, XIII. 116, 121, 123, 124.
Brown, Thomas, shoemaker, II. 98, 99. 100, 101.
Brown, Thomas (1743), Castlehill, XIV. 59.
Brown, Thomas, bookseller, IX. 94; XII. 21, 22 owner of property in Bonnington, XIX. 161-2.
Brown, Thomas, IX. 99 his map of Edinburgh, XII. 212, 226, 238; XX. 140.
Brown, Thomas, merchant, XII. 34.
Brown, Thomas C., brewer, XII. 103.
Brown, Walter, lord provost, II. 77.
Brown, William (1680), bookseller, XII. 21.
Brown, William, skinner, XII. 8.
Brown, William, Patriot Office, Parliament Close, IV. 112 n.
Brown, William, Kilmamock, II. 100.
Brown, William, superintendent of works, his estimate of stones removed from Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 195.
Brown, William, See also Broun and Browne.
Brown and Watson’s plan of Edinburgh, XII. 226.
Brown Square, I. 22; IX. 217, 218; X.
125; XI. 7; XII. 54, 138, 218, App.
18; XVIII. 93; XX. 118.
Browne, Sir G. Washington, on St. Margaret’s Chapel, V. 30 n.
Browne, Patrick (1662), VIII. 208.
Browne, Patrick, flesher, XVIII. 17 7.
Browne, Thomas (1662), XVIII. 177.
Brownfield, X. 229.
Brownhill, Deacon, XV. 182.
Brownhill, Isobel, XII. 11.
Brownhill, James, wright, III. 247; obtains feu at Buntsfield Links, X. 243-6; XII. 11 XIV. 74; XVIII. 2.
Brownhill, Janet, XII. 11.
Brownhill’s Court, XII. 11 XIV. .74.
Brownhill’s Land, XII. 11.
Brownlie, Alexander, boxmaster, Hammermen, VIII. 63.
Brown’s Acres (or Viewpark), X. 26, 29-30, 31, 33, 247.
Brown’s Buildings, XVII. 146.
Brown’s Close, I. 12; XI. 10; XII. 15, 20, 21, 22, 26, 28, 34, 51, 65 XIV. 87.
Brown’s Close, Canongate, XII. 100, 102.
Brown’s Court, I. 12 XI. 7 XII. 51. 52, 100; XIV. 57.
Brown’s Guide to Edinburgh, XII. 227.
Brown’s Land, XII. 65.
Bruce, King Robert the, gifts to Black Friars, III. 39, 69, 88; V. 22; orders repair of St. Margaret’s Chapel, 40; 50, 52; his grave, 59; VI. 2, 13; his charter to Edinburgh, XX. App. 9.
Bruce, Sir Alexander, of Broomhall, VI. 113, 121.
Bruce, Bailie, College treasurer, VIII. 94.
Bruce, David, of Kennet, VIII. 120.
Bruce, Edward, W.S., III. 165.
Bruce, Helenor, wife of Sir William Cunningham of Kilmaurs, II. 144-5.
Bruce, James, of Kinnaird, XIII. 126 n. XV. 100.
Bruce, James (1571), XVI. 19.
Bruce, Janet, wife of William Bailie of Letham, III. 181.
Bruce, John, Prof., a founder of the Speculative Society, V. 166, 168, 174, 177, 180, 181, 185, 187, 190; dis- course on ‘The Discovery of Truth and Detection of Fallacy,’ 188.
Bruce, Jonet, witch, IV. 114.
Bruce, Lady, her lampoon, ‘Ridotto of Holyrood,’ IX. 215.
Bruce, Michael, covenanter, V. 140.
Bruce, Mrs. of Kennet, XIX. 53, 78; directress of the ‘Assembly,’ 90.
Bruce, Neve, deacon of Surgeons, VI. 86; XII. 146; XV. 13.
Bruce, (or Brauss), Peter, II. 10; his Water supply scheme, XVIII. App. 22 sets up factory at Canonmills for making playing cards, 22-3. See Brauss.
Bruce, Peter, Glasgow, warded, XI. 26.
Bruce, (Brus), Robene, IX. 31.
Bruce, Robert, Lord Kennet, a director of the ‘Assembly,’ XIX. 88.
Bruce, Robert, of Binning, XI. App. 14 XII. 27, 31 n. XIV. 94. Robert, of Levingstoun, bailie, XVIII. 41.
Bruce, Robert, of Linthill, XII. 90.
Bruce, Robert, warded, VIII. 133, 142;
XII. 173.
XII. Robert, cordiner, XIV. 44; XVIII. 119 n.
XII. Robert, clerk to Hammermen of Canongate, XIX. 3; XX. 98, 106.
Bruce (Brus), Robert (1513), bailie, II. 62; IV. 81 X. 81.
Bruce Sir William, of Balcaskie, his plans for North Bridge, IV. 49; VIII. App. 5; XII. 87, 88; XV. App. 18; XX. App. 27.
Bruce William, warded, V. 149.
Bruce William, upholsterer, XV. 95.
Bruce’s Close, XII. 27, 79, 80.
Bruch, James, V. 133.
Brucknell, Major, IV. 164.
Bruges altar, claim against Leith skippers, IX. 49.
Brunstane, IX. 142.
Bruntfield, Adam, X. 20 n.
Bruntfield, (Bruntfeild), Hendreta, VIII. 116.
Bruntfield, Stephen, captain of Craighouse, X. 20 and n.
Bruntfield, Thomas, IV. 142.
Brunton, Rev. Dr., Tron Church, XIV. 162, 173, 174.
Brunton, Jonet, VIII. 137.
Bruntsfield (Brounisfield), III. 210; not part of Burgh Muir, X. 5; 17-35; owned by Alan de Lawdre in 1381, 18; forfeited and conveyed to Mary of Gueldres, 20; again possessed by Lauders, 20-1 bought by John Fairlie in 1603, 23 and by Sir George Warrender in 1695, 24 and n.; other properties added to estate, 26; 55, 163, 164, 193, 261.
Bruntsfield House, I. 78, 80; carved stone at, III. 210; excursion to, VIII. App. 6-8; X. 23, 26, 27, 33, 34; destroyed by Hertford, 126; XI. App. 14; XX. App. 4.
Bruntsfield Links, I. 80; quarry at, II. 69; X. 17, 26, 29-30, 33, 34, 54, 80, 163, 164, 197, 227, 230, 239-52; Society of Brewers and, 233, 235, 238; last unfeued portion of Burgh Muir, 239; quarrying at, 240-1; golf at, and preservation of, 240, 244; rights reserved by town council, 247 attempt to destroy, 248; mustering of troops on, 249-50; Sir W. Scott and, 250 Act prohibiting building on, 251; leased by John Straiton and William Carfrae, 257 XII. 211, 218, 220; XIV. 163, App. 11; golf on, in early times, XVIII, 1-10; prohibition of buildings, 95.
Bruntsfield Links Club, meetings at Wright’s Houses in 1787-8, XVIII. l social gatherings occupies Goodsman’s Rooms, 2.
Brusell, Anthony, X. 161.
Bryce, Daniel, VIII. 142. See Brice.
Bryce, David, architect, V. 91 VI. 9 XII. App. 38 XIV. App. 24; XVIII. App. 10; XX. App. 17.
Bryce, W. Moir, The Flodden Wall of Edinburgh, II. 61-79 The Covenanters’ Prison in the Inner Greyfriars Yard, Edinburgh, 81-115; The Black Friars of Edinburgh, III. 13-104 Saint Margaret of Scotland and her Chapel in the Castle of Edinburgh, V. 1-66; 67, 75; owner of Holyrood Ordinale, VII. ix, x} xv, n. The Ancient Regalia of Scotland, VIII. 205-11 leader of excursions, App. 6 Burgh Muir of Edinburgh, X. 1-263 App. 4; Club’s resolution anent death of, XI. App. 5.
Brydall’s Art in Scotland, IX. 96.
Bryddie, William, advocate, IV. 135.
Bryden, James, covenanter, XI. 61, 66.
Bryden, Major, XII. 152.
Bryden, Robert, covenanter, XI. 61, 66.
Bryden’s Close, Canongate, XII. 152.
Bryden, George, of Whelphill, VIII. 154.
Brydone, Patrick, III. 151.
Bryntoun, Allan, XV. 28.
Bryson, Alexander, XII. 47. See Brissoun.
Bryson, Alfred, deacon of Hammermen, VIII. 2, 73 n.
Bryson, Andrew, of Craigton, XII. 47, 48.
Bryson, Andrew (l635), XIII. 116.
Bryson, Christian, XII. 47.
Bryson, Margaret (1683), VIII. 153.
Bryson, Margaret, XII. 47.
Bryson, Mary, XII. 47.
Bryson, Robert, clockmaker, III. 232-3.
Bryson, Steven, tailor, XIV. 36, 42.
Bryson, William, merchant, XII. 47.
Bryson’s Close, XII. 47, 48, 85.
Buccleuch, Henry, third Duke of, I. 144 III. 141, 154 governor of Musical Society, XIX. 198; XX. 115, 145, 146, App. 26.
Buccleuch, Charles William Henry, fourth Duke of, XX. 153, 154.
Buccleuch, Elizabeth, third Duchess of, XIX. 62, 72, 84 n.
Buccleuch Church, XVII. App. 9 burial ground, X. 232.
Buccleuch Place, IX. 212 X. 260 XIX. 82-6 Assembly Rooms in, 81-6.
‘Bucephalus,’ XX. 158.
Buchan, Countess Dowager of, Wesley chaplain to, VIII. 168 n.
Buchan, David, eleventh Earl of, XII. 132.
Buchan, George, wright, XII. 150.
Buchan, Hugh, III. 162; XVII. 146.
Buchan, James, sixth Earl of, XVIII. 15.
Buchan, Mrs., of Kelloe, II. 2.
Buchanan, George, X. 134, 166 XI. 7 XIV. 83; XV. 61. 194.
Buchanan, John, in Bardowie, VI. 143; XII.
Buchanan, John, chairmaster, IX. 204.
Buchanan, Katherine, V. 137.
Buchanan, Margaret, XIX. 175.
Buchanan, Marion, VIII. 137.
Buchanan, Marion, merchant, III. 173.
Buchanan’s Close, Cowgate, XII. 150; XIV. 67.
Buchanan’s Court, I. 6; XII. 60.
Buchanan’s Land, XII. 60, 61.
Buchan’s Close, XII. 150.
Buchan’s Court, XII. 61.
Buchan’s (Bowquhannes) Yard, III. 81.
Bucknar, Philip, watchmaker, XIX. 15.
Buckstane, X. 58.
Buildings, Vanished, lecture by Henry F. Kerr, XX. App. 7-8.
Bulkeley, Mrs., XI. 166, 167.
Bull, Alexander, flesher, XII. 38.
Bull, George, smith, XII. 150.
Bull, John, merchant, XII. 150.
Bull, Michael, XII. 150 n.
Bull, Robert, wright, XII. 15, 120.
Bull, Robert, Captain in Trained Bands, XII.
Bull, William, wright, XII. 150 n.
‘Bull Cellar,’ XII. 37.
Bull’s Close, Bank St., XII. 15; XIII. 109, 112; near Tron Church, XII. 37, 38; in Canongate, I. 14, 19; XII. 120, 150 carved lintel at, XVII. 47-8 XX. App. 8; in Cowgate, V. 90: XII. 150.
Bull’s Land, XII. 120, 121.
Bull’s Turnpike, XII. 37.
Bunker’s Hill (St. James’s Square), II. 171.
Burd, Edward, V. 128.
Burd, John, IV. 143.
Burden, Archibald, engraver, IX. 81.
Burden, George, talidouce printer, IX. 81.
Burgerhuys, Jan, VIII. 37.
Burgerhuys, Michael, founder of bell in Magdalen Chapel, VIII. 36-7.
Burgh common seal, III. 1; figure of patron saint on, 2; earliest example of Edinburgh, 2; Edinburgh seal of sixteenth century, 3; non-armorial devices on, 5.
Burgh Court, XVI. App. 8.
Burgh Loch, I. 33; II. 125. See also South Loch.
Burgh Muir, I. 32, 36; site of gibbet, 33; Montrose’s body buried on, 37 II. 68, 127; area of, 62; quarries on, 69; III. 199, 201 victims of plague buried in, 202; IV. 55, 57, 64, 84; set ‘apart for victims of plague, 102; gypsies hanged in, 110; wapinschaws on, VI. 29-30; gifted by David 1., X. 1, 2, 5, 153; original boundaries, 4-5, 55; teinds, 7 earliest detailed description, 55-6 Flodden army assembles on, 61, 62, 76 Easter, 62, 84, 96; magistrates receive licence to feu, 67; rights of feuars, 69; citizens encouraged to buy wood from, 69; sixteen feuars, 71; seven feuars renounce rights, 73; rearrangement of feus, 73-4, 76; royal standard not flown, 79 gypsies executed on 92-93; Montrose’s body buried on, 93-5; neglected condition of, 97; James V. and, 153-66; victims of plague segregated on, 167; James V. assembles army on, 190; state of, in sixteenth century, 191 magistrates and Easter, 211 ‘sale by auction ’ of parts of, 221-223; failure of scheme, 223; location of feus, 223; superiorities of, part of Common Good, 261; quarry on, X. 191, 240; XIII. 21; XIV. 102; XVI. 22, 23; XVIII. 151, 163, 169.
Burghmuirhead, X. 194, 199, 201, 202, 247, 248; XII. 236; XV. 170.
Burgh records, proposal to print extracts from, XIII. App. 6.
Burghlie, Robert, second Lord, XIII. 74-75; XVIII. 15.
Burgomaster Trick’d, XI. 166.
Burke, Betty, XIX. 169.
Burke, Edmund, statesman, XIII. App. 10, 16; XIV. 138; XV. App. 13.
Burke, Ned, chairmaster and guide to Prince Charles, IX. 202.
Burke and Hare murders, V. 84; XIV. App. 13; books and pamphlets on, XVIII. App. 13.
Burlaw Court of Leith, its origin, XV. 166, 171-2 work of, 170; list of place- names (1724), 170-1 sittings of Court, 171-3; court officer, 174; revenue, 174-5, 178; salaries of officials, 177; privileges of members, 178; absentees fined, 178; jurisdiction, 179-81; fines, 181-2; list of bailies, 184-5; list of ordinary members, 185-6; election of bailies, 186-7 method of assessing damages, 189; trespass by cattle, 192-5 disputes as to rigs and marches, 195-8; stubble rented, 199-201 closing days of Court, 204-5.
Burleigh, Robert, Master of (1709), escapes from Tolbooth, IV. 108 n.
Burn, Margret, V. 151; VI. 108, 109.
Burn, Patrick, tanner, XIII. 109.
Burn, Robert, designer of Nelson Monument, XII. App. 33 XX. App. 34.
Burn, Robert, gardener in Leith, IX. 1 38, 142.
Burn, William, architect, III. 183, 193, 210; his ‘restoration ’ of St. Giles, 242; ‘restores’ Restalrig Church, IV. 185; XIV. 53; designs Melville monument, XV. 208, 210.
Burn, William (1674), warded, VI. 123, 127.
Burnate, Sir John, V. 44. See Burnet, Burnes.
Burnate, Thomas, candlemaker, XVII. 105.
Burnes, Robert, covenanter, XI. 62. See Burns.
Burnes, William, father of poet, X. 259.
Burnet, Alexander, son of George, schoolmaster, VIII. 80, 81. See Burnate, Burnett.
Burnet, Andrew, of Waristoune, XII. 73.
Burnet, Andrew, advocate, XVI. 136.
Burnet, Archibald, owner of Carlops, XIV. App. 22.
Burnet, David, surveyor, XVI. 128.
Burnet, George, schoolmaster in Canongate, accused of playing cards and speaking disrespectfully of the Government, VIII. 80-1 XX. 16; sues Lady Hallgreen for debt, 13.
Burnet, James, captain of Town Guard, XIV. 169 and n., 170.
Burnet, James, tacksman of Whitehope, XX. 141.
Burnet, John, engraver, IX. 99, 100.
Burnet, John (1685), minister at Kilbride, XI. 49.
Burnet, Margaret, executed, IX. 137.
Burnet, Robert, Lord Crimond, I. 95.
Burnet, Samuel, brewer, X. 228 XII. 73.
Burnet, Thomas, College regent, VIII. 82; XVI. 152.
Burnet, William, student, VIII. 90.
Burnet’s Close, XII. 72, 73, 155.
Burnett, Alexander, of Restalrig, IV. 176, 183, 184. See Burnet.
Burnett, Catherine, wife of Alexander Forbes of Shivas, X. 208.
Burnett, James See Monboddo, Lord.
Burnett, Sir James H., III. 175, 176.
Burnett, Robert, W.S., warded, XI. 49.
Burnett, Rev. Will, The Society of Friendly Contributors of Restalrig, IV. 153-89 on history and literary associations of Glencorse Church and Woodhouselee, XII. App. 27.
Burnfoot, III. 83.
Burns, Captain, poet’s son, XVII. 13. See Burnes.
Burns, Gilbert, poet’s brother, X. 259.
Burns, Isabella, sister of poet, IX. 110.
Burns, Robert, poet, I. 5-6, 8; II. 34 n., 86; attends Jacobite supper at St. James’s Square, 173-4 and Crochallan Fencibles, III. 164 at Smellie’s printing ofiice, IV. 37-8, 70; IX. 87, 106, 108; and Sedan chairs, 215; meeting of Scott and, X. 101 n. and Robert Fergusson, 208, 209, 233 lodges in Baxter’s Close, XII. 14, 119; XIV. 73, 77 entertained by Crochallan Club, 98; takes French lessons from Louis Cauvin, XVII. App. 7 where ‘Clarinda’ lived and died, 13-14; XIX. 201 relations with Schetky, 220 Urbani songs of, 221 n. letter to Stephen Clarke visits to St. Cecilia’s Hall, 233 n.
Burnsyde, James, of Closs, XI. 28.
Burntoun, George, XIX. 118.
Burrell, Patrick, XX. 102.
Burroughs, John, XVIII. 14.
Burton, Alexander, farmer, XV. 185.
Burton, Alexander, lunatic, X. 209 n.
Burton, Edward, engraver, IX. 111-13.
Burton, James (1682), warded, VIII. 123, 124.
Burton, James, tanner in Portsburgh, XVIII. 164.
Burton, John (1682), warded, VIII. 123, 124.
Burton, John Hill, IX. 1; XII. App. 11 resides in Lauriston, XVIII. 167-8. of,
Burzyuski, Count, XIV. 135.
Buses, Edinburgh and Leith, XIV. App. 10.
Busheles, James and Nathaniel, V. 121.
Busschet, Anthony, XI. 131.
Bute, James, first Earl of, XII. 81.
Bute, James, second Earl of, XII. 81.
John, third Earl of, first governor of riding school, XX. 114, 117.
Buthraw, XII. 66, 76, 88. See also Luckenbooths.
Butlare, Agnes, III. 90.
Butlar’s land, III. 82.
Butler, James, XIX. 117.
Butter. Charles, deacon of Wrights, XX. App. 33.
Butter. Tron, XI. 7; XIII. 112 n.; XIV. 58; XV. 39.
Butts, south side of Castle, XI. 7.
Byers, Lucky, I. 115. See Byres.
Byers, William, his change-house, I. 115.
Bynning, Walter, ‘paynter,’ III. 80; V. 69 VI. 37 n.
Byres, George, of Coates, II. 137. See Byers.
Byres, James, merchant, II. 136, 138.
Byres, John, first of Coates, I. 6; II. 134-136; XII. 22, 23; XIV. 79; XX. App. 13.
Byres, Sir John, second of Coates, II. 137; XII. 22, 23; XIII. 82, 104 n.; XIV. 87 XVI. 67 27..
Byres, John, third of Coates, II. 137, 138; XIII. 104 and n. action against town, XVI. 154, 156.
Byres, Mary, of Coates, II. 138.
Byres, Patrick, of Coates, II. 138.
Byres, Rachel, wife of Bishop Sydserff, II. 136.
Byres, Robert, advocate, II. 136.
Byres, Thomas de, II. 134.
Byres, William, IX. 142.
Byres of Coates, arms of, II. 140.
Byres’ Close, I. 6 II. 134, 140 III. 244; XI. 6; XII. 22-4; 54; XIV. 87.
Caddy, William, III. 78a.
Cadell, James, III. 160.
Cadell House, Canongate, I. 12 ; XI. 7. der, Will, III. 80. See Calder.
Cadies, Society of Running Stationers or, I. 219-22 ; IX. 207.
‘Cadmon ’ on demolition of Wrychtishousis, IV. 55-6, 57, 65, 67, 68.
‘Cage,’ The, Meadows, X. 258-9.
Cagnioli, T., XV. 20.
Caichepoole, XIII. 112 and n., 116, 131. Caichpeele Close, XII. 37, 38.
Cairncross, Alexander, bishop of Brechin, XVI. 138 and n.
Cairncross, George XVIII. 123.
Cairncross, James, XIII. 123.
Cairncross, Robert, abbot of Holyrood, XIII. 81.
Cairncross, William, granted feu of Lochbank, XIII. 81.
Cairncross, See Carnecross.
Cairnes, Alexander, merchant, XVIII. 129.See Cairns.
Cairnes, John, printer, VI. 151.
Cairnes, William, chapman, VIII. 114.
Cairnie, Alexander, shoemaker, XVIII. 75. See Carnie.
Cairnmuir, owned by Richard Lawson of High Riggs, XVIII. 153, 154.
Cairns (Carnes), John, VI. 88.
Cairns Maurice, IV. 163.
Cairns Robert, of Bonnington, XIX. 179.
Cairns See also Cairnes.
Cairntows, X. 2, 153.
Caitcheon, John, carver, XII. 143.
Caitcheon’s Land, XII. 143.
Caithness, George, fifth Earl of, IV. 110.
Caithness, George, sixth Earl of, XVI. 49.
Caithness, Alexander, XVIII. 45.
Caithness Close, XII. 40, 41.
Calamy, Edmund, visits Edinburgh (1709), VIII. 165, 169, 193 ; on unseemly behaviour at General Assembly, 171-2.
Caldcleuch, Patrick, VIII. 91.
Caldcleugh, Robert XV. 185, 194, 201.
Calder, Charles, musician, XIX. 50.
Calder, William, lord provost, XIV. 162-3.
Calderwood, Lady (1685), XI. 45.
Calderwood, Thomas, bailie, IV. 139; V. 125, 126.
Calderwood, Sir William, of Polton, XIII. 89.
Calderwood, Mrs., of Polton, II. 22 n.
Calderwood, William, V. 134.
Caldtoun, XVIII. 38.
Caldwell, John, of that Ilk, IX. 164 ; XII. 200. See Cauldwell.
Caldwell, John, minister of Portpatrick, IX. 116-17, 121.
Caledonian Jottings, IX. 87.
Caledonian Mercury, II. 14, 24-5, 31, 171; IV. 18; V. 185; XI. 7, 163; XIV. 141; XV. 152; XVI. Introd. xxviii; XVII. 85, 162; XIX. 39, 44-6, 89; XX. 38.
Caledonian Railway, XIX. 174; XX- 44. 54, 55.
Caledonian Theatre, XVIII. App. 12.
Calf Close, XII. 136.
Calf skins, VI. 59.
Callen, David, XII. 30.
Callendar, James, embalms Montrose’s heart, I. 34, 35 ; X. 94. See Callendear.
Callendar, Mrs. Nanse, II. 5.
Callendar House, I. 17 ; XI. 7 ; XII. 104.
Callender, James, XX. App. 34. See Callendar.
Callender, John, of Craigforth, XII. 43, 104.
Callender, John, lorimer, VIII. 35.
Callender, John, smith, VIII. 211.
Callender’s Close, XII. 43, 44, 104.
Callender’s Entry, XII. 104.
‘Caller herrin,’ II. 188.
‘Caller ou,’ II. 186, 187.
‘Caller oysters,’ II. 186.
Calton, barony of, III. 155 ; IV. 155, 156 ; Methodist chapel in Low, VIII. 174-5 ; X. 95; XV. 170; XVII. App. 13, 16-21; origin of name, XVIII. 37-8; village of, 40-3 ; craftsmen and tradesmen incorporated in one Society in 1631 ; crown charter erecting Easter and Wester Restalrig into burgh of barony, 1673; town’s charter of lands of Calton, etc., in 1725, 43-4; records of Incorporated Trades of Calton, 44-6 ; recruits for Covenanting army, 1643; plague in 1645, 47; charter in favour of Lord Balmerino confirming right to Restalrig lands and barony, 47-9 ; market days and fairs, 48-9 ; Incorporation’s activities, 49 ; sold to Edinburgh by Lord Balmerino, 50 ; trouble between ‘Society ’ and town in 1727, 51-5; rules for management and administration of Society, 53-5 ; table of various crafts and trades, 56-9; conditions of membership, 60-3 ; executive, 63, 66; baron bailies, 63-6; meetings of Society, 67 ; imposition of fines, 67-8 ; Beltane meetings, 68-70; invasion of crafts by unfreemen, 70-4 ; duty on ale and beer, 74 ; Calton cordjners v. Edinburgh cordiners, 74-7; employment of apprentices, 77-8; XIX. 24; prominent landmarks, 92-5; hamlet described, 95-7; convening house, 95-9, 108, 114, 122, 131-6, 141; occupations of indwellers, 97; rent collection, 99; dirty dwellings, 99-100; Society’s tenants at Water of Leith, 100 ; street cleansing, 100-1 ; wells, 101-3; respect for Sabbath, 103; lighting, 103-5; boundaries, 105; raised terrace, 105-6; divisions of, 108-9 ; bridge scheme, 109, 133.4; erection of houses on Calton Hill, 109 ; Methodist chapel in, 110-11 ; earliest feuars, 111 ; burial ground, 106, 108, 109, 111, 126-33, 134, 138; ‘Clarinda’ resides in, 112-13; schools and schoolmasters, 113-14; population, 113 n.; billeting soldiers in, 114-16, 139; the drummer, 117; constable’s duties, 117-18; High Constables of, 119-21 ; care of poor, 121-5; pensions for widows, 122-3; mutual benefit society, 125-6; mortcloths; gravediggers, 129; relations with South Leith kirk-session, 136-8; trades and public questions, 139-40; decline of Incorporation, 139; law and order upheld; seal of Incorporation, 140; property insured, 140-1.
Calton, burial grounds, Old, IV. 186, 187; XIV. 155; XVII. 80; New, IV. 188; Club’s visit to, XII. App. 28-39. See Calton barony.
Calton, Hill, I., 152 ; obstruction of view of, 153, 154; II. 1; Wesley preaches on, VIII. 163, 166-7, 174, 194; X. 177; XII. 50, 95, 108, 228; XV. 136, 193, 195; Forrest’s exhibition of statuary on, 208; XVII. 1, 2, 3; excavations at, App. 10 ; Club visits, 12-21 ; XVIII. 34, 87 ; originally known as Craigingalt, 35 ; Canongate cordjners meet on, 109, 121 ; 193, 195 ; early dwellers on, XIX. 112; XX. 14, 19.
Calton, Jail, IV. 88, 103; statue of Charles II. placed in, XVII. 87-8.
‘Calton muck,’ XIX. 101.
‘Calton Road Commissioners, XIX. 111, 134, 135.
‘Calton Society, IV. 157, 177; contrasted with Restalrig Society, 161, 186, 187, 188 ; purposes of ; lands taken over by Town Council, 187 ; connection with South Leith, 155-6, 187-8 ; officials of, 188 ; parsimony and conviviality of, 188-9; XVII. App. 17, 21.
Calton, Society of Friends of the People, XIX. 140.
Calton, Well, XV. 178.
Cambie, Agnes, XV. 40.
Cambrone’s Close, XII. 40.
Cambus-stane, X. 56.
Cambuskenneth, Abbot of, XII. 61 ; XIV. 67, 68.
Cambuskenneth, John of, III. 104.
Cambusnethan, Lady. See Arthur, Elizabeth.
Cameron, Allan, of Lindally, VIII. 139, 146.
Cameron, Allan, preses of Society of Chairmasters, IX. 198.
Cameron, Annie I., The Canongate Crafts : An Agreement of 1610, XIV. 25-44.
Cameron, Dr. Archibald, brother of Lochiel, II. 4.
Cameron, Archibald (1682), warded, VIII. 139.
Cameron, Charles, balloonist, XIX. 135.
Cameron, David, prior of Black Friars of Perth, III. 74.
Cameron, Donald, of Inverlochy, VIII. 146.
Cameron, Donald, of Lochzeall, VI. 112.
Cameron, Donald, of Teirlundy, VIII. 139.
Cameron, Donald (1686), warded, XII. 201.
Cameron, Dougall, VI. 111.
Cameron, Ewen, of Inverlochy, VIII. 146.
Cameron, Ewen, translator of Fingal, VIII. 200 and n.
Cameron, Hew, of Lochiel, V. 148; VI. 111.
Cameron, Hugh, stabler, XII. 127.
Cameron, James, clerk of Tolbooth, IX. 145 XI. 69; XII. 182, 197 ; XVI. 160.
Cameron, James, fiddler, XIX. 49.
Cameron, John, warded, VIII. 139.
Cameron, Richard, covenanter, XVI. 113, 184.
Cameron, William, in Dalmellingtoun, II. 97.
Cameron, lands of, X. 5, 55, 74, 153, 215, 216 ; XIII. App. 13.
Cameron, Bridge, X. 216.
Cameron, Gushet, X. 215, 216, 217, 219 12.
Cameron, House, IX. 224.
Cameron’s Close, XII. 40. See Cambrone’s Close.
Cameron’s Tavern, III. 174.
Cameronians, XV. 104 ; XVI. 184, 187, 188.
Cammert, John, XX. 136; riding master in succession to Angelo, 133; dispute with fencing master, 134.
Campbell, Sir James, of Inverneil, sells his office of Gentleman Usher of White Rod, XVIII. 12.
Campbell, of Loudoun, XI. 122.
Campbell, Agnes, relict of Andrew Anderson, printer, VI. 151 ; XIV. 108 n.
Campbell, Alexander, of Caddell, XII. 204, 205.
Campbell, Friar Alexander, III. 37, 54.
Campbell, Alexander, brewer, XII. 138, 139, 140, 141.
Campbell, Alexander, messenger, XVIII. 2.
Campbell, Alexander, one of Tenducci’s pupils, XIX. 214.
Campbell, Lady Anne, XII. 81 ; XV. 102.
Campbell, Archibald, of Calder, XII. 204, 206.
Campbell, Archibald, of Danna, XII. 165, 187.
Campbell, Archibald, of Succoth, XIV. 46.
Campbell, Archibald (1685), warded, XII. 171, 175.
Campbell, Archibald, owner of property in Canongate, XII. 119.
Campbell, Captain, of Finab, III. 139, 153.
Campbell, Lady Caroline, XX. App. 26.
Campbell, Catherine, of Aberuchill, IV. 20, 33.
Campbell, Charles, son of Lord Neil, XII. 174, 193, 205.
Campbell, Colonel Charles, of Barbreck, XII. 132.
Campbell, Sir Colin, of Ardkinglas, XI. 57.
Campbell, Colin, of Blarintibert, warded, XII. 165, 187.
Campbell, Coline, director of Musical Society, XIX. 195.
Campbell, C. M’P., III. 177.
Campbell, Daniel, clogmaker, XVIII. 78.
Campbell, Donald, VI. 111.
Campbell, Duncan, bailie of Calton, XVIII. 50, 64.
Campbell, Duncan (1685), warded, XII. 165, 182, 187.
Campbell, Duncan, in Knapdale, warded, XI. 30, 43.
Campbell, Eleanor, wife of first Viscount
Campbell, Primrose, III. 244 n., 249.
Campbell, Ewen, in Craignis, XII. 165.
Campbell, General Fletcher, III. 152.
Campbell, Lord Frederick, Lord Clerk Register, XVII. 155. 159, 160, 162, 166, 167, 172.
Campbell, Sir George, of Cessnock, VIII.. 157, 158; IX. 155; XI. 55; XII. 168; XVI. 95.
Campbell, George, brewer, VI. 139 ; XII. 138.
Campbell, George, bailie of Canongate, XII. 102.
Campbell, George (1660), warded, IV. 137.
Campbell, George (1684), minister at Dumfries, IX. 155; XVI. 132.
Campbell, Lady Henrietta, XIX. 52, 90.
Campbell, How (1635), minister, XIII. 116, 117.
Campbell, Captain Hewgh, IX. 116.
Campbell, Sir Hugh, of Calder, XII. 206.
Campbell, Sir Hugh (or Hew), of Cessnock, VIII. 157, 158 ; IX. 130, 133, 155 ; XI. 55, 56; XII. 168.
Campbell, Hugh (1723), IX. 193.
Campbell, Sir Ilay, III. 152, 153 ; IX. 94; XII. App. 5; XX. 136.
Campbell, Ivor, in Ardvoirlich, XII. 170.
Campbell, Sir James, of Aberuchill, father-in-law of Provost Drummond, IV. 20, 29, 30, 31.
Campbell, Sir James, of Lawers, V. 149, 150.
Campbell, James, of Ardkinglas, III. 223; IX. 150, 156, 157; XVI. 63.
Campbell, James, of Lawris, III. 96.
Campbell, James, of Oronsay, III. 223 ; XVI. 63.
Campbell, James of Tresbank, IX. 164, 174.
Campbell, James William, Clerk of Sheriff Court of Chancery, XIV. 164.
Campbell, Janet, covenanter, VI. 114, 150.
Campbell, Jean, wife of William Law, goldsmith, IX. 168; XI. 21, 22.
Campbell, Sir John, Attorney General, afterwards Lord Chancellor, III. 120.
Campbell, Sir John, of Lundy, III. 55 ; XVIII. 185.
Campbell, John (1685), son of Earl of Argyll, XII. 174, 177.
Campbell, John, of Duntroon, XII. 205.
Campbell, John, of Succoth, XI. 57, 63, 68.
Campbell, John, of Suterhouss, VI. 142.
Campbell, John, Lord Stonefield, XII. App. 20.
Campbell, John (1631), in Calton, XVIII. 45.
Campbell, John (1684), minister of Dalgean, IX. 119-20.
Campbell, John (1685), warded, XI. 62 ; XII. 165; XVI. 63.
Campbell, John (1675), minister of Sorn, VI. 131 ; IX. 116.
Campbell, John, writer, VIII. 119; IX. 154; XI. 70.
Campbell, John, owner of property in Lawnmarket, XII. 16.
Campbell, John, owner of property in Canongate, XII. 102.
Campbell, John, secy., Royal Bank, II. 45 ; demanded to cash the Prince’s notes, 47-8 ; dines at Holyrood, 52.
Campbell, John, his Sunday school in Candlemakers’ Hall, XVII. 118.
Campbell, Jonet, warded, VIII. 137.
Campbell, Mary, of Burnbank, first wife of Provost Drummond, IV. 20, 33.
Campbell, Mrs., of Finab, XIX. 53, 88; directress of ‘Assembly,’ 90.
Campbell, Lord Neil, XI. 61, 63, 69-71 ; XII. 175; XVI. 142.
Campbell, Robert, keeper of Tolbooth, VI. 111.
Campbell, Robert (1685), warded, XII. 166.
Campbell, Robert (1764), applicant for quarrying rights in King’s Park, XVIII. 191.
Campbell, Thomas, poet, II. 54; III. 114, 121; IX. 92.
Campbell, William, merchant, Canongate, XII. 102.
Campbell, William (1680), warded, VI. 145; XI. 32, 63; XII. 157.
Campbell, William, in Arras, XII. 165.
Campbell’s Brewery, I. 21 ; XII. 138. See also Argyle Brewery.
Campbell’s Close, Canongate, I. 12 17; XI. 7 ; XII. 101, 102; XVIII. App. 6; in
Campbell’s Cowgate, I. 21 ; XII. 138.
Campbell’s Close, East, XII. 141.
Campbell’s Entry, XII. 139.
Campbell’s Land, XII. 101, 102, 103; XIX. 58.
Camperdown, Earl of, See Duncan, Admiral.
Campvere, Lord, III. 46.
Campvere and the Scottish trade, I. 90, 97 ; IX. 51, 70, 75; X. 120, 121; XV. 19; XVI. Introd. xxvii, 34, 145 ; XIX. 160.
Canaan, lands of, X. 36, 49, 52, 57, 207; acres of St. Roque’s Chapel merged with, 177; set to James Russell, 178; Town Council dispones, 179; origin of name of, 179; various proprietors of, 181-3, 186 ; farmhouse of, 222, 223.
Canaan, House, XIV. 171.
Canaan, Lane, X. 185.
Canal projected north of Queen St., XII. 224.
Canal Basin, II. 128.
Canal St., I. 149, 150, 151 ; XI. 127 ; XII. 108, 234.
Candlemaker Row, I. 21, 22 ; II. 48 ; III. 50; X. 65; XI. 7; XIII. 138, 143; XIV. 124, 145, 146, 163; XVII. 104-5, 106, 110, 134, 146.
Candlemakers’ Hall, I. 22 ; XIII. App. 5. See also Candlemakers’ Incorporation.
Candlemakers’ Incorporation (1517-1884), material available for writing history of, XVII. 91; distinctive position amongst crafts; refused voice in municipal government, 92; early reference to; a flourishing craft; various processes of candlemaking, 93 ; seal of cause, 94, 96; selection of deacon, 94; obligations and regulations, 94-5; aim at monopoly, 95; rights threatened, 96; candlemaking in reign of James IV.; tallow melting prohibited, 97; intolerable smells, 94, 97, 104, 106, 136; relations with fleshers and cordiners, 98; restriction by town council on sale of candles and tallow, 98-100; to hold markets thrice weekly; quality of candles to be satisfactory, 100; friction with White Paper Manufactory and Fleshers, 101-4 ; relaxation of restrictions on sale, 103-4 ; premises in Candlemaker Row, 104-5 and n., 110-12, 124-5 and n. ; convening hall, 106-7, 112, App. 31; records of legacies on panels, 107-10; owned whole of west side of Candlemaker Row, 110 ; complain of want of water, 111; dullness of early minute books, 112; Ten Commandments displayed but public prayers dispensed with; fined for melting tallow; financial ups and downs, 113; attempts to gain monopoly, 114-15; entry money raised; convivialities, 116-17; relations with insurance companies, 117; their liberality, 117-19; take wider view of responsibilities, 119-22; take part in celebrations on visit of George IV., 123 ; attitude to improvement schemes, 124; property in Candlemaker Row, 124-5 and n.; widows’ fund, 125-6, 129-30; effect of gas-lighting; purchase of gold chain and medal for Deacon; gradual decline of, 126; attempts to obtain reduction of duty on candles, 126-7 ; disturbance caused by proposal to sell gold chain and medal, 127; preparations for dissolution, l28; property in Clerk St. and Rankeillor St., 129 n. ; convening hall converted into dwelling, 130 and n.; appointment of judicial factor; opening of safe, 131-2; establishment of annuity fund ; sale of properties declared illegal, 133; sequestration; assets and liabilities, 135-6; final meeting, 136-7; records of; silk banner of; inventory of writs, 137-46; Club visits convening hall of, App. 11; restoration of buildings, 31 ; XVIII. App. 6.
Candlish’s Church, Lothian Road, XIV. App. 10.
Cannon, Robert of Mondrogat, V. 142-3.
Cannon-Ball House, I. 2 ; its position, date of erection, survives three sieges of Castle, II. 117, 118; origin of name; unique features of, 118; early occupants, 119 ; XI. 7 ; XIV. 10 ; carved stones at, 56, 62 ; XVI. App. 10.
Canon Cross, XII. 96.
Canongate, burgh of, south side to St. John St. in Edinburgh, XII. 111n.; XIII. 79; superiority acquired by Lord Roxburgh; conveyed to Edinburgh, 80; Bellenden family superiors of, XIV. 28 ; rise of burgh, 27 ; military hospital in, XV. 138 ; XVI. 36, 68, 92, 95, 112, 150, 158, 172; Parliament in, 18; St. John’s Cross, 18 ; Leith soldiers arrive, 19; Mar’s cannon brought to, 21; wapinschaw in, 75 ; acquired by Edinburgh, 100; Wrights and masons, and unfreemen, 106; Moodie bequest and parish church, 110 n., 165; baxters and magistrates, 117; stipends, 126; cabinetmakers, 130; clerkship of, 146, 147; robbery, 161; Club visits tolbooth and church of, XVII. App. 21-2 ; bad effects of Cromwellian rule in; Edinburgh’s interference in govemment of, XVIII. 131; quartering of military, 134; changes in external appearance, 145; kirk-session of, XX. 14, 16-8, 20, 105; cross of, 78; tolbooth, 90; acquisition by Edinburgh of superiority, 94; burgh court book, App. 21; work of Courts of, 9-10; South Back of, I. 15, 17, 18, 108. See also Church, Crafts, Cutlers, Grammar School, Map, and Tolbooth.
Canongate, Church, I. 11-12; II. 12, 162, 213, 235; prisoners from Prestonpans lodged in, 32; III. 65; Lady Nairne and, IX. 227; XI. 7; carved stones on, XVII. 43 ; its history ; description of, App. 21-2; XVIII. 143 and n.; Moodie bequest and, 177. See also Canongate.
Canongate Churchyard, I. 17; celebrities interred in, 12; Fergusson’s grave, II. 86; IV. 53; X. 209; XIII. App. 17.
Canongate Crafts : an Agreement of 1610, XIV. 25-44; rise of middle class; Crown policy towards burghs, 25; merchant v. craftsman, 26; place of crafts within the burgh, 26; convenery, 27 ; significance of Agreement, 27-8; contracting parties, 27-29; statutes promulgated, 30; social side of activities, 32; struggle against competition, 33; craft-consciousness, 33; brotherhood v. exclusive privilege, 34; signing of Agreement, 34; literacy of craftsmen, 35 ; text of Agreement, 36-44.
Canongate High Constables, XII. 117.
Canongate High School, XI. 10; XII. 89; carved stone on, XVII. 34. See also Grammar School.
Canongate Kilwinning Lodge, Burns bard of, I. 16; IX. 97; XVII. App. 7; XIX. 220.
Canongate Market Cross, XVII. 42.
Canongate Playhouse, Home’s Douglas at, VIII. 202; XI. 162; erection of, 170-1 ; XII. 115.
Canongate Temple lands of, XII. 116.
Canongate Tolbooth, I. 11, 15; IV. 103; prisoners left to their own devices, 103 ; prisoners take possession of, 109 n.; Covenanters imprisoned in, 111; V. 121; VI. 123, 127, 148; VIII. 34, 84, 107, 133; XI. 6, 14; XII. 180, 194.
Canongatehead, XII. 109, 110.
Canonmills, II. 167; IV. 47; XII. 140, 226, App. 19; XIV. 29, 53, App. 9; XV. 129, 170, 186; XVII. 80, 81 ; XVIII. App. 17, 20-3; messuage of Broughton ; mills erected by Holyrood canons, 20; playing-card manufactory at, 22-3; XIX. 153, 171, 172.
Canonmills, Bridge, stance for Sedan chairs at, IX. 231 ; XVIII. App. 21 ; XIX. 154, 176; XX. App. 21.
Canonmills, Cottage, IX. 109.
Canonmills, House, XII. 140; XVIII. App. 21.
Canonmills, Loch, XII. 234; XVIII. App. 21.
Canour’s land, III. 80.
Cant, Alexander, XII. 31, 32, 80; murder of, XVI. 4.
Cant, Andrew, principal of Edinburgh University, VIII. 94; XVI. 147, 148.
Cant, Elizabeth, XII. 32.
Cant, George, X. 74; XII. 80.
Cant, Henry, burgess, X. 20 ; XII. 25, 31.
Cant, Henry, the younger, leases Bruntfield, X. 20-1.
Cant, Isabel, sister of the Sciennes, X. 127, 130. 133.
Cant, James, XII. 80.
Cant, Janet, III. 93.
Cant, John, of Grange of St. Giles’, X. 14, 98, 107, 133, 138, 150, 160 n., 219 n., 223 ; executes charter of infeftment regarding chapel of St. John the Baptist, 107-9; XV. 102.
Cant, John, the younger, his lands of Grange of St. Giles’ sold to William Dick, X. 15, 16; XII. 80, 133.
Cant, John, of Morton, X. 203.
Cant, John (1517), prisoner in Craigmillar Castle, IX. 20.
Cant, Ludovic, son of John, of Morton, X. 203.
Cant, Nicholas, III. 91.
Cant, Patrick, III. 95 ; XII. 31.
Cant, Thomas, of St. Giles’ Grange, X. 14, 15; XII. 59, 80, 149, 150.
Cant, Walter, of Grange, X. 147, 160 n., 219 n.
Cantore’s Close, XII. 66. See Kintore.
Cant’s Close, I. 10; XII. 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 79, 80, 110, 111 ; XV. 101; carved stones in, 102; XIX. 170.
Cant’s Land, XII. 59.
Cant’s Loan, X. 56, 85, 211, 212, 215, 220.
Cap and Feather Close, XII. 39 ; XIX. 56.
Cap and Feather Tavern, XII. 39.
Cape Club, II. 150; account of, III. 154-163; motto of, 156, 157 ; ‘Cape Halls,’ 158; assists in raising regiment, 162; surplus funds of, for Infirmary, 163; XIV. 96; XVIII. 70.
Capilaire Club, XIX. 68.
Caprington, laird of. See Cuningham, Sir William
‘Captain of the Chimneys,’ XVI. 23.
Car, Robert, XIX. 12. See Carr.
Carberry, laird of, XIII. 115.
Carberry Tower, Club’s visit to, XIV. App. 14-17.
Cardonnel, Adam de, his work as etcher, IX. 86.
Cardonnel, Mansfeldt, III. 153; IX. 87 ; XIX. 162-3; XX. 50.
Cardronier, Lady, relict of George Kirkwood, XIII. 112, 130.
Carey’s Chrononhotonthologos, XI. 166 and n.
Carfrae, John, coachbuilder, XII. 119, 120.
Carfrae, Thomas, coachbuilder, XII. 119.
Carfrae, Thomas, of Pirniefield, XII. 120.
Carfrae, William, leases South Loch and Bruntsfield Links, X. 257.
Carfrae, William, merchant, XII. 63.
Carfrae, William, M.D., XII. 120.
Carfrae’s Close, XII. 63.
Carfrae’s Entry, I. 14; XII. 119.
Cargilfield, XX. App. 22.
Cargill, Donald, VI. 146, 150; VIII. 107, III ; XVI. 105; his covenant, 112; follower of, hanged, 114.
Carkettel, Adam, feus ground on Burgh Muir, X. 71.
Carketill, John, of Fynglen, X. 14.
Carkettil, John, XII. 75.
Carkettill, Agnes, wife of John Cant, X. 14, 107, 108, 133.
Carkettill, John, III. 82.
Carkettill, Thomas, X. 131, 133.
Carkettle, Elizabeth, IV. 72.
Carlops, village of, XIV. App. 24.
Carlyle, Alexander, minister of Inveresk, II. 33, 52, 53 ; his description of battle of Prestonpans, 29-30; impressions of Prince Charles, 58; III. 152, 153; on Poker Club, 145-7; IV. 41 ; VIII. 170, 202 n.; IX. 87, 106, 185; XIV. 148, 154, 171, App. 16; XX. 50
Carlyle, Thomas, on Charles II. statue, XVII. 84 n.
Carmelite monastery at Greenside, XV. 136; XIX. 93.
Carmichael of Skirling, Lord, IV. 30 n.; IX. 205.
Carmichael Alexander, VI. 111.
Carmichael Bailie (1675), VI. 129.
Carmichael David, V. 153.
Carmichael James, his combat with Adam Bruntfield (1597), X. 20 and n.
Carmichael James, Clerk to the Signet, IV. 30 n.
Carmichael Sir John, of that Ilk, IV. 84; X. 86-7.
Carmichael John, of Baglae (1682), VIII. 128, 130.
Carmichael, John (1520), IX. 31.
Carmichael, John (1670), V. 154.
Carmichael, laird of, IV. 101.
Carmichael, Stuartina, XIX. 169.
Carmichael, Sir T. G. See Carmichael of Skirling, Lord.
Carmichael, William (1515), IX. 19, 30.
Carmichael, William, bailie, XII. 31, 32; XVI. 92,
Carmichael, William, advocate, XII. 69.
Carmichael, William Stuart, XIX. 176 ; connection with linen industry at Bonnington, 168 ; prominent Jacobite, 169.
Carmichael’s Close, XII. 30, 31, 68, 69.
Camecross, Nicol, IX. 31, 41 n., 45. See Cairncross.
Carnegie, Lord. See Carnegie, David, of Colluthie.
Carnegie, David, of Colluthie, XIII. 137 n.
Carnegie, David, Gowk Club, III. 172.
Carnegie, James of Finhaven, III. 249.
Carnegie, Miss, II. 5.
Carnie, Alexander, keeper of Abbey jail, XV. 79, 80. See Cairnie.
Carnmure, James, XV. 17.
Carnochane, John, XVI. 6.
Carnwath, John, Earl of, IX. 131.
Caroline Cottage, XX. App. 30, 31.
Caroline Park, excursion to, VIII. App. 3, 4-6; XX. App. 25-8; how named, 26.
Carousels at riding school, XX. 125.
Carpitarius, Friar Francis, III. 37.
Carr, Sir John, his Tour through Scotland, I. 149. See Car.
Carribber, Helen, wife of John Kincaid of Auchinreoch, X. 146.
Carrick, Alexander Bruce, Earl of, XX. 28.
Carrick, John, Earl of, X. 10.
Carrington, Lord, XVI. 57 n.
Carron Iron Company, XIX. 226.
Carrubber’s Close, I. 8, 50; II. 45, 172; XI. 163 ; XII. 40, 41, 143 ; carved stones in, XV. 115-16; XIX. 62, 173, 176. See St. Paul’s Chapel.
Carrubber’s Land, XII. 41.
Carruders, A., engraver, IX. 81.
Carse, Lord, XVI. 164.
Carse, Alexander, XVIII. App. 10.
Carse, Mark, of Cockpen, XI. 38; XVII. 17, 21.
Carse, Richard, of Fordell, XVII. 17.
Carse, William, flesher, XVII. 138.
Carsell, James, covenanter, II. 99.
Carson, John, of Senick, V. 110; IX. 116. See Corsan and Corssane.
Carson, Dr., rector of High School, XVIII. 165.
Carstaires, Andro, IV. 116.
Carstaires, John, yr., of Killquoncher, IV. 114.
Carstares, Elizabeth (1684), IX. 119, 124, 150.
Carstares, John, father of Principal, V. 95, 96 ; VI. 149.
Carstares, William, principal of University, VIII. 158 ; IX. 119, 134 ; placed in irons, 145.
Carter, Mr., Leith, XX. 67.
Carters’ Incorporation, Leith, II. 88, 114.
Carthall, Cowgate, XII. 138.
Carthall, Grassmarket, XII. 138.
Carthrae’s Close, XII. 63.
Cart’s Close, XII. 137.
Cary, Sir George, XVI. 9, 14.
Cary, Henry, XVI., 14.
Cary, Michael, XVI., 9, 14.
Case, Captain, XVI. 9, 14.
Casemakers, Sheath or, XIX. 27.
Cassie, Andrew, ‘sklaiter,’ I. 41.
Cassill, James, VI. 147.
Cassillis, Archibald, twelfth Earl of, I. 144.
Cassillis, John, sixth Earl of, commissioner to Breda, XVI. 33 ; XVIII. App. 29.
Cassillis, Thomas, ninth Earl of, XX. 115.
Cassillis, Earls of, resident in Kennedy’s Close, XII. 54; XIV. 58.
Castelhills, Thome, III. 79.
Castellaw, John, XIX. 23. See Castlelaw.
Castle of Edinburgh, I. 2; governorship of, II. 17 n. ; Jacobite blockade, 40, 46, 47; walls strengthened, 88, 109; jewel house, III. 40; siege of (1573), 209 ; James VI. and, 216; Henry IV.’s attack on, IV. 62; historical importance, V. 1, 2; siege of (1573), 28, 62; Malcolm III.’s palace in, 31-3 ; Edward I. at, 33; captured by escalade, 38; all buildings destroyed except St. Margaret’s Chapel, 38 ; rebuilt by order of Edward III., 40 ; church of St. Mary in, granted by David I., 41-5 ; held for Queen Mary, 62; besieged by Covenanters under Leslie, 64; Queen Margaret resides in, 17 ; Register House in, 64; buildings demolished in 1314 and restored in 1335, VI. 2; the old well, 6 ; early views of, 6-7 ; siege of (1573), 2, 6, 7, 9; Regalia removed to, from Kineff, VIII. 206; sentry at vault door, 207, 209; erection of Crown Room, 207 ; defences of, IX. 3-4; James V. in, 13-16, 29, 36; garrison strengthened, 38, 184; Gun Factory at Hawkhill, X. 77; siege of (1571), 242-3; XI. 12, 13; XII. 153; captured from English (1341), 215; siege of (1573), 214; Constable of the, XIV. 114, 116; Edward III. and, 108; siege of(l573), 104; XV. 109; siege of(l573), XVI. 9-14, 35, 54, 71, 74; Morton and repairing of, 25 ; Cromwellian troops fire on, 36; royal arms, 39; Lord Dupplin and Colonel Montgomery escape, 48; cannon fired for Richard Cromwell, 51 ; Viscount Kenmure escapes, 53; Clifton, governor, 53; Captain Newman, governor, 54; Marquess of Argyle imprisoned, 58; Honours of Scotland, 63; King’s standard and kettle-drum placed in, 68 ; seamen imprisoned, 70; Lauderdale, governor; Duke of Melfort, deputy governor, 107; Sir John Harper imprisoned, 117 ; noblemen living in, 118; King’s Stables property of, 140; Countess of Argyle imprisoned, 142; Earl of Argyle a prisoner, 143; Duke of Gordon, Captain and Constable of, 151 ; siege of (1689), 171-213; national records stored in, XVII. 148; Charles I. at, XVIII. 13, 14; siege of(l571), 35; XIX. 154, 156; regimental bandsmen from, employed by Musical Society, 200; XX. 49; church in, 1. See also David’s Tower, Flanker, Governor’s House, Half-Moon Battery, and Siege.
Castle Banks, XI. 7; XIV. 117, 118; Charles I. and, 119 ; boundaries of, 120; XVIII. 83, 84, 87.
Castle Barns, II. 127, 128; IX. 210; XII. 230; XIV. 107, 108 n., 109, 110; XV. 170, 183, 185, 202; XX. 42, 60.
Castle ‘Collop,’ II. 127.
Castle Esplanade, I. 2; II. 48, 117 ; widened, III. 56 n.; XII. 249; XVIII. 83.
Castle Gardens of the. See Gardens.
Castle Palace in, XI. 12.
Castle Port, XVIII. 12.
Castle Spur, V. 63, 64; XVI. 12.
Castle Street, XX. 156.
Castle Wynd, I. 23; II. 117; XII. 51; XIV. 101.
Castlehill, I. 3, 10; II. 11, 117; III. 54, 93, 243; site of executions, 55; reservoir on, IV. 12, 62, 105 ; executions on, 85 ; burned for witchcraft on, 91 ; North-West Kirk on, 145 ; V. 75; Wesley preaches on, VIII. 166 ; IX. 184; X. 43, 188; XI. 14; XII. 51 ; measured drawings of, by Thomas Hamilton, 249-250; North-West Church for, XIII. 46, 59; XV. 34, App. 18 ; XVI. 95, 100, 111 n., 195, 202, 207; Cromwell erects fort, 36 ; church on, 36 and n.; men and women hanged, and burnt on, 44-5, 48, 49, 53; proposed rebuilding of, XVIII. 86, 88 ; widening of, 96; Sir A. Brand’s tenement in, XX. 39.
Castlehill, Lord. See Lockhart, Sir John.
Castlelaw, William, apothecary, XIII. 111, 122. See Castellaw.
Castrum Puellarum, tradition of, III. 3, 11, 207; V. 32 11.. See Castle of Edinburgh.
Catchkan’s Close, XII. 40, 41.
Catchpool Court, XII. 38.
Catechism, reading of, XVI. 44; taught in kirks, 45.
Cathari, body of sectaries, III. 16.
Cathcart, Charles, ninth Lord, Commander of Forces in Scotland, XX. 146.
Cathcart, David (Lord Alloway), III. 130.
Cathcart, David, in Glendusk, VIII. 105 ; XII. 164.
Cathcart, Lady Gordon, XI. App. 16.
Cathcart, James, of Corbieston, XII. 154 ; XVI. 147, 148.
Cathcart, John, farmer, XV. 185.
Cathcart, Robert, W.S., XX. App. 32.
Cathcart, William, covenanter, VIII. 113.
Cathie, James, cordiner, XVIII. 141.
Cathie, William, cordiner, XVIII. 146.
Cathkin, John, skinner, VI. 66.
Cathkin, William, XII. 41.
Cathkin’s Close, XII. 40.
Catholics, penal laws against, XVII. 121.
Catta, Adrian, V. 131.
Cattle Market, XVIII. 166.
Cauldwell, Friar John, XIV. 113 n. See Caldwell.
Caulie’s Close, XII. 152.
Causewayside, XV. 170.
Cautie’s Close, XII. 152.
Cauvin, Joseph, W.S., IV. 183, 184.
Cauvin, Louis, of Restalrig, IV. 158 n., 175, 179, 181, 183 ; Burns takes French lessons from, XVII. App. 7 ; XX. App. 30.
Cauvin’s Hospital, XVII. App. 8; XX. App. 30.
Cave, Joseph, engraver, IX. 81.
Cavemour’s land, III. 81.
Cavers, Lady, VIII. 139.
Cavie, Christian, XII. 184.
Caw, Sir James, VIII. 24, 25.
Caw, Thomas, V. 170, 178, 182, 184, 189; discourse on ‘Choice of Company,’ 178.
Cay, Robert, XX. 126, 133.
Cay, Robert D., XVIII. 166.
Cecil, Thomas, XVI. 9, 14.
Cecil, Sir William, secretary of state, V. 53; VI. 79 n.
Cecill, Thomas, engraver, IX. 79.
Cellars, Miss, II. 5. See Sellars.
Celtic Church at Holyrood, V. 2 n. ; Queen Margaret and, 11, 12.
Cerser, William, pin manufacturer, XII. 112.
Cessford, Lillias, XII. 54, 135.
Cessford, Thomas, stabler, XII. 80, 135.
Cessford’s (Hall’s) Close, XII. 135.
Cessford’s Land, XII. 80, 135.
Cessnock, laird of, VI. 112. See also Campbell, Sir Hew.
Cessnock, Lady, IX. 119, 125.
Chain Pier, XIV. 164.
Chairmasters, Society of, complaint by, IX. 198-200, 201, 204, 214, 228-30, 232, 233.
Chalmer, Andrew, his house within sanctuary invaded, XV. 64.
Chalmer, David, of Ormond, Lord of Session, on origin of Court of Session, XI. 87-8, 100.
Chalmer, David, of Seggieden, III. 96.
Chalmer, Thomas, of Seggieden, III. 96.
Chalmers, Agnes, XII. 45.
Chalmers, Alexander, baker, XII. 153.
Chalmers, Catherine, XII. 48.
Chalmers, Charles, founder of Merchiston School, XV. App. 24.
Chalmers, Elizabeth, XII. 45.
Chalmers, Sir George, painter, XV. App. 13 ; XVIII. 7 ; XX. App. 33.
Chalmers, George, plumber, his bequest for hospital, XVIII. 164.
Chalmers, George, W.S., XII. 45.
Chalmers, George, author of Caledonia, III. 11.
Chalmers, Helen, XII. 46.
Chalmers, Henry, baker, XII. 153.
Chalmers, James, S.S.C., XII. 45.
Chalmers, James, smith, XVIII. 63.
Chalmers, James, baron officer, Calton, XIX. 129.
Chalmers, James, merchant, XIX. 187, 188.
Chalmers, Janet, XII. 45.
Chalmers, Laurence, printer, XII. 45.
Chalmers, Mr., Adam Square, XX. 125.
Chalmers, Patrick, beltmaker, XII. 45.
Chalmers, (Chalbers), Patrick, wright, XI. 34.
Chalmers, Robert (1668), V. 143.
Chalmers, Rev. Robert, Haddington, XVIII. 63.
Chalmers, Robert, a director of riding school, XX. 132, 133.
Chalmers, Roderick, herald, I. 83, 84 ; XII. 45; proprietor of new ‘Assembly’ Hall, XIX. 48, 55, 57.
Chalmers, Thomas (1549), XVIII. 34, 37.
Chalmers, Dr. Thomas, VIII. 170; IX. 113; XV. App. 24; XX. App. 34.
Chalmers, William, writer, V. 160.
Chalmers, William (1682), warded, VIII. 123, 124.
Chalmers, William (afterwards Bethune of Blebo), writer, V. 172 n.
Chalmers, William, son of Patrick, XII. 45, 48.
Chalmers’ Close, High St., XII. 45, 46; carved stones in, XV. 119-20; in Castlehill, XII. 153.
Chalmers’ Hospital, XVIII. 159, 163, 164, 166.
Chamber, David. See Chalmer.
Chamberlain Road, gravestone in garden in, III. 198-200. See Livingstone, John.
Chambers, C. E. S., Early Golf at Bruntsfield and Leith, XVIII. 1-10 ; XIX. 38.
Chambers, Robert, I. 142 ; on beginnings of New Town, 138-9 ; II. 58; on Provost Archibald Stewart, 20 n.; III. 228, 240; and Lady Stair’s House, 249-50; IV. 79 ; V. 61 ; on Kay’s Portraits, IX. 90 ; on origin of name Bruntsfield, X. 20; 259; XII. 41, 42 ; attends St. George’s Chapel, App. 11; XIV. 1, 2, 51, 52; his MS. notes on sculptured stones, 55 ; XV. 142 ;. XVII. 1, 7; his Traditions, 9; assists Daniel Wilson with his Memorials, 10; letter to, from Wilson on vacancy in Chair of History, St. Andrews, 14; XVIII. 7, 10; defends quarrying at Salisbury Crags, 200-2; XIX. 54, 71; his description of Assembly, West Bow, 36-8.
Chambers, Sir William, architect, XVII. 173 ; XX. App. 30.
Chambers, William, of Glenormiston, I. 45; Improvement Act promoted by, V. 90-1 ; XV. 73-4; XX. App. 17.
Chambers, William, clerk, XIII. 126, 131.
Chambers’ Close, XII. 45.
Chambers Street, XX. 157.
Chance, Nicol, XII. 159.
Chancellor, James, of Sheildhill, VIII. 156; 12:. 164, 171.
Chancellor, John. XVI. 140 ; fined for importing English cloth, 128.
Chancellor’s Close and Court, XII. 124, 125.
Chancellor’s House, XI. 7.
Chancelot, XIX. 160, 177 n., 179-81 ; origin of name, 180.
Channing, William, his drawings of Edinburgh. XVIII. App. 11.
Chantrey, sculptor, XV. 208.
Chapel Hill, XIX. 144.
Chapel House, Potterrow, XVII. App. 8-9.
Chapel Royal, Holyrood, XX. 8-9, 93.
Chapel Wynd, II. 124.
Chaplain, Alexander, W.S., XII. 207.
Chapman, John, X. 163.
Charity Workhouse, Bristo, II. 9, 37, 74; balls in aid of, 11 ; wounded from Prestonpans brought to, 31, 44; managers of, and begging, 38; X. 29, 208 n. ; XI. 7, 15; theatrical performance in aid of, 169 ; XVII. 75 ; XVIII. 91; XIX. 48, 63, 74, 124; ‘Assembly ’ contributions to, 77.
Charity Workhouse, Leith Wynd, XI. 7, 15 ; XVII. 38, 70; funds of St. Paul’s Work handed over to, 66 ; administration and bill of fare, 71-2; inmates, 72, 73; XVIII. 113.
Charity Workhouse, St. Cuthbert’s Lane, II. 128.
Charles I., at St. Giles’, III. 217; 221; IV. 150; visit to Edinburgh (1633), X. 93; and Parliament House, XIII. 2, 8; commands town to build it, 11 ; religious innovations, 12, 14; results of royal taxation, 12, 14-17; crowned at Holyrood, 15, 23; alterations in St. Giles’, 26-33 and n. ; ministers’ stipends, 28-9, 93; nominates magistrates, 34; letter to Bishop Lindsay regarding introduction of Prayer Book, 35 n. ; orders removal of royal seat erected by James VI., 35 and n.; threatens fines for exporting money, 37 and n., 44; irritation owing to his increased taxation, 42-4; effects of royal policy economically, 49; appoints Sir John Hay, provost, and insists upon use of liturgy, 55-6; opposed by Estates, 71; proclaims Glasgow Assembly, 62-3 ; orders town council to raise money for ministers’ stipends, 93; XIV. 119; anniversary service for, XVI. 74; grants charter to town, 80; entry into Edinburgh, XVIII. 12; coronation at Holyrood, 13-23; appoints keeper of Holyrood Park, 186; XX. 8, 9, 28, 91, 92 ; App. 26, 29.
Charles II., I. 3, 31, 36; his Act of Indemnity, II. 96; X. 200, 201; XVI. 51 n. ; at Breda, 33 ; proclaimed king, 54 ; thanksgiving for restoration of, 66 ; birthday kept, 74, 142; masses for soul of, 164; XX. 27; App. 26.
Charles II. Statue in Parliament Square, II. 236, 237; III. 214, 218, 228, 234; XIV. 170, App. 22; XVI. 141 ; XVII. 82-90; pedestal, 82-3; Fountainhall’s impressions of, 83-4; English travellers and, 84 and n. ; Latin inscription, 84-7 ; repairs; poem by James Boswell, 85; inscription found in vault under Parliament House, 86-7; translation of, 86; further repairs; deposited in Calton jail, 87-8; again repaired; report on structural features, 89-90.
Charles Edward, Prince, Strange’s engraving of, II. 1212., 171-4; his landing, 18; eludes Cope, 19; at Corstorphine, 20, 23, 25; his summons to magistrates, 24; at Holyrood, 25, 33; his appearance; proclaimed Prince Regent, 25; at Duddingston, 26; at Prestonpans, 27; magnanimity, 31, 33; attitude to clergy, 37; efforts to conceal strength of his army, 39; transactions with Royal Bank, 47-8; personality, 56-60; IX. 201 ; XIX. 139, 173, 176, 185.
Charles X. of France, resides at Holyrood, XV. 95-6, 106.
Charles X., candlemaker, XVII. 116, 127, 128.
Charlotte Square, building of, XIV. 156 ;
proposal to erect monument to Pitt in,
XV. 212.
Charteris, Hon. F. (Lord Elcho), III. 139, 140, 141.
Charteris, Bailie, XVI. 95.
Charteris, Henry, writer, XIII. 111.
Charteris, Sir John, of Amisfield, XVI. 35 and n.
Charteris, John, burgess, XII. 84, 85, 188 ; XVI. 140.
Charteris, Thomas, extentor, XIII. 105.
Charteris, William, W.S., buys portion of Lochbank, XIII. 81.
Charteris’ Close, XII. 84, 85, 123.
Charters, Charles, merchant, XI. 38.
Chatelherault, Duke of, V. 54; XVI. 17, 18.
Cheap of Sauchie, III. 139, 141.
Cheap George, XII. 147.
Cheape (Chaipe), Henry, advocate, XIII. 134.
Cheape James, of Strathtyrum, superior of lands of Newington, X. 215.
Cheape Mary, XII. 147.
Cheape William, weaver, Bonnymills, II. 44.
Cheisley, John, of Carswell, VIII. 156. See Chiesley.
Cheisley, Samuel, deacon, VI. 117.
Cheisley, William (1684), XVI. 131, 133.
‘Chelsea buns,’ II. 183.
Chepman, David, III. 97.
Chepman, Friar John, III. 73 ; his pension, 83-4.
Chepman, John (1532), X. 75.
Chepman, Mawsey, X. 75.
Chepman, Nicol, III. 97.
Chepman, Robert, X. 75.
Chepman, Walter, his aisle in St. Giles’, I. 31, 45 ; and chapel of the Holy Rood, III. 211 ; X. 72, 73; his lands at Sciennes, 75, 144; 217, 219 n.; founds Chapel of the Crucifixion, XI. 129, 131-5, 138 ; XII. 126, 142 ; XV. 36, 103 ; XVII. App. 15.
Chepman’s land, III. 80.
Cherrybank, XIX. 146, 180.
Chessel, Archibald, wright, XII. 111-15.
Chessel’s Building, XII. 113; XIV. 133.
Chessel’s Court, I. 16-17; XI. 7; XII. 103, 113; XIV. 134, 147, 168, 169.
Chesterhall, Lord, Peter Wedderburn, deputy governor of Musical Society, XIX. 236.
Cheaters, Lord. See Henderson, Sir Thomas
Cheuvot, Friar James, III. 37.
Cheyne, Andrew, XII. 128. See Chiene.
Cheyne, Bailie, V. 152; VI. 133.
Cheyne, John, surgeon in Leith, XII. 55 XIX. 180, 181.
Cheyne, Robert, minister, XII. 128.
Cheyne, William, surgeon in Leith, XII. 55.
Cheyne’s Close, XII. 54, 55, 152.
Chiene —, III. 174. See Cheyne.
Chiesley (or Chieslie), Sir John, II. 145; committed to Castle, XVI. 55; career and character, XX. 28.
Chiesley John, of Dalry, I. 43; murder of Sir George Lockhart by, II. 146, 147; XIV. 68; complains of assault, XVI. 113, 115; fined, 116; assassinates Lockhart, 190; XIX. 158; XX. 29.
Chiesley John, minister of Quothquan, XX. 29.
Chiesley Major, II. 147.
Chiesley Rachel, wife of James Erskine, Lord Grange, I. 43 ; her abduction, II. 147 ; XV. 101.
Chiesley Robert, merchant, warded, IX. 154, 157; XVI. 131.
Chiesley Samuel, XVI. 106.
Chiesley Bailie Walter, accounts for burial of Montrose, I. 37, 43 ; II. 144, 145-6; XVI. 53; XX. 45; probable builder of Dalry House, 27 ; career, 28-9; marries Katherine, daughter of Sir Archibald Tod, provost, 29.
Chiesley Walter, of Bonnington, XX. 34.
Chiesley See also Cheisley.
Chiesley tomb, Greyfriars churchyard, I. 43 ; XX. 29.
Chiesleys of Dalry, I. 43; II. 144, 145; XX. 28-9.
Child murder, VI. 113, 124, 156; VIII. 101, 102, 103.
Chimneys, Captain of the, XVI. 23.
Chirurgeons, town to give them a malefactor’s body annually, XVI. 101. See also Surgeons.
Chisholm, Anne, wife of John Napier of Merchiston, mathematician, X. 146.
Chisholm, John, captain of Leith, XVI. 19.
Chisholm, Michael, dean of guild, XV. 25, 33, 136.
Chisholm, Mychell, III. 83.
Chisholm, Peter, warded, XII. 190.
Choral-singing, Musical Society and, XIX. 199.
Choral Union, Edinburgh, XIX. 136.
Christian Knowledge, Society for Propagating, premises of, XII. 49.
Christianbank, XX. App. 22.
Christie, George, shoemaker, XIX. 114. See Crystie.
Christie, (Chrystie), George, VIII. 146.
Christie, James, W.S., owner of Whitehouse, X. 47. 48.
Christie, John, cordiner, XVIII. 145.
Christie, (Chrystie), Patrick, ‘dyster burgess,’ IX. 45.
Christie, Thomas, XII. 130.
Christie-Millers of Craigentinny, I. 108; XVII. 13.
Christiern II., king of Denmark, IX. 62-5.
Christie’s Close, XII. 130.
Christison (Cristesoun), William, IX. 20.
Christmas Day, XVI. 38, 64, 73.
Christopher, St., patron saint of Skinners, VI. 17, 21, 30 and n., 32, 57.
Christopher of St. Andrews, seized by Holland, IX. 61.
‘Christopher North.’ See Wilson, John.
Church Lane, II. 131, 132; XVII. 78.
Church music in Edinburgh, XIX. 205, 211 n.
Church Pend, XII. 135.
Church of Scotland raises funds on behalf of Infirmary, xv. 142, 154.
Churchyard, Thomas, probable author of Journal of Siege of Edinburgh Castle, 1573 ; XVI. Introd. xiii ; Chips Concerning Scotland ; metrical description of situation of Castle ; at siege of Leith (1560), xiv.
Chyrnside, Beatrice, III. 193.
Cibber’s Careless Husband, XI. 165 and n. ; She Wou’d and She Wou’d Not, 168 and n.
Circator, III. 77.
Circus Place School, IX. 234.
Citadel of Leith, XVI. 46; Edinburgh gives £5000 towards erection of, 51 n. ; Clifton in charge ; guns fired, 53 ; XIX. 176, 182, 186, 187 ; erection of; purchased by city, 183; XX. 28; App. 9.
City Arms, XIV. 95. See also Armorial Bearings of the City of Edinburgh, by James Balfour Paul, vol. III.
City Chambers, old, XIV. 151.
City Directory, or Stranger’s Guide (1828), XII. 232.
City of Edinburgh steamship, XIV. 176.
City Guard. See Town Guard.
‘City Improvement,’ I. 4.
City quarry, Bruntsfield Links, X. 29.
City Wall to be kept free of buildings, XV. 148. See also Flodden Wall.
Civitates Orbis, III. 210.
Clamshell Turnpike, XI. 7.
Clapertoune, Mrs., III. 61.
Clapperton, William, III. 82, 100.
‘Clarinda,’ IX. 215 ; her house at Calton Hill, XVII. 80, App. 11, 12, 13; XIX. 112-3.
Clark, A. R., III. 176. See Clarke and Clerk.
Clark, George, bailie, XII. 54, 56.
Clark, Gilbert, of Croftangry, XII. 56.
Clark, Gilbert, clerk of regality of Broughton, XVIII. App. 18.
Clark, Hugh, merchant, XIX. 49, 87.
Clark, James, engraver, IX. 80.
Clark, James, ‘Farrier to His Majesty,’ XIV. 133-4.
Clark, Janet, wife of Robert Mitchel, brewer in Portsburgh, XX. 47.
Clark, John, engraver, IX. 80.
Clark, Lucky, II. 3.
Clark, Robert, bookseller, XII. 142.
Clarke, John, court officer, V. 137.
Clarke, John, skinner, VI. 71.
Clarke, Stephen, organist, XIX. 233 and n., 238 ; Burns and, 233 n.
Clarke’s view of valley between Old and New Town, I. 149.
Clark’s Close, XII. 56.
Clark’s Hotel, Chessel’s Buildings, XIV. 133.
Clarkson, William, boxmaster, Hammermen, VIII. 33. See Clerkson.
‘Claudero’ (James Wilson), figures at the Pantheon, I. 54; II. 198; IV. 51-2; XV. 126, 127; XVIII. App. 13, 14; XX. App. 15, 32.
Claverhouse. See Graham, John.
Clayholes, XV. 185, 196-7.
Claypots, XV. 185.
Clayton, Thomas, plasterer, XVII. 164.
‘Cleanse the Causeway,’ III. 53 ; IX. 21, 27, 29-33; XV. 108.
Cleansing the town in early times, XV. App. 17-19; XVI. 163 ; streets and closes, 38; new cess imposed, 43; Act anent streets, 152.
Clearburn, XX. App. 30.
‘Clearihues’ tavern. See Clerihugh.
Cleeves, Rev. Mr., XII. App. 11.
Cleghorn, Adam, bailie, XII. 149.
Cleghorn, Agnes, or Moore, X. 220.
Cleghorn, Archibald, merchant, XIX. 188.
Cleghorn, Edward, goldsmith,VIII. 208; XVI. 137.
Cleghorn, Hugh, merchant, XVII. 71.
Cleghorn, James, M.D., X. 218 n., 220.
Cleghorn, Messrs. James and George, I. 151, 152.
Cleghorn, John, bailie, XV. 167, 185.
Cleghorn, John (1672), warded, VI. 114.
Cleghorn, Mary (1652), XII. 149.
Cleghorn, or Harden, Mary, X. 220.
Cleghorn, Robert, of Saughton Mills, III. 164.
Cleland, James, messenger, IX. 168. See Clelland.
Cleland, John, gardener, Canonmills, feus part of lands of Broughton, II. 167, 169,
Cleland, William, of Kinneblehill, VIII. 151.
‘Cleland’s Vintner,’ XIX. 206.
Cleland’s Yards, II. 169, 170, 171, 174 ; XVII. 157.
Clelland, James, warded, IX. 140. See Cleland.
Clelland, John (1684), IX. 146; XII. 207.
Clement VII., pope, IX. 77; bull anent foundation of College of Justice, XI.
Clement X., pope, V. 61.
Clement Friar, introduces Friar Preachers to Scotland, III. 23 ; early training of, 23 ; bishop, 37 and n.
Clephan, James, bailie of Canongate, XX. 21.
Clephan, Lucky, beer tavern in Leith, XVIII. 5.
Clephane, Elizabeth C. D., hymn-writer, XI. App. 18.
Clephane, John, vintner, XV. 173, 186.
Clerihugh’s Tavern, I. 7 ; Counsellor Pleydell at, 47 ; III. 144; XI. 7 ; XIV. 95; XX. 116, 127.
Clerk, Sir Alexander, of Balbirnie, provost, I. 86; X. 47, 49-50; XIII. 59, 125, 128; XV. 100-1. See Clark.
Clerk, Alexander, of Pittencrieff, VIII. 132.
Clerk, Alexander, flesher, XV. 185.
Clerk, Donald, drover, XII. 169.
Clerk, Dr., connection with St. Cecilia’s Hall, XIX. 225.
Clerk, Dugald, XII. 171.
Clerk, Sir George (1825), XVIII. 203.
Clerk, Humphrey (Umphra), VI. 154.
Clerk, Sir James, of Penicuik, XII. 8; XIV. 59; XX. 115.
Clerk, James, of Pittencrieff, X. 47.
Clerk, James, and lands of Wrychtis-housis, IV. 60.
Clerk, James (1681), XVI. 111.
Clerk, James, Baron of Exchequer and laird of Bonnington, XIX. 164; assumes name of Rattray in addition to his own, 165.
Clerk, John, of Listonshiels, XIX. 164.
Clerk, John, of Penicuik (first of the line), acquires lands in Burgh Muir, IV. 58-9 ; XIV. App. 20.
Clerk, Sir John, of Penicuik, first bart. (d. 1722), XIV. App. 22.
Clerk, Sir John, of Penicuik (d. 1755), Baron of Exchequer, II. 17, 30, 43 ; IV. 3 ; XII. 8.
Clerk, John, of Eldin, his View of Wrychtishousis, IV. 57 ; an etcher, IX. 86 ; XX. App. 29.
Clerk, John (Lord Eldin), II. 164; III. 152, 153, 159; IX. 86.
Clerk, John, physician, XV. 147.
Clerk, John, skinner, VI. 64, 69; XV. 25.
Clerk, John (1685), writer, XII. 169.
Clerk, John, candlemaker, XIII. 120.
Clerk, John, town oficer, XIII. 133.
Clerk, Mary, XII. 141.
Clerk, Paul, V. 149.
Clerk, Robert, and lands of Wrychtishousis, IV. 60.
Clerk, Simon, IX. 55.
Clerk, Thomas, groom, XX. 156, 157.
Clerk, Walter, of Bridghigh, XI. 52.
Clerk, William (1513), bailie, II. 62; IV. 81 ; X. 81.
Clerk, William (1683), VIII. 145.
Clerk, William (1689), advocate, author of inscription on statue of Charles II., XVII. 84-6.
Clerk, William, first clerk of Jury Court, III. 113.
Clerk-Rattrays of Craighall, XIX. 165.
Clerkington, Lady, XIII. 110.
Clerkson, Thomas, deacon of Skinners, VI. 58, 66, 82, 105. See Clarkson.
Clerkson, William, smith, XIII. 134, 145.
Cleuch, Katherine, XX. 106.
Cleveland, Archibald, VIII. 151.
Cleyd, John, Kilbride, II. 99.
Clifton, Major, governor of Castle, XVI. 53.
Cliftonhall, Lord, Thomas Macalzean, X. 187.
Clockmakers, XIX. 12.
Clockmakers’ Land, XI. 7, 13.
Clockmill House, XII. 236 ; XV. 66.
Clockmill Park, XV. 170.
Cloickisholm Mylne, XV. 64.
Cloksorrow Mill, lands of, XVIII. 184.
Closes and Wynds, Notes on names of, XII. 1-156; unidentified, 151-6.
Cloth, illegal importation of, VIII. 115; XVI. 107, 126, 128; burnt at Market Cross, 108; factory at Bonnyhaugh, XIX. 168.
Clow, Henry, clerk to Incorporation of Calton, XVIII. 66.
Club, The, III. 178.
Clubs, social, I. 47-8 ; III. 105-78.
Clydesdale Inn, I. 23.
Coach and Horses Inn, XIV. 126.
Coaches, hackney, IX. 184.
Coal Market, XI. 7; XII. 134.
Coalhill, XIV. 175, 176.
Coalston’s Close, XII. 54.
Coalstoun, Lord. See Broun, George
Coalstoun, laird of, XIII. 115.
Coalstoun, Lady, XIX. 53.
Coates, I. 78, 129; II. 133-8; sold to Archibald, first Earl of Rosebery, 138; bought by Heriot Trust, 138; Easter, 133-4, 138-9; inscribed stones at Easter, 139-43; Wester, 133, 139; III. 184; XII. 23; XIV. 65, 71, 79, 88, 105; XV. 170, 175, 184, 185; XVI. 154, 189; XX. 51.
Coatfield, XIX. 152, 156.
Cochran, John, treasurer, Canongate, XX. 16.
Cochrane, Lord, XII. 161.
Cochrane, Barbara, IV. 133.
Cochrane, Hon. Basil, laird of Dalry, XX. 42.
Cochrane, David, ofiicer, Burlaw Court, XV. 205.
Cochrane, James, merchant, XIII. 98.
Cochrane, Jasper, IV. 163.
Cochrane, Sir John, warded, XII. 157, 158, 159-63, 165, 166, 173.
Cochrane, John, son of above, XII. 157, 162, 163, 166, 173.
Cochrane, John, of Corstorphine, XIII. 132.
Cochrane, Lady Mary, II. 5.
Cochrane, Mungo, XI. 33 ; XII. 167.
Cochrane, Thomas, eighth Earl of Dundonald, XX. 43.
Cochrane, William, of Ochiltree, XX. 42.
Cochrane, William, merchant, Aberdeen, IX. 166.
Cochrane, William, covenanter, VIII. 138, 140; XII. 161.
Cochrane, William (1392), deed of resignation by, III. 2.
Cochrane, William, legacy to Candlemakers, XVII. 108, 109.
Cochrane, of Watersyde, XII. 159.
Cochrane’s (Cowchrenis) land, III. 81.
Cockaplehaugh, XV. 170.
Cockburn, Adam, of Driniestoun, VIII. 156.
Cockburn, Mrs. Alison, X. 233 ; XII. 51.
Cockburn, Andrew, treasurer, Cape Club, III. 162.
Cockburn, Sir Archibald, of Langton, II. 90, 104 ; XVI. 181 ; XVIII. 30.
Cockburn, Archibald, grandfather of Lord Cockburn, buys Cockpen, XVII. 17, 18, 19.
Cockburn, Mrs., of Cockpen, grandmother of Lord Cockbum, XVII. 17.
Cockburn, Archibald, sheriff, father of Lord Cockburn, III. 143, 153; John Wesley and, VIII. 196; XVII. 17, 19; tenant of Caroline Park, XX. App. 26.
Cockburn, Archibald W., originator of Bonaly Friday Club, III. 131.
Cockburn, David (1682), warded, VIII. 123.
Cockburn, Francis Jeffrey, III. 132.
Cockburn, George, XIII. 54.
Cockburn, Harry A., An Account of the Friday Club, Written by Lord Cockburn, together with Notes on Certain Other Social Clubs in Edinburgh, III. 105-78; ‘Cockpen House,’ Castlehill, XVII. 17-21.
Cockburn, Henry, Lord, I. 154; on North Bridge buildings, 152-3; II. 153; III. 106, 108, 120, 126, 127, 129, 131, 132, 134, 143, 160, 234, 240; secretary of Friday Club, 111, 114; member of Gowk Club, 172; on new facade of Parliament House, 238; on Wrychtishousis, IV. 57; IX. 217; XIV. 147, 173 ; XVII. 17 ; on Charles II. statue, 89 ; XVIII. 90 ; on the West approach, 94, 96, 97 ; XIX. 86; account of George Square Assembly, 83-4; XX. App. 25, 27.
Cockburn, Henry (1682), warded, VIII. 127.
Cockburn, Sir James, of that Ilk, IX. 169; XIX. 161, 184.
Cockburn, Sir James, of Warriston, XX. App. 21.
Cockburn, James, goldsmith, VIII. 94, 98 ; depute in Mint, XVI. 161.
Cockburn, James (1664), V. 122.
Cockburn, Janet, XIX. 153.
Cockburn, John, of Ormiston, X. 142.
Cockburn, John, stabler, XIV. 143-4.
Cockburn, John, tenant of Cordiners, XVIII. 123.
Cockburn, Mrs., of Cockpen, mother of Lord Cockburn, III. 142-3.
Cockburn, Michael, servitor, XI. 38.
Cockburn, Ninian, ohamberlain of priory of Soiennes, X. 142.
Cockburn, Richard, of Clerkington, an ‘Abbey laird,’ XV. 72, 88.
Cockburn, Thomas, law agent, XV. 91.
Cockburn, Major William, V. 143, 145; XVI. 96.
Cockburn, William, defends silk mercers, XVI. 158.
Cockburn, William (1658), whipped for rioting, IV. 118.
Cockburn, William (1680), warded, VI. 139.
Cockburn, the hangman, XVI. 108, 131 ; hanged, 112.
Cockburn, See also Cokburn.
Cockburn Association, V. 157.
Cockburn’s Close, XII. 44.
Cockburnspath, Lady, XIII. 97, 99.
Cocke, Janet, burnt for witchcraft, IV. 142.
Cockie, Henry, goldsmith, XIX. 14, 16, 17, 20.
Cockie, James, XIX. 14.
Cockie, Janet, stocking-maker, XIX. 17, 18. See also Cokke, Cokky.
Cockpen, Laird o’, I. 3 ; XI. 7 ; XIV. 58.
Cockpen, Lady, XVII. 17-20.
‘Cockpen House,’ Castlehill, XII. 151 ; XVII. 17-21.
Cockpit, Grassmarket, XVII. 121.
‘Cocoa-nut Tam,’ II. 206.
Coffee-houses, XVI. 104.
Coffey’s The Devil to Pay, XI. 165 and n., 167, 169.
Coins, false, and clipping, VI. 123.
Coinyie Close. See Cunzie.
Coithouses, X. 56.
Cokburn, Alesoun, III. 80.
Cokburn, Edward (1523), IX. 53.
Cokburn, Helen, III. 99.
Cokburn, See also Cockburn.
Coke, William, bookseller in Leith, IX. 86, 97-8.
Cokke, James, goldsmith, XVII. 52.
Cokky, Adam, goldsmith, XVII. 52.
Cokky, James, jeweller to Mary, Queen of Scots, XV. 13, 41 ; XVII. 52.
Cokson, Robert, XII. 76.
Cokstoun, Robin, I11. 81.
Colchester, Lord, XVI. 205, 208-11.
Colden (Coldane), James, deacon of Skinners, VI. 95, 106. See Coudon and Cowthene.
Colden William, deacon of Skinners, VI. 57, 64, 66, 77, 105.
Coldtoun (Calton), XVIII. 38.
Cole, Joseph, Methodist preacher, VIII. 194.
Colinton (Collingtoun), Lord, VIII. 145, 149. See Foulis, Sir James
Colinton Provost Drummond resides in, IV. 32 ; Hailes alias, 32 n. ; Provost Drummond and minister of, 32-3 ; mills at, IX. 121.
Colinton House, IV. 32 72.
College Church, XIV. 172; XVI. 46, 65, 143.
College of Edinburgh, visitation of the, in 1690, VIII. 79-100; properties of suppressed bishopric mortified for benefit of, XIII. 78; XIV. 53, 84, 140; XV. 14 ; XVI. 107 ; Monro made Principal, 147 ; regent of Humanity, 159. See Provost’s Lodging and University.
College Garden, Old Infirmary patients and, XV. 145.
College of Justice, II. 163; Black Friars taxed for, III. 63; 120; IX. 76; Sir George Mackenzie on model adopted for, XI. 87; sessions of James 1., 89; lords of council and session, 94, 98; daily council, 104-5 ; an ‘uncertain convenience,’ 106; after Flodden, 109; specialisation of function, 112 ; founding of, 119-23; constitution and list of members, 120-1 ; XIII. 5, 6, 51, 76-7. See also Court of Session, Lords of Session, and Justice, College of.
College Wynd, I. 19; V. 86; XI. 13; XII. 102, 130, 144-6, 151; XV. 148, 149; XVII. 2, 144.
College Yards, II. 23 ; IV. 39, 40.
Collie, John, XII. 166.
Collin, James, VIII. 144.
Collingtoun’s Close, XII. 84.
Collinson, Thomas H., VIII. 38.
‘Collop,’ Castle, XVI. 190.
Colmanstoun, lands of, IV. 71; original name of Comiston, 72.
Colquhoun, Alexander, of Luss, X. 87.
Colquhoun, Archibald, Lord Clerk Register, XVII. 167; XX. 146.
Colquhoun, Sir George, of Tilliechewan, resides at Bonnington Toll, XIX. 175.
Colquhoun, Humphrey, XV. 185 ; XIX. 172, 173.
Colquhoun, (Umphra), merchant (1666), XVI. 75.
Colquhoun, Sir James, of Luss, XV. App. 12.
Colquhoun, Sir James, of Tilliechewan, born at Bonnington Lodge, XIX. 175.
Colquhoun, John (1573), X. 141 ; XVI. 182.
Colquhoun, John (1686), XI. 62.
Colquhoun, Nancy, XIX. 175.
Colquhoun, William, XVI. 182.
Colt (or Coult), Elizabeth, XIV. App. 16.
Colt Oliver, advocate, XII. 20. ’
Colt Oliver, minister at Foulden, XII. 20.
Colt Sir Robert, advocate, XII. 89 ; XIV. 46
Colt Robert, XII. 20.
Colt William, site of old Canongate School sold to, XX. 14.
Coltbridge, I. 103, 104; II. 121, 127, 133; III. 179, 181, 182, 184, 190; IV. 73; X. 260; XIV. 108 n.; XV. 170.
Colter’s candy, II. 206.
Colvill, John, XVI. 28.
Colvill, Lady, Dame Margaret Wemyss, XI. 46; XVI. 135.
Colville, Hon. Charles, buys ‘The Grove,’ Fountainbridge, XX. 52.
Colville, George, brother of Lord Culross, II. 4.
Colville, Sir James, of Ochiltree, IX. 70, 71, 74; XI. 117, 118.
Colville, John, fifth Lord, XX. 52.
Colville, John, seventh Lord, XX. 52.
Colville, John, XVI. Introd. xvi ; probable author of Historic and Life of James Sext, xv.
Colville, Robert (1674), warded, VI. 125.
Colville, Robert, of Cleish, XVI. Introd. xv.
Colville, Samuel, IV. 133.
Colvine, Alexander, V. 100.
Comb, Margaret, VI. 142.
Comb, Thomas, clubmaker, in Wright’s Houses, XVIII. 1-2.
Combe, A., brewer, XVIII. 92 ; XX. App. 35.
Combe, Andrew, M.D., XI. App. 17.
Combe, George, brewer, XX. App. 35.
Combe, George, phrenologist, XX. App. 35.
Comedy Hut, Princes Street, III. 159.
Comely Garden, a miniature Vauxhall, XIX. 69.
Comfit-makers, petition to be erected into company, XVI. 100.
Comiston, springs at, II. 10; IV. 12; Colmanstoun older name of, 71-2; water supply from, X. 256; lairds of, XIV. 74; XV. App. 18; XVIII. App. 22.
Comiston, Lodge, carved stone at, IV. 71.
Commercial Bank, XII. 75.
Commercial Bank Close, XII. 74.
Commercial Court, XII. 147.
Commissary Office, III. 230, 235.
Commissioner, Lord High, makes use of Sedan chair, IX. 220-2.
Commissioners, English, administer justice in Scotland, IV. 111 ; Parliamentary, XVI. 137-8.
Committee of Estates, I. 31.
Common Close, XII. 90; Canongate School in, XX. 14; East, XII. 90.
Common Bakehouse Close, XII. 99.
Common Good, Society of Brewers’ lands bought for, X. 236; superiorities of Burgh Muir part of, 261; report of, by Sir Thomas Hunter and Robert Paton, criticised, 261-3; XVI. 117, 120, 128, 134, 144; Town Guard to be paid out of, 133 ; XVIII. 44, 51.
Common Myre, X. 2, 4; site of, 5, 67; gifted by David I. as pertinent of Burgh Muir, 153 ; magistrates granted power to feu, 154; proprietors of, 156 ; Lord Provost Arbuthnot acquires superiority of, 156, 220.
Communion celebration, XVI. 43, 61.
Comrie, James, macer, VI. 131.
Con, George, author of De Duplici Statu Religiomis apud Scotos, V. 60. See Conn.
Conane, Charles, VI. 125.
Concert programmes of Old Edinburgh, XVIII. App. 12.
Concert weekly, II. 11.
Concerts, for ladies, XIX. 193, 196-7, 233, 237, 241; plans of Musical Society’s, 234 ; ‘Benefit,’ 239.
Condie, George, VIII. 153.
Condie, Patrick, VIII. 123, 124.
Confession of Faith of 1581, XI. 158.
Confessions, dying, publication of, IV. 112 and n.
Congreve’s Mourning Bride, XI. 169.
Conn, John, flesher, XII. 72. See Con.
Connohill, John, III. 82.
Conn’s Close, XII. 67, 72 ; XIII. 120, 133.
Conquergood, Patrick, VIII. 152.
Conservator of Scottish Privileges in Netherlands, XIX. 160.
Constable, Archibald, publisher, I. 138, 143 ; IX. 97 ; XII. App. 34; resides at Hatton, XIII. App. 11 ; XIV. 96; his premises in High St., XV. 122; XVI. Introd. xxix ; admitted to Incorporated Trades of Calton, XVIII. 59; XIX. 132; XX. App. 32.
Constable Tower (Castle), V. 62 ; VI. 7, 8.
Constables, XVI. 163, 164 ; High, of Edinburgh, XIX. 120 ; High, of Calton, 119-21.
Constant Couple, The, XI. 170.
Conte, John le, water-colour drawing by, V. 90.
Convener Court of the associated incorporations, XIV. 27, 31, 32 ; XVII. 92.
Conventicles, frequenting, VI. 114, 115, 120, 121, 122, 124, 126, 133, 135, 141, 145, 152 ; VIII. 114, 116, 120, 128, 148 ; IX. 118, 119, 120, 146; XVI. 101, 156, 162 ; reward for those discovering, 123.
Convention of Burghs, I. 89, 90, 93, 96, 97 ; II. 134; III. 197, 199 ; IV. 20, 44, 148; XVI. 87, 138, 141, 166; XIX. 160.
Convention of Estates, demands surrender of Castle, XVI. 180; attitude to Duke’s terms, 186-7 ; renews negotiations, 205-206 ; terms accepted, 210 ; Castle taken possession of, 211.
Cook (Cuke, Kuke), Alexander, skinner, VI. 80, 82, 83, 85, 87, 90, 92, 93, 94. See Cuke.
Cook John, coachman, VI. 114.
Cook John, hammerman, XX. 109.
Cook Robert, XV. 201 ; XVIII. 50.
Cook Walter, W.S., III. 173.
Cooke, T. E., IV. 67.
Cooper, George, W.S., IV. 181, 182.
Cooper, Margaret, XII. 118.
Cooper, Richard, founder of Edinburgh school of engraving, II. 11, 49 ; opens a ‘Winter’s Academy’ ; his engraving of Prince Charles, 12 and n. ; IX. 82 ; Sir Robert Strange apprentice to, 82-3 ; 85; XII. 115, 118, 119.
Cooper, Richard, yr., drawing-master, II. 12 n. ; IX. 82.
Cooper, Richard, Restalrig, IV. 181.
Cooper’s Close, XII. 118, 130.
Cooper’s Entry, I. 14; II. 12 n. ; XII. 118.
Cooper’s Land, XII. 118.
Cope, Sir John, II. 16-17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 38, 52; incompetency of, 19; at Prestonpans, 26 ; his flight, 27 ; IV. 41.
Coppersmiths of Canongate, XIX. 2; relations with whiteiromnen, 28-9.
Cor, Andrew, XIV. 91.
Cor, Clement, XIII. 104 and n.; XIV. 90-1 ; XV. 26.
Corbieston’s Land, XII. 154.
Cordiners of Canongate, dues to be levied in return for building of altar and upkeep of chaplain, XVIII. 41, 102; charter granted; deacons and kirkmasters; Crispin and Crispinian their patron saints, 102-3 ; Reformation and its effect on Incorporation, 103; continue to hold services in Abbey Church; oath taken on admission to craft; fines for Sabbath-breaking; Deacon Dykes refuses Oath of Allegiance, 104-5; workmanship to be satisfactory; fees payable, 106-7 ; apprentices; cobblers not to employ journeyman; dignity of deacons, 107-8, 110; booths; craft meetings, 109-10; absentees and late comers fined, 110; oflice-bearers and their duties, 110-12; fined for non-attendance at funerals; charity workhouse; rivalry between, and those of Edinburgh, 112-14, 116-17, 119; alliance with other crafts, 114; new minute book, 115-17; renewed persecution, 116-17, 119; protest against corruption in election of magistrates, etc., 117-19; complaints as to quality of leather supplied by tanners, 119-20; remedial measures, 120; charity for ‘decayit members,’ 121-2, 137; efforts to acquire convening house, 122-3, 129; fees exacted from North Leith shoemakers and golf-ball makers, 125; better terms obtained, 126; mortcloth dues and compulsory attendance at funerals, 126-7 ; oath to maintain Covenants, 127 ; Archibald and William Lowrie accused of making illegal contracts, 127-9 ; attempt to put down drunkenness and swearing, 129-30; procedure at annual meetings, 132-4; complaints of grievous burdens imposed on Canongate, 134; pageant on st, Crispin’s Day, 135-6 and n. ; regalia of Incorporation, 136 and n. ; £100 for Darien scheme, 137; swearing and drinking still prevalent; new mortcloth; number of intrants; fire insurance, 137 ; funds missing, 138-9; duties of boxmaster, 138; sequestration, 139-40; continue to meet in Shoemakers’ Close, 141; attempt to regain lost position, 141; complaint against Edinburgh shoemakers; attitude to Jacobites; trouble caused by unfree craftsmen, 142; claim to seats in North Leith Church, 142-3 ; friction with magistrates regarding church seats, 144 ; subscribe for poor-house in Canongate, 144-5, 148; improved circumstances, 144-5; unruly members; unfree craftsmen dealt with, 147 ; rebel joumeymen imprisoned, 148-9; last days, 150; armorial shield, 179.
Cordiners of Edinburgh, XVIII. 149.
Cordiners of North Leith, XVIII. 106, 122, 124; badly used by their brethren of Edinburgh, 113; exactions by Canongate, 125-6; improved conditions, 126; funeral rights, 126-7. See also Cordiners of Canongate.
Cordiners of Portsburgh, XVIII. 149; armorial shield with insignia, 179-80.
Cordiners of Potterrow, XIII. 136; XVIII. 149.
Cordiners’ Close, XII. 117.
Cordiners’ Hall, Portsburgh, II. 124-5.
Corehouse, Lord. See Cranstoun, George
Cork, John, his tavern a ‘howff’ of Bruntsfield Links Golf Club, XVIII. 2.
Corket, John, XV. 39.
Corn Market, II. 123; XI. 8; XII. 133.
Cornillon, H. W., S.S.C., XVII. 136.
Correction House, XVI. 110; XIX. 16. See also St. Paul’s Work and Stansfield, Robert and William
Corri, Domenico, XVIII. App. 12 ; XIX. 220, 238, 242; opens ballroom at Kirkbraehead, 69-70; influence on musical life of city; relations with Musical Society, 216-18; collaborates with his brother, Natale, in publishing Select Collection of Forty Scotch Songs, 218.
Corri, Signora, XIX. 202, 217.
Corri, Natale, music-seller, XIX. 218.
Corri’s Rooms, II. 174; IX. 224; XII. 229; XVIII. App. 12.
Corsan, John, of Senick, IX. 116. See Carson.
Corsbie, Janet, VI. 73. See Crosbie.
Corsby, David, XV. 32. See Crosbie.
Corse, Elspeth, XII. 184.
Corse, John, strangled and burnt, IV. 121.
Corse, Robert, merchant, IX. 176.
Corsland, laird of, V. 152.
Corssane, James, VI. 136. See Carson.
Corstorphine, II. 90; XX. 45.
Corstorphine, Castle, III. 180, 182, 183.
Corstorphine, Church, II. 137 ; III. 182, 183 ; foundation of, 180 ; Forrester memorials in, 181 ; visit to, VII. App. 9 ; X. 6; XVI. 22.
Corstorphine, House, carved stone at, III. 183.
Corstorphine’s land, III. 81.
Cotis, William, III. 90. See Coutts.
Cottis, Sir James, to arrange for Staple at Middelburg, IX. 52, 53.
Cotton, Master, XVI. 9, 14.
Coudon (Covdoun), James, deacon of Skirmers, VI. 95. See Colden.
Coudon John, XII. 110.
Coudon’s Close, XII. 110.
Couling, Thomas, XX. 81.
Coul’s Close, XII. 89.
Coul’s Land, XII. 89.
Coult, William, of Garturk, XII. 89.
Coult. See also Colt.
Coulter, William, lord provost, XIV. 162 and n., 163; XVIII. 12; XX. 146.
Coult’s Close, XII. 89.
Council, Daily, instituted in 1503-4, XI. 104.
Council Chamber, old, XIV. 161.
Council Chamber Close, XII. 65.
Council-House Yard, XIII. 41.
Coupance, Jean de, XIV. 114.
Coupar, Lord (1742), XV. 182. See Balmerino.
Couper, John, Lord (1650), IV. 156 n., 159.
Couper, Sir J., V. 99, 146.
Couper, James, in Axmagirdell, VIII. 368. See Cowper.
Couper Bog, XV. 197.
Coupland, Maurice, X. 74, 161.
Court of High Commission, XIII. 2.
Court of Session, and feuing on south side of Princes St., I. 147, 148; III. 66, 73, 221, 222, 228, 229 ; IV. 45 ; foundation of, 83; and Restalrig, 156, 158 n., 159, 183-5; XIII. 2, 61 ; its origin, 6; expenditure on, XV. 3-4, 62 ; XX. 130, 153, App. 16. See also College of Justice.
Courtes (Courtee), William, skinner, VI. 69, 70, 71, 84, 91, 92.
Courtie, John, apothecary, XIII. 111.
Cousin, David, architect, XX. App. 17.
Cousin, Mrs., hymn-writer, XIX. 167..
Cousin, Rev. William, XIX. 167.
Couston, Alexander, advocate, XIX. 152.
Couston, (Constine), Alexander VI. 133.
Couston, James, farmer, IV. 159, 160, 162, 164, 165-71.
Coutts, Agnes, XII. 109. See Cotis and Cottis.
Coutts, Elizabeth, XII. 109.
Coutts, James, banker, XX. 115.
Coutts, John, lord provost, II. 24 ; III. 231 ; banking house of, 235, 236.
Coutts, John, stabler, XII. 108.
Coutts’ Close, XII. 108.
Coutts’ Covenant Close, XII. 71, 72.
Coutts’ House, XII. 72.
Covenanters, in Old Tolbooth, IV. 111; hanged at Gallowlee, XI. 22 ; 36 ; sent to Dunnottar, XII. 166-7; and to plantations, 167 ; XVI. 167; six hanged, 75; magistrates to give in list of those sheltering in town, 116; search for suspected, 131 ; and for Renwick, 141 ; petition to James VII., 162; XVII. 86; hanged at Gallowlee and skulls buried in Lauriston, XVIII. 156-7 ; XX. App. 26. See Covenanters’ Prison.
Covenanters’ Prison in Inner Greyfriars Yard, signing National Covenant, II. 81; usurpation of Privy Council, 82, 93; identification of area, 82-7 ; army for Bothwell Brig, 88, 89; rejoicings over Covenanters’ defeat, 90, 93 ; number of prisoners, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, 98, 101, 103 ; arrival in Edinburgh, 90; provision for military guard, 91, 92; food supplies, 91; tardy provision of water, 92; the wounded, 92; proposal of banishment, 93 ; arrival of Monmouth; his clemency, 93; names of prisoners released, 94-6; executions celebrated by bonfires, 96; vengeance for Sharp’s murder, 96-7, 99; victims indicted, 97, 98, 99 ; dissensions among prisoners, 98; huts erected, 98; trials, 99, 100, 101 ; executions on Magus Muir, 101 ; transportation of prisoners and wreck of vessel, 101-3 ; expenses for maintaining prisoners, 107.
‘Covenanters’ Thorn,’ I. 114.
Coventrie, John, tailor, XIX. 126.
Coventry, Andrew, III. 114, 119, 175.
Covington, Lord, II., 133; XII. 32. See also Lockhart, Alexander
Cowan, Alexander, paper-maker, XII. 91, App. 23.
Cowan, Charles, of Westerlea, XII. App. 23.
Cowan, Duncan, bailie, XII. App. 23.
Cowan, George, wright, XII. 137.
Cowan, James, M.P., XII. App. 23.
Cowan, James, watchmaker, III. 232.
Cowan, James, warded, IX. 162 ; XI. 32.
Cowan, John, candlemaker, XII. 137.
Cowan, William, The Buildings at the East End of Princes Street and Corner of the North Bridge : A Chapter in the Early History of the New Town of Edinburgh, I. 137-154 ; lecture on ‘A Walk through Old Edinburgh,’ App. 4; III. 243 n.; IV. 151 ; The Site of the Black Friars Monastery from the Reformation to the Present Day, V. 67-93; VII. xi; XI. 3, App. 3, 5, 7 ; on preservation of old buildings, 22-3; XII. 3; Maps of Edinburgh, 1544-1851, 209-47; on ‘ Early Views and Maps of Edinburgh,’ App. 3 ; Bearford’s Parks, XIII. 79-91 ; services to the Club, App. 6; A Note on Huntly House, XIV. 1-5; XVI. Introd. x; makes selections from Diurnal of Occurrents, ; entertained by Club, App. 28-9; leads excursion to places of interest near Bristo Port, XVII. App. 11-12; death of, 30; lectures by Kenneth Sanderson, W.S., XVIII. App. 8-10, and Ernest A. Savage, 10-14, on his collection of books, manuscripts, views and plans of Edinburgh; prints, with notes, Taylor’s Journey to Edenborough in 1705, XX. 36; 79.
Cowan, William, candlemaker, XII. 137.
Cowan, William, McC., VIII. 125.
Cowan Collection, lectures on, XVIII. App. 8, 10.
Cowan’s Close, Cowgate, XII. 137.
Cowdenknowes, laird of, XIII. 129.
Cowfeeder Row, XVIII. 170.
Cowgate, II. 65; land south of, granted to Friar Preachers, III. 24; description of, 25; V. 67, 68, 70; origin of name, XII. 126; fire in, XVI. 41 ; Merchant Company’s hall in, XX. 30.
Cowgate, Chapel (now St. Patrick’s R.C. Church), V. 88.
Cowgate, Port, II. 1, 9, 71; XI. 12; XII. 136; XIII. 117, 129; XIV. 128, 134, 136, 138; heads stuck on spikes of, XVIII. 156, 157.
Cowgatehead, XIV. 124, 145.
Cowie, Archibald, brewer, XII. 172.
Cowie, Peter, chairmaster, IX. 204. Cowpar, Adam, of Gogar, proprietor of property in Cowgate, XI. 131-5.
Cowie, George, III. 80.
Cowper, James, clothier, III. 101. See Couper.
Cowthene (Coudoun or Colden), James, VI. 95.
Cox, Harold B., of Gorgie, VI. 20.
Coyne-House (Cunzie House) Close, XII. 83.
Crabbie, Miller, upholsterer, XII. 105.
Craftsmen and merchant guilds, VI. 12-14; introduction of religious element, 15-16, 46 n.; love of pageantry, 16; parliament tries to control their activities, 17 ; obtain power to regulate their affairs, 18-20; deacons to examine goods and fix prices, 24-25 ; proportion of taxation, 26-7; civic and military duties, 28-9 ; contributions to ministers’ stipends, 33-4; processions, 35 and n., 36 and n. ; compelled to attend church, 35 n. ; miracle plays, 36-9 ; care of the poor, 39-40 and n.; funerals, 41 and n.; apprentices, 43-7; contributions for religious purposes, 46 n. ; internal organisation, 42-55 ; the ‘essay,’ 49; office-bearers, 50-2; meeting-place, 53 ; guild-system, 56 ; seize wheat supply, XVI. 4; dispute with merchants, XVII. 92.
Craig, Adam, musician, X. 202; XIX. 195.
Craig, Alexander, skinner, VI. 79, 88.
Craig, Andrew, burgess, V. 68; X. 228.
Craig, Andrew (1587), XV. 17, 18, 27.
Craig, Andro, III. 81.
Craig, Bessie, VIII. 121, 124.
Craig, Elizabeth, of Riccarton, III. 193.
Craig, Elizabeth, wife of James Johnston, I. 95.
Craig, Hector, cordiner, XVIII. 114.
Craig, James, architect, his map of Edinburgh, XII. 210, 211 ; design for New Town, 220, 222, 233; XVII. 161 n., 173 n.
Craig, James, chirurgeon, XV. 45.
Craig, James T. G., III. 175.
Craig, John, wright, XII. 30.
Craig, John, cordiner in Canongate, XIV. 44; XVIII. 115.
Craig, John, Reformer, XIV. App. 18; XV. 18.
Craig, Sir Lewis (Lord Wrightslands), III. 193; X. 237-8; XII. 31 n.; XIV. 93; XIX. 153, 156, 157.
Craig, Margaret, sister of Sir Thomas, of Riccarton, I. 94.
Craig, Miss, mantua-maker, XII. 125.
Craig, Robert, advocate, XIII. 124.
Craig, Sir Thomas, of Riccarton, I. 94, 95; III. 193; X. 146; XII. 27; 31 n.; XIV. 91, 93; XIX. 153.
Craig, Thomas, hammerman, XX. 109.
Craig, William, Lord Craig, III. 143, 151, 163 ; XVII. App. ll.
Craig, William (1684), warded, IX. 131.
Craig, William, apothecary, XV. 24.
Craig, William, Sir W. Gibson, III. 172, 175, 176.
Craigcrook Castle, excursion to, IX. App. 3.
Craigend (Calton), IV. 157, 161, 186; beam in South Leith Church, 187-8; XIV. 118; XVIII. 33, 38, 39, 45, 46, 56, 57; XIX. 95, 96, 98, 113, 118, 138.
Craigend Gate, XV. 136.
Craigengalt, XIV. 117; XVII. App. 13; XVIII. 34-41.
Craigentinny, I. 78, 96, 107, 109, 112; Sir Patrick Nisbet becomes infeft in, 96; lands acquired by William Miller, I. 108; XVI. 93.
Craigentinny, Alexander Nisbet, of, and M’Dougall of Mackerstoun, duel between, VIII. 101, 140.
Craigentinny, Lady, XV. 181.
Craighall’s Close, XII. 129.
Craighall-Rattray, Edinburgh monument at, IV. 145, 148; sculptured stones at, 151.
Craighouse, I. 78 ; X. 56, 93, 210 ; XVIII. 64. 167; XIX. 149.
Craigie, John, of Dunbamy, VIII. 109.
Craigie, Patrick, in Temple, VIII. 124.
Craigie, Robert, of Glendoick, II. 16.
Craigievar, laird of, XIII. 104.
Craigleith, I. 98 ; II. 228; XV. 170, 185; XVII. 90, 161, 164, 168; XVIII. 193; XX. 64.
Craiglockhart, XV. 170.
Craiglockhart, Hill, Easter, X. 2.
Craigmillar, laird of (1635), XIII. 129.
Craigmillar, Lady, XII. 158.
Craigmillar Castle, V. 188 ; visit to, VII. App. 8; VIII. 163; James V. at, IX. 21-3; 13. 20; X. 55, 184, 216; laird of, XII. 163 ; XVI. 22, 166 ; XIX. 149.
Craigmillar quarry, stones for Parliament House supplied from, XIII. 50.
Craigoer (Peffermill Road), XV. 170.
Craig’s Close, I. 7 ; III. 158 ; IX. 82 ; XI. 7; XII. 27, 30, 31, 32, 39 ; carved stones in, XIV. 96, 166.
Craig’s Close, Canongate, XII. 125.
Craig’s Close, Cowgate, XII. 137, 140.
‘Craig’s plainstanes,’ XIV. 93.
Craigwell, XV. 170, 185; XIX. 95, 101, 102, 128; brewers of, 97.
Craik, Sir James, chaplain of St. Duthois’ altar, XV. 34.
Craik, Patrick (1577), XV. 44.
Crames. See Krames.
Crammy, Sir John, V. 44, 45.
Cramond, XIX. 154, 176.
Cramond, Brig, XIX. 163.
Crannok, Friar, V. 46 n.
Cranston of that Ilk, X. 131. See Cranstoun.
Cranston James, XII. 11 ; XIV. 74.
Cranston John, XII. 11.
Cranston Thomas, XII. 11.
Cranston’s Close, XII. 11, 39; XIV. 74.
Cranstoun, Christian, IV. 133. See Cranston.
Cranstoun, George, Lord Corehouse, III. 113, 118.
Cranstoun, George, skinner, VI. 78, 82.
Cranstoun, Thomas, III. 172.
Cranstoun and Anderson, W.S., secretaries of Riding School, XX. 156.
Crauford, Marion, sister of the Sciennes, X. 127, 128, 130.
Craufuird, James See Ardmillan, Lord.
Craufurd, Alexander, advocate, VIII. 98. See Crawford and Crawfurd.
Craufurd, Andrew, warded, XI. 40, 46.
Craufurd, Sir Hew, of Jordanhill, owner of Redbraes, III. 128; XIX. 171.
Craufurd, Captain Hew, of Redbraes, XIX. 171, 172, 176.
Craufurd, Hew, Clerk to the Signet, XIX. 170.
Craufurd, Hew, tenant of Whitehouse, X. 189.
Craufurd, James, accused of arson, V. 135.
Craufurd, Sir John, prebendary of St. Giles’, X. 14, 72; 106-11, 117, 138; builds chapel on Burgh Muir, 97-9 ; presents it with a breviary, 103 ; hands over chapel to nuns of St. Catherine of Siena, 103.
Craufurd, John, of Crawford, VIII. 157, 158.
Craufurd, Nicol, Justice-Clerk, XI. 114.
Craw, John, extentor, XIII. 126.
Crawford of Auchinyames, VIII. 157. See Craufurd and Crawfurd.
Crawford Alexander, Earl of (1784), III. 141.
Crawford David, fifth Earl of, procurator for James III., III. 47.
Crawford Elizabeth, Countess of (1516), III. 94.
Crawford John, Earl of (1660), XVI. 57, 59.
Crawford Ludovic, Earl of (1645), IV. 111.
Crawford Abbot, IV. 191.
Crawford Agnes, XIX. 151, 152.
Crawford Archibald, parson of Eaglesham, V. 55.
Crawford Bailie (1683), XVI. 120.
Crawford Daniel, warded, IX. 131, 133, 140, 154.
Crawford David, warded, VIII. 123, 124.
Crawford Duncan, XII. 171.
Crawford Edward, merchant, arrested in Copenhagen, IX. 59-60.
Crawford Elizabeth, of Bonnington, XIX. 149, 150-2.
Crawford George, goldsmith, XIII. 138.
Crawford Gideon, warded, IX. 139, 143, 144.
Crawford Isabella, wife of John Davie, X. 218 n.
Crawford Isobel, of Bonnington, XIX. 151, 152.
Crawford James, of Bonnington, XIX. 144, 146-148, 150-3.
Crawford James, surgeon, IX. 150.
Crawford James, goldsmith, X. 218, 219 n.; XIII. 117, 118.
Crawford, James (1851), III. 175.
Crawford, Janet, of Bonnington, XIX. 148-51.
Crawford, John, of Crawfordland, IX. 153 ; XII. 158, 171.
Crawford, John, owns portion of Hillhousefield, XIX. 146, 151.
Crawford, John (1536), III. 97.
Crawford, John (1680), VI. 145.
Crawford, John, flesher, XIII. 128.
Crawford, Jonet (1682), VIII. 135, 136, 137.
Crawford, Katrine. See Isobel.
Crawford, Margaret, wife of John Hog of Drylaws, X. 218 n.
Crawford, Miss, of Redbraes, II. 5 ; III. 128.
Crawford, Patrick, of Restalrig, IV. 174, 179, 180.
Crawford, Thomas, keeper of King’s ‘girnal’ at Leith, XIX. 144, 146, 147, 182; receives grant of land, 143.
Crawford, Thomas, Prof. of Philosophy, XII. 39.
Crawford, Thomas, Leith captain, XVI. 19.
Crawford, William, in St. Ninian’s Row, buys portion of Lochbank, XIII. 81.
Crawfurd, Malcolm (1668), V. 139.
Crawfurd, Ronald, IV. 167.
Crawfurd, Thomas, smith, IV. 160.
Creech, William, minister of Newbattle, V. 165; XII. 143.
Creech, William, son of above, bookseller, II. 163, 191, 220; III. 164, 238; publishes The Mirror, 144; V. 163, 180, 190; apprenticed to Kincaid; succeeds to business ; becomes lord provost; Burns’s poems published by, 165; ‘Creech’s Levee ’ ; lines by Burns on; Fugitive Pieces, 166; IX. 97, 98; XII. 7, 142 ; XIV. 58, 67 ; levees of, 96, 162, 163, 164, 166; XIX. 75; on Musical Society’s concerts, 240; owner of Trinity Grove, XX. App. 22.
Creech’s Land, XIV. 78.
Creich, Agnes, wife of John Cant, XV. 102.
Creich, Andrew, IV. 71.
Creich, Catherine, wife of John Cant (2), X. 15.
Creichen’s Gardens, XVIII. 170, 171, 178.
Creichtoun of Sanquhar, IX. 29. See Crichton and Creighton.
Creichtoun James, of Cranstoun, captain of Edinburgh Castle, IX. 37.
Creichtoun Dame Margaret, Lady Semple, III. 95.
Creighton, David, of Lugtoun, X. 229. See Creichtoun, Crichton and Crighton.
Creighton, Patrick, of Lugton, tenant of Canongate Hammermen’s property, XX. 80, 81.
Cremonini, Signora, engaged by Musical Society; her exasperating ways, XIX. 211-12.
Crichton, Lord (1723), XIX. 42. See Creichtoun, Creighton and Crighton.
Crichton, Alexander, coachmaker, X., 213 n., 214; XII. 119.
Crichton, Esther, XIII. 81.
Crichton, George, abbot of Holyrood, V. 70; VII. c, oi; IX. 6; XII. 107; XIII. 121 n., 123 n.; XIX. 147.
Crichton, George, chairman of police commissioners of Leith, XX. 63.
Crichton, James, of Cranston-Riddell, captain of Edinburgh Castle, XIII. 81.
Crichton, Friar James, III. 37.
Crichton, James, conventicler, VI. 114.
Crichton, John, XVI. 182.
Crichton, J. A., III. 177.
Crichton, Lawrence, XIV. App. 19.
Crichton, Martin, XIII. 81.
Crichton, (Creichtoun), Sir Patrick, of Cranston-Riddell, letter on defences of the Castle, IX. 3, 4, 13, 14.
Crichton, Patrick, saddler, X. 213 n., 214; XII. 119.
Crichton, Richard, architect, I. 152.
Crichton, Thomas, conventicler, VI. 114.
Crichton, William, Lord, X. 36-7.
Crichton, William, merchant, X. 213 n.
Crichton Club, III. 111.
Crichton collegiate church of, I. 10 ; III. 82; X. 32, 36-9.
Crichton’s Close or Entry, XII. 119.
Crichton’s Yard, XVI. 201, 207.
‘Cries of Edinburgh,’ II. 181-2, 205, 212.
Crighton, John, soldier, VI. 149. See Creichtoun, Creighton, Crichton.
Crighton, Thomas (1679), VI. 136.
Crighton, Thomas, merchant, XVIII. 161.
Crightoun, Thomas, Carnwath, II. 99. See Creichtoun, Creighton, Crichton.
Crimond, Lord. See Burnet, Robert
Crinzean, George, XVIII. 75.
Crochallan Fencibles, I. 8; account of, III. 163-5 ; IV. 37 ; XII. 33 ; XIV. 98.
Crockie, William, XII. 25.
Croftangry, I. 24; IX. 88; XI. 8; XII. 107 ; XV. 66, 170; XVIII. 39.
Croll, George, VI. 117.
Cromarty, George, first Earl of, town house of, V. 80, 82.
Cromarty, George, third Earl of (1738), XV. 152.
Crombie, Alison, XI. 58. See Crumbie.
Crombie, Andrew, silk dyer, XII. 138.
Crombie, Benjamin W., his Modem Athenians, IX. 107; XII. App. 11.
Crombie, James, deacon of Weavers, XX. 80.
Crombie, Thomas, W.S., X. 238.
Crombie’s Close, IX. 218; XII. 137, 138.
Cromwell, Oliver, III. 181, 185 ; at Moray House, 217 ; proposed statue, 218; IV. 132; V. 108; X. 58, 200; XII. App. 22; arrives in Edinburgh after battle of Dunbar; orders three soldiers to be scourged, XVI. 35; troops fired on from Castle; at Holyrood, 36; troops rob inhabitants; claims Heriot’s Hospital, 37; disorder committed by troops, 38; proclaimed at Market Cross, 40, 48; Patrick Gillespie and, 43 ; fast for recovery from illness, 50; repairs Holyroodhouse, 52 ; Sir Andrew Ramsay compared to, 82; at Dundas Castle, App. 15; XVIII. 129.
Cromwell, Richard, proclaimed Protector, XVI. 50; fast for, 51.
Cromwell, Thomas, IX. 34.
Cromwell’s Commission on Forfeited Estates, court house, of, I. 21.
‘Cromwell Bartizan,’ XIV. 87.
Crooks, Janet, IV. 133.
Croping Parliament, XVI. 19.
Crosbie, Andrew, ‘Assassin’ of Poker Club, III. 147, 152, 153 ; XII. 24; XIV. 90; builds house in New Town, XV. App. 12, 13; XVII. 173; relations with Musical Society, XIX. 225; XX. 115. See Corsbie and Corsby.
Cross, Alexander, goldsmith, XIX. 17.
Cross of Canongate, XII. 120; XX. 78,
Cross Edinburgh, I. 32, 50, 95; II. 13, 96, 126, 201, 205, 237; James VIII. proclaimed at, 25; III. 101, 120, 146, 182, 217, 223, 225, 226; Restoration rejoicings at, 218; taken down, IV. 50 ; ‘Claudero’ and, 51 ; 84, 127, 140; watchmen meet at, 83 ; executions at, 90, 93, 105 and 11..; James VI. makes triumphal progress to, 103 ; pillory at, 106-7 and n. ; 108 n. ; V. 100, 108, 116, 124, 127, 147; VI. 109, 110, 135 ; VIII. 131, 134, 142; IX. 45, 47; Sedan chair burned at, by common hangman, 201; 203; X. 86, 88, 94; batch of Macgregors hanged at, 87; well at, 256; XI. 8, 11, 13, 24; XII. 29, 30, 32, 35, 63, 68, 69, 178; XIV. 20; shaft of, 81; branks at, XV. 45, 83, App. 16; XVI. 35, 38, 61, 63, 130, 155, 191 ; Hay of Dalgaty and Colonel Sibbald beheaded, 34; Captain Charteris beheaded, 35; royal arms, 39; Captain Rodger hanged, 39; Cromwell proclaimed at, 40, 48; fireworks at, 40; Captain Gordon hanged, 42; barbarity, 43; Richard Cromwell proclaimed, 51 ; Samuel Rutherford’s books burnt at, 55, 56; Parliament proclaimed, 56; Restoration rejoicings, 66 ; Covenanters hanged, 75; cloth burnt, 108; Covenants burnt, 112; XVII. 53, 151 ; XVIII. 93, 160, 173; XX. App. 10-19; last speech of, by ‘Claudero,’ 15.
Cross Keys Tavern (Steil’s), III. 225; XII. 71 ; concerts at, XIX. 191, 192.
Cross Strand, Calton, XIX. 109.
Cross Well, XIX. 211 n.
Crosscauseway, XIV. 122, 141.
Crosshouse, XIV. 122.
Crouden, Peter, XIX. 146 n.
Crouden, William, Master of the Trinity House, XIX. 146 n.
Crouden’s Houses, XIX. 146.
Crow, Captain, VIII. 158.
Crown vessel, loss of, II. 101-3, 105.
Crown tavern, Kennedy’s Close, III. 158.
Crucifixion, Chapel of the, founded by Walter Chepman, XI. 129; stones of, for rebuilding Tolbooth, 131 ; XIII. 1.
Cruick’s Close, XII. 25.
Cruickshank, David, legacy to St. Paul’s Work, XVII. 62.
Cruickshank, William, rector of Canongate High School, XII. App. 29; XX. 18.
Cruickshanks, John, warded, VI. 120, 132.
Cruickshanks, William, warded, XI. 33.
Crumbie, William, V. 130. See Crombie.
Crystie, James, of Stentoune, IX. 169. See Christie.
Crystie, Janet, VI. 150.
Crystie, William, XIV. 36, 42.
Cuddieshaugh, near Dean, XV. 170.
Cuke, John, mason, IX. 20; X. 38. See Cook.
Culdees of Lochleven, grant of lands in favour of, V. 14.
Cullane, Marion, IV. 136.
Cullen (Coullen), Andrew, XI. 61, 67.
Cullen Robert (Lord Cullen), III. 144, 153.
Cullen William, physician, III. 148, 150, 250; IX. 97; XV. 110.
Cullen’s Close, XII. 60; XIV. 66.
Culling, Mr., XX. 81.
Culross stones for building of Parliament House, XIII. 26.
Cuming, Robert, flesher, XVII. 139.
Cumming, Alexander, advocate, XIII. 98.
Cumming, George, tavern-keeper, XII. 33.
Cumming, George, brewer, XII. 123.
Cumming, James, flesher, IV. 47.
Cumming, James, XX. 23 ; last master of Canongate School, 20; magistrates and ministers praise his abilities; his assistants, 21 ; takes students as boarders, 22 ; former pupils of, dine together, 24-5.
Cumming, John, brewer, XII. 123.
Cumming, Mr., Pantheon debater, I. 54.
Cumming, Robert, IV. 47.
Cumming, Roualeyn G., XIV. App. 12.
Cumming, Will, IV. 160.
Cumming, William, hostler, XI. 76-7, 80.
Cumming, William, banker, XVIII. 145.
Cumming’s Close, XII. 123.
Cumyn, William, bishop of Brechin, III. 38.
Cundell, Ann Ross, XIX. 167. See Cousin, Mrs.
Cundell, David, surgeon, XIX. 167.
Cundell, Edward, XIX. 167.
Cundell, James, bailie, XIX. 166.
Cundell, Jane, XIX. 167.
Cundell, John, of Leith, XVIII. 10; XIX. 166, 167.
Cundell, John Ross, banker, XIX. 167.
Cundell, Joseph, banker, XIX. 167.
Cundell, William, treasurer of Leith Assembly, XIX. 70, 166, 167.
Cuningham, Alexander, town clerk, XIV. 148, 153.
Cuningham, Alexander, in Cashintoune, VI. 127.
Cuningham, Charles, town clerk, XIV. 148, 152, 153, 157, 162, 168.
Cuningham, Patrick, warded, XII. 166, 184.
Cuningham, Sir William, of Caprington, XIII. 106.
Cuningham, William, warded, XI. 40, 44.
Cuningham, William G., keeper of Register of Sasines, XIV. 162.
Cuninghame, Alexander, regent of Humanity, VIII. 84, 96; accused of intemperance and assaulting his students, 97 ; his defence, 98; resigns, 99, 100.
Cuninghame, Archibald, warded, VI. 152.
Cuninghame, Captain, VIII. 126.
Cuninghame, Charles, servant, VIII. 91.
Cuninghame, David (1672), minister, VI. 116, 136.
Cuninghame, John (1662), V. 100, 104, 116, 118, 120, 124, 126, 127.
Cuninghame, John, Gowk Club, III. 172.
Cuninghame, William (1587), XV. 17.
Cuninghame, William (1663), provost of Ayr, IV. 135; V. 109; VIII. 117, 119.
Cunningham. See also Cuningham, Cuninghame, Cunninghame, Cunnynghame, Cunyngham, Cunynghame.
Cunningham. Alexander of Craigans, VIII. 155; IX. 164; XII. 198.
Cunningham. Alexander, writer, III. 164.
Cunningham. Lady Betty, XV. App. 13.
Cunningham. David, warded, VIII. 126.
Cunningham. Edward, XVIII. 158.
Cunningham. George (1859), XII. 9.
Cunningham. Sir Hugh, of Craigend, II. 87.
Cunningham. James, W.S., XIX. 97.
Cunningham. James, transported, XII. 188.
Cunningham. John, of Enterkin, XII. 159.
Cunningham. John, of Robertland, XII. 17, 18.
Cunningham. John, brewer in Calton, XVIII. 73.
Cunningham. ‘Laird,’ of Bonnington Mills, XIX. 167, 170.
Cunningham. Lady Mary, resident in Fountainbridge, XX. 55.
Cunningham. Ninian, writer, XVIII. 139.
Cunningham. Patrick, goldsmith, III. 249.
Cunningham. Robert, schoolmaster, XIX. 113.
Cunningham. Robert, Burlaw bailie, XV. 185.
Cunningham. Robert, military commander, II. 28.
Cunningham. Simon, his house in Lauriston, XVIII. 168.
Cunningham. Sir William, of Kilmaurs, owner of land at Water of Leith, II. 145.
Cunningham. Sir W. (1781), Wig Club, III. 141.
Cunningham. William, of Enterkin, IX. 166, 175.
Cunningham. William, yr., of Craigans, IX. 164; XII. 181, 185, 186.
Cunningham. Dr. William, IX. lll.
Cunningham. William, W.S., III. 173.
Cunningham. William, goldsmith, III. 249.
Cunninghame, Sir David, of Milncraig, III. 225.
Cunninghame, Gabriel, IV. 136.
Cunninghame, Janet, XVI. 198, 200, 206.
Cunninghame, William, whipped for rioting, IV. 118.
Cunnynghame, Robert, III. 83.
Cunyngham, John (1685), warded, XII. 164, 167.
Cunyngham, Lieut., VIII. 121.
Cunynghame, Christian, VIII. 109.
Cunynghame, Edward, bailie, West Port, XVI. 55.
Cunynghame, Edward (1636), maltman, XIII. 96.
Cunynghame, Sir John, VI. 110.
Cunynghame, John, W.S., V. 114, 115.
Cunynghame, Margaret, murdered, V. 114, 115, 116.
Cunynghame, Patrick (1684), IX. 140.
Cunynghame, William, of Ashinyeards, IX. 161 ; XII. 167, 174.
Cunynghame, William (1684), IX. 131.
Cunzie Close, XII. 83, 84.
Cunzie House, II. 48 ; XI. 8 ; XII. 84 ; XV. 59, 109; XVI. 111, 135; XVIII. App. 25.
Curle, James, IV. 84.
Curriber Bank, XII. 41.
Currie, Alexander, III. 175, 176. See Curry and Cury.
Currie, Andrew, deacon of Weavers, XII. 53.
Currie, Hugh, XII. 53.
Currie, James, minister, Shotts, IX. 160; XI. 41.
Currie, James, provost, XVI. 128.
Currie, James, Ormonde pursuivant, XVIII. 14.
Currie, James (1761), XII. 53.
Currie, Mary, II. 158.
Currie, William, Speculative Society, V. 171, 172, 178, 181, 188.
Currie, William, skinner, VI. 97, 101.
Curriehill, Lord (Sir James Skene), XI. App. 18.
Curriehill, Lady, IV. 132.
Curriehill House Yards, XV. 146.
Currier, Andrew, W.S., of Peffermill, V. 164.
Currier, Christian, V. 164.
Currie’s Close, XII. 53.
Curror, Alexander, III. 79.
Curror, David, S.S.C., XVII. 135, 136.
Curror, John, XII. 53.
Curror, William, III. 95.
Curror’s Close, XII. 53.
Curry, David, covenanter, II. 95. See Chirrie and Cury.
Curtain Wall (Castle), VI. 9.
Cury, James, bailie, V. 137. See Currie and Curry.
Custom House, III. 229; IV. 21, 26, 28; XIV. 151 ; XVI. 167.
Customer’s Lodge, Bristo Port, XVII. 112.
Cuthbert of Wrichtishouses, XVIII. 169 n.
Cuthbertson, William, V. 146.
Cuthbertson’s property, Calton, XIX. 109.
Cutlers’ armorial shield, VIII. 62.
Cutlers of Canongate, XIX. 2, 3 ; a flourishing art; the assay, 25-6; uneventful history, 26; women in craft, 26 ; complaint against armourer, 26-7 ; marking goods, 27.
Daer, Lord, III. 151.
‘Dagmakers’ or gunsmiths, XIX. 2, 22.
Daill, John, XVIII. 25.
Daily Council instituted in 1503-4 for removing vexatious legal delays, XI. 104.
‘Dainty Davie’ (Rev. David Williamson), I. 113; XIV. 66.
Dalgety, Dugald, X. 94.
Dalgleish, James (1587), XV. 17.
Dalgleish, Sir John, XIII. 99, 111.
Dalgleish, Laurence, watchmaker, III. 232.
Dalgleish, (Dawgleiss), Robein, III. 82.
Dalgleish, Robert, agent of the Kirk, IV. 148; V. 77.
Dalgleish’s Close, XII. 153 ; XVI. 5.
Dalhousie, Elizabeth, eighth Countess of, XIX. 85.
Dalhousie, George, eighth Earl of, XIII. App. 15 ; buys Cockpen estate, XVII. 17, 19.
Dalhousie, George, ninth Earl of, I. 144; XIII. App. 15; XX. 145, 146.
Dalhousie, George, twelfth Earl of, III. 177.
Dalhousie Castle, Club visits, XV. App. 25-6.
Dalkeith, Lord (1633), XVIII. 15.
Dalkeith, Francis, Earl of, XX. App. 26.
Dalkeith Road, Old, antiquity of, X. 56, 62.
Dallas, George, W.S., XVI. 134.
Dallas, James, of Cantray, V. 172 n.
Dallas, William, son of James of Cantray, V. 172 and n., 181, 188 ; discourse on ‘The Advantages and Study of Knowledge,’ 186.
Dallas, William, W.S., III. 165.
Dallas’ Close, XII. 115.
Dalling, John, in Leith, X. 219 n. See Daulling.
Dalling, Thomas, advocate, XIII. 120, 133.
Dalling’s Acres, X. 219 n.
Dalmahoy, John, sergeant of port of Leith, XV. 18.
Robert, son of laird of Dalmahoy, VIII. 93.
Robert, William, IX. 152.
Dalmeny, Archibald, Lord, son of fourth Earl of Rosebery, III. 244 n.
Dalry, lands of, II. 144-5 ; Touris family and, 65; sold to Sir A. Brand, 147; XIV. 102 and n., 105, 107, 108 n., 109, 110, 140; XVIII. 152, 169 n. ; manorhouse described, XX. 26-7, 33-4; Walter Chiesley, probable builder of mansion ; rural situation, 27 ; ‘King’s Field’ ; early history ; Chiesley family and, 28-9; Sir Alexander Brand buys, 29; change of name; ‘Dalry now called Brandsfield,’ 30 ; manor house for sale, 35; Brand feus; house sold, 35-6 ; Joseph Taylor’s description of, 36-8; for sale, 38-9; Brand’s son owner of portion, 39; reversion to old name; sold to first Lord Rosebery; sasine granted to Matthew Lant; Lord Chief Baron Idle infeft in, 40 ; William Kirkpatrick of Allisland, proprietor of, 41-2, 56 ; mansion sold to Hon. Basil Cochrane, 42; Walker family as owners, 43-5 ; changes in surroundings, 44; mansion becomes training college, 45 ; feued to brewers, 45-6; Lady Lockhart superior of portion of, 54; Society and Fraternity of Gardeners rent acres of, 57.
Dalry, Cemetery, IV. 72.
Dalry, Easter, XX. 29, 35, 39.
Dalry, Haughs of, XX. 27.
Dalry, House, I. 78 ; II. 143, 146 ; III. 184, 190, 196; XX. 48; gateway to, in Fountainbridge, 56. See also Dalry, lands of.
Dalry, Mills, III. 184; XV. 170; XVI. 116.
Dalry, Park, XX. 33, 35, 36, 42.
Dalry, Road, XX. 27.
Dalrymple, Andrew, master of St. Paul’s Work, XVII, 55.
Dalrymple, Charles, V. 137.
Dalrymple, Commissary, IX. 122.
Dalrymple, Sir David (Lord Hailes), contributor to The Mirror, III. 144; IV. 37; his house in New St., XI. 9; XV. 110; XX. 51.
Dalrymple, David, Lord Westhall, XII. 24.
Dalrymple, David, burgess, III. 89 ; makes grant to Black Friars, 48.
Dalrymple, Hon. George, of Dalmahoy, III. 244 n., 247.
Dalrymple, George, Baron of Exchequer, III. 247, 250 and n.
Dalrymple, Sir Hew, President of Court of Session, XII. 131.
Dalrymple, Hew, of Drummore. See Drummore, Lord.
Dalrymple, Hugh, a director of Musical Society, XIX. 195.
Dalrymple, Sir James, first Viscount Stair, I. 113.
Dalrymple, James, of Orangefield, III. 164.
Dalrymple, James, in the Water of Leith, I. 132.
Dalrymple, Sir John, afterwards first Earl of Stair, III. 153, 246; IX. 152, 153, 173 ; XII. 204. See Stair, John, first Earl of.
Dalrymple, Sir John (1825), XVIII. 203.
Dalrymple, John, of Newliston. See Stair, fifth Earl.
Dalrymple, John, lord provost, III. 162 ; XVII. 122 ; a director of the Musical Society, XIX. 88.
Dalrymple, John (1851), M.P., III. 175.
Dalrymple, John, advocate, III. 153.
Dalrymple, Sir J. H. (1828), XX. 68.
Dalrymple, of North Berwick, Lady, XIX. 42; directress of ‘Assembly,’ 89.
Dalrymple, Marion, VIII. 152.
Dalrymple, Miss, XIX. 71.
Dalrymple, Robert Stair, III. 152.
Dalrymple, William, of Glenmuir, III. 247.
Dalzel, Prof. Andrew, III. 114; VIII. 79,
81, 99; XIII. App. 10.
Dalzell, James (1561), XV. 47, 48. See Dalziel and Dalziell.
Dalzell, John, VI. 114.
Dalzell, Sir J. G., XIV. 167.
Dalzell, Sir Thomas, of Binns, house of, I. 11; II. 92, 94, 104, 105 ; VIII. 110, 119, 139, 145; IX. 156; X. 201 ; XII. 168.
Dalzell’s land, III. 93.
Dalziel, Alexander, writer, X. 166. See Dalzell.
Dalziel, James, in Haucbewchsyd, IX. 151.
Dalziel, John, of Camwath, IX. 131.
Dalziel, Mr., of Restalrig, IV. 175, 177, 179, 182, 184.
Dalziell (Deyell), Elizabeth, V. 139.
Dalziell Ensign James, VIII. 101, 140, 141.
Dame Poor’s Close, XII. 142.
Damhead, XV. 184.
Dances, Scottish, XIX. 34, 61; people’s, 83.
Dancing Assembly in West Bow in 1710, IX. 191, 192.
Danielstone, James, goldsmith, XIII. 125, 130. See Dennistoun.
Danniell, Andrew, in Codziam, II. 94.
Darien Company, II. 138 ; X. 227 ; house of, XI. 6, 8; XVIII. App. 26; XX. App. 20.
Dark Shoemaker’s Close, XII. 97.
Darling, Alexander, warded, VIII. 123, 124. See Derling.
Darling, Andrew, writer, XIII. 135.
Darling, David, XIX. 127.
Darling, John, warded, VIII. 121, 122.
D’Artois, Count, II. 163; taught English by William Ritchie, master of Canongate School, XX. 20. See Charles X.
Dashingflatt (or Dishingflatt), XV. App. 19.
Dashkoff, Princess, XII. App. 10.
Daskor, Prince, XX. 133.
Dassauville, William, his Plan of Edinburgh, XII. 234.
Daulling, George, skipper, IX. 117. See Dalling.
D’Avenant, Sir William, his version of The Tempest, XI. 164 and n., and Macbeth, 164-6.
David I., I. 130; V. 10, 25, 30, 31, 32 n., 34, 38, 65, 66; issues Charter of Confirmation under Great Seal, 9; his death, 20 ; buried at Dunfermline, 21 ; his charter to Holyrood, 41, and to St. Cuthbert’s Church, 47; invites Flemings to settle in Scotland, VI. 42; foundation of Holyrood Abbey, VII. lvii ; gift to city of Burgh Muir, X. 1-2 ; lands not included in gift, 5, 153 ; hunts stag in Drumselch forest, 2-3 and n.; foundation charter of Holyrood, 4, 6; builds and endows churches and monasteries, 6; presents St. Giles’ Church to Harehope monastery, 7 ; buried in Dunfermline, 8n.; 153, 154; XIII. 79; XIV. 102, 104, 105, 107, App. 15; confers sanctuary rights, XV. 57, 59, 135; XX. 1.
David II., gifts to Black Friars, III. 32; return from captivity in England, 33; mass on behalf of, 40 ; letter of protection to Friar Preachers, 88; V. 22; VI. 2; X. 9; XIV. 109; tries to improve royal garden, 111; interest in the Barras, 114; XX. 28.
David Murray’s Close, XII. 153.
David’s Tower (Edinburgh Castle), V. 42 n. ; story of its recent discovery, VI. 2-5 ; relics found, 6 ; proposal for restoration, 9; lecture on, by W. T. Oldrieve, VII. App. 4-7; IX. 15, 16; James V. resides in, 17 ; XI. 8, App. 10.
Davidson, Alexander, shoemaker, XVIII. 75. See Davidsoun and Davison.
Davidson, Anne, of Whitehouse, X. 182.
Davidson, Sheriff Archibald, III. 174, 175, 176.
Davidson, Charles, V. 131.
Davidson, Christian, VIII. 135, 136.
Davidson, George, residing in Rotterdam, IV. 47.
Davidson, Henry (1744), XII. 134.
Davidson, Henry, merchant, Leith, XVIII. App. 33.
Davidson, Hugh, merchant, Leith, XIX. 175.
Davidson, James, baker in Canongate, XIV. 37, 43.
Davidson, James, schoolmaster, Canongate, XX. 6.
Davidson, John, of Whitehouse, X. 36, 46-51, 182, 183, 222, 225.
Davidson, John, tailor, III. 102; owns ‘land’ at Black Friars priory, 78a.
Davidson, John, pirate, IV. 84.
Davidson, John, brassfounder, XII. 106.
Davidson, (or Dennistoun), Margaret, wife of Adam Cowpar of Gogar, XI. 131, 132.
Davidson, Margaret (1600), VI. 100.
Davidson, Randall Thomas, archbishop, born in Inverleith Place, XVIII. App. 33.
Davidson, Robert, shoemaker, XII. 106.
Davidson, Thomas (1737), IV. 28.
Davidson, Dr. Thomas Randall, of Muirhouse, XIII. App. 10-11; XIV. 174 and n. ; XVIII. App. 33.
Davidson, William, tailor, Canongate, I. 43.
Davidson, Yaxly, innkeeper, XIV. 134.
Davidson’s Close (Kinloch’s), XII. 78, 134.
Davidson’s Close (White Horse), XII. 105, 106; XIV. 127.
Davidson’s Land, XII. 106.
Davidsoun, William, III. 79. See Davidson and Davison.
Davie, James, son of John, the brewer, X. 218 n., 220.
Davie, John, brewer, feus Gallows Green, I. 34; X. 96, 218 n., 219.
Davie, John, covenanter, VIII. 123, 124.
Davies, Thomas, warded, VIII. 132.
Davison, Jeremiah, II. 12 71.. See Davidson and Davidsoun.
Dawson, Andrew, candlemaker, XVII. 139. 141.
Deacon Convener, his powers and duties, XIV. 30, 31, 38.
Deaconry, XVI. 89.
Deacons of Trade, XIV. 28, 31.
Dean, barony of, I. 78, 86, 98, 109, 112, 114, 121, 129 ; sculptured stones of, 77-135 ; ‘Putrie’ or poultry lands of, 97, 98 ; bought by William Nisbet, 97 ; village of, 98, 100; exchanged for lands of Craigentinny and Restalrig, 107 ; feuing of, 126; II. 133; III. 184; building plan for, XII. 238; XV. 170, 175, 185.
Dean, Bridge, I. 131; tollhouse at, 124, 132.
Dean, Cemetery, I. 78, 80, 91, 93, 100, 101, 106. 123, 126.
Dean, House, I. 87, 92, 98, 104, 106, 114, 119, 122, 124, 125; built by Sir William Nisbet, 78, 96; mural ornaments, 79; association with Tully-Veolan, 79-80; described, 99, 100 ; last occupants, 125; demolition, 126; IV. 55, 72; XIV. 61.
Dean, Park, I. 125 ; farm at, XVII. 77.
Dean, quarry, XX. App. 13.
Dean, village, XII. 211 ; XVIII. 160.
Dean, Western Place of, I. 116, 122.
Dean of Guild, VI. 42 ; XV. App. 15 ; no holder to continue above two years, XVI. 88; election of, 121.
Deanes, General, XVI. 37. See Deans and Deines.
Deanhaugh, I. 98; mansion, IX. 232; XIV. 82; XV. 170, 185; XIX. 94.
Deans (Deynes), George, advocate, XIII. 136.
Deans James, XX. 19. See Deanes and Deines.
‘Dean’s Mill, called Bell’s Mill,’ I. 126 ; XX. App. 9.
Deas, George, III. 175.
Deborah, Handel’s, XIX. 204.
Debt, VI. 108, 111, 113, 115, 128, 131-3, 143; VIII. 107, 119, 123, 127, 152.
Debtors, magistrates responsible for, IV. 96; to be set in pillory, 106-7 and n.; liberated because of plague, 110.
De Carabris, William, bailie, XII. 41.
De Courcy, Richard, preacher in Lady Glenorchy’s chapel, VIII. 185-6.
Decreet Arbitral (1583), I. 86 ; VI. 19, 24, 26, 27, 29, 40, 47, 51, 52 n. ; XIV. 35; XVI. 89-91, 120; XVII. 92, 137.
Dederyk, William de, XV. App. 9.
Dee, John, III. 81.
Dee, Katherine, II. 76.
Dee, Friar William, III. 94.
Defoe, Daniel, III. 227, 234 ; VIII. 162.
De Graifif, Jacquet, IX. 75.
Deines, James, IV. 123. See Deanes and Deans.
Deiraneuch, II. 72.
De la Cour, VIII. App. 5 ; XX. App. 28.
De la Fontagne, Simon, III. 33.
De la Motte, Pierre, dancing master, XV. 176, 186, 198 and n.
De Lestalrics, XII. App. 12.
Demainbray, Mr. and Mrs., their school in Bishop’s Land, II. 45.
Dempster, George, of Dunnichen, III. 153.
Dempster, James, weaver, XII. 111.
Dempster’s Close, XII. 110.
Denham, James (1708), XII. 155.
Denholm, David, servitor, XI. 49.
Denholm, James, farmer, VI. 121.
Denholm, James (1686), XII. 190.
Denholm, James, hatter, XIV. 163, 179.
Denholm, John, bailie, IV. 134.
Denholm, John, brewer, XII. 149.
Denholm, John, Bridge of Ken, V. 143.
Denmark, Frederick, King of. See Frederick.
Denmyln MSS., letter anent Black Friars, III. 36.
Dennistoun, Alexander, bailie, XII. 31, 32 ; XIII. 109. See Danielstone.
Dennistoun, David, XII. 31.
Dennistoun, James, IX. 83.
Dennistoun’s Close, XII. 30, 31.
Dennun, Robene, III. 81.
Denoon, David, saddler, XIX. 21.
Denoon, David, bailie, XX. 16.
Denovan, Campbell, his New Picture of Edinburgh, IX. 98 ; XII. 63 ; his Edinburgh Directory and Picture of Edinburgh, 228.
Deoch-an-douris, XX. 38 and n.
De Quincey, Thomas, buried in St. Cuthbert’s Churchyard, XI. App. 17 ; a dweller in sanctuary of Holyrood, XV. 97 ; a tenant of Lady Nairne at Duddingston, XX. App. 30-1.
Derling, Marion, III. 94. See Darling.
Dernling, Christian, wife of John Richesoun, XX. 102.
Deuchar, Alexander, lapidary, IX. 87, 88.
Deuchar, David, seal engraver, IX. 87-90 ; X. 203, 204 n.
Deuchar, John, of Morningside, X. 206.
Deuchar, William, X. 203, 204 n.
Devener, James, VIII. 150.
Devil’s health, punishment for drinking, VI. 109.
Dewar, Archibald, tailor, XV. 28.
Dewar, David, tailor, XIV. 36.
Dewar, George, burgess, X. 218 n.
Dewar, James, of Canaan, X. 183.
Dewar, James, of Vogrie, XII. 51.
Dewar, James, warded, VIII. 153.
Dewar, John, bailie, X. 181.
Dewar, John, son of above, X. 181, 183.
Dewar, Miss, of Vogrie, II. 164.
Dewar, Sybilla, XV. 44, 45.
Dewar’s Close, I. 23.
De Winton, Henry, IV. 69.
De Witt, F., III. 220, 222.
Dhu Craig, XIV. 117 ; XVIII. 36. See Dow Craig.
Diana visiting Endymion, painting of, XX. App. 28.
Diary of John Nicoll, XVI. Introd. x ; extracts chosen by John Russell, xxv; nature and value of, xx. 33-76.
Dick, Sir Alexander, of Prestonfield, X. 157, 215; XIX. 112; XX. 112, 115; App. 29.
Dick, Alexander, wright, XII. 172.
Dick, Alexander, writer, XIII. 96, 115.
Dick, Sir Andrew, of Craighouse, XI. App. 14, 15.
Dick, Captain Andrew, prisoner in Tolbooth, XI. 29, 38, 40.
Dick, Sir Andrew Lauder, fifth bart., of Fountainhall, X. 17.
Dick, Sir Andrew Lauder, sixth bart., X. 17, 161.
Dick, Sir Andrew Lauder, of Grange, X. 152-3.
Dick, David, brewer, XII. 144.
Dick, David, minister, XVI. 47.
Dick, Lauder, Isobel, wife of Sir Andrew, fifth bart., X. 17.
Dick, Sir James, lord provost, IV. 12; VI. 133 ; XI. 38 ; XII. 168 ; XIII. App. 13; XVI. 117, 129, 137, 138; imports playing cards, XVIII. App. 23.
Dick, James, brewer, XII. 144.
Dick, John, of Braid, XI. App. 14.
Dick, John (1662), V. 99.
Dick, John, student of theology, IX. 128; executed, 129, 134; XVI. 120, 123, 125.
Dick, Katherine, relict of William Bissett, chirurgeon, I. 92.
Dick, Katherine, second wife of Sir William Nisbet, first of Dean, I. 92, 102, 105, 106.
Dick, Margaret, IV. 71.
Dick, Quentin, IX. 162; XII. 166.
Dick, Dr. Robert, III. 152.
Dick, Robert, writer, X. 183, 225.
Dick, Robert, minister, XX. 19.
Dick, Thomas, farmer, X. 163.
Dick, Thomas, engraver, IX. 110.
Dick, Sir William, of Braid, I. 7, 102, 106; father-in-law of Sir William Nisbet, first of Dean, 96; career of, 105 ; ‘Davie Deans’ on, 105-6 ; IV. 73 ; acquires lands of Grange and Braid, X. 15-16, 159 n., 160 n., 162, 219 n.; acquires twenty-one feus, 223, 224 ; leases buildings and lands of Society of Brewers, 238; XI. App. 14, 15; XII. 24, 25; XIII. 62, 101 and n., 104 and n., 105; XIV. 90; XV. App. 11; his ‘Lamentable Estate,’ XVIII. App. 13 ; XIX. 158, 160.
Dick, William, son of Sir William, XI. App. 14 ; fiar of Grange of St. Giles, X. 16, 17, 150.
Dick, William, third of Braid (1683), a prisoner in Tolbooth, VIII. 145, 149; XI. App. 15.
Dick, William, of Grange (1716), X. 160.
Dick, William, of Grange (1751), X. 36-51 ; XII. 93.
Dick, Sir William, of Prestonfield, XV. App. 17.
Dick, William, College Wynd, XII. 144.
Dick, William, candlemaker, XVII. 130.
Dick, William, veterinary surgeon, XVII. 88.
Dickieson, John, lessee of South Loch, X. 200.
Dick Lauder. See Lauder.
Dick’s Close, XII. 144.
Dicks of Braid, I. 92 ; arms of, IV. 72.
Dicks of Craighouse, I. 106.
Dicks of Fracafield, I. 106.
Dicks of Grange, III. 201 ; X. 17, 76, 159, 225-6.
Dicks of Prestonfield, XX. App. 29.
Dick-Cunynghams of Prestonfield, I. 106.
Dickson, Agnes, XII. 34. See Dicksone and Diksoun.
Dickson, Alexander, farmer, Restalrig, IV. 159, 160. 163, 166-8.
Dickson, Allan, burgess, XII. 62; XIV. 72; XV. 27.
Dickson, Andrew, candlemaker, XVII. 136.
Dickson, Andrew, golf-caddie, XVIII. 124.
Dickson, Charles, goldsmith, XII. 62, 79, 135.
Dickson, David, son of Allan, XII. 62.
David, professor, IV. 148 ; V. 77.
David, David, minister of St. Cuthbert’s, XI. App. 17; XIV. 174; XVII. 118.
David, David (1796), minister of Canongate, XX. 21.
David, David, provost of Forfar, VI. 112.
David, Elizabeth, XII. 34, 149.
David, George, schoolmaster, VIII. 108.
David, Gilbert, XII. 62.
David, Helen, daughter of Hartree, sues Claude Hamilton of Garein for debt, XV. 84.
David, James, burgess, XII. 149.
David, James, seedsman, XIX. 171.
David, Janet, XII. 149.
David, John, of Hartree, XII. 12 ; XIV. 75. XV. 84.
David, John, of Kilbucho, XII. 12.
David, John, of Whitslade, XIV. 75.
David, John, of Whytelaw, XII. 12.
David, John, Ross herald, IX. 61.
David, John, covenanter, IV. 139, 140; VI. 147.
David, John, hanged at Castle Hill, IV. 142.
David, (Diksone), John, skinner, VI. 72.
David, John, candlemaker, XVII. 134-7.
David, John, and St. Ninian chaplainry, XIX. 92-3.
David, John, XII. 34.
David, Sir Robert, of Inveresk, XIV. App. 16.
David, Robert, advocate, VI. 110.
David, Sibella, XII. 34.
David, Thomas (1749), XII. 79.
David, Thomas, apothecary, XIII. 132.
David, Thomas, applies for admission to Candlemakers’ Incorporation, XVII. 132 and n., 133, 134, 136.
David, Thomas, XII. 34.
David, Walter, purchases Redbraes, XIX. 171.
David, William, weaver, contract with town council, XVII. 56-8.
Dicksone, Thomas, warded, IV. 113-15, 117, 119, 121-2, 125-6, 128-9. See Dickson and Diksoun.
Dicksons of Winkstone, II. 143 ; XIV. 72.
Dickson’s Close, I. 10 ; II. 2 ; XII. 34, 62, 79; XIV. 72, 174; XV. 101.
Dickson’s Close, Cowgate, XII. 148, 149, 150 ; proposed entrance to St. Cecilia’s Hall from, XIX. 229.
Dickson’s Land, XII. 79.
Dickson’s Wynd, III. 78a.
Dier, Master, XVI. 9, 14.
Digges, — , manager of Theatre Royal ; attempts to introduce masquerade, XIX. 63, 65 ; announces a ridotto, 65.
Diksoun, Thom., III. 7 9. See Dickson and Dicksone.
Dilks, Mrs., attempt to seize her outside sanctuary, XV. 89-90.
Din, John, servitor, XI. 56. See Dinn.
Dingwall, John, provost of Trinity College, XIX. 94.
Dingwall Castle, XV. 136; XVII. App. 16; XVIII. 35; XIX. 94.
‘Dingwallis hous,’ Kirk of Field, IV. 94.
Dinn, James, XI. 61. See Din.
Dinnand, Quinten, XII. 164, 167.
Directory, the first issued by Post Office, I. 150.
Directresses of the ‘Assembly,’ XIX. 42, 44-6, 49-50, 52-4, 76-8.
Dirleton, Lord, house of; his Doubts, I. 14, 111. See Nisbet, Sir John.
Dirleton, Lady, XV. 182.
Dirleton estate, I. 109, 110-12.
Dirleton’s Land, XII. 42.
Dirty Club, III. 178.
Dishingflatt (or Dashingflatt), XV. App. 19.
Diurnal of Occurrents, X. 242 ; history of MS. of, XVI. Introd. x, xii, 3-6.
Diversorium, III. 146, 177.
Divinity, Chair of, endowment of, IV. 146, 149; V. 76.
Dixon’s Close, XII. 79, 80.
Dobbie, Sir Joseph, XX. 61.
Dobbie, Thomas, etcher, III. 231 n.
Dobie, James, merchant, VIII. 119.
Dobie, Richard, XII. 135.
Dobie, Sir Robert of Stannyhill, XII. 135; XIII. 125.
Dobie, Thomas, XII. 135.
Dobie, William, warded, V. 119.
Dobie’s Close, XII. 135.
Doby, William, X. 161.
Doddridge, Philip, VIII. 168 n.
Dodds, James, prior of Wigtown, III. 74.
Dods, Thomas, plumber, XIII. 72, 73.
Dods, William, executed, V. 110.
Doig, William, XI. 47, 51 ; XII. 195.
Doig, William Henry, XII. 141.
Dominic, founder of Black Friars, III. 13 n., 14; birth of, 17; under Rule of St. Augustine in Church of Osma, 17 ; mission to Denmark and Toulouse, 17 ; establishes house for women at Prouille, 17; Friar Preachers founded at Toulouse, 17-18; proceeds to Rome to get Pope’s sanction, 18 ; Friar Preachers sanctioned by Innocent III. and Honorius 111., 19 ; adopts Rule of St. Augustine, 19 ; papal style of address, 19 n. ; Master-General of Order, 21 ; presides over Chapters General at Bologna, 21, 22; Master of Palace of the Vatican, 32 ; X. 104-5. See Black Friars, Friar Preachers.
Dominican muniments extant, III. 15; destruction of, 15-16.
Don, Sir Alexander, fifth Bart., III. 141.
Don, Lady, one of the last to keep private Sedan chair, IX. 217; XIX. 84.
Don, John, of Woodside, XII. 26.
Don, William, vintner, XII. 26.
Don Wauchopes, XIX. 149.
Donald, Robert, covenanter, XI. 61.
Donaldson, Alexander, printer and bookseller, XII. 54, 56.
Donaldson, Alexander, yr., founder of Edinburgh Advertiser, XII. 55.
Donaldson, Alexander, flesher, III. 94.
Donaldson, Andrew, mason, XIX. 102.
Donaldson, Christian, XII. 20.
Donaldson, James, founder of Donaldson’s Hospital, XII. 55.
Donaldson, James, city treasurer, XVIII. 74.
Donaldson, James, S.S.C., XIV. 157.
Donaldson, James, Lord Perth’s factor, XV. 86.
Donaldson, John, tailor, XIII. 110.
Donaldson, Nathaniel, owner of Gardeners’ Hall, XX. 59.
Donaldson, Robert, W.S., XV. 91-2.
Donaldson, Thomas, warded, VIII. 116.
Donaldson, William, tailor, XIV. 36, 43.
Donaldson’s drawing of Old Tolbooth, XIV. 20, 22.
Donaldson’s Close, XII. 54, 56.
Donaldson’s Hospital, II. 139, App. 5 ; XVIII. App. 35.
Don’s Close, II. 154; XII. 26, 27, 45, 75, 113, 151, 153.
Dornado, James Boswell’s, XVII. 85.
Dormond, Robert, master of Canongate School, XX. 4, 7.
Dormond, Robert, schoolmaster of Haddington, XX. 5.
Douce, Francis, IX. 89.
Dougal, Edward, XII. 36.
Dougal, James, XII. 30.
Dougal, John, XII. 30.
Dougald, John, VI. 148.
Dougall, David, VI. 148.
Dougall, James, cooper, XIII. 117.
Dougall, John, feuar, X. 217, 218 n., 220.
Dougall, Margaret, VIII. 49.
Dougal’s Close, XII. 30.
Douglas, Arch., first Duke of, XI. 8 ; XV. App. 20.
Douglas, James, Marquis of (1684), IX. 126.
Douglas, James, Marquis of (1817), XX. 156.
Douglas, William, Earl of (1452), X. 20.
Douglas, Alexander, of Morton, XII. 160. See Dowglas.
Douglas, Alexander, prof. of Hebrew, VIII. 82.
Douglas, Andrew, macer, V. 148.
Douglas, Andrew, privy councillor, XII. 39.
Douglas, Archibald, Earl of Angus, ‘Bell-the-Cat,’ provost, II. 66; III. 53 ; IV. 62; IX. 5; provost, 10, 11, 16, 17; Queen Margaret quarrels with, 27; 28, 29, 32, 76; X. 62, 115; XI. 115; XV.App. 11.
Douglas, Sir Archibald, of Kilspindie, IX. 29-31, 72, 74; X. 42; XV. App. 11.
Douglas, Archibald, rector of Douglas, X. 41 and n.
Douglas, Archibald, of Glenbervie, X. 116.
Douglas, Archibald, servitor to Earl of Morton, XV. 39.
Douglas, Colonel (1684), VIII. 125, 150; accused of appropriating soldiers’ pay, XVI. 135 ; scheme of military discipline, 132.
Douglas, Daniel (Dawney), tavem-keeper, III. 163; IV. 36, 37; XIV. 98.
Douglas, David, chirurgeon, XIII. 113, 143.
Douglas, Elisabeth, XII. 39.
Douglas, Francis Brown, lord provost, XX. App. 17.
Douglas, Gavin, Provost of St. Giles’, III. 53, 209; IX. 6, 8, 9-12, 15, 24, 31-3, 56; X. 115-16.
Douglas, Gavin, son of above, IX. 10, 11, 12.
Douglas, George, brother of Earl of Angus, IX. 24.
Douglas, George, Earl of Ormond, III. 210.
Douglas, George, of Lochleven, XIX. 159.
Douglas, George, covenanter, XII. 190.
Douglas, Helenor, wife of William Touris, XX. 28.
Douglas, Sir Henry, of Longnewton, III. 2.
Douglas, Hugh, mason in the Dean, XVI. 165.
Douglas, James, of Cavers, VI. 126 ; XV. 110.
Douglas, James, second Earl of Drumlanrig, VIII. 88.
Douglas, James, of Spott, XVI. 27.
Douglas, James (1682), beheaded, VIII. 134.
Douglas, Lady Jane, II. 132-3 ; XI. 79.
Douglas, Jean, sister of the Sciennes, X. 127, 130, 135, 141, 142.
Douglas, Sir John, of Glenfinart, XVIII. App. 30.
Douglas, John, armourer, II. 169.
Douglas, John, burnt for witchcraft, IV. 133.
Douglas, John, baxter, XI. 58, 59, 60.
Douglas, John, owner of property in Hart’s Close, XII. 39.
Douglas, John, surgeon, XIV. 142.
Douglas, John, tailor, XV. 12.
Douglas, John, writer (1770), XVII. 20.
Douglas, John, deputy-governor of Musical Society, XIX. 195.
Douglas, of Cavers, Lady, VIII. 139.
Douglas, Lady, of Glenbervie, X. 132.
Douglas, Margaret, cousin of Adam Smith, XIII. App. 16.
Douglas, Richard, advocate, III. 206 ; IX. 148.
Douglas, Sir Robert, of Glenbervie, XVIII. 172.
Douglas, Rev. Robert, grandson of George, of Lochleven, XIX. 159.
Douglas, Robert, leader of ‘Public Resolutioners,’ XVI. 47 ; preaches before Parliament, 60.
Douglas, Robert, brewer, XV. 184, 187, 188, 190, 197, 200.
Douglas, Sholto John (Lord Aberdour), afterwards seventeenth Earl of Morton, III. 194; XI. 56; XX. 121.
Douglas, Thomas, of Cavers, III. 206.
Douglas, Bailie Thomas, ornamental panel to his memory, IV. 73 n. ; VIII. 102 ; XX. 31.
Douglas, Thomas, transported, XII. 188.
Douglas, Douglas, Sir William, of Braidwood, X. 115.
Douglas, Sir William, of Cavers, III. 206.
Douglas, Sir William, of Dalkeith, III. 72.
Douglas, Sir William, first Earl of Drumlanrig, XVIII. 15.
Douglas, Sir William, of Kellhead, XI. App. 20 ; XIII. 136 and n. ; laird of Pilrig, XX. App. 20.
Douglas, Sir William, of Whittinghame, IV. 66.
Douglas, William, of Badds, VIII. 156.
Douglas, William, of Blaikorston, V. 134.
Douglas, William, of Bonnington Toll, XIX. 169.
Douglas, Captain William, VIII. 150.
Douglas, William, tailor, VIII. 211.
Douglas, William, engraver, IX. 99.
Douglas, William (1685), warded, XII. 184.
Douglas, William, treasurer of Musical Society, XIX. 57, 210, 212, 215, 216, 221, 225, 226, 231, 235; a director of the ‘Assembly,’ 88 ; compiles catalogue of music, 234 ; services to Musical Society, 237.
Douglas Heron & Co., bankers, XII. 93, 94, 95; XV. App. 12; XX. 56.
‘Douglas Cause,’ II. 133 ; XI. 79.
Douglas Hotel, St. Andrew Square, II. 155; XIV. 158; XV. App. 12.
Douglas Wearis, XVI. 23.
Douglas’ Close, XII. 30.
Doul’s Close, XII. 30.
Dounie, John, XVIII. 62. See Downie.
Dove, John, builder, XVIII. 172.
Dove (or Dow) Loan, X. 4, 207.
Dow Craig, IV. 86 ; XIV. 117 ; fortified, XVI. 18 ; XVIII. 35, 36. See also Dhu Craig.
‘Doway College,’ XIV. 73.
Dowcroft (Merchiston), X. 56, 193, 194.
Dowdeswell, Commissioner, resident in Fountainbridge ; reports on Jacobitism in Edinburgh; made burgess and guild brother; owns land in St. Leonard’s, XX. 49.
Dowell, Simon, III. 95 ; XII. 30, 31. See Dowll.
Dowell’s Close, XII. 30.
Dowglas, James, IV. 123. See Douglas.
Dowglas, Robert, IV. 120.
Dowhill, XX. 59.
Dowie’s Tavern, XIV. 73.
Dowll, Walter, owner of Michael of Bristol, XV. 16. See Dowell.
Downes, James, tailor, XIII. 127.
Downie, John, XIX. 181. See Dounie.
Dow’s Close, XII. 153.
Dragoons, Edinburgh Volunteer, and riding school, XX. 139, 141, 143.
Dramatic performances banned by town council and senatus, XI. 163; and by Kirk, 167.
Dranane, David, III. 92. See Drenan.
Dranin, John, XII. 164. See Drenan.
Draphan, George, in Lesmahago, II. 95.
Dredan, Agnes, VIII. 135, 136.
Dredan, William, VIII. 135, 136.
Dreghom, Lord. See Maclaurin, John.
Drenan, William, XII. 167. See Dranane.
Dress, female, XVI. 44.
Dron, Christian, VIII. 132.
Dronar, David, X. 74, 175, 176.
Drugs, poisonous, XVI. 113.
Drum, The, estate, X. 2; XIV. 82, 138 ; XX. App. 17 ; Market Cross removed to, 15, 32; Club visits, 31-2.
Drumcairn, Lord, John Murray, XVI. 164.
Drumdryan, Touris family and, II. 65 ; X. 5, 241 ; confirmation of charter of 1439 by John de Touris in favour of his son Nicol and heirs, XVIII. 151, 152 n., 156, 159, 168 ; boundaries, 169-71 ; acquired and improved by Patrick McDowall of Creichen, 169-70; Drumdryan House afterwards known as Leven Lodge, 170, 172-5 ; sold to Dundas of Fingask, afterwards property of Alexander, Earl of Leven, 171 ; boundaries and owners, 171-2 ; Drumdryan House built in 1774; lands and mansion bought by James Home Rigg, 172-4; proposed plans for building, 174.
Drumelzier, Lady, XIX. 42 ; directress of ‘Assembly,’ 89.
Drumlanrig, Sir William Douglas, first Earl of (1633), XVIII. 15.
Drumlanrig, James, second Earl of (1668), VIII. 88.
Drummond, Sir John, first Lord, IX. 6.
Drummond, Adam, anatomist, IV. 14 ; XV. 182.
Drummond, Alexander, brother of George Drummond, IV. 30, 32 n.
Drummond, Alexander, son of provost, IV. 33.
Drummond, Andrew, banker, II. 3.
Drummond, Archibald, son of provost, IV. 33, 53.
Drummond, Barbara, accused of witchcraft, V. 120, 123.
Drummond, Catherine, daughter of provost, IV. 33, 35.
Drummond, Drummond, Colin, son of provost, IV. 30, 33.
Drummond, David, treasurer, Bank of Scotland, II. 173.
Drummond, David, advocate, XI. 28.
Drummond, David (1685), XI. 68.
Drummond, Dorafie, VIII. 151.
Drummond, Dr., bishop of Brechin, XVI. 138.
Drummond, Duncan, son of provost, IV. 33, 35.
Drummond, Sir George (lord provost, 1683-5), IV. 36, 37; IX. 125; XVI. 120, 135, 138, 146, 155; knighted, 129; takes refuge in sanctuary, 144.
Drummond, George (1687-1766), six times lord provost; efforts on behalf of original North Bridge, I. 139 ; II. 7, 52, 169; founder of Infirmary, 9 ; leader of civic Whig party, 17-18; connection with Jacobites, 21 n., 23; III. 72; civic greatness, IV. 1, 2, 21, 53, 54; birth and ancestry, 2 ; work for Union with England, 3; excise official, 3; Protestant and Whig, 4, 5; commissioner of customs, 5 ; Allan Ramsay’s lines on, 6 ; takes part in battle of Sheriffmuir, 7; city treasurer, 7, 10; Jacobite objection to, 7, 8 ; corresponds with Addison, 10 ; bailie, dean of guild, provost, 11; interest in medicine, 14; founds Infirmary, 14, 15, 16, 20, 31-4; bust by Nollekins, 16; active Presbyterian, 17; Wodrow and, 17-20; collision with Glasgow magistrates, 18, 19; attempt to oust from management of royal burghs fails, 20; marriages and domestic affairs, 20, 33, 34, 46; correspondence with ‘R. B.,’ 21-35; a religious diary, 21 ; trial of Captain Porteous and inquiry into riots, 22-5, 27 ; family, church, and public affairs, 25-31 ; advocates new constitution for the town, 28; turned out of Customs and appointed to Excise, 30, 31 ; comments on minister of Colinton, 32-3; resides in Anchor Close, 36-8 ; loyal to Government during ‘Forty-five, 38-41 ; heads company of volunteers, 39; present at battle of Prestonpans, 41 ; married Quakeress, 41, 46; witness against Provost Stewart, 42; elected provost, 42, 43; city improvement scheme, 43-6 ; lays foundation-stone of Royal Exchange, 45; Drummond Lodge, 46-7 ; elected provost for fifth time, 48; re-election opposed, 48-9; lays foundation-stone of North Bridge, 49-50; ‘Claudero’ on, 51 ; food riots, 52-3 ; death and funeral, 53 ; services to city, 53-4; V. 82; XIII. 90; XIV. 98; proposes to build hospital for sick poor, XV. 141; interest in the work, 143-7, 154 and n. ; at opening of Infirmary, 152; his appeal for funds, 155; success of Infirmary largely due to his efibrts, 161-2; App. 11; XIX. 212; deputy governor of Musical Society; connection with building of St. Cecilia’s Hall, 198-9, 224; appeals to Musical Society on behalf of Infirmary, 235, 236; XX. 116, 118.
Drummond, George, son of provost, IV. 33.
Drummond, George, bailie (1664), V. 121, 148, 149, 150, 155; XVI. 134, 144, 152; keeper of Tolbooth, 153, 156; XVII. 83.
Drummond, George, of Blair, IV. 2; XIV. 46; XVI. 155.
Drummond, George, minister, VIII. 132.
Drummond, George, member of Wig Club, III. 141.
Drummond, George, grandson of Walter of Cargill, IV. 2.
Drummond, James, relative of provost, IV. 23.
Drummond, James, son of provost, IV. 33.
Drummond, James, R.S.A., IV. 151 ; V. 64; XIV. 51 ; XV. 122; XVII. ll; XVIII. 10; XX. App. 12.
Drummond, James, merchant, XII., 53.
Drummond, James (1742), XII. 155.
Drummond, Janet, wife of James Brownhill, XII. 11.
Drummond, Jean (1684), warded, IX. 170; XI. 51.
Drummond, Jean, daughter of provost, IV. 33.
Drummond, John, Duke of Melfort, deputy-governor of Castle, XVI. 107.
Drummond, John, of Newton of Blair, father of second Lord Provost Drummond, IV. 2-3.
Drummond, John, town clerk, IV. 33 ; XVI. 134, 136, 146.
Drummond, John, cousin of provost, IV. 28, 31.
Drummond, John, escaped prisoner, V. 133.
Drummond, John, regent of Humanity, VIII. 82.
Drummond, John, prisoner in Castle, IX. 20.
Drummond, John, chairmaster, IX. 199, 200 ; banished for conveying a corpse through the streets, 201, 204.
Drummond, Margaret-Anne. See Forbes-Drummond and Walker-Drummond.
Drummond, Mrs. Marion, XII. 120.
Drummond, Mary, daughter of provost, IV. 33, 35.
Drummond, Mary, sister of lord provost, XII. 120 ; collects money for Infirmary, XV. 155.
Drummond, Robert, Jacobite printer, II. 14 n.
Drummond, Walter, of Cargill and Stobhall, IV. 2.
Drummond, William, of Hawthornden, poet, I. 106 ; IV. 37; X. 77; XIV. 99; XX. 44.
Drummond, William, of Newton of Blair, IV. 2; IX. 81, 82.
Drummond, William, captain of Edinburgh Castle, IX. 12.
Drummond Lodge, IV. 47, 53; IX. 210.
Drummond Place, origin of, IV. 47; and construction of railway, IV. 48, 54.
Drummond Street, tower of Flodden Wall at, II. 71, 74.
Drummond’s Close, XII. 120.
Drummond’s Land, Canongate, XX. 125.
Drummore, Lord, XIX. 49, 87 ; governor of Musical Society, 197; ‘funeral concert’ for, 198 ; painting of, 232.
Drumselch forest, boundaries of, X. 2; David I. hunts in, 2-3 and n. ; 56, 57, 154; XIV. 102; XVIII. 37.
Drumsheugh, I. 129; II. 132, 133, 146; IX. 210; XV. 170.
Drury, Sir William, III. 209 ; V. 63 ; VI. 7 ; XI. 7, 9; XII. 214; XIV. 68; marches army into Scotland, XVI. 9 ; summons Kirkaldy of Grange to surrender, 10; prepares for siege of Castle, 11 ; progress of attack, 11-12 ; Castle surrendered, 12 ; delivers Castle to James vI., 13 ; hands over prisoners to Regent, 13.
Dryburgh, Lady, XIII. 116.
Dryburgh, Neil, convener of the trades, Leith, XX. 63.
Dryden, Sir Hem’y, V. 26.
Dryden’s version of The Tempest, XI. 164 and n., 166.
Drysdale, Sir Andrew, chaplain, V. 46, 56.
Drysdale, Rev. Dr. John, III. 152 ; XX. 19.
Drysdale, John, treasurer of Pantheon, I. 59.
Drysdale, John, baker in Canongate, XIV. 37, 43.
Drysdale, ‘John, hammerman, XIV. 36, 42.
Drysdale, Thomas, Islay herald, XVIII. 14.
Drysdale, William, W.S., XVIII. 92.
Drywood, John, IV. 126.
Duberie, lieut. to Captain Strelley, XVI. 11.
Duchall, laird of, IX. 163.
Duckat Yard, XV. 171, 172, 185, 188.
Ducking as a punishment, IV. 90.
Duddingston, Prince Charles at, II. 26; Highland army at, 38, 58; III. 88 ; lands of, 83, 89; Provost Drummond at, IV. 33 ; Cauvin’s hospital, 175-6 ; monks of Kelso proprietors of lands of, X. 154, 155; XII. 231; XV. 65, 154, 170; Cauvin’s house at, XVII. App. 8 ; XVIII. 184; XX. App. 30 ; church, 28-9 ; manor house of, 30.
Duddingston, Loch, X. 5, 153, 155 ; XV. 65 ; XVIII. 201, 205.
Dudgeon, John, candlemaker, XVII. 99.
Duell’s Close, XII. 30.
Duff, Alexander, writer, XIII. 126, 133.
Duff, David, indweller in Leith, III. 103.
Duff, James, warded, XII. 207.
Duff, Thomas, ‘taylor,’ VI. 133.
Duff, of Cubine v. Creditors, XV. 86.
Duffus, Elspeth, XII. 178.
Duke’s Walk, II. 25; XV. 66.
‘Dulse an’ tangle,’ II. 190.
Duly, David, tailor, IV. 82.
Dumbar, James, VI. 141. See Dunbar.
Dumbar, Robert, XVI. 180, 190, 193, 194, 202, 206, 211.
Dumbarton, Earl of (1685), XI. 63.
Dumbiedykes, XV. 65.
Dumbreck, James, XII. 109.
Dumbreck, John, innkeeper, XII. 109 ; XIV. 130, 131 138, 146.
Dumbreck, John, coachmaker, XI. 85 n.
Dumbreck, Mrs., XII. 109 n.
Dumbreck, William, XII. 109 n.
Dumbreck, tavern, III. 158.
Dumfries, Earl of (1682), VIII. 128.
Dumfries, Earl of (1750), XIV. 57; governor of Musical Society (1755-61), XIX. 197. Dummo, John, skipper in Leith, XV. 17.
Dumont, Madame, XI. 169.
Dun, George, of Peilhill, VI. 154. See Durm.
Dun, James (1668), V. 143.
Dun, James, innkeeper, XIV. 137, 146.
Dun, James, wright in Portsburgh, XVIII. 172.
Dun’s Hotel, XIV. 131, 138 ; XV. App. 13.
Dumbar, Cospatrick, Earl of, I. 80.
Dumbar, George, Earl of, keeper of Holyroodhouse and Park, XVIII. 185-6.
Dumbar, Patrick, ninth Earl of, III. 1.
Dumbar, Alexander, warded, V. 141 ; XI. 36, 62; XII. 159. See Dumbar.
Dumbar, Andrew, of Leuchold, XII. 19.
Dumbar, David, writer, XII. 99.
Dumbar, David, covenanter, XII. 157, 159, 193.
Dumbar, Captain E. Dunbar, XIX. 41.
Dumbar, Father, king’s almoner, XVI. 157.
Dumbar, Gavin, archp. of Glasgow, III. 71; X1. 115, 119, 122.
Dumbar, Gavin, bishop of Aberdeen, IX. 6.
Dumbar, Master Gavin, IX. 15.
Dumbar, George, glover, XII. 19.
Dumbar, George, bailie, XII. 19.
Dumbar, Hew, of Knockshennoch, IX. 164.
Dumbar, Isobel, XII. 144.
Dumbar, James (1664), V. 117.
Dumbar, James, merchant, VI. 132.
Dumbar, James, Dingwall pursuivant, XVIII. 25.
Dumbar, John, of Avach, IV. 97.
Dumbar, John, glover, XII. 19, 20.
Dumbar, Margaret, sister of the Sciennes, X. 130, 135, 140.
Dumbar, Mrs., of Muirton, XIX. 41.
Dumbar, Robert, of Burgie, V. 141, 142; proposed expulsion from sanctuary, XV. 84.
Dumbar, Thomas, of Grange, V. 141, 142.
Dumbar, Sir William, M.P., III. 176.
Dumbar, William, W.S., III. 163, 165.
Dumbar, William, poet, X. 226.
Dunbar Street, XVIII. 178.
Dunbar’s Close, Lawnmarket, I. 6; XII. 19, 20, 21, 53, 153; carved stones in, XIV. 86.
Dunbar’s Close, Canongate, I. 12; XI. 10; XII. 99.
Dunblane, See of, reclamation of, III. 23 ; Adam Bellenden, bishop of, XX. 9. See Bellenden.
Duncan I., murdered by Macbeth, V. 3.
Duncan son of Malcolm III., V. 16.
Duncan Admiral (Viscount Camperdown), VII. App. 7 ; resides in George Square, XII. App. 19.
Duncan Dr. Andrew, his part in establishing lunatic asylum at Morningside, X. 208-210.
Duncan, Captain, of the Trinity House, Leith, XX. 63.
Duncan, Charles, goldsmith, treasurer of Society and Fraternity of Gardeners, XX. 57.
Duncan, Dr., secy. to Senatus, IV. 149.
Duncan, David, servitor, VI. 121.
Duncan, Elizabeth, wife of William Dick, second of Braid, XI. App. 15.
Duncan, George, of Bonnington, XIX. 182.
Duncan, Gilbert, mason, XII. 104, 105.
Duncan, (Donckane), James, VI. 114, 115; XI. 28, 32.
Duncan, James, farmer, XV. 172, 185, 188, 197.
Duncan, James, tailor to Anne of Denmark, buys Sir Lewis Craig’s portion of Bonnington and Hillhousefield, XIX. 157.
Duncan, James, of Gorgie, XIX. 152.
Duncan, James, son of above, XIX. 157.
Duncan, Janet, V. 151.
Duncan, Jean, her school in Lady Lawson’s Wynd, XVIII. 171.
Duncan, Margaret, VIII. 151.
Duncan, Peter, XIX. 157.
Duncan, Robert, Bonnington, XIX. 182.
Duncan, Robert, of Gourdhill, XIX. 158.
Duncan, Thomas, physician, III. 173.
Duncan, Thomas, R.S.A., IX. 111.
Duncan, Thomas (1668), V. 141.
Duncan, Thomas, boxmaster, Hammermen, VIII. 32, 75.
Duncan, Campbell’s Close, XII. 39.
Duncan’s Close, I. 13, 17 ; XII. 105 ; XIV. 127.
Duncan’s Land, II. 131 n.
Duncanson (Duncison), Robert, minister, XI. 30, 48.
Duncombe, Sir Sanders, IX. 179-81.
Dundas of Castlecary, III. 154.
Dundas Lady, of Dundas, IX. 4.
Dundas of Eingask, II. 3.
Dundas of that Ilk, XVI. App. 11-15.
Dundas of Morton, III. 246.
Dundas of Newliston, XIII. 117.
Dundas Andrew and James, III. 78a.
Dundas Bailie, II. 32.
Dundas Elizabeth, wife of first Earl of Stair, III. 244 n.
Dundas Elizabeth, wife of William Cerser, XII. 112.
Dundas Euphame, XI. 49.
Dundas George, ‘late Balyie of Dundas,’ VIII. 153.
Dundas, Henry, first Viscount Melville, I. 145; III. 138, 141, 142, 143, 154, 173; XII. App. 5, resident in George Square, 20 ; XIII. App. 10 ; Melville monument, XV. 207-13 ; XVII. 18, 162, App. 12; XX. 115, 152, 157.
Dundas, Henry, third Viscount Melville, XIV. 155.
Dundas, James, of Dundas, III. 152, 153.
Dundas, James, advocate, III. 230.
Dundas, Sir John, of Newliston, III. 244 n., 249; XII. 14.
Dundas, John, advocate, III. 230.
Dundas, John, W.S., III. 165.
Dundas, John, town clerk, XIV. 152.
Dundas, Sir Laurence, II. 3; XV. App. 12; XVII. 173; XVIII. App. 6; XX. 115, 116.
Dundas, Captain Laurence, VI. 136.
Dundas, Margaret, wife of General Scott of Balcomie, III. 126.
Dundas, Martha, wife of Archibald Cockburn of Cockpen, XVII. 18.
Dundas, Mrs., of Arniston, XIX. 84 n.
Dundas, Patrick, of Priestmiln, XII. 26.
Dundas, Ralph, of that Ilk, VI. 141, 142 ; IX. 125, 126, 133, 138, 139; XII. 189, 190, 191.
Dundas, Robert, of Arniston (first) lord president, II. 16; XVII. 18.
Dundas, Robert, of Amiston (second) lord president, II. 16, 162; III. 126; an Infirmary manager, XV. 147 ; XIX. 225.
Dundas, Robert, of Arniston, chief baron of exchequer, I. 145 ; III. 151 ; XII. App. 20; removes carved stones from old Parliament House to Arniston, XIX. App. 17; XX. 146.
Dundas, Robert S., second Viscount Melville, XIV. 179 and n., 180; XX. 68, 144. See Melville.
Dundas, Thomas, of Fingask, buys Drumdryan House, XVIII. 171.
Dundas, Major Thomas, Cape Club, III. 162.
Dundas, Thomas, son of Bailie Dundas, II. 32.
Dundas, Walter, of Dundas, VI. 141.
Dundas, William, of Kincavell, IV. 126.
Dundas, William, advocate, III. 246, 247.
Dundas, William, lord clerk register, XVII. 167 ; XVIII. 95, 196.
Dundas Castle, XVI. App. 11-15.
Dundas’ land, III. 81.
Dundee, Viscount. See Graham, John.
Dundee burgh seal, III. 5.
Dundonald, Lord (1675), his lodging, VI. 132. See also Cochrane.
Dundonald, Catherine, sixth Countess of, XIX. 52, 53, 91.
Dundrennan, Lord, Thomas Maitland, III. 134.
Dumfermline, Alexander Seton, Earl of, XVIII. 28, 185, 186.
Dumfermline, James, Lord, IX. 111.
Dumfermline, Lord (1689), XVI. 180, 181.
Dunfermline Abbey, Abbot of, III. 213; V. 9, 19, 20, 49, 58-9; royal place of sepulture, 33, 52, 59 ; shrine of St. Margaret in, 50 ; Bruce’s grave in, 59.
Dunipace, Lady, XIII. 139.
Dunkeld, bishop of, his town palace, XI. 8; XII. 74, 146, 149; XIV. 83.
Dunkeld, dean of, III. 36 and n.
Dunkeld, Earl of, mansion of, XII. 117.
Dunlop of that Ilk, VIII. 157.
Dunlop Agnes, XX. 56.
Dunlop Alexander, warded, XII. 194.
Dunlop Alexander, advocate, XIII. 109.
Dunlop Bryce, IV. 127, 128.
Dunlop David, goldsmith, XIX. 19.
Dunlop James, of Houshill, VIII. 154.
Dunlop (Dunlap). James (1672), VI. 115.
Dunlop John, minister, Ratho, IV. 115.
Dunlop John, waiter, warded, VI. 117.
Dunlop John, yr., minister at Caldercleir, IV. 115.
Dunlop John (1749), XII. 30.
Dunlop Thomas, VI. 121.
Dunlop William, bailie, XIV. 161.
Dunlop William, of Seton Castle, XVII. 137.
Dunlop v. the Royal Bank and Christie (1799), XV. 67, 86.
Dunlop’s Close, XII. 30.
Dunmore, Charles, first Earl of, XVI. 212.
Dunmore, John, fourth Earl of, III. 152 ; XX. 116.
Dunmore, Thomas, obelisk at Newhall to his memory, XIV. App. 23.
Dunn, James, warded, XI. 65. See Dun.
Dunn, John, hotel-keeper, XIX. 66 ; his Assembly Room, 76.
Dunn, John (1815), XX. 25.
Dunnet, Andrew, IV. 160.
Dunnottar Castle and the ‘Honours of Scotland,’ VIII. 205.
Dunsinnan, Lord. See Nairne, William
Dunsmure, James, physician, III. 134-5.
Dunsyre, Thomas, III. 28, 91 ; XII. 46.
Dunsyre, William, XII. 46.
Dunsyre’s (Chalmers’) Close, XII. 45, 46.
Dupplin, George Hay, Viscount, XVI. 48; XVIII. 14.
Durham, Sir Alexander, Lord Lyon, I. 38, 43 ; XVI. 56, 57, 60.
Durham, Alexander, of Duntervie, VIII. 156 ; XI. 62; XII. 158.
Durham, James, farmer, XV. 198.
Durham, Patrick, deacon of tailors, XV. 28. of Large, III. 127.
Durie, Andrew, abbot of Melrose, XII. 81 ; XV. 102.
Durie, Geo, abbot of Dunfermline, III. 213.
Durie, John, minister, XV. 35.
Durie, laird of, V. 59.
Durie, Lord. See Gibson, Sir Alexander
Durie’s Close, XII. 70, 71 ; XIX. 43.
Dustyefute, hangman, IV. 94.
Dutchmen in Tolbooth, V. 131-2.
Dyce, William, B. A., IX. 107.
Dyer’s Close, XII. 108 n., 137.
Dykes, James, candlemaker, XVII. 139.
Dykes, James, cordiner, XVIII. 104-5.
Dykes, Margaret, XII. 26.
Dykes, Mungo, of Kirkwood, VIII. 133, 141.
Dymfrie, Thome, III. 80.
Dysters’ Close, XII. 137.
Ealing, Peter, in Kirkliston, IV. 116.
Earl of Argyle’s Close, XII. 153.
Earl Grey St., originally called Wellington St., XVIII. 178.
‘Earthen Mound,’ XII. 224.
East Bailie Fyfe’s Close, XII. 44.
East Bull’s Close, XII. 151.
East Campbell’s Close, XII. 139, 141.
East Coates, XII. 23; XIV. 88.
East Common Close, XI. 90.
East Fleshmarket Close, XII. 36.
East House, Morningside, X. 208, 210.
East India Club, XIX. 84 n.
East Jack’s Close, XII. 97.
East Kirk, XVI. 64, 65, 67, 68, 71. See also St. Giles’.
East Lochend’s Close, XII. 101.
East or Nether Bow, XII. 50.
East Shoemakers’ Close, XII. 97.
East Yard (Blackfriars), II. 71.
Eastbank, Lord. See Nisbet, Sir Patrick.
Easter Burgh Muir, I. 33; X. 84, 96, 191 ; feuing of, 192, 211-226.
Easter Dalry, XX. 29, 35.
Easter Hailes, IV. 29, 30, and n., 32, 37, 46.
Easter Morningside, X. 193, 198-9.
Easter Restalrig, IV. 186.
Easter Warriston, XX. 52.
Easton, James, merchant, XII. 136. See Eistoune.
Easton, John (1675), VI. 128.
Easton, John, maltman, XIII. 96.
Easton, John, writer, XIII. 97.
Easton, Robert, XI. 33.
Easton’s Land, XII. 136.
Easy Club, III. 177.
Echo rock, XVI. 96.
Eckford (Ackfoord), William, smith, V. 150.
Edenbourg, Plan de la Ville, d’, XII. 217.
Edenburgum Scotiae Metropolis, XII. 215.
Edenburgum vulgo Edenburg, XII. 215.
Edgar, Queen Margaret’s son, V. 10, 18, 38.
Edgar, Captain, III. 139.
Edgar, David (1673), VI. 117.
Edgar, David, servant to H.M. cashkeeper, VIII. 128.
Edgar, James, collector of customs, III. 152, 153 ; a director of the ‘Assembly,’ XIX. 88.
Edgar, John, treasurer for Parliament House, XIII. 53, 57, 58, 72, 76.
Edgar, John, vintner, XIII. 110.
Edgar, Nicholas, XIX. 182.
Edgar, Patrick, XIV. 57.
Edgar, Thomas, writer, XIII. 98.
Edgar, William, merits of his Plan of Edinburgh, XII. 209-10.
Edinburgh, Duke of, XIV. App. 10.
Edinburgh at the Time of the Occupation by Prince Charles — Flodden Wall and ports, II. 1; High St. and its inhabitants, 2; taverns and inns, 2-3; connection of gentry with trade and medicine, 3-4; Whigs and Jacobites, 4-5; drinking customs, 5-6; civil and military govt., 6; institutions and charities, 7-9; water supply, 10; amusements; fine arts, 11; churches, 12-13; banking and industry, 13; bookselling and newspapers, 13-14; horse-racing and golf, 15; law and military, 16-17; Provost Drummond’s services; Prince Charles lands; Hanoverian troops, 18; Prince’s march on, 19, 20; defensive measures, 20-2; Provost Stewart’s conduct, 20-3; regiment raised, 22 ; deputations to Prince ; Lochiel forcibly enters, 24; Prince at Holyrood, 25, 56-8; his proclamation, 25; Prestonpans, 27-8; incidents of fight, 28, 29; Prince’s magnanimity, 31, 33 ; prisoners brought to Canongate, 32 ; Prince’s army returns to city, 33, 38; discipline of clans, 33, 35, 37, 38; cultured officers, 34, 35; begging nuisance, 37, 38 ; camp at Duddingston, 38, 58; Highland forces exaggerated, 39; Highland dress, 39, 40; requisitions and supplies, 40-3; trade during occupation; quaint advertisements, 43-5; incidents of blockade, 46-8; proposal to coin money, 48; behaviour of citizens, 51, 53; Presbyerian ministers and Prince; city strongly Jacobite after Culloden, 53-5 ; impressment of surgeons, 56; fidelity of Highlanders, 59, 60.
Edinburgh : Unclean state of, in eighteenth century, IV. 11-13 ; medical science at that period, 13; jurisdiction over Glasgow, 18, 19; magisterial condemnation, 24, 25, 27 ; during ‘Forty-five, 38-41; architectural improvement, 43, 52; Royal Exchange and Parliament Square, 44-6; city extension, 48; North Bridge, 49; food riots, 52-3; Bartholomew Somervell’s bequest to ‘hospitall’ of, 145.
Edinburgh : Insanitary, VIII. 163-4 ; John Wesley preaches in, 166-7.
Edinburgh : Disturbances in town, IX. 18-21, 25 ; Earl of Arran as provost, 24 ; carrying of weapons forbidden, 25-6 ; epidemics, 22, 26, 27 ; citizens to be indoors after nine o’clock, 26; at loggerheads with Arran, 27, 29; ‘Cleanse the Causeway,’ 21, 27, 29-33; dispute as to election of provost, 33; fears of English attempt to capture city, 34; precautions, 35-6; commissariat regulations, 40-1; price of mutton, ale, hay, etc., 42 ; transport, 42-3 ; citizens complaint against French, 43-4; negotiations with Middelburg as to Staple, 52-3; diificulties of traders, 55-6; piratical doings of Robert Barton, 56-9; magistrates and plundering of ships, 63-6; record of, in art of engraving, 79-113; Sedan chair in, 177; hackney coaches first used, 184 ; hiring charges, 186, 188-90, 195 ; shopkeepers complain of Sedan chair stances being prejudicial to trade, 193-4 ; regulations by town council, 194-5; chairmasters and men formed into a society, 196-7; men’s grievances, 197-8; chairmaster and porter charged with conveying corpse through streets, 198-200; further complaints by shopkeepers, 203; list of chairmasters, etc. (1752), 204; regulations revised, 205-8; new scale of fares, 209-11, 213 ; regulations again revised, 224-5, 229-31; stance at Canonmills, 231.
Edinburgh : Earliest known reference to, as royal burgh, X. 4.
Edinburgh : In mid-eighteenth century, map showing places of interest, with notes, XI. 1-19; exhibition of maps and plans of, App. 4; before Flodden, 21.
Edinburgh : Maps of (1544-1851), XII. 209-47; plan of city (1544), 214; sketch of siege of castle (1573), 214; plan (1763) showing roads leading to, 219.
Edinburgh : Owners of property (1635) in, XIII. 93-145.
Edinburgh : Domestic affairs (1554-89), XV. 1-53 ; varied activities of town council, 2-4, 10-11, 43-50; fines for breaches of regulations, 3; building of New Tolbooth, 3, 23; expenditure on gaol, etc., 3-4; duties of executioner, 4, 7; hospitality of council, 4; trade with Continent, 4-5, 15-20 ; scheme for linking up Nor’ Loch with sea, 5; Newhaven harbour gifted by James IV., 5; Reformation brings new responsibilities, 5, 6, 31-8 ; provision for poor, 6 ; town life as reflected in the records, 7-8; obtaining a right of way, 7; street cleansing, 7, 12, App. 17-19; administration of justice, 9; market and prices, 10; troublesome bakers, 10-11 ; tenants of booths, 7, 13 ; harbour dues, 17; payment of customs, 18, 31; prices for Bordeaux wine fixed, 19; foreigners settle in city, 20-1 ; freedom of city and its responsibilities, 21-6; gifts of burgess-ship, 24; apothecaries’ shops closed, 24; burgess’ fee, 25; collection of taxes, 26-31 ; houses and their plenishing, 26; Common Good, 30 ; treasure taken from St. Giles’, 32 ; kirk lands and revenues, 32 ; stipends, 35-7; execution of papists, 37; poor administration, 38-43; plague, 43; crimes and punishments, 43-50; list of men of military age, 51-2 ; treatment of sick poor in early eighteenth century, 138-9.
Edinburgh : Craftsmen seize wheat supply, XVI. 4; poverty and want, 5, 21; Robin Hood and Little John, 5; Journal of siege of Castle (1573), 9-14; opposition to Queen Mary; warlike preparations (1571); footbands, 19; famine, 24; Queen’s faction pressed by Mar, 24-5; Regent Morton and merchants, 25; two local poets ; French ambassadors ; plague, 26; merchants and Spain, 27 ; Monday market, 27-8; ears nailed to Tron, 33; Cromwell arrives; soldiers scourged, 35; robberies, 37 ; General Lambert and magistrates, 37 ; inhabitants to hang out lanterns ; closes to be cleansed, 38; lighting, 39; wells dried up, 39, 41; Monck’s entry, 40; cheap food; full harvest, 41 ; Quakers in, 42 ; celebration of communion, 43 ; cess for cleansing town, 43 ; pride and poverty, 44 ; fall of scaffolding in kirk ; excessive taxation, 45; list of public burdens, 46 ; wine and ale, 47 ; soldiers whipped, 47 ; gipsies scourged, 48 ; increasing taxation; fast for Cromwell, 50 ; fast for his son, 51 ; wine tax, 52 ; proclaiming of Parliament (1660), 56; Honours of Scotland, 58 ; rejoicings for queen of Charles II., 61 ; Huntly rides through street, 62; bishop feasted, 64 ; town divided into six parishes; Christmas Day in, 64; time of plenty, 65; lion brought to, 66; Ascension Day observed; thanksgiving for Charles H., 66; robberies, 69; Gunpowder Plot commemorated; booths searched; apprentices cause disturbance, 71 ; rejoicings over naval victory (1666), 74, 75; Gowrie conspiracy; merchants and craftsmen, 75; town’s charter (1636), 80 ; bishopric of Orkney, 87 ; uproar by tradesmen, 94-100; Canongate acquired, 100; debt contracted by town for Lords of Session, 102 ; gazettes and news letters censored by bishop, 104 ; imposition on ale, 109, 157; Haltoun’s action anent provostship; slate replaces thatched roofs, 109; Lord Erroll’s right to sit as criminal judge, 110; Town Guard, 114; silk weavers; fines for non-churchgoing, 119; free elections; non-churchgoing burgesses, 121; search for disaffected persons, 135; tumults over Popish worship, 149, 171; Byres of Coates’s action, 154-6; Lords of Session declarator, 156; contract between town and Court of Session; excise and imposition, 159; house-maill for archbishop, 165; thanksgiving for ‘Old Pretender,’ 166; search for field preachers, 167 ; fires, 4, 5, 52. See also Castle, Canongate, Cross, Edenbourg, Edenburgum, Holyrood, Netherbow, St. Giles’, West Port.
Edinburgh Amphitheatre, XVIII. App. 12.
Edinburgh ; or the Ancient Royalty, poem by Sir Alexander Boswell, XIX. 54.
Edinburgh Angling Club, IX. 102.
Edinburgh Burgess Golfing Society, X. 244-5, 248, 251.
Edinburgh Company of Players at Tailors’ Hall, XI. 164-7, 170.
Edinburgh Directory, Anderson and Hunter’s, XII. 235.
Edinburgh Friendly Society against Fire, XVIII. 137.
Edinburgh Gazetteer, XIX. 140.
Edinburgh Literary Journal, XII. App. 9.
Edinburgh Magazine, III. 234; IV. 55, 67.
Edinburgh Medical Essays, II. 12 n.
Edinburgh Edinburgh militia, II. 106.
Edinburgh and Northern Railway Coy., XIV. 179.
Edinburgh Presbytery, XV. 152.
Edinburgh Review, III. 116; XIV. 96.
Edinburgh Street, XII. 228.
Edinburgh Sugar House Coy., XII. 117; XIV. 4.
Edinburgh Victorian, lectures by Sir James Balfour Paul on, XIV. App. 9-14.
Edington, James, farmer, XV. 195.
Edington, John, Burlaw bailie, XV. 171, 172, 176, 184, 187-9, 190, 193-5; 197, 200, 205; XIX. 101, 128.
Edline, Baron, and Lord Provost Drummond, IV. 31; his mansion in Fountainbridge, XX. 41.
Edmistone, Allison, IV. 123. See Edmonston.
Edmistone, Patrick, IV. 123.
Edmistoune, Margrat, IV. 123.
Edmond, John (1684), warded, IX. 121, 123.
Edmond, John, freeman in Calton, XIX. 123.
Edmond, Thomas, doctor in Canongate School, XX. 17.
Edmonston, Lord, John Wauchope, XI. 39.
Edmonston, Archibald, of Duntreath, VIII. 108, 1 18. See Edmistone.
Edmonston, Gilbert, XIX. 144 n., 149, 150.
Edmonston, James, of Woolmet, IV. 123, 124, 142 ; XX. App. 33.
Edmonston, James, tailor, XIII. 111.
Education Act of 1496, XI. 101.
Edward I. removes Black Rood to Berwick, V. 21 ; certain Scots swear allegiance to him, 22 ; Scottish nobility and clergy take oath of allegiance to, 33.
Edward II. and Queen Margaret, marriage of, III. 37.
Edward III., his treatment of Black Friars of Berwick, III. 35 ; restores Black Rood to Scotland, V. 22 ; orders rebuilding of Castle fortifications, 40; VI. 2.
Edward IV., III. 47.
Edward VII., III. 242 ; lays foundation stone of new Infirmary, V. 91.
Edward Prince, Queen Margaret’s son, V. 17.
Edward, Elizabeth, wife of Alexander Ellis (Eleis), I. 85; III. 197. See Udward.
Edward, Hope’s Close, XII. 9, 10.
Edward, James (1684), IX. 140, 143, 144.
Edward, (Uddert, Udward), Nicol, provost, his house in Niddry’s Wynd, I. 85 ; III. 197; VI. 90; X. 159 n., 160 n., 186 ; his property in Science, 164 ; 212 n., 213, 214 n., 219 n.; XIII. 126 and n., 140, 142; XV. 100; XVI. xxvi, 5.
Edwardson, George, III. 94.
‘Edwinesburch,’ III. 207. See Edinburgh.
Eeles, Francis C., The Holyrood Ordinale, transcribed and edited by, VII. 1-221.
Eglinton, Alexander, sixth Earl of, XVIII. 15.
Eglinton, Alexander, ninth Earl of, town house of, I. 8.
Eglinton, Alexander, tenth Earl of, XX. 116.
Eglinton, Lady Anne Gordon, ninth Countess of, IX. 185.
Eglinton, Archibald, eleventh Earl of, I. 144; member of Wig Club, III. 141; XII. 36.
Eglinton, Hugh, first Earl of, IX. 29.
Eglinton, Hugh, seventh Earl of, V. 117.
Eglinton, Susanna, Countess of, I. 8, 11; II. 68; IX. 192, 201, 221 ; XI. 79; XIV. 100; XIX. 71.
Egypt, Little, X. 89, 90, 186.
Egyptians. See Gipsies.
Eildon Street, XX. App. 21.
Eistoune, Bartholomew, II. 95. See Easton.
Elar, Jodak, IX. 66.
Elchies, Lord, XIV. App. 16. See also Grant, Patrick.
Elcho, Lord, at Prestonpans, II. 30; at Prince’s court at Holyrood, 57.
Elder, Francis, skinner, VI. 64, 90.
Elder, John, skinner, VI. 88.
Elder, Margaret, VI. 91, 104.
Elder, Robert, in Kintyre, IX. 141, 165.
Elder, Robert, messenger, XX. 7.
Elder, Thomas, of Forneth, lord provost, I. 143; builds house in Princes Street, 144; IX. 218; XII. 226.
Elder, Thomas, complains against a. ‘doctour’ of Canongate School, XX. 7.
Elder, William, engraver, IX. 80.
Eldin, Lord. See Clerk, John.
Eleis. See Ellis.
Elias, Abbot of Holyrood, IV. 193.
Elibank, Lord, III. 141, 152, 153 ; XII. 7.
Elibank, Lady, IV. 124.
Elizabeth, Queen, ‘as just and merciful as Nero, and as good a Christian as Mahomet,’ VIII. 192; XVI. 9, 10.
Elizafield, XIX. 179.
Ellem, Sir James, XIV. 115.
Elliock, Lord. See Veitch, James
Elliot, Captain, III. 154.
Elliot, Charles, bookseller, XII. 222; XIX. 70.
Elliot, Cornelius, Clerk to H.M. Signet, XII. 53.
Elliot, Gavin, XI. 38.
Elliot, George, X. 238.
Elliot, George S., III. 172.
Elliot, Sir Gilbert (Lord Minto), scheme of city improvement, IV. 44; VIII. 168 n.; XII. 142; XIV. App. 21 ; XV. 147; XIX. 88.
Elliot, Sir Gilbert, third bart. of Minto, XIX. 49.
Elliot, Sir Gilbert, of Stobs, XV. 122.
Elliot, James, maltman, X. 238.
Elliot, Jean, songstress, IX. 217 ; XVII. App. 11.
Elliot, Jean, of Wolflee, XIX. 165.
Elliot, Lady, of Minto (1746), XIX. 50; a directress of the dancing Assembly, 90.
Elliot, Misses, milliners, II. 2.
Elliot, Robert, covenanter, XI. 61 ; XII. 162.
Elliot, Robert, deacon, XVI. 82, 85.
Elliot, William, XIX. 56, 57.
Elliot’s Close and Court, XII. 53.
Elliots, Border, and Old Tolbooth, IV. 95.
Ellis of Elliston, III. 196.
Ellis of Southside, III. 196.
Ellis Adam Gib, his antiquarian collection, II. 234; XIV. 54, 62, 68, 80.
Ellis (Eleis), Alexander, merchant, I. 85; XIII. 110.
Ellis (Eleis) Alexander, of Mortonhall, III. 197, 198; X. 212 n., 213; XVI. Introd. xxvi.
Ellis Alexander, of Newington, X. 212 n., 214 n., 219 11..
Ellis Alexander, father of Patrick, III. 197.
Ellis Christopher, watchmaker, XIX. 19.
Ellis Daniel, III. 115.
Ellis (Eleis), Isobel, wife of John Lauder, merchant, I. 85 ; III. 197-8 ; X. 212 n., 213, 219 n.
Ellis James, of Stenhopemills, I. 113; III. 199.
Ellis James (1635), XIII. 114, 134.
Ellis John, XIII. 145.
Ellis (Eleis), Patrick, of Stenhopemills, I. 85 ; III. 195, 196-7 ; XIII. 107 ; XVII. App. 22.
Ellis Samuel, XIII. 107.
Elmslie, Rev. Peter, III. 113.
Elphingston, David, of Calderhall, IV. 131.
Elphinstone, Lord, member of Wig Club, III. 141.
Elphinstone, Lady, XIX. 53 ; directress of the ‘Assembly,’ 91.
Elphinstone, Henry, in Calton, XVIII. 45.
Elphinstone, Sir James, of Logie, XVIII. 64.
Elphinstone, James, of Restalrig, IV. 159, 160.
Elphinstone, James, writer, XVIII. 64, 65.
Elphinstone, Sir John, of Logic, XVIII. 64.
Elphinstone, John, bailie of Calton, XVIII. 64.
Elphinstone, John, bailie of Restalrig, XVIII. 46.
Elphinstone, Hon. J., engineer, III. 238 n.
Elphinstone, J. D. B. Fullerton, XIV. App. 16.
Elphinstone, Hon. Mountstuart, III. 118, 130.
Elphinstone, Robert H., captain, Company of Gentlemen Golfers, XVIII. 7.
Elphinstone, Hon. William, XIV. App. 16.
Elphinstone, William, bishop of Aberdeen, VII. xix, xxvi; IX. 8, 10; X. 168; XI. 105.
Elphinstone, William, burgess, III. 96 ; feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 74.
Elphinstone family, mansion of, I. 19; XI. 8.
Elphinstone Court, XII. 84.
Elphinstone’s land, III. 82.
Elsinie, James, XVIII. 123.
Emigrant, an Eclogue, by Hon. Henry Erskine, XII. App. 7.
Empson, William, III. 130.
Encyclopoedia Britannica, Andrew Bell co-founder of, XVIII. 158 ; first printed in Fountainbridge, XX. 53.
Endymion, Diana visiting, painting of, XX. App. 28.
Engravers, in Edinburgh, IX. 79-113; Canongate, XIX. 30.
Enslie, Marie, IV. 137. See Ainslie.
Episcopal chapel, Blackfriars Wynd, II. 13 ; in Carrubber’s Close, 172.
Episcopal training college at Dalry House, XX. 45.
Erington, Captain, master of ordnance, XVI. 9, 14.
Erroll, Earl of (1681), XVI. 110, 166; claim to judge criminal causes, 143.
Erroll, James, thirteenth Earl of, XX. 116, 117.
Erroll, William, tenth Earl of, Lord Great Constable, XVIII. 14, 15, 20.
Erroll, Lady (1685), XVI. 146.
Erroll, Countess of (1750), XIX. 72.
Erskine, Agnes, XII. 50.
Erskine, (Areskine), Sir Alexander, second bart. of Cambo, Lyon King of Arms, XII. 49; his coronation ceremony (1681), XVIII. 11, 24-8 and n.
Erskine, Hon. Andrew, III. 153.
Erskine, Ann, XII. 50.
Erskine, Sir Charles, of Cambo, Lord Lyon, XVI. 67; XVIII. 11, 24, 28.
Erskine, Sir Charles, eighth Bt., of Cambo, XVIII. 29.
Erskine, Charles, Lord Tinwald, lord justice-clerk, XV. 147 ; XX. 42.
Erskine, David, of Cambo, XII. 50 ; XVIII. 28.
Erskine, David, of Dun, XV. 147.
Erskine, Euphame. See Auchinleck, Lady.
Erskine, Sir George, Lord Innerteil, XIII. 99.
Erskine, Hon. Henry, III. 165, 222; career and personality, XII. App. 4-10, 20; XV. 67-9 ; birthplace, 109 ; shareholder in ‘George’s Square Assembly Rooms,’ XIX. 83.
Erskine, Henry, covenanter, VIII. 129.
Erskine, James, Lord Grange, II. 147 ; XV. 101.
Erskine, James, Lord Barjarg, VIII. I81 ; XI. App. 16; XIV. 46; a director of the ‘Assembly,’ XIX. 59, 88.
Erskine, Jean, wife of William Kirkpatrick of Allisland, XX. 42.
Erskine, John, Lord, guardian of James V., IX. 14, 36.
Erskine, John, fourth bart., of Cambo, XVIII. 29.
Erskine, Dr. John, of Old Greyfriars, V. 179 ; his controversy with Wesley, VIII. 162, 175-80; interview with Wesley, 179; XVIII. 158.
Erskine, Lord, son of Earl of Mar (1617), XVIII. 120.
Erskine, (or Hare), Mary, provides money for support of sick poor, XV. 140.
Erskine, Penelope, XII. 50.
Erskine, Robert, tenant of cordiners, XVIII. 123.
Erskine, Thomas Alexander, sixth Earl of Kellie, XIX. 198.
Erskine, Thomas, ninth Earl of Kellie, II. 172.
Erskine, Thomas, Lord Chancellor, XII. App. 6 ; XV. 109.
Erskine, Thomas, of Haltoun, secretary to James V., XI. 119.
Erskine, Sir William, fifth bart., of Cambo, II. 172; XVIII. 29.
Erskine, Sir William, member of Wig Club., III. 139, 141, 162.
Erskine, William, Lord Kinnedder, III. 113 ; XII. App. 11.
Eskgrove, Lord. See Rae, Sir David.
Esplanade, Castle, I. 2 ; II. 117 ; widened, III. 56 n. ; XII. 249; XVIII. 83.
Esplene, John, XIV. 36, 42.
Esplin, James, Marchmont herald, XVIII. 14.
Estates, Committee of, I. 31 ; Council of, XVI. 50, 51, 62.
Este, Thomas, theatrical manager at Tailors’ Hall, XI. 168, 169, 170.
Etching, Scottish school of, IX. 86.
Ettrick Forest, part of Queen Margaret’s dowry, III. 51.
Evans, W. G., architect, XVII. 173 n.
Evanson, Evan, XX. App. 22.
Eviot, James, XIV. 36.
Ewart, John, Kirkcudbright, V. 109.
Ewart, Peter, VI. 92.
Ewart, Robert, servitor, II. 96, 107.
Ewbank, J., his drawings of Old Edinburgh, IX. 95.
Ewin, Allan, VIII. 139.
Ewing, John, merchant, XII. 73.
Ewing, John, factor, XII. 167, 170.
Ewing, (Ewin), Sir Robert, VI. 82, 87.
Ewing, Walter, W.S., XII. 47.
Exchange Close, XII. 66.
Exchange Coffee-House, II. 155; XX. 137.
Exchange Royal, XI. 8; XII. 218; XIV. 20.
Exchequer, Court of, III. 229, 235; IV. 148; rooms in the Parliament House, XIII. 2-4, 23; XIV. 151 ; XX. 40, 41, 48, 51, 116, 127, 148 ; barons of, 35, 115, 150, 151, 153-5; reports of, 145.
Exchequer, meetings at priory of Black Friars, III., 45, 47, 51, 59.
Excise Ofice, IV. 3, 47 ; V. 177, 184 ; XI. 8; XII. 113, 137; in Drummond Place, 237; XV. 126, App. 19; XVI. 133; XVII. 69, 155, 156, 173.
Executions delayed, IV. 114-7, 119, 121, 122, 125, 126, 128, 129.
Executions in Edinburgh, V. 100, 107, 108, 110, 112, 116, 124, 126-7, 134. See Penalties.
Extentors, XV. 27-8.
Eyre (or Ayre or Eayr), James, brewer, Canonmills, XII. 140.
Eyre House, XII. 140 n., 240.
Facers Club, III. 177.
Faden and Jeffrey’s map, XVIII. 167.
Faed, James, engraver, IX. 113.
Faed, John, IX. 111.
Faed, Thomas, painter, IX. 101, 113.
Fairbaim, George, locksmith, VIII. 120. See Flaburne.
Fairbaim, John, bookseller, XII. 236.
Fairden’s Close, XII. 13 ; XIV. 75.
Fairfull, Archbishop, XVI. 68, App. 16.
Fairholm, Adam, of Greenhill, X. 30, 194, 196, 197, 247, 248; XII. 57.
Fairholm, George, of Greenhill, X. 197; XVIII. 172, 173.
Fairholm, Thomas, of Pilton, XII. 32, 57.
Fairholm’s Close, XII. 57.
Fairholm’s ‘land,’ IV. 46.
Fairlaw, Agnes, of Fallow Hall, wife of Sir Robert Lauder of the Bass, X. 116.
Fairley, John A., The Pantheon : An Old Edinburgh Debating Society, I. 47-75; III. 173 n.; The Old Tolbooth : With Extracts from the Original Records, IV. 75-144; V. 95-155 ; VI. 107-57 ; VIII. 101-58; IX. 115-76; XI. 21-73; XII. 157-208.
Fairley, Mungo, merchant, XV. 46.
Fairley’s Entry, XII. 74, 75.
Fairlie, Alexander of Braid, X. 55; XI. App. 14.
Fairlie, Alexander (1635), XIII. 115.
Fairlie, Clement, XII. 133.
Fairlie, James, minister of Greyfriars, XIII. 30, 37, 39, 99 and n., 103.
Fairlie, James (1567). XV. 34.
Fairlie, John, of Braid and Bruntsfield, III. 201 ; X. 23-4; XV. App. 24.
Fairlie, John, of Colmanstoun, IV. 71.
Fairlie, John, town officer, XIII. 120, 124.
Fairlie, Robert, laird of Braid (1585), X. 186, 189, 191.
Fairlie, Sir Robert, of Braid, V. 98 ; XI. App. 14; XIII. 97.
Fairlie, Thomas, yr., of Colmanstoun, IV. 71.
Fairlie, William, of Bruntsfield (1662), V. 98.
Fairlie, William, of Buntsfield (1695), III. 201 ; VIII. 158; IX. 133, 150, 153; X, 23-27 and n.; prisoner in Tolbooth, XI. 34; XIII. 103, 106.
Fairlie’s Close and Entry, XII. 133.
Fairmilehead, X. 173.
Fairnlie’s land, III. 79.
Faithome, William, engraver, IX. 79.
Fala, John, cordiner, VI. 138.
Falaw, Christian, IV. 94.
Falcon, John, XII. 64.
Fergusson, Sir James, Lord Kilkerran, XII. 64; XVII. App. 9.
Fergusson, James, of Lochend, XII. 101, 102.
Fergusson, Lady Jean, XIX. 52; directress of the ‘Assembly,’ 90.
Fergusson, Robert, poet, I. 12, 49, 50, 54 ; verses debated at Pantheon, 53; II. 86, 182, 190, 191, 195, 199, 216; member of Cape Club, 149-50, 160 ; on street traders, 180 ; his ‘Caller Oysters,’ 186 ; III. 159, 230; and Town Guard, IV. 112 ; on chairmen, IX. 223 ; Dr. Andrew Duncan and, X. 208 ; his tombstone, XII. 119; XIV. 100; XX. App. 9.
Fergusson, Sir William, surgeon, XIV. 158.
Feries, David, covenanter, VIII. 117. See Ferris.
Ferlie’s Close, XII. 133.
Ferme, Elizabeth, V. 139.
Ferrier, James, farmer, Grange, XIV. 143.
Ferrier, Robert, Bristo Port, XIV. 142, 143, 144.
Ferrier, Susan, novelist, XI. App. 18.
Ferrie’s Close, XII. 125.
Ferris, — , Mr. Cumming’s assistant at Canongate School, XX. 25. See Feries.
Ferry Road, I. 131 ; XX. App. 21, 22.
Ferry Street, XII. 229.
Fethie, Henry, cordiner, XIV. 44 ; XVIII. 115 ; assaulted and robbed, 119. See Fithie.
Fettes, John, shoemaker in Leith St., and session-clerk, procures a fraudulent certificate of residence for Harriet Westbrook, XI. 79.
Fettes, Sir William, lord provost, III. 168, 172.
Fiddes, Thomas, herd, XV. 194.
Field, — , III. 174. See Feild.
Fife, Earl of, his mansion in Potterrow, XI. 8.
Figgate Burn, X. 153 n.
Figgate Whins, II. 190; IV. 185; XVIII. 33.
Findguid, James, his land, III. 82, 89.
Findlay, Alexander, covenanter, II. 95. See Finlay and Finley.
Findlay, James, covenanter, II. 99.
Fingal, VIII. 200.
Finlay, Alexander, warded, VI. 133. See Findlay and Finley.
Finlay, James, of Walliford, II. 133, 138.
Finlay, James, member of Burlaw Court, XII. 11; XV. 176, 184.
Finlay, James, writer, XIV. 166.
Finlay, James, tenant in Coates, XX. 51.
Finlay, John, covenanter, VI. 128; VIII. 138, 140.
Finlay, Marion, V. 139.
Finlay, Dr. Robert, member of Poker Club, III. 152.
Finlay, Robert, pewterer, XII. 11.
Finlay of Albany, Friar, III. 38.
Finlayson, Agnes, XII. 116.
Finlayson, David, skinner, VI. 100.
Finlayson, (Fynlason), Gilbert, III. 95.
Finlayson, James, mason, XII. 116.
Finlayson, John (1579), XV. 40.
Finlayson’s Close and Land, XII. 116.
Finley, Thomas, V. 139. See Findlay and Finlay.
Fire of 1700, XIV. 70, 81; XVII. 149; of 1824, I. 6; III. 131; XIV. 81 ; XVII. 87, 118; XVIII. 86; engraving of ruins of, App. 10; XIX. 86. See also Edinburgh.
Fireworks at Market Cross, XVI. 40 ; at Nor’ Loch, 166.
Firth, Helena, X. 163.
Fischer, Mariot, IV. 150. See Fisher.
Fischer, Thomas, merchant, III. 197.
Fish (Fische), Thomas, skinner, VI. 64, 74, 75.
Fish Market II. 154; XI. 8; XII. 66, 87 n., 142; XVI. 5.
Fisher, Andrew, spirit dealer, XII. 141. See Fischer.
Fisher, Katharina, III. 187, 197.
Fisher, Thomas (1591), bailie, XVII. App. 16.
Fisher, Thomas, owner of property in Lawnmarket, XII. 12, 13, 59; XIV. 66.
Fisher, William, supposed connection with Roseburn House, III. 187.
Fisher’s Close and Entry, I. 5 ; III. 197 ; XII. 13, 33, 57, 59, 129, 141; XIV. 66, 75.
Fisher’s Land, XII. 57, 59.
Fishing, Company and Society of, XX. 29.
Fishmarket Close, X. 184; XII. 63, 67, 68, 72, 143; XIII. 117; XX. App. 13.
Fishwives’ Causeway, IV. 186; XIV. 160 ; XVIII. 33.
Fithie, Harie, minister, XI. 160. See Fethie.
Flaburne, Patrick, VI. 127. See Fairbairn.
Flahault, Count de, III. 115.
Flanker, at Castle moat, XI. 8.
Flaxman, John, XI. App. 17.
Fleck Yett, X. 254.
Fleming, Alexander, X. 219 n. See Fleminge.
Fleming, Anna, XIX. 158.
Fleming, Bartholomew, XII. 155.
Fleming, Charles, baxter, XII. 15.
Fleming, Dr. D. Hay, VI. 9.
Fleming, George, gardener in Bristo, VIII. 114, 115.
Fleming, George, son of Patrick, feuar in Newington, X. 74.
Fleming, George (1685), warded, XI. 31.
Fleming, Sir James, provost, XVI. 117, 120, 122, 123, 127-9.
Fleming, James, of Boghall, XIII. 111.
Fleming, James, brewer, XV. 185.
Fleming, James, rescued from prison, XVI. 17.
Fleming, John, Lord (1561), VI. 79 12..
Fleming, John, treasurer for Parliament House, XIII. 76 n.
Fleming, John, servant, VIII. 103.
Fleming, John, covenanter, XI. 61, 65.
Fleming, John, baxter, XII. 15.
Fleming, John, his survey (with R. Johnson) of Edinburgh, XII. 214.
Fleming, John, extentor, XIII. 99.
Fleming, John, merchant youth, XVI. 75.
Fleming, Lord, High Chamberlain (1521), IX. 21.
Fleming, Lord (1633), XVIII. 15.
Fleming, Patrick, feuar on Burgh Muir, III. 80; X. 74.
Fleming, Patrick, feuar in Newington, X. 217, 218, 219 n., 220.
Fleming, Patrick, owner of land above Netherbow, XII. 47.
Fleming, Robert, Restalrig, IV. 161.
Fleming, Robert, covenanter, VIII. 125; IX. 141.
Fleming, Robert, jun., XII. 143.
Fleming, Thomas, owner of Baglap, X. 28, 237.
Fleminge, John, VI. 7.
Fleming’s Close, XII. 47, 143.
Flemings resorting to Scotland to be treated as friends, IX. 56.
Flemish settlers in Scotland, VI. 41-2 and n.
Fleschwar, Walter, III. 89.
Flesh Market, II. 196, 200 ; III. 243 ; XI. 8; XII. 36, 37; XIV. 48, 100.
Flesh Canongate, XI. 8; XII. 89.
Flesh stocks, Canongate, XII. 217.
Fleshers, scale of taxation of, VI. 27; contributions of, to ministers’ stipends, 34; XIII. 108; XV. 14, App. 17 ; prosecuted for overcharging, XVI. 115, 159; hold up prices, 131; slaughterhouses, 160 ; their seal of cause, XVII. 93; disputes with Candlemakers, 98-100, 102-4, 138-40, 146; Canongate, XX. 96.
Fleshmarket Close, I. 8; II. 119, 186; III. 174; IV. 36; XII. 36, 37, 50, 219; XIV. 175.
Fletcher, Adam, covenanter, XI. 61, 66.
Fletcher, Sir Andrew, Lord Innerpeffer, XIII. 128.
Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun, patriot, III. 225.
Fletcher, Andrew (Lord Milton), II. 16; IV. 11 ; and trial of Captain Porteous, 23, 24; and Provost Drummond, 30, 32; letter from Duke of Newcastle to, 43 ; XII. 121.
Fletcher, Angus, of Dunans, III. 175, 176.
Fletcher, or Granger, Christian, smuggles the Regalia of Scotland out of Dunnottar Castle, VIII. 206; Parliament grants her 2000 marks, 206, 209-11.
Fletcher, Colonel, III. 149, 153.
Fletcher, Harie, of Saltoun, warded, XI. 60; XII. 159; XVI. 142.
Fletcher, Mr., of Saltoun, member of Poker Club, III. 154.
Fletcher, William, XVI. 136.
Fletcher’s Lodging, XII. 121.
Flint, David, trustee for Fisheries and Manufactures, IV. 48-9.
Flint, David, bailie of Calton, XVIII. 51-53, 65.
Flint, James, merchant, XII. 201.
Flint, John, in Burngrange, VIII. 153.
Flint, ‘Mistres,’ XII. 200.
Flittings, XVI. 166.
Flodden, battle of, effects of, II. 61 ; Scottish strength in, 62 ; III. 50, 53 ; X. 21 ; Scots army assembled on Burgh Muir, 76-83, 114, 115 ; Edinburgh before, XI. App. 21.
‘Flodden Dead Mass,’ Sir D. Wilson’s ballad, XVII. 12.
Flodden Wall, nature of, II. 65, 66, 85; its course, 1, 66, 69-71, 74-6; construction, 66, 68 ; expense of, levied on citizens, 67 ; proclamation anent, 67-8 ; whence quarried, 69; repair and renewal, 71-4; blockhouses, 72-3, 76; material used, 74; demolition of parts of, 77, 78; portions still standing, 79; III. 24, 30, 72, 102, 211 ; V. 67, 79, 80, 81, 86; VI. 8; X. 73, 229-31 ; XI. 7, 8, 130; XII. 142, 145, 214; XIII. 144, 145 ; XIV. 73, 124, 140, 141 ; XVII. 99, App. 12; XVIII. 40, 154; Club inspects, App. 30-2 ; XIX. 83 ; XX. 27, 118.
Flora; or Hob in the Well, XI. 165.
Flower vendors in streets, II. 196.
Flycht, Walter, IX. 20.
Flying Ghost, ship, IX. 62.
Flying Stationer, II. 220-1.
Foggo, Thomas, banker, XVIII. 145.
Fogo, Robert, captain of Martin of Leith, IX. 57-60; seizes Dutch vessel, 58, 60-61 ; to be held responsible by Holland for seizure of Christopher, 61-2.
Fokkert, Jonet, XV. 43.
‘Foog’s Gate,’ V. 31. I
Foord (Fuird), Adam, XI. 29.
Foord Alexander, XII. 113.
Foord John, XII. 113. See Ford and Fuird.
Foord’s Close, XII. 112, 113. See Ford’s Close.
Foot Guards, III. 225.
Forat, Jean, IX. 142, 148.
Forbes, Sir Alexander of Tolquhen, IX. 166. See Forbus.
Forbes, Alexander, yr., of Shivas, X. 208.
Forbes, Arthur, of Kilmany, V. 133 ; VI. 110.
Forbes, Arthur (1689), master gunner, XVI. 182.
Forbes, A. P., bishop of Brechin, VII. xvi.
Forbes, Christian, V. 137.
Forbes, Sir David, advocate, XII. 20 ; XIV. App. 20, 22.
Forbes, David (1685), XII. 204.
Forbes, David, writer, XVIII. 173.
Forbes, Duncan, of Culloden, encourages use of whisky, II. 5-6, 19, 39; a golfer, 15-16; confers with Cope, 25; on result of Prestonpans, 50 ; IV. 11, 23, 29 ; XIV. App. 21, 22; an Infirmary manager, XV. 147 ; on deplorable condition of records of Scotland, XVII. 150 ; XVIII. 3, 4; XX. 41.
Forbes, Elizabeth (1536), X. 124.
Forbes, Rev. George, V. 141.
Forbes, Principal James D., tenant of Dean House, I. 125, 126.
Forbes, Jane, XIV. 155.
Forbes, John, advocate, XIV. App. 20; friend and patron of Allan Ramsay, 21, 22.
Forbes, John, town official, XIV. 155.
Forbes, John Hay. See Medwyn, Lord.
Forbes, Sir John S., of Greenhill, X. 251.
Forbes, Lord (1827), XVIII. 99.
Forbes, Patrick, merchant, XII. 15.
Forbes, Peter, wine merchant, XIV. 161.
Forbes, Robert, bishop, II. 34; XII. 121 ; author of The Lyon in Mourning, XIX. 169.
Forbes, Thomas, physician, VI. 117.
Forbes, Sir William, of Pitsligo, III. 220, 235, 236 ; his Memoirs of a Banking House, 235; lays foundation stone of High School (1777), V. 85; buys Greenhill estate, X. 197 ; bank of, XI. 8; XIV. 150 ; a director of the ‘Assembly,’ XIX. 88 ; deputy-govemor of Musical Society, 198, 199, 225, 229, 233, 244 ; XX. 115, 141, 145 ; proposes new riding school, 140 ; reports on riding school in Nicolson St., 142.
Forbes, Sir William, of Pitsligo, the second, I. 125-6; III. 236.
Forbes, Sir William, & Co., bankers, XVIII. 85; Musical Society open account with, XIX. 239.
Forbes, William, first provost of St. Giles’, III. 208, 209, 210, 212, 214, 215; presents his garden for use as burying ground, XI. 129 n., 132.
Forbes, William, bishop of Edinburgh, III. 217 ; XIII. 32.
Forbes, William, of Echt, III. 175.
Forbes, William, of Ludquharne, IX. 120.
Forbes, William, advocate, and prof., Glasgow University, IX. 82.
Forbes, William, town clerk, XIV. 155.
Forbes, William, depute clerk, Calton, XVIII. 55.
Forbes, William, keeper of Council records, XIV. 155.
Forbes, of Waterton, XVI. 128.
Forbes, and Wilson’s Plan of Edinburgh, XII. 240.
Forbes-Drummond, Captain, XX. 44.
Forbes-Drummond, Margaret Anne, XX. 44.
Forbes-Leith, Father, editor of Life of St. Margaret, V. 8 and n., 24.
Forbus, Cristian, IV. 125.
Ford, Andrew, XVI. 182. See Foord and Fuird.
Ford, William, glassblower, XII. 120.
Fordel, Lady, XIII. 144. See Henderson of Fordel.
Ford’s Close, XII. 113. See Foord’s Close.
Ford’s Row, XII. 120.
Fordyce, Rev. Dr., V. 179.
Fordyce, George D., III. 176.
Fordyce, James, XII. 33.
Fordyce, John, of Ayton, III. 152, 153 ; a director of the riding school, XX. 117, 118.
Fordyce, Mrs., of Ayton, XIX. 72.
Fordyce Close, XII. 33, 34.
Forester, Margaret (1578), XV. 39. See Forrester, Forster and Foster.
Forester, Mariote, III. 96.
Foresterseat, Lord, See Hay, Sir A.
Foret, a priest, III. 54. See Forret.
Forfar, Countess of, her lodging suggested as temporary home for records of Scotland, XVII. 150-1.
Forgery and vendor of false coin, VI. 127.
Forglen’s Land, XII. 33.
Forglen’s Park, I. 140; XVII. 65.
Forhouse, William, III. 92.
Fork, Robert, VIII. 117.
Forman, Andrew, archbishop, IX. 10, 11, 17, 28, 32 ; French scholar, XVII. App. 7.
Forman, John, attendant on Flodden army, X. 78.
Forman, John, W.S., III. 173.
Forman, John, warded, XI. 40 ; XII. 166.
Forman, John, XII. 47.
Forman, Patrick, covenanter, VIII. 117.
Forres, William, VIII. 49.
Forrest, Elizabeth, wife of John Dewar, bailie, X. 181.
Forrest, James, of Comiston, XII. 142.
Forrest, James, physician, X. 224, 225.
Forrest, (Forest), James, conventicler, VI. 114.
Forrest, John, merchant, X. 224.
Forrest, (Forest), John, covenanter, IV. 119; V. 137.
Forrest, Robert, stonemason, XV. 208.
Forrest, William, of Masockmilne, VIII. 156.
Forrest, William, engraver, IX. 101, 102.
Forrester, Sir Adam, acquires lands of Corstorphine, III. 180 ; and Wrychtishousis, IV. 69; VII. App. 9; XII. 64. See Forester, Forster and Foster.
Forrester, Adam, laird of Nether Liberton, XV. App. 9.
Forrester, Alexander, of Corstorphine, XII. 64.
Forrester, Sir Andrew, secy. to Lauderdale, IX. 166-7, 168.
Forrester, Christian, III. 182.
Forrester, David, XII. 64.
Forrester, Elizabeth (1684), IX. 117.
Forrester, George, first Lord, III. 181 and n.
Forrester, Sir George, of Corstorphine, XIII. 139 n.
Forrester, Sir Hemy, III. 183.
Forrester, James, second Lord, murdered by Christian Nimmo, III. 180-2 ; IV. 108 n.
Forrester, James, Lord (1664), V. 115; XVI. 41.
Forrester, James, warded, VI. 111.
Forrester, Janet, IV. 69.
Forrester, Joanna, III. 182.
Forrester, John, Lord, V. 113, 114.
Forrester, Sir John, son of Sir Adam, III. 180.
Forrester, John, W.S., XVII. 131.
Forrester, Marion, XII. 184.
Forrester, Mariot, X. 120.
Forrester, Thomas, minister, VI. 122.
Forrester, William, third Lord, III. 181, 182.
Forrester, William, XIX. 133.
Forrester, fourth Lord, III. 182.
Forrester, twelfth Lord, III. 182.
Forrester, of Denevon, III. 139.
Forrester, of Denevon, garrison chaplain, XVI. 180.
Forrester’s Wynd, II. 44 ; XI. 8, 10 ; XII. 63, 64, 68, 130, 131 ; XIII. 94; carved stones in, XIV. 77-8; XVI. 6; XVII. 105; XX. 122.
Forresters of Corstorphine, III. 191 ; motto of, 181 ; XIV. 78.
Forrest’s coffee-house, XVII. 18.
Forret (Forat) Andrew, skinner, VI. 83, 93. See Foret.
Forret Bessie, VI. 83.
Forret James, deacon of Skinners, VI. 65, 66, 68, 71-3, 75-7, 80, 82, 84, 86, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105 ; XIII. 100, 141 ; XV. 34.
Forret James, flesher, XII. 12.
Forret (Forrat), Robert, skinner, VI. 71.
Forrett, Robert, clerk of Culross, V. 106.
Forster, David (1560), XV. 38. See Forester and Foster.
Forster, Margaret (1566), XV. 39.
Forster, Thomas, coppersmith, XIX. 29 ; XX. 106.
Forsyth, Alexander, coachbuilder, XII. 104.
Forsyth, James, XII. 153.
Forsyth, John, chairbearer, IX. 199, 200.
Forsyth, Robert, merchant, XII. 153.
Forsyth, William, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 71.
Forsyth, William, covenanter, VIII. 114, 148 ; XI. 60.
Forsythe, John (1658), IV. 118 n.
Forsyth’s Close, I. 13; XII. 104, 153.
Fort, Leith, XIX. 186-7.
Fort-Major’s House, Castle, I. 24.
Forth and Brentford, Earl of, XVI. 191.
Forth Railway Coy., XX. 68.
Forth Street, XX. 52.
Fortune, Alexander, III. 128.
Fortune, Ann, III. 128, 129.
Fortune, (Fortoun), Charles, cordiner, XIV. 43; XVIII. 114, 115.
Fortune, Dalrymple, III. 128.
Fortune, Isabella, III. 128.
Fortune, Jean, III. 128.
Fortune, John, tavern-keeper, I. 8; II. 154 ; III. 119, 127-9, 139, 140, 144, 147, 149, 150, 158 ; Wig Club and, 138 ; IX. 221 ; XII. 35; XIX. 202.
Fortune, Major John, III. 128.
Fortune, (Fortoun), Friar John, III. 42, 94, 97.
Fortune, John, tailor, XIV. 36, 42.
Fortune, Matthew, his Tontine tavern in New Town, I. 144; II. 154; III. 107, 110, 111, 217-9; Wig Club and, 140; advertises Assemblies, XIX. 66.
Fortune, Patrick, III. 94, 97.
Fortune, Peter, III. 129.
Fortune, Richard, III. 128.
Fortune, Thomas, III. 128.
Fortune, William, III. 129.
Fortune, (Fortoune), William, IV. 118 n.
Fortune’s Close, XII. 35.
Forum (debating society), I. 51 ; XII. App. 5.
Fosse, eastern moat of Castle, XI. 8.
Foster, Andrew, bower, XVI. 88. See Forester, Forrester and Forster.
Foster, Birket, IX. 101.
Fothad, last Celtic bishop of St. Andrews, V. 7.
Fothringham, Alexander, chaplain of St. Ninian’s altar, Bruges, his claim for altar dues against Leith skippers, IX. 49, 50.
Fothringham, Charles, supports his brother’s claim, IX. 50.
Foular, George, deacon of Canongate Hammermen, XIV. 36, 42. See Foullair and Fowler.
Foular, John, III. 72, 78 a; protocol books of, IX. 20, 31 ; XII. 152.
Foular, John, Canongate Hammermen, XIV. 36, 42; XX. 106.
Foular, Thomas, IX. 20, 31.
Foular, William, III. 92.
Foular, William, III. 79.
Foulbriggs, X. 194. See Foullbridge.
Foulis, Alexander, of Ratho, XII. 47.
Foulis, Andrew, covenanter, II. 95.
Foulis, George, Master of King’s Mint, 1. 92.
Foulis, James (1526), IX. 71 ; X. 22.
Foulis, Sir James, Lord Colinton, VI. 132 ; XII. 84-5 ; and Ravelston quarry, XIII. 21 ; XVI. 96.
Foulis, Sir James, Lord Reidfurd, VIII. 120.
Foulis, Jean, first wife of John Byres, third of Coates, II. 137.
Foulis, Jean, of Colinton, marries James Duncan, the younger, XIX. 157, 158, 185.
Foulis, Sir John, of Ravelston, I. 93, 114, 115; II. 137; IX. 171; his Account Book, 188-9.
Foulis, John, of Ratho, IX. 169.
Foulis, John (1672), warded, VI. 115.
Foulis, John, apothecary, XII. 35.
Foulis, Lady, XVII. App. 21.
Foulis, Margaret, wife of Gilbert Kirkwood of Pilrig, XI. App. 20.
Foulis, Margaret, of Ravelston, XIX. 157.
Foulis, Robert, printer, II. 14 n. ; IX. 84-6.
Foulis’ Close, XII. 33, 35, 84.
Foullair, George, armourer, XX. 93, 94. See Foular and Fowler.
Foullbridge, XX. 36, 47; derivation of the name, 46 n. ; name changed to Fountainbridge, 48.
Foullbridge, Well, XIV. 108 n.; XX. 46 n., 47. See Foulbriggs.
Foullburn, XX. 46 n.
Foumartine, Janet, XII. 167.
Fountain, master of the revels, XVI. 167.
Fountain, the, XV. 112.
Fountain, Close, I. 9; XI. 12; App. 6; XII. 85, 86, 154; ‘Roman heads’ at, XV. 111-12, 139, 146.
Fountain, House, described, XX. 55-6; built by Alexander Bain, 56; occupied by Alexander Gardner, depute remembrancer of Exchequer, 57.
Fountain, Land, XII. 86.
Fountain, Well, XII. 47; XV. 122 ; XVII. 114; XIX. 103.
Fountainbridge, II. 127, 147 ; XX. 28, 41, 47 ; southern boundary of Dalry estate, 27 ; feuing of, 42 ; origin of name, 46 n.; earliest mention of ; colony of English officials, 48 ; Commissioner Dowdeswell resides in, 49-50 ; abode of Scots nobility and gentry, 50, 54-5 ; Encyclopaedia Britannica first printed in; linen factory, 53 ; changes in neighbourhood, 54-5; Society and Fraternity of Gardeners and, 57.
Fountainhall, Lord. See Lauder, Sir John.
Fountainhall Close, XII. 11 ; XIV. 74.
‘Four hours,’ XVIII. 130.
Fourdrinier, F., III. 229.
Fowler, John (Foullar), XII. 31, 33, 34, 41, 73, 76, 148; XV. 23. See Foular and Foullair.
Fowler, William, merchant, IV. 37 ; XII. 33, 34; XV. 23, 24.
Fowler, William, poet, IV. 37 ; XIV. 99.
Fowler’s Close, XII. 33-5, 84.
Foxhall, XII. 8.
Foxtones or Golfhall, at Wright’s Houses, XII. 8; XVIII. 1-2.
Foynch, Nicolas, IV. 143.
Frame, Richard, builder of Chapel House, XVII. App. 9.
Frame, William, VIII. 155.
Francis Bell’s Close, XII. 152, 153.
Francis Tennant’s Close, XVI. 5.
Francis William, at capture of Castle by Ranulph, Earl of Moray, V. 38.
Frank, John, lands of, XIII. 124, 145.
Fraser, Alexander, of Strichen, X. 51, 81 ; XV. 102. See Frazer and Fresel.
Fraser, Alexander, painter, III. 231 n.
Fraser, Henry, painter, VIII. 107.
Fraser, Hugh, of Culbockie, VI. 131-3.
Fraser, Hugh, minister, VI. 130.
Fraser, James, warded, VI. 131.
Fraser, John, legacy to Candlemakers, XVII. 109.
Fraser, John (1564), III. 101.
Fraser, John (1675), VI. 131.
Fraser, Patrick, III. 176.
Fraser, Simon, Lord Lovat, friend of Lord Provost Drummond, IV. 6, 29.
Fraser, William, military spy, II. 89.
Frazer, Allan, transported, XII. 188.
Frazer, Captain, XIX. 186.
Frazer, James, minister of Arbroath, IX. 115.
Frazer, John, warded, XI. 40 ; XII. 166.
Frazer, Simon, whiteiron-smith, XIX. 103.
Frazer, William, warded, XI. 62.
Frear, John, merchant, XVI. 6.
Frederick, king of Denmark, letter to, from James V. on the detention of a Scots ship, IX. 59 ; letter from, to James V. on the seizure of Dutch ships by Fogo and Barcar, 61.
Free Tolbooth congregation, V. 88.
Freemasons present at performance of Henry IV. in Tailors’ Hall, XI. 167 ; erection of Hall in George St., XIV. 166.
‘Freemasons Hall, 1812,’ XIX. 244.
Freir, John, deacon of Skinners, VI. 58, 68, 81, 82, 90-3, 105.
Freize, Fulbart de, XII. 173.
French (Fraynche), Alexander, X. 143, 185.
French Andrew, XII. 188. See Frenche and Frynch.
French David, bookseller, XVIII. 157.
French William, banished, XII. 187.
French Ambassador’s Chapel, XI. 8.
French Ambassador’s House, carved stones at, XIV. 68, 71.
French Protestants, XVI. 143.
‘French Teachers of Old Edinburgh,’ lecture by Dr. M. Tirol, XVII. App. 7-8.
‘French troops in Scotland and money exchange, IX. 39-40.
Frenche, James, schoolmaster, Canongate, XX. 6. See French.
Freris, the, X. 151.
Fresel, Richard, V. 33. See Fraser.
Fressale, Isabelle, III. 97. See Fraser.
Friar Preachers, Order of, III. 14, 16; principal house in Scotland at Edinburgh, 14-15; foundation of; habit of and intention, 18 ; papal bulls confirming; designation, l9; laity appointed friars; system of organisation, 20; rule of absolute poverty adopted, 21 ; portable altars, 22; introduction into Scotland, 22, 23; enthusiastic reception in London, 22 ; known in France as Jacobins, 23 and n. ; priory in Edinburgh, 24, 25, 32; practice at foundation of churches ; lovers of art, 26 ; plan of campaign; Provincial Councils and Synods, 29, 63-4; vernacular sermons, 31 ; examination and duties of, 32, 34 ; practice of medicine forbidden, 34-5; letter from Master-General to Vicar-General of Scottish, 36; love of learning, 37 ; aspire to episcopal sees, 38-9 ; gifts from King Robert the Bruce, 39-40 ; black plague, 40 and n. ; abrogation of rule of poverty suggested ; ‘Observance’ introduced into Scotland, 41 ; rule altered, 42 ; Scottish vicariate raised to dignity of Province, 43 ; Scottish levy for crusade to Holy Land, 45 ; Pope Leo’s letter of indulgence, 52 ; general disaster from Reformation, 66-67 ; conflict with parochial clergy, 75-76 ; letter from Master-General to, 85; character of, 176-7. See also Black Friars and Dominic.
Friar-Shaws, II. 75, 76.
Friars Minores, XII. 133. See Grey Friars.
Friars’ Vennel, III. 48.
Friday Club, account of, III. 105-30, 160, 169; nature of membership, 107, 108-109 ; bills of; foundation, 108 ; Whiggism, its general creed, 109 ; places of meeting, 110-11 ; ofiice-bearers, 111 ; entertainment in, 112; original members, 113-17; events in years, 1829-38, 117-23 ; 1843-50, 124-5 ; hosts of : Bayle, 125-7 ; Matthew Fortune, 127-129 ; Barry, 129-30; latest list of members of, 130.
Friday Club, Bonaly. See Bonaly.
Friendly Insurance Society, III. 252.
Friends of the People, Candlemakers and, XVII. 121 ; Calton Society of; British Convention of, XIX. 140.
Frisall, Thomas, III. 99. See Fraser.
Froment, M., dancing-master, XI. 169, 170.
Froude, J. A., at Hermitage of Braid, XI. App. 16.
Fruit-sellers’ cries, II. 194.
Frynch, Nicolas, IV. 143.
Fudge Family in Edinburgh, II. 181, 211.
Fuird, Thomas, Unicorn pursuivant, XVIII. 14. See Ford and Foord.
Fulerton of Corsbie, VIII. 157. See Fullarton and Fullerton.
Fulerton William, of that Ilk, VIII. 157.
Fulford, original name of Woodhouselee, IV. 67, 70 n.
Fullarton, Adam, bailie, house of, I. 9; IV. 90; XII. 86; XV. 26, 35, 40; XVI. 19, 21. See Fullerton and Fulerton.
Fullarton, George, merchant, XVI. 107.
Fullarton, James, writer, XII. 18.
Fullarton, John (1685), XII. 161.
Fullarton’s Close, XII. 85; 86, 154.
Fuller’s Close, XII. 33.
Fullerton, Elizabeth, XIV. App. 16. See Fullarton and Fulerton.
Fullerton, John, of Carberry, XIV. App. 16.
Fullerton, John, advocate, III. 115.
Fullerton, (Fowllertoun), Richard, IV. 124.
Fullerton, William, of Carstairs, XIV. App. 16.
Fullerton, William, merchant, VIII. 110.
Fulton, John, farmer, Restalrig, IV. 159, 160-2, 164, 166-9.
Fulton, William (1712), X. 219 n.
Fulton, William, Restalrig, IV. 166, 167.
Furriers, VI. 18 and n., 23, 84; contributions by, to ministers’ stipends, 34.
Fyfe, Christian, XII. 167 ; assaults minister, XVI. 113.
Fyfe, David, surgeon-apothecary, XII. 44.
Fyfe, Gilbert, bailie, VIII. 113 ; XII. 44; XVI. 152.
Fyfe, James, tailor, X. 29, 30, 31 ; feus lands of Viewpark, 247.
Fyfe, James (1685), warded, XI. 62.
Fyfe, Patrick, XII. 44.
Fyfe, William, warded, VIII. 117; IX. 128.
Fyfe’s Close, I. 9; X1. 170; XII. 44-5; XIV. 139; carved stones in, XV. 116-119; XIX. 50; XX. 135.
Fyffe, James, original member of Wagering Club, II. 152.
Fyldour, Nichole, V. 69.
Gabriel’s Road, XI. 8 ; XVII. 76-81 ; murder in, 78; 159, 165, 171, 173.
Gacoin, James, gunsmith, XIX. 25.
Gaelic Chapel, Grassmarket, XI. 9.
Gainsfurde, Nicholas, XV. 16.
Gair, G. R., conducts party over Nairne Lodge, XX. App. 30.
Gairdin, Adam, surgeon, X. 196. See Garden.
Gairdine, Margaret, XV. 21.
Gairdner, Alexander, tailor in Canongate, XIV. 36, 42. See Gardiner and Gardner.
Gairdner, Andrew, brewer, X. 238, 239; tackholder at South Loch, 253.
Gairdner, George, feuar at South Loch, X. 253.
Gairdner, John, brewer, X. 253.
Gairdner, John (1684), warded, IX. 140, 143, 144.
Gairdner, John, Canongate hammerman, XIV. 36, 42.
Gairdner, William, tailor in Canongate, XIV. 36.
Gairdner, William, in Nemphler, VIII. 140.
Gairnes, George, soldier, XII. 206.
Gairnetillie, laird of, XII. 204.
Gairns, James, dyer, XIII. 144.
Gairns, William, minister of To1booth Church, XVI. 153.
Galbraith, Edward, deacon of Skinners, VI. 60, 61, 68, 71, 74, 85, 86, 88, 90-5, 106; X. 164, 255.
Galen’s head, III. 107, 110.
Gall, Edmund, XIX. 16.
Gall, George, XIX. 16.
Gall, (or Gaw), Robert, XIX. 15-17.
Gallini, , XIX. 61, 62; proposes to erect Assembly Room in New Town, 74.
Galloway, Adam, bishop of, III. 38.
Galloway, Alexander, first Earl of, XIII. 126.
Galloway, Alexander, third Earl of, VIII. 145, 149.
Galloway, Alexander, fourth Earl of, VIII. 88.
Galloway, Countess of, town house of, I. 20; XI. 9; XVII. App. 31.
Galloway, Alexander, writer, X. 241 ; XII. 9.
Galloway, Alexander, stabler, XII. 105.
Galloway, James, owner of Valleyfield, X. 242.
Galloway, James, merchant, XII. 19.
Galloway, James, in Sheills, VIII. 157.
Galloway, John, house of, in Niddry’s Wynd, XI. 159.
Galloway, John, Galloway’s Close, XII. 19, 153.
Galloway, John, Canongate, XII. 105.
Galloway, John, writer, XIII. 126.
Galloway, Mungo, master of Canongate School, XX. 17.
Galloway, Patrick (1647), XIV. 3.
Galloway, Thomas (1647), XIV. 3.
Galloway, William, of Valleyfield, X. 242.
Galloway, William, resigns lands of Hillhousefield, XIX. 144.
Galloway’s Close, I. 6; XII. 18, 19, 20, 105, 153.
Galloway’s Entry, I. 13; XII. 105, 123.
Galloway’s land, III. 80; XII. 18, 19.
Gallowflatt, XIX. 152.
Gallowgreen, I. 34; X. 86, 95, 96.
Gallowlee, II. 146, 147 ; IV. 84 ; VI. 116; Covenanters hanged at, VIII. 117 ; IX. 165, 168 n. ; X. 95 and n. ; XI. 9, 22; XVIII. 156, 157; XX. App. 21.
Gallows, XI. 9; ears nailed to, XVI. 39, 48 ; Irishman hanged, 40.
Gamley, Henry S., R.S.A., XVII. 89.
Gamme, Captain, XVI. 9, 14.
Garbett, Samuel, III. 152.
Garden, Adam, X. 197. See Gairdin.
Garden, Francis, of Midstrath, XVI. 174, 183, 189, 201, 203, 205-7.
Garden, Francis, of Troup (Lord Gardenstone), II. 28; X. 203, 204 n., 208; XX. 52.
Garden, Francis, engraver, IX. 81.
Garden, Peter, centenarian, IX. 94.
Garden, Robert, VI. 96.
Gardeners, Society and Fraternity of, XX. 47; own property in Fountainbridge; build Gardeners’ Hall; officebearers of; rent several acres, 57; a litigation ; sell Gardeners’ Hall, 58.
Gardeners’ Hall, XX. 57-8 ; John Smith, tenant of, 58 ; described ; later owners, 59.
Gardeners’ Hall Church, XX. 59.
Gardens of the Castle, XIV. 101-20 ; orchard and pleasure ground, 101 ; extent of, 102 ; earliest history of, 102 ; site of royal orchard, 105-8 ; Castle Barns and King’s Stables, 109; fruit and flowers in King’s garden, 110-ll ; damaged by English invasion (1335), 111 ; decline of, 112 ; royal gardeners, 113; Princes St. forms part of, 118; key to, 120.
Gardenstone, Lord. See Garden, Francis, of Troup.
Gardiner, Christian, XI. 59, 60 ; XII. 167. See Gairdner and Gardner.
Gardiner, Colonel, III. 191; VIII. 168.
Gardiner, Frances, wife of Sir William Baird, III. 191 ; John Wesley and, VIII. 168 and n.
Gardiner, Grizel, XII. 184.
Gardiner, John, royal gardener, XIV. 113.
Gardiner, John, apothecary, III. 110.
Gardiner’s Dragoons, II. 18, 19, 20, 23.
Gardiner-Baird, Sir William, III. 191, 192.
Gardner, Alexander, depute remembrancer of Exchequer, resides in Fountain House, XX. 57. See Gairdner and Gardiner.
Gardner, (or Gairdner), Andrew, founder of Orphan Hospital, XVII. 71.
Gardner, J ., engraver, XII. 242.
Gardner, Rolland, III. 81.
Gardner, William, W.S., XX. 59.
Gardner’s Crescent, XX. 58, 59.
Garmochan, Edmond, XII. 187.
Garnock, Margaret, IX. 120.
Garnock, Robert, covenanter, VIII. 117.
Garrous, Benoist, XV. 20.
Gascoign, Mr., III. 153.
Gates land, Calton, XIX. 107, 141.
Gavin, Hector, engraver, IX. 93, 94, 102 ; XII. 219.
Gavin, James, XII. 164, 167.
Gavinloch’s Land, II. 29.
Gay, Alexander, VI. 136.
Gay, John, his Beggar’s Opera, XI. 164 and n., 168; his visit to Edinburgh, 164 n. ; XV. App. 20.
Gazettes, XVI. 104.
Ged, James, Jacobite printer, II. 14.
Ged, William, inventor of stereotypy, II. 14.
Gedd, John, covenanter, II. 94.
Gedd, William (1682), warded, VIII. 128.
Geddes, Andrew, his revival of etching, IX. 105-6, 108.
Geddes, Archibald, XII. 18.
Geddes, Sir Patrick, I. 13; erects houses at Ramsay Garden, 3; III. 251.
Geddes, Robert, of Scotstoun, XII. 34.
Geddes Close, III. 158; XII, 34, 35; XIV. 163.
Geddie, John, Sculptured Stones of Old Edinburgh : The Dean Group, I. 77-135; leader of excursion round line of old city wall, App. 4; Sculptured Stones of Edinburgh : West-End and Dalry Groups II. 121-47 ; Sculptured Stones of the ‘Royal Mile,’ XIV. 49-100; XV. 99-134 ; XVII. 22-48 ; on history of Stenhopemills, App. 22.
Geddie, Katherine, XI. 24.
Geddie, William (1682), warded, VIII. 134.
Gedding, Robert, IX. 138. See Guidden.
Geikie, Archibald, perfumer, IX. 106.
Geikie, Walter, his sketches of street criers, II. 182, 188, 191, 195, 221 ; IX. 106.
Gellatlie, John, XX. 110.
Gellatly, J., engraver, XII. 246.
Gemmell, John, XII. 187.
General Assembly, VIII. 167, 168; Mrs. Siddons and, 170-1; Wesley at, 171; Whitefield’s opinion of, 171 ; 177 ; XIII. 9-10 ; early meetings held in Old Tolbooth, XIV. App. 18.
General Penny Post, XVIII. 161.
General Register House, nature of its contents, XVII. 147 ; tragic history of Scottish records, 148 ; housed in Laigh Parliament House; necessity for adequate repository, 149-53; sale of Forfeited Estates provides £12,000 for suitable building; appointment of trustees, 153, 155; proposed site at Heriot’s Hospital, 154, 155; objections by Writers to the Signet, 155; final decision; description of plan, 156-9; Robert and James Adam instructed to prepare plans, 159; estimates, 161-2; foundation stone laid, 162, 171; financial difficulties delay work, 163; dome, 163-5; duties of officials; records transferred from Laigh Parliament House; guard-house built, 165; structural modifications in Adam’s design, 166-8; additional expenditure; historical search room, 168; statue of Duke of Wellington, 169; sale of Forfeited Estates, 171; total expenditure, 172; New Register House, 173-4; latest additions, 174; bibliography, 174-5; XVIII. 42. See also Register House.
General’s Entry, XVII. App. 12.
Gentle, James, brewer, XII. 119.
Gentle Shepherd, Allan Ramsay’s, I. 111 ; IX. 84; scene of, XIV. App. 20, 22-4.
Gentleman Golfers, Company of, XVIII. 7.
Gentleman Usher of White Rod, sale of the ofice by Campbell of Invemeil, XVIII. 12.
‘Gentlemen’s Concert.’ See Musical Society of Edinburgh.
Gentle’s Close, I. 14; XII. 119.
George II., statue of, V. 83, 92; XV. 151.
George III., XII. 109 ; Candlemakers present address to, XVII. 122.
George IV., his visit to Edinburgh, IX. 228 ; Candlemakers and, XVII, 123; proposed equestrian statue of, XVIII. 86 ; and preservation of Salisbury Crags, 183, 206 ; pictorial views of his visit to city, App. 10 ; picture of his landing at Leith, XX. 64.
George IV. Bridge, II. 165; making of, XVII. 124; XVIII. 96, 98.
George IV. Bridge and the West Approach, by David Robertson, XVIII. 79-99.
George Inn, Thomas Bewick at, IX. 93 ; XI. 9 ; XIV. 124, 139-45; Club visits, XVII. App. 12.
George Smith’s Close, XII. 154.
George Square, building of, V. 83 ; IX. 212, 217, 224, 226; X. 197, 260; XII. 54, 221 ; history of, and famous residents in, App. 18-20; XVIII. 86, 93; App. 20, 25; XIX. 79, 82-4 and n.; XX. 118 ; Lady Lockhart resides in, 54.
George St. Assembly band, XIX. 85.
George Wynd, XII. 154.
‘George’s Square Assembly,’ XIX. 79-86; premises in Buccleuch Place, 80; description of building, 82 ; opened; popularity of, 83 ; its decline, 84-5; premises sold, 85-6.
Gib, Adam, II. 13; XIV. 54.
Gib, David, baxter, XV. 24.
Gib, George, V. 125.
Gib, John, in Calton, XVIII. 45.
Gib, William, servitor, VIII. 145.
Gibb (Gibbis), Adam, III. 81.
Gibb Alexander, tobacconist, IX. 200.
Gibb Andrew, owner of Comely Garden, XIX. 69.
Gibb John, merchant, IX. 200.
Gibb John, in Pittendreich, II. 94.
Gibb Robert, coachbuilder, XII. 111, 112.
Gibbet, on Burgh Muir, I. 33; X. 83-4, 89, 96; new site of, 85-8; Montrose’s body buried underneath, 93-5.
Gibbet Loan, X. 85; XI. 9; XII. 55 n., 219.
Gibbet Toll, X. 85.
Gibb’s Close, XII. 111, 112 ; carved lintel at, XVII. 25.
Gibb’s Land, XII. 111.
Gibraltar House, XII. 230; XV. 65.
Gibson, Sir Alexander, Lord Durie, XII, 70; XIII. 103 and n., 133, 134; XIX. 43. Sir Alexander, of Pentland, principal clerk of session, III. 193; V. 140, 142, 144, 149; XI. 49, 52; XVI. 163.
Gibson, Alexander, clerk to Parliament, XIII. 71.
Gibson, Alexander, master of Canongate School, XX. 9-10.
Gibson, Archibald, skinner, VI. 100.
Gibson, (Gybsone), Deme, VI. 41.
Gibson, Elizabeth, of Pentland, III. 191.
Gibson, George, minister of Colinton, IV. 33; XV. 181.
Gibson, George, prisoner in Dalkeith, IX. 20.
Gibson, (Gibsoun), George, III. 82.
Gibson, James, W.S., XIX. 244.
Gibson, James, mariner, V. 131.
Gibson, Sir John, of Pentland, III. 191, 193.
Gibson, John, of Auchinsheen, VIII. 133, 149.
Gibson, John, covenanter, XI. 61, 66.
Gibson, John, bower, XII. 153.
Gibson, John, procurator-fiscal, XVI. 155.
Gibson, Joseph, chirurgeon, XV. 185.
Gibson, Laurence, in Blairstream, VIII. 128.
Gibson, Malcolm, VI. 114.
Gibson, Neil, XIII. 46.
Gibson, Nicol, blacksmith, VIII. 49.
Gibson, Patrick, landscape painter, IX. 104; his ‘Select Views in Edinburgh,’ 104.
Gibson, Peter, staymaker, XV. 86.
Gibson, Robert, covenanter, V. 146.
Gibson, Thomas, fishmonger, XIII. 134.
Gibson, William, prisoner in Dalkeith, IX. 20.
Gibson, William Walker, XIX. 179.
Gibson House, III. 191.
Gibson-Craig, Sir James, III. 193.
Giffen, William, imprisoned in Castle, XVI. 55. See Givan.
Gifford, Adam, Lord, III. 176; member of Marrow-Bone Club ; founder of Gifford lectureship, XII. App. 29.
Gifford, Alexander, XX. 25.
Gilbert, Friar, appointed provincial of England, III. 22 ; reception in London, 22.
Gilbert, John, goldsmith, II. 72; III. 101; V. 69.
Gilbert, Michael, goldsmith, III. 83, 100 ; IV. 100 ; feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 75 ; XV. App. 15.
Gilbert’s property, Calton, XIX. 109.
Gilchrist, James, barber, XVIII. 61.
Gilchrist, (Gilcryst), John, smith, XV. 14.
Gilchrist, John (1668), V. 139.
Gilchrist, John, mason, VIII. 154.
Gilchrist, Mr., clerk to riding school, XX. 122.
Gilchrist, Patrick, covenanter, II. 95.
Gilchrist’s tavern, Wright’s Houses, XVIII. 2.
Gild Council, XVI. App. 8.
Giles, John, brewer, Leith, XVIII. App. 26.
Giles, (Geills), John, servitor, IX. 169.
Gilfillan, Robert, VII. App. 7.
Gilgoure, Thomas, mason, VIII. 114.
Gilkerscleugh, Lady, VIII. 116, 151.
Gilkerson, David, VIII. 155.
Gilkerson, James, V. 137.
Gilkerson, William, V. 144.
Gilles, Elizabeth, Crown debtor, XV. 87, 89. See Gilies and Gillis.
Gillespie, David, baxter, XII. 71.
Gillespie, David, burgess, IX. 41 n.
Gillespie, Henry, X. 218 n.
Gillespie, James, of Spylaw, II. 180 ; and Wrychtis-housis, IV. 60 ; XIV. 116.
Gillespie, Katherine, XII. 71.
Gillespie, Rev. Mr., St. Andrews, V. 179.
Gillespie, Patrick, principal of Glasgow University, IV. 141 ; prays for Cromwell, XVI. 43.
Gillespie, Robert, covenanter, VI. 118.
Gillespie, Thomas, founder of Relief Church, XX. App. 30.
Gillespie, William, original member of Wagering Club, II. 152.
Gillespie, William, owner of land in Cowgate, XII. 71.
Gillespie, William, surgeon, III. 174.
Gillespie’s Close, XII. 70, 71.
Gillespie’s Hospital, IV. 55, 57; well of, 56 ; VIII. 10 n. ; XI. App. 15.
Gillespie’s School, sculptured stones at, IV. 56, 60.
Gillies, Adam, Lord, III. 165, 172; XII. App. 11. See Gilles and
Gillies, Helen, St. Ledger, III. 129.
Gillies, Patrick, VI. 114.
Gillilan’s Close, XII. 111.
Gilliland, James, goldsmith, Raeburn apprentice to, IX. 88, 89.
Gillilaw, John, XII. 159.
Gillis, Bishop, discovers in the Escurial two paintings representing Malcolm III. and Queen Margaret, V. 60; X. 31, 52. See Gilles and Gillies.
Gillison, Homer, XI. 61, 63.
Gillon, James, shoemaker, IV. 88-9.
Gillon, James, in Curriehill, V. 140.
Gillon’s Close, XII. 111.
Gilmor, John, W.S., VIII. 50.
Gilmore, Samuel, rope spinner, XVIII. 179.
Gilmour, Sir Alexander, of Craigmillar, IX, 148 ; sues Captain Straiton, XVI. 166 ; XVIII. App. 30.
Gilmour, Sir Charles, II. 43.
Gilmour, Sir John, V. 148; XII. 129.
Gilmour, John, writer, XIII. 127, 141.
Gilmour, Robert, W.S., XII. 129.
Gilmour, Sir Robert Gordon, VII. App. 8.
Gilmour, William, warded, IX. 131 ; XI. 31.
Gilmours of Craigmillar, X. 184.
Gilson, Cornforth, XIX, 238; employed by Musical Society, 200 ; teaches church music; Smollett’s allusion to, 200 n. ; re-engaged, 212, 213.
Gilzean, Robert, XII. 167.
Gipsies, measures against, IV. 110; prisoners in Tolbooth, VIII, 128, 137-8 ; transported, 137 ; hanged on Burgh Muir, X. 89, 91-2, 93 ; order for expulsion of, 90; scourged, XVI. 48.
Girdwood, Helen, VI. 156.
‘Girnal,’ King’s, at Leith, XIX. 144.
Girth Cross, XI. 6, 8, 9, 10; XV. 64, 65, 74-5; XVII. 33; XIX. 154.
Givan, John, assistant master, Canongate School, XX. 12. See Giffen.
Givan, John, covenanter, II. 95 ; VI. 136.
Given, Lieut. William, IV. 140.
Gladsmuir, II. 31, 32.
Gladstane, Sir Thomas, XII. 12; XIV. 75. See Gladstone and Gledstone.
Gladstane, William, surgeon, XII. 13 ; XIV. 75.
Gladstanes, Anne, XII. 13. See Gledstanes.
Gladstanes, Elizabeth, XII. 13.
Gladstanes, Thomas (1635), XII. 12, 13; XIII. 101.
Gladstanes, Thomas, merchant in Leith, X. 207.
Gladstanes, William, XII. 134.
Gladstane’s Close, III. 244, 247 ; XII. 12 ; XIV. 75.
Gladstone, Margaret, XIX. 146 11.. See Gladstane and Gledstone.
Gladstone, W. E., restores Cross of Edinburgh, XIV. 82 ; XX. App. 18-19, 32.
Gladstone Court, XII. 97.
Gladstone’s Land, I. 4; XI. 9 ; XII. 12; XIV. 10, 17, 75.
Glasfuird, Adam, VI. 149.
Glasgow, David, first Earl of, XX. 51; infeft in Easter Dalry, 39.
Glasgow, James, VI. 114.
Glasgow, John, third Earl of, member of Poker Club, III. 154 ; XV. App. 20.
Glass, Jean, XII. 186.
Glass, John, macer, XI. 23.
Glass, William, song-writer, II. 211.
Glasse, John, covenanter, II. 94.
Gladstanes, John, XI. 52. See also Gladstanes.
Gledstone, George, of Dodds, V. 103.
Glen, Allan, skinner, VI. 68.
Glen, Allan, warded, XII. 194.
Glen, Elizabeth, wife of George, eighth Earl of Dalhousie, XVII. 19.
Glen, Harry, IV. 136.
Glen, James, of Longcroft, XVII. 19.
Glen, James, bookseller, XVI. 133, 149.
Glen, James, warded, XI. 47, 62.
Glen, Misses, of Lauriston, XVIII. 168.
Glen, Robert, III. 102 ; feus land from Black Friars, 78a; IV. 90 ; X. 74.
Glen, Thomas, Canongate hammerman, XIV. 36, 42; XX. 101, 108.
Glenbervie, Lord, III. 115. X. 111, 115, 116, 131.
Glencairn, Alexander, fifth Earl of, Queen Regent confers with, V. 54.
Glencairn, Countess of (1746), XIX. 50 ; a directress of the ‘Assembly,’ 89.
Glencairn, Elizabeth, wife of twelfth Earl of, dies at Wester Coates, II. 139.
Glencairn, James, fourteenth Earl of, member of Poker Club, III. 141, 154; IV. 111.
Glencairn, John, fifteenth Earl of, II. 139 ; XI. App. 17.
Glencairn, Master of (1526), IX. 71, 72.
Glencairn, William, ninth Earl of, chancellor, XVI. 56, 59, 60, 64; buried in St. Giles’, 69.
Glencairn, William, twelfth Earl of (1768), his house in Chapel Street, X. 232 ; XVII. App. 9.
Glencorse Church, IV. 70; Club visits, XII. App. 27.
Glendusk, XII. 163.
Glenlee, Lord, IX. 218; XVII. App. 11. See Miller, Sir William
Glenluce, Abbot of, IX. 32.
Glenorchy, John, Viscount, son of third Earl of Breadalbane, VIII. 181. See Breadalbane.
Glenorchy, Lady, VIII. 162 ; character and career, 180-1 ; founds undenominational chapel in Edinburgh, 182; interviews Edinburgh ministers, 183, 184; becomes acquainted with Wesley, 184; impressions of Wesley and Dr. Webster, 184-5 ; expels Methodist preachers from her chapel, 185, 187 ; XI. 9; XII. App. 20.
Glenorchy, laird of, IV. 134.
Gloag, Rev. W., of Cockpen, V. 190.
Glover, Alexander, servitor, IX. 151.
Glover, James (1684), warded, IX. 169; XI. 54.
Glover, William, Rothesay herald, XVIII. 25.
Glover, William (1684), IX. 152.
Godwin, William, malign influence of, over Shelley, XI. 75.
Gogar House, XVIII. App. 28.
Golden Charter granted to town, XIV. 118.
Golden Harp, Sign of, XIX. 211 21.
Golden Key, Sign of, II. 44.
‘Golden Riggs,’ XX. App. 25.
Goldenacre, XIX. 163 ; XX. App. 22, 25.
Goldewin, Sir — priest, V. 11, 12.
Goldie, Bailie (1810), IX. 225.
Goldsmith, Oliver, impressions of the ‘Assembly,’ XIX. 72-3. See Goldsmyth.
Goldsmiths, scale of taxation of, VI. 27; contributions of, to ministers’ stipends, 34; shops of, removed, XIII. 23, 33, 39, 108; XIV. 29; XV. 14; XVI. 158; XIX. 52.
Goldsmiths, of Canongate, XIX. 1, 2, 8, 10; watchmakers attached to, 10; fewness of, 11 ; Robert Gall’s offence, 16 ; abusing boxmaster, 17 ; assays, 18-19 ; burgesses, 19; acts relating to, 19-20; powers of, 20 n.
Goldsmiths’ Hall, III. 227, 231, 233-4; XI. 9.
Goldsmyth, William, bailie, XVIII. 41. See Goldsmith.
Golf, on Bruntsfield Links, X. 29, 31, 244, 247-50 ; game a factor in their preservation, 240 ; transference to Braids, 252 ; XIV. App. 1 1 ; at Bruntsfield and Leith in early times, XVIII. 1-10.
Golf-ball makers of North Leith, XVIII. 124, 125, 127.
Golfers, Hon. Co. of Edinburgh, II. 15-16 ; XIV. 169. See Hon. Company.
Golfers, Hon. Company of Gentlemen, XVIII. 7.
Golfer’s Land, I. 12 n.; XI. 6, 9; XII. 103 ; carved panels at, XVII. 44 ; XVIII. 8, 10.
Golfers’ tavern at Bruntsfield Links, X. 244.
Golfhall, X. 243-4; XII. 8; XVIII. 1, 2.
Gollen, James, stabler, XII. 111. See Gullan and Gulland.
Good, Andrew, buys Surgeons’ Hospital, XV. 150.
Good, Deacon, chairmaster, IX. 204.
Good, Elizabeth, XV. 188.
Good, William, wright, XIX. 226.
Good Fortune of Leith, XV. 19.
Goodall, Walter, librarian, VIII. 192 n.
Goodman of the Tolbooth, IV. 112, 118, 124, 126, 127.
Goodsman’s Rooms, Wright’s Houses, XVIII. 2.
Goolen’s Close, XII. 110, 111.
Gooseford’s Close, XII. 62.
Gordon, Alexander, second Duke of, XIV. 3.
Gordon, Alexander, fourth Duke of (1819), keeper of Great Seal, XVIII. 196.
Gordon, John, first Duke of, governor of Castle, I. 2; II. 117; XI. 9; XII. 51, 165; XIV. 56; XVI. 151, 152, 158, 171, 173, 175, 180; interview with Claverhouse, 184-5; Convention and terms, 186-7 ; garrison desertions, 198-9; renews negotiations, 205-6 ; accepts terms, 210 ; garrison marches out; dines with president of Convention ; prisoner in Castle, 211 ; set at liberty, 212 ; presented to William III., 213.
Gordon, Henrietta, Duchess of, XIV. 2, 3 ; XX. 79, 82.
Gordon, Jane, Duchess of, III. 173; IV. 80; XII. App. 20; XIX. 72; XX. 126.
Gordon, Lord Adam, XIV.4; XX. 79, 82, 139.
Gordon, Sir Adam, XVI. 22, 24.
Gordon, Sir Alexander, of Earlston, VIII. 152; IX. 121, 136, 144, 149, 156, 157; XI. 21, 26 ; attempts escape from Tolbooth, XVI. 131.
Gordon, Hon. Alexander, Lord Rockville, III. 165; XII. 52 ; XIV. 57.
Gordon, Alexander, of Campbeltown, XII. 118.
Gordon, Alexander, author of Itinerarium Septentrionale, XV. 110-12.
Gordon, Annabel, XII. 167.
Gordon, Lady Anne, Countess of Eglinton, IX. 185.
Gordon, Anne, daughter of Sir William Gordon of Invergordon, XIX. 67.
Gordon, Bailie (1717), IV. 92.
Gordon, Baron, III. 154.
Gordon, Captain, of Ellon, III. 162 ; XVI. 42.
Gordon, Lady Catherine, wife of Perkin Warbeck, III. 48.
Gordon, Charles, of Cluny, XI. App. 15, 16.
Gordon, Charles, ensign, IX. 142.
Gordon, Cosmo, baron of Exchequer, member of Mirror Club, III. 144.
Gordon, Dowager Duchess of, II. 51.
Gordon, Gordon, Sir George, of Gight, VI. 111.
Gordon, George, of Beldowy, foraging orders issued to, II. 41-2.
Gordon, George, farmer, XV. 185.
Gordon, Henry, XVI. 179, 180, 183, 192, 207.
Gordon, James, of Banchory, XVI. 162.
Gordon, James, of Edintore, XVI. 207.
Gordon, James, of Rothiemay, his drawing of Parliament House, III. 220, 222, 229; his plan of Edinburgh described, XII. 209; employed by town council, 216; reproductions of his map, 216-17.
Gordon, James, member of Poker Club, III. 153.
Gordon, James, accountant, XIX. 112.
Gordon, Sir John, of Haddo, IV. 90.
Gordon, Sir John (1685), assessor, XVI. 146.
Gordon, Hon. John, III. 139.
Gordon, John, of Cluny, XI. App. 15.
Gordon, John, of Edintore, XVI. 183, 189, 190.
Gordon, John, physician, I11. 115, 117.
Gordon, John, ‘vintner’s servant,’ VIII. 99.
Gordon, John Thomson, III. 175, 176.
Gordon, Sir John Watson, IX. 109, 111, 113.
Gordon, Lord Lewis, II. 51.
Gordon, Rev. Dr. Lewis, V. 187 and n. ; discourse on ‘The Foundation of Moral Obligation,’ 188.
Gordon, Marie, accused of child murder, VIII. 102.
Gordon, Patrick (1571), XVIII. 35.
Gordon, Sir Robert, Bt. vice-chamberlain to Charles I., XVIII. 15.
Gordon, Sir Robert, of Gordonstoun, XVI. Introd. xvi.
Gordon, Sir Robert, of Straloch, XII. 216.
Gordon, Robert, bookseller, X. 225.
Gordon, Robert, baxter, XII. 143 n.
Gordon, Thomas (1683), clerk, VIII. 154 ; XVI. 185, 186.
Gordon, William, of Culvennan, VI. 148.
Gordon, William, of Newhall, III. 153.
Gordon, William, bookseller, X. 225.
Gordon, William, hostelry of, I. 131.
Gordon, William, underkeeper of Canongate Tolbooth, VIII. 116.
Gordon, William, minister of St. Cuthbert’s, I. 113; XVI. 72.
Gordon, William (1673), warded, VI. 120.
Gordon, William, advocate, XVI. 151.
Gordon, William, of Old Aberdeen, XVI. Introd. xxxvii.
Gordon, William, Queen St., XX. 141.
Gordon, of Auchintoul, XVI. 187.
Gordon, of Glasturin, XVI. 187.
Gordon, of Ruthven, III. 217.
Gordonbank, XV. 185.
Gordon’s Close (Castlehill), XII. 52.
Gordon’s Close, Cowgate, XII. 144.
Gordonstone, laird of, VI. 157.
Gorgie, lands of, XVIII. 160; XX. 27, 29; sale of, 34.
Gorgie, ‘Craggis’ of, XVIII. 34.
Gorgie, House, II. 144; III. 190, 193, 196; Club visits, XVII. App. 22-3 ; XX. 26.
Gorgie, Mills, III. 184, 190, 191 n. ; XX. 47.
Gorgie, Town, III. 184.
Goscelin of Canterbury, V. 15.
Gosford, laird of (1685), XI. 2. See Sinclair, Henry.
Gosford, III. 42, 83.
Gosford’s Close, I. 122; IX. 215; XII. 22, 62 ; carved stones at, XIV. 51, 72 ; XVIII. 173.
Gossip on Golf and Golfers, XVIII. 2.
Gotheral, David, VI. 65.
Gotheral, Goudie, John, hammerman, VIII. 47.
Gotheral, Rev. John, of Tingwall, XIX. 96.
Gotheral, Thomas, mason, XIX. 96, 97.
Gourlay, Alysone, XIX. 182, 184.
Gourlay, David, XIII. 140 and n. ; XIV. 70.
Gourlay, Gilbert, XII. 32.
Gourlay, Sir John, preceptor of St. Laurence hospital, III. 75; X. 122.
Gourlay, John, merchant and ‘customar,’ II. 131 n. ; XIV. 70, 71.
Gourlay, Norman, religious martyr, III. 54; XVII. App. 14.
Gourlay, Robert, his house in Bank Close used as a prison, IV. 77; XI. 9; XII. 61; XIII. 140 n. ; XIV. 67, 68, 70, XX. App. 8.
Gourlay, (Gurlay), Robert, VI. 89.
Gourlay, Robert, Leith, his plan of an approach to Grassmarket, XVIII. 82-3.
Gourlay, Thomas, covenanter, V. 137.
Gourlay, Walter, XIX. 182.
Gourlay’s Close, XII. 68, 69.
Govan, John, Kirklistoun, II. 97.
Govan, William (1660), XVI. 55 n.
Govan, William (1764), XIX. 226.
Govan, William, Islay herald, VIII. 106; XVIII. 25.
Goven, Patrick, III. 100.
Govenlock, Alexander, X. 240.
Governor’s House, Castle, XI. 9.
Gow, Alexander, Gaelic scholar, IX. 223.
Gow, Nathaniel, musician, XIX. 85.
Gow, Thomas, Writer, XI. 45.
Gowans, William, grocer, XI. 143.
Gowks Club, account of, III. 168-72.
Gowrie, Lady, XVI. 28.
Gowrie conspiracy, XVI. 63, 74-5.
Gracemount, Club’s visit to, XI. App. 4.
Graden, Lady, IX. 123, 146, 151, 163, 175.
Graham, Agnes, XII. 200, 201.
Graham, Alexander, X. 159 n., 160 n.
Graham, Archibald, owner of ground in Sciennes, X. 144, 145, 159 n., 160 n., 164, 229.
Graham, Beatrix, sister of Montrose, I. 44.
Graham, Daniel, VI. 96.
Graham, George (1670), warded, VI. 107.
Graham, James, Marquis of, afterwards third Duke of Montrose, III. 150, 151, 154.
Graham, James, skinner, VI. 75, 77.
Graham, James, brewer, VI. 139.
Graham, James, hanged at Gallowlee (1684), IX. 168.
Graham, John, plumber, granted feu in New Town free of rates, I. 140, 141 ; dispute with town council, 142, 143, 145, 147.
Graham, John (1660), warded, IV. 135, 136, 137; XII. 201.
Graham, John, writer, VI. 135.
Graham, John, artist, IX. 99.
Graham, John, skinner, XIII. 123.
Graham, John (1584), XV. 37.
Graham, John, of Claverhouse, XVI. 135, 183, 187, 204, 211 ; interview with Duke of Gordon, 184-5.
Graham, Mungo, royal treasurer, XV. 30.
Graham, Nicol, XI. 141 ; XII. 106.
Graham, Patrick, officer at Tolbooth, IX. 118, 119, 142, 143, 160, 175; Captain of Town Guard, XVI. 114, 133, 142, 143, 166, 172, 173, 176.
Graham, Patrick, skinner, XIII. 99, 102, 143.
Graham, Ritchie, warlock, XVII. 41 ; XVIII. App. 15.
Graham, Sir Robert, of Morphie, I. 45.
Graham, Robert, city treasurer feus part of Common Myre, X. 102, 158-60 and n., 161, 162, 164, 166, 221, 222.
Graham, Samuel, XII. 166.
Graham, Walter, goldsmith, XII. 106.
Graham, William, of Gartmore, III. 152, 154.
Graham, William (1685), warded, XI. 47, 52 ; transported, XII. 188.
Graham, William, skinner, XII. 127.
Grahame, Ard, X. 132.
Grahame, Janet, X. 48.
Grahame, J., I. 42.
Grahame, Robert, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 75.
Grahame, Robert, covenanter, II. 95.
Grahame, Robert, weaver, V. 102, 103.
Grahame, Robert, burgess, III. 96.
Grahame, Walter, goldsmith, XIX. 19.
Graill, Hannis, skipper of Dantzig, IX. 64.
Grammar school, Blackfriars’ Wynd, III. 61.
Grammar school of Canongate, supposed grant by David I. to monks of Holyrood, XX. 1; earliest notice of, 2-3; abbot and convent of Holyrood patrons of, 3; Robert Dormond, 4-5; Gilbert Taylor granted gift of; kirk session and town council claim patronage, 5; William Roberton closes ; James Davidson, master of ; David Laing’s proposed history of, 6; original site; premises at Leith Wynd; Thomas Elder’s complaint against ‘doctor’ of, 7 ; Robert Stephen, master of, 8; Holyrood and, 9; Alexander Gibson, master of, 9-10 ; David Bishop and, 10; Alexander Strang, his mastership, 10-12; oath of allegiance, 12; George Bumet, head of; destroyed by fire; temporary premises in Edinburgh, 13 ; new building described, 14; cost of; sketch of site, 15 ; notices of, in acts of Canongate bailies, 15-16; conditions of mastership, 16; Alexander Laing, Mungo Galloway and George Arbuthnot, 16-17; fortunes of, and removal of nobility to London; George Ogilvy, John Walker, — Ponting, William Cruickshanks and John Inglis, masters of, 18 ; efficiency under Inglis, 19; Rudiments Class, 19, 21; ‘sons of gentlemen of the first rank ’ attend, 19; curriculum, 19-20; William Ritchie ; James Cumming last master of ; pupils examined before bailies and ministers, 20-1 ; David Laing, a pupil; his description of, 21; bailies present medals to scholars, 22 ; its decay, 21-2 ; sale of, advertised, 23; Old Boys’ Club, 23-5.
Grammar school of Edinburgh. See High School.
Granby, Marquis of, V. 168.
Grand Capes, III. 156.
Grand Lodge of Scotland buys St. Cecilia’s Hall, XIX. 244.
Grandfield, XIX. 164.
Grange, Lord. See Erskine, James
Grange, Lady (Rachel Chiesley), I. 43.
Grange, Easter and Wester, X. 17.
Grange of St. Giles, X. 27, 40, 49, 50, 55, 93, 98, 102, 107, 108, 138, 144, 146-7, 152, 159-61, 182, 187, 221, 222, 262 ; not included in David I.’s gift of Burgh Muir, 5-17 ; origin of name, 8; presented to St. Giles’ Church; lands of, 9; presented to John, Earl of Carrick, 10 ; Andrew Wardlaw’s charter of, 13 ; part of lands gifted to nunnery of St. Catherine of Siena, 14; acquired by Sir William Dick, 15 ; resigned to his creditors, 16 ; St. Catherine’s convent erected on lands of, 103 ; acres at Sciennes restored to, 150; Nether or Wester, 223, 224; XI. App. 14; XII. 213; XV. 102.
Grange Cemetery, X. 14.
Grange Cricket Club, XX. 55.
Grange farm, XIV. 143; XVIII. 161.
Grange House, I. 78, 105 ; Prince Charles at, II. 25, 58, 237 ; III. 201 ; excursion to, VIII. App. 8-9 ; burnt by Hartford, X, 126 ; sculptured stones at, XIV. 53, 64, 68.
Grange Loan, III. 202; IV. 73 n.; X. 49, 50, 53, 74, 159, 160, 162, 167, 173, 176, 177, 221, 223, 225, 234; Highland army in, 201; XIV. 53.
Grangebank, X. 202.
Granger, Christian. See Fletcher.
Granger, James, minister of Kineff, VIII. 206.
Grant, Sir Alexander, principal of University, IV. 14, 54, 146, 149; VIII. 79, 99.
Grant, Allan, IX. 120.
Grant, Andrew, merchant, III. 152, 153.
Grant, Andre (1595), servant, VI. 97.
Grant, Mrs. Ann Oliphant or, X. 52.
Grant, Catherine Anne, X. 52.
Grant, Colquhoun, W.S., II. 28-9.
Grant, David, merchant, leases Gallowgreen, X. 96 ; XII. 49.
Grant, David, trees. of Pantheon, I. 59.
Grant, David, wright, Canongate, XII. 50.
Grant, Duncan, XVI. 195.
Grant, Sir Francis, of Cullen, XII. 60 ; XIV. 66.
Grant, Sir Francis, of Kilgraston, X. 52-3.
Grant, Sir Francis, J., Lyon King of Arms, I. 79, 83-91; IV. 67; VI. 21; State Ceremomials in Edinburgh in the Olden Time, XVIII. 11-32.
Grant, Sir James, of Dalvey, XVI. 183, 185, 186, 193.
Grant, James, in Innermarkie, V. 135.
Grant, James, bailie, XII. 49.
Grant, James, ironmonger, XIX. 226.
Grant, Sir James Hope, X. 52-3.
Grant, Janet, XII. 49, 50.
Grant, John, baron of Exchequer, III. 152, 153; XII. 49; XX. 116.
Grant, John, Marchmont herald, XX. App. 10.
Grant, John, writer, v. Robert Donaldson, W.S., XV. 91-2.
Grant, John, employed at siege of Castle (1689), XVI. 203, 205, 208.
Grant, Lilias, second wife of John Byres, third of Coates, II. 138.
Grant, Sir Ludovic, of Grant, XII. 104.
Grant, Mrs., of Laggan, II. 131; XI. App. 19.
Grant, Mrs., of Prestongrange, XIX. 52, 53; a directress of the ‘Assembly,’ 90.
Grant, Patrick, Lord Elchies, XVIII. App. 30.
Grant, Thomas, bailie, Canongate, XVIII. 139, 140, 141.
Grant, William, Lord Prestongrange, I. 95; II. 21 n.; XIV. 66.
Grant, William, musician, XIX. 237.
Grant, of Glenmoriston, II. 58.
Granthill, X. 207.
Granton, barony of, XX. App. 25; Wester, VIII. App. 4.
Granton, Castle, excursion to, VIII. App. 3, 4.
Granton, Craigs, XIX. 153.
Granton, Pier, II. 165.
Grant’s Close, XII. 49.
Grants of Kilgraston, X. 32.
Grass Cross, XI. 8, 9.
Grassmarket, I. 130 ; prisoner hanged in, XII. 172; XIV. 105-6; crofts of abbeys of Kelso and Cambuskenneth in, 110; inns in, 124, 145-6; XVI. 101, 125, 167; church for, 165; follower of Cargill hanged in, 114; XVIII. 81 ; plan for new approaches to, 82, 84, 86, 91 ; Thomas Moodie of Dalry offers 20,000 merks to build church in, 177.
Grassyard, II. 86.
Gray, Agnes, III. 244 n., 246, 249; XII. 14.
Gray, Alexander, town clerk, XVI. 147, 148.
Gray, Alexander, maltman, XIII. 98, 145.
Gray, Alexander (1682), warded, VIII. 133.
Gray, Andrew, second Lord, royal justiciar, II. 63; X. 21 ; XVIII. 41.
Gray, Andrew, and Morocco’s Close, XII. 92.
Gray, Andrew, cordiner, XVIII. 146, 147.
Gray, Bailie (1722), X. 258.
Gray, Captain, member of Wig Club, III. 139.
Gray, Catherine, III. 244 n., 246.
Gray, Charles, covenanter, XI. 40 ; XII. 166.
Gray, Charles, advocate, XVI. 146.
Gray, David, cramer, VI. 74.
Gray, Egidia, XII. 13.
Gray, Francis, Lord, IX. 109.
Gray, James, of Warriston, prisoner in Tolbooth, VIII. 113 ; XX. App. 21.
Gray, James (1658), warded, IV. 123; sent to Barbadoes, V. 128.
Gray, James (1681), warded, VIII. 104 ; sent to Plantations, XII. 167.
Gray, James (1540), III. 97.
Gray, James (1679), West Calder, II. 97.
Gray, James, clockmaker, III. 233.
Gray, James, jun., clockmaker, III. 233.
Gray, James, merchant, VI. 108.
Gray, James, goldsmith, XIX. ll.
Gray, James H., XX. 24, 25.
Gray, Jane, XX. App. 35.
Gray, Janet, wife of James Aitchison, XIV. 3.
Gray, Janet, wife of Robert Hill, XII. 83.
Gray, Janet, wife of John Weir of Kerse, XIV. 153.
Gray, John (1380), V. 42.
Gray, John (1512), XII. 83, 84, 85; XV. 108.
Gray, John, warded, V. 146 ; VIII. 133.
Gray, John, servant to Lord Livingstone, XI. 41.
Gray, John, town clerk, XIV. 147, 153, 157 and n., 168, 169.
Gray, John, pewterer, XX. 101.
Gray, John, smith, XX. 100, 101.
Gray, John, baxter, XX. App. 35.
Gray, John M., art critic, VIII. 53, 54, 67.
Gray, Martin, pewterer, XX. 101.
Gray, Mary, wife of John Clerk of Penicuik, IV. 59.
Gray, Mary (1680), VI. 152. VI. 138;
Gray, Patrick, eighth Lord, III. 244 n.
Gray, Patrick, skinner, VI. 8l.
Gray, Patrick (1680), warded, VI. 144.
Gray, Richie, III. 80.
Gray, Robert, of Warriston, II. 138.
Gray, Robert, writer, II. 169; builds first street of houses in Cleland’s Yards, 171 ; his Jacobitism, 172.
Gray, Robert, procurator-fiscal, IX. 198.
Gray, Robert (1528), XII. 43, 93.
Gray, Robert (1587), XV. 17.
Gray, Robert (1664), owner of Drumdryan estate, XVIII. 169.
Gray, Robert (1686), warded, XII. 201.
Gray, Samuel, advocate, XII. 122.
Gray, Thomas, Bridgend of Leith, VI. 132.
Gray, Sir William, of Pittendrum, builder of ‘Lady Stair’s House,’ III. 244 n., 245, 246, 249, 251; IV. 59; XII. 13, 14; XIII. 101 and n.; XIV. 76; XVI. 57 n.
Gray, Lady, of Pittendrum, XIV. 65, 76.
Gray, William, son of Pittendrum, marries Anne, daughter of seventh Lord Gray, III. 244 n.
Gray, William, of Haystoun, IX. 115.
Gray, William, servitor to George Imrie, I. 43.
Gray, William, skinner, VI. 66.
Gray, William (1685), XI. 52.
Gray, William, owner of property in Byres’ Close, XII. 23.
Gray, W. Forbes, John Wesley in Edinburgh, VIII. 159-203 ; on literary associations of Grange House, App. 9; leader of excursion to Craigcrook, IX. App. 3 ; X. App. 4; (with Thomas Ross and G. Baldwin Brown) The Tailors’ Hall, Cowgate, XI. 125-71; 157; on ‘Gourlay’s House and its Memories,’ App. 3; leader of excursion to Bonaly Tower, 4; on historical and literary XV. 171. associations of Hermitage of Braid, 14-16; lectures on ‘George Square, 1766-1820,’ XII. App. 17-21 ; notes on Hon. Henry Erskine, 4-10; and on Panmure House, Canongate, XIII. App. 11-17 ; edits, with introd. and notes, Reminiscences of a Town Clerk, XIV. 147-81; historical notes on Carberry Tower. App. 15-16; The Melville Monument, XV. 207-13 ; lectures on ‘Famous Provosts of Edinburgh,’ App. 9-11 ; and on ‘St. Andrew Square.’ 11-14; XVI. Introduction to Extracts relating to Edinburgh from Bannatyne Club Publications, ix-xxxix ; selects from Fountainhall’s Historical Notices, xxix; on family of Dundas of that Ilk, App. 11-15 ; The Incorporation of Candlemakers of Edinburgh, 1517-1884, XVII. 91-146 ; notes on Calton and Greenside, App. 12-21 ; The Quarrying of Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 181-210 ; lectures on barony of Broughton, App. 14-23 ; notes on history and architecture of The Inch, Liberton, 27-30; The Musical Society of Edinburgh and St. Cecilia’s Hall, XIX. 189-245; An Eighteenth-Century Riding School, XX. 111-59; lectures on Market Cross, App. 10-19; leader of excursion to Woolmet, App. 32-5.
Gray Street (East St. James’s St.), II. 171.
Grayfield Toll, X. 215.
Gray’s Close, I. 82, 92 ; XII. 43, 83-5.
Gray’s Directory and Edinburgh Almanack, IX. 108; XII. 242.
Gary’s Mill, Prince Charles Edward lodges at, II. 20.
Grays of Halkerston, II. 169.
Grays of Warriston, XX. App. 22.
Grear, Robert, V. 140. See Greir and Grier.
Great St. Michael, sale of. IX. 7 n.
‘Grecian Williams,’ IX. 104, 106; XVIII. App. 10.
Green, Charles E., XI. App. 4.
Green, Elizabeth, fourth wife of Provost Drummond, IV. 46, 47.
Green, Robert, watchmaker, III. 231, 232.
Green Market, XI. 9 ; XIV. 48.
Greenbank (Gallowgreen), X. 96, 224;
Greendykes, XIX. 182-4.
Greenend, X. 55.
Greenfield, Rev. Dr. W., III. 144, 151.
Greenhill, II. 62; III. 199, 200, 201 ; X. 30, 186, 193-5, 198; mansion of; Livingston family and; acquired by John Kennedy, 196; other proprietors, 197; 247, 251 ; XII. 236.
Greenlaw (Grynlaw), Thomas, X. 38-9 and n.
Greenlaw William, schoolmaster, XVI. 107 ; XIX. 113.
Greenshields, Rev. James, imprisoned, XIII. App. 14.
Greenside, III. 54; IV. 92 ; dramatic performances at, VI. 37 n.; XII, 119; portion of, granted by James II. for tilting ground, XV. 136; Carmelite monastery at, 136; leper hospital, 136-137; 171 ; XVII. 55; earliest reference to ; Chapel of the Rude, App. 13; religious martyrs burnt at, 14; abbots of Holyrood and ; social experiment at, 15; leper hospital, 16; XVIII. 33-4, 37, 43 ; XIX. 93.
Greensidewell, XIX. 101.
Greenyairds, XIX. 182.
Greg, David, V. 127. See Greig.
Greg, James, furrier, III. 89.
Greg, James, chaplain, VII. c.
Greg, John, minister at Carstairs, IX. 160.
Greg, John, cordiner, XIV. 37, 43.
Gregory IX., pope, III. 32.
Gregory X., pope, and crusade to Holy Land, III. 45.
Gregory, Captain, IV. 164.
Gregory, David, prof. of Mathematics, accused of swearing, drunkenness, etc., VIII. 82-6; 99; XVI. 157; gives in table of weights and measures belonging to Mint, 158.
Gregory, James, compounder of ‘Gregory’s Mixture,’ VIII. 195; XV. App. 13; XX. 133; arbiter in dispute between riding school and the master of, 138.
Gregory, John, III. 117, 152; his Father’s Legacy to his Daughters, VIII. 202 ; XIV. 135 ; XIX. 213 and n.
Gregory, John, indweller in Calton, XIX. 131.
Greig, Agnes, warded, XII. 178. See Greg.
Greig, John, warded, XI. 62.
Greig, John, ironmonger, XVIII. 73.
Greig, Robert, baker, XII. 124.
Greig, Thomas, baker, XII. 124, 125.
Greig’s Close, XII. 124.
Greir, Thomas, warded, XI. 43. See Grear and Grier.
Greir, William (1573), VI. 91.
Greire, William, of Lochrure, V. 145.
‘Grendum,’ barony of, XX. App. 25.
Greville, Lord, XX. 123.
Grey, Earl, his visit to the city, XIV. 158.
Grey Friars, founded by St. Francis of Assisi, III. 13 n., 14, 57; cardinal-protector of, 21; a mendicant order, 21; Observantine royal confessors, 32; James IV. and Margaret Tudor at friary, 50 ; magistrates’ gift of beer to, X. 227 ; monastery of, XI. 9 ; James I.’s grant of land to, XIV. 107 ; town payment to, XV. 31, 109.
Greyfriars Blockhouse, II. 73, 76.
Greyfriars Church, building of Old, I. 93; II. 12, 75, 85, 90, 162 ; signing of Covenant in, 81 ; panel on, III. 5 ; V. 145 ; VIII. 20, 87, 90, 91, 175 ; Whitefield preaches in, 177 ; XI. 9, 150 ; National Covenant signed in, 161; XIII. 29; XVI. 42, 46, 50n., 56, 65, 111n., 113 n., 190; damaged by storm, 52 ; XVII. 107, 111, 118; XVIII. 158; Club’s visit to, App. 33-5 ; restoration scheme described by the architect, Henry F. Kerr, 34; XIX. 159. See New Greyfriars Church.
Greyfriars Churchyard, I. 22, 32, 43, 91, 95, 107 ; II. 74, 75; Flodden Wall at, 69; origin of, 76; Covenanters and, 81, 86 (see also Covenanters’ Prison); Byres’ tomb, 134, 136, 137, 140; Chiesley tomb, 146 ; III. 220; origin of, 219; Mylne monument, IV. 149; VI. 126; VIII. 22, 25 ; IX. 106, 222 ; X. 16, 229, 230, 239; Society of Brewers and, 231 ; southern boundary of, 231; XII. 23, 91, 148; XIII. 41 n., 116n., App. 5; XIV. 88, 162, 175 ; XV. 12, 106, 129, 134; XVI. 75 n. ; Alexander Henderson’s tomb, 62; XVII. 105-7; entry to, 111, 121 ; 134; XVIII. 119 n., 157, 180; XX. 29, 143.
Greyfriars Garden, III. 211, 218-19.
Greyfriars Monastery, II. 66, 70; XI. 9; XX. App. 7.
Greyfriars Port, II. 69, 70, 72-5; IV. 82; X. 125, 131, 136, 137, 146, 229, 230; Society of Brewers, their operations at, 228; quarry at, 231; XI. 12; XIV. 140.
Greyfriars Yard, Inner or South, II. 69, 81, 84, 85; site of, 86; wapinschaws in, VI. 30; VIII. 140.
Grier, Robert, of Millmarke, V. 151. See Grear, Greir.
Grierson, Andrew, Snowdoun herald, XVIII. 25.
Grierson, Isobel, VIII. 121.
Grierson, John, provincial of Black Friars, III. 54, 63, 68, 73-4 and n., 75, 94, 100.
Grierson, Robert, of Milnemarke, IX. 129, 131. See Grier.
Grierson, William, warded, IX. 128, 131.
Grieve, Catherine Whyte or, X. 224. See Grive.
Grieve, Dr. Henry, III. 151 ; XIV. 147, 171 and n., 172.
Grieve, Isobel, in Temple, VIII. 126.
Grieve, James, in Mahill, II. 94.
Grieve, James, owner of land at Burgh Muir, X. 49, 50, 179.
Grieve, John, lord provost, II. 162; XII. 224.
Grieve, John, merchant, Chessel’s Court, XIV. 147, 159, 169.
Grieve, Robert, baker, XII. 124.
Griffith, Henry, warded, XII. 183, 205.
Grindlay, George, tanner, XIV. 116.
Grindlay, John, tanner, XIV. 116; XVIII. 92.
Grindlay, William, Monkland, II. 99; VI. 136.
Grive, James, V. 139. See Grieve.
Grose, Francis, IX. 87; X. 181.
Grote, Gilbert, notary, X. 135; XIX. 27 n.
Grove, The, Fountainbridge, II. 127 ; XX. 51; Lord Gardenstone, tenant; purchased by Thomson Bonar, 52-3 ; described, 54; Grange Cricket Club and, 55.
Grove, Street, XX. 46 n., 56.
Grünenberg, Conrad von, III. 8.
Guard-house, I. 143; V. 173 n. ; IX. 122, 191, 193, 201, 203; XI. 9; XII. 36; XIV. 82, 170; XV. 53; XVI. 135; XIX. 76.
Guest, General, II. 16, 17 n., 46, 48, 52, 118 ; cannonades the town, 47 ; IV. 39.
Guidden, Robert, XII. 166. See Gedding.
Guidden, (Guiding), Margaret, IX. 173.
Guild, Marion, IV. 138.
Guilmont, Henry, XIX. 19.
Guise, Duke of, V. 54.
Guise Palace, Blyth’s Close, I. 3, 100; XI. 9; XX. App. 8.
Gullan, James, stabler, XII. 111. See Gollen, Gulland.
Gulland, James, XII. 111. See Gollen, Gullan.
Gulland, John, Saltcoats, XII. 180.
Gullan’s Close, I. 16, 17; XII. 110, 111; XIV. 131.
Gullian, Andrew, VIII. 152, 153.
Gun factory at Hawkhill, Edinburgh Castle, X. 77.
Gunn, Donald, drummer, Town Guard, XIV. 170.
Gunpowder Plot, XVI. 71, 121, 133, 146.
Gun’s Close, XII. 134.
Gunsmiths of Canongate, XIX. 2, 3, 22; flourishing craft; the assay ; complaints, 23 ; forbid dagmaker of Calton working in their liberties, 24.
Gunstocker, XIX. 25.
Gunstone’s Close, XII. 134.
‘Guse Pie,’ I. 3; XII. 7. See Ramsay, Allan.
Guthrie, Alexander, town clerk, I. 91 ; XIII. 128; XV. 47, 48.
Guthrie, Alexander, H.M. commissioner (1633), XIII. 93.
Guthrie, Alexander (1564), XII. 73.
Guthrie, Alexander, artist, II. ll.
Guthrie, A., bookseller, I. 54. ,
Guthrie, Charles J., Lord, V. 157.
Guthrie, Sir David, X. 79.
Guthrie, George, drummer in Calton, XIX. 117.
Guthrie, Harry, writer, X. 152, 153, 160.
Guthrie, James, covenanter, I. 95 ; IV. 140; V. 128, 129, 132; VI. 120.
Guthrie, James, baxter, VIII. 145.
Guthrie, James, macer, IX. 118.
Guthrie, John, bishop of Moray, XVIII. 14, 16, 17.
Guthrie, Richard, Abbot of Arbroath, III. 75 ; X. 122.
Guthrie, Richard, ‘Huntly House,’ XX. 79, 80.
Guthrie, (Guithre), Sande, III. 81.
Guthrie, Walter, candlemaker, XVII. 110, 111.
Guthrie, William, farmer, XV. 197.
Guthrie’s Close, XII. 151.
Guy, John C., Edinburgh Engravers, IX. 79-113.
Guzman, Domingo de, III. 16-17.
Gwydyr, Lady, her influence used for preservation of Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 205-7 and n.
Gymnasium at Canonmills, XVIII. App. 21.
Hackney coaches introduced into city, IX. 184.
Hackston, David, of Rathillet, VI. 138; VIII. 110; XII. 40.
Hackston, Elspeth, VI. 138.
Hadaway, John, brewer, XV. 184, 188, 190; XIX. 180. See Haddoway.
Hadaway, Thomas, Burlaw bailie, XV. 185, 205.
Hadden, Andro, VIII. 123. See Haldane.
Haddington, first Earl of. See Hamilton, Thomas, of Priestfield.
Haddington, Charles, fifth Earl of, XVI. 117.
Haddington, Thomas, second Earl of, XIII. 141.
Haddington, Thomas, sixth Earl of, Keeper of Holyrood Park, XVIII. 188-90.
Haddington, Thomas, seventh Earl of, III. 139, 141, 149, 154; member of Wig Club, 138 ; governor of Musical Society, XIX. 198 ; XX. 116, 129, 132.
Haddington, Thomas, eighth Earl of, XVIII. 190; allows stones to be taken from Salisbury Crags for Bridewell ; grants nine years’ lease to town of portion of Crags, 193-5 ; claim to work the quarries disputed, 196-7.
Haddington, Thomas, ninth Earl of, payment by town council to, IV. 96 n. ; decision of House of Lords regarding quarrying operations at Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 199; rights of Haddington family in Keepership of Holyrood Park purchased, 210.
Haddington House, Canongate, XI. 9 ;
Haddington House, in Cowgate, XI. 9.
Haddington’s Close, XII. 122.
Haddington’s Entry, I. 14, 18; XI. 9; XII. 122.
Haddo, Lord, III. 141.
‘Haddo’s Hole’ Kirk, II. 12; IV. 90; XI. 9.
Haddoway, William (1668), warded, V. 139, 154. See Hadaway.
Hagie, John, XX. 109. See Heggie.
Haig, Douglas, first Earl, his mother a Veitch of Stewartfield, XIX. 174 ; XX. 63.
Haig, Ann, XIV. 152.
Haig, Antony, of Bemersyde, V. 121.
Haig, Elizabeth, warded, VIII. 121, 124.
Haig, James, of Lochrin, his action against town council, X. 260 ; XVIII. 179.
Haig, John, of Bonnington, XIX. 175, 177.
Haig, John, of Cameron Bridge, XIX. 174.
Haig, John, of Lochrin, XIX. 176.
Haig, Robert, coalman, VIII. 124.
Haig’s distillery, Canonmills, XVIII. App. 22.
Hailes, Lord. See Dalrymple, Sir David.
Hailes, Master of, IX. 35, 36.
Hailes, alias Colinton, IV. 32 n.
Hailes, Easter, owned by Provost Drummond, IV. 29, 30 and n., 32, 37, 46. quarry, XVII. 164, 168.
Haining, Lord (John Pringle), XV. 110; XX. 58.
Haining, Robert, V. 135.
Haire, Habie, IX. 151. See Hare.
Hair’s Close, XII. 71.
Hairstanes, Elizabeth, of Craig, VIII. 181.
Hairt, James, goldsmith, XIV. 36, 42 ; XX. 107. See Hart.
Hairt of Leith, XV. 19.
Hakket, George, lord conservator, I. 89. See Halket.
Halbert, Alexander, gardener, XVIII. 43.
Haldane, James Alexander, preacher, XI. App. 18. See Hadden.
Haldane, Patrick, II. 22 n.
Haldane, Robert, of Clean, XI. App. 18.
Halden, Captain, XIX. 196.
Half-moon Battery, II. 118; V. 65; VI. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8; XI. 8, 9, 15.
Haliburton, Adam (1583), XV. 42.
Haliburton, Andrew, conservator of Scots privileges at Middelburg, XII. 75.
Haliburton, Andrew, owner of property in St. Mary’s Wynd, XII. 111.
Haliburton, (or Livingstone), Catherine, XII. 80.
Haliburton, Geillis, XV. 42.
Haliburton, Sir George, of Foverance, XIII. 138 n.
Haliburton, Sir John, XII. 111.
Haliburton, John, of Garvock, XII. 32.
Haliburton, John, lord provost, XII. 54.
Haliburton, John, advocate, XII. 17.
Haliburton, John G., of East India Co., XX. 52.
Haliburton, Lawrie, III. 79.
Haliburton, Marion, VIII. 152.
Haliburton, Patrick, dweller in sanctuary, XV. 88-9.
Haliburton, Robert, merchant, XII. 17, 32, 111; XIII. 109, 141. See also Halyburton.
Haliburton’s (Dickson’s) Close, XII. 30, 31, 32, 79, 80; (Gillon’s), 110, 111.
Haliday, William, V. 153. See Halliday.
Halidon Hill, effect of battle of, III. 35.
Halkerston, David, of that Ilk, XII. 40; XV. 114.
Halkerston, James, provost, XII. 38.
Halkerston, Captain James, XVI. 22.
Halkerston, John, master of works of Trinity College Church, XII. 40; XIII. 80; XV. 114.
Halkerston, Peter, bailie of Holyrood, XV. 71, 76, 77.
Halkerston’s Croft, XII. 40, 149 n. ; XIII. 79, 80; XVIII. 43.
Halkerston’s Wynd, I. 8; II. 206; III. 93; IX. 209; XI. 12; XII. 38, 40, 41, 219; XIII. 80, 83; tanpits at, 113; carved stones in, XV. 114; XVII. 77, 79, 159; XIX. 130.
Halkerston’s land, Leith, III. 82.
Halkerstoun, William, III. 95.
Halkertoune, Lord, V. 137.
Halket, James, prof. of medicine, XVI. 141. See Hakket.
Halket, Sir John, III. 141, 149, 154.
Halket, Dame Mary, XII. 87.
Halket, Miss, II. 162.
Hall, Adam, goldsmith, XIX. 11. See Haw.
Hall, George, ofificer, V. 150.
Hall, Gilbert, minister, IV. 120.
Hall, Henry, covenanter, VIII. 107.
Hall, Sir James, of Dunglass, III. 113, 119; XVIII. 208.
Hall, James, merchant, VIII. 120.
Hall, Sir John, of Dunglass, XX. 44.
Hall, John, of Preston, XIII. 126.
Hall, John, surgeon, II. 89, 107.
Hall, John, town ofiicer, XIII. 99.
Hall, John (1667), V. 137.
Hall, Lyell, X. 84.
Hall, Robert, wright, XII. 116.
Hall, Thomas, watchmaker, XIX. 19.
Hall, Thomas, jailor, IV. 85 ; XV. 38.
Hall, William, stabler, XII. 135.
Hallgreen, Lady, XX. 13.
Halliday, George, VIII. 120. See Haliday.
Halliday, Gilbert, XX. 106, 107.
Halliday, Sir John, XIII. 127.
Halliday, John, bailie of Culross, VIII. 120.
Hallow Fair, II. 205, 216; X. 251 ; held in Bearford’s Parks, XIII. 91 ; Provost given an ox at, XV. App. 10.
Hall’s Close or Court, XII. 135.
Haltoun, Lord, XVI. 110, 137, 138; action against wrights and masons of Canongate, 106.
Haltoun, John of, XIII. App. 9.
Halyburton, Andrew (1635), XIII. 118. See Haliburton.
Halyburton, Andrew, blacksmith, VIII. 47.
Halyburton, Bailie (1736), IV. 23.
Halyburton, James (1520), IX. 31, 41.
Halyburton, James (1571), imprisoned in Castle, XVI. 20.
Halyburton, James, W.S., bailie of Holyrood, XV. 77.
Halyburton, Jane, sister of the Sciennes, X. 130, 135.
Halyburton, John, merchant, XIII. 106, 107.
Halyburton, Robert, XIII. 107, 129.
Hamilton, Agnes, III. 61, 100.
Hamilton, Sir Alexander, brother of first Earl of Haddington, XIII. App. 13.
Hamilton, Sir Alexander, of Haggs, VIII. 156.
Hamilton, Alexander, of Balderstone, XIX. 17.
Hamilton, Alexander, of Kinkell, XI. 24, 25.
Hamilton, Alexander, merchant (1681), XVI. 105, 140.
Hamilton, Alexander, bailie (1691), X. 165, 213 n.; XII. 188, 190, 192; XVII. 82.
Hamilton, Alexander, prof. of midwifery, XI. App. 18.
Hamilton, Alexander, Oriental professor, member of Friday Club, III. 114.
Hamilton, Sir Andrew, of Redhouse, XIII. 131 n.
Hamilton, Andre (1601), VI. 102, 103.
Hamilton, Ann, wife of James Johnston, X. 165.
Hamilton, Ann, XII. 30.
Hamilton, Anne (1550 ?), III. 82.
Hamilton, Friar Archibald, XIV. 113 n.
Hamilton, Archibald, tenant of cordiners, XVIII. 123.
Hamilton, Arthur (1571), XVI. 19.
Hamilton, Bailie (1669), V. 145.
Hamilton, Charles, city treasurer, II. 83.
Hamilton, Christian, niece of second Lord Forrester, III. 182.
Hamilton, Claude, of Garein, recommended for expulsion from sanctuary, XV. 84.
Hamilton, Hon. Colonel, member of Gowks Club, III. 172.
Hamilton, David, bishop of Argyle (1513), IX. 6, 7.
Hamilton, David, Canongatehead, XII. 154.
Hamilton, Deacon (1675), XVIII. 187.
Hamilton, Douglas, eighth Duke of, I. 144 ; member of Wig Club, III. 141.
Hamilton, Dr., member of Gowks Club, III. 172. v
Hamilton, Dukes of, heritable keepers of Holyroodhouse, XV. 67.
Hamilton, Edward, burgess, IX. 193.
Hamilton, Elizabeth, or Johnston, X. 151, 165.
Hamilton, Gabriel, of Westburn, VIII. 154.
Hamilton, Gavin, bookseller, II. 3 ; IX. 91 ; XIX. 173; promotes the ‘Assembly,’ 47, 88, 124 ; treasurer of Infirmary, 48; memoir of, 47 n.
Hamilton, George, of Brouncastle, IX. 164.
Hamilton, George, of Redhouse, a dweller in sanctuary, XV. 72, 76-8, 92; XVI. 92.
Hamilton, George, goldsmith, XIX. 17.
Hamilton, Harry (1573), VI. 91.
Hamilton, Isobel, V. 128.
Hamilton, James, first Duke of, XIX. 16.
Hamilton, James, fourth Duke of, opponent of legislative Union, III. 225, 226.
Hamilton, James, fifth Duke of, XIX. 67, 68.
Hamilton, James, third Marquess of, XIII. 60; banqueted, 27 ; XVIII. 15.
Hamilton, Sir James, of Crawfordjohn, X. 126, 139.
Hamilton, Sir James, of Finnart, kills a burgess, IX. 30; member of College of Justice, XI. 120.
Hamilton, Sir James, of Priestfield, appointed keeper of King’s Park, XV. 67 ; XVI. 117; XVIII. 185-7, 188, 197, 210 n.
Hamilton, James, of Aikenhead, VIII. 154; IX. 156, 160, 162 ; XI. 24, 27, 34.
Hamilton, James, of Dalzell, V. 106.
Hamilton, James, of Gilkerscleuch, IV. 60.
Hamilton, James, of Grange, III. 182.
Hamilton, James, of Inderduit, VI. 125.
Hamilton, James, of Lethem, IV. 134.
Hamilton, James, owner of property in Lawnmarket, XII. 59.
Hamilton, James, ‘moderator,’ XII. 72.
Hamilton, Rev. James (1669), of Blantyre, V. 146.
Hamilton, James, warded, IX. 116, 147; XI. 62.
Hamilton, Captain James, merchant burgess, VIII. 143.
Hamilton, Dr. James, his medical examination of John Wesley, VIII, 195 ; IX. 219; XIV. 181.
Hamilton, James, skinner, VI. 89.
Hamilton, James, stabler, XIII. 118 ; XIV. 129.
Hamilton, James, conjunct town clerk, XVI. 120, 125, 136, 149, 155.
Hamilton, Janet, wife of Sir A. Gordon of Earlston, VIII. 152.
Hamilton, Jerome, XIX. 11.
Hamilton, John, bishop of Dunkeld (1686), XVI. 153.
Hamilton, Hamilton, John, of Boghall, X. 212 n., 214 n.
Hamilton, John, of Carlowrie, XIII. 142.
Hamilton, John, of Craigmore, IX. 164.
Hamilton, John, of Gilkerscleuch, VIII. 148.
Hamilton, John, of Grange, VI. 123.
Hamilton, John, of Hallcraig, VIII. 156; IX. 164; XII. 184, 202.
Hamilton, John, yr., of Hallcraig, XII. 180.
Hamilton, Sir John, of Redhouse, XIII. 131.
Hamilton, Sir John, of Skirling, XIII. 121.
Hamilton, John, archbishop, III. 55, 63.
Hamilton, John, burgess (1515), IX. 19.
Hamilton, John, burgess (1666), V. 129.
Hamilton, John, advocate, XIX. 49, 78 ; a director of ‘Assembly,’ 88.
Hamilton, John, W.S., VIII. 127; IX. 168.
Hamilton, John, skinner, VI. 71.
Hamilton, John (1624), warded, IV. 110.
Hamilton, John, minister in Edinburgh, XII. 59.
Hamilton, John, minister in Leith, XVI. 92.
Hamilton, Cornet John, XII. 129.
Hamilton, John, apothecary, XIII. 110.
Hamilton, John, gipsy, VIII. 137.
Hamilton, Katherine, XII. 138.
Hamilton, Major (1664), V. 120.
Hamilton, Margaret, of Mountain Hall, III. 191.
Hamilton, Margaret, second wife of Sir Archibald Acheson, XIV. 5.
Hamilton, Margaret, executed, V. 126-7.
Hamilton, Mary, of Pencaitland, wife of William Nisbet, I. 111.
Hamilton, Matthew (1685), XI. 71 ; XII. 167.
Hamilton, Miss, of Bangour, II. 163.
Hamilton, Mrs., actress, XI. 170.
Hamilton, Sir Patrick, of Kincavil, IX. 12, 24 ; XIV. 114.
Hamilton, Sir Patrick (1635), XIII. 122.
Hamilton, Patrick, religious martyr, III. 54.
Hamilton, Patrick, court officer, V. 135, 137.
Hamilton, Patrick, smith, XIII. 124.
Hamilton, Patrick, minister, XIII. 133.
Hamilton, Patrick, Canongate hammerman, XIV. 36, 42.
Hamilton, Richard, boxmaster in Calton, XIX. 121.
Hamilton, Robert, of Ardrie, II. 94.
Hamilton, Robert, of Monkland, VIII. 153 ; IX. 132.
Hamilton, Robert, covenanter, V. 137 ; VI. 150 ; VIII. 107.
Hamilton, Robert, prof. of divinity, V. 190.
Hamilton, Robin, V. 179.
Hamilton, Thomas, of Olivestob, X. 165.
Hamilton, Thomas of Priestfield, acquires Common Myre, X. 156 ; XIII. 131 n., 139 n., 142; XVIII. 14, 186.
Hamilton, Thomas, architect, IV. 150 ; his measured drawings of Lawnmarket and Castlehill, XII. 249-50; App. 32; XIV. 63, 74; his scheme for West approach to Old Town, XVIII. 83, 84 ; XIX. 38.
Hamilton, Thomas, merchant (1683), XVI. 117, 140, 145.
Hamilton, Thomas, warded, IV. 125.
Hamilton, Thomas, servant, V. 139.
Hamilton, Walter, member of Wig Club, III. 139, 141.
Hamilton, William, third Duke of, XVI. 59, 109, 197, 205, 210, 211.
Hamilton, Sir William, of Elistoune, IV. 133.
Hamilton, William, of Bangour, II. 42-3; his ode on battle of Gladsmuir, 34 n. ; XV. 198 n. ; verses on the ‘Assembly,’ XIX. 71-2.
Hamilton, William, of Overtown, IX. 164.
Hamilton, William, of Wishaw, IX. 116, 117, 121; XI. 25, 27.
Hamilton, William, surgeon major, III. 246.
Hamilton, William, prof. of divinity, XIX. 47 n.
Hamilton, William, cork-cutter, XV. 185.
Hamilton, William, wright, XII. 99.
Hamilton, William, deacon convener of trades, XVI. 93.
Hamilton, William Nisbet, I. 111.
Hamilton, W. (1768), member of Poker Club, III. 153.
Hamilton, of Mannorilistoun, XI. 24.
Hamilton, of Mannorilistoun, minister of Gladsmuir, VIII. 176.
Hamilton and Burn, architects, XVIII. 86.
Hamilton-Dalrymple, Sir Hew, of Bargeny, XVII. App. 9.
Hamilton’s Close, XII. 59, 129 ; XIV. 66.
Hamilton’s Dragoons, II. 18, 19, 21 n., 23.
Hamilton’s Entry, Canongate, XII. 99.
Hamilton’s Folly, IX. 210.
Hamilton’s (or Hopeton’s) Land, XII. 59, 73, 154.
Hammermen of Canongate, XII. 117, 1 18 ; their property in Bakehouse Close, XIV. 2-4, 27, 29, 34 ; XVIII. 114, 135 ; how constituted ; goldsmiths and ; seal-of cause; craft’s antiquity, XIX. 1 ; book of proceedings, 1 n. ; acts of ; nature of government; ‘arts’ comprising, 2-3; masters’ duties; clerk and oficer; strength of craft, 3 ; each master a freeman; jurisdiction; ap— prenticeship, 4, 7, 8; admissions to craft, 5, 6; serving freemen, 5, 6; the assay, 6; ‘ banquet silver,’ 6-7; dues payable by strangers, 8; duties of masters; burgess-ship, 8-9; prestige, 9; blacksmiths first in list of ‘arts,’ 9-10; goldsmiths, 10-20; rarity of clock- and watchmakers; foreigner admitted freeman, 12; daughters of freemen, 18; lorimers, 20-1; saddlers, 21; gunsmiths, 22-5; cutlers, 25-7; sheath- or casemakers, 27 ; locksmiths, 27; pewterers, 27-8; coppersmiths or braziers, 28-9; harness-makers, 29; engravers, 30; plumbers, 30; stamper trade, 30; buy convening house, XX. 78; cost of building (Huntly House) ; let to tenants, 79-80 ; structural alterations by, 80, 81; investment met by levy, 81; tenantry, 82; Bakers’ craft acquires property from; school meets in hall; statutes, 83-4; effect of Cromwellian occupation ; servants and apprentices, 85-8; fees, 88; social disposition, 89; ofiice-bearers, 89-90; meetings, 90; attendance at funerals; mortcloths, 91, 92, 104-5; silence regarding national affairs, 91 ; English occupation, 92; relations with Edinburgh, 93-6; assist fleshers; changing circumstances, 96; ‘Union band’ of 1610; privileges guarded, 97; clashes with magistrates, 98-9; civil and criminal cases affecting, 100-2; stand- ard of living, 102 ; church affairs, 103-5 ; assist widows and orphans, 105-8; discipline cases, 108-10.
Hammermen’s Close, XII. 117, 136 ; XIV. 3 ; XX. 78, 83.
Hammermen’s Incorporation, Edinburgh, I. 21; III. 49, 232; VI. 20, 36; scale of taxation of, 27; custodians of the Magdalen Chapel, VIII. 2-5, 7-9, 11, 26-7, 37, 40, 44; records, 2-3 and n.; hall of, 12; insignia, 23; building operations, 29, 32-3, 34; trades forming, 60 and n.; deacon’s chair, 72-4, 77; Bible of, 12, 74-5; petition to dismiss ministers of the Crown ; members recommended to become Volunteers, 77-8; chapel of, XI. 9, 125, 126, 139; XII. 136, 153; XIII. 142; XVI. 91; XVII. 107, 108.
Hammermen’s Land, XII. 137.
Handel, XIX. 190, 191, 194, 197 n., 198, 201, 207, 210, 212, 213, 223, 227, 233, 235; works favoured by Musical Society, 199, 205; relations with Musical Society, 202-4.
Handelian choruses, soprano parts sung by boys from Heriot’s Hospital, XIX. 199-200.
Handyside, Andrew, XII. 47.
Handyside, Robert, III. 175.
Hanging in chains, first instance of, IV. 84.
Hanging for robbery, XIV. 159-161.
Hanging Hangman, troubles with, IV. 94; ‘foule,’ X. 185; XII. 157. See Executions.
Hangman’s Close, XII. 67, 68, 132.
Hangman’s House, XI. 9.
Hanley Lodge, XX. 44.
Hanna, John, XIV. 36, 42.
Hanna, William, Warded, XII. 184.
Hannah, Hugh, The Sanctuary of Holyrood, XV. 55-98; Sir Daniel Wilson : the Man and his Work, XVII. 1-16; lectures on, App. 8.
Hannay, Catherine, poisoned, IX. 137, 141.
Hannay, James, dean of Edinburgh, XIII. 44, 45 ; at coronation of Charles I. at Holyrood, XVIII. 15, 16; XX. 9, 103, 104.
Hannay, Robert (1664), V. 122.
Hannay, R. K., VIII. 4; Visitation of the College of Edinburgh (in 1690), 79-100; Incidents and Documents, 1513-23, IX. 1-48 ; Shipping and the Staple, 1515-31, 49-77 ; On the Antecedents of the College of Justice, XI. 87-123 ; conducts members of Club over Register House, App. 4 ; (with G. P. H. Watson) The Building of the Parliament House, XIII. 1-78; lectures on ‘Scots Parliament,’ XIV. App. 8-9.
Hanover St., academy in, XX. 22-3.
Happerlaw’s Close, XII. 146.
Harden, laird of (1682), VIII. 101, 140. See Scott.
Hardie, Colonel Alexander, XII. 141. See Hardy.
Hardie, Andrew, candlemaker, XIII. 127.
Hardie, Andrew, in Tullosheils, V. 110.
Hardie, David, covenanter, II. 97, 99.
Hardie, James, candlemaker, XVII. 104, 138.
Hardie, James, writer, XIX. 80.
Hardie, John, bailie, XX. 63, 68.
Hardie, John, Warded, XII. 194, 195.
Hardie, Nicolas, XII. 141.
Hardie, William, covenanter, II. 99; VI. 112, 136; XII. 166.
Hardie’s Close, XII. 141.
Hardie’s Land, XII. 141.
Hardman, David, XV. 205.
Hardy, James, of Bonnington, XIX. 179. See Hardie.
Hare, James, druggist, XV. 140. See Haire.
Harebrae (Watergate), XV. 171.
Harehope or Holm Cultram monastery, obtains gift of St. Giles’ Church, X. 7, 8; allegiance transferred to England, 9, 10; monks expelled, 10-11 and n.
Hare-stane, II. 61 ; X. 58, 207. See also Bore Stone.
Harlaw, James (1471), III. 79, 89.
Harlaw, James (1598), X. 229.
Harlaw, John, burgess, III. 89.
Harlaw, Mary, X. 179.
Harlaw’s Close; XII. 137.
Harlequin Skeleton, XI. 170.
Harlie’s Close, XII. 137.
‘Harmony Hall,’ Trinity, XX. App. 22.
Harnessmakers, XIX. 2; relations with saddlers, 29.
Harp and Hautboy, Sign of, XIX. 211 n.
Harper, Alexander, in Femilee, interdict against his quarrying at Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 209.
Harper, Sir John, of Cambusnethan, XIV. 74; XVI. 117.
Harper, Robert, V. 146.
Harpsichord, popularity of, in Edinburgh, XIX. 209.
Harrison, Sir George, lord provost, XX. App. 18.
Harrow Inn, I. 22 ; XIII. App. 5 ; XVII. 111 ; Candlemakers dine in, 116 ; associations, App. 31.
Hart, Agnes, XX. 9. See Hairt.
Hart, Andrew, printer, I. 7 ; VIII. 74; XII. 39; XIII. 109 and n., 113; XIV. 96, 100.
Hart, Elisabeth, XII. 39.
Hart, James, goldsmith, XIX. 12.
Hart, John, schoolmaster, XX. 8-9.
Hart, John, son of Andrew, the printer, XII. 39.
Hart, John, goldsmith, XV. App. 15.
Hart, Jonet, XII. 39.
Hart, Patrick, XII. 96.
Harthall, XII. 138.
Hartisheid and Clyntes, III. 83.
Hart’s Close, XII. 21, 22, 39, 43; XIX. 56.
Harts Knows, XVIII. 50.
Harvey, Sir George, IX. 101. See Hervey.
Harvey, John, clerk to police commissioners of Leith, XX. 63.
Harvey, Jonet, XV. 40.
Harvey, Harvie, Alexander, soldier, VI. 108.
Harvey, (Hairvie), John, VIII. 47.
Harvey, Marion, VI. 156.
Harvey, William (1584), bailie, IV. 102.
Harvey, William (1671), VI. 108.
Harvy, Andro, III. 79.
Harwood, John, treasurer, XV. 33.
Harwood, Richard, hatter, XV. 52.
Hastie, Francis, covenanter, II. 95.
Hastie, John, master of Canongate School, XX. 7.
Hastie, Robert, merchant, XII. 146.
Hastie, William, warded, VIII. 142.
Hastie, William, mealman, X. 218 n.
Hastie, William, writer, XII. 145.
Hastie’s Brewery, XII. 146.
Hastie’s Close, I. 19; XII. 145-7.
Haswell, James, chaplain, V. 44.
Hathway, Thomas, X. 71.
Hatmakers’, seal of cause, VI. 17 ; XVI. 109, 133.
Hatton, David, printseller, IX. 109.
Hatton, Lady, XIII. 112 and n.
Hatton, lands of, forfeited, X. 20, 22 ; Club’s visit to, XIII. App. 8-11 ; mansion sold by eighth Earl of Lauderdale, 10.
Haunted Close, XII. 126.
Haw (or Hall), Adam, XIX. 11.
Haw Friar John, III. 95.
Hawkhill in Edinburgh Castle, James IV. establishes gun factory at, X. 77 ; XI. 9.
Hawkie, speech-crier, II. 221.
Hawley, General, VIII. 193.
Hawthornden, XX. 44.
Hawthornvale, XV. 185.
Haxton, William, IX. 154, 159.
Hay, Sir Alexander, Lord Foresterseat, I. 95.
Hay, Alexander, writer, III. 103.
Hay, Alexander, engraver, IX. 111.
Hay, Alexander, carpenter, obtains a monopoly of building and hiring Sedan chairs, IX. 186-7; his widow obtains renewal of licence, 188 ; interdict obtained against rival, 188, 189, 191, 192; XVI. 162.
Hay, Alexander, wright, feus ground from riding school, XX. 130.
Hay, Andrew, of Bridgehouse, XX. 53.
Hay, Andrew, of Craignethan, VIII. 154; IX. 164; XI. 41.
Hay, Bailie (1675), XVIII. 187.
Hay, Charles (Lord Newton), III. 163, 165.
Hay, Sir David, royal physician, IX. 122; XII. 17.
Hay, David, officer, VIII. 106.
Hay, Elizabeth, wife of Adam Nisbet, junior, I. 86.
Hay, Elizabeth, XX. 130.
Hay, Father, his Saintclaires of Rosslyn, X. 92.
Hay, F. R., engraver, IX. 99, 101.
Hay, George, Viscount Dupplin, lord chancellor, XVIII. 14.
Hay, George (1661), I. 42.
Hay, Gilbert, and Black Friars, III. 81.
Hay, Gilbert, warded, XII. 196, 197.
Hay, Helen, second wife of Sir John Nisbet of Dirleton, I. 111.
Hay, Sir Henry, XIII. 131.
Hay, Sir James, of Linplum, VIII. 88.
Hay, James, of Bhaglepore, XX. App. 32.
Hay, James, of Carrubber, XII. 41.
Hay, Lieut. James (1689), XVI. 192.
Hay, James, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 177.
Hay, Jane, first wife of James Walker of Dalry, XX. 44.
Hay, Lord John, of Yester, V. 75.
Hay, Sir John, town clerk, XIII. 34-5, 71 ; made provost by Charles I., 55, 56 ; 122 n., 127 n. ; XV. App. 11 ; XVI. 106; XX. App. 29-30.
Hay, Sir John, of Haystoun, banker, III. 236; XX. 54.
Hay, John, of Haystoun (1662), IV. 143.
Hay, John, of Park, IX. 152, 156, 157 ; XI. 56, 70, 71 ; XII. 174.
Hay, John, of Restalrig, II. 40.
Hay, John, of Woodcockdaill, VIII. 143, 144, 146, 148.
Hay, John, his land in Peebles, III. 83.
Hay, John, parson of Peebles, XVI. 68.
Hay, John, Clerk to Register of Sasines, Aberdeen, IV. 122.
Hay, John, flesher, III. 89, 92.
Hay, John, dweller in Calton, XIX. 127.
Hay, John, ‘constable officer,’ VIII. 116.
Hay, John, messenger, V. 99-100, 151.
Hay, Laurence, covenanter, VIII. 110.
Hay, Lady Margaret, of Yester, V. 74; benefactions, 75 ; church built by, XI. 15; XII. 87 ; XIII. 118, 131 ; XV. App. 19.
Hay, Margaret, Countess of Roxburgh, XVIII. 11.
Hay, Margaret, relict of James Ruthven, merchant, IX. 126.
Hay, Patrick, officer of Tolbooth, VIII. 145.
Hay, Peter, of Morton, VI. 138.
Hay, Thomas, Dean of Dunbar, III. 97.
Hay, Thomas (1668), V. 141, 146, 149.
Hay, Sir William, of Dalgetie, I. 36, 40, 42; beheaded at Cross, 43 ; X. 94, 95 ; XVI. 34.
Hay, William, of Tallo, III. 97.
Hay, William, commissary clerk, XVI. 155.
Hay, Young, surgeon, II. 26.
Hay of Spott, III. 141.
Hay of Yester (1523), IX. 35.
‘Hay Weights’ (Haymarket), II. 143.
Hay and Parlane, arms of, I. 9.
Haydngrove. See Alicia.
Haymarket, II. 143; subsidence of tunnel at, 210; probable origin of name, XIV. 110, App. 9; XVIII. 84; XX. 27.
Headriggs, XVIII. 170.
Heartknowe, XV. 171, 183.
Heartly, William, merchant, X. 70 n.
Heathfield, Lord, XV. 122.
‘Heave-awa’ House, XV. 118.
Heber, Bishop, III. 118.
Hector, Archibald, XII. 191.
Heggie, Rachel, XX. App. 34. See Hagie.
Hegons, George, VI. 128.
Hellfire Club, III. 178.
Hemp, Robin, XVIII. 41.
Hempisfield, laird of, XVI. 35.
Henderland, Lord (Alexander Murray): XI. App. 17.
Henderson, Alexander, lord provost, XII. App. 34 ; supports scheme for new West approach to city, XVIII. 85, 87 ; buys Warriston, XX. App. 21. See Henresoun, Henrison, Henryson.
Henderson, Alexander, assists in drafting National Covenant, XI. 159; preaches at opening of Parliament, XIII. 67, 77, 78 ; death of, XVI. 62 ; his tomb, 62.
Henderson, Alexander, Gowks Club, III. 172.
Henderson, Alexander, mariner in Leith, VIII. 115.
Henderson, Alison, executed, IX. 141.
Henderson, Andrew, merchant, III. 102, 103 ; feus garden of Black Friars priory, 78a.
Henderson, Bailie (1824), II. 234.
Henderson, Catherine, XII. 167.
Henderson, David, mason, XVII. 161.
Henderson, Edward, prebendary, XV. 37.
Henderson, Ellen, V. 127.
Henderson, George, of Fordel, III. 92; XII. 42, 44; XV. 51 ; XVIII. App. 25.
Henderson, George (1525), IX. 55 ; feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 73.
Henderson, George (1646), XVI. 62 n.
Henderson, Gilbert, footman, XI. 38.
Henderson, Henry, of Cleat, V. 113.
Henderson, James, of Fordel, XII. 37.
Henderson, James, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 75.
Henderson, James, farmer, XV. 185, 200.
Henderson, James, macer, VI. 143.
Henderson, James, tinker, V. 104.
Henderson, Janet, of Fawside, XIV. 169.
Henderson, Jean, VI. 156.
Henderson, John, macer, VI. 125; VIII. 153; IX. 117, 136, 137, 143; XI. 24.
Henderson, John (1684), warded, IX. 129, 131, 169, 171; XII. 166.
Henderson, John, skinner, VI. 77, 92.
Henderson, John, of Leiston, X. 212 n., 213 n., 214, 219; XII. 16.
Henderson, John, of Newington, X. 214.
Henderson, John, wright, XII. 129, 131.
Henderson, Mrs. Margaret, XII. 119.
Henderson, Matthew, III. 153, 165.
Henderson, Michael, XI. 27.
Henderson, Mr., treasurer, Canongate Church, XX. 22.
Henderson, Mungo, XII. 129.
Henderson, Patrick, reader in St. Giles’, XIII. 30, 39, 40, 57 ; XVI. 46.
Henderson, Robert, of Fordel, III. 92.
Henderson, Robert, of Kinghom, XII. 46.
Henderson, Simeon, merchant, XI. 51.
Henderson, Sir Thomas, XIII. 128 n., 129.
Henderson, Thomas, covenanter, VIII. 113.
Henderson, Thomas, hammerman, XX. 109.
Henderson, Walter, of Granton, XII. 25, 26.
Henderson, William, owner of land in Burgh Muir X. 175, 176.
Henderson, William (1658), Canongate, IV. 123.
Henderson, William, precentor, XVI. 144.
Henderson, William, candlemaker, XVII. 135.
Henderson, William (1679), VI. 136.
Henderson, William, prior of Stirling, III. 74.
Henderson, William, son of Alexander, the merchant, III. 103.
Henderson’s Close, XII. 16, 25 ; XIV. 75.
Henderson’s Land, III. 79; XII. 131.
Henderson’s Stairs, XII. 130.
Hendrie’s Land, XVII. 106, 111.
Hendry, Alexander, transported, XII. 188.
Hendry, Archibald, warded, V. 121.
Hendry, David, cordiner, XVIII. 147.
Hendry, Janet, VI. 130.
Hendry, John Swynton, IV. 114.
Hendry, Robert, legacy to Candlemakers, XVII. 108.
Hendry, Thomas, XII. 136.
Henresoun, James, ‘forspekar ’ in dispute between town and laird of Restalrig, XVIII. 40. See Henderson, Henryson.
Henrison, David, burgess, III. 93.
Henrison, Friar John, III. 43, 80, 93.
Henrison, Margaret, III. 93.
Henry VI. of England, at priory of Black Friars, III. 25, 46, and n.
Henry VIII., III. 59.
Henry Earl of Northumberland, X. 7, 8.
Henry David, shoemaker, XII. 92.
Henry Robert, historian, III. 144 ; XIV. 172 and n.
Henry Thomas, wright, XIII. 119.
Henry William, ‘doctour‘ of Canongate School, XX. 7.
Henry Nisbett’s Close, I. 88 ; XII. 154.
Henry Sand’s Close, XII. 25.
Henry’s Close, XII. 136.
Henryson, Andrew, XVI. 6. See Henderson, Henresoun, Henrison.
Henryson, Edward, baxter, IV. 94.
Henryson, Hary, successor to David Vocat, grammar school of Edinburgh, XX. 3.
Henryson, James, surgeon, X. 186.
Henryson, James, XII. 20.
Henryson, James, warded, XII. 197, 201, 204.
Henryson, James, flesher, XIII. 127.
Henryson, Josina, first prioress of St. Catherine’s Convent, X. 106-10, 117, 120, 129.
Henryson, Laurence, XIII. 108, 129.
Henryson, Nicol, flesher, XIII. 129.
Henryson, Robert, ‘chirurgeane,’ V. 72.
Henryson, Robert (1537), X. 159.
Henryson, Simeon, of Liberton, XIII. 121, 131.
Henryson, Walter, of Cranburn, XII. 25.
Henryson, William, covenanter, II. 99.
Henryson, William, servant, IV. 100.
Hepburn, Sir Adam, of Humbie, II. 123; X. 45-6; XIV. 140; XVI. 93.
Hepburn, Andrew, skinner, XIII. 105.
Hepburn, Sir David, of Wauchton, III. 28, 92.
Hepburn, David, of Randerston, XII. 159.
Hepburn, George, goldsmith, XIX. 19.
Hepburn, Isabel, wife of George Lauder, owner of Bass Rock, XIII. 116 n.
Hepburn, James, Earl of Bothwell, I. 6; owner of lands of Whitehouse, X. 40; XV. 108.
Hepburn, James, of Bearford, XIII. 81.
Hepburn, Lady Jane (Lady Seton), a foundress of convent of St. Catherine of Siena, X. 114-15, 117.
Hepburn, Jean, sister of Bothwell, X. 40.
Hepburn, John, prior of St. Andrews, IX. 10.
Hepburn, John, member of Speculative Society, V. 172.
Hepburn, John, skinner, VI. 64, 76, 103.
Hepburn, Dame Jonet, Lady Seton, III. 100.
Hepburn, Margaret, XII. 20.
Hepburn, Sir Patrick, of Blackcastle, VIII. 156; XI. 46.
Hepburn, Sir Patrick, of Dunsyre, X. 114.
Hepburn, Patrick, of Hailes, IV. 36 ; XII. 37 ; XV. App. 9.
Hepburn, Patrick, of Kingston, II. 43.
Hepburn, Patrick, apothecary, XI. 57 ; XIII. 110.
Hepburn, Robert, of Bearford, owner of Lochbank, XIII. 79, 81, 82; dispute with Heriot’s Hospital, 82-3 ; encroaches upon North Loch, 83-5; dispute with St. Cuthbert’s kirk session, 85; extent of his lands, 86; granted feu by town council, 87; sells Lochbank to town, 88-9 ; owner of Black Turnpike, 123 n.
Hepburn, Robert, advocate, XIII. 115.
Hepburn, Robert, XII. 37.
Hepburn, Thomas, of Humbie, X. 45.
Hepburn, Captain William, XII. 106.
Heraldic devices: Napiers of Wrychtishousis, IV. 56, 61, 62, 66 ; the Stirlings, 62, 65; Napiers of Merchiston, 66 ; Park of Fulfordlees and branch of Scott family, 66, 67 ; Napier and Park, 68; Napier and Forrester, 69; Seton (Tytler), 70; Nisbet of Dean, 73. See Inscriptions and Sculptured Stones.
Heraldic windows in Magdalen Chapel, VIII. 5, 53 n.
Heralds, duties of, XVIII. 12.
Herbert, John, X. 147.
Hercules Insurance Co., XVII. 117.
Herd, David, balladist, III. 159.
Herdswell, XIX. 101.
Heriot, Alexander (1684), IX. 169; XII. 166.
Heriot, Alexander, High Riggs, XVIII. 158.
Heriot, Alexander, merchant, X. 237 ; XIII. 106, 121, 122, 123.
Heriot, Anna, of Lymphoy, I. 92.
Heriot, David, advocate, XX. 80.
Heriot, David, dyer, X. 74, 217, 219 n.
Heriot, Florice, V. 137.
Heriot, Franciscetta, XII. 22.
Heriot, George, of Ramornie, VI. 125.
Heriot, George (the elder), goldsmith, X. 228; XII. 22; XIV. 87 ; XV. 13, 28, 42.
Heriot, George, founder of hospital, I. 90, 92, 97 ; family of, 92 ; his booth, II. 228 ; III. 197, 227, 234; statue of, IV. 149; member of Society of Brewers, X. 237 ; XII. 22 ; will of, 84; XVI. 37.
Heriot, George, barber in Dalkeith, IX. 90.
Heriot, Helen, wife of Sir Thomas Craig, III. 193; X. 146; XIV. 93.
Heriot, Helen, witch, IV. 133.
Heriot, James, of Bonnington, XIX. 152, 156.
Heriot, James (1635), XIII. 124.
Heriot, James, High Riggs, XVIII. 158.
Heriot, Patrick, X. 73 ; XII. 22.
Heriot, Robert, of Trabroun and Lymphoy, III. 193; XIV. 93.
Heriot, Robert, wright, XVII. 113, 114.
Heriot Bridge, I. 22 ; II. 77.
Heriot Gardens, II. 74-5 ; III. 158.
Heriot Hill House, XVIII. App. 21.
Heriot Rental Book, II. 139.
Heriot Row, XIV. 156.
Heriot School, Cowgate, V. 90.
Heriot Trust, IV. 47 ; XIII. 80 ; their action against Hepburn of Bearford, 82 ; grant charter of Lochbank to town, 89; feu part of Broughton to town, 91 ; Candlemakers prosecute, XVII. 118 and n. ; App. 9 ; buy portion of High Riggs, XVIII. 154-5; and Broughton, App. 16-17 ; XIX. 86, 143. See Heriot’s Hospital.
Heriot’s Close, XII. 21, 22, 29.
Heriot’s Croft, V. 81 ; X. 258, 259 ; XII. App. 19 ; XVIII. App. 20; XIX. 81.
Heriot’s Green, XIV. 156.
Heriot’s Hospital, I. 102 ; visit to, App. 4; II. 1, 8, 76, 78, 79, 84-6, 109, 170, 215; buys acres bounded by Telfer’s Wall, 83 ; covenanting prisoners and wounded in, 92; sells land in Broughton, 167 ; III. 219; X. 151, 258; XII. 22, 91, 124; lands of, 218, 219; XIII. 76; XIV. 118; Lunardi’s balloon ascent from, 154; 174, 179; XV. 134; Cromwell’s wounded soldiers quartered in, 138, 156; 167; XVI. 37; Popish teacher of music, 161 ; not for Presbyterian services, 162; town’s debt to, 166; XVII. 65; 149, 150; grounds proposed as site for Register House, 154, 155; 161; Grassmarket approach to, XVIII. 82, 159; drawings of, App. 10; XIX. 199, 200, 212; visit of Club to, App. 14.
Heriot’s Wark, IX. 190; XX. 57.
Herkes, Adam, X. 131.
Herman, bishop of Arras, V. 60.
Hermand, Lord, III. 134. See also Fergusson, George
Hermiston, laird of, XIII. 130.
Hermitage of Braid, excursion to, XI. App. 13-16.
Heron, Lady Elizabeth, XIX. 85.
Heron, Patrick, of Heron, III. 152; XII. 131, 132.
Heron, Douglas and Co., bankers, XII. 93-5; XV. App. 12; XX. 56.
Heron’s Court, I. 20; XI. 6, 10, 14; XII. 67, 131.
Heron’s tavern, Cowgate, II. 154.
Heron-Maxwell, Sir J., III. 141.
Herries, Elizabeth, sister of the Sciennes, X. 127, 130.
Herries, Robert (1601), X. 43, 47; fiar of Whitehouse, 189.
Herries, William, X. 43, 189.
Herries, William Young, W.S., III. 173.
Herring, ‘Wastlin,’ II. 188; regulations, XV. 11.
Hertford, Earl of, II. 66; III. 26; destroys city and priory of Black Friars, 55, 59, 61 ; VI. 7 ; VII. xcviii; VIII. App. 4; X. 1, 23; city muniments destroyed by, 71; 125-6; 167, 190; XII. 214; XIV. 51; XV. 105, 127; XVI. 4; XIX. 153-4.
Hervey, James, his controversy with John Wesley, VIII. 176. See Harvey, Harvie.
Hetherwick, Andrew, of Pittillo, IX. 166, 167, 169, 170, 174; XI. 23.
Heuch, John, V. 151.
Hexham, John of, V. 21.
Hibernia Street, XII. 229.
High Calton, XIX. 135.
High Church. See St. Giles’.
High Constables of Edinburgh, origin of, IV. 109; XX. App. 35.
High Constables, Leith, XX. 65.
‘High Flyers,’ VIII. 176.
High Grammar School, XVI. 105, 107.
High Riggs, Touris’ family and, II. 65, 122, 127 ; town purchases ten acres of, 75, 82; Lawsons of, 125; probable part of royal garden, XIV. 106-8; boundaries ; owned by Touris of Inverleith, XVIII. 81; 151— and n.; Richard Lawson of, 152-4; mansion of Lawsons; portion of, sold to Heriot’s Hospital, 154; lands sold by Alexander Shaw, 158; removal of part of city wall, 159; building of Ramsay Lodge; lands advertised for sale, 164; Lauriston Lodge, residence of Borthwicks of Crookston, 166; 169 n., 170, 171, 177. See also Lauriston.
High Riggs House, XI. 9 ; XVI. 3 11..
High School of Edinburgh, II. 8; panel over entrance to, III. 5; scholars of, in Tolbooth, IV. 100, 148; V. 70; under control of Abbey of Holyrood, 70; charter by James v., 70; passes into control of town council, 70; special building in Black Friars’ ground, 71 ; description of, 72 ; ‘barring out’ ; John Macmorran shot dead, 73-4; new school on site of old one, 85; present school on Calton Hill, 87 ; old building converted into surgical hospital, 87; VIII. 127; XI. 9, 10; XII. 58, 145, 150, 151; XIV. 66, 136 n., 153; XV. 35; ‘barring out’ incident, 46; 162, 163 ; XVII. 2; XVIII. 83; XIX. 221 ; XX. 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 17, 18, 20, 22, 140; App. 7.
High School, Canongate. See Canongate and Grammar School.
High School, Leith, XX. 67.
High School Close, XI. 10.
High School Wynd, I. 19; III. 24; V. 68, 77, 79, 85, 86, 90, 91; XII. 150, 151; XIII. 125, 129; XV. 102.
High School Yards, II. 8; V. 79, 85, 87, 89, 90; Wesley preaches in, VIII. 166, 167; XI. 10, 15; XII. 150.
High Street, map showing old houses in, at March 1908, I. 1; centre of city life, II. 2 ; uproar in, XVI. 113 ; lighting of, 134; lowering and levelling of, XVIII. 87, 88, 90, 92, 96. See Regis Vicus.
Highland Society, XII. 75; site of first show of, XV. App. 21.
Hill, Alexander, publisher, III. 231.
Hill, Birkbeck, V. 23.
Hill, Cumberland, I. 114-15, 119, 131; II. 131 n.
Hill, David, owner of Lochbank acres, XIII. 81.
Hill, Deacon (1784), XIV. 14.
Hill, Edward, clerk of Tolbooth, IV. 117, 134; V. 115, 149; VI. 123.
Hill, Henry, W.S., III. 173.
Hill, James, bailie in Queensferry, IX. 117.
Hill, John, tenant of lands of Greenside, XVII. App. 14.
Hill, John (1685), XI. 28.
Hill, Peter, bookseller, IX. 224.
Hill, Robert, ‘causay layer,’ XI. 44.
Hill, Robert, XII. 83.
Hill, Thomas, wright in Multrieshill, III. 161; XVII. 156, 158, 161, 171.
Hill, William, weaver in Calton, XVIII. 73.
Hill, William, III. 82.
Hillhousefield, XIX. 144, 145 n., 147, 148, 157, 158, 160-2, 177, 181-8; grant to Thomas Crawford, 143; Sir James Sandilands infeft in portion of; George Logan and, 150; Kincaids own portions of, 155, 182; first mention of; early portioners mostly sailors ; boundaries, 181 ; Gourlays and, 182; old manor-house, 183-4; Kincaids erect present mansion; sold to Sir James Cockbum, 184; the Laws and; sold to William Robertson of Ladykirk; later owners, 185 ; mansion described, 185-6 ; XX. App. 9.
Hilston, John, treasurer for the Parliament House, XIII. 76 n.
Hind, Samuel, XII. 159.
Hislop, Jean, XIX. 103.
Hislop, John, warded, XI. 61 ; XII. 162.
Hislop, Robert, merchant, VI. 129.
Hislop, William, IV. 140.
Historical Notices, Fountainhall’s, XVI.
Introd. X, xxv; history of MS., xxviii-xxix ; extracts from, 79-167.
Historie and Life of James Sext, XVI. Introd. x ; selections from, xv ; MS. probably written by John Colville, xv.
Hoche, John, X. 131.
Hodge, James, brewer, XII. 82.
Hodge, John (1674), VI. 127.
Hodge, (Hooge), John, messenger, VI. 129.
Hodge, John, cordiner, XVIII. 75.
Hodge, Thomas, brewer, Portsburgh, XX. 48 ; feus ground in Dalry, 46-7.
Hodge, Thomas, Calton (1744), XIX. 101.
Hodge’s Court and Close, XII. 81.
Hodge’s Land, XII. 82.
Hodgetts, R. M., engraver, IX. 108, 109.
Hodgetts, Thomas, engraver, IX. 108, 109.
Hog, George, brewer, XII. 121. See Hoge, Hogg, Hooge.
Hog, John, of Drylaws, X. 218 n.
Hog, John, and Restalrig Church, IV. 156 n.
Hog, Patrick, warded, XII. 158.
Hog, Robert, of Hogistoun, X. 36.
Hog, Robert (1631), in Calton, XVIII. 46.
Hog, Roger, of Newliston, XVIII. 167, 173.
Hog, Roger, bailie, South Leith, XV. 171.
Hog, Thomas, of Newliston, XVIII. 167.
Hog, Thomas (1631), in Calton, XVIII. 46.
Hog, Thomas, of Ayr Bank, XX. 56.
Hog, Thomas, imprisoned on Bass, IX. 130-1.
Hog, Walter, of Hogistoun, X. 36.
Hog, Walter, linen manufacturer, XX. 53.
Hog, William, X. 218 n.
Hogarth, George, XX. App. 23.
Hoge, John, 1669, warded, V. 147. See Hog, Hogg, Hooge.
Hoge, John (1685), banished, XII. 187.
Hogg, Anthony, V. 105. See Hog, Hooge.
Hogg, James, of Cambo, IV. 29.
Hogg, James, Ettrick Shepherd, I. 51 ; on Right and Wrong Club, III. 166-7 ; IX. 106 ; XIV. 146 ; lodges in Gabriel’s Road, XVII. 79 n.
Hogg, James, vintner, XIII. 121, 122.
Hogg, (Hoog), John, pursuivant, XI. 53, 56; XVIII. 25.
Hogg, Thomas Jefferson, opposes Shelley’s views on marriage, XI. 76 ; residence in Edinburgh, 78 ; returns to York, 82 ; his dishonourable advances to Mrs. Shelley, 85 n.
Hogg, Walter, accountant, XIX. 112.
Hogg, William, member of Poker Club, III. 152.
Hogistoun or Whitehouse. See Whitehouse.
Hogstoun, prebendary of, X. 38.
Hole, William, engraver, IX. 79.
Hole, William B., IX. 107-8.
Holland, Lord, at Friday Club, III. 122-3.
Holland, Ralph, VIII. 118.
Holland, Scots settlement in, XIV. 141 n.
Hollar, Wenceslaus, his View of Edinburgh, III. 6-7, 8.
Holm Cultram. See Harehope.
Holmes, Angus, XII. 159.
Holmes, Margaret, XII. 167.
Holstein, Duke of, XIV. 66.
Holy Blood Acre, XIX. 146 n.
Holy League, IX. 2.
Holy Mount, chapel on, X. 85.
Holy Rood, chapel of the, St. Giles’, III. 211-12; stones used to build New Tolbooth, 212, 219; XIII. 1. See also Crucifixion, Chapel of the, and St. Giles’ Church.
Holy Rood, altar of. See St. Giles’ Church.
Holyrood, abbot of (1523), IX. 13, 14, 36 ; Elias of, IV. 193 ; Adam of, V. 23.
Holyrood, Abbey, I. 12; Montrose’s remains deposited in, 36-8, 44, 45; canons of, 130; III. 54, 226; Saughton an appanage of, 194 ; recent excavations and researches at, IV. 191-3 ; early church at, 193-4; fragment of ancient causeway, 194; Celtic church at, V. 2n.; foundation charter, 41, 48, 49; High School under control of, 70; description of buildings, VII. Introd. lxi-lxiv; altars in, xciv; lectern stolen from, xcviii-cii; altars of St. Andrew and St. Katherine at,c ; foundation of, 63-6 ; abbots, 69; X. 2, 3 n., 4; St. Cuthbert’s assigned to canons of, 6; marriage of James IV. in, 66, 95; altar of Canongate Tailors in, XI. 127 ; gateway, XII. 77; 214; territorial possessions adjoining city, XIII. 79, 80; canons of, and Canongate, XIV. 27; David I.’s gift of land to, 102, 117, 118, 126; Broughton part of possessions of, XVIII. App. 14; XIX. 92, 93, 126, 143, 144, 147, 181, 187; XX. 2, 5, 7, 20; abbot of, patron of Canongate
Holyrood Grammar School, 3, 6; pittance silver payable to, 80; App. 20, 22.
Holyrood Charters, XX. 2.
Holyrood Church, IX. 10; XVIII. 109, 121, 127; XX. 103, 104; Canongate Hammermen meet in, 90; Chapel Royal, 92-3; App. 22. See also Canongate Church.
Holyrood Gardens, II. 23.
Holyrood Ordinale, a Scottish Version of a Directory of English Augustinian Canons, with Manual and other Liturgical Forms, VII. Preface to, ix-xi; Introd., method of editing, ; manuscript described, xvi; date of writing, xviii; purpose of book, xx; relation to other Service Books in general, ; relation to other Scottish Service Books, xxv; relation to English Augustinian Uses, xxviii; preliminary matter and the Kalendar, xli; Martyrology, xlix; Gospels and Homilies for reading in Chapter 1; Rule and Augustinian Order, ; local historical matter, lvi ; the Ordinale, lxiv; the Manuale, lxxviii; Litany, lxxxi; Inventory, lxxxii; Text, form of bidding prayer, 1-2 ; at receiving brethren, 2 ; form of absolution from excommunication, 3; verses explaining order of Scripture lessons and books, 4; Kalendar, 6; rules for ‘ histories ’ in divine service, 18; forms of excommunication and absolution, 19; preces at the Day Hours, 20; Martyrology, 25; Gospels and Homilies for reading in Chapter, 25 ; Rule of St. Augustine, 62 ; history of foundation of Holyrood, 63; on a miracle during its erection, 66 ; history of foundation of St. Mary’s Isle, 67; names of abbots of Holyrood, 69; Ordinale, 70; visitation of the sick, 174; the Commendation, 185; burial of the dead, 188; reception of one brought for burial from outside, 199; procession to cemetery in commemora— tion of departed, 200; blessing of meat and eggs, 202 ; a general blessing, 203 ; blessing of food and drink, 203; for those on a journey, 203 ; on Saturdays at the Maundy, 204 ; Litany, 205 ; inventory of vestments and ornaments (1493), 212; appendices, 217-21, X. 2.
Holyrood Park, IV. 186; keeper of, XVIII. 185-7. See also King’s Park and Salisbury Crags.
Holyrood Press, XVIII. App. 11.
Holyrood Sanctuary, I. 13; XV. 55; abuses of privilege, 59; William the Lion attempts their reformation but is opposed by Innocent m., 60; Scot, an unsuccessful litigant, seeks refuge in, 61 ; violation of sanctuary, 63-4; boundaries of, 64-6, 74; wall built round by James v., 65; Sir John Bellenden of Auchnowl and his heirs male appointed heritable justiciars, 66; office of bailie, 67-72, 78, 80, 88, 94; bailie court, 70-1 ; sanctuary statistics, 72 ; description of dwellers in, 72-3, 75 ; inmates of, patronise lotteries, 73-4; houses in, 74; method of application for sanctuary, 75-6 ; form of ‘protection,’ 76 ; case of Hamilton of Redhouse, 76-8; court-house and jail, 78-80; debts contracted while in sanctuary, 79-80; Sunday privileges, 81-2; practice of sanctuary, 83-4; Act of Grace, 84-5; Cessio bonorum, 85-6; privilege not to apply to Crown debtors, 87 ; attempts to draw inmates beyond boundary, 89; life in sanctuary, 90; peers immune from creditors, 94; Charles X. a resident, 95-6, 106 ; passing of, 98 ; XVI. 101 ; search for Renwick, 141.
Holyroodhouse, Lord, III. 188, 215 ; XIV. 57.
Holyroodhouse, Palace of, I. 4, 13, 107 ; Gothic porch at, 13 ; inner court, 101 ; Prince Charles at, II. 57-8, 108, 163; sundial at, 235; Cromwell’s burning of, III. 6, 25, 128; Earl of Surrey at, 50-1; IV. 50, 51; Robert Mylne, ‘restorer ’ of, 149; breach of contract by King’s Master Mason regarding, VI. 143; ball at, VIII. 37; John Wesley on, 193-4; preparations for reception of Margaret Tudor, IX. 14; Lady Nairne resides at, 227 ; lordship of, X. 7; XII. 214; XIV. 113; XVI. 59, 68, 75; King’s Park, 95, 117; arrival of Lennox, 62 ; blue-gownsmen at, 54; burial of Archbp. Fairfull, 68 ; body of Glencairn lies in state, 70; Cromwell’s troops at, 36; fires, 36, 156; Cromwell repairs, 52-3; installation of Lord
Lyon, 67 ; Rothes resides at, 70; Francis, Earl Bothwell, tries to capture James v1., 26-9; royal arms, 39; Popish worship at, 153; pensions to Popish chaplains, 157; anti-Popish paper posted up, 162; masses for Charles II., 164 ; Popish college at, 165; attack on Papists, 172; chapel ornaments, 172 ; damaged by mob, 173; King’s men and Queen’s men, 22 ; ministers of Abbey Kirk, 126, 127; translation of bishops, 138; monuments, App. 15-26; gateway of, XVII. 150; ceremonial at coronation of Charles I., XVIII. 13-23; investiture of Knights of the Thistle at, 32; keepership of 5. royal park of, 185 ; XIX. 89, 176, 243 ; kirk of, 2; festivities at, 34; balls at, 67-8; XX. 8, 20; Robert Stewart, commendator of, 4, 5.
Hombil, Elizabeth, III. 78a. See Hommyl, Humble.
Home, Agnes, X. 218 n., 219 n., 220. See Hume.
Home, Alexander, Lord, Great Chamberlain of Scotland, becomes provost, II. 67; XV. App. 9.
Home, Alexander, fifth Lord (1573), XVI. 13.
Home, Sir Alexander, of Hogistoun, X. 36, 38.
Home, Alexander, of Kennetsidelands, XX. App. 34.
Home, Alexander, member of Poker Club, III. 153, 154; X. 218 n.
Home, Alexander, town clerk of Leith, XV. 172, 174, 177.
Home, Alexander, clerk, Canongate cordiners, XVIII. 111.
Home, Alexander, covenanter, VIII. 133, 142.
Home, Ann, XIV. 172.
Home, Archibald, tacksman, XVI. 163.
Home, Bruce J., Provisional List of Old Houses Remaining in High Street and Oanongate of Edinburgh, I. 1-30; Cannon-Ball House, II. 117-19; his Old Houses of Edinburgh, 122 ; tribute to his work, V. App. 8 ; XII. 41 ; XIV. 51, 67.
Home, Christopher, XIV. 37, 43.
Home, Cuthbert, flesher, IV. 141.
Home, David, of Grange, XII. 57, 58.
Home, David, litster, XII. 108, 114, 137.
Home, David, Leith captain (1571), XVI. 19; XVIII. 35.
Home, Elizabeth, wife of John Jack, XII. 96.
Home, Dr. Francis, III. 152.
Home, George, of Branxon, III. 150, 151, 153.
Home, George, of Wedderbum, III. 144.
Home, George, town clerk of Leith, XIV. 172 ; XV. 174.
Home, George, W.S., XX. 56.
Home, Henry (Lord Kames), house of, I. 11; III. 151; IV. 37; his writings criticised by Wesley, VIII. 200-1 ; IX. 97; XI. 10, 15; resident in Advocates’ Close, XII. 25 ; his mansion in New St., 96; XIV. 173; XV. App. 13; regular attendance at dancing Assembly, XIX. 71 ; connected with Musical Society, 225.
Home, Henry, bailie of Holyrood, XV. 68.
Home, James, third Earl of, V. 105.
Home, James, fifth Earl of, VI. 148 ; XI. 40.
Home, Sir James, of Eccles, V. 134.
Home, Jenny, sister of author of Douglas, XIV. 147, 171.
Home, John, of Powburn, X. 220.
Home, John, author of Douglas, II. 6; on Provost Stewart’s critics, 21 n. ; III. 152, 153; IV. 37; grave of, VII. App. 7; Wesley’s opinion of his writings, VIII. 202 ; XII. App. 10; XIV. 147, 171, 172; XV. 174.
Home, John, coachbuilder, feuar in Princes Street, I. 142-9, 154; X. 218 n., 219 n., 220; XII. 108.
Home, John, keeper of Charity Workhouse, Leith Wynd, XVII. 74.
Home, John, minister of Eccles, X1. 160.
Home, Margaret A., X. 218 n., 219 n., 220.
Home, Mary, Countess of, builder of Moray House, XII. App. 21.
Home, Patrick (1572), captain of Regent’s horsemen, XVI. 5, 6, 24.
Home, Sir Patrick (1685), XVI. 146.
Home, Peter, builder of Carthall, XII. 138.
Home, Peter, carter, X. 148, 234.
Home, Robert, at Crawfordjohn, V. 141.
Home, William, minister at Ayton, V. 113.
Home’s Close, XII. 24, 69 ; in Canongate, 108.
Hommyl, Robert, III. 78a. See Hombil, Humble.
Honest Yorkshireman, XI. 168.
Honorius III., pope, III. 78; approves of order of Friar Preachers, 19, 21, 32.
Honourable (The) Company of Edinburgh Golfers, the Silver Club, XVIII. 4 ; meetings in Lucky Clephan’s tavern, Leith; club-house on Leith Links, 5; club-house, portraits and old silver disposed of, 6-7 ; diploma of membership, 7.
‘Honours of Scotland,’ VIII. 205,‘ 206-8, 209-11 ; XVI. 39, 58; taken to Castle, 63.
Hood, Adam, covenanter, XII. 166.
Hooge, Andro, VIII. 137. See Hog, Hoge, Hogg.
Hookmakers, XIX. 2, 29.
Hoope, Hemy, XV. 17. See Hope.
Hooper, Richard, XII. 15. See Hopper.
Hope, Alexander, tailor, XII. 110. See Hoope.
Hope, Sir Archibald, member of Wig Club, III. 141.
Hope, Archibald, writer, XII. 102.
Hope, Archibald (1766), XII. 48.
Hope, Charles, lord president, XII. App. 7; XX. 145, 146.
Hope, Hon. Charles, XIX. 68.
Hope, Charles, prof. of chemistry, XVIII. 208.
Hope, Charles, merchant, XII. 110.
Hope, Edward, XII. 9, 10, 61; XIV. 62, 70; XV. 34, 35.
Hope, Elspeth, XII. 9.
Hope, Lady Helen, XIX. 68.
Hope, Henry, XII. 9.
Hope, James, of Wardie Lodge, XX. 44.
Hope, James, W.S., XVIII. 207.
Hope, Sir John (1825), XVIII. 203; XX. 68.
Hope, John, founder of Hopetoun family, XIV. 62; XV. 120.
Hope, John, M.D., XX. 44.
Hope, John, W.S., XX. App. 35.
Hope, Lord, XIX. 68.
Hope, Marion-Ann, wife of James Walker, secundus, of Dalry, XX. 44.
Hope, Sir Thomas, lord advocate, V. 108; diary of, VI. 9 ; owner of Wester Granton, VIII. App. 4; XI. 7; XII. 9, 59, 61, 62 ; town house of, 129; XIII. 66, 69, 71, 141 and n. ; XIV. 62, 70, 71 ; XX. App. 25-6.
Hope, Sir Thomas, of Kerse, XIII. 139 and n., 140.
Hope, Thomas, of Rankeillor, I. 33; his improvement of the Meadows, X. 258-60 ; XVIII. 169.
Hope, Sir William Johnstone, vice-admiral, XV. 208.
Hope House, Castlehill, XI. 10.
Hope House, Cowgate, carved stones at, XIV. 71.
Hope House, Park Chapel, XII. 236.
Hope House, Villas, XII. 236.
Hope’s Close, XII. 48, 61, 129; XIV. 67.
Hope’s Court, XII. 30, 48.
Hope’s Land, XII. 110.
Hope’s Park, I. 33; Highland army at, II. 24; V. 81; X. 232, 259; XII. 100; XVIII. 172, 175.
Hopetoun, Anne, second Countess of, XIX. 50; a directress of the ‘Assembly,’ 89.
Hopetoun, James, third Earl of, I. 145.
Hopetoun, John, second Earl of, large benefactor of Old Infirmary, V. 83; XV. 155, 160.
Hopetoun, John, fourth Earl of, IX. 108 ; XV. App. 13.
Hopetoun, John, fifth Earl of, III. 141.
Hopetoun, family, XX. App. 26.
Hopetoun, House, Tenducci at, XIX. 216 ; excursion to, App. 14.
Hoppar, Adam, IX. 31, 41 n.; feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 73 ; XII. 14.
Hoppar, Richard, founds altar of St. Roch in St. Giles’, X. 173, 174.
Hoppar, William, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 71.
Hopper, Christopher, XIX. 110. See Hooper.
Hopper, David, XII. 15.
Hopper, James, of Bourhouses, XIII. 129, 130.
Hopper, Friar James, III. 73.
Hopper, Janet, wife of Hugh Rig, XIV. App. 15.
Hopper, John, III. 81.
Hopper’s Close, XII. 14.
Hoppringill, David, apothecary, XV. 24. See Pringle.
Horn, John, wright, XIX. 111, 112.
Horn Order, III. 178 ; XIX. 34-5.
Horne, Andrew, VI. 124.
Horne, Janet, XV. 46.
Horne, William, transported, XII. 188.
Horner, Francis, III. 114; XIV. 136 n.
Horner, (Homour), John, VI. 68, 71, 95.
Horner, Leonard, III. 115; XIV. 136 n.
Horner, family, XVII. App. 9.
Horsburgh, Jo., IV. 163.
Horsburgh, John, engraver, IX. 99-101.
Horse Wynd, Canongate, I. 13, 14, 18; depôt for Sedan chairs in, IX. 212-13; XII. 124, 125; XV. 65.
Horse Wynd, Cowgate, I. 19, 20 ; II. 8, 70; V. 86; XI. 9, 11, 14; XII. 143, 144; XIII. 120, 133; XIV. 137, 138, 140, 141; demolition of, XVII. App. 30-1.
Horseman, Edward, supervisor of excise, X. 201, 202.
Horseman, Mary, X. 202.
Horseman, William, X. 202.
Hospital of Our Lady, Leith Wynd, XV. 133.
Hostelries, early enactments regarding, XIV. 125.
House of Refuge, XV. App. 21.
Houston, Alex, proprietor of Easter Morningside, X. 199 and n.
Houston, George, of Johnstoun, VIII. 154.
Houston, Sanders, VI. 65.
Houston, Sanders, field-preacher, XVI. 167.
Houtoun, Robert, XI. 32. See Hutton.
Hoveden, English chronicler, V. 34.
Howden, James, clockmaker, III. 232; X. 202.
Howie, John, V. 128.
Howie, (Howee), Thomas, skinner, VI. 66.
Howieson, David, merchant, IX. 125.
Howieson, Isobel, XII. 174, 175.
Howieson, John, Braehead, XV. 182.
Howieson, John, skinner, VI. 76.
Howieson, Thomas, schoolmaster, VIII. 108.
Howieson, Walter, of Granton, XII. 26 n.
Howieson, William, engraver, IX. 101.
Howmains, laird of, XVI. 21.
Hucheson, John, merchant, X. 211, 214 n. See Huchison, Hutcheson, Hutchison.
Hucheson, Thomas, armourer, XX. 101.
Hucheson, William, XX. App. 12.
Huchison, John, V. 137.
Hugh Brown’s Close, XII. 151.
Hui, John, XII. 167.
Hui, Samuel, XII. 167.
Hullah, John, XX. App. 34.
Humbie, laird of, XVI. 93.
Humble, John, plumber, I. 142, 143 ; his feu, XVII. 158. See Hombil, Hommyl.
Hume, Lord, IV. 81 11.. See Home.
Hume, Alexander, provost of Edinburgh and Chamberlain of Scotland, IX. 6, 9, 12, 21, 23.
Hume, Alexander, merchant, XII. 15.
Hume, David, I. 4, 5, 11 ; houses associated with, 5 n. ; II. 6; his account of Provost Archibald Stewart’s conduct, 21 n.; and Poker Club, III. 147, 148, 152, 153; IV. 37; Wesley and, VIII. 199; IX. 94, 108, 111; X. 146; XI. 10; resident in Big Jack’s Land, 79; XII. 15, 51, 96; his tomb, App. 31; XIV. 65, 75; XV. App. 12, 13; keeper of Advocates’ Library, XVIII. App. 24; his grave, XIX. 131; XX. App. 34.
Hume, David, prof. of Scots law, III. 144, 151.
Hume, George, minister of Ayton, IV. 120.
Hume, John, of Kello, V. 134.
Hume, Captain John, in Quhytfeild, IV. 114.
Hume, Sir Patrick, of Polwarth, VI. 132; VIII. 86 ; XIII. 106 and n. ; XIX. 171.
Hume, Major Patrick, VI. 122.
Hume, Thomas (1515), IX. 20.
Hume, Thomas, XII. 15.
Hume, Thomas, sergt. (1689), XVI. 182.
Hume, William, III. 161.
Hume, William, of Ninewells, III. 153; XIX. 131.
Hume’s Close, I. 21 ; XII. 108, 137, 154.
Humph’s Close, XII. 69.
Hunter, Adam, warded, VIII. 118.
Hunter, Alexander, tacksman, Canonmills, XVIII. App. 22.
Hunter, Alexander, of Blackness, Scott’s béte noire, XX. App. 22.
Hunter, Andrew, baxter, XIII. 127.
Hunter, Dr. Andrew, Tron Church, XIV. 172, 173.
Hunter, David, of Blackness, XX. App. 22.
Hunter, Gilbert, Dingwall pursuivant, XVIII. 14.
Hunter, Sir James, & Co., bankers, III. 220, 236; XIV. 150.
Hunter, James, physician, XII. 61.
Hunter, James, writer, XIII. 127.
Hunter, James, treasurer to Advocates, XVI. 157.
Hunter, James, his ground chosen for St. Cecilia’s Hall, XIX. 224-6, 228.
Hunter, Jeromie, VI. 132.
Hunter, John, advocate, III. 177.
Hunter, John, boxmaster of Society of Chairmasters, IX. 198.
Hunter, John, Abbeyhill, XII. 105, 143.
Hunter, Rev. John, XIV. 172, 173.
Hunter, John, tailor, XIII. 111, 118.
Hunter, John, banished, XII. 187.
Hunter, Mrs., chairmistress, IX. 204.
Hunter, Mungo, smith, XX. App. 12.
Hunter, Robert, baxter, XIII. 122.
Hunter, Samuel, quarrier, XIII. 40.
Hunter, Sir Thomas, town clerk, X. 33-4, 261.
Hunter, Thomas (1598), X. 228.
Hunter, Thomas, his house within sanctuary invaded by armed men, XV. 63-4.
Hunter, Thomas, supposed murderer, XVII. 78.
Hunter, William, XII. 115. V
Hunter, William, joint publisher of Plan of Edinburgh (1824), XII. 235, 241, 245.
Hunter Square, XVIII. 93.
Hunter’s Close, I. 22 ; XII. 60, 61.
Hunter’s tavern, Writers’ Court, II. 154.
Hunters, Hon. Company of, IX. 206 ; balls of, held at Holyroodhouse, XIX. 67-8.
Huntly, Alexander, third Earl of, IX. 13, 17, 37.
Huntly, George, fourth Earl of, V. 54.
Huntly, George, fifth Earl of, XVI. 17, 24.
Huntly, George, first Marquess of, supposed town house of, I. 14-15 ; XIII. 67 ; XIV. 2.
Huntly, George, second Marquess of, XVI. 62.
Huntly, George, fourth Marquess of, VI. 157.
Huntly Close, XII. 117.
‘Huntly House,’ I. 14-15; II. 19; XI. 10, 14 ; XIII. App. 5 ; no evidence that it was town house of Lords Huntly, XIV. 1, 2 ; what title-deeds show, 2-4; owned by Hammer-men, 3 ; various tenants, 3-4; bought by town council, 4, 70; carved stones at, XVII. 29-30; App. 31 ; visit to, XIX. App. 13 ; XX. 79 ; App. 8.
Huntroddis, William, III. 97.
Husband, Paul, merchant, XV. 79.
Hussar, The ; or, Harlequin Restor’d, XI. 167.
Hutcheson, George, bedeman, XVII. 52. See Hucheson, Hutchison.
Hutcheson, John, candlemaker, XVII. 144.
Hutcheson, Nicoll, chaplain, XVII. 53.
Hutcheson’s Close, XII. 34.
Hutchison, Colonel, XVIII. 166. See Hucheson, Hutcheson.
Hutchison, George, commissioner to Breda, XVI. 34.
Hutchison, James, minister at Kilellan, IX. 160; XI. 58.
Hutchison, John, original member of Wagering Club, II. 152.
Hutchison, John, keeper of register of sasines, XIV. 151, 153, 169, 174.
Hutchison, John, officer, Burlaw Court, XV. 177, 190, 194.
Hutchison, John, conventicler, VI. 114; VIII. 130. 131.
Hutchison, Thomas, baker, XIV. 152.
Hutchison, William, skinner, VI. 90.
Hutchisone, George, V. 128.
Hutchison’s Land, Water of Leith, XIX. 100.
Hutton, James, geologist, XIII. App. 16; and Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 208. See Houtoun.
Hutton, John, papermaker, XIX. 202, 237.
Hutton, Robert, fiddler, XIX. 49, 50.
Hyndford, Countess of (1740), XIV. 57; XVII. App. 30.
Hyndford, James, Earl of, XII. 84; Provost Drummond and, IV. 30.
Hyndford, Earl of (1795), I. 144.
Hyndford Close, I. 10 ; IV. 80 ; XI. 6, 10, App. 9; XII. 84.
Hyndford House, XI. 10.
Idle, John, chief baron of Exchequer, XX. 48; infeft in lands of Dalry, 40; his career, 41.
Ilay, Lord. See Argyle, John, second Duke of.
‘Improvements,’ city (1820-30), XII. 249.
Improvements Commissioners, XVII. 125.
Imrie, George, I. 43.
Inch, The, Liberton, I. 78; II. 39, 43; visit to, VII. App. 8 ; carved stones at, XIV. 53, 67; Club’s visit to (1930), XVIII. App. 27-30; architecture described, 28 ; Cromwell’s sword preserved at; acquired by Gilmours of Craigmillar; distinguished tenants of, 30.
Inchgarvie, IX. 4, 12; XVI. App. 13-15.
Incidents and Documents, 1513-23, by R. K. Hannay, IX. 1-48.
Incorporated Trades, composition of, and methods of election, II. 7 and n.
Index to the whole Musick belonging to the Edinburgh Musical Society, XIX. 234, 235.
Industrious Club, III. 178.
Infirmary, Royal, II. 1, 8, 9; balls in aid of, 11 ; founded by Provost Drummond, 18; wounded from Prestonpans brought to, 31, 44; appeal for linen for dressings, 44 ; III. 163 ; IV. 14-16, 20; first building erected, 16, 31-4, 53 ; ‘An Account of the Rise and Establishment of the Infirmary or Hospital for Sick-poor, erected at Edinburgh,’ V. 79; charter of incorpora tion from George II., 80; site acquired at Thomson’s Yards, 81 ; first building partly opened in 1741, 82 ; all classes assist project, 82 ; completed in 1748, 83 ; Sandby’s prospective view of original building, 83 ; managers acquire old High School, 87 ; George Watson’s Hospital purchased, 91 ; new premises in Lauriston, 91 ; Sedan chair at, IX. 218; XI. 10, 164; XIV. 116; beginnings of, XV. 140-1 ; premises in Robertson’s Close, 143; success of charity box, 144; managers’ first report, 144; original subscribers, 145; ground secured for rearing medicinal plants, 145-6; charter granted, 147 ; Surgeons’ Hospital, 147-8 ; union with surgeons, 149; plans for erection of original building, 150-1 ; foundation stone laid, 151-3, 155; appeal for funds; ready for patients, 155; becomes military hospital, 156; Dr. Rutherford’s lectures, 156-7; diet of patients; visiting physicians, 158; students’ fees, 159-60; duties of managers, matron, etc., 160-1; bust of Provost Drummond secured, 162 ; need for, and erection of new premises in Lauriston, 162-3 ; Candlemakers original subscribers to, XVII. 118; XVIII. 158 ; XIX. 74, 225 n. ; proceeds of dancing Assembly for, 47, 77; Musical Society of Edinburgh assist, 235-6.
Ingibjorg, Queen, Malcolm III.’s first wife, V. 5.
Inglis, Alexander, dean of Dunkeld, III. 91. See Inglish.
Inglis, Alexander, of Murdiston, owner of Lady Stair’s House, III. 244 n., 246; XII. 15.
Inglis, Captain, IX. 151.
Inglis, David, a director of Musical Society, XIX. 195.
Inglis, Francis Caird, Old Cellars and Relics Discovered during the Excavations for the New Chapel at St. Giles’ Cathedral, II. 225-29; III. 209.
Inglis, Gilbert, skinner, VI. 64.
Inglis, Henry, III. 175, 176.
Inglis, Henry David, XII. App. 9.
Inglis, Isabella, XII. 15.
Inglis, James, merchant, III. 197.
Inglis, James, deacon of Skinners, VI. 66-8, 71, 78, 82-4, 86, 89, 92, 94, 95, 105, 106.
Inglis, James, XII. 18.
Inglis, James (1741), XII. 115.
Inglis, John, of Cramond, III. 197 ; VI. 124.
Inglis, John, deacon of Skinners, VI. 76, 77, 103, 106.
Inglis, John, master of Canongate School, XX. 18-20, 23.
Inglis, Marian, III. 197.
Inglis, Sir Patrick, XVII. App. 9.
Inglis, Patrick, of East Barns, VIII. 153.
Inglis, Patrick, goldsmith, XIX. 19.
Inglis, Robert, procurator-fiscal, IX. 198.
Inglis, Robert, mason, XVII. 164.
Inglis, Thomas, pewterer, VIII. 35, 47.
Inglis, William, W.S., XII. 115.
Inglis, William, covenanter, II. 95.
Inglis’ Close, XII. 115.
Inglis Green, II. 20.
Inglish, Isobel, VI. 130. See Inglis.
Inglish, John, VI. 128.
Ingram, Thomas, IX. 131, 133, 140, 154.
Innerleith. See Inverleith.
Innerleithen sanctuary, XV. 58.
Innerpeffer (Inverpepper), Lord (Sir Andrew Fletcher), XIII. 128.
Innerteil, Lord (Sir George Erskine), XIII. 99.
Innes, Agnes, IV. 133.
Innes, Alexander, V. 133 ; IX. 150.
Innes, Alexander, clerk depute, Burlaw Court, XV. 174, 191.
Innes, Cosmo, III. 175, 176.
Innes, George, cashier of Royal Bank, XIV. 2 ; XX. 82 ; loan to riding school, 131.
Innes, Gilbert, of Stow, XIX. 202, 237, 244 ; buys Drum estate, XX. App. 32.
Innes, James, V. 126.
Innes, John, physician, XV. 145.
Innes, John (1689), XVI. 183.
Innes, Robert, W.S., Lyon Depute, XVIII. 25.
Innes, Robert, merchant, IX. 168 ; XI. 21.
Innes, Robert, painter, IX. 111.
Innes’s Chapel, XIX. 135, 136.
Innocent III., pope, III. 16.
Innocent IV., pope, bulls by, V. 34, 35, 50.
Innocent X., pope, V. 60.
Innocent XI., pope, V. 61.
Innocent XII., pope, V. 61.
‘Innocent Railway,’ XVII. 3.
Inns, state of, II. 3 ; determining factor as to site, XIV. 123 ; in the Middle Ages, 124; localities of Edinburgh inns, 124, 128 ; enactments in their favour, 125 ; accommodation provided, 126 ; White Horse inns, 126-31 ; acts compelling travellers to lodge at inns, 125 ; Coach and Horses inn, 126 ; the Black Bull, 131; the Red Lyon, 134-6; the George, 139-45 ; forsaken for hotels, 145-6.
Inscriptions on stones of Wrychtis-housis, IV. 56, 57, 60-5, 68-71. See Sculptured Stones.
Insurance Co. of Edinburgh, XVIII. 147.
Inventory (Holyrood Ordinale), VII. Introd. lxxxii; 212.
Inverleith, laird of, XIII. 41. See Touris.
Inverleith, lands of, I. 98; II. 75; quarry at, 235 ; III. 81 ; XIV. 138, 140; XV. 171, 190; XVI. 115; XIX. 148, 155, 183 ; X-X. App. 13.
Inverleith, House, XVII. 79.
Inverleith, Row, opened, XX. App. 21.
Iona, monastery at, V. 14, 25; stone relics of Celtic kings of Alba at, 23 n.
Ireland, David, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 75; XII. 20.
Ireland, Elizabeth, III. 97.
Ireland, (Yrland), John, IX. 30, 41 n.
Ireland, John, warded, XII. 159, 167.
Ireland, Patrick, bailie, XII. 20, I53.
Ireland, Robert, V. 151.
Ireland’s Close, XI. 10; XII. 19, 20.
Iron-house, Old Tolbooth, XII. 158.
Ironet, William, V. 110.
Ironside, Abbeyhill, XV. 171, 183, 186, 202 ; XVIII. 36, 37.
Ironside, Court, XII. 47.
Irvine, Christopher, XIX. 112.
Irvine, M. S., W.S., clerk to Incorporated Trades of Calton, XVIII. 45.
Irvine, Patrick, W.S., III. 173.
Irvine, Robert, murderer, IV. 92 ; XVII. 78.
Irving of Bonshaw, XVI. 151.
Irving Alexander (Lord Newton), III. 113, 119.
Irving Dr., surgeon at Bothwell Brig, II. 89, 107; XVI. 113.
Irving Edward, Carlyle’s friend, I. 51.
Irving Francis, preacher, VI. 134.
Irving George, W.S., XVIII. 50, 51, 72.
Irving James, macer, IX. 135, 142, 143, 170, 172.
Irving Major Richard, IV. 122.
‘Isle of Man Arms,’ III. 158.
Isset, Alexander, plumber, XIX. 30.
Itterburg, Count, XX. 157.
Ivory, Thomas, III. 176.
Ivory, William, III. 176.
Jacinta, X. 130.
Jack, David, VI. 127.
Jack, John, tailor (1669), V. 152.
Jack, John, bailie in Canongate, XII. 96, 97, 148.
Jack, Margaret, II. 45.
Jack, Robert, slater, XII. 96.
Jack, Walter, X. 72.
Jack, William, VI. 128.
Jack’s Closes, XII. 96.
Jack’s Court, XII. 96.
Jack’s Land, I. 5 n.; IX. 200; XI. 10; XII. 96 ; XIV. 75 ; XX. App. 8. See also Big Jack’s Land.
Jackson, Annabel, XII. 167.
Jackson, David, burgess, XII. 119.
Jackson, James, and provostship, II. 164.
Jackson, John (1751), XII. 36.
Jackson, John (1685), warded, XII. 166.
Jackson, John, his History of the Scottish Stage, XIX. 38.
Jackson, Patrick, treasurer of Canongate, XII. 119; XX. 14.
Jackson, Patrick (1685), warded, XI. 61 ; XII. 162.
Jackson, Robert, of Loch-houses, XII. 36.
Jackson, (Jaksoun), Thomas, III. 82.
Jackson, Thomas, servant, VI. 141.
Jackson, William, warded, XI. 47 ; XII. 174.
Jackson’s Close, I. 8; II. 155; XII. 1, 36.
Jacobins, French name of Black Friars, III. 23 and n., 46.
Jacobites, Canongate cordiners and, XVIII. 142; ladies, II. 50-1 ; R. Dowdeswell reports on, in Edinburgh, XX. 49.
‘Jacob’s Ladder,’ XIX, 95.
Jaffray, Alexander, commissioner to Breda, XVI. 33. See Jeffrey.
Jaffray, Alexander, covenanter, IV. 137.
Jaffray, James, cooper, XIII. 132.
Jail, Calton, XIX. 135. See also Bridewell.
Jailer, injunctions for guidance of, IV. 95 ; finds caution for custody of prisoners, 96; fees abolished, 97; lucrative position, 97; imprisoned, 100; refuses to recognise Sheriff’s warrant, 110; interest in publication of dying confessions, 112 n.
James I., III., 38; IV. 76 ; Sessions of his reign, XI. 89; selects judges from Three Estates, 90, 92, 94; grants land to Grey Friars, XIV. 107.
James II., his charter of 1450, II. 67 ; erects Sark Wall, III. 210, 211 ; X. 20; grants land at Greenside for tournaments, XV. l36 ; crowned at Holyrood, XVIII. 12.
James III., his charter of 1472, II. 67 ; III. 40 n.; and ‘Observance,’ 41; grants to Black Friars, 42, 69, 89 ; and Scottish Vicariate, 43, 91 ; and Edward IV. 47 ; mortifies site of priory of Black Friars, 89; and St. Giles’ Church, 208; birth of, V. 46; 48, 50; dissatisfied with treatment of Scots merchants at Bruges, IX. 50; assembles army on Burgh Muir, X. 62 ; neglect in administration of justice, XI. 98, 108; crowned at Kelso, XVIII. 12.
James IV., II. 70; III. 32, 51; and Princess Cecilia, espousals celebrated, 25 ; receives Perkin Warbeck, 48 ; and Margaret Tudor, state entry of, 50, 51; and Black Friars, 70; at St. Roque’s Chapel, 202; and chapel of the Holy Rood, 212; prosperity of Scotland under, IV. 81 ; and St. Margaret’s Chapel, V. 48-50, 51; presented with portions of ancient Regalia, VIII. 205 ; confirms rights of altar of St. Ninian at Bruges, IX. 50; grants permission to feu Burgh Muir, X. 2 ; 20, 21, 25, 57, 76, 77, 81; marriage with Margaret Tudor, 62-6 ; his standard not flown on Burgh Muir, 79 ; attracted by the gipsies, 89 ; 102, 114, 116, 120, 121 ; and worship of St. Roch, 171-4 ; partiality for Stirling, 226-7; 239; Lords of Session appointed by, XI. 100; attempts to relieve congestion in civil causes, 102-3, 105, 107-8; orders erection of chapel near Barras, XIV, 114; crowned at Scone, XVIII. 12; XX. 2; App. 22.
James V., III. 32; Letter of Gift, 56; birth of, V. 46; 52; charter by, 70; Scotland during minority of, IX. 1 ; in Edinburgh Castle, 12, 13, 15, 29, 36; at Craigmillar, 21-3 ; removed to Dalkeith Castle, 27, 28, 29, and Stirling, 36; X. 22; and the gipsies, 89; 110, 121, 122, 124, 125, 153 n. ; and Common Myre, 154-6; 157, 163; and origin of Court of Session, XI. 87-8; 100-1; reforms in administration of justice, 113-5; tries to secure papal authority for endowment of College of Justice, 119; crowned at Stirling, XVIII. 12; adds to King’s Park, 184; XX. 5.
James VI., I. 93, 96, 97, 105; resides at ‘Lockhart’s lodging,’ 85; visit to Edinburgh (1617), 100-1 ; and Flodden Wall, II. 73 ; statue of, at Netherbow, 235; Letters of Remission dispensing with erection of hospital on Black Friars Yards, 102; banquet to, III. 216-7; and George Heriot, 227; and witchcraft, IV. 83; incarceration and liberation of prisoners, 94-5; makes triumphal progress and releases debtors from prison, 103; Lord Balmerino secretary to, 159; birth of, V. 58; grants charter to town council, 69; X. 6, 15, 142, 145, 146, 184; and Society of Brewers, 228; entertained by Bailie Macmorran, XII. 58; and Scots Parliament, XIII. 11 ; irritation caused by royal taxation, 12-17; banqueted at Riddle’s Court, XIV. 66 ; resides in Gourlay’s House, 68; 118; desires loan from town, XV. 52; resides in Niddry’s Wynd, 100 ; statue of, at Netherbow, 127; XVI. 9, 10; confers insignia on magistrates, 80; rescued by the Trades, 99; Decreet Arbitral (1583), 89-91, 120; Drury gives up Castle to, 13; Francis, Earl Bothwell and, 28-9; Gowrie conspiracy, 63; seditious ministers, 29; ratifies seal of cause of Candlemakers, XVII. 96 ; crowned at Stirling, XVIII. 12; Canongate cordiners and, 120-1; XX. 4, 8; ordains all schools to be ‘reformit,’ 5; App. 13, 14, 21. James the Sext, Historic and Life of, XVI. 17-30.
James VII., 1. 12; gives pensions to Holyrood chaplains, XVI. 157 ; and Canongate Church, XVII. App. 21 ; revives Order of the Thistle, XVIII. 31 ; XX. 92, 96.
James Aikman’s Close, XII. 154.
James Bayne’s Close, XII. 82.
James Brown’s Close, XII. 87.
James Francis Edward, Prince, XVI. 166.
Jameson, Christian, XIX. 175. See Jamesone, Jamieson.
Jameson, Convener (1784), XIV. 14.
Jameson, Elizabeth, XIX. 149, 150.
Jameson, Janet, XIX. 183.
Jameson, John, XII. 17, 18.
Jameson, Matthew, XII. 17, 18, 19.
Jameson, Patrick, builder of Royal Exchange, XIV. 84.
Jameson, Robert, mineralogist, XIV. 157 and n.
Jameson, Robert, XII. 17, 18.
Jameson, William, builder of The Tower, Portobello, XIV. 84.
Jamesone, George, painter, IX. 82; XIII. 23, 116 and n.
Jameson’s Close, XII. 17, 18, 19.
James’s Court, I. 4, 5n., 12; III. 243, 244, 247, 251, 252; VIII. 163; IX. 212; XII. 11-13, 156; XIV. 74, 135; XVIII. 2, 86; XIX. 62.
Jamieson, Alexander, warded, XII. 159, 167. See Jameson, Jamesone.
Jamieson, David, distiller, XII. 51.
Jamieson, George, treasurer, Canongate, XX. 18.
Jamieson, George, in Oxenshaw, IX. 164 ; XI. 31.
Jamieson, James H., Edinburgh Street Traders and their Cries, II. 177-222 ; Sedan Chair in Edinburgh, IX. 177-234; Some Inns of the Eighteenth Century, XIV. 121-146; Social Assemblies of the Eighteenth Century, XIX. 31-91.
Jamieson, John, compiler of Scottish Dictionary, IX. 111 ; XI. App. 18; XII. App. 20.
Jamieson, Patrick, mason, IV. 46.
Jamieson, Peter, mason, XI. 141.
Jamieson, Robert, W.S., II. 152.
Jamieson, William, slater, X. 202.
Jamieson, William, mason, XVII. 164.
Janson, Nicolas, XII. 183.
Jardene, Thomas, XIV. 34, 36.
Jardine, Sir Alexander, III. 81.
Jardine, David, & Co., sugar refiners, XII. 117.
Jardine, George, merchant, XIII. 100.
Jardine, George, XII. 12.
Jardine, Sir Henry, XVIII. 203. .
Jardine, Henry, Exchequer chambers, XX. 155.
Jardine, James, civil engineer, XVIII. 204 ; XX. 68, 69.
Jardine, John, advocate, III. 173.
Jardine, John, minister of Tron Kirk, XIX. 212.
Jardine, Miss, II. 158.
Jardine’s Close, XII. 12, 13 ; XIV. 75.
Jarvis, John, XII. 3. See Jervis.
Jason, John, XII. 169, 208.
Jeddart stave, XIX. 23.
Jeffrey, Francis, Lord, II. 165; III. 105, 106, 111, 116, 119, 121, 124, 125, 171, 234; member of Friday Club, 113; a ‘Gowk,’ 172; IX. 103, 106; resides at Hatton, XIII. App. 11 ; XV. 80, 120.
Jeffrey, George, depute clerk of Session, XV. 68, 69, 80, 92.
Jeffrey, John, brother of Francis, III. 115.
Jenkin (Jonkein), David, manager of weaving industry, XVII. 59-62. See Junken.
Jenkinson, Alexander, VIII. 123.
Jervis, David, VI. 117. See Jarvis.
Jerviswood, Lady, IX. 118, 123, 147, 152, 163. See also Baillie, Robert
Jewellers. See Goldsmiths.
Jews, Society of, XIX. 134.
‘Jib’ house, V. 90.
Joannes, John, XIX. 18.
Jock’s Lodge, II. 39, 162 ; IV. 158 n., 160, 173, 177, 178, 180, 183; XII. 231 ; XV. 193; XVII. App. 7, 8; XIX. 69.
John, abbot of Newbattle, V. 33.
John, of Strathechyn, V. 32.
John Barton’s Close, XII. 85, 86, 154.
John Dickson’s Close, XII. 13 ; XIV. 75
John Douglas’ Close, XV. 13.
John Gray’s Land, XII. 93.
John Hamilton’s Close, XII. 154.
John Knox’s House, XV. 110; carved stones at, 122-5.
John Laing’s Close, XII. 86, 87, 154.
John Young’s Close, XII. 109, 110.
John’s Coffee House, III. 234; IX. 92; XI. 168; XV. 90.
Johnson, Alexander, servitor, VIII. 145. See Johnston, Johnstone, Jonson.
Johnson, James, his shop at Lady Stair’s Close, XIV. 77.
Johnson, Marion, X. 106, 107, 130.
Johnson, Rowland, VI. 7 ; his survey of Edinburgh, XII. 214.
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, Boswell’s guest at James’s Court, I. 4 ; his impressions of Edinburgh, VIII. 163, 164 ; 192 n., 197 ; at Caroline Park, App. 6; XX. App. 26 ; on etymology of ‘Sedan,’ IX. 180, 181; XI. 164 ; puts up at Boyd’s Inn, XII. 109; XIV. 129.
Johnston, Adam, owner of property in Lawnmarket, XII. 15. See Johnson, Johnstone, Jonson.
Johnston, (Johnstoune), Alexander, of Warriston (1685), XI. 61 ; XII. 159.
Johnston, Alicia, wife of William Baird, of Newbyth, XVII. App. 9.
Johnston, Andrew.(1564), III. 78a, 101.
Johnston, Andrew, engraver, III. 6 ; XII. 216, 217.
Johnston, Andre, Lockerbie, VIII. 143, 146.
Johnston, (Jonstoun), Andrew (1664), V. 122.
Johnston, Ann, X. 165, 213 n.
Johnston, Archibald, merchant, I. 94; owner of property in Sciennes, X. 165, 213 n.
Johnston, Archibald, Lord Wariston, I. 95, 109; IV. 181 ; prisoner in Tolbooth, V. 105, 106 ; executed, 107-8 ; 121 ; drafts National Covenant, XI. 159-61 ; Diary of, 160; 161; XII. 27; XIII. 61 and n., 71, 105, 128 n. ; XIV. 93; XV. 182; XVI. 49 ; raises price of registration of legal documents, 50 ; search for, 55; declared traitor, 65 ; 66.
Johnston, Arthur, his Poetarum Scotorum Musae Sacrae, IX. 82.
Johnston, Charles S. S., VIII. 19, 20.
Johnston, Cornelius, XII. 203.
Johnston, Edward (1611), ‘Scottish adventurer,’ XII. 73.
Johnston, Edward (1746), XII. 155.
Johnston, Edward, jun., XII. 57.
Johnston, Johnston, Elizabeth Hamilton, Lady Sciennes, X. 151.
Johnston, (Johnstoun), George, minister, XI. 69.
Johnston, Henrietta, X. 165, 213 n.
Johnston, Sir James, of Westerhall, feus two acres in Sciennes, X. 151, 152, 165, 213 n., 218 n.
Johnston, Sir James, of Westerhall (son), X. 166 and n.
Johnston, James, father of Johnston of Wariston, I. 94, 95.
Johnston, (Johnnestoun), James, of Kellebank, III. 102.
Johnston, James, of Sciennes, X. 213 n.
Johnston, (Johnnestoun), Friar James, III. 43, 73, 98.
Johnston, James, deacon of Hammermen of Edinburgh, VIII. 10.
Johnston, James, Restalrig, IV. 164.
Johnston, James, baxter, X. 74.
Johnston, James (1564), XII. 73 ; XV. 43.
Johnston, James, poulterer, XV. 200.
Johnston, John, of Newbie, X. 228, 238.
Johnston, John, son of laird of Newbie, X. 238.
Johnston, John, of Westerhall, X. 165, 213 n.
Johnston, John, patron of Chapel of the Crucifixion, XI. 132.
Johnston, John, owner of lands at Dean, I. 97.
Johnston, (Johnestoun), John (1550), III. 82.
Johnston, John, wright in Jock’s Lodge, IV. 179, 183, 184.
Johnston, John (1684), warded, IX. 154, 157; XVI. 80.
Johnston, John (1767), XII. 48.
Johnston, John, writer (1568), XV. 34, 35.
Johnston, John, poulterer, XV. 193.
Johnston, John, candlemaker, XVII. 141.
Johnston, John, piper, X. 239.
Johnston, (Jonston), John, V. 123.
Johnston, Sir John Lowther, X. 166.
Johnston, Jonet, wife of Sir James Skene of Curriehill, I. 95.
Johnston, Joseph (1635), XIII. 106, 109, 128, 131 ; XVIII. 46.
Johnston, Josias, merchant, XVI. 103.
Johnston, Major (1679), XVI. 104.
Johnston, Mrs., of Hilton, XIX. 53, 78; directress of ‘Assembly,’ 91.
Johnston, Sir Patrick, provost, III. 226 ; XII. 57, 73; XIV. 65; XVIII. App. 12. Rachel, sister of Lord Wariston, I. 95; X. 165, 213 n.
Johnston, Robert, of Roberthill, VIII. 143, 146.
Johnston, Robert, owner of Baglap, X. 28.
Johnston, Robert (1833), IX. 109.
Johnston, (Jonstone), Robert, town major, VI. 125; XVI. 95, 101.
Johnston, Robert, legacy to weaving industry, XVII. 60-2.
Johnston, Samuel, of Sciennes, I. 95; X. 164, 165, 200, 213 n., 256 ; XIII. 105, 122.
Johnston, Thomas, wright in Jock’s Lodge, IV. 178-80.
Johnston, Thomas, candlemaker, XVII. 141.
Johnston, Thomas, burgess, III. 97, 101.
Johnston, Thomas, servant to Lady Auldbar, IV. 109.
Johnston, Sir William, of Westerhall, X. 160, 166 n., 218 n.
Johnston, Sir William, lord provost, XVIII. 96 n. ; XX. App. 16.
Johnston, William, baron-bailie of Broughton, XVIII. App. 16.
Johnston, William, merchant, VI. 144, 145, 149, 153.
Johnston, William, ‘bowar of his craft,’ XV. 21.
Johnston, William, warded, VIII. 119, 138.
Johnston, William (1736), XII. 73.
Johnston, W. & A. K., engravers, XII. 242, 243.
— — Mr. Cumming’s assistant at Canongate School, XX. 21.
Johnston Terrace, XVIII. 80, 96 n.
Johnstone, Adam, burgess, I11. 95, 98, 99. See Johnson, Johnston, Jonson.
Johnstone, Archibald, bailie (1591), XVII. App. 16.
Johnstone, (Johnstoune), Bailie (1666), V. 130, 133, 153.
Johnstone, Chevalier, II. 132.
Johnstone, Gavin, III. 99.
Johnstone, Helen, III. 98, 99.
Johnstone, Sir James, member of Poker Club, III. 154.
Johnstone, John, burgess, H1. 98, 99.
Johnstone, Major, VI. 150; VIII. 114, 141-3.
Johnstone, Margaret, III. 43, 98, 99.
Johnstone, Robert, maltster, VI. 140.
Johnstone, (Johnstoune), Robert, I. 41, 43.
Johnstone, William (afterwards Sir William Pulteney, of Westerhall), III. 146, 152, 153 ; XV. App. 13.
Johnstone, William, candlemaker, XVII. 144.
Johnston’s Close, XII. 57, 59, 73, 152, 155; XIV. 65, 66.
Johnston’s Land, III. 79; XII. 57.
Johnston’s Plan of Edinburgh (1851), XII. 247.
Johnston’s Temperance Coffee House, XVII. 130 n.
Jollie, Alexander, writer, XII. 8. See Jolly.
Jollie, Dr., XIII. 139, 140.
Jollie, Esther, XII. 9.
Jollie, George, tailor, member of Wagering Club, II. 152.
Jollie, James, writer, member of Wagering Club, II. 152.
Jollie, James, XII. 8.
Jollie, Patrick, XII. 8.
Jollie’s Close, XII. 8, 67, 68.
Jolly, Charles, warded, IX. 121, 123. See Jollie.
Jolly, Henry (1686), XII. 197.
Jolly, Robert, surgeon, V. 162.
Jolly, Jones, Paul, XIX. 186.
Jolly, Thomas Snell, minister of Lady Glenorchy’s Chapel, XI. App. 17.
Jonkene, James, XIV. 36, 42. See Jenkin, Junken.
Jonson, Ben, I. 106 ; and Edinburgh, VIII. 203.
Joppa salt-pans, II. 204.
Jordan, Sir John (1329), V. 40.
Jordan Burn, X. 5, 80, 90, 176, 178-80, 186, 203, 206, 262, 263 ; XII. 234.
Jordane, Daniel, V. 121.
Joshua, Handel’s, XIX. 215.
Josiah’s Close, XII. 30, 32.
Josse, Alexander, III. 78a. See Jousie, Joysie.
Jossy, Bailie, IV. 137.
Journal of the Siege of Edinburgh Castle (1573), XVI. 9-14.
Journey to Edenborough in 1705, XX. 36.
‘Journey to Edinburgh’ in 1817, XX. 156.
Journeyman, a late product of craft organisation, VI. 46-7.
Jousie, James, merchant, XIV. 6. See Josse, Joysie.
Joyis alias Maltmaker’s Land, III. 80.
Joysie, Alexander, XII. 32.
Joysie, Andrew, XII. 32.
Joysie, James, XII. 32.
Joysie, (Joussie), Robert, XII. 32.
Joysie’s Close, XII. 30, 32.
Judas Macabaeus, Handel’s, XIX. 197, n. 198, 204, 214, 215, 238.
Judges, ordinary, XI. 89, 93, 96-8, 101.
Julius II., pope, VIII. 205.
Julyan, ship, XIX. 149.
Junken, David, XII. 12. See Jonkene, Jenkin.
Justice, Sir James, of Crichton, IX. 189; X. 46, 47.
Justice, James, bailie, V. 134.
Justice and Mercy, statues of, II. 231-7; removed to Trinity, afterwards to Drummond Place, 234; described, 234-5 ; sculptured by Alexander Mylne, 235 ; III. 222, 233; XIII. 4, 52, App. 18; XIV. 54, 80, App. 22; XVII. 84.
Justices of the Peace, James VI. appoints, IV. 103.
Justiciary, High Court of, institution of, IV. 83.
Justie, Louis, jeweller, XIX. 19.
Justinian, Vincent, master-general, Black Friars, III. 67.
Juvenile Society for Advancement of Knowledge, XVII. 2.
Kalendars of Scottish Saints, VII. xvi.
Kames, Lord. See Home, Henry.
Kanny, Sir Thomas, chaplain, XVII. App. 13.
Kant. See Cant.
Kay, Alexander, farmer, XV. 185, 186. See Kae, Keay.
Kay, Bailie (1856), XIV. 156.
Kay, Charles, minister of South Leith, XVI. 111.
Kay, Cornelius, XV. 171, 172, 184, 187-91, 197.
Kay, Edward, Burlaw bailie, XV. 176, 184.
Kay, George, minister of Old Greyfriars, V. 174 and n.
Kay, John, II. 153 ; his etchings of street traders, 177, 181, 182, 186, 190, 204, 207, 209; III. 231; VIII. 194; IX. 90-1; Original Portraits, 98, 183, 218, 222 ; XIV. 147, 171, 181; XVII. 8; XVIII. 167 ; unproduced portrait of ‘Claudero,’ App. 14; etchings of Hon. Basil Cochrane, XX. 42-3 ; of Angelo, riding master, 124; of Adams, riding master, 144; App. 34.
Kay, Thomas, farmer, XV. 185, 187, 196, 200, 201.
Kay, Thomas, V. 173, 175, 185; demits membership of Speculative Society, 17 7, 178.
Kay’s Close, XII. 142.
Keay, James, advocate, III. 115, 121. See Kae, Kay.
Keddie, Mrs., beneficiary of Candlemakers, XVII. 126.
Keeper of Royal Park of Holyroodhouse, XVIII. 185-7.
Kein, John, baker, X. 199, 203. See Kene, Keyne.
Kein, Patrick, VI. 136.
Keir, Adam, baker, XVIII. 160.
Keir, Adam, junior, XVIII. 160, 164.
Keir, Joseph, warded, XII. 195.
Keir, Patrick, Kincardine, II. 97.
Keir, William, baker, XII. 29.
Keir Street, XVIII. 159-60.
Keirchtoun, Alexander, V. 110.
Keith, Alexander, warded, VIII. 137 ; XII. 195.
Keith, Andrew, VI. 120.
Keith, Bishop, compiles Catalogue of Scottish Bishops at Bonnyhaugh, XIX. 169.
Keith, Elizabeth, granddaughter of fifth Earl Marischal, III. 244 n., 249.
Keith, Major George, of Whytrigs, VI. 111.
Keith, George, quaker, V. 148, 149.
Keith, James, print-seller, XVII. 5.
Keith, Katherine, XIX. 169.
Keith, Robert, III. 153, 154.
Keith, Sir William, XVI. 29.
Keith, William, accountant, III. 174.
Kelburn, laird of, XIII. 131. See Boyle of Kelburn.
Kellie, Alexander, third Earl of, XVIII. 28.
Kellie, Charles, seventh Earl of, XVIII. 29.
Kellie, Christian, XII. 167.
Kellie, Edward, XX. 8, 9.
Kellie, John, baxter, Dunbar, XII. 185, 195.
Kellie, Thomas, sixth Earl of, well-known figure at dancing assemblies, XIX. 72 ; noted musician, 198, 215.
Kellie, Thomas Erskine, ninth Earl of, his house at St. James’s Square, II. 172.
Kello, John, dagmaker, XIX. 22.
Kello, John, cutler, XIX. 25.
Kello, Lady, XIX. 52, 90.
Kello, Robert, vintner, XVIII. 175.
Kelloch’s Close, XII. 40.
Kelly, Earls of. See Kellie.
Kelly, William, W.S., X. 238.
Kelly, and O’Neil, highway robbers, XIV. 159.
Kelman, Alexander (1689), XVI. 182.
Kelvin (Kelvie), Thomas, XI. 55, 57.
Kelway, Master, XVI. 9, 14.
Kemble, Stephen, II. 163; builds ‘The Circus,’ 174.
Kemnay, Thomas, VI. 128.
Kemp, George M., architect of Scott Monument, XI. App. 18.
Dr. John, minister of Tolbooth parish, V. 170, 172, 178, 186, 188.
Kene, Richard, writer, his charter of land in Cowgate, XI. 131. See Kein, Keyne.
Kenmure, Viscount, XVI. 53.
Kennedy, Andrew, of Closeburn, IX. 164; XI. 36, 56; XII. 54, 180.
Kennedy, Mrs. Ann, XII. 54.
Kennedy, Sir Archibald, of Culzean, VIII. 150.
Kennedy, Cornelius, VIII. 86.
Kennedy, David, of Craig, XIV. App. 21.
Kennedy, David, bailie of Portsburgh, VIII. 151.
Kennedy, Donald, chairman, IX. 218.
Kennedy, Halbert, XI. 67, 69.
Herbert, regent in Philosophy, VIII. 84, 93, 96-100; accused of frequenting taverns, sabbath-breaking and swearing, 86-7 ; threatens to ‘beat the putrified souls ’ out of his students, 87 ; his defence, 87-92 n.
Herbert, Hugh (1690), minister, VIII. 90.
Herbert, Hugh (1757), minister of Cavers, IV. 28.
Herbert, James, conservator of Scottish Staple at Veere, XVI. 145.
Herbert, James (1690), VIII. 90.
Herbert, James, Pantheon debater, I. 54.
Herbert, Janet, wife of David Bonar, III. 96.
Herbert, John, W.S., III. 174.
Herbert, John, burgess, III. 183.
Herbert, John, skinner, VI. 64-5.
Herbert, John, apothecary, VI. 141 ; X. 196 ; XVI. 104.
Herbert, John, surgeon, XII. 54; XV. 148.
Herbert, John, vintner, XIII. 121, 123.
Herbert, John (1734), XII. 76, 135.
Herbert, (Kennidie), John, in Glenour, XI. 49.
Herbert, Marjory, III. 183 ; IV. 73 n.
Herbert, Quintin, W.S., XII. 76; XIV. 83.
Herbert, Sir Thomas, of Kirkhill, provost, VIII. 86, 99; X. 219n.; XII. 188; XVI. 145, 146, 155, 162; knighted, 151; to continue provost, l52 ; XVII. 84 ; co-partner with Brand for importation of firelocks, XX. 32, 51.
Kennedy, Thomas, son of Sir Thomas Kennedy, provost, VIII. 86.
Kennedy, Sir Thomas, of Culzean, IV. 108.
Kennedy, Thomas, of Dunure, dweller in Fountainbridge, XX. 50-1.
Kennedy, Thomas, merchant (1681), X. 219 n.
Kennedy, Thomas, tack of St. Paul’s Work, XVII. 64
Kennedy, Thomas F., of Dunure, III. 115, 154.
Kennedy’s Close, III. 158; XI. 7; XII. 54, 55, 76; XIV. 58; XIX. 50, 56, 76, 77.
Kennet, Lord. See Bruce, Robert
Kennett, William, VI. 120.
Kennoth, Matho, flesher, XVI. 6.
Ker, Andrew, of Littledean, XI. 47. See Kerr.
Ker, Andrew, of Morriston, IV. 123.
Ker, Archibald, warded, IX. 129.
Ker, Helen, VIII. 150.
Ker, Isabella. See Sinclair, Lady, of Longformacus.
Ker, James, goldsmith, XIX. 52.
Ker, James (1619), X. 228, 238.
Ker, James, deacon of Goldsmiths, VIII. 50
Ker, John, of Kersland, VIII. 158.
Ker, John, burgess, I. 82.
Ker, John, hammerman, VIII. 10.
Ker, John, in Shaw, IX. 151.
Ker, John (1624), XII. 48.
Ker, Margaret, Lady Yester, XII. 87.
Ker, Margaret (1619), wife of Thomas Crombie, W.S., X. 238.
Ker, Mark, IV. 123.
Ker, Lord Robert, III. 139.
Ker, Sir Robert, of Cessford, XIII. 113 n.
Ker, Robert, of Broomlands, X. 212 n., 213, 214 n.
Ker, Robert, bailie, V. 71 ; XVII. App. 14.
Ker, Robert, glover, VI. 109, 110.
Ker, Thomas, skinner, VI. 97.
Ker, Sir William, VI. 108, 128; VIII. 119.
Ker, William, of Chatto, XI. 52.
Ker, William, of Ittall, V. 151.
Ker, William, tailor, VIII. 114.
Ker, William (1550), III. 80.
Kerr, Anna, IX. 170. See Ker.
Kerr, Carolina, wife of Lord Provost Kincaid, XII. 142.
Kerr, Lady Charles, XII. 142.
Kerr, George, tailor, XIII. 109.
Kerr, Henry F., map of Edinburgh in mid-eighteenth century, with explanatory note, XI. 1-3; list of authorities, 4-5; index of localities, 6-15; list of wynds and closes in ‘ Royal Mile,’ 16- 19; lectures on ‘Old Edinburgh and some of its Buildings,’ App. 4 ; XII. 2, 3 ; The Old Tolbooth of Edinburgh, XIV. 7-23 ; lectures on Tollbooth, App. 8; and on Trinity College Church, XVI. App. 9 ; map compiled by, showing Gabriel’s and other old roads, XVII. 76-81 ; on tolbooth and church of Canongate, App. 21-2; on restoration of Greyfriars Church, XVIII. App. 34 ; lectures on ‘Kirk of Field, the Church; and on an Interpretation of the strange Darnley Tragedy Drawing of 1567,’ XIX. App. 11; on ‘Vanished buildings of Old Edinburgh,’ XX. App. 7-8; leader of excursion to Duddingston, 28-30.
Kerr, James, maltman, XII. 125.
Kerr, James, writer, XVIII. 171.
Kerr, John, of Mercington, XIII. 121, 124.
Kerr, Lord Mark, governor of Castle, II. 17 n., 27.
Kerr, Robert, goldsmith, XIII. 113.
Kerr, Thomas, town oficer, XIII. 109.
Kershaw, James, replies in Earnest Appeal to the Public to Erskine’s Aspasio Vindicated, VIII. 178; XIX. 110.
Kethert, Thomas, VI. 128.
Ketten, Michael, shoemaker, IV. 86.
Keullen, Robert, IV. 135.
Keyne, Mariota, X. 214 n. See Kein, Kene.
Kid, John, bonfires celebrating execution of, II. 96; VI. 135.
Kid, Margaret, XIX. 123.
Kidd, Peter, minister at Carluke, IX. 160; XI. 62.
Kidd, William, painter, III. 231 n.
Kilbaberton, Lady, VIII. 35.
Kilconcath, William of, III. 38.
Kilcreuch, Lord (Alexander Seton), XIII. 111.
Kilgour, William, macer, VI. 133.
Kilkerran, Lord, XII. 64. See also Fergusson, Sir James
Kilkerran’s Court, XII. 64.
Killeith, good wife of, XIII. 124.
Killiecrankie, battle of, XVI. 211.
Killigrew, Henry, ambassador, V. 63; VI. 7; XVI. 13.
Killigrew, William, XVI. 14.
Kilmarnock, Lady, II. 51.
Kilns, X. 223.
Kilpatrick, Captain (1684), IX. 127.
Kilravock, Lady, XIII. 105.
Kilspindie, Lady, XIII. 127 and n.
Kilwinning, Lodge, Canongate, XI. 10. See Canongate, Kilwinning Lodge.
Kinblo, John, guild officer, IV. 123.
Kincaid of Kincaid, XX. App. 21. See Kinked.
Kincaid Alexander, provost, XI. 138, 140, 141, 143, 152, 153; XII. 142, 143; his map of Edinburgh, 211, 224; his History of Edinburgh, 225, 226.
Kincaid Ally, V. 171, 189.
Kincaid Archibald (1610), XIX. 182.
Kincaid Archibald, jun., XIX. 182-4.
Kincaid Edward, burgess, IX. 41 n. ; X. 74, 161.
Kincaid Henry, of Warriston, his litigation with town council, X. 102, 138, 143-6, 151.
Kincaid John, of Warriston, IV. 104 ; X. 138, 146; XIX. 154, 182; XX. App. 21.
Kincaid John, in Tranent, V. 97, 102.
Kincaid Katharine, of Warriston, XX. App. 20.
Kincaid Margaret, XIX. 184.
Kincaid Mary, XX. App. 21.
Kincaid Muriel, III. 82.
Kincaid Patrick, XIX. 155.
Kincaid Thomas (1608), XIX. 155.
Kincaid Thomas, deacon of the Surgeons, IV. 123, 124; V. 78.
Kincaid’s Close, I. 28 ; XI. 138 ; XII. 142, 154.
Kincaid’s Guide to the city, XII. 225.
Kincaid’s History of Edinburgh, II. 74, 124; XII. 225, 226.
Kincaid’s Land, XII. 142.
Kind Impostor, XI. 166.
Kineff Church, where Regalia was kept, VIII. 206.
Kinfauns, Lord (1633), XVIII. 15.
King, Adam, of Dreden, XII. 28.
King, Alexander, of Dreden, XII. 28.
King, James, advocate, XIII. 125.
King, James (1567), XV. 34.
King, John, covenanter, II. 96 ; VI. 126, 135; XII. 184.
King, John, skinner, VI. 75.
King, Jonet, warded, XII. 178.
King, Margaret (1684), XVI. 124.
King, Robert, messenger, XII. 178.
King’s Arms Tavern, XII. 75; XIX. 86.
King’s Bridge, XIV. 64; XVIII. 96, 98.
King’s Chamber (Castle), V. 32.
King’s Close, XII. 28, 29.
King’s Common Road, III. 100.
King’s Cramond, II. 136.
King’s Field (D8117). II. 144; XX. 28.
King’s Garden, Holyrood, V. 47 ; XV. 66.
King’s Head Inn, III. 158; XI. 10; XII. 109; XIV. 130, 131, 138.
King’s Meadow, X. 5, 153 and n.; XIV. 110.
King’s Park, Highland army encamp in, II. 25 ; V. 47 ; X. 260 ; XIV. 141 ; review of troops (1855) in, 155 ; within bounds of sanctuary, XV. 64, App. 19; XVI. 95, 117; XVIII. 33; huts in, for plague victims, 129. See also Salisbury Crags.
King’s Sergeant, duties of, X. 19.
King’s Stables, II. 122; action against owners of, as invaders of Crown property, 123; XIV. 104; origin of, 108-9, 110, 113; sold to Robert Baillie, 114; 115; XVI. 107; part of Castle property, 140.
King’s Stables Road, XVIII. 84, 98.
King’s Tradesmen, petition to be free of watching, warding, and taxes, XVI. 108, 125.
King’s Wall of 1450, XII. 53, 57, 70, 133; XIV. 63-5: XVIII. App. 31 ; XIX. 36.
King’s Wark, XIX. 144; XX. App. 9.
Kingsburgh, Lord (Sir J. H. A. Macdonald), XI. App. 17.
Kingston, Archibald, Master of, rioting and deforcement, XV. 84.
Kininmonth, James, chamberlain of Fife, XIII. 127.
Kinked (Kinkead), John, IX. 168; XII. 166. See Kincaid.
Kinloch, Andrew, XII. 41.
Kinloch, Archibald, XII. 79.
Kinloch, Sir David, III. 141.
Kinloch, David (1550), III. 80.
Kinloch, David, skinner, XIII. 113.
Kinloch, David, baxter (1582), XVI. 5. XV. 14 ;
Kinloch, David, XII. 40, 41, 79.
Kinloch, Francis, provost, XII. 40, 79; XV. 101 ; XVI. 80, 82, 120, 129.
Kinloch, Francis, Scots merchant in Paris, XVI. Introd. xxvii.
Kinloch, Henry, burgess, XII. 94, 95, 125.
Kinloch, Hugh, merchant, Canongate, XII. 93.
Kinloch, James, XII. 79.
Kinloch, John, deacon of Skinners, VI. 64, 75, 98, 99, 106.
Kinloch, John, gunsmith, XIX. 11.
Kinloch, John, XII. 125.
Kinloch, Patrick, of Gilmerton, XII. 79.
Kinloch’s Close, High St., I. 8, 11 ; XII. 40, 41, 134; XV. 101; carved stones in, 114-15.
Kinloch’s Close, Canongate, XII. 78, 79, 93, 94, 124, 125; XV. 138.
Kinloch’s Land, XV. 138.
Kinnaird, George, V. 96.
Kinnaird, Malcolm, XII. 113.
Kinnaird’s Close, XII. 112, 113.
Kinnear (Kynneir), Alexander, keeper of Register of Holyrood, XVIII. 10.
Kinnear Alexander, writer, XIII. 111.
Kinnear A. S., Marrow-Bone Club, III. 177.
Kinnear Bailie George, II. 1’63.
Kinnear James, his drawing of Leven Lodge, XVIII. App. 9.
Kinnear Thomas, & Son, bankers, XIV. 150; XVIII. 85.
Kinnedder, Lord. See Erskine, William
Kintore, Earl of (1704), XII. 24.
Kintore, prison in Kirkgate, Leith, XII. 66.
Kintore’s Close, XII. 24, 66.
Kintray, John, XVIII. 34.
Kintyre’s Close, XII. 24.
Kirk, James, minister, XIII. 112.
Kirk, James (1704), in Canongate, XX. 14.
Kirk, John, VI. 136.
Kirk, Robert, covenanter, II. 99; VI. 136.
Kirk, fines for absence, XVI. 119, 122; catechism taught in, 45; lectures in, 44 ; fall of scaffolding, 45 ; changes, 65.
Kirk Council, XVI. App. 8.
Kirk Loan, II. 131 ; XI. 10, 13.
Kirk Wynd, XX. App. 13.
Kirk of Field, II. 66, 69; Flodden Wall at, 72; ‘stepill’ of, 72, 73; Church of Our Lady in the Fields, III. 24, 72, 102 ; V. 79; VI. 91 n. ; X.230; XI. 10, 13; XII. 144, 146, 150; XIV. 113, App. 13 ; dyke round, XV. 7, 13, 108; XVI. 22: XIX. App. 11.
Kirk of Field Port. See Potterrow Port.
Kirk of Field Wynd, V. 70; XII. 144.
Kirkaldy, Sir John, yr., of Grange, VI. 124; VIII. 120. See Kirkcaldy.
Kirkaldy, Sir William, of Grange, I. 87 ; III. 209 ; and Tolbooth, IV. 93 ; Castle held by, V. 62; X. 20, 191, 243 ; XIV. 68, 104; XV. 24, 41, App. 23 ; XVI. 206; summoned to surrender; refuses, 10; brave defence ; surrenders to Drury, 12 ; prisoner, 13 ; fortifies St. Giles’ steeple, 18; burns houses, 25; XVII. 52.
Kirkaldy, Lady, of Grange, XVI. 13.
Kirkbraehead, II. 131-3 ; XII. 237; XIII. 79; XIV. App. 10; XV. 171; XVII. 77, 80, 158; XVIII. 42; XIX. 69; XX. App. 34.
Kirkby, John, schoolmaster, XIV. 136.
Kirkcaldy, Sir James, XVI. 18. See Kirkaldy.
Kirkgate, Leith, XIV. 17.
Kirkheugh, XII. 66, 131, 141 ; XIII. 133; fire at, XVI. 41; tenement at, 134.
Kirkheugh, Close, XII. 66.
Kirkhill, Lady, XIII. 111.
Kirkpatrick, Sir Thomas, of Closeburn, IV. 107 ; XX. 42.
Kirkpatrick, William, of Allisland, II. 146, 147; proprietor of Dalry estate, XX. 41-2; his feuing scheme, 56.
Kirks, plantation of, XVI. 127.
Kirkton, old house of, I. 127.
Kirkwood, Gilbert, jeweller, XI. App. 20; XIII. 112 ; XX. App. 20.
Kirkwood, James, engraver, IX. 98, 102.
Kirkwood, James, in Cumnock, IX. 152, 164; XII. 166.
Kirkwood, Robert, his plans of Edinburgh, III. 234, 235 ; V. 84, 86; IX. 97-9 ; X. 254; XII. 2, 3, 212 ; publishes facsimile of Gordon’s plan, 216 ; 233, 234, 246; XX. 59, 60.
Kirkwood, Robert, writer, XIII. 104.
Kirsty, ‘Rousty,’ II. 203.
Kitchen’s Court, XII. 143.
Kittlenaked (Causewayside), X. 152, 162.
Kittoch, John, XII. 207.
Kneland, John, cordiner, XVIII. 114.
Kniblo, John, I. 41.
Knight, George, schoolmaster, XVII. 2.
Knighton, Sir. William, inquires into havoc at Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 206, 207.
‘Knights of the Cape,’ III. 155, 157.
Knights Templar, Grassmarket, XI. 10.
Knolles, William, XVI. 14. See Knowis.
Knopale (Knyphoif), Clowis, captain of a Danish man-of-war, IX. 63, 64; sells part of his plunder in Scotland, 66.
Knoselsche, forest of, X. 58.
Knowis, John, baxter, XII. 146. See Knolles.
Knowis’ Close, XII. 145.
Knox, Archibald, of Mayshiell, XVIII. 189.
Knox, George, rents portion of King’s Park with privilege of working stone quarries, XVIII. 189-91 ; new lease in 1771 excludes quarrying, 192.
Knox, Gilbert, III. 79, 99, 100-2; XII. 30.
Knox, James, his map of Edinburgh, XII. 212, 231, 235-7.
Knox, John, II. 129; at Perth, III. 14, 34, 68; and Black Friars, 54, 57, 58, 62, 64, 65, 77-8 ; death and burial, 213-14 ; his tomb, 220; his pulpit, 223 ; V. 22, 53; Queen Regent opposes, 56; Wesley’s opinion of his History, VIII. 198 ; X. 130, 131 ; Edinburgh homes, XI. 10, 158; App. 14; XII. 22; manse in Warriston’s Close, 27; XIII. 123 n.; XIV. 87; 93, 94; App. 15, 16, 18; XV. App. 15 ; hurries from Edinburgh, XVI. 18.
Knox, John (not Reformer), owner of tenement on north side of High Street, III. 48, 89.
Knox, John, minister of West Calder, IX. 168 ; XI. 39.
Knox, Margaret (1596), VI. 74.
Knox, Margaret (1660), IV. 137.
Knox, Martha, wife of Alexander Fairlie of Braid, XI. App. 14.
Knox, Dr. Robert, anatomist, V. 84, 88.
Knox, Stephen, III. 95.
Knox, William, VI. 147.
Knox Close, XII. 30.
Knox’s House and Corner, I. 9 ; V. 157, 158, 161; XII. 7.
Kollie, John, XII. 184. See Collie.
Krames, II. 217; XVI. 122, 161; to be removed, 129; XX. App. 11.
Kyl, Donald, III. 79.
Kyle, James, cordiner, XIV. 37, 43.
Kyle, Janet, X. 193, 203.
Kyle, Robert, merchant, VI. 133.
Kylle, John, VIII. 83, 86.
Kyllour, Friar John, III. 54.
Lacoast, Bessy, IV. 133.
Lacock, Sara, VI. 40, 99, 101, 104.
Lacoke, William, VI. 67, 69, 84.
Lady as supporter on Edinburgh arms, III. 6; scantily clothed, 9; origin of, 10; a mystery, 11.
Lady Acres, X. 204 and n.
Lady Butts. X. 205.
Lady Foulis House, carved stones at, XVII. 40.
Lady Gray’s Close, III. 244 n., 246, 247; XII. 13; XIV. 76.
Lady Lawson’s Wynd, XVIII. 165, 171.
Lady Menzies Close, XII. 67.
Lady Murray’s Yards, XII. App. 22.
Lady St. Ninian’s Close, XII. 142.
Lady Stair’s Close, original name of, III. 244, 246, 247 ; origin of present name. 249-50; alterations under improvement scheme, 251-2; XII. 12, 13; carved, stones in, XIV. 75-6.
Lady Stair’s House, I. 4; site of, III. 243-244 ; Rosebery family connection with, 244 and n, 249; builder of, 246; extension across Gladstone’s Close into James’s Court, 247; owners of, 249; purchased and restored by Lord Rosebery, 249, 251-2 ; IV. 60 ; IX. 99, 220; XII. 13; XIV. 53, 56, 63,§65, 76, 81, 95; XV. 106, 117, 129, 132; XVI. 57 n., App. 27; XVIII. 136.
Lady Steps, XIII. 107 and n. ; XIV. 79.
Lady Wynd, II. 124; XIV. 114.
Lady Yester’s Church, II. 12; III. 78a; site of first, 25; V. 74, 75, 79, 85; second church, 86, 88 ; congregation of Seceders granted old site ; church built thereon; various occupants, 88; XI. 10, 15; XII. 87, 92; XIII. 118, 131; XV. App. 19; XVI. 64, 110; Protestant refugees and, 143; XVIII. 143. See Hay, Lady Margaret
Lady Yester’s Churchyard, V. 89, 90 ; request by managers of Infirmary for a portion, 89.
Ladyfield Place, XX. 59.
La Faveir, John, fined for trying to alter price of salt, XV. 16.
La Fleure, weaver, XVII. 56.
‘Laich hous,’ XIII. 5, 33, 41, 61, 65, 74. See Parliament House.
Laidlaw, George, brewer, XX. 60.
Laidlaw, James, W.S., X. 224.
Laigh Calton, XVIII. 42 ; XIX. 109.
Laigh Coffee House, II. 44.
Laing, Alexander, warded, VIII. 123, 124.
Laing, Alexander, Shelley’s landlord in Frederick St., XI. 83.
Laing, Alexander, schoolmaster in Leith, XX. 18; appointed to Canongate School, 16-17.
Laing, David, and site of Knox’s grave, III. 214; acquires Geddes’s art possessions, IX. 106; his Etchings by Wiklie and Geddes, 106 ; resident in Lauriston, XII. 7 ; account of Gordon’s Plan of Edinburgh, 216 ; App. 35 ; collection of carved stones, XIV. 54; secy., Bannatyne Club, XVI. Introd. ix, xv, xvi; treasurer Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, XVII. 6, 7, 14; XVIII. 59, 165-6, 210 n.; XIX. 97; XX. 15, 18, 24, 25; pupil of Canongate School, 6, 21 ; App. 18.
Laing, Henry, on Edinburgh seal, III. 2; Catalogue of Scottish Seals, 4.
Laing, James, warded, IX. 135 ; XI. 27.
Laing, John, bishop of Glasgow, III. 28, 89.
Laing, John, keeper of Signet, XII. 87.
Laing, Malcolm, historian, III. 114, 117.
Laing, Mrs., tavern-keeper, II. 154.
Laing, Neil, writer, XII. 87 .
Laing, Robert, merchant, XII. 87.
Laing, Walter, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 71.
Laing, William, bookseller, XV. 94; XVIII. 59; buys Ramsay Lodge, Lauriston, 165-6; XIX. 97.
Laing, William, his academy in Hanover St., XX. 23.
Laing, William, innkeeper, XIV. 137.
Laing Charters, X. 217, 219 n.
Laing & Forbes’ Plan of Edinburgh, XII. 240.
Laird, Catherine, V. 131.
Lamb, Adam, III. 93, 97.
Lamb, Andrew, of Leith, XVI. 19; his mansion in Water’s Close, XIX. App. 6, 16; XX. App. 9.
Lamb, Andrew, bishop of Galloway, XIX.
181. Andrew, cutler, XIX. 26.
181. Francis, engraver, IX. 95-6.
Lamb, Sir James, XII. 63.
Lamb, James, burgess, XI. 129, 132.
Lamb, John, chaplain, V. 44.
Lamb, Michael, VIII. 145.
Lamb, Walter, III. 97.
Lamb, William, tailor, IX. 128, 134.
Lambe, Thomas, sergeant of Burgh Muir, X. 18, 19.
Lambert, General, III. 223; XVI. 37.
Lamberton, , bishop of St. Andrews, V. 22.
Lamb’s land, III. 80, 82 ; XII. 110.
Lamertoune, laird of, VI. 148.
Lamont, Alexander, W.S., III. 174.
Lamont, Peter, lint manufacturer, XII. 120, 121.
Lamont’s Land, XII. 120.
La Mot, M., French ambassador, XVI. 26.
‘Lamp Acre,’ III. 181 and n.
Lanark, Adam of. See Adam.
Lancashire, Tom, comedian, known as ‘Sir Cape,’ III. 158, 159, 160.
Lancaster, Henry H., III. 176.
Lancefield, Alfred, his map of Edinburgh, XII. 213, 247.
Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury, V. 11, 12, 14, 26.
Lang Dykes, II. 24 ; III. 207 ; XI. 10, 13 ; XII. 220; XIII. 79, 91; XIV. 117; XVI. 99, 203 ; XVII. 77, 80, 157-9 ; XVIII. 42; XIX. 92, 93, 96, 109.
Lang Gait. See Lang Dykes.
‘Lang Stairs,’ V. 28; XIII. 107, 108.
Langlands, George, surgeon, XII. 13.
Lanier, Sir John, XVI. 205, 206, 208-11.
Lant, Matthew, chief baron of Exchequer, XX. 40, 41, 48, 51.
Robert, of Putney, resides in Dalry House, XX. 40.
Laploke’s Stone (St. John’s Cross), XII. 108 ; XIII. 119.
Lappie, John, skinner, VI. 97.
Lappie, Stane, III. 82.
Lapslie’s Stone. See Laploke’s Stone.
Largo, Lady, XII. 160, 161 ; XVI. 200.
Largs, battle of, III. 33 ; legend concerning, V. 37.
Larkbank, XIX. 175.
Lascelles’ regiment, II. 18.
Lasene, — , timber merchant in Jutland, XIII. 49.
Lasone, Richard, VI. 69. See Lawson.
Lastalric, Edward de, gift of land to nuns of North Berwick, XVIII. 33.
Lateran Council, Fourth, III. 16.
Latin not to be taught without bishop’s licence, XVI. 107.
‘Latin schoolls,’ Covenanting ministers forbidden to keep, XVI. 105.
Lauchlan, Thomas, VIII. 133.
Lauchlan, William, VI. 115.
Lauder, Alan de, of Haltoun, obtains charter of lands in Burgh Muir, X. 18-20, 25; XIII. App. 9. See Lawder.
Lauder, Sir Alexander, of Blyth, II. 62, 66; bequest to St. Giles’, and poor-doles, 63; IV. 81 n.; slain at Flodden, X. 21-2, 81, 82; feus ground on Burgh Muir, 71 ; XV. App. 11 ; XVII. 51.
Lauder, Sir Alexander, laird of Bruntsfield, killed at Pinkie, X. 23, 152.
Lauder, Sir Alexander, of Haltoun (1500), provost of Edinburgh, X. 20-2 ; XI. App. 14.
Lauder, Sir Alexander, of Haltoun (1603), sells Bruntsfield to John Fairlie, III. 201 ; X. 23.
Lauder, Sir George, of Haltoun, killed at Flodden, X. 21.
Lauder, George, of the Bass, XIII. 116 11..
Lauder, George, cousin of laird of Valleyfield, II. 4.
Lauder, George, deacon of Surgeons, II. 7 n., 16, 26, 56.
Lauder, Gilbert, merchant, VIII. 51 ; IX. 41 n. ; XII. 23.
Lauder, Gospart, IV. 86.
Lauder, Henry, XII. 23.
Lauder, Hew, of Edinburgh footbands, XVI. 19.
Lauder, James, killed at Flodden, X. 21.
Lauder, James, XII. 23.
Lauder, John, merchant, father of Lord Fountainhall, III. 197-8; IV. 120, 125, 126; V. 97, 102; VI. 132; X. 212 n., 213, 219 n.; XII. 35; XVI. Introd. xxvi-viii, 84.
Lauder, Sir John, Lord Fountainhall, I. 84-6; II. 147; III. 190, 197; IX. 175; X. 209 n., 214 ; town mansion of, XII. 12; XIII. 89; XIV. 74; XV. 100; XVI. Introd. X; his career, xxvi-viii; Historical Notices, 79-167 ; his impressions of Charles II. statue, XVII. 83-4.
Lauder, John, minister at Dalziel, IX. 160; XI. 50, 58.
Lauder, John, parson of Morebattle, III. 55.
Lauder, Sir John Dick, X. 17.
Lauder, Margaret, V. 139.
Lauder, Sir Robert, of the Bass, X. 116.
Lauder, Robert, agent for town council, XVI. 151.
Lauder, Robert, farmer, XV. 185.
Lauder, Robert Scott, IX. 103.
Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick, I. 84; IX. 106; rebulds and extends Grange House, X. 17; on Jordan Burn, 179-81; XIV. 68 ; XVI. Introd. xxvi, xxviii-ix ; XX. App. 29.
Lauder, Sir Thomas North Dick, X. 226.
Lauder, Sir William, of Haltoun, nephew of Sir Alexander, of Blyth, X. 20, 22, 25; XIII. App. 9.
Lauder, Dr. William, X. 212 n., 214, 219 n.
Lauder, William (1520), IX. 31.
Lauder, William, principal clerk of Session, XII. 93.
Lauder, William de, X. 18, 20.
Lauder, William, coachbuilder, treasurer of Canongate, XII. 102; XIV. 5.
Lauder of that Ilk, III. 198.
Lauderdale, Duke of, II. 89, 92 ; XVI. 51 n., 156, 191 ; governor of Castle, 107 ; imposition gift, 129 ; XVIII. 15; XIX. 183.
Lauderdale, Anne, Duchess of, XV. 138.
Lauderdale, Charles, third Earl of, XV. App. 19.
Lauderdale, Elizabeth, sixth Countess of, XVIII. 75; XIX. 46.
Lauderdale, James, eighth Earl of (d. 1839), III. 141.
Lauderdale, Earl of, XII. 122. See also under Maitland.
Lauder’s Close, XII. 22, 23.
Laugh-at-Leith, XV. 171, 186.
Laurel Disputed, I. 53.
Laurence, Friar, III. 19, 57.
Laurence Ord’s Close, XII. 105, 106.
Laurie, Alexander, writer, Dunbar, XIV. 147, 153. See Lawrie, Lourie, Lowrie.
Laurie, Francis, bailie of Portsburgh, X. 178.
Laurie, Gavin, in Ridmyre, IX. 140, 146.
Laurie, George, town officer, XIII. 96.
Laurie, Gilbert, lord provost, XII. 220, 221 ; XIX. 88.
Laurie, James, town clerk, his reminiscences, XIV. 147-181 ; career, 147-8; compiles list of lord provosts and magistrates; a ‘chronicle of trivialities,’ 149; XVII. 11.
Laurie, James, owner of property in Lawnmarket, XII. 15.
Laurie, John, XIX. 102.
Laurie, Robert, owner of property in Lauriston, XVIII. 156.
Laurie, Robert, of Maxwelltown, I. 110; XI. 55.
Laurie, William, of Blackwood, IX. 126.
Laurie, William, V. 172, 179, 181, 188; discourse on ‘Music,’ 187.
Lauriston, V. 81, 83, 91, 92; its origin, XVIII. 86, 155-6; building operations, 160-3 ; house and grounds sold to Advocates as trustees of George Chalmers, plumber, 164; noted residents in, 158, 163.
Lauriston, Castle, Club visits, XVII. App. 23.
Lauriston, House, XVIII. 164.
Lauriston, Lane, IX. 85; XVIII. 158, I59.
Lauriston, Lodge, XVIII. 158, 166.
Lauristoun, Patrick, XX. 107.
Lauristoun Yairds, XVIII. 155, 157.
Laverockbank, XIX. 175, 180 ; XX. App. 22.
Lavorock, Captain, IV. 137.
Law, Alexander, cordiner in Canongate, XIV. 37, 43; XVIII. 115-7, 119, 123.
Law, Archibald, goldsmith, XIII. 34, 133 ; XIX. 12, 13.
Law, Christian, XIX. 185.
Law, David, hanged, XII. 159, 171.
Law, David, ship worker, XIX. 29.
Law, Friar, sub-prior of Glasgow, III. 74.
Law, James, of Hillhousefield, XIX. 184-5.
Law, James, jun., XIX. 185.
Law, James, of North Leith, XIX. 161.
Law, James, in Biggar, VIII. 154; XII. 196.
Law, James, Snowdoun herald, XVIII. 14.
Law, John, of Lauriston, financier, IX. 168.
Law, John, minister, VI. 125-6.
Law, John (1690), VIII. 90.
Law, John, hammerman, XX. 109.
John, son of William, goldsmith, XI. 21, 22.
John, Katherine, XIX. 185.
John, ‘Lucky,’ II. 205.
John, Patrick, XX. 106.
John, Robert, minister, VI. 125.
John, (or Loch), Stephen, glazier, XII. 75, 76; XIV. 83.
John, Stevin, flesher, XIV. 83.
John, Thomas, minister, VI. 125.
Law, William, goldsmith, IX. 168 ; XI. 21.
Lawder, Captain, XVI. 188. See Lauder.
Lawers, laird of, VI. 144 ; X. 249.
Lawnmarket, I. 4, 6; II. 10, 13, 29, 33, 39, 48 ; origin of name, XII. 50; measured drawings of, by Thomas Hamilton, 249-50.
Lawnmarket Club, III. 178.
Lawrie, Alexander, deacon, XIV. 179. See Laurie, Lourie, Lowrie.
Lawrie, John, burgess, X. 228.
Lawrie, John, his map of Edinburgh, X. 242.
Lawrie, William (1550), III. 79.
Lawson, Adam de Cardonnel, of Chirton, IX. 87. See Lasone.
Lawson, Friar Alexander, III. 37, 95, 96.
Lawson, James, of High Riggs, member of College of Justice, XI. 120 ; XVI. 3 n. ; XVIII. 153, 154.
Lawson, James, minister of St. Giles’, XV. 35.
Lawson, James, skinner, VI. 78.
Lawson, John, of High Riggs, X. 255 ; dispute with town council, XVIII. 153-4.
Lawson, Sir John, chaplain, X. 123.
Lawson, John, vintner, XIII. 117.
Lawson, (Lausone) Marion, VIII. 102, 137.
Lawson, Richard, of High Riggs, provost, II. 125-6; XVIII. 152-3.
Lawson, Walter, smith, XVIII. 62.
Lawson, William, of Cairnmuir, XVIII. 154.
Lawson, William, warded, VIII. 135, 136; XII. 188.
Lawson, William (1550), III. 81.
Lawson, William, of Boghall, X. 229, 236.
Lawson, living in Leith Wynd, XVI. 18.
Lawson’s (Lawsoun’s) land, III. 81.
Lawsons of High Riggs, their mansion, XVIII. 154.
Lawsounaiker, XVIII. 37.
Learmont, Joseph, of Newholm, VIII. 125.
Learmonth, Alexander, of Dean, X. 220. See Lermont.
Learmonth, James, of Livingston, donation to St. Catherine’s convent, X. 124, 132.
Learmonth, (Leirmonth), Sir John, chaplain, V. 45.
Learmonth, John, baron bailie of Calton, XIX. 104.
Learmonth, John, I. 149 ; lands of Dean sold to, 126.
Learmonth, John, writer, XIII. 125.
Learmonth, Joseph, baxter, XIII. 118, 124, 134.
Learmonth, Robert, merchant, V. 131.
Learmonth (Leirmonth), Robert, hammerman, XIV. 36, 42.
Leatham, Alexander, XX. 158. See Lethame.
Leatham, Colonel James, XX. 149, 150, 154; master of riding school, 144; financial difficulties, 152; known to Scott, 157.
Leathem, Captain, XX. 157.
Leather, early manufacture of, in Scotland, VI. 11 n. ; XVI. 109; tanners supply inferior, XVIII. 119; Spanish, XX. 30.
Leche, Archibald, III. 101. See Leitch.
Leckie, Janet, XI. 29.
Leckie, John, warded, IX. 151.
Leckie, Katherine, XII. 168.
Le Conte, John, his engraving of Parliament Close, III. 230-1 and n., 232, 233 ; IX. 92, 103, 111.
Lee, Sir Henry, XVI. 9, 14.
Lee, John, principal, Edinburgh University, XI. App. 17; XIV. App. 13; XVII. 11.
Lee, Sir Richard, VII. xcviii, c, ci.
Lee, Thomas, XIX. 110.
Lee’s Close, XII. 38, 39.
Lees, Rev. James Cameron, III. 212.
Lees, (Leis), William, skinner, VI. 80, 84, 90.
Lees, William, candlemaker, XVII. 127.
Legat, Francis, engraver, IX. 91.
Leges Burgorum, VI. 12.
Leggat, Major John, IV. 123.
Leggat, William (1686), XVI. 155.
Le Grand, Alexander, owner of Bonnington, XIX. 162 ; issues proclamation for arrest of Alan Breck ; settles Bonnington on his sister’s children ; public spirit, 163.
Le Grand, Dorothy, XIX. 164, 166, 167.
Le Grand, Jean, XIX. 164.
Le Grand, Margaret, XIX. 164, 166, 167.
Le Grand, Mary, XIX. 174.
Le Grand, Richard, XIX. 166, 174.
Le Grand, Sarah, XIX. 164.
Leigh, Mr., V. 179.
Lein, — , deacon of Hammermen, VIII. 73.
Leishman, Thomas, contract with weaving industry, XVII. 60, 61.
Leishman, Thomas, merchant, XII. 62, 79, 135.
Leishman, Walter, XII. 135.
Leishman’s Close, XII. 135.
Leiss, Friar Andro, III. 73, 83.
Leitch (Leiche), Archibald, deacon of Furriers, VI. 94; XII. 30. See Leche.
Leitch, David, XII. 30.
Leitch, (Leiche), David, III. 93.
Leitch’s Close, XII. 30, 31.
Leith, Archibald, III. 80.
Leith, George, IX. 31.
Leith, William, warded, XI. 32.
Leith, French troops in, V. 53; preparations for threatened English invasion, IX. 36; skippers of, refuse claim for altar dues from Bruges, 49-50; complaint about piratical doings of the Martin of Leith, 56-7; skippers of, seize Dutch vessels, 60-1; shipowners of, favour independent trading, 68; western road to, XI. 13, 15; eastern road to, 8, 13; plan of, by Collins (1681), XII. 234; superiority of part of, conveyed to Edinburgh, XIII, 80; ambitions of independence, XV. 2, 5; sailings from, in 1556, 15 ; names of vessels, 16 ; warlike preparations (1571), XVI. 19; fighting at, 20; Kirkaldy’s troops attacked, 24; Breda commissioners sail from, 34; Cromwellian commanders hold courts at, 38; fires, 42; £5000 for erecting Citadel, 46-51 and n. ; Marquess of Argyle arrives by sea, 58 ; Johnston of Wariston at, 66; prize ship arrives, 74; wapinschaw, 75; jurisdiction of Edinburgh, 92; water bailie, 92, 93; magistrate reprimanded, 93; sugar-baking, 101; soldiers shot on Links, 132, 151; maltmen v. masters of King’s Hospital, 148; dispute anent marches, 151; royal yacht arrives, 153; harbour impositions, 157; Yardheads; imposition on ale, 158; golf at, in early times, XVIII. 1-10; proposal to join North and South, 146; Assembly Room at, XIX. 70; Bridgend of, 149; Church of Blessed Virgin Mary, 149; North Brig of, 155, 181 ; Custom House, 163; non-jurors, 169; excursion to historic, App. 16; police commissioners of, XX. 61, 62; people of, grouped into four incorporations; convening house; tolbooth; ‘Admiral’ magistrate of, 62; court house; town divided into ten wards; obtains sheriff, 63; town hall built, 63-4; banking company of ; George IV.’s landing at, 64; town hall forum for public life of, 64-5; William IV. proclaimed at; town folk’s address to the King, 65; Dr. Bell’s endowment to, 66; Madras school in, 66-7; proposed railway from, to Edinburgh and Dalkeith, 68-9; consumpt of coal and cereals in, 68; proposed railway to harbour of Broomielaw, 69-70; docks administration, 70-2; pier extension, 70-1; rise of town council, 75-6; historic buildings of, App. 8-9; hostelries of, 9. For Magistrates and Masters of, see Magistrates. See also North Leith and South Leith.
Leith Citadel. See Citadel.
Leith Fort, building of, XIX. 186.
Leith ‘Girnal,’ XIX. 144.
Leith Harbour, II. 163, 165.
Leith Links, II. 15, 38, 88; XV. 172, 194, 201; XVI. 60; XVII. 161; XVIII. 47, 124.
Leith Mills, purchased by Lord Balmerino, IV. 159; XVIII. 50, 74.
Leith Mount, XV. 185; XIX. 188.
Leith Races, II. 15.
Leith Raid, X. 44.
Leith Roads, II. 102.
Leith Sands, II. 222 ; IV. 84.
Leith Street, Robert Adam’s plans for, XVII. 169, 170, 171.
Leith Walk, XV. 167; XIX. 96, 107, 109, 167.
Leith Wynd, II. 1, 71, 170; III. 80; IV. 49; XI. 8, 12, 13, 14; XII. 49, 89, 108; XIII. 115; XIV. 117, 122; carved stones in, XV. 127-8, 137, 148; XVI. 18, 58, 66; XVII. 49, 53, 70, 80, 99, 105 ; XVIII. 36, 39, 40, 45, 75, 119, 146; XIX. 93, 94, 101; XX. 106; Canongate School at, 7, 13.
Leith Wynd Port, XV. 127-8; XVI. 99; XVIII. 40; XIX. 95.
Leith’s Close, XII. 30.
Lemburne, James, VIII. 133.
Lenden, Tom, Anabaptist, XVI. 131.
Le Neve, William, XVIII. 14.
Lennox, Duke of, XVI. 28, 62; XVIII. 14, 18, 19.
Lennox, Earl of, VI. 6.
Lennox, Robert, tenant in Calton, XVIII. 45.
Lentron, Margaret, XI. 24, 25.
Lentron, William, XI. 24.
Leo X., pope, III. 52; IX. 10-12; his bull approving of Convent of St. Catherine, X. 111, 113, 117.
Leper hospitals, Liberton, XV. 135; Greenside, 136; Dingwall, 136; XVII. 55.
Leper House, Haddington, X. 122.
Lepers, XIX. 93.
Le Picq, Charles, dancing master, XII. 156 ; XIX. 62.
Lermont, Thomas, advocate, XVI. 101. See Learmonth.
Lesley, Margaret (1684), IX. 170; XII. 167.
Leslie, Sir Alexander, III. 221; XIII. 60. See Leven.
Leslie, Alexander, son of fifth Earl of Leven, XVIII. 171.
Leslie, General, besieges Castle, V. 64.
Leslie, Lady Jane, XX. 55.
Leslie, Lady Jean, XIX. 68.
Leslie, Jonet, VI. 155.
Leslie, Lady Margaret, XX. 55.
Leslie, Dame Margret, Lady Madderty, IV. 130.
Leslie, Norman, murderer of Cardinal Betoun, III. 58, 70.
Leslie, Thomas, architect, his plan for road from High St. to Haymarket, XVIII. 84.
Leslie, Thomas, tavern-keeper, III. 128.
Lesours, Patrick, III. 89.
Lethame, Friar John, III. 95, 96. See Leatham.
Lethame, Sir William, III. 96.
Lethame, William, III. 95, 96.
Letholm, Helen, XV. 185.
Letter from a Gentleman anent ‘the new Edinburgh Assembly,’ IX. 193.
Letters from the Mountains, II. 131.
Leven, Alexander, fifth Earl of, buys Drumdryan House and renames it Leven Lodge, XVIII. 171.
Leven, David, third Earl of, IX. 190-1 ; XVI. 187.
Leven, David, sixth Earl of, XX. 116, 133 ; App. 25.
Leven, Countess of (1746), XIX. 50; directress of ‘Assembly,’ 89.
Leven, Lodge, XII. 8, 230; XVIII. 170-2, 174-6 ; Kinnear’s drawing of, App. 9.
Levington (Livingston), Alexander, tried for murder, X. 72.
Levington, John, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 71, 72.
Levington, Thomas (1516), III. 94.
Levingtoun, John, baxter, Canongate, XIV. 37, 43.
Leviston, Lord (1687), XVI. 157. merchant, XVI. 104.
Lewis, James, of Merchiston, I. 115. See Louis, Lowis.
Lex Rex, Samuel Rutherford’s, XVI. 55, 56.
Leyden, John, IV. 70.
Leyes, John, merchant, IV. 101.
Leyis, Friar Andrew, III. 73. See Leiss.
Leyis, William, chairmaster, IX. 207.
Libberton, Lord, XVIII. App. 28. See Winram, George
Libberton, James, XII. 146.
Libberton, William, XII. 62.
Libberton’s Close, Cowgate, XII. 145.
Libberton’s Wynd, II. 142, 221 ; well at, X. 256 ; XI. 8; XII. 17, 18, 19, 62, 64; XIV. 8, 71, 73, 181.
Liber Cartarum Sancte Crucis, VII. xv, xviii n., lvii, lxi, xcv.
Liberton, Henry, XII. 62. See Libberton.
Liberton, (Libertoun), James (1631), XVIII. 46
Liberton, William de, lands of, XIV. 106.
Liberton, I. 119 ; Upper, 78; Provost Drummond resident at, IV. 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 38; X. 162, 163; royal garden extends to, XIV. 102, 110 ; XV. 135; XVI. 114, 118.
Liberton, Burn, X. 159, 161.
Liberton, Church, X. 6.
Liberton, Mills, III. 40, 88.
Library, Public, Edinburgh Room, XX. 156.
Liddel, John, IV. 164.
Liddell, Robert, chaplain, St. Giles’, III. 100.
Liddell, William, skinner, VI. 100.
Liddell, William, writer, XIII. 125.
Lidderdall, Robert, regent in philosophy, VIII. 97, 99; XI. 67, 69; XVI. 152.
Lieche, Friar Robert, III. 63.
Ligerwood, William, warded, VI. 123.
Lighting, public, X. 70; XVI. 38 ; burgesses to hang out bowets, 134.
Lileburn, James, in Kinross, II. 97, 99 ; VI. 136.
‘Lillehouse,’ XI. 133 n. 135.
Lillie, James, warded, VI. 123.
Lillie, William, cordiner, XIV. 140, 142.
Lilypot Hall, XV. 198 ; XX. App. 22.
Lime pits at Halkerston’s Wynd, XIII. 113.
Limpetlawe, Nicol, laird of, XIII. 111, 112, 142.
Limplomb, Lady, XIII. 144.
Lin, William, covenanter, VIII. 114. See Linn, Lyne.
Lind, George, III. 19a 0n.; buys lands and manor house of Gorgie, XX. 34.
Lind, Dr. James, XIX. 237.
Lindesay, Friar Alexander, III. 56, 57. See Lindsay, Lindsey, Lyndesay, Lyndsay.
Lindesay, William (1550), III. 82.
Lindin, Lieut. Matthew, V. 126.
Lindsay, Alexander, merchant, VIII. 48.
Lindsay, Alexander, XII. 43.
Lindsay, Alexander, dyer, XII. 55.
Lindsay, Archibald, in Kilbryde, II. 95.
Lindsay, Barbara, XII. 43.
Lindsay, Bernard, of Lochill, XIII. 136 and n., 137; James VI.’s valet, XVIII. App. 26.
Lindsay, Sir David, of the Mount. See Lyndsay.
Lindsay, Sir David, of Rathillet, XVIII. 24.
Lindsay, David, bishop of Edinburgh, III. 217 ; XIII. 35, 41, 46 ; royal letter to, intimating introduction of English Prayer Book, 35 n. ; preaches at coronation of Charles I. at Holyrood, XVIII. 16.
Lindsay, David, keeper of Tolbooth, IV. 97, 98.
Lindsay, David, writer, XII. 55.
Lindsay, David, wool merchant, XII. 55.
Lindsay, David (1686), bailie, XII. 197.
Lindsay, George, depute town clerk, XII. 55.
Lindsay, George, brother of laird of Pittairly, V. 100.
Lindsay, Jas (1658), IV. 123.
Lindsay, James, covenanter, VI. 114.
Lindsay, James, messenger, XV. 90.
Lindsay, Sir Jerome, of Annatland, Lyon, XVIII. 23.
Lindsay, Jerome, in Leith, IV. 97.
Lindsay, John. See Menmure, Lord.
Lindsay, John, of Covington, XII. 42, 43.
Lindsay, John (1671), warded, VI. 111.
Lindsay, John, yr., in Cramond, VI. 151.
Lindsay, Margaret, XII. 43.
Lindsay, Lindsay, Patrick, lord provost, XV. 182.
Lindsay, Patrick, bishop, XIII. 101, 114 and n.; XVIII. 14.
Lindsay, Robert, of Covington, XII. 42, 43.
Lindsay, Lady Sophia, warded, XI. 71, 72; XVI. 142.
Lindsay, Thomas, collector of the Lothian, X. 141.
Lindsay, Thomas, XII. 43.
Lindsay, William, of Restalrig, XII. 43, 44.
Lindsay, William (1715), XII. 153.
Lindsay, William, gardener, XIV. 108.
Lindsay, William, servant, VI. 154.
Lindsay, William, in Lanark, II. 95. of the Byres, John, Lord, I. 97; owner of Coates estate, II. 133; III. 215; XVI. 21.
Lindsay, of the Byres, Patrick, Lord, in dispute between laird of Restalrig and town, XVIII. 40, 41.
Lindsay, of Evelock, VIII. 134.
Lindsay’s Close, XII. 41, 43, 55, 56 n.
Lindsay’s Land, XII. 55.
Lindsay’s Mill, Bell’s Brae, I. 132.
Lindsay’s Square, XII. 11 ; XIV. 74.
Lindsey, William, plumber, XIX. 30. See Lindesay, Lyndsay.
Linen manufacture, II. 13.
Linley, William, XV. 86.
Linlithgow, George, third Earl of, V. 134, 138, 139; VI. 148, 153 ; VIII. 136, 138, 142; IX. 131, 156; XI. 41 ; XVI. 96, 104, 145.
Linlithgow, Palace, Club visits, XV. App. 21-2.
Linn, James, Portsburgh, XII. 172, 173. See Lin, Lyne.
Linning, Michael, W.S., secy. of movement for erection of Melville monument, XV. 210 and n.
Linton, Lord, XIII. 67.
Linton’s Close, XVI. 6.
Liston, John, legacy to Candlemakers, XVII. 109.
Litany (Holyrood Ordinale), VII. Introd. lxxxi.
Lithgow, John, in Reidpeth, VIII. 128.
Lithgow, Margaret, XI. 24; XII. 167.
Lithgow, Stephen, XV. 176, 185, 198, 205.
Lithgow, Walter, VIII. 123, 124.
Litsters, VI. 36 n. ; petition to be erected into incorporation, XVI. 109; united to Bonnetmakers, 133; Edinburgh v. Canongate, 154.
Little (Littill), Clement, his ‘land,’ III. 81 ; X. 103 ; part proprietor of Common Myre, 156; XII. 70; XIV. 66.
Little Edward, bailie, III. 79 ; IX. 19, 44; X. 73; XVII. 51.
Little Edward, of Badinsgill, XII. 31, 33.
Little Elizabeth Fawside or, X. 156.
Little Gabriel, of Over Liberton, XII. 71.
Little John, XVI. 5.
Little Walter, of Liberton, XII. 71.
Little William, of Liberton, provost, X. 184, 186, 211 ; XII. 59, 60; mansion in Lawnmarket, XIV. 53, 66 ; XV. 35, 41, 44, 50; XVIII. App. 27.
Little (Lyttil), William, skinner, VI. 64, 73, 75.
Little William, owner of property on north side of High St., XII. 11 ; XIII. 107, 141.
Little Egypt, X. 90, 179, 186.
Little Grant’s Close, XII. 49.
Little Jack’s Close, I. 11 ; XII. 96 ; XVII. App. 30.
Little Lochend Close, I. 12 ; XII. 101, 103.
Little Mound, I. 150.
Little Shoemakers’ Close, XII. 97.
Littlejohn, Sir George, chaplain of the Holy Blood altar, XV. 33.
Littlejohn, James, in Blackness, IX. 20.
Littlejohn, (Lytiljon), Peter, XIV. 34, 36; XX. 106.
Little’s Close, XII. 31-3, 60, 70; XIV. 66.
Littles of Liberton, XIV. 73.
Liturgical study, Holyrood Ordinale and, VII. ix.
Liverpool, Lord, and riding school, XX. 151, 152.
Livingston, Agnes (1533), X. 124, 132. See Levington, Leviston, Livingstone,
Livingstoun. Catherine, owner of property in Lawnmarket, XII. 13.
Livingstoun. Charles, writer, XX. 129, 134.
Livingstoun. Christian, wife of George, first Lord Forrester, III. 180.
Livingstoun. Hannah Parson or, IV. 35.
Livingstoun. Henry, XII. 29.
Livingstoun. James, Lord, XIII. 126.
Livingstoun. James, warded, VI. 128.
Livingstoun. Jean, beheaded at Girth Cross, IV. 104-5; tract concerning, 105; XIX. 154; XX. App. 21.
Livingstoun. Jean, wife of Alexander Biggar of Gairnshall, X. 48.
Livingston, John, of Greenhill, III. 200; X. 194; his tombstone in Chamberlain Road, 195, 197.
Livingston, John, son of above, X. 195, 196 and n., 198.
Livingston, Captain John, V. 143.
Livingston, Katherine, XII. 29.
Livingston, Major, IV. 35.
Livingston, Margaret, of Livingston, sister of the Sciennes, X. 124, 130, 132.
Livingston, Robert, maltman, X. 238.
Livingston, Robert, baxter, X. 238.
Livingston, Robert, legacy to Candlemakers, XVII. 109.
Livingston, Robert, minister of Skirling, XIII. 120.
Livingston, Sir William, of Kilsyth, III. 181.
Livingston, William, covenanter, VIII. 120; XII. 176.
Livingston, William, son of laird of Greenhill, X. 178, 195, 196.
Livingston, William, deacon of the Trades, IV. 8.
Livingstone, Lord. See Linlithgow, Earl of.
Livingstone, Alexander, XII. 80.
Livingstone, (Lewyngstoun), David, VI. 81.
Livingstone, Sir James, of Kinnaird, XVI. 60.
Livingstone, James, of the Bedchamber, XIII. 111, 130.
Livingstone, John, commissioner to Breda, XVI. 34.
Livingstone, Mary, one of the ‘Four Maries,’ I. 3.
Livingstone, (Levyngstone), Thomas, skinner, VI. 67.
Livingstone, William, deacon of Skinners, XII. 35.
Livingstone, William, of Greinzeards, VI. 135.
Livingstone, William, servitor, VI. 127.
Livingston’s Close, XII. 28.
Livingston’s Yards, II. 39, 40; XIV. 116; XV. 171, 185; XVI. 187 ; XX. App. 35.
Livingston’s See Livingston, Livingstoun.
Livingstoun, Captain Alexander, VIII. 152.
Lixmount, XX. App. 22.
Lizars, Daniel, engraver, IX. 94-5, 103; XII. 222, 228, 229.
Lizars, William Home, engraver, IX. 95; his Picturesque Views of Edinburgh, 95 ; his map of Edinburgh, XII. 212, 241-3, 245-6; his views of George IV.’s visit, XVIII. App. 10.
Lloyd, William, XVII. 114.
‘Loadman’s aiker,’ XIII. 87.
‘Loaning’ (Roxburgh Place), II. 72.
Loaning. See Whitehouse Loan.
Loch, Edward, skinner, VI. 75, 76, 100.
Loch, James, merchant, IX. 131 ; XIII. 117, 118, 131, 132.
Loch, Janet, X. 212 n., 214 n., 219 n.
Loch, John, of Rachan, X. 219 n., 220; XIX. 112.
Loch, John, deacon of Skinners, VI. 21, 32, 57, 58, 67, 77, 79, 80, 105.
Loch, Mrs., her house on Calton Hill, XIX. 141.
Loch, Mungo, VI. 87.
Loch, Robert, XIII. 145.
Loch, Widow, XX. 107.
Loch, William, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 74.
Lochbank, XIII. 79, 80 ; feu granted ; Crichton family and; subsequent owners, 81 ; purchased by town from Hepburn of Bearford, 89 ; XVIII. 43.
Lochbuie, Maclaines of, XIX. 179.
Lochend, IV., 166, 167, 168, 186 ; VII. App. 7; XII. App. 12; XV. 181, 183, 186, 200; XVIII. 33, 38, 39.
Lochend’s Close, XII. 1, 101.
Lochhead, Kate, XII. 89.
Lochhead’s Land, XII. 89.
Lochiel, II. 19, 30, 54; takes possession of Edinburgh, 24 ; quarters his men in Lawnmarket, 35. See Cameron.
Lochrin, X. 254, 260; XV. 171 ; XVIII. 86.
Lochrin, Bridge, X. 258.
Lochrin, Burn, X. 260; XVIII. 176; XX. 36, 46 11..
Lochrin, House, XVIII. 179; stone tablet behind, 179-80.
Lockhart (Lokhart), Abraham, XIV. 36, 42.
Lockhart Alexander, Lord Covington, XII. 132; XVII. 162; XX. 41.
Lockhart Alexander, of Staniegait, VI. 112.
Lockhart Anne, Countess of Aberdeen, IX. 185.
Lockhart Elspeth, VIII. 109.
Lockhart Gavin, warded, XII. 159.
Lockhart Sir George, lord president, I. 43; II. 146; IX. 130, 175; XIV. 68; XV. 101; XVI. 137, 148, 152; defence of Sir A. Ramsay’s provostship, 84-8; assassinated by John Chiesley of Dalry, 190; XIX. 158; XX. 29.
Lockhart George, M.P., son of Lord President, XII. 216, 217.
Lockhart, George, of Carnwath, Jacobite, author of Lochart Papers, III. 224-7.
Lockhart, George, of Carnwath, son of the Jacobite, XII. 78 ; XIII. 126 n. ; XIV. 134; XV. 100; XX. 116.
Lockhart, James, of Cleghom, XII. 204.
Lockhart, Sir James, of Lee, XIX. 158, 160.
Lockhart, Colonel James, XX. 55.
Lockhart, James, Master of the Trinity House, XIX. 158.
Lockhart, Jane, XX. 54.
Lockhart, John, hammerman, VIII. 10.
Lockhart, John Gibson, III. 122, 239 ; IX. 221, 228; XII. App. 11; XV. 75, 96.
Lockhart, Miss, caterer, III. 121.
Lockhart, Mrs., of Carnwath’s Park, XII. App. 18
Lockhart, Robert, merchant, XIX. 158, 159.
Lockhart, Colonel Ross, III. 153.
Lockhart, Susan, XVIII. 177.
Lockhart, Walter, of Kirktoun, VIII. 157.
Lockhart, Sir William, of Carstairs, XX. 54.
Lockhart, Lady, of Carstairs, XX. 55.
Lockhart, (Lokhart), William, bailie, II. 62; III. 80; IV. 81; X. 81.
Lockhart, William, in Calton, XVIII. 45.
Lockhart, William (1685), XII. 190, 191.
Lockhart’s Close, XII. 40.
Lockhart’s Court, XII. 78 ; XIII. 126 n. 3 XV. 100.
Lockhart’s Lodging, 1. 85; -XI. 10, 13; XII. 132; XV. 100.
Lockie, Alexander, ‘taylor,’ VI. 128.
Laurence, XIII. 96.
Lockman (hangman), X. 84.
‘Lockman’s Old House,’ XII. 132 n.
Locksmiths’ armorial shield, VIII. 62.
Locksmiths of Canongate, XIX. 2; dispute with blacksmiths, 27.
Locquiard, Maximis, XII. 208.
‘Lodge-me-Lone,’ XIX. 187.
Logan, Andrew, of Coatfield, XIX. 156; buys Easter Granton, XX. App. 25.
Logan, Andrew (1566), X. 137.
Logan, A. S., III. 176.
Logan, David, of Leith, XIII. 113.
Logan, George, of Bonnington, XIX. 150-2, 154-7.
Logan, George, of that Ilk, IX. 162 ; XII. 162.
Logan, H., mill-owner, I. 130.
Logan, Sir James, of Restalrig, XIX. 148, 149, 151 n.
Logan, James, of Sheriffbrae, XIX. 149, 182.
Logan, James, town clerk, Canongate, XII. 90; XIX. 145.
Logan, James, stabler, XIII. 142.
Logan, John, of Bonnington, XIX. 149.
Logan, John, of Coatfield, XVIII. 34, 37; XIX. 152.
Logan, John, of Couston, XIX. 152.
Logan, John, of Restalrig, XVIII. 40-1 ; XIX. 148.
Logan, John, of Sheriffbrae, XIX. 156, 157.
Logan, John, murderer, V. 118; VIII. 104.
Logan, John, bailie of Broughton, XII. 90.
Logan, Mareon, IV. 133.
Logan, Robert, of Bonnington, XIX. 150, 153-7.
Logan, Robert, of Coatfield, provost of Edinburgh, IX. 30, 32.
Logan, Robert, of Craighouse, XIX. 149.
Logan, Sir Robert, of Restalrig. I. 96, 110; III. 97 ; XVI. 92 ; sells lands of Restalrig to James, Lord Balmerino, XVIII. 33, 34, 36.
Logan, Walter, of Keith, XIX. 152.
Logan, Walter (1702), XII. 90.
Logan, Walter, carter, X. 78.
Logan, William, Warded, VIII. 123.
Logan, William (1800), XII. 91.
Logan, W. H., on street ballad-singers, II. 221.
Logane, Gilbert, XVIII. 35.
Logan’s Close, XII. 90.
Logan’s Court, XII. 91.
Logan’s Lodging, XIX. 162.
Logans of Bonnington, their feud with Kincaids of Warriston, XIX. 154-6 ; XX. App. 21, 22.
Logans of Coatfield, XIX. 144.
Logans of Restalrig, IV. 158, 167, 185.
Logans of Sheriffbrae, XX. App. 22.
Logie, James, writer, XIII. 125, 128.
Logie’s Green, XV. 171.
Loklae, John, VI. 71.
Londie, Sir James, XIII. 128. See Lundie.
London Hotel, St. Andrew Square, II. 155.
Long Hermiston House, III. 183.
Longmuir, William, IX. 33.
Lopas, Gregory, VIII. 189.
Loplie Stane, III. 92. See Laploke’s Stone.
Lord Colston’s Close, XII. 54, 56 n.
Lord Cullen’s Close, XII. 60.
Lord Durie’s Close, XII. 70, 71.
Lord High Commissioner, XIV. 98.
Lord High Constable of Scotland, XX. 116.
Leven’s Bath, XVIII. 176.
Leven’s Lyon King of Arms, I. 31, 37-9 ; III. 222, 223; V. 142, 143; XII. 201 ; XIII. 67 ; XVI. 56, 57, 59, 63, 67; Sir A. Durham, 60; duties of, XVIII. 11 ; coronation of, 24-9.
Leven’s Milton’s Lodging, XIX. 121.
Leven’s Morton’s Close, XII. 101.
Leven’s Nelson tavern, Adam Square, II. 155.
Leven’s Provost’s salary, X. 245-6.
Lords of the Articles, XIII. 10, 13, 71; meetings attended by Charles I., 16; election of, 68-9, 72, 74-5.
Lords of the Congregation, V. 53, 56, 59.
Lords of Council and Session, XI. 94, 98, 105.
‘Lords of Meal Market,’ XVI. 17.
Lords, House of, and feuing south side of Princes St., I. 147, 148.
Lorimer, George, dean of guild, XI. App. 18.
Lorimer, James, medalist, Canongate School, XX. 22.
Lorimer, John, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 176.
Lorimer, (Lorymer), John, XIX. 20.
Lorimer, John, clockmaker, XIX. 17.
Lorimer, Sir Robert S., III. 242 ; XI. App. 8.
Lorimers armorial shield, VIII. 61.
Lorimers of Canongate, XIX. 2 ; nature of assays, 20-1.
Lorne, Lord, afterwards Archibald, ninth Earl of Argyll, marries at Moray House, XII. App. 22; XVIII. 15.
Lorne, Marquess of, afterwards John, third Duke of Argyll, XX. 116.
Lorraine, Mary of, Queen Regent, III. 60, 62, 63 ; V. 52 ; correspondence with Duke of Guise, 53 ; takes up her abode in Castle, 53; illness, 54; death, 55, 61 ; escutcheon of, VIII. 68 ; palace on Castlehill, XIV. 59, 60, 62 ; XV. 2 and n., 51 ; XVII. App. 14.
Loss o’ the Pack, I. 53.
Lothian, Mark, first Earl of, V. 74.
Lothian, William, third Marquess of, XII. 123; Lord Clerk Register, on housing of Scottish records, XVII. 150.
Lothian, William, fourth Marquess of, XII. 124.
Lothian, William, third Earl of, V. 118; commissioner to Breda, XVI. 33.
Lothian, William John, fifth Marquess of, XII. 124.
Lothian, Jean Campbell, Countess of, XI. 69.
Lothian, J., his plan of Edinburgh, XII. 212, 239. See Louthian.
Lothian, Thomas, merchant, XII. 52 ; 98, 120.
Lothian, William, wright, Canongate, XII. 95. XIII.
Lothian, Hut, XI. 10; XII. 123, 124.
Lothian, Road, XII. 225 ; formation of, XVIII. 172, 178, App. 25; XX. 114; riding school removed to, 158.
Lothian, Road Church, original place of worship, XX. 59.
Lothian, Street, XX. 22.
Lothian, Vale, I. 18; XII. 123, 125.
Lothianburn, XI. App. 16.
Lothian’s Close, XII. 52.
Lottery, The, XI. 170.
Loudoun, John, first Earl of (1638), II. 95; XI. 159-61 ; XVI. 61 ; XVIII. 15.
Louis, Robert, president of Royal College of Physicians, XV. 147. See Lewis.
Louisfield, Duddingston, XVII. App. 8.
Lounger, The, III. 142; contributors to, 144; XVII. App. 12.
Lourie, Archibald, cordiner, XVIII. 116, 127-9. See Laurie, Lawrie, Lowrie.
Lourie, Francis, VI. 139.
Lourie, James, IX. 132.
Lourie, John, VI. 139; VIII. 153.
Lourie, Thomas, merchant, VIII. 112.
Lourie, William, tutor, VIII. 125.
Louthian, George, treasurer, Greyfriars Church, II. 87. See Lothian.
Lovat, Lady, wife of Simon, Lord Lovat, XV. 103.
Lovat’s Land, XI. 11.
Low Baxters’ Close, XII. 17.
Low Calton, IV. 50.
Lowch’s land, III. 82.
Lowden, James, pin-maker, XIV. 5.
Lowe, David, VI. 117.
Lower Baxters’ Close, XII. 14.
Lower Baxters’ Court, XII. 17 .
Lowis, James, of Merchiston, X. 204 n., 205. See Lewis.
Lowis, Ninian, of Merchiston, X. 204 n.
Lowrie, Francis, baron-bailie, XVIII. 155. See Laurie, Lawrie, Lourie.
Lowrie, John, baron-bailie, XVIII. 155.
Lowrie, John (1565), II. 123.
Lowrie, Robert, dean of Edinburgh, XVI. 60, 65.
Lowrie, Thomas, baron-bailie, XVIII. 155.
Lowrie, Thomas, cordiner, XIV. 37, 43; XVIII. 114, 115.
Lowrie, William, cordjner, charged with illegal trading, and for defying convener and making abusive speeches, is deprived of his vote, XVIII. 127-9.
Lowry, James, XV. 19.
Lowsie Law (Newington), X. 191, 211, 214 n.
Lowtefute, Patrick, litster, XV. 42. See Lutefutt.
Luckenbooths, I. 44, 106; II. 134, 162; IX. 211, 221; XI. 11; XII. 7, 27, 28; origin of name, 65; 219; XIII. 103, 107, 108; XIV. 12; their removal, 14, 78-9, 163; XV. 120; XVII. 114 ; XIX. 176, 239. See also Buthraw.
‘Luckpenny,’ II. 222.
‘Lucky Law,’ II. 205.
Lucky Thom’s Close, XII. 154.
Lugton, laird of, XIII. 121.
Luke, John, of Foxhall, XVIII. 175.
Luke of the Wardrobe, V. 46.
Lulach the Simple, V. 4.
Lumisden, Andrew, secretary to Prince Charles Edward, IX. 83. See Lumsdaine, Lumsden.
Lumisden, (Lumsdaine), George, messenger, IV. 124; V. 150.
Lumisden, Isabella, wife of Sir Robert Strange, II. 49 ; her gift to Prince Charles Edward, 50; IX. 83.
Lumisden, (Lummisdane), Jonet, III. 100.
Lumisden, Thomas, X. 228.
Lumisden, Thomas, minister at Abbey Kirk, XVI. 126.
Lumley, George, IX. 44.
Lumsdaine, Robert, first treasurer of Musical Society, XIX. 195. See Lumisden, Lumsden.
Lumsden, George, warded, XII. 201.
Lumsden, (Lumisdaill), Henry, chirurgeon, XV. 45.
Lumsden, James, of High Riggs, XII. 9.
Lumsden, Lunacy, X. 209 n.
Lunardi, Vincenzo, XIV. 154.
Lundie, laird of, II. 94 ; VI. 149 ; XI. 28.
Lundie, James, of Strathharly, XI. 28. See Londie.
Lundin, James, VI. 147.
Lundin, Lady, VI. 147.
Lundy, Catherine, III. 98.
Lundy, Daniel, wardrobe keeper to Theatre Royal, XIX. 64.
Lurax, David, hatmaker, XVIII. 72.
Lutefutt, James, XII. 39. See Lowtefute.
Lyceum (debating society), I. 51, 52.
Lyddells, Robert, III. 80.
Lyell, Alexander, skinner, VI. 76.
Lyell, Elizabeth, X. 219 12..
Lyell, Jean, X. 219 11..
Lyell, John, in Pleasance, X. 219 22.
Lyell, Michael, XV. 24.
Lyle, Hugh, candlemaker, XVII. 142-3.
Lyle, Patrick, skinner, VI. 71.
Lyllburne, James, in Greenhead, VIII. 137.
Lyndesay, Andrew, jailor, IV. 95 and n., 100. See Lindesay, Lindsay, Lindsey, Lyndsay.
Lyndesay, James, bailie (1555), XV. 19.
Lyndsay, Friar Alexander, III. 98.
Lyndsay, (or Lyndesay), Sir David, of the Mount, II. 126 ; III. 53, 54 ; V. 47, 51 ; IX. 15; X. 129; XVII. App. 14; XVIII. 24.
Lyndsay, James, chirurgeon, XV. 45.
Lyndsay, John, of Cowantoun, III. 89.
Lyndsay, John, skinner, VI. 67.
Lyndsay, John, servant to Isabell Hall, II. 94, 95.
Lyne, Mareon, IV. 133. See Lin, Linn.
Lyne, Mawssy, III. 81.
Lyon, Elizabeth Douglas or. See Auldbar, Lady.
Lyon, Sir John, Lord Glammis, V. 42.
Lyon, John, of Muiresk, V. 135.
Lyon, John, cook, XV. 24.
Lyon, Sir Patrick, VIII. 211.
Lyon, Walter, V. 101-2.
Lyon, King of Arms. See Lord Lyon.
Lyon, Office, Elgin burgh arms, III. 2 ; register, 9.
Lyon’s Close, I. 8 ; XII. 36.
Lyttistar, Sir Geoffrey, V. 43, 44.
McAlister, Ronald, XI. 35, 70.
McAllister, Dugald, Warded, XII. 201.
McAllister, Edward, XIX. 164.
McAllister, Richard, XIX. 164.
McAllister, McAlmond, William XII. 166.
‘McAngzie,’ Lord, I. 93.
McAske, Besye, VI. 86.
M’Bain, Lauchlan, II. 207.
M’Balzeane, Thomas, burgess, III. 104.
Macbeth (Thane of Cawdor), King Duncan murdered by, V. 3 ; defeated by Siward at Scene, 3 ; slain at Lunfanan by Malcolm, m. 3.
McBeth, Elizabeth, VI. 153.
McBraickney, John, covenanter, II. 99.
McBryde, John, XII. 164, 165.
McBurney, George, V. 127.
McCalein, James, servitor, VIII. 145.
M’Call, David, first treasurer for building of the Parliament House, XIII. 18, 57 and n., 76 n.
M’Call, David, manager of weaving industry, XVII. 59.
M’Call, John, IV. 164.
McCallum, Duncan, Methodist preacher, XIX. 111.
M’Calzeane, Euphame, X. 43, 44, 187 ; burnt for witchcraft, 188 ; XII. 20 and n. See McKalzeane.
M’Calzeane, Thomas, of Cliftonhall, X. 42-3, 187; XII. 20; XV. 49.
Macalyean, James, burgess, XII. 88.
Macalyeane, Thomas See M’Calzeane.
McCamen, William, Warded, IX. 168.
McCap, Friar John, III. 37.
Macao, William, XIV. 165.
Macao, W. R., XIV. 165.
McCarrell, John, Warded, VI. 133.
McCarter (Mcarter), Andrew, Warded, XI. 61. See McKerter.
Macaulay, Lord, XII. App. 23.
McCaull, Marion, drinks health of devil, VI. 109.
McCavies, Christian, V. 108.
McClackie, Archibald, Warded, V. 135.
McClay, Donald, shoemaker, XII. 194, 203.
McClay, Donald, chirurgeon, V. 102.
McCleikeray, John, Warded, VI. 136.
McClellan, Andrew, Warded, VI. 133 ; XII. 164. See Maclelan.
McClellan, James, tailor, XIV. 36, 43.
McClellan, Robert, of Ball Mcgauchine, IX. 169 and n. ; XII. 166.
McClellan, Robert, of Barscube, VIII. 135 ; IX. 131.
McClellan, William, Warded, VIII. 141.
M’Clurge, John (1690), VIII. 90, 91. See McLurge.
M’Conachie, Donald D. (1660), IV. 134.
M’Conochie, William, wright, XII. 128.
M’Conochie’s Close, XII. 128.
McCorkan, Andrew, warded, VI. 140.
McCoull, John, skinner, VI. 76, 102, 103.
McCready, Mr. XX. 24.
McCubie, James, Jedburgh, V. 118.
McCulloch, Godfrey, of Ardwall, V. 140; VIII. 89.
McCulloch, William, in Dalie, II. 95.
M’Cul1och, Horatio, painter, IX. 102, 111.
M’Dermit, John, chairmaster, IX. 204.
M’Dermit, Malcolm, chairmaster, IX. 204.
McDiarmid’s tavern, Pleasance, XX. 24.
McDickmaye, Walter, sent to plantations, VI. 136.
Macdonald, Sir Alexander, XII. 93.
Macdonald, Alexander, town official, XIV. 174-5.
Macdonald, Donald, tailor to Jacobites, II. 45.
Macdonald, Donald Roy, II. 34.
Macdonald, Flora, II. 60.
Macdonald, Right Hon. Sir J . H. A. See Kingsburgh, Lord.
Macdonald, Lady Margaret, II. 60.
Macdonald, W. Rae, VIII. 23, 61.
McDonald, Sir Alexander (1745), II. 45.
McDonald, Donald, warded, VI. 110; XVI. 184.
McDonald, Hew, hanged, IV. 129.
McDonald, Marie (1685), XI. 70.
Macdonell, R., of Glengarry, IX. 109.
McDorod, Friar John, III. 37.
Macdougal, Sir H., III. 141.
M’Dougal, James, skinner, VI. 89.
Macdougall of Mackerston, I. 107.
McDougall, Thomas, of Mackerstoun, VIII. 141. See Mackerstoun.
McDougall, Sir William, architect of Flodden Wall, II. 71; XV. 109; master of St. Paul’s Hospital, XVII. 52 ; takes refuge in Castle; complaint of bedemen, 53-4; his death, 54 ; master of works, App. 14.
M’Dougall, Alexander, surgeon, III. 249. See McDowgall, McDugal.
M’Dougall, (McDowgall), Alexander, skinner, VI. 72, 89.
M’Dougall, James, farmer, XV. 185.
M’Dougall, Patrick, writer, III. 249.
Macdowall of Castle Semple, III. 141.
MacDowall, Archibald, and provostship, II. 162.
M’Dowall, Charles, of Creichen, obtains sasineof lands of Drumdryan and Headriggs, XVIII. 170; sells to Dumdas of Fingask; breaks up lands of Drumdryan, 171.
M’Dowall, James, farmer, XV. 184.
M’Dowall, Patrick, of Creichen, acquires lands of Drumdryan, XVIII. 169.
M’Dowall’s New Guide in Edinburgh, XII. 242.
Macdowalls of Garthland, III. 134, 183.
McDowgall, John, III. 60.
Macduff’s Cross, a sanctuary, XV. 57.
McDugal, — member of Wig Club, III. 139.
McEsone (Makesone), Eleazor, XVIII. 14.
M’Ewan, William, manufacturer, XVIII. 63. See MackEwen.
M’Ewan’s tavern, Royal Exchange, II. 154.
McEwing, Donald, sent to plantations, XII. 171.
Macfarlane, Robert, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 176.
M’Farlane, Duncan, innkeeper, XIV. 131, 136-8.
M’Farlane, Duncan, of that Ilk, XII. 152.
M’Farlane, Walter, innkeeper, XIV. 131.
McFerline, James (1662), V. 101.
Macfie of Dreghorn, V. 92.
Macfie, John, Master of Leith, XX. 63.
McFindley, Finlay More, IX. 141.
M’Finlay, John (1660), IV. 134.
McGee, John, warded, XI. 30. See MacGie.
McGibben, Fergus, warded, VIII. 157.
McGibben, Archibald, warded, XII. 159, 169, 176.
McGibben, Dr., XII. 159.
McGibben, Dugald, warded, XII. 191.
McGibben, Finlay, warded, V. 149.
McGibben, Hector (1685), XII. 169, 176.
MacGibbon, David (1825), XVII. 87.
Macgibbon and Ross, II. 139.
MacGie, Hew, mirror maker, XVI. 112. See McGee.
McGie, Jean, XII. 184.
McGi1christ, James, warded, IX. 163; XI. 50.
MacGill, David (1598), X. 229.
MacGill, David, advocate, XV. 51.
MacGill, Hew, of Rankeillor, XIII. 139, 140, 142.
MacGill, Sir James, III. 206 ; XIII. 101 and n., 142.
M’Gill, David (1572), XVI. 5.
M’Gill, Helen, XII. 148.
M’Gill, James, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 74.
M’Gill, James, XVI. 5, 6.
M’Gill, James, son of Sir James, of Cranston Riddell, IV. 125, 129, 130.
M’Gill, (Makgill), James, owner of land in Sciennes, X. 145; offers for Common Myre, 158, 159, 161, 162, 175, 176.
M’Gill, Mary Hume or, X. 188.
M’Gill, Robert, advocate, XIII. 142.
M’Gill, McGill, Robert, covenanter, II. 99 ; V. 151 ; VI. 136.
M’Gill, Robert, webster, II. 97, 98.
McGillespect, Ewine, warded, VIII. 127.
McGilliehalane, M. (1658), IV. 129.
M’Gilligen, John, minister, VIII. 157.
M’Glashan, Donald, chairman, IX. 221, 222, 226.
M’Glashan, James, chairmaster, IX. 204; XIX. 58, 59.
Macgowan, John, III. 153.
McGowan, Hugh, warded, XII. 163, 168.
McGowan, John, IX. 83.
Macgregor, Alexander, of Glenstrae, X. 87.
Macgregor, Evan, XX. App. 22.
McGregor, Callum, warded, V. 151; VI. 144.
McGregor, John, warded, V. 150.
McGregor, Patrick, executed, V. 124.
M’Gregor, John, writer, XII. 121.
M’Gregor’s Close, XII. 120.
McIlroy, Gilbert, warded, XII. 164, 167.
McIlroy, William, warded, XII. 164, 167.
McIntosh (Malcombashe), Alexander, V. 137.
McIntosh Duncan (1664), V. 122. See Mackintosh.
McIntosh James, merchant, VI. 131.
McIntosh Lauchlan, dies in Tolbooth, V. 112.
McIvor, Ivor, warded, XII. 170.
Mack, Charles, mason, XIX. 110.
Mack, (Make) George, XII. 15 ; XIII. 120, 129.
Mack, James, XII. 70; XIX. 43.
Mack, James (1685), banished, XII. 187.
Mackail, David, treasurer of S.E. Kirk, XIII. 125 n.
Mackail, Hew, covenanter, XII. 24; XVI. 75.
McKaill, Gilbert, pewterer, XX. 96.
McKairtnie, Andrew, warded, XII. 162, 166.
Mackalla, James, goldsmith, XIII. 97.
Mackalla, John, armourer, IX. 133.
Mackalla, Thomas, writer, XIII. 113.
McKalzeane, Thomas, III. 104.
Mackane, John, IX. 41 n.
Mackay, Charles, comedian, XII. App. 30.
Mackay, General, XVI. 188-9, 211.
Mackay, Margaret, wife of Sir Daniel Wilson, XVII. 5.
Mackay, Robert, farmer, XV. 190, 191.
Mackay, William, actor, IX. 100.
Mackean, Rev. Hugh, XII. App. 11.
M’Kell, Jean and Catherine, XII. 99.
M’Kell’s Close, XII. 99.
Mackenzie, (McAngzie), Lord, I. 93.
Mackenzie, Agnes, XII. 81.
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander (1685), XI. 72.
Mackenzie, Alexander Kincaid, lord provost, XII. App. 38 ; XVII. 86.
Mackenzie, Donald, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 176.
Mackenzie, Donald, chairman, IX. 219, 222.
Mackenzie, Sir George, of Rosehaugh, mansion of, I. 10, 107; III. 199; IV. 108 ; V. 106; VIII. 102, 109, 115-8, 120, 122, 126, 136, 145; on model adopted for Court of Session, XI. 87 ; XII. 81 ; XIII. App. 9:; XV. 59, 102; XVI. 51 n., 96; states case against Sir A. Ramsay’s provostship, 81-4 ; founder of Advocates’ Library, XVIII. App. 23; XX. App. 26.
Mackenzie, George, clerk to Exchequer, XIV. 46.
Mackenzie, Henry (‘Man of Feeling’), III. 114, 116, 119, 143, 151, 172, 250; laureate of the ‘Gowks,’ 168-70; IV. 37 ; XII. App. 20 ; XVII. App. 11 ; pupil at riding school, XX. 126.
Mackenzie, Henry, Lord Mackenzie, III. 114.
Mackenzie, Sir James, Lord Royston, XII. 58 ; XIV. 65 ; XX. App. 26.
Mackenzie, James, goldsmith, XVIII. 167, 171.
Mackenzie, John, of Dolphinton, a founder of Speculative Society, V. 166.
Mackenzie, John, deputy-keeper of Signet, XVII. 162.
Mackenzie, Thomas, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 175.
Mackenzie, William, of Muirtown, III. 175.
Mackenzie, William, hangman’s staffman, XVI. 131.
McKenzie, John, quaker, V. 125, 154.
McKenzie, John, macer, VIII. 154.
M’Kenzie, Sir James, his mansion in Fountain Close purchased by Royal College of Physicians, XV. 139.
M’Kenzie, Kenneth, factor, XV. 86.
M’Kenzie, William, Gowks Club, III. 172.
Mackenzies of Cromarty, XX. App. 28.
Mackenzie’s Close, XII. 81.
Mackerstoun, laird of, duel with Craigentinny, VIII. 101 ; 140. See McDouga.ll.
McKerter, Andrew, warded, IX. 168.
MackEwen, James, bookseller at the Cross, IX. 81. See McEwan.
McKey, Anthony, of Cloncaird, VIII. 141.
McKey, Fergus, warded, VIII. 138, 140.
McKie, John, in Balgoun, XI. 38, 39.
Mackie, Charles, his Original History of … Holyroodhouse, XII. 241. See Macky.
Mackie, James, warded, VIII. 123, 124.
Mackie, John, hammerman, XX. 95.
Mackie, Jonnet, VIII. 137.
Mackie, Robert, mason, VIII. 127.
Mackie, Thomas, warded, VIII. 123, 126.
Mackilwraith, Heugh, VIII. 125.
M’Kinlay, Archibald, superior of Valleyfield, X. 242.
Mackinlay, Archibald (1816), X. 36, 51, 202.
Mackinlay, John, of Glensaddell, VIII. 121.
Mackintosh of Borlum, and Leith Tolbooth, IV. 93 ; XVI. 183. See McIntosh.
Mackintosh of Mackintosh, Lady, II. 51.
Mackintosh Angus, V. 137.
Mackmath, William, IX. 121. See MacMath.
Macknelie, Thomas, VIII. 157.
Macknight, James, minister of Old Kirk, XI. App. 17; XIV. 172.
Macknight, James, town councillor, XIV. 172.
Macknight, Dr. Thomas, XIV. 172.
McKinn, William, Galloway, II. 99.
McKinnon, Alexander, sent to plantations, VI. 145.
Macky, George, XIX. 108. See Mackay, Mackie.
Macky, John, XVI. 192.
Macky, J., his Journey through Scotland, XVII. 84 n.
Maclachlan of Maclachlan, II. 41, 43.
McLach1an, John, warded, XII. 191.
McLach1an, Lady, IV. 126, 131, 132.
Maclagan, Sir Douglas, III. 176.
Maclagan, Dr. Philip, XVII. 2.
McLagan, F., mill-owner, I. 130.
Maclaine, Captain Archibald, XIX. 179. See MacLean.
Maclaine, John, of Lochbuie, XIX. 179.
M’Laren, Duncan, lord provost, I. 7; V. 90; X. 220; XI. App. 18; XII. 27; XX. App. 17.
Maclaurin, Colin, II. 10, 17, 51-2 ; in charge of repairs to town wall, 22 ; XX. 53.
Maclaurin, John, Lord Dreghorn, III. 143; IV. 84.
McLean, Alexander, Kirkcudbright, V. 110. See Maclaine.
McLean, Andrew, covenanter, XII. 167.
McLean, John, warded, XII. 164, 165.
McLean, (M’Clane), Neil, of Assynt, IV. 138.
McLean, William, warded, XII. 164, 165.
M’Lean, Angus, sent to Barbadoes, V. 128.
Maclehose (Mckilhose), John, warded, VI. 148.
Maclehose Mrs. See ‘Clarinda.’
Maclehose William Craig, XIX. 113.
M’Leish, Donald, chairmaster, IX. 226.
Maclelan, Nicolas, III. 78a, 88. See McClellan.
Macleod, Alexander, of Muiravonside, IX. 202.
Macleod, Angus, conjunct clerk of Edinburgh, XVI. 155.
Macleod, Norman, of Macleod, X. 51 ; XI. App. 18.
McLeod, Andrew, servant, VI. 157.
McLeod, John, of Milntoun, IX. 145 ; XI. 37.
McLeod, Neil, of Assynt, V. 112, 154, 155 ; VI. 108, 118.
McLurge, John, warded, VI. 154. See McClurge.
McMartin, Martin, of Letterfindlay, XI. 24; XII. 175.
MacMath, Alexander, merchant, X. 228, 237. See McMath.
MacMath, James (1598), X. 228, 237.
MacMath, John, merchant, XIII. 99.
MacMath, William, merchant (1588), XV. 19.
McMath, Janet (1668), V. 139.
M’Math, Janet, wife of William Dick, fiar of Grange of St. Giles, X. 16, 150, 159 n., 160 n., 223.
McMichan, William, warded, XII. 163, 168.
McMikin, Gilbert, warded, XI. 49.
McMiking, William, schoolmaster, XIX. 114.
McMiking, Macmillan, David (1683), VIII. 151.
McMiking, John, innkeeper, XIV. 134.
McMiking, William, flesher, XVII. 138.
McMillan, Alexander, warded, IX. 168; XI. 31 ; banished, XII. 187.
M’Millan, Alexander, W.S., X. 199 and n.; XIX. 173.
M’Millan, Duncan, writer, X. 199 and n.
M’Millan, Thomas, debtor to the Crown, XV. 87.
McMitchell, Donald and Jonet, warded, V. 151.
Macmorran, George, merchant, XII. 58; XIII. 141.
Macmorran, James, relict of, XIII. 110.
Bailie John, I. 5; IV. 100, 102, 121, 129; shot dead at a ‘barring out,’ V. 73-4; XII. 58, 126 ; XIV. 66 ; XV. 26, 46.
Bailie Ninian, of Newhall, VI. 101 ; X. 237; XII. 58, 126, 128; XIV. 65.
Bailie William, bailie, XII. 58.
Macmorran’s Close, XII. 57, 58 ; XIV. 65.
M’Murtrie, Rev. John, essay on ‘Persecution,’ V. 179 and n., 188.
M’Nab, —, Methodist preacher, VIII. 185.
M’Nair, Collector, member of Gowks Club, III. 172.
MacNaught, John, X. 228, 237.
McNaught (Mcnought), Nicolas, XI. 62.
M’Naught, John, bailie in Musselburgh, IV. 138.
M’Naught, (Maknacht), Patrick, VI. 64.
M’Naught, Robert, burgess, XIV. 61.
M’Naught, Roger, bailie, X. 222, 234.
MacNeill, John, clerk of Canongate and Restalrig, XVIII. 36, 37 ; protocol book of, XIX. 151.
McNeill, Malcolm, warded, XII. 191.
M’Neil1, William, of Cragingalt, XVIII. 35.
M’Neill’s Crags, X. 95; XVII. App. 10; XVIII. 36, 38, 109 ; XIX. 127 ; Canongate Hammermen meet on, XX. 90. See Neill’s Crag.
Maconochie, Allan, first Lord Meadowbank, II. 139 ; a founder of Speculative Society; called to Scots Bar; becomes Professor of the Law of Nature and Nations and, later, a Lord of Session, V. 166; discourse on ‘Harmony,’ 168; other references, 177, 179-81, 188; IX. 111 ; wins gold medal at riding school, XX. 125.
M’Phail, David, Leith, Burlaw bailie, XV. 185.
Macpherson, Cluny, II. 19, 49 ; VI. 114.
Macpherson, Grant, Sir George, III. 177.
M’Pherson, John (1689), XVI. 190.
McPherson, Eneas, warded, IX. 122, 124.
Macqueen (Macquhane), Isobel, wife of Gilbert Lauder, and benefactress of Magdalen Chapel, VIII. 26, 51.
Macqueen (Macquhane), Michael, founder of Magdalen Chapel, VIII. 2, 6, 7, 25, 26, 76 ; inscription on panel in Committee Room, 39-40; armorial bearings, 23, 68; XII. 71 n.
Macqueen, Robert (Lord Braxfield), III. 141; IX. 94; XX. 115. See also Braxfield, Lord.
Macqueen, or Maxwell, William, messenger-at-arms, XVII. 135.
McQueen, James, writer, XIV. 143.
M’Rabie, Reuben, wigmaker, XX. 58.
MacRae, E. J ., Charles II. Statue, Parliament Square, XVII. 82-90; ‘Notes on South Side of Calton Hill, and Statue of Charles II.’ App. 10.
Macrae, Captain, story of, IX. 216.
MacRitchie, Lewis A., late Hon. Secy. of Club, XI. App. 7; entertained, XVI. App. 28-9.
McRonald, John, writer, VI. 140.
M’Rona1d, John D., IV. 134.
Macvicar, Neil, minister of St. Cuthbert’s, his prayer for Hanoverian king, II. 37 ; IV. 28; XI. App. 17.
Macvicar, Neil, lord provost, XX. 143, 145.
Macvicar, Daniel, chairmaster, IX. 204.
McWalter, John, warded, XII. 163, 164, 165.
MacWhirter, John, R.A., IX. 107.
MacWhirter, Dr., Gowks Club, III. 172.
McWillie, John, sent to plantations, XII. 167.
Madan, Martin, V. 174, 182.
Madderty, Lord, I. 42, 44 ; IV. 130.
Madras school, Leith, XX. 66.
Magdalen Chapel, 1. 21 ; II. 66 ; III. 81 ; ‘purified’ by Reformation mob, 65; Skinners’ arms on shield in, VI. 35 n., 99; founded by Michael Macquhane, burgess of Edinburgh, VIII. 2 ; in possession of Hammermen’s Incorporation, 2-5, 8-9, 37, 40, 44 ; foundation charter, 3, 40; extracts from charter of confirmation, 5-10 ; architectural description, 11-36 ; religious history, 12 ; heraldic windows, 13, 28, 53, 66-72 ; tower, 18-19, 32-5; bell, 18, 34-6 ; masons’ marks, 19-21; doorway, 21-5, 30; well, 27 ; Cross-house, 28, 51 ; building operations (1614), 29; clock, 35-6 ; fittings and furniture, 36; committee room, 36, 39; chapel, 40-2 ; inscribed panels, 42-50; tombstone of Janet Rynd, 51-60; painted armorial shields, 60-2; railing of iron work, 64-66; stone and plaster panels, 66; movable furniture, 72-5; Hammermen’s Bible, 12, 74-5; chronology of, 76-7 ; benefactors of, 48-51 ; now property of Protestant Institute of Scot- land, 2, 77; XI. 9, 11, 125, 139, 141, 162; XII. 59, 128, 143, 149; XIII. 142 ; Club’s visit to, XIV. App. 17-19; John Craig preaches in Latin in; General Assembly of 1578 held in; headless body of Marquis of Argyle (1661) laid in; Presbyterian services in, 18; XVI. 86, 93; fire at, 25; 162, 165; XVII. 107.
Magdalene Asylum, XII. 98.
Magdalene Entry, XII. 97.
Magdalene Land, III. 81.
Magistrates, attend proclamation of R. Cromwell, XVI. 51 ; James VI. confers insignia, 80; election of, 81 ; jurisdiction in Leith, 92; eifects of decision anent trades youths, 95-100; warn merchants against exorbitant prices, 108 ; take Test, 110 ; to give in list of Covenanters, 116; baxters of Canongate and; Common Good, 117; King’s order anent provostship, 120; claim kirk fines, 122; escape of prisoners, 123, 124; not patrons of Abbey Kirk, 127; coach and horses to be bought for, 130; liability for Kirk-heugh property, 134; to inquire into charges against town clerk, 136; preparation of circuit rolls, 138; congratulatory address to King; abatement of tack duty, 140 ; strangers’ names to be given in, 142 ; oppose Lord Errol’s claim, 143; abolish corrupt practice; accused of drinking stipends, 144; King stops election of, 145; Act anent beggars, 146; clerkship of Canongate, 147 ; elections to be ratified by King, 152; accused of negligence, 153; salute Lords of Session, 153 ; complaint against fleshers and Vintners, 159; cleansing, vivers and beggars, 163; table of prices of vivers, 165; Act anent flittings, 166; work of sixteenth century, App. 8.
Magistrates, and Masters of Leith, XX. 61-77.
Magna Carta, Town’s, XVI. 89.
Magnus, King of Isle of Man, III. 33.
Magnus, Thomas, ambassador, IX. 3.
Mahogany Land, XI. 11.
‘Maiden,’ instrument of execution, IV. 100, 101, 105; X. 94.
Maidenburgh, III. 11.
Maidment, James, X. 118, 127; his collection of curious tracts, XVIII. App. 13.
Maille’s land, III. 82.
Main, George, engraver, IX. 81. See Mayne.
Main Point, II. 122, 127 ; XII. 236 ; XVIII. 81-4.
Maine, Barbara, V. 112.
Mair, Gilbert, macer, II. 114-15 ; VI. 124; XII. 201.
Maison Dieu, II. 66.
Maitland, Adam, III. 134.
Maitland, Captain, of Soutra, XX. 55.
Maitland, Chancellor (1591), XVI. 26.
Maitland, Charles, third Earl of Lauderdale, V. 141 ; makes additions to Hatton House, XIII. App. 9 ; XVI. 93. See also Lauderdale.
Maitland, Elizabeth, XII. 184.
Maitland, E. F., solicitor-general, III. 176.
Maitland, George Ferguson, III. 134.
Maitland, Jane, XX. 55.
Maitland, John, fifth Earl of Lauderdale, XIII. App. 10. See also Lauderdale and Ravelrig, Lord.
Maitland, Sir John (1681), XVIII. 25.
Maitland, John, warded, VI. 148.
Maitland, John, Master of the Game, XVI. 105.
Maitland, Margaret, XII. 184.
Maitland, Richard, fourth Earl of Lauderdale, XIII. App. 10.
Maitland, Sir Richard, of Lethington, V. 54 ; X. 128; XIV. 68; XVI. 13, 17.
Maitland, Stuart, III. 134.
Maitland, William, of Lethjngton, secretary to Mary, Queen of Scots, X. 134.
Maitland’s History of Edinburgh, purchased by Calton Society, IV. 188.
Maitland’s Lane, XII. 155.
Major, John, historian, III. 46.
Major Weir’s Close, XII. 59 ; XIX. 36.
Makaske, Besye, VI. 86.
Makcap, Friar John, III. 37.
Makdorod, Friar John, III. 37.
Makdougall, Sir William, master of works, XVII. App. 14.
Make, George, writer, XIII. 120, 129.
Makesone, Eleazer, XVIII. 14.
Makie, John, hammermen, XX. 95.
Maknacht, Patrick, VI. 64.
Malcolm II., V. 3.
Malcolm III., surnamed Ceannmor, carried for safety to England, V. 3 ; becomes king of Cumbria; defeats and slays Macbeth at Lunfanan, 3; crowned at Scone, 4 ; marries (1) widow of Earl of Orkney, 4; receives Edgar Atheling and his two sisters, 4, 5; marries (2) Margaret, sister of Edgar Atheling, 7 ; meets William the Conqueror in Fife, 16 ; makes arrangement with him, 16 ; invades England; returns to Scotland, followed by William II. and his brother Robert; Edgar Atheling as peacemaker; present at foundation of Durham Cathedral; denied admission to royal presence, 16 ; again invades England, and is slain, 17; interred in Church of Holy Trinity at Dunferrnline, 19.
Malcolm V. 10, 14 n.; VI. 12 n.; X. 9.
Malcolm Alexander, minister, XII. 23.
Malcolm C. A., The Gardens of the Castle, XIV. 101-20 ; reads paper on Dalhousie family, XV. App. 25-6; Incorporation of Cordiners of the Canongate, 1538-1773, XVIII. 100-50.
Malcolm John, Ross herald, XVIII. 14.
Malcolm John, XII. 23.
Malcolm Robert, Poker Club, III. 153.
Malcolm William, Unicorn pursuivant, XVIII. 25.
Malcolm’s Close, XII. 22, 23.
Malcolmson, John, chaplain, XVII. App. 13.
Malder, John, bishop of Antwerp, V. 60.
Malenes, Z., goldsmith, XII. 110.
Malise of Strathearn, Friar, III. 33.
Malloch, Alexander, wright, XII. 103.
Malloch, James (1832), XII. 104.
Malloch, Mungo, VIII. 145.
Malloch, Robert, encroaches upon North Loch, XIII. 83-5.
Malloch, Robert, merchant, IX. 138, 143, 144, 147.
Malloch, William, baker, XIV. 34, 37.
Malloch, William, XII. 103.
Malloch’s Close, I. 12; XII. 103.
Maltmaker, Thomas, III. 80.
Maltmen of Canongate, XVIII. 116, 117.
Maltmen of Leith, IX. 44-6 ; v. Masters, King James’s Hospital, XVI. 148 ; XX. 73.
Malvoisin, William, bishop of St. Andrews, and introduction of Friar Preachers into Scotland, III. 23 ; consecrates Friar Clement to Stow Church, 23 ; probably consecrated Edinburgh church of Black Friars, 27.
‘Man of Feeling.’ See Mackenzie, Henry.
Man, Isle of, III. 33-4.
Manderston, Lady, XIII. 115.
Manderston, Patrick, XIV. 59.
Manerstoun, X. 126.
Maniz, Walter, XI. 28.
Mann, Elizabeth, X. 194.
Mann, James, tavern-keeper, III. 158.
Mann, John, gardener, X. 194.
Mann, Robert, tailor, XIII. 129.
Manners & Miller, publishers of Plan of Edinburgh, XII. 235, 236, 240.
Mansfield, Lord, on town council, I. 147, 148; XIX. 54; XX. 41.
Mansfield, Thomas, accountant, III. 173. See Maunsfield.
Mansioun, Andro, wright, XV. 35.
Manuale, The (Holyrood Ordinale), VII. lxxviii.
Manufactures, Commission of the Trustees of, IV. 30, 32.
Map showing old houses remaining in High St. and Canongate at March 1908, I. 1.
Maps of Edinburgh, 1544-1851, with catalogue, XII. 209-47.
Mar, Earl of (1596), III. 215; XII. 142 ; XVI. 5, 29, 59 ; prepares to besiege town, 21 ; oppresses Queen’s faction, 24-5.
Mar, Earl of (1633), Captain of Edinburgh Castle, XVIII. 13.
Mar, John, Earl of, and the ‘Fifteen, XVIII. 28.
Mar, Lord Erskine, son of Earl of (1617), XVIII. 120.
Mar, Mary, Countess of, XX. 35.
Mar, John (1550), III. 79.
March, Earl of (1662), XVI. 62.
March, William, third Earl of (1735), XIV. 134.
Marchbanks, Edward, town treasurer, XVI. 152. See Marjoribanks.
Marche, Peter, III. 80.
Margaret, wife of Malcolm III., on South Queensferry seal, III. 2 ; apparel of, 40 n. ; V. 1 ; chapel or oratory founded by her, 2 ; erects church in honour of Holy Trinity, 9; religious ideas, 9; charity, 10; abstemiousness, 11 ; encourages foreign merchants; humility, 11 ; religious reforms, 11, 12; lover of books, 13 ; illness, 17 ; death, 18; buried in Church of Holy Trinity at Dunfermline, 19 ; canonisation granted, 34-6; her shrine at Dumfermline, 36; saintly patroness of motherhood, 47; story concerning removal of her remains, 59-60; arms of, 51-2 ; her church reforms, VII. xxv ; X. 6.
Margaret of Anjou, Queen, at priory of Black Friars, III. 46.
Margaret of Denmark, James III.’s queen, III. 42; V. 48.
Margaret of Savoy, IX. 53, 75.
Margaret Tudor, queen of James IV., entry into Edinburgh, II. 70; V. 46; and minority of her son, IX. 1, 2 ; marries Earl of Angus, 5; consents to recall Albany from France, 6-7 ; declared to have forfeited her office of tutrix, 8 ; in England, 13 ; arrangements for her reception in Edinburgh, 16-17; quarrels with Angus, 27 ; X. 62.
Marischal, Earl, III. 153 ; XVIII. 14, 20, 21.
Marjoribanks of Balbardie, III. 205. See Marchbanks.
Marjoribanks James, of Leuchie and Hallyards, III. 205.
Marjoribanks James, notary, XII. 151.
Marjoribanks James, ‘keiper of the Kirk,’ XIII. 124.
Marjoribanks James, bedeman, XVII. 53.
Marjoribanks James (1583), XV. 45.
Marjoribanks Sir John, of the Lees, marries Provost Archibald Stewart’s daughter, II. 22 n. ; III. 168, 172, 234 ; XII. 39, 233 ; XIV. 164 and n., 166.
Marjoribanks John, of Leuchie, III. 205.
Marjoribanks John, of that Ilk, III. 205.
Marjoribanks John, of Ratho, XIII. 113.
Marjoribanks John (1528), witness, XVII. 51.
Marjoribanks John (1564), XII. 73. ‘
Marjoribanks John (1580), XVII. 53.
Marjoribanks John (1658), bailie, IV. 130, 133 ; VIII. 102; XVI. 152.
Marjoribanks (Mariorebankis), Leonard, VI. 92-4; 97.
Marjoribanks Simon, X. 156; XV. 17.
Marjoribanks Thomas, of that Ilk (1541), provost of Edinburgh, III. 205.
Marjoribanks, Thomas (1550), III. 79, 82.
Marjoribanks, William, part proprietor of Common Myre, X. 156.
Marjoribanks family, arms of, III. 204.
Marjoribanks estate, XIX. 157.
Marjoribanks’ land, Bell’s Wynd, III. 81.
Mark, James, farmer, XV. 185, 187, 188 ; XIX. 128.
Market, fruit and vegetable, I. 150.
Market, days and fairs, XVIII. 48-9.
Market-place, XIV. 12.
Markets, extortion of, XVI. 159; Lords of Session and, 163 ; magistrates to appoint visitors, 164; free, XX. 94.
Marlin’s Wynd, XI. 7; XII. 76, 77, 131. 145, 147 ; XIV. 84. See Merlin’s Wynd.
Marquis of Lothian’s Close, XII. 123.
Marrow-Bone Club, III. 174-7.
Marser, John, mason, IV. 85. See Mercer, Merser.
Marshall, Alexander, servitor, VIII. 155. See Merschel.
Marshall, Andrew, merchant, XII. 55.
Marshall, Anne, XII. 13.
Marshall, Gavin, V. 120.
Marshall, George, tailor, XIII. 134.
Marshall, George, in Balwairdmylne, II. 94.
Marshall, James, S.S.C., XV. 71, 74, 75.
Marshall, James, in Newforgane, II. 94.
Marshall, James, XII. 13.
Marshall, John, maltman, VIII. 103.
Marshall, John, feuar at Valleyfield, X. 241.
Marshall, John, warded, VIII. 133; XI. 47; XII. 167.
Marshall, Marcus, VIII. 155; XI. 62.
Marshall, Margrat, IV. 117.
Marshall, Michael, VI. 97.
Marshall, (Mershell), Robert (1600), IV. 136.
Marshall, Thomas, warded, IV. 116.
Marshall, William, engraver, IX. 79.
Marshall’s garden, XVIII. 176.
Martin, bishop of Argyle, III. 33. See Merteine.
Martin, Alexander, commissary clerk, IX. 165 ; XI. 58.
Martin, Archibald, deacon of Skinners, VI. 73, 106.
Martin, Bailie (1795), XIX. 85
Martin, David, portrait painter, IX. 89, 94, 97 ; and mezzotint process of engraving, 108.
Martin, Elizabeth, X. 179.
Martin, George, in Portsburgh, XII. 172.
Martin, George, covenanter, executed, IX. 127.
Martin, Henry (1674), sea captain, VI. 127; charge of piracy, XVI. 92.
Martin, John, in Pittendreich, II. 94; XII. 166.
Martin, Margaret, dweller in Canaan, X. 178.
Martin, Robert, clerk to Justice Court, VI. 143.
Martin, Thomas, covenanter, V. 144.
Martin, William, bookseller, XVIII. 2.
Martin, William, in Portsburgh, XII. 173.
Martin, ship, IX. 56-60.
Martyne, —, ‘wobstar,’ IX. 20.
Martyrology, The, VII. xlix.
Martyrs’ Monument, XVII. 134; XVIII. 157.
Marwick, Sir James D., town clerk, XIV. 149; XVII. 91, 94 n. ; XIX. 94.
Marwood, Thomas, perfumer, XII. 201.
Mary of Gueldres, queen of James II., III. 45-6 and n. ; V. 46; X. 37 ; foundress of Trinity College Church, XIII. 80; XIV. 53; XV. 127-8; her body removed from Trinity College Church to Holyrood, 131; XVI. App. 9; XVII. 7 ; XIX. 92.
Mary of Guise. See Lorraine.
Mary, Queen of Scots, III. 58, 74, 210; and Roseburn House, 187 ; presents town with garden of Grey Friars, 219 ; Wesley an admirer of, VIII. 163, 192-193; X. 40, 41, 133, 216; and Old Tolbooth, XIV. 9, 83, 95 ; her surrender at Carberry, App. 14-15 ; last night in Edinburgh, XV. 51, 52; and Town Council, App. 15-16 ; her party lodges near Castle, XVI. 17; all opposed to, to leave town, 18, 19; crowned at Stirling, XVIII. 12; XIX. 159.
Mary King’s Close, I. 7; XI. 11; XII. 28, 65; carved stones in, XIV. 51, 95-96.
Maryfield (i.e. King’s Stables Road), XVIII. 98.
Mary’s (Queen) Bath, XI. 11.
Mary’s Chapel, I. 50; XI. 11; XVI. 89. See also St. Mary’s Chapel.
Mash, James, warded, XII. 195.
Mason, Alexander (1567), XV. 34. See Meason, Measson.
Mason, Alexander, chairman, IX. 219.
Mason, John, baker, XII. 129.
Mason, John, XII. 18.
Mason, Thomas, cordiner, XIV. 44; XVIII. 114.
Mason, Walter, master of works, XIV. 112.
Mason, (Measson), William, mason, VI. 122.
Masons, King’s Master, XIX. 170.
Masons, (with Wrights) raise declarator against eight trades, XVI. 88-91.
Masquerade, XIX. 35, 62 ; nature of, 32-33; opposition to, 63-5, 66; Topham and, 63 ; warehouse for supply of requisites for, 66-7.
Massie, Andrew, regent in philosophy, I. 107 ; VIII. 89, 91, 92, 93, 95, 100 ; accused of Romanism, 94 ; dismissed by Town Council, 96 ; reinstated by Court of Session, 96, 99.
Massie, Ann, I. 107.
Master of the Revels, VI. 38.
Master of Works’ Close, XII. 155.
Master-General of Black Friars, III. 77 ; priority of, 30 ; Scottish vicariate directly under, 34, 36, 41 ; letter from James IV. to, 51-2.
Masterton, Adam, VI. 147.
Mather, David, in Brignes, V. 154.
Matheson, Andrew, smith, XX. 100. See Mathieson, Matthewson.
Matheson, Cuthbert, weaver, XI. 131, 133 n., 134; XII. 129.
Matheson, Duncan, sheriff of Leith, XX. 63, 65.
Matheson, George, skirmer, VI. 69, 73, 96.
Matheson, Peter, chairmaster, IX. 204.
Matheson, Robert, architect, XVII. 174 and n.
Mathie, George, candlemaker, XVII. 110, 157, 158, 171. See Matthie.
Mathie, George, jeweller, III. 231.
Mathieson, Glashan, VI. 144. See Matheson.
Mathison, Grizel, XII. 178.
Mathison, Margaret, XVII. 109.
Mathison, Thomas, his poem of ‘The Goff,’ II. 15 ; XVIII. 3, 4.
Matilda, daughter of Queen Margaret, V. 7.
Matthew, Dominican abbot, III. 23.
Matthewson, Gilbert, bailie, XIV. 182. See Matheson, Mathieson.
Matthie, George, V. 135. See Mathie.
Mauchan, Alexander, XII. 61 ; XIV. 67.
Mauchan, Isobel, wife of William Nisbet (son of the ‘merchant’), afterwards of George Bannatyne, I. 86 ; her lands of Gilmerton, X. 131, 237.
Mauchan, John, bailie, I. 86; XII. 61; XIV. 67 ; XVII. 51.
Mauchan, William (1598), X. 228, 237; XV. 17.
Mauchan’s Close, I. 86 ; XII. 61, 62 ; XIV. 67.
Maule, Fox, III. 130.
Maule, Hon. Harry, of Kelly, V. 161 ; XII. 48; XIII. App. 14.
Maule, James, fourth Earl of Panmure, XIII. App. 13.
Maule, James, son of Hon. Harry, XIII. App. 14, 15.
Maule, Hon. John, baron of Exchequer, XII. 48; XV. 125.
Maule, John, of Inverkeilor, XII. 48.
Maule, Patrick, XII. 58.
Maule, William, afterwards Earl Panmure of Forth, XIII. App. 15.
Maule, William, legacy to weaving industry, XVII. 58.
Maulsley, Lady, XII. 160, 161.
Maulwood, Thomas, XII. 194.
Maunsfield, — , ‘a gentleman,’ XVI. 11. See Mansfield.
Mausie Smith’s Close, XII. 96.
Maw (Mav), Rynzen, VI. 94.
Mawer, Walter, VI. 97.
Maxton, James, latterly Maxton-Graham of Cultoquhey, III. 135.
Maxtoun, John, his lands in Cowgate, III. 89.
Maxwell, Agnes, sister of the Sciennes, X. 127, 130.
Maxwell, Alexander, treasurer, Royal Edinburgh Volunteers, III. 162.
Maxwell, Alexander (1654), XVIII. 177.
Maxwell, Gavin, Paisley, VIII. 147.
Maxwell, Henry, Oyster Club, III. 174. Herbert, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 221, 222, 229, 230, 236 ; XV. 49, 50.
Maxwell, Hugh, of Dalswinton, warded, IX. 168; XI. 22; XII. 206.
Maxwell, James, of Kirkconnel, II. 39.
Maxwell, James, bishop of Ross, V. 100.
Maxwell, James, son of Bishop of Ross, V. 100.
Maxwell, Sir John, of Pollok (1683), VIII. 156; XI. 45; XII. 181, 197; XVI. Introd.
Maxwell, Sir John, of Hoog, XII. 184.
Maxwell, John, of Dalswinton, IV. 115, 142; V. 135.
Maxwell, John, bishop of Ross, XVIII. 18.
Maxwell, John, minister of St. Giles’, XIII. 19.
Maxwell, John, ‘taylor,’ VI. 112.
Maxwell, John, bailie of Paisley, VIII. 127 ; XI. 42.
Maxwell, John (1619), X. 256.
Maxwell, John, servitor, XVIII. 46.
Maxwell, Jonet, XV. 39.
Maxwell, Lady, her friendship with Wesley, VIII. 162, 182, 183, 197 ; joins Methodists, 180; establishes school for poor children, 181, 190 ; Lady Glenorchy and, 185-6; Wesley writes to, 186 ; religious attitude, 187 ; Wesley’s influence on, 188-9 ; a pioneer of Sunday Schools, 190 ; inserts notice of Wesley’s death in Edinburgh newspapers, 191 ; XI. 11.
Maxwell, Lady, of Monreith, IV. 80 ; XIX. 72.
Maxwell, Master of, V. 54.
Maxwell, Patrick (1655), XVI. 42.
Maxwell, Polk, of that Ilk, IX. 169.
Maxwell, Richard, saddler, VIII. 35.
Maxwell, Robert, in Jock’s Lodge, IV. 160, 173.
Maxwell, Sir Walter, of Pollok, VIII. 188.
Maxwell, Sir William (1776), member of Wig Club, III. 141, 152.
Maxwell, William, of Monreith (1661), IV. 138.
Maxwell, William, of Preston, VIII. 181.
Maxwell, Willielma. See Glenorchy, Lady.
Maxwell, Zachary, of Blawarthill, IX. 163 ; XII. 198.
May Drummond’s Close, XII. 120.
Mayfield, X. 215, 223 ; superiority of, sold to Sir William Arbuthnot, 220.
Mayfield, Loan (Cant’s Loaning), X. 56, 85, 211, 212, 215, 220.
Mayne, Katherine, XVI. 4. See Main.
Mazzanti, Peralto, engaged by Musical Society, XIX. 207-9.
Meadow Place, X. 247, 252.
Meadow Tank, XIV. 163.
Meadow Walk, V. 81 ; XVIII. 81, 157.
Meadowbank, Lord (1829), XV. 212. See also Maconochie, Allan.
Meadowbank, XII. 211.
Meadows, Sir Sidney, XX. 117.
Meadows, I. 33 ; II. 62, 74 ; IX. 205, 210 ; X. 2, 5, 52, 54, 65, 235, 238; Act prohibiting building upon, 251, 253; improved by Hope of Rankeillor, 258-60 ; drainage operations in, 260-1, 263; XII. 100, 218, App. 18 ; agricultural experiments in, XV. 168, App. 18; XVIII. 82; prohibition of buildings in, 91; 93, 95, 156, 157, 158, 162, 163, 170; XIX. 79.
Meallen, Thomas (1658), IV. 123. See Melin.
Meal Market, IV. 52; XI. 11, 132, 136; XII. 14, 16, 67, 131, 139, 154; XIII. 1, 20, 22, 133; XIV. 8, 75; XVI. 41.
Mealmarket Close, XIII. 1.
Mealmarket Stair, XII. 131.
Mearns, David, minister, XIII. 127 and n.
Mears, F. C., lectures on ‘Edinburgh before Flodden,’ XI. App. 21; Measured Drawings of Lawnmarket and Castlehill made by Thomas Hamilton, Architect, XII. 249-50; conducts Club members round Flodden Wall, XVIII. App. 30-2.
Meason, Agnes and Alexander, XII. 19. See Mason.
Measone, Thomas, cordiner, XIV. 44.
Measson, Alexander, sent to plantations, XII. 167.
Measures, false, VI. 140.
Medical School, Edinburgh, IV. 14; XV. 156, 162.
Medical Society. See Royal Medical Society.
Medicine Gardens, XV. 145-6. See Botanic Gardens.
Medina, Sir John, XIX. 181.
Medwin, Thomas C., Shelley’s kinsman, XI. 81.
Medwyn, Lord (John Hay Forbes), II. 165 ; XVIII. 209.
Meek, David, XVI. Introd. xxix.
Meek, Mr., assistant, Canongate School, XX. 24.
Meek, William, candlemaker, XVII. 140, 141.
Meggatland, XVIII. 172.
Megget, Alexander (1738), XIX. 99, 100.
Megget, John, cordiner, XIV. 44.
Meikle, Agnes, XII. 109.
Meikle, Alexander, writer, XII. 109.
Meikle, Janet, X. 219 n.
Meikle, John, of Bell foundry, XVII. 19.
Meikle, John, in Evandaleboune, II. 95.
Meikleridge, XV. 185.
Mein, Bartholomew, XII. 155.
Mein, John, XII. 155; XIII. 96, 120.
Mein, Patrick, XII. 155.
Mein, Robert, keeper of letter-office, II. 103 ; VI. 146 ; warded in Tolbooth, XI. 35; XVI. 150.
Mein’s Close, XII. 155.
Meldrum of Binns and Stirling of Keir, encounter between, II. 126.
Meldrum laird of, V. 124; XVI. 116.
Meldrum, George, of Crombie, XI. 36, 69.
Meldrum, George, minister at Edinburgh, XVI. 111.
Meldrum, Joshua, Kinghorn, XVI. 64, 65.
Meldrum, Lady (1685), XVI. 146.
Meldrumsheuch, I. 131. See Drumsheugh.
Mele, William (1519), X. 73. See Mill, Milne.
Melfort, Duke of, VIII. 82 ; XVI. 107, 145, 147, 161, 163.
Melin, Mitchell (1658), IV. 129. See Meallen.
Melline, Jean, IX. 169.
Melrose, abbots of, mansion of, I. 10; XII. 81, 149.
Melrose, Andrew, tea merchant, XVII. App. 9.
Melrose, David (1550), III. 82.
Melrose, David, Robertson’s Close, XII. 149.
Melrose, John (1684), XVI. 134.
Melrose, William, wright, XII. 149.
Melrose Close, High St., XII. 81.
Melrose Close, Cowgate, XII. 148, 149.
Melrose’s Land, III. 81.
Melrose’s Wynd, III. 78a.
Melvill, David, provost, II. 68; IX. 12; X. 72, 73.
Melvill, David, (1571), XVI. 19.
Melvill, Captain James, XVI. 18.
Melvill, John (1633), XX. 8.
Melville, Andrew, Church reformer, XIV. App. 18.
Melville, Andrew, M.D., of Redbraes, XIX. 170.
Melville, Daniel, writer, XIII. 120.
Melville, Henry, first Viscount. See Dundas, Henry.
Melville, Henry, third Viscount. See Dundas, Henry.
Melville, Sir James, ambassador, IX. 104.
Melville, James, of Carnbee, XX. App. 25.
Melville, James, golf-ball maker, XVIII. 124.
Melville, John, of Carnbee, VIII. App. 4 ; XX. App. 25.
Melville, J. Whyte, member of Wig Club, III. 141.
Melville, Mr., of Hanley, XVIII. 8.
Melville, Robert, second Viscount, XVIII. 196, 206. See Dundas.
Melville, (Melvin), Robert, warded, IX. 128.
Melville, Walter, Rothesay herald, VIII. 64.
Melville, (Mailvill), William, XV. 44.
Melville Monument, the promoters, XV. 207 ; various sites considered, 208 ; St. Andrew Square chosen; legal proceedings taken by Sir Patrick Walker, 209 ; claim of architect for a percentage, 210 ; increased expenditure, 210-11 ; committee’s scheme to raise money, 212; end of troubles, 213.
Menmure, Lord (John Lindsay), on a provision for parish ministers, XIII. 28.
Menteith, Alexander, cordiner, XVIII. 115. See Monteith.
Menteith, Robert, minister of Duddingston, XX. App. 29.
Menzies, Alexander, of Coulterallers, X. 219 n.
Menzies, Archibald, of Culdares, III. 153.
Menzies, Bailie (1701), X. 206.
Menzies, Captain, XII. 106.
Menzies, James, of Culdares, VIII. 143, 144; IX. 142, 145.
Menzies, James, in Dalvine, VIII. 121.
Menzies, John, of Cambo, XI. 68, 72.
Menzies, John, advocate, XII. 204.
Menzies, Mary, X. 219 n.
Menzies, Patrick (1684), IX. 119.
Menzies, Robert, covenanter, V. 137.
Menzies, Thomas, of Letham, X. 199.
Menzies, Thomas, of Easter Morningside, X. 203.
Menzies, Thomas, of Carlops, XIII. 131.
Menzies, Sir. William, of Gledstanes, IV. 60.
Menzies, Sir William, of St. Germains, X. 199 and n.
Menzies, William, of Easter Morningside, X. 203.
Menzies, William, procurator, XIX. 112.
Menzies, William (1674), VI. 127.
Menzies’ Pocket Guide to Edinburgh, XII. 246.
Mercat Close, XII. 38.
Mercat Cross. See Cross of Edinburgh.
Mercer, Archibald, XII. 51. See Marser, Merser.
Mercer, Bailie (1672), VI. 110.
Mercer, George, member of Gowks Club, III. 172.
Mercer, James, minister, Penicuik, XII. 186.
Mercer, Lawrence, bailie, V. 103, 104.
Mercer, William, of Aldie, X. 199.
Merchant Company of Edinburgh, their premises in Cowgate, XII. 137 ; XIV. 116; XVII. 120, 122; XX. 63; Sir A. Brand and, 30-1 ; lend money to riding school, 131.
Merchant Guilds, VI. 12-14, 23-4.
Merchant Hall, Hunter Square, IX. 221.
Merchant Maidens’ Hospital, II. 8 ; IV. 9 ; XIV. 116, 143; XVII. 118.
Merchant Street, I. 22.
Merchants, dispute with craftsmen, XVI. 75 ; dispute with trades, 86, 100 ; charge exorbitant prices, 108; import prohibited goods, 116, 161 ; sell prohibited goods, 119 ; complain against cloth manufacturers, 126 ; must attend exchange, 155; break Sumptuary Act, 157; overcharge for silk stuffs, 158; XVII. 92.
Merchiston, David, minister, XIII. 121 and n.
Merchiston, II. 62; Highland army at, 24; lands of, 144; or Dowcroft, X. 4; king’s sergeant at, 19 ; 56, 80, 93 ; 193, 198, 203, 206, 210; Little, 205; Over, 244 n. ; 249 ; Dalry conjoined with, XX. 28 ; North, 43.
Merchiston, Butts, X. 206.
Merchiston, Castle, I. 34, 78; XV. App. 23-4; XVI. 6, 22-4; XX. 26.
Merchiston, Land, XII. 82.
Merchiston, Loch, X. 205.
Merchistons of that Ilk, XV. App. 23.
Mercier, Philip, his views of Edinburgh, XVIII. App. 9.
Mercurius Caledonius, XVI. 67 n.
‘Mercury,’ Sign of the, IV. 6 ; XIX. 194.
Mergill, Michill, skinner, VI. 72.
Merlin, John, XII. 77. See Merlion.
Merlin, William, jr., XII. 77.
Merlin’s Wynd, X. 132 ; XII. 76. See also Marlin’s Wynd.
Merlion, Walter, builder of Gothic porch, Holyrood, I. 13 ; XII. 76, 77 ; XIV. 84. See Merlin.
Merschel, Robert (1509), III. 93. See Marshall.
Merser, Archibald, Culross, XIII. 59. See Marser, Mercer.
Merser, Colonel James, IV. 141.
Merston, Robert, cordiner, XVIII. 144-5.
Merteine, Jonet, XVIII. 123. See Martin.
Mertoun, Ralph, writing master, XX. 17.
Messengers-of-Arms, XX. App. 14.
Messiah, Handel’s, XIX. 198, 203, 205.
Metcalf’s tavern, II. 154.
Methestoun’s land, III. 82.
Methodism, a failure in Scotland, VIII. 160-2; in Edinburgh, 173-5; controversy between Dr. John Erskine and Wesley, 176-9; Methodist preachers expelled from St. Mary’s Chapel, 185-7.
Methodist chapel in Low Calton, VIII. 173, 174-5, 183; XIX. 110.
Methodists, among Jacobite troops, II. 36, 37 ; XIX. 110.
Methven, Lord (David Smyth), III. 153; XV. App. 13.
Methven, Lord (Henry Stewart), X. 242, 243; XVI. 22, 62.
Methven, Michael, Robert, X. 38.
Midcommon Close, XII. 90 ; carved panel in, XVII. 35.
Mid Yard (Blackfriars), II. 72.
Middelburg, and the Staple, I. 97 ; IX. 50-6 ; Scottish Commissioners to fix the Staple at, 67 ; delay in signing agreement, 69 ; project relinquished, 74.
Middle Baxter’s Close, XII. 14, 15, 16.
Middle Baxter’s Court, XII. 16.
Middle Common Close, XII. 90.
Middle Fleshmarket Close, XII. 22, 36, 37.
Middle Meadow Walk, X. 258; XVIII. 81.
Middle Meal Market, XII. 131.
Middledrum, XVIII. App. 17.
Middlefield, XIV. App. 10.
Middleton, Earl of, V. 100; XVI. 59, 60, 62, 64.
Middleton, Major (1655), XVI. 42.
Middleton’s Entry, IX. 212.
Midlothian Road Trustees. See Road Trustees.
Milenus, Zacharias, VIII. 106.
Militia, Edinburgh, in Bothwell Brig fight, II. 88-9; guarding prisoners in Greyfriars, 93.
Militia, Bill, III. 150-1.
Militia, Club. See Poker Club.
Mill, Alexander and Robert, V. 120. See Mele, Miln, Milne, Myln, Mylne.
Mill, Humphrey, XIX. 99.
Mill, John, keeper of Tolbooth, V. 125, 126.
Mill’s Court, XII. 38.
Millar, Janet, accused of witchcraft, IV. 142. See Miller, Myller.
Millar, Jean, VI. 112.
Millar, Margrat, VI. 119.
Millar, Mr., No. 167 Canongate, XX. 23.
Millar, William, covenanter, II. 95.
Millar, William, whipped for false writings, IV. 116.
Millar, William (1668), V. 143.
Miller, Alexander, master tailor to the King, X. 28, 237. See Miller, Myller.
Miller, Alexander, glazier, XVIII. 74.
Miller, Alexander, Eaglesham, VIII. 138.
Miller, Andrew, minister, warded, IX. 160 ; XI. 42.
Miller, Andre (1682), warded, VIII. 137.
Miller, Daniel, merchant, Canongate, XII. 98
Miller, Grizel. See Grant, Mrs., of Prestongrange.
Miller, Hugh, VIII. 181 ; on Lady Glenorchy’s Chapel, 182 n. ; his description of South Loch, X. 254, 260.
Miller, James (1690), VIII. 89.
Miller, John, in Wattershauch, VI. 156 ; XI. 25, 35.
Miller, J., Parliament Close, III. 231.
Miller, Major, of Horse Guards Blue, in sanctuary, XV. 97.
Miller, Patrick, merchant, III. 152.
Miller, Peter, his brochure on Old Tolbooth, IV. 78; XIV. 7, 8; XVII. 13; XX. App. 11-13.
Miller, Richard (1685), XI. 53.
Miller, Robert, dean of guild, III. 221 ; IV. 78 ; XII. 22 ; his Municipal Buildings of Edinburgh, XIV. 8-11.
Miller, Robert, mason, XI. 22, 23.
Miller, Robert, candlemaker, XVII. 135.
Miller, Robert, covenanter, II. 97, 98, 100, 102; VI. 136.
Miller, Sarah, wife of Thomas Fleming, X. 28, 237.
Miller, Sir Thomas, of Barskimming, tenant of Dean House, I. 125; XVII. 162.
Miller, Thomas, covenanter, VI. 136 ; XII. 200, 201.
Miller, William, jun., of Glenlee, III. 154.
Miller, William, seedsman, I. 107, 108; XII. 125; XV. 65; XVII. 13.
Miller, William, ‘Turner’s best engraver,’ IX. 101; XVII. 4, 13; XVIII. App. 10.
Miller, William, Wagering Club, II. 158.
Miller, William, merchant, XII. 98.
Miller, William, soldier, VI. 148, 149.
Miller of Mansfield, The, XI. 169.
Millerfield House, IX. 102.
Miller’s Close, I. 11 ; XII. 98, 99.
Miller’s (Quaker) Gardens, XI. 11.
Miller’s Land, XII. 98.
Milligan’s tavern, Royal Exchange, XX. 23.
Milliken, James, of that Ilk, XVIII. 172.
Million, Alexander, collector of Customs, VI. 117.
Mills on Water of Leith, XVIII. 43.
Mills Mount (Castle), XI. 11.
Miln, David, tailor, XII. 114. See Mill, Milne, Myln, Mylne.
Henry, smith, XVIII. 62.
Henry, Umphra, VIII. 49.
Milne, Alexander, Linlithgow, XVI. 141.
Milne, Sir David, XVIII. 99.
Milne, David, warded, VIII. 137.
Milne, David, mason, XII. 113.
Milne, George, clerk to Commissioners of Police, XIV. 167.
Milne, John (1747), XII. 115.
Milne, John, drummer in Calton, XIX. 117.
Milne, Thomas, mason, XII. 115.
Milne, William, merchant, XI. 24, 25.
Milne, See also Mill, Miln, Mylne.
Milne’s Close, I. 16; XII. 114.
Milne’s Court, I. 3, 4; III. 243; IX. 228; XI. 11, 14; XII. 10, 11, 38, 153 ; XIV. 59, 73, 74; XVIII. 86.
Milne’s Entry, XII. 10.
Milne’s Pictorial Plan of Edinburgh, XII. 246.
Miln’s Court, Canongate, XII. 114.
Miln’s Land, Canongate, XII. 114.
Miln’s Square. See Mylne Square.
Milton, Lord, mansion of, I. 14 ; IX. 220 ; XI. 11, 13; XII. 101, 121, 122. See also Fletcher, Andrew.
Milton, Lady, XIX. 50; a directress of the ‘Assembly,’ 89.
Minish’s Close, XII. 45.
Ministers, in Tolbooth, V. 95-8, 104, 105, 111, 113, 146; crafts and stipends, VI. 34; XIII. 28-9, 37, 38, 48, 93-4; XV. 6, 35-8 ; XVI. 46 ; stipends, 86-7 ; liability of Lords of Session for stipends, 101-3, 157 ; search for intercommuned, 104 ; not to keep ‘Latin schoolls,’ 105 ; outed, 107; refuse Test, 111; not to sit in pulpit, 121 ; Holyrood stipends, 126, 127 ; to take Test, 132; Abjuration Oath, 139 ; seditious sermons, 145- 155 ; cess and annuity, 151.
Minnesingers, collection of arms of, III. 7.
Mint, I. 19, 92; II. 48; III. 233, 250; XI. 11; XII. 84, 150; XV. 103, 108, 109 ; XVI. 119, 137 ; weights and measures, 158; opened, 160; depute and master, 161 ; XVIII. 149, App. 25.
Mint Close, XII. 83, 84; residents in, XV. 110.
Minto, Gilbert, second Earl of, member of Friday Club, III. 115. See also Elliot, Sir Gilbert.
Minto, Lady (1667), V. 136.
Minto, House, XI. 11.
Miracle plays, VI. 36-8 and n.
Mirrie, John, warded, IX. 128, 129.
Mirrie, Robert, of Carrubber, XII. 41.
Mirrie, William (1682), executed, VIII. 132.
Mirror, The, III. 142 ; contributors to, 143-4.
Mirror Club, account of the, III. 142-5.
Mirtle, Thomas, farmer, XV. 185, 202.
Mirtle, Thomas, XII. 142.
Mitchel, Bailie Robert, brewer in Portsburgh, X. 179, 181; XX. 48, 57; feus ground in Dalry, 46-7 ; his building schemes; tombstone in St. Cuthbert’s Churchyard, 47.
Mitchell, Alexander, of Stow, XX. App. 17, 32. See Mitchel.
Mitchell, Andrew, covenanter, II. 95.
Mitchell, Andrew, student, VIII. 91.
Mitchell, Andrew, Leith captain, XVI. 19, 22.
Mitchell, Sir Arthur, X. 208.
Mitchell, Captain, and siege of Castle (1573), V. 63.
Mitchell, David, treasurer for the Parliament House, XIII. 76 n.
Mitchell, David, brewer, XV. 184, 187, 188, 190, 197, 201.
Mitchell, Edward, engraver, IX. 85, 97.
Mitchell, George, deacon of Hammermen, XVII. 83.
Mitchell, James, his attempt on Archbishop Sharp’s life, VI. 122 ; XIII. App. 9.
Mitchell, James, goldsmith, XII. 129.
Mitchell, James (1682), banished, VIII. 125.
Mitchell, Janet (1723), IX. 193.
Mitchell, Jean, Restalrig, IV. 163.
Mitchell, John, of Alderston, XII. 106.
Mitchell, John, in Dippelbum, V. 137.
Mitchell, John (1642), X. 195 n.
Mitchell, John, vintner, XII. 26.
Mitchell, John, town officer, XIII. 125.
Mitchell, John, Burlaw bailie, XV. 182, 184, 198 n.
Mitchell, John, warded, XI. 47, 51.
Mitchell, (or Arthur), Margaret, candlemaker, XVII. 145.
Mitchell, Robert, in Dippelburn, V. 137.
Mitchell, Sydney, architect, XX. App. 18.
Mitchell, Rev. Thomas, V. 190.
Mitchell, William, farmer, XV. 185, 187, 193, 194.
Mitchell, William, president, Surgeon’s Hospital, XVII. 119.
Mitchell, William, Tincklarian doctor, XVIII. App. 13.
Mitchell, William, merchant, Leith. XX. 47.
Mitchell, William, son of John M., in Dippelburn, V. 137.
Mitchell, William, in Smealam, IV. 118.
Mitchellhill, Bailie (1685), XI. 27.
Mitchell’s Close, XII. 26.
Mitchelson, James, of Howlatstoun, VIII. 153, 154, 156.
Mitchelson, James, jeweller, IV. 60.
Mitchelson, John, of Middleton, XII. 25.
Mitchelson, Robert, clerk to Incorporated Trades of Calton, XVIII. 47, 65.
Mitchelson, William, account for Montrose’s reinterment, I. 39.
Mitford, Robert, XX. 155.
Mobs, XII. App. 19.
Mock Lawyer, XI. 168.
Moderatism, VIII. 170.
Moffat, Cumberland, XII. 48.
Moffat, James, covenanter, XII. 166.
Moffat, John, maltman, XV. 42.
Moffat, John, candlemaker, XVII. 104, 138, 139, 141.
Moffat, John, in Calton, XIX. 118.
Moffat, John, XII. 79.
Moffat, Matthew, miller, V. 106.
Moffat, Patrick, candlemaker, XVII. 139, 141, 143.
Moffat, Robert, drummer in Calton, XIX. 117.
Moffat, William, legacy to Candlemakers, XVII. 109.
Moffat, William, XII. 48.
Moffat, William, flesher, XVI. 96, 97, 100.
Moffat’s Close, XII. 48, 156.
Moffat’s Well, XII. 141.
Moir, John, of Craigaruall, IX. 174.
Moira, Thomas, second Earl of, XIV. 155 and n. ; XX. 145, 152, App. 30.
Monach, Alexander, weaver, X. 210.
Monboddo, Lord (James Burnett), I. 11 ; IV. 37; IX. 218.
Monck, General, III. 223 ; IV. 123, 125-7 ; 130; XV. 138; XVI. 48, 53, 54; entry into city, 40; XIX. 183.
Moncreiff, Alexander, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 176.
Moncreiff, Alexander (1684), IX. 171.
Moncreiff, Sir Henry, II. 163.
Moncreiff, H. J., Marrow-Bone Club, III. 177.
Moncreiff, James, Lord Moncreiff of Tullibole, III. 172, 175, 176, 234; IX. 103; XIV. 173.
Moncreiff, James, skinner, VI. 98.
Moncreiff, Thomas (1664), V. 121, 122.
Moncreiff, William, of Balcaskie, IV. 143.
Moncreiff, William, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 175, 176.
Moncur, Andrew (1508), III. 93.
‘Monk’s Seat,’ XIV. 68.
Momnouth, Duke of, II. 89; his pacific influence in Edinburgh, 93.
Monro, Albert, of Coul, XII. 13. See Munro.
Monro, Alexander, of Bearcrofts, VIII. 158 ; IX. 133, 156, 157.
Monro, Alexander, principal of Town’s College, VIII. 79, 80, 81, 84, 90; XVI. 147, 148.
Monro, Alexander, primus., anatomist, II. 26 ; IV. 14, 15, 16 ; XV. 140, 143, 147, 157 ; XX. 118.
Monro, Alexander, secundus, medically examines John Wesley, VIII. 195 ; XV. App. 13.
Monro, Alexander, tertius, XV. App. 13.
Monro, Andre (1658), IV. 123.
Monro, Daniel (1734), XV. 87.
Monro, John, of Lemlair, IV. 139.
Monro, John, prof. of Medicine, his scheme to build hospital for the poor, XV. 140, 154.
Monro, Sir Robert, his regiment, XVIII. 4.
Monro, Robert, XII. 13.
Monro, Robert, hangman, XVI. 131.
Monro’s Close, XII. 100, 101. See Munro’s Close.
Mons Meg, V. 28, 31 ; IX. 13 ; XVI. 55 n.
Montagu, Duke of, XX. 137.
Monteath, George, merchant, IX. 167.
Monteith (Monteyth), Alexander, cordiner, XIV. 37, 43. See Menteith.
Monteith Alexander (1675), VI. 128.
Monteith Henry (1664), V. 115.
Monteith J., St. Mary’s Wynd, XII. 112.
Monteith Robert, of Randyford, XII. 50.
Monteith William, of Carrubber, XII. 41, 50.
Monteith’s Close, XII. 46, 47 ; XV. 121.
Monteith’s Theatre of Mortality, II. 146 ; IV. 73 n.
Montgomerie of Hessilheid, III. 190 n. See Mundegumbri.
Montgomerie Alexander, poet, III. 190 n.
Montgomerie, Ezekiel, IX. 124, 128, 130, 134.
Montgomerie, Gilbert (1571), XVI. 19.
Montgomerie, Jean, wife of George Lind of Gorgie, III. 190-1 n.
Montgomerie, John (1664), V. 117.
Montgomery, Alexander, of Sloss (1715), XVIII. 59 n.
Montgomery, Barbara, XX. 58.
Montgomery, Colonel (1657), XVI. 48.
Montgomery, Colonel Andrew (? d. 1800), III. 141, 153.
Montgomery, Sir James, of Stanhope, XV. App. 20.
Montgomery, James, lord advocate, XVII. 162.
Montgomery, James, infeft in Dalry property, XX. 42
Montgomery, Matthew, warded, VI. 115, 116.
Montgomery, Robert, lord provost, IV. 47.
Montgomery, Vaughan, XX. 50.
Montpelier, Bruntsfield, XX. App. 35.
Montrose, James, first Marquess of, condemned by Committee of Estates, I. 31-2; dying prayer, 32-3 ; execution, and burial under gibbet on Burgh Muir, 33-4; abstraction and embalming of his heart; heart sent to son in Flanders, 34-5 ; Charles II.’s reparation to memory of; obsequies at re-interment, 36-7 ; funeral accounts, 37-42; the dispersed members, 44-5; burial place, 45; monument, 46; H. 144; IV. 111; V. 112; X. 93-5 ; XVI. 34, 35, 50 n., 59 ; XIX. 15; XX. 27, 91.
Montrose, second Marquess of, I. 34, 35, 43, 44; X. 94.
Montrose, James, third Duke of. See Graham, James, Marquis of (1782).
Montrose, John, third Earl of, I. 45.
Montrose aisle, St. Giles’, I. 45.
Monypenny, David. See Pitmilly, Lord.
Monypenny, Patrick, of Pilrig, XI. App. 19-20; XIX. 154; XX. App. 20.
Monypenny, Robert, of Pilrig, XX. App. 20.
Monypenny, Robert, first wife of Sir John Nisbet of Dirleton, I. 111.
Monypennys of Pilrig, XIX. 144, 156.
Moodie, Janet, XVIII. 177. See Mudie.
Moodie, John, Writer, XIII. 111, 140, 144.
Moodie, Thomas, IV. 150; XIII. 103 and n.; mortification, XVI. 110, 165; to build lodging and chapel for bishop, 144; XVII. App. 21 ; buys lands of Tollcross, XVIII. 177.
Moodie, William, merchant, XIII. 115, 118, 119, 128, 139.
Moodie, Captain (1689), XVI. 208.
Moor, David (1666), V. 134. See Muir.
Moore, Alexander, extentor, XIII. 98.
Moore, James (1668), V. 137.
Moray, Alexander, fifth Earl of, XII. App. 21. Francis, ninth Earl of, his mansion at Drumsheugh, H. 133 ; and Wig Club, III. 137-9, 141; XVII. 77; XIX. 74.
Moray, Francis, tenth Earl of, XII. App. 23.
Moray, Francis James, sixteenth Earl of (1908), and Restalrig Church, IV. 153, 157 n., 159.
Moray, James, Earl of, natural son of James IV., IX. 16.
Moray, James, eighth Earl of, and South Leith Church, VII. App. 7 ; XII. 117 ; XVIII. 178; XIX. 41.
Moray, Ranulph, Earl of, V. 33, 38, 41; VI. 2.
Moray, Regent, III. 55, 63 ; IV. 93 ; V. 57 ; X. 154 n.; XV. 39; XVIII. 210 n.
Moray, Countess-Dowager of (1746), XIX. 53 ; a directress of the ‘Assembly,’ 91 ; XX. 52.
Moray aisle, Restalrig Church, IV. 181.
Moray House, described, I. 15 ; Cromwell at, III. 217; XI. 11; XII. 116; Club visits, App. 21-6 ; carved stones at, XVII. 27-8; XVIII. 101.
More, Jacob, painter, III. 160.
More, William, of Abercom, II. 144 ; III. 180. See also Mure.
Moredun, XII. 24.
Morehead, William, Poker Club, III. 150, 154. See Muirhead.
Morel of Bamborough, V. 17.
Morelands, X. 225.
Morer, Thomas, his travels, II. 236 ; XVII. 84 and n.
Moresoun, Helen, X. 165, 213 n. See Morison, Morrison.
Moresoun, John, Burgh treasurer (1588), XV. 53.
Morgan, General, commander of English forces in Scotland, IV. 140 ; XVI. 55.
Morgan, John, chairmaster, IX. 204.
Morice, Peter, XII. 155. See Morrice, Morris.
Morie’s Close, XII. 155.
Morison, Elizabeth, wife of Sir William Dick, X. 15, 202, 219 n. See Moresoun, Morrison.
Morison, Elsa, VI. 156.
Morison, Sir George, of Dairsie, IV. 134.
Morison, John, saddler, VIII. 48.
Morison, John, cordiner, XIV. 37, 43.
Morison, Jonet, VIII. 137.
Morningside, II. 62 ; X. 193 ; Easter, 193, 198, 203, 222; Wester, 203; highway robbery at, XIV. 159; 162.
Morocco Close, I. 10; XII. 18, 19, 92, 94, 153; XIV. 75.
Morocco Land, XI. 11 ; XII. 92-3 ; demifigure of turbaned Moor at, XVII. 35-6 ; XX. App. 21.
Morrice, Patrick, X. 228, 237. See Morice.
Morris, Charles, song-writer, IX. 109.
Morris, Peter, XII. 73.
Morris, Peter (‘Peter’s Letters to his Kinsfolk’), XII. App. 31 ; XV. 75.
Morrison, Adam, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 177. See Moresoun, Morison.
Morrison, Alexander, of Prestongrange, I. 111.
Morrison, Mrs. Catherine, III. 126.
Morrison, Elizabeth, wife of Sir William Dick of Braid, I. 105.
Morrison, George, warded, VI. 120.
Morrison, Jean, third wife of Sir John Nisbet of Dirleton, I. 111.
Morrison, (Moriesone), John, of Dairsey, XII. 43.
Morrison, John, of Prestongrange, I. 105.
Morrison, John, merchant, XII. 43.
Morrison, William (1787), XX. 59.
Morrison Street, inscribed stone in, II. 128; XX. 56, 59, 60.
Morrison’s Close, I. 8, 9; XII. 43, 44, 154; XIII. 112, 115.
Mortcloths at burials, IV. 154-5, 161, 164; XIX. 129. See also Restalrig Society.
Morthland, John, Poker Club, III. 151.
Mortifications, Town’s, XVI. 103 ; Moodie’s, 110, 144, 165.
Morton, George, thirteenth Earl of, XII. 101, 102; XVIII. App. 6.
Morton, James, third Earl of, IX. 13, 24, 35.
Morton, James, fourth Earl of, Regent of Scotland, mansion of, I. 10, 19; III. 188; at Knox’s funeral, 213; execution of, IV. 100 and n. ; and the ‘Maiden,’ 101 ; V. 62, 63 ; VI. 6 ; X. 141-2, 200 ; XIV. 57, 68; XV. 103, 104; oppresses merchants, XVI. 17, 18, 25 ; libelled by two poets, 26.
Morton, James, fourteenth Earl of, XII. 102 ; XVIII. App. 6.
Morton, James, sixteenth Earl of, XV. 155 ; Lord Clerk Register, XVII. 152-5, 159 ; XIX. 203.
Morton, Sholto-John, Lord Aberdour (1685), XI. 56.
Morton, Sholto-John, twentieth Earl of, III. 194; buys Hatton House, XIII. App. 11.
Morton, William, ninth Earl of, Lord Treasurer, XVIII. 14.
Morton, William, eleventh Earl of, tenant of Canongate Hammermen, XX. 82.
Morton, Earls of, and Watsons of Saughton, III. 194.
Morton, Andrew, tacksman, XI. 48 ; XVI. 140.
Morton, Charles, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 176.
Morton, David, warded, V. 144, 145.
Morton, Hugh, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 177.
Morton, James, weaver, XX. 60.
Morton, John, weaver, XX. 60.
Morton, John, warded, XI. 40.
Mortonhall, I. 85 ; III. 197 ; XVI. Introd. xxvi, xxvii, 106.
Moscrop, John, advocate, X. 187.
Moscrop, John, XII. 18.
Moscrop, Patrick, of Castletown, XII. 18.
Moscrop, Patrick, advocate, X. 187.
Moscrop’s Close, XII. 18, 19.
Moselie, E., IV. 115.
Mosman, Alexander C., of Auchtyfardle, X. 183.
Mosman, Bessie, VI. 100, 101.
Mosman, Hugh, of Auchtyfardle, X. 183, 203, 204 n.
Mosman, James, goldsmith, XV. 41, 124; XIX. 14.
Mosman, John, acquires lands of Canaan, X. 183, 203.
Mosman, John, nephew of above, X. 183. William, of Canaan, X. 207.
Mosman, Mossman, George, printer to Church of Scotland, IX. 80.
Mosman, Hugh, Gowks Club, III. 172.
Mosman, Hugh, cooper, VIII. 112, 113, 120.
Mosman, James, Forrester’s Wynd, XIV. 78.
Mosman, John, officer, Tolbooth, VI. 117, 129, 133.
Mosman, John, warded, XI. 28.
Mote, James, IV. 82 n.
Motte. See De la Motte.
Moubray of Barnbougle, XIV. 115. See Mowbray.
Moubray, Andrew, XII. 47, 85.
Moubray, David, warded, XII. 194.
Moubray, John, West Bow, XII. 126.
Moubray, Robert, wright, V. 160, 161 ; XII. 48, 49, 85, 86.
Moubray, Walter, XII. 85.
Moubray, William, XII. 86; XIII. 102.
Moubray, House, I. 9; V. 157-62; its date; site; purchased by Cockburn Association; partially restored, 157; curiosities found during restoration, 157-9 ; description, 158-60 ; history, 160-2; XI. 6; XV. 121-2, 125.
Moubray’s Close, XII. 48, 49, 84, 85.
Moubray’s feu, XVII. 158.
Moubray’s House (Warriston Close), XI. 10.
Moullings, Jehan du, bookbinder, XV. 20.
Mound, I. 151; III. 220, 243, 249; IX. 213; proposed arcades in, XII. 238; XVIII. 91, 93.
Mount Stuart, Lord, Poker Club, III. 154.
Mounthooly Loan (East Preston St.), I. 34; X. 85, 95.
Mour, John, warded, VI. 128. See Moir.
Moutrie’s Hill. See Multreeshill.
Mow, Thomas (1557), XVII. 97.
Mowat, George, merchant, V. 152. See Muat.
Mowat, James, chaplain of the Holy Rood of St. Giles’, XI. 131, 132.
Mowat, Richard (1575), X. 142.
Mowat, Robert, minister, IX. 168 ; XI. 42.
Mowatt, Mathew, V. 95-8.
Mowbray, Andrew, III. 80, 82; XV. App. 16.
Mowbray, Francis, doom pronounced over dead body, IV. 105-6.
Mowbray, John (1754), IV. 46.
Mowbray, Philippa, Lady Barnbougall, III. 89.
Mowbray, Robert, of Castlewan, XIV. 57.
Mowbray, Robert, keeper of Correction House, XVII. 69.
Mowbray, Robert, wright, XVII. 170, 171.
Mowbray, William, cramer, VI. 74.
Mowbray, See also Moubray.
Mowbray House, Castlehill, XIV. 57, 58.
Mowbray’s Parks, XVII. 170 and n.
Mowtray, Francis, hammerman, XX. 85.
Moyes, Dr., lecturer on natural philosophy, I. 51.
Muat, George, V. 173, 175, 176, 178, 185 ; extrusion from Speculative Society, 177. See Mowat.
Muck Port, XVII. 105.
Muckersy, Mr., Oyster Club, III. 173.
Muder, J ohne, III. 80.
Mudie, Robert, bailie of Leith, and a master mariner of Trinity House, XIX. 17 3. See Moodie.
Mudie, Stewart, of Stewartfield, XIX. 173.
Mudie, Thomas See Moodie.
Mudlie, John, XII. 164.
Muill, John, XIV. 36, 43.
Muir, Adam, warded, XII. 164, 165. See Moor, Mure.
Muir, James, of Cessford-boat, IX. 127.
Muir, Jean, wife of James Forrest, M.D., X. 224.
Muir, Friar John. See Mure.
Muir, Robert, farmer, XV. 197.
Muir, Samuel, corporal, VIII. 137.
Muir, Friar Steven, III. 94.
Muir, (alias Williamson), William, XI. 30.
Muir, & Sons, brewers, XVIII. 73.
Muirhead, Andrew, house painter, XVII. 135, 136. See Morehead.
Muirhead, Claud, proprietor of Edinburgh Advertiser, XI. App. 19.
Muirhead, David, of Ticketsheuch, VI. 111.
Muirhead, Gavin, of Lachope, VIII. 156.
Muirhead, George, of Steinstoun, VIII. 154.
Muirhead, James, of Breadholme, VIII. 154, 155; IX. 175; XII. 182.
Muirhead, James, smith, VIII. 103.
Muirhead, John, warded, XI. 67 ; XII. 174.
Muirhead, John James, goldsmith, X. 30, 31.
Muirhead, Margaret, IX. 160.
Muirhead, Robert, of Ticketsheuch, VI. 111.
Muirhed, William, original member of Wagering Club, II. 152.
Muirhouse, Club visits, XVIII. App. 33.
Muir’s Close, XII. 45.
Muirton, XIX. 41.
Mulikin, Agnes, IV. 90.
Mulikin, Thomas, warded, XI. 25.
Multreeshill (or Moutrieshill), I. 140, 141 ; II. 167, 169; XI. 8, 11, 13; XII. 40, 220 ; XIII. 79, 83, 86 ; XV. 171 ; XVI. 193 ; XVII. 77, 79, 80, 158; XVIII. 36, 39, 42; skirmishes at, 43; XIX. 109.
Muncie, James, warded, XI. 61. See Munsie.
Mundegumbri, John de, III. 1. See Montgomerie, Montgomery.
Mundell, John, XII. 167.
Municipal arms, III. 1.
Municipal Extension Act (1856), XIX. 139.
Municipal Museum. See Museum.
Munloch’s Close, XII. 83.
Munro, Alexander, Lochend’s Close, XII. 101. See Monro.
Munro, A., glazier, XX. 23.
Munro, Hugh, transported, XII. 188.
Munro, John, merchant, XII. 101.
Munro, John, musician, XII. 100, 101.
Munro, Lady, of Fowlis, I. 8 ; XII. 35.
Munro, William, dux of Canongate School, XX. 22. 162.
Munro’s Close, I. 12. See Monro’s Close.
Munro’s Tavern, I. 53. 157.
Munsie, James, XII. 176. See Muncie.
Murder, charges of, VI. 108, 112, 113, 116, 120-2, 126, 137 ; VIII. 104, 125, 132, 134, 151 ; attempt on life of Archbishop Sharp, 122; accessory to his murder, 137, 139 ; sheltering his murderers, 138, 139. See also Child Murder.
Murdeyis, Thomas, XII. 63.
Murdo, Janet, XX. App. 21.
Murdoch, James, tailor, XII. 83.
Murdoch, John, apothecary, XII. 203.
Murdoch, Patrick, liberated from Tolbooth by Queen Mary, XV. App. 16.
Murdoch, Robert, writer, XII. 83.
Murdoch, Thomas (1569), XIX. 22; XX. 102.
Murdoch, William, smith, V. 143.
Murdoch’s Close, XII. 83.
Mure, Alexander, conservator of the Scottish privileges, to arrange for the Staple at Middelburg, IX. 52, 53, 68 n., 69. See Moor, More, Muir.
Mure, Alexander, skinner, XIV. 56.
Mure, David, armorer, VIII. 49.
Mure, James, hookmaker, XIX. 29.
Mure, John, prior of Black Friars of Edinburgh, III. 43-4, 90; X. 111.
Mure, John, son of Colonel William Mure, V. 109.
Mure, Matthew, hookmaker, XIX. 29-30.
Mure, Patrick, of Rowallan, IX. 130, 162, 172.
Mure, Sir Reginald, XX. 28.
Mure, William, baron of Exchequer, III. 153, 154; XVII. 155; XX. 116.
Mure, Sir William, of Rowallan, VIII. 157, 158; IX. 122, 132.
Mure, William, of Abercorn, owner of lands of Dalry, XX. 28.
Mure, William, of Glanderston, VIII. 155.
Mure, Colonel William, V. 109.
Mureburgh, X. 98.
Murphy, William, engraver, XII. 218.
Murray, Alexander See Henderland, Lord.
Murray, Alexander, buys Nisbet Parks, I. 125.
Murray, Alexander, of Erlisorchard, X. 126, 131.
Murray, Sir Andrew, of Amgask, appointed keeper of King’s Park, XVIII. 210 n.
Murray, Andrew, of Blackbarony, X. 14.
Murray, Andrew (1550), III. 82.
Murray, Andrew, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 176
Murray, Andrew E., Moubray House, V. 157-162.
Murray, Anna, XI. 62; XII. 167 ; XVIII.
Murray, Anthony, minister, IX. 160, 161, 165, 171; XI. 21, 23, 33, 41.
Murray, Charles (1682), bailie, VIII. 140; XVI. 110; chosen dean of guild, 121 ; candidate for provostship, 145.
Murray, Lady Charlotte, II. 45-6.
Murray, Christian, wife of George, Lord Seton, III. 89.
Murray, Cuthbert (1570), XV. 37.
Murray, Daniel, grocer, XII. 127.
Murray, Sir David, X. 88.
Murray, Sir David, of Halmyre, XII. 153.
Murray, David, merchant, XII. 26.
Murray, David, Gentleman of H.M. Guard, VIII. 139.
Murray, David, stabler, XII. 127.
Murray, David, skinner, XIII. 128.
Murray, David, manager of weaving industry, XVII. 59.
Murray, David, candlemaker, XVII. 128.
Murray, Lord George, II. 20, 27, 32, 33, 35, 37- 40, 48, 52, 54-5 ; Prince’s treatment of, 58.
Murray, Lady George, II. 4.
Murray, Colonel George (1691), XIII. App. 13, 14.
Murray, George, weaver, X. 210.
Murray, Georgina Baird, X. 153.
Murray, Henry, weaver, X. 210.
Murray, Hew (1683), VIII. 157.
Murray, Isabella, X. 153.
Murray, Sir James, VIII. 35; master of work at the Parliament House, XIII. 2, 18, 21, 60; his will, 36, 121 and n.
Murray, Sir James, Cape Club, III. 162.
Murray, James, of Auchinreoch, VIII. 154.
Murray, James, of Scotscraig, XV. 182.
Murray, Major James (1682), VIII. 138.
Murray, Sir James A. H., editor, New English Dictionary, IX. 181.
Murray, Lady Jane, II. 45-6, 52.
Murray, John A., Lord Murray, III. 114, 121, 172, 234; IX. 103, 108, 111; XII. App. 11.
Murray, Sir John, of Philiphaugh, XVIII. 157.
Murray, John, of Broughton, II. 40-1, 46, 52, 56; relations with John Campbell, the banker, 47-8; IX. 217; XIX. 185.
Murray, John, of Auchinreoch, VIII. 154.
Murray, John, of Blackbarony, XII. 74.
Murray, John, of Philiphaugh, III. 249.
Murray, John, of Trewan, XII. 119.
Murray, John, accountant, X. 153.
Murray, John, skinner, VI. 65.
Murray, John, cramer, XV. 40.
Murray, John, warded, XI. 62.
Murray, John (1491), III. 92.
Murray, Katharine, IV. 126.
Murray, Lady, of Clermont, XIX. 72.
Murray, Margaret, of Pitkeathly, X. 199.
Murray, Margaret, wife of William Nisbet, second of Dean, I. 106.
Murray, Matthew, warded, IX. 148.
Murray, Mrs., of Broughton, II. 50.
Murray, Mrs., of Philiphaugh, III. 244 n., 249, 250 n.
Murray, Mungo, V. 143, 144, 153; XII. 127.
Murray, ‘Nicky,’ XVI. App. 24; XIX. 53, 78, 90 ; mistress of ceremonies at ‘Assembly,’ 54.
Murray, Sir Patrick, of Deuchar, V. 130 ; XI. 45 ; XIII. 130 and n.
Murray, Patrick (1662), bailie, V. 98.
Murray, Patrick, teacher, XI. 80.
Murray, Sir Robert, of Cameron, lord provost, I. 40, 42 ; V. 98, 109, 112 ; XIII. App. 13; XVI. 46, 56. 137.
Murray, Robert, of Tippermuire, IX. 122-3.
Murray, Colonel Robert, III. 153.
Murray, Robert, goodman of the Tolbooth, IV. 118, 120, 123, 125, 126, 130, 134, 141; V. 96, 105, 106, 114, 118-20, 132, 137, 145, 151.
Murray, Robert, covenanter, VIII. 158.
Murray, Mrs. Theodoria, XIX. 60.
Murray, Thomas, vintner, IV. 126.
Murray, Thomas, warded, XI. 30, 33.
Murray, Sir William (1635), XIII. 131.
Murray, William, of Henderland, III. 115, 121 ; member of Marrow-Bone Club, 175.
Murray, William, receiver of Customs, X. 199.
Murray, William, sheriff depute, VIII. 113.
Murray, William, baker, XII. 127.
Murray, William, corn merchant, XX. App. 34.
Murray of Glendook’s Acts of Parliament of Scotland, IX. 80.
Murray of Philiphaugh, IX. 152.
Murray of Philiphaugh, Leith merchant, XVI. 94.
Murray Gardens, X. 153.
Murrayfield, I. 125.
Murray’s Close, XII. 18, 19, 74, 127, 153.
Murrilees, Robert, warded, VI. 146.
Muschet, Nicol, of Boghall, XVIII. App. 13. See Mushet.
Muschet’s Cairn, XVII. 78.
Muse Well, III. 81 ; XVI. 6.
Museum, Municipal, arms in, III. 8, 232 ; IV. 72, 103; IX. 205; XVI. App. 27; XVIII. 136.
Mushet, George (1658), IV. 129. See Muschet.
Mushet, George, ‘reider ’ in the West Kirk, I. 115.
Musical Society of Edinburgh, XIX. 46, 47, 55, 56, 72; Topham’s description; sederunt books, 189-90, 232, 242; influence on musical life of Scotland; aristocratic atmosphere, 190; membership, 190, 192, 195, 223, 225, 236, 237; state of music previous to; origin; constitution, 191-3; lease taken of St. Mary’s Chapel, 194; peculiar features of concerts, 195-7; ladies’ concerts, 196; Italian performers, 197, 206, et seq.; governors, 197-8; contribution to musical culture, 199; George Thomson and ‘Gentleman’s Concert,’ 201-2 ; labours countenanced by Handel, 202-204 ; directors’ request to Handel, 203 ; composer’s reply, 204; Tenducci, 213-216; the Corris, 216-8; financial troubles, 217, 236; Schetky’s preposterous demands, 219-20; building of St. Cecilia’s Hall, 222-8; erection of South Bridge, 228-30: negotiations for organ, 230-2 ; concerts in St. John’s Lodge, Canongate, 230; inventory of property of, 232; directors and professional performers, 232-4; collection of music owned by, 234-5; plan of concerts, 234; Handel’s music foremost, 235 ; help for local charities, 235-236; protests against lavish expenditure, 236-8; drastic economy, 238-9; treasurer becomes bankrupt, 239 ; Allan Ramsay, jun., appeals on behalf of, 239-240; Creech and, 240; causes of decline of, 240 et seq. ; efforts to avert crisis; ladies as patronesses of, 241-242 ; new ideas at work, 242 ; winding up of affairs, 243-4 ; sale of St. Cecilia’s Hall, 244.
Mutiny, VI. 113, 127.
Muttonhole, V. 150; XV. 171.
Myller, Hans, Dutchman, VI. 68. See Millar, Miller.
Myller, John, Dutchman, VI. 67.
Myln, Alexander, abbot of Cambuskenneth and lord president of Court of Session, IX. 39.
Myln, David, minister, VI. 143. See Mill, Miln, Milne, Mylne.
Mylne, Alexander, his tomb at Holyrood, II. 235-6; IV. 149; XI. 11 ; employed on carvings at Parliament House, XIII. 50, 52, 53. See Mill, Miln, Milne, Myln.
Mylne, James, smith, XIX. 104-5.
Mylne, John, master-mason to Charles I., II. 235; IV. 149; XIII. 51; XVII. 61 ; XX. App. 13, 31.
Mylne, John, son of above, II. 235, 236; IV. 149.
Mylne, Robert, of Balfargie (1633-1710), ‘restorer’ of Holyrood, his tenement in Lawnmarket, I. 4; II. 88, 108, 236; IV. 149; a prisoner in Tolbooth, VI. 143; XII. 11, 16, 28, 38, 114, 153; designs Mylne Square, XIV. 45-6; partner in scheme, 46-7, 74, 100; XVI. 125 n. ; responsible for pedestal of Charles II. statue, XVII. 83 ; XX. 81.
Mylne, Robert (1734-1811), I. 19; XIX. 173, 229 ; designs St. Cecilia’s Hall, 225; career, 225 n. ; XX. App. 14.
Mylne, Robert, engraver, IX. 81.
Mylne, Thomas, of Powderhall, XIX. 173, 225 n.
Mylne, William, architect, XV. 146.
Mylne, William, mason, XIX. 226.
Mylne Square, I. 8; XI. 8; XII. 10, 38, 39, 113 ; builder’s object, XIV. 45-46; property described, 46-7 ; purchasers of houses in; prices, 46 ; a fashionable quarter, 47 ; cellar in which Act of Union of 1707 was partly signed, 48 ; originally much larger, 48, 99-100; XIX. 56, 224.
Mylne’s Court. See Milne’s Court.
Mylnes, James, warded, VI. 139.
Myreside, X. 206, 210.
Myrton, Sir Andrew, of Gogar, I. 122-23 ; III. 244 n.
Myrton, or Morton, Anna, wife of Sir John Nisbet (d. 1730) of Dean, I. 122, 123.
Myrton, Euphame, III. 244 n., 247, 250 n.
Myrton, Sir Patrick, of Cambo, I. 123.
Myrton, Sir Robert, member of Poker Club, III. 153.
Myrton, Sir Robert, son of Sir Patrick, of Cambo, I. 123.
Naesmyth, Lady, XX. 55.
Nairn, Alexander, accountant, XII. 124.
Nairn, James, Gowks Club, III. 172.
Nairn, John, cordiner, XVIII. 146, 147.
Nairn, William, advocate, XII. 10.
Nairne, William, fifth Lord, XVIII. 99.
Nairne, Baroness (Caroline Oliphant), I. 3; II. 51, 173, 188 ; and Sedan chairs, IX. 227 ; and The Laird o’ Cockpen, XVII. 18-21; XX. App. 30, 31.
Nairne, or Ogilvie, Catherine, escapes from Tolbooth, IV. 108 n.
Nairne, James, bailie, XII. 9, 10.
Nairne, James and John, managers of weaving industry, XVII. 59.
Nairne, John, inspector of linen manufactures, XII. 10.
Nairne, John, merchant, XII. 9, 10.
Nairne, Robert (1675), VI. 132.
Nairne, Robert, XII. 9.
Nairne, Thomas, XII. 9.
Nairne, William (Lord Dunsinnan), II. 162 ; III. 149, 152, 153.
Nairne, Lodge, XX. App. 30.
Nairne’s Close, XII. 9.
Naismith, James, gunsmith, XIX. 24.
Napier, Agnes, sister of the Sciennes, X. 127, 130, 135.
Napier, Sir Alexander, of Lawrieston, X. 150.
Napier, Sir Alexander, of Merchiston, sent to arrange transfer of the Staple from Bruges to Middelburg, IX. 50 ; XV. App. 23.
Napier, Alexander, burgess, X. 228 ; XV. 28.
Napier, Alexander, of Roxburgh’s Close, XII. 25 26.
Napier, Andrew, merchant, X. 193, 202, 206.
Napier, Archibald, Lord, X. 150, 204 n. ; XIV. 80; XVIII. 15.
Napier, Sir Archibald, of Edenbelly, X. 203, 205.
Napier, Sir Archibald, of Merchiston, son of laird of Edenbelly, X. 204 n.
Napier, Archibald, of Merchiston, and chantry in St. Giles’, IV. 66.
Napier, Archibald, son of John of Merchiston, X. 150.
Napier, Archibald, son of Andrew the merchant, X. 193, 203.
Napier, Catherine, of Merchiston, IV. 66.
Napier, Elizabeth, sub-prioress, X. 127, 129.
Napier, Francis, of Pitliver, X. 228; expelled from Society of Brewers, 237.
Napier, George, Coates Hall, member of Marrow-Bone Club, III. 175.
Napier, (Napper), James, covenanter, XI. 61, 66
Napier, John, of Merchiston (1512), X. 72.
Napier, John, of Merchiston, mathematician, I. 97; IV. 57; IX. 82; X. 146-8; monument to, XI. App. 17 ; tomb of, XIV. 79 ; XV. App. 23-4.
Napier, John, of Shambodie, son of mathematician, X. 146, 149.
Napier, Lady, of Merchiston (1650), has Montrose’s heart embalmed, I. 34, 35; X. 94.
Napier, Lady (1768), XIX. 53, 78 ; a directress of dancing Assembly, 90.
Napier, Margaret, of Wrychtis-housis, IV. 66.
Napier, Margaret, sister of the Sciennes, X. 127, 130.
Napier, Mark, biographer of Montrose, I. 35 ; XI. App. 18.
Napier, Master of, XIX. 196.
Napier, Robert, of Wrychtis-housis, IV. 66; XIX. 152.
Napier, Robert, merchant, X. 237 ; XII. 26.
Napier, William, of Wrychtis-housis, IV. 57 n., 58, 60, 62, 68, 69; X. 191 ; mansion in West Bow, XI. 11 ; XII. 26.
Napier, William, merchant (1583), XV. 46.
Napier, of Ballikinrain, IV. 63.
Napier, of Buchaple, XVI. 103.
Napier, of Kilmahew, IV. 63.
Napier House, XI. 11.
Napiers of Merchiston, IV. 58, 63, 66; V. 73.
Napiers of Wrychtis-housis, IV. 55, 57 n., 58, 61 ; monument in St. Giles’ Church, 58, 59; reversion of lands to, 58, 60; in fourteenth century, 62; arms, 62, 63, 66; Napier star, 68; possible clue to Napier succession, 69.
Narent, Abbot of, VI. 38.
Nasmyth, Alexander, painter, IX. 102, 108; XI. App. 19; XII. App. 8, 10; his View of Old Tolbooth, XIV. 18 and n. See Naesmith, Naismith.
Nasmyth, James, inventor, XII. App. 18; XX. App. 16.
Nasmyth, James, merchant, XX. 29.
Nasmyth, James, dagmaker, XX. 108.
Nasmyth, James, covenanter, V. 95.
Nasmyth, John, owner of property in Lawnmarket, XII. 15.
Nasmyth, Michael, XII. App. 18.
National Covenant, I. 21 ; IV. 111 ; connection with Tailors’ Hall, XI. 150, 158-61; XVIII. 127, 177; XX. 9, 11, 91.
National Library, XVII. 91, 96, 106, 137; lecture on, by Dr. W. K. Dickson, XVIII. App. 23-4; XX. 38.
National Monument, Calton Hill, XV. 208, 210 n.
Navy, commissioners of the, Leith memorial to, XX. 70, 71.
Neale, John, silk-mercer, I. 138, 139, 142, 143. See Neill.
Negromancer (sic), The, or Harlequin Doctor Faustus, XI. 168.
Neighbourhood Book, XVI. App. 8.
Neill, Dr. Patrick, XVIII. App. 21. See Neale.
Neill, Richard, skinner, VI. 72, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86, 87, 90, 94.
Neill, William, skinner, VI. 64.
Neill’s Crag, XIV. 117. See also M’Neill’s Crags.
Neilson, Cornelius, Leith bailie, XVI. 93. See Nelson.
Neilson, Dr. (1759), XIX. 57.
Neilson, Gilbert, advocate, XIII. 127.
Neilson, Hugh (1685), XI. 57.
Neilson, James, slater, VIII. 42.
Neilson, Joan, wife of Joseph Williamson of Leven Lodge, XVIII. 175.
Neilson, Thomas, warded, IV. 113-15, 117, 119, 121-2, 125-6, 128-9.
Neilson, Walter, of Bothwelshields, X. 207.
Neilson, William, lord provost, X. 181, 246 ; XV. 182; XX. 16.
Neilson, William, son of above, X. 181.
Neilsoune’s land, III. 82.
Neiving, George, in Pitqwhonartie, II. 94.
Nelson, William, XVII. 3. See Neilson.
Nelson, Monument, XI. App. 15 ; XIV. 162 n. ; Candlemakers and, XVII. 122.
Nelthrop, William, Secy. of Customs, XX. 50.
Nesbit, Henry, bailie, III. 188 ; IV. 101 ; X. 186. See Nisbet.
Nesbit, James, gaoler, XV. 47.
Nesbit, Katherine (1583), XV. 42.
Nesbit, William (1516), III. 81, 94.
Nesbit, William (1585), bailie, X. 186.
Nesebite, William de, of East and West Nisbet, I. 80.
Netherbow Port, I. 9, 10, 17; II. 1, 68; 235, 237; Lochiel rushes, 24; III. 24, 88, 92, 93, 96, 155, 225, 226 ; IV. 21, 50 ; measure to abolish, 23; taken down, 50; ‘Claudero’ and, 51; 79, 82 n., 106, 131, 140; V. 86, 104, 160, 161; Johnston of Wariston’s head affixed to, 108; VI. 109, 135; heads of Covenanters placed on, VIII. 111 ; IX. 175, 199; X. 8, 80, 124; XI. 10, 11, 12; XII. 47, 48, 49, 50, 55, 77, 85, 86, 87, 88, 111, 113, 137, 153, 154, 156, 214; XIII. 115, 129; XIV. 126, 128, 129; XV. 50, 99; carved stones of, 126-7; XVI. 19, 20, 35; royal arms, 39; Monck received at, 40; XVII. 77, 80, 114, 115; XVIII. 29, 43; App. 32; XX. 97, 135; App. 7.
Nether Craigwell, XIX. 95, 97, 101, 113.
Nether Kirkyard (St. Giles’), III. 212.
Nether Lochend’s Close, XII. 101.
Nether Quarry Holes, XV. 172, 184-6, 197.
Nether Tolbooth, XVIII. 36.
Nether Wynd, XVIII. 3.
Netherlands, Conservators of Scottish Privileges in, XIX. 160.
Neuton, Archibald, XX. 10. See Newton.
New Assembly Close, XII. 74; XIX. 46, 71, 76.
New Bank Close, XII. 67.
New Bigging Street, XIV. 106. 110.
New Black Bull Inn or Hotel, XIV. 139.
New Buildings, XIV. App. 10.
New Calton burial-ground, XII. App. 34-9; XIX. 134.
New Fishmarket, XII. 133, 134.
New Greyfriars Church, XIV. 147, 161, 173, 174. See also Greyfriars Church.
New Kirk (St. Giles’), II. 12; XVI. 42, 68, 73; XVIII. 90.
New Logan’s Close, XII. 91.
New Mills Cloth Manufactory, XX. 31.
New North Church, XIV. 174.
New Port, II. 1, 74; XI. 12, 14; XII. 152; XIII. 83, 84; XV. 114.
New or Royal Bank. See Royal Bank.
New Stairs, XII. 131, 139; XIV. 141.
New (or Young) Street, I. 11; XI. 10; XII. 95, 96.
New Tolbooth, XIII. 8, 11, 17, 19, 23, 26, 27, 36, 39, 41, 64. See Tolbooth, New.
New Town, I. 15; antiquarian interest of, 137 ; origin of, IV. 48, 49; Duke of York (James II.) and, 50; Provost Drummond and, 53, 54; rapid extension of, V. 87 ; formation of, XII. 210-211 ; Kirkwood’s map of, 212; XIII. 90; building operations in, XIV. 156; grammar school, XX. 23.
New Well, XII. 143; XV. 14.
New Year summonses, II. 222.
Newall, Archibald, warded, V. 121.
Newbank Close, XII. 35.
Newbigging, Andrew, covenanter, II. 99 ; VI. 136.
Newbigging, James, writer, X. 51.
Newbigging, John (1672), VI. 114.
Newburgh, Earl of, V. 154; XVI. 60.
Newcastle, Duke of, and ‘Poll Election,’ IV. 43.
Newhall, Lord (James Bannatyne), I. 109; XIII. 113.
Newhall, Lady, XIX. 42; a directress of dancing assembly, 89.
Newhall House, Carlops, Club’s visit to, XIV. App. 19-24; scene of Allan Ramsay’s Gentle Shepherd, 20-4; meeting-place of ‘The Worthies,’ 21; pillar in grounds commemorative of The Gentle Shepherd, 23 ; XIX. 161.
Newhaven, I. 53; II. 39; III. 83, 96, 103; IV. 47; VI. 83 n.; Margaret Tudor and, IX. 25, 65 ; XII. 218, 219 ; XIII. 44; XIV. 130, 164, 177-9; fishwives, App. 12 ; XV. 5, 28, 185, 186; XIX. 142, 146 n., 158, 159, 167, 181, 186; Education Society of, XX. 67; entrance to docks, 71; harbour, App. 22.
Newington, lands of, X. 191, 212 ; various proprietors, 212-15 ; James Cheape superior of, 215; sold to Duncan M’Laren, 220 ; XIV. App. 10.
Newington, House, X. 220.
Newington, Parish Church, XIV. App. 9.
Newlands, Bessie, XII. 200.
Newlands, David, skinner, VI. 66, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94.
Newlands, Margaret, V. 160; XIV. 56.
Newlands, Robert, furrier, VIII. 211.
Newlands, Robert, hammerman, XIV. 36, 42.
Newlands, (Mayfield), X. 55, 215, 219 n., 220.
Newmains, XV. 172, 184, 186, 195, 197.
Newman, Captain, governor of Edinburgh Castle, XVI. 54.
Newsletters, XVI. 104.
Newspapers, II. 14.
Newton, Lord. See Hay, Charles and Irving, Alexander; also Neuton.
Newton, Adam, baxter, XII. 15.
Newton, A., mill-owner, I. 130.
Newton, Elizabeth, XII. 15.
Newton, James, gardener, XV. 186, 194.
Newton’s Close, XII. 25.
Newton’s Principia, Edinburgh students and, VIII. 82.
Nicholson, John, candlemaker, X1. 131, 132. See Nicolson.
Nicholson, William, first secretary of Scottish Academy, IX. 106.
Nicholson, William, engraver, IX. 102.
Nicol, David, merchant, XII. 64.
Nicol, James, bailie, X. 187.
Nicol, John, cordiner, XVIII. 126.
Nicol, William, Burns’s friend, XII. App. 29; XVII. App. 7.
Nicoll, James, watchmaker, XIX. 19.
Nicoll, James, executed, IX. 158.
Nicoll, John, merchant, V. 151.
Nicoll, John, janitor of College, VIII. 87, 91.
Nicoll, John, bookbinder, VIII. 123.
Nicoll, John, his Diary, XVI. Introd. xix, 33-76 ; nominated for clerkship of Glasgow Assembly (1638), xix.
Nicoll, Patrick, buys Easter Granton, XX. App. 26.
Nicoll, Patrick (1658), IV. 123.
Nicoll, (Nickell), Simon, XI. 61, 65.
Nicolson, Alexander (1491), XVIII. 152. See Nicholson.
Nicolson, Archibald, skinner, VI. 74.
Nicolson, Christian, X. 192, 195 n.
Nicolson, David, candlemaker, XIII. 117.
Nicolson, Houstoun S., Poker Club, III. 153.
Nicolson, Isobel, wife of Henry Nisbet, second of Craigentinny, I. 95.
Nicolson, Sir James, XVII. App. 8, 9; XX. 40, 49, 131 ; buys Dalry House, 35-6.
Nicolson, James (1684), bailie, XVI. 124, 152.
Nicolson, James, writer, XII. 17.
Nicolson, James, covenanter, VIII. 130.
Nicolson, Sir John, I. 106; II. 90, 106; XI. 38.
Nicolson, John, in Liberton, IX. 129.
Nicolson, John (1491), XVIII. 152.
Nicolson, Lady (Elizabeth Trotter), XI. 12; XVII. App. 9; XX. 118, 130.
Nicolson, Margaret, widow of A. Hay of Bridgehouse, XX. 53, 54.
Nicolson, Sir William, of Glenbervie, XX. 53.
Nicolson, William, cordiner, XIV. 37, 43 ; XVIII. 115.
Nicolson, House, XVII. App. 9.
Nicolson, Square, XX. 144.
Nicolson, St., V. 87; XX. 115, 118, 119, 124, 130, 134, 135, 140, 156-8.
Nicolson’s Parks, feuing of, V. 83; XII. 218; XX. 118.
Nicolson’s Tavern, III. 146, 147.
Niddrie, laird of (1681), VI. 157.
Niddrie, X., 55 ; Club visits mansion, XVIII. App. 32-3.
Niddry, Robert, bailie, XII. 78; XV. 100.
Niddry, St., XII. 148 ; XV. 100. See Nudry.
Niddry’s Wynd, I. 85 ; III. 92 ; VIII. 182; X. 131; XI. 11, 13, 159; XII. 77-9, 134, 148, 155; XIV. 136 n. ; XV. 100, 155; XVI. 5, 6, 100; XVII. 100; XVIII. 172.
Nimmo, Archibald, warded, VI. 128.
Nimmo, Christian, III. 180; IV. 108 n.
Nimmo, Hugh, baxter, XX. App. 35.
Nimmo, James, burgess, III. 182.
Nimmo, James, deacon of Tailors, X. 246.
Nimmo, Janet, V. 139.
Nimmo, John, in Mains of Booghall, VIII. 152, 153.
Nimmo, ‘Sir’ Peter B., XIV. 158 and n.
Nimmo, Thomas, member of Burlaw Court XV. 176, 186, 198, 205.
Nimmo, William, brewer, XV. 186, 189-91.
Nimmo, William (1668), V. 139.
Nimmo, W., mill-owner, I. 130.
Ninians, Thomas, servitor, VIII. 146.
Ninianscraft, XIX. 93.
Nisbet, Adam, of West Nisbet, I. 80. See Nesbit.
Nisbet, Adam, ‘son of a baron of Dalzell,’ I. 81.
Nisbet, Adam, of Nisbet, I. 81. Nisbet,
Nisbet, Adam, son of Sir Alexander, of Nisbet, I. 82.
Nisbet, Adam, ‘merchant to James V.’ (progenitor of the Nisbets of Craigentinny, Dean and Dirleton), I. 81, 84, 85, 86.
Nisbet, Adam, son of above, I. 86.
Nisbet, Alexander de (Nesbet), councillor of Edinburgh, I. 84.
Nisbet, Sir Alexander, of Nisbet, I. 82.
Nisbet, Alexander, of Craigentinny (1682), VIII. 101, 140, 141 ; XVI. 93, 151.
Nisbet, Alexander (Niesebet) of Elbing in Prussia, I. 84.
Nisbet, Alexander, ‘the Heraldist,’ I. 79, 80, 82, 91, 120, 122; II. 142; III. 194.
Nisbet, Alexander, of Dean, afterwards, by excambion, of Craigentinny, I. 96, 107, 108. 83, 84, 122-4.
Nisbet, Sir Alexander, of Dean (41. 1756), I. 124, 125.
Nisbet, Alexander, wright, XIX. 110.
Nisbet, Ann (Mrs. Glassford), sister of Sir Henry (d. 1746), of Dean, I. 125.
Nisbet, Christian, daughter of Adam, ‘merchant,’ I. 86.
Nisbet, David, son of Sir Patrick (who excambed Craigentinny for Dean), I. 116.
Nisbet, David, baxter, XIII. 115, 122.
Nisbet, Edward, burgess, son of William, merchant and bailie, I. 81, 92 ; XII. 42 ; XV. 116.
Nisbet, Elizabeth, daughter of Adam, ‘merchant,’ I. 86.
Nisbet, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William, first of Dean, I. 105.
Nisbet, Rev. Gavin, I. 119.
Nisbet, George, purchaser of Dalzell, I. 81.
Nisbet, Sir Harry, IV. 115, 156.
Nisbet, Henry, provost, I. 79, 87, 92, 93, 96, 102, 106, 109, 127 ; on a deputation to Regent Mar, 88; trade missions to England, France and Campvere, 88-90; moderator of Convention of Burghs, 90; his tomb, 91; portrait of, at Archerfield, 91; signature of, 135; X. 228; XII. 43.
Nisbet, Sir Henry, of Dean (d. 1713), I. 107, 112, 113, 116, 122; his tomb and inscription, 117-20; prosecuted for ‘drinking during divine service,’ 118; his crest, 120, 121 ; XI. App. 18; action against, XVI. 165.
Nisbet, Sir Henry, of Dean (d. 1746), I. 124, 125.
Nisbet, Sir Henry, of Dean (d. 1762), I. 125.
Nisbet, Henry, second of Craigentinny, I. 95, 110, 112.
Nisbet, Henry, son of Sir Patrick, Lord Eastbank, I. 110, 113.
Nisbet, James, first of Craigentinny, I. 90, 92, 93-5, 97, 110, 112 ; XI. 39.
Nisbet, James, of Dirleton, XII. 42.
Nisbet, James, burgess, I. 81 ; XV. 17.
Nisbet, James, merchant (1619), X. 237.
Nisbet, Jean, Lady Banff, daughter of William Nisbet, M.P., I. 108.
Nisbet, Jean, wife of Sir William Scott, yr., of Harden, I. 111.
Nisbet, Sir John, of Dean (d. 1730), I. 81,
Nisbet, Sir John, of Dean (d. 1776), I. 125.
Nisbet, Sir John, last of Dean (d. 1827), I. 125-7.
Nisbet, Sir John, of Dirleton, author of the Doubts, I. 94, 109-11, 124 ; V. 151 ; his house in Canongate, XI. 12; XIII. App. 9; XVI. 93 n., 98.
Nisbet, John, of Hardhill, VIII. 135.
Nisbet, John, sells Dalzell to George Nisbet, I. 81.
Nisbet, John, son of Sir Harry, IV. 115.
Nisbet, John, supervisor of salt dues, IV. 49.
Nisbet, John, servitor to Alexander Guthrie, I. 91.
Nisbet, John, Pitcaithland, III. 139.
Nisbet, John Scott, last of Craigentinny, I. 108.
Nisbet, Jonet, daughter of Sir William, first of Dean, I. 105.
Nisbet, Jonet, wife of Patrick Blackburn, I. 110.
Nisbet, Katherine, wife of Walter Riddell, of Minto, I. 110.
Nisbet, Katherine, second wife of Sir William Nisbet, of Dean, IV. 72.
Nisbet, Katherine, sister of the Sciennes, X. 127, 130, 135, 140.
Nisbet, Lady (Matty Rutherford), of Dean (1776), XIV. 143.
Nisbet, Margaret, wife of John Seton, son of the laird of Parbroath, I. 85.
Nisbet, Marion, daughter of Adam, ‘merchant,’ I. 86.
Nisbet, Mariota, wife of Robert Adamson, writer, X. 218 n.
Nisbet, Sir Patrick (Lord Eastbank), I. 92-4, 99, 109, 110.
Nisbet, Sir Patrick, of Craigentinny, afterwards (by excambion) of Dean, I. 95, 96, 107, 112, 116; case of ‘Sir Patrick and Harie Nisbet and ye West Kirk Poore,’ 113-14; III. 199; and Lucky Byres, 115; XVI. 93, 104.
Nisbet, Patrick, son of above, I. 118.
Nisbet, Patrick, brother of Sir William, first of Dean, I. 101.
Nisbet, Patrick, advocate, XIII. 113.
Nisbet, Patrick, merchant, XII. 42.
Nisbet, Philip, son of Sir Alexander, of Nisbet, I. 82.
Nisbet, Robert, of Greenholme, IX. 141, 150.
Nisbet, Robert, wright in Leith, VIII. 114, 115.
Nisbet, Wilhelmina, Countess of Leven and Melville, I. 111.
Nisbet, Sir William, first of Dean, I. 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 101, 102, 103, 105, 109; pioneer of trade between Leith and Baltic, 96; urges proposal for removal of Staple to Middelburg, 97 ; career, 100-1 ; portrait of, at Archerfield, 106; IV. 72; XIII. 110, 111; XVI. 84; XX. App. 14.
Nisbet, William, second of Dean, I. 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 117.
Nisbet, William, M.P., of Craigentinny (heir of entail to Dirleton), I. 109, 111.
Nisbet, William, son of above, I. 111.
Nisbet, William, son of above, Grand Master Mason of Scotland, I. 111.
Nisbet, William, of Dirleton (1740), XII. 42, 43.
Nisbet, William, bailie, I. 86, 87, 92.
Nisbet, Hamilton, Mary, wife of (first), seventh Earl of Elgin (second), Ferguson of Raith, I. 112.
Nisbet, Hamilton, Mary Wilhelmina Georgiana, wife of Hon. Henry Ogilvie, I. 112.
Nisbet, William Hamilton, I. 112.
Nisbet Parks, I. 124.
Nisbet tomb, Greyfriars, I. 91.
Nisbet vault, St. Cuthbert’s, I. 104, 107, 117.
Nisbet’s Close, XII. 41, 42.
Nisbet’s Essay on … Armories, IX. 81.
Nisbet’s Land, XVII. 111.
Nisbet’s Plates, 1. 79, 84, 86, 106.
Nisbets of Craigentinny, I. 81, 93-6, 112.
Nisbets of Dean, I. 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 85, 96, 99, 112, 117, 120, 127, 135 n.; arms of, IV. 72.
Nisbets of Dirleton, I. 81, 112; town-house of, 110.
Nisbets of Nisbet, I. 80-1, 82, 120.
Nisbett, H. More, leader of excursion to The Drum, XX. App. 31.
Nisbett, J. More, of Cairnhill, XX. App. 32.
Nithsdale, Lady, II. 51.
Noble, Thomas, merchant, buys portion of Lochbank, XIII. 81.
Nollekins, his bust of Lord Provost Drummond, IV. 16.
Nonjurors, II. 13.
Normand, Marion, warded, IX. 129.
Norrie, James, ofiicer, V. 103. See Nory.
Norrie, James, painter, XIX. 231.
Norrie, Peter, IV. 123.
North, Lord, III. 139.
North Back of Canongate, I. 13, 17.
North Berwick, barony of, XIX. 158.
North Bridge, erection of, I. 139 ; buildings on, 150-2; II. 18, 169; fall of part of, 170; building of, IV. 45, 49 ; IX. 208-209, 221 ; opened for traffic, 211 ; XII. 38, 39, 210, 218-19 222; XIII. 90; XIV. 130 ; XVII. 152, 156 ; XIX. 55, 66, 73, 109.
North Bridge Street, XIV. 48.
North British Close, XII. 40.
North Foulis Close, XII. 35.
North Gray’s Close, I. 8 ; XII. 41, 42, 43 ; carved stone in, XV. 116.
North Kinloch’s Close, XII. 40.
North Leith, XVI. 111 n. ; Canongate cordiners and church of, XVIII. 104, 126, 135, 143, 150; XIX. 4, 10, 15, 29, 144, 147, 161, 163, 177, 183, 185-7 ; temple lands of, 181; burial ground, 182, 188 ; Hammermen of, XX. 105. See also Leith.
North Loch, I. 17, 146 ; II. 1 ; III. 99, 207, 243 ; IV. 36, 37, 38, 45, 46 ; portion of, drained, 49 ; 90 ; Skinners and, VI. 55 ; VII. lx; XI. 12, 14; XII. 9, 17, 19, 98, 209, 220; projected canal at, 211, 219, 223-5; XIII. 79, 83, 85; condition of, prior to draining, 86-7, 90; tan pits at, 99, 102; XIV. 48, 51, 57, 96, 105, 117 ; proposal to bring sea up to, XV. 5; 45, 114; XVI. 192, 198, 199, 201, 203 ; boys drowned in, 61 ; slaughter-houses at, 160; fireworks at, 166 ; XVII. 159; XVIII. 39, 43; XIX. 92, 109.
Northesk, Earl of, XIV. 46 ; XV. App. 13.
Northfield, XIX. 142, 180.
Northumbria, Siward, Earl of, V. 3.
Norton, Baron Fletcher, III. 154.
Norton, C., engraver, IX. 81.
Norwell, Robert, his social experiment at Greenside, XVII. App. 15.
Nory, John, III. 97. See Norrie.
Nottman, Robert, town officer, XIII. 103.
Novus Vicus (or New Bigging St.), XIV. 105.
Nudry, Elizabeth, XVII. 97 . See Niddry.
Nutt, William, XX. App. 11.
Observatory, Calton Hill, II. 10; XIX. 135.
Ockfoord, Janet, V. 128.
Octavians, XVI. 29.
Octavius Secundus, IV. 56, 65.
Oddfellows, III. 178.
Oddmen, IX. 206 ; and Sedan chairs, 216-17.
Officers of State for Scotland v. Earl of Haddington, XVIII. 196-9.
Ogilby, James (1522), III. 95.
Ogilvie, Sir Alexander, of Forglen, XII. 33.
Ogilvie, Alexander, minister, VI. 113.
Ogilvie, Andrew, of Newlands, VI. 138. David, XII. 20.
Ogilvie, Sir Francis, of Newgrange, IX. 115.
Ogilvie, George, of Barras, keeper of Dunnottar Castle, VIII. 205-6.
Ogilvie, George, Albany herald, XVIII. 25.
Ogilvie, George (1683), VIII. 147.
Ogilvie, Sir James, of Newgrange, IX. 115.
Ogilvie, James, of Inchmartine, XII. 100.
Ogilvie, James, chirurgeon, IX. 139.
Ogilvie, James, ‘ane idle vaigabond,’ V. 131.
Ogilvie, Lord, warded, IV. 111.
Ogilvie, Robert, servitor, V. 147.
Ogilvie, Thomas, writer, XIX. 112.
Ogilvie, Sir William, of Strathearn, III. 95; IX. 6, 7.
Ogilvy, Alexander, deacon of Canongate Tailors, XIV. 36, 42.
Ogilvy, George, master of Canongate School, XX. 18.
Ogilvy, Malcolm, II. 169.
Ogilvy, Richard (1809), XV. 93.
Ogle, John, bookseller, XIV. 154.
Ogle, Robert, bookseller, XIV. 155.
Ogston, Alexander, sells books against Papists, XVI. 164.
Ogstoun, Francis, IV. 123.
Oil Gas Works, XII. 236.
Old Assembly Close, I. 20; dancing premises in, IX. 192-3 ; XII. 70, 72, 118, 155; XIV. 82; XIX. 39, 43, 44, 45, 50, 71, 86, 185, 192.
Old Back Stairs, XI. 12.
Old Bank Close, I. 43; II. 146; XI. 6, 9; XII. 35, 59, 60, 61, 129; XIV. 67; XX. 29.
Old Church, II. 12; XIV. 180.
Old Edinburgh buildings, Club’s memorandum on preservation of, XI. App. 5-7.
‘Old Edinburgh and Some of its Buildings,’ lecture by Henry F. Kerr, XI. App. 4.
Old Edinburgh Club, membership increased, VII. App. 4.
Old Excise Office Close, XII. 137.
Old Fishmarket Close, I. 20 ; XI. 8 ; XII. 68, 87 n., 155 ; West Entry to, 132.
Old Fleshmarket Close, Canongate, XII. 89; carved stones in, XVII. 34.
‘Old Grange Feus,’ X. 162.
Old Greenmarket Close, XII. 36.
Old Kirk (south transept, St. Giles’), XI. 12.
Old Kirk Style, XII. 66.
Old Lyon’s Close, XII. 36.
Old Mealmarket Close, XI. 132 ; XII. 66, 67; XIV. 81.
Old Mealmarket Stairs, XII. 131.
Old Pentland Churchyard, III. 191.
Old Playhouse Close, I. 16 ; XII. 115 ; carved lintel in, XVII. 26.
Old Post House Close, II. 154; XII. 32, 131.
Old Post Office Close, I. 7; XI. 12, 13; XII. 31, 131 ; XIV. 97.
Old Post Office Close Stairs, XII. 32, 66, 67.
Old Provost’s Close, XII. 36, 37; XV. App. 17.
Old St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, IX. 190.
Old Sclate-house, XII. 51.
Old Ship Close, XII. 35, 36.
Old Stamp Office Close, IX. 192; XII. 35, 67.
Old Town, demolitions since 1860, I. 1-2.
Oldrieve, W. T., Recent Excavations and Researches at Holyrood, IV. 191-4 ; V. 2 n. ; David’s Tower at Edinburgh Castle, VI. 1-10; VII. lx.
Oliphant, Bailie (1669), V. 151.
Oliphant, Beatrix, VI. 140.
Oliphant, Captain, IV. 164.
Oliphant, Caroline. See Nairne, Baroness.
Oliphant, Henry, writer, XIII. 140.
Oliphant, John, military oificer, VIII. 110.
Oliphant, John, clerk, XIII. 124, 136.
Oliphant, John, minister at Stonehouse, IX. 160, 161.
Oliphant, John, sheriff-clerk, XII. 90, 93.
Oliphant, Laurence, of Gask, II. 173 ; XIV. 46.
Oliphant, Margaret, wife of John Fairlie, of Colmanstoun, IV. 71.
Oliphant, Mrs., novelist, XVII. 2.
Oliphant, Walter, bookseller, X. 210.
Oliphant, Sir William, connection with Muirhouse, XVIII. App. 33.
Oliphant, William, farmer, IV. 159, 160, 166-8, 172; XV. 181, 184, 188, 200.
Oliphant, William, of Bonnington Park, XIX. 167.
Oliphant, William, warded, XI. 40 ; XII. 166.
Oliphant’s Close, XII. 93, 94.
Oliver, James, warded, XII. 166.
Oliver, Thomas, in Jed Forest, II. 95.
Oliver’s Close, XII. 94.
Olivieri, Martini, XIX. 207.
Oman, Charles, hotel keeper, III. 166, 167 ; XII. App. 37.
‘Orange Colours,’ supporters on, III. 8.
Orbiston, Lady, XIX. 72, 235 ; directress of the dancing Assembly, 42, 46, 47, 89 ; her tack of Assembly premises in Bell’s Wynd, 48.
Orchardfield, XIV. 104-7, 108 n. ; Temple lands of, 106, 116; XV. 185; XX. 59.
Orchardfield, Court, XIV. 107.
Orchardfield, Entry, XIV. 107.
Orchardfield, Square, XIV. 107 n.
Ord, Chief Baron, and Restalrig Churchyard, IV. 181, 182.
Ord, Laurence, innkeeper, XII. 106; XIV. 127.
Ord, Thomas, warded, V. 151.
‘Order of the horn,’ XIX. 35, 41.
Orders, anent vagrant children and walking after ten at night, IV. 80; to admit visitors to prisoner, 127, 135, 136; to bring prisoner to be examined; to find caution or go to correction house, 125 ; to put prisoner in Castle, 126, 137, 141 ; to remove prisoner to Linlithgow, 120; to make close prisoners in Tolbooth, V. 95, 99, 104-6, 111, 114, 115, 117-21, 125, 128, 131, 134-6, 138, 147, 148-51, 153 ; to admit visitors to prisoners, 96, 106, 111, 114; to banish prisoners, 101 ; not to allow a prisoner to starve, 106 ; to lay in irons, 113, 154 ; to take down head of Marquess of Argyll, 116; to remove to another room, 129 ; to have no visitors but physician or surgeon, 140; to put in irons and stand in pillory, 147; no visitor without warrant, 149.
Ordnance Survey Plan (1852), V. 86 ; XI. 2.
Ord’s Close, XII. 106; XIV. 127.
Orkney, John, skinner, VI. 66.
Orkney, bishopric of, XVI. 87, 102 ; XX.
Orkney, Crown lands of, XX. 32, 35.
Orme, James, X. 218 22.
Orme, Janet, IV. 128.
Ormiston, James, of that Ilk, VI. 91 and n.
Ormiston, John, ‘scheir-smyth,’ VIII. 35.
Ormiston, John, hangman, XVI. 131.
Ormond, George, Earl of, III. 210.
Ormston, John, extentor, XIII. 144, 145.
Orphan Hospital, II. 212; XI. 12; bell at Dean building, VIII. 37; XV. 127, 136; founder of, XVII. 71; XIX. 94, 109, 124, 126 n., 127.
Orr, Alexander, warded, IX. 143, 172.
Orr, John, tenant in Morningside, X. 203, 204 n., 207.
Orr, John, bookseller, IX. 81.
Orr, Laurence, XII. 106.
Orr, Peter, Morningside, X. 203.
Orr, Robert, Portsburgh, XII. 172, 173.
Orr, of Barrowfield, III. 153.
Orrock, William, of Balram’s Walls, XIX. 184.
Orrock’s Close, XII. 25.
Orr’s military academy, XIV. App. 10.
Osborne, Commissioner, III. 17 2.
Osburn, John, lord provost, XII. 13, 54.
Osburn, William, merchant, XIX. 158, 159.
‘Ossian,’ Wesley admires, VIII. 199, 200.
Oswald, David, of Daldas, VIII. 153.
Oswald, David, of East Barns, VIII. 156.
Oswald, Rev. Dr., V. 179; VIII. 179.
Oswald, James (1684), IX. 121.
Oswald, James, XIX. 205 ; connection with Musical Society ; Allan Ramsay’s poem on, 194.
Otterburn, Sir Adam, provost, IX. 30-2, 44, 59; X. 73; feuar on Burgh Muir, 74 ; King’s advocate, XI. 114 ; XV. App. 11.
Otterburn, Elizabeth, XII. 22.
Otterburn, Thomas, of Reidhall, XII. 18.
Otway’s Orphan, XI. 169; Venice Preserved, 170 and n.
Oughton, Sir James A., VIII. App. 6 ; XX. App. 26.
Our Lady’s Steps, XIII. 107 and n.; XIV. 79.
Outlook Tower, I. 3.
Over Bow, III. 81; XII. 57, 127; XV. 12, 34; XVIII. 153, 154; XIX. 36.
Over-Braid, XI. App. 14.
Over Cirlzeamston, X. 120.
Over Grange, X. 16.
Over Liberton, mansion of, V. 136.
Overtane, George, brewer, X. 237.
Ovirboll, XVI. 6.
Owen, David, cordiner, XVIII. 75, 76.
Oxenford, Viscount, VI. 139. See Stair.
Oxford, Viscount of, XVI. 212.
Oyster cellars, III. 173.
Oyster Club, III. 173-4.
Pacok James, III. 78a, 94.
Pacok’s land, III. 80.
Paddock-hall, XV. 171, 183, 185; XIX. 153; XX. App. 21.
Padyeane, John, XX. 85.
Paganson, Malcolm, royal gardener, XIV. 111.
Page, William (1679), VI. 136.
Pageant of kings of Scotland, XIII. 23.
Paip (Pope), John, X. 200. See Pape.
Paip’s Charity Cottage, Coltbridge, armorial stone at, III. 179, 181 n.
Pairk, J. (1666), V. 134. See Park.
Paisley, Henry, XII. 44.
Paisley, John (1690), VIII. 87, 89.
Paisley’s Close, I. 9 ; XII. 15, 44.
Pakcok, William, skinner, VI. 83. See Pacok, Peacock.
Palace in Castle, XI. 12.
Palfrey’s Inn, II. 3 ; XII. 127.
Palladium of Scottish liberty, V. 1.
Palliser, Sir Hugh, imprisoned by Lord Provost Drummond, II. 7.
Pallmor, Margrat, IV. 120.
Palmer, — , cabinetmaker, West Nicolson Street, III. 159.
Panmure, James, fourth Earl of, V. 161; XII. 48.
Panmure, Margaret, Countess of (1723), XIX. 42, 46; a directress of dancing Assembly, 89.
Panmure, William, Earl of, XII. 99, 100. See also Maule.
Panmure Close, I. 12; V. 161 ; XII. 48, 49, 99, 100 ; carved lintel at, XVII. 43.
Panmure House, Canongate, XI. 12, 14; XII. 99; Club’s visit to, XIII. App. 11-17; successive owners of site, 13; the builder, 13 ; town mansion of Earls of Panmure, 13-15; and subsequently of Dalhousie family, 15; residence of Adam Smith, 16; visited there by famous people, 16; Adam Smith dies at, 17.
Pantheon (club and debating society), originated by Robinhood Society, I. 49; meeting-place, 50-1 ; Lyceum hives off, 51; dispute about funds, 52; charges in Pantheon Unmasked, 52-3; subjects of debate, 53-4; charge of bribery, 54; John Penney’s reasons for Society’s decay, 55-6; alterations made on St. Andrew’s Chapel, 56; lease of the Chapel taken, 56-7 ; ‘ruffing with sticks’ to be abolished, 57; improvements effected, 57-9; receipts under successive treasurers, 59-60; states of expenditure, 61-4; suggested arrangements as to speakers, 65, 66, 71 ; proceeds of debates, 65; duties of president and clerk, 66 ; suggestions as to debates, 67-8 ; ‘New Model,’ 68-75 ; objections to ‘reading’ of speeches, 72 ; probable receipts, 73 ; and expenditure, 73-4; proposed division of proceeds among speakers, 74, 75; XVIII. App. 12.
Pantheon Society, I. 49.
Pantheon Unmasked, I. 52.
Paoli, Pascal, puts up at Red Lyon Inn, XIV. 135.
Pape, John, advocate, X. 218 n. See Paip.
Papebroch, Acta Sanctorum, V. 8, 59, 60.
Papists, XVI. 151, 153, 164. See Popery.
‘Parapet Wall,’ Calton, XIX. 105-7.
Paris, Parliament of, Court of Session popularly supposed to be modelled on, XI. 87.
Park, Alexander, merchant in Leith, XV. 92-3. See Pairk.
Park, Alexander, III. 79.
Park, Elizabeth, IV. 68.
Park, James, goodman of Canongate Tolbooth, VIII. 107; XVI. 106.
Park, John, warded, II. 95 ; IX. 154, 159 ; banished, XII. 187; XVI. 132.
Park, John, XII. 12.
Park, Patrick, writer, VIII. 154.
Park, Robert, writer, V. 126.
Park, of Fulfordlees, IV. 67, 68.
Park, House, XVIII. 179.
Park, Place, XV. App. 24.
Parlane, Hay and, arms of, I. 9.
Parliament, Scots, III. 66 ; end of, 224-7 ; Committee of, IV. 3; lecture on, by Prof. R. K. Hannay, XIV. App. 8-9; proclamation at Cross, XVI. 56; election of H.M. Bodyguard, 60; Riding of, 68; Croping, 19 ; Riding of, XVIII. 11 ; ceremony described, 29-31.
Parliament, Close, II. 3, 205, 236 ; III. 144, 214, 222, 225, 226; origin of name, 220-1; intention to lay out garden at, 223-4; shops in, 224; fires in, 228; three glimpses of (1753, 1773, 1794), 228-34; residents and shopkeepers in, 230-1; clockmakers in, 231-3 ; Beacon printed in, 234; Coutts’ bank in, 235 ; IV. 44, 52; proposed rebuilding of, 45; VIII. 150; IX. 88, 90, 94; XI. 8, 12; XII. 32, 61, 65-8, 130, 131, 139, 155, 219; XIV. 70; carved stones in, 80, 141, 161; App. 22; XVI. 134, 149, 161; XVII. 84, 151 ; XVIII. 32 ; XIX. 47 ; XX. App. 14. See also Parliament Square.
Parliament, Hall, IV. 112; XI. 9; Duke and Duchess of York (1680) ; also George IV. banqueted in, XIII. App. 18. See also Parliament House.
Parliament House, I. 102; II. 38, 236; statues of Justice and Mercy in, 231-7; building of, 231; doorway of, 233-4; King’s Arms over entrance to, 235; Hall of, III. 6, 131, 210, 221-2, 223; erected in St. Giles’ Churchyard, 218-23; De Wit’s engraving of ; original appearance of, 220; doorway of, 222, 233; pulpit in, and banquets at, 223; present use of, 227 ; Fourdrinier’s engraving of, 229; facade of, destroyed, 237, 239; other references, 211, 218, 219, 221, 223, 225-8, 230; IV. 4, 13, 49; IX. 218; XII. 66; site of, XIII. 1-2; described, 3-5; municipal enterprise, 5; lack of accommodation for supreme courts, 6, 11; Charles I. commands town to build, 11; irritation caused by heavy taxation, 13-17 ; project considered by town council, 17; to house Parliament, College of Justice, and Privy Council, 19; removal of ministers’ houses, 20, 30, 34; quarries resorted to, 21; foundation laid, 22; ‘dead bones’ removed, 22; improvements occasioned by visit of Charles I., 23; progress of work, 24, 33, 40-2, 54; cost of masonry, 24-6 and n., 30, 31, 73 and n. ; Banqueting House, 41; borrowed money, 42, 45, 52; serious financial position, 45-8, 57-8 ; first recorded meeting in, 61 and n. ; first meeting of Parliament in, 65 ; the procession, 66-7; Lords of the Articles, 68-9; town petitions for financial relief, 72, 77; mason work completed, 73; cost of building, 77; Club’s visit to, App. 17-18; XIV. 54, 80, 81, App. 22; XV. 213; XVI. 39, 56, 58, 59, 63, 70, 102, 191 ; ‘Creamers’ and, 122 ; XVII. 150, 156, 165 ; XVIII. 29, 30, 86; XX. 38; App. 14. See ‘Laich hous.’
Parliament Square, II. 205, 207, 218, 225, 227, 231 ; remains of fireplaces in vaulted chambers in, 228; history of; site of St. Giles’ churchyard, III. 207, 212; Sark Wall, 210, 211; John Knox, 213-14; tumult of St. Giles’, 214-15; banqueting hall at back of St. Giles’, 216-17; shops in, 224; union with England opposed, and end of Scots Parliament, 224-6; Parliament Close, 228-36 ; extension of law courts and criticism of architect of, 236-42 ; change of ‘Close’ to ‘Square,’ 237, 240, 241 ; XIV. 20, 150, 151, 154; proposed enlargement of, XVIII. 86 ; XX. App. 14. See also Parliament Close.
Parliament Stairs, III. 211, 221; XI. 12; XII. 66, 130; XIV. 81.
Parliament Yaird, XII. 66.
Parson’s Green, XVIII. 204 ; mansion at, XIV. 53; XV. 66.
Parsons Knowes, XV. 171.
Partridge Bank, XIX. 143.
Pasquali, Nicolo, XIX. 197, 205 ; musical publications, 197 n. ; engaged by Musical Society, 207 ; his Stabat Mater, 215.
Passer, Cristane, XV. 22.
Passer, John (1556), XV. 22.
Passerini. Giuseppe, employed by Musical Society, XIX. 206-7, 208.
Passerini. Madam, XIX. 206.
Passie’s Close, XII. 95.
Patarini of Italy, III. 16, 21.
Pater, Alexander (1753), IV. 46.
Paterson, Alexander (1684), XVI. 134, 161. See Patersone.
Paterson, Andrew, of Inch (or Kirkton), XII. 16.
Paterson, Andrew, wright, associated with Mylne in building of Mylne Square, XIV. 47.
Paterson, David, banished, XII. 187.
Paterson, George, architect, XII. 116 ; XIX. 58 ; superintends erection of St. Cecilia’s Hall, 227.
Paterson, James, conventicler, VI. 114.
Paterson, James, in Sheills, VIII. 155.
Paterson, James, servitor, XVIII. 46.
Paterson, James, cordiner, XVIII. 123, 124.
Paterson, Janet, warded, XI. 29.
Paterson, John, of Kirkton, XII. 16.
Paterson, John, bishop of Edinburgh, XVI. 110, 118, 127, 132, 145, 148, 165; censors gazettes and news letters, 104; pensioned, 105 ; offers test to ministers, 111 ; lodging and chapel, 144.
Paterson, John, architect, XII. 116.
Paterson, John, wright in Burghmuirhead, X. 247, 249.
Paterson, John, writer, XIII. 122, 123.
Paterson, John, golfer, his house in Canongate, XII. 103; XIV. 37, 43; XVIII. 9-10, 114.
Paterson, John, cramer, VI. 75.
Paterson, John, minister, VIII. 122; XVI. 65.
Paterson, John, son of bishop, VIII. 83.
Paterson, Joneta, wife of Sir Alexander Lauder of Blyth, X. 21-2.
Paterson, J. Wilson, lectures on ‘Romance of Ancient Monuments,’ XVII. App. 11.
Paterson, Ninian, minister of Liberton, XVI. 114, 118.
Paterson, Patrick, warded, VI. 146.
Paterson, Peter, chamberlain to Lord Balmerino, XVI. 151.
Paterson, Robert, keeper of correction house, XVII. 70, 74.
Paterson, Rod., warded, XII. 201.
Paterson, Thomas, Restalrig, IV. 163.
Paterson, Thomas, merchant, X. 192, 195 n., 198.
Paterson, Thomas, mason, XIII. 25, 50, 126.
Paterson, Thomas, collector (1588), XV. 52.
Paterson, Thomas, ‘a little boy,’ VIII. 151.
Paterson, William, of Darien fame, XX. App. 20.
Paterson, William, in Brunstane, IX. 142.
Paterson, William, ‘tailyour,’ I. 39.
Paterson, William, baxter, XIII. 111.
Paterson, William, innkeeper, XIV. 138.
Patersone, George, engraver, IX. 81. See Paterson.
Patersone, James, kirk treasurer, I. 43.
Patersone, John (1670), V. 153.
Patersone, Sir William, VIII. 106-8, 110, 112, 113, 116, 118, 119, 121, 134-7, 140, 141, 147- 150, 153, 158 ; formerly a regent in College, 94.
Paterson’s Close, XII. 102, 103, 116; XIV. 75.
Paterson’s Court, XII. 16.
Paterson’s land, III. 80; XII. 102, 103.
Paton, Adam, clerk, sasine office, XIV. 151-2, 161, 178. See Patten, Patton.
Paton, Alexander, ‘sledman,’ XIII. 25.
Paton, Archibald, merchant, XII. 23.
Paton, Daniel, constable in Calton, XIX. 116-17.
Paton, George, of the Customs, XII. 223.
Paton, Henry, Letters from John Bonar to William Creech Concerning the Formation of the Speculative Society, V. 163-90.
Paton, Henry M., The General Register House, XVII. 147-175; The Barony of Calton : Part I ., XVIII. 33-78 ; The Barony of Calton : Part II ., XIX. 92-141.
Paton, Hugh, printseller, IX. 91 ; his Plan of Edinburgh, XII. 233 ; XVII. 8, App. 31.
Paton, James, in Inverkeithing, II. 98, 100.
Paton, John, builder, feus part of Dean, I. 126.
Paton, Captain John, of Fenwick, IX. 132.
Paton, John, XII. 23.
Paton, Sir Noël, IX. 113.
Paton, Robert, city chamberlain, X. 261.
Patrick Edgar’s Close, XII. 155.
Patrick James, banished, XII. 187.
Patrick Steil’s Close, XII. 155.
Patten, Thomas, W.S., Oyster Club, III. 173. See Paton.
Patton, Margaret, VIII. 130. See Paton.
Patton, Robert, warded, V. 146.
Pattonne, Bessy, IV. 128.
Paul, Sir James Balfour, The Armorial Bearings of the City of Edinburgh, III. 1-12 ; his Ordinary of Scottish Arms, IV. 67 ; conducts members of Club over Register House, XI. App. 4 ; on historical and literary associations of Pilrig House, 19-21 ; XII. App. 20; lectures on ‘Victorian Edinburgh,’ XIV. App. 9-14.
Paul, John, minister of St. Cuthbert’s, XI. App. 17.
Paul’s Work, IV. 86; XI. 12; XII. 15; XV. 133 ; a military hospital, 137 ; XIX. 93, 94, 109, 168. See also St. Paul’s Work.
Pavements, X. 70.
Pavilion house, Calton, XIX. 112.
Paxton, Rev. George, V. 88, 89.
Paxton’s Royal Exchange Coffee-house, XVII. 130 n.
Payne, John, engraver, IX. 79.
Peacock, Thomas Love, with Shelley in Edinburgh, XI. 83. See Pacok, Pakcok.
Pearson, Alexander, XII. 29.
Pearson, David, writer, XII. 29.
Pearson, James, XII. 29.
Pearson, Janet, XII. 29.
Pearson, John, XII. 29.
Pearson, (Peirsoun), John, skinner, VI. 66, 93.
Pearsone, Alexander, of Balmadies, I. 106. See Pearson.
Pearsone, John, warded, XI. 61.
Pearson’s Close, XII. 29.
Peat, Catherine, VIII. 121, 124.
Peat, Robert, in Gourlaw, VIII. 124.
Peck, Walter E., Shelley in Edinburgh, XI. 75-85.
Peddie, James, merchant, XI. 26.
Peddie, J. M. Dick, XIV. 73, 96.
Peden, Alexander, VI. 119, 120.
Peebles, Alexander, advocate, XIV. 140.
Peebles, Francis, XII. 76.
Peebles, Hugh, VI. 131.
Peebles, John de, XII. 76.
Peebles, burgh seal of, III. 5.
Peebles, Wynd, XII, 75-7, 155 ; XIII. 94, 120, 125; XIV. 83; XV. 12; XVI. 6; XIX. 57.
Peffermill, I. 78 ; IX. 225 ; X. 5, 55, 153, 215, 216; App. 4.
Pegge, Samuel, his Curialia Miscellanea, IX. 180.
Peirie, Thomas, warded, XII. 196. See Perie, Pery, Pirrie.
Peirie, Walter, doomster, IV. 106.
Peiris, George, tenant of Cordiners, XVIII. 123.
Peirrie, John, VI. 120. See Perie, Pery, Pirrie.
Pelican of Leith, XV. 19.
Penalties, for crime before imprisonment, customary, IV. 79 ; for walking on street after ten at night, 81; for regrating, breaking plague bye-laws and begging, 82 ; for theft and murder, 84, 129 ; for papism, fornication and adultery, 88-90 ; for witchcraft, 90, 91 ; to be passed on beggars, fools and bards, 98; for high treason, 106; for debt, 106-7; for murder, V. 100, 110, 134; for theft, 107, 124; for child murder, 107, 112 ; for treason, 107, 108; for adultery and murder, 126-7. See Executions and Punishments.
Penicuik (Pennycuke), Alexander, of that Ilk, XX. 6. See Pennecuik, Pennycuik.
Penicuik (Pennecuke), Sir John, X. 57.
Penicuik John, son of above, X. 57. See also Pennicuik.
Penicuik lairds of, X. 80, 207.
Penicuiks of that Ilk, III. 188 ; X. 57-8.
Penman, Bailie (1664), V. 113; XVII. 83.
Penman, Gideon, prebendary of Whitehouse, X. 47-8.
Penman’s Close, XII. 123.
Pennecuik, Dr. Alexander, III. 189 ; XIV. App. 20, 21, 23, 24. See Penicuik, Pennycuik.
Pennecuik’s Historical Account of the Blue Blanket, VIII. 3, 4.
Penney, John, treasurer of Pantheon, I. 60, 68, 75 ; his statement in regard to that society, 55-75. See Penny, Peny.
Penney, Scott Moncrieff, his paper on historical and literary associations of Newhall (Habbie’s How), XIV. App. 19-24.
Pennicuik, Alexander, owner of Newhall, XIV. App. 20.
Penny, Stephen, acquires four acres of lands of Dalry; admitted burgess and guild brother, XX. 50. See Penney, Peny.
Penny, Weddings, XVI. 73, 162.
Penny, Well, Grange Loan, III. 206 n. ; earliest mention of, X. 9 n., 160; at Bonnington, XV. 171 ; XIX. 143, 187.
Pennycuik, Alexander, skinner, VI. 64, 71. See Penicuik, Pennecuik.
Penston, Christian, XII. 20.
Penston, John, merchant, XII. 19, 20.
Penston’s Close, XII. 19, 20, 41.
Pentland, Robert (1682), VIII. 123, 124.
Pentland, Rising, V. 139 ; VI. 134; VIII. 125.
Peny, Jean, V. 108.
Perceval, Spencer, XX. 152, 153.
Perie, John, in Newk, VIII. 155. See Peirie, Pery, Pirrie.
Perplex’d Polander, XI. 167.
Perrie’s Close, XII. 112.
Perth, Duke of, II. 6, 14, 30; VIII. 89; XVI. 171.
Perth, Earl of, XVI. 127.
Pery, Janet, wife of Thomas Alisone, slater, III. 78a, 100. See Peirie, Peirrie, Perrie, Pirrie.
Pestilence. See Plague.
Peter, Alexander, wright, XII. 74, 143, 144. See Petter.
Peter’s Close, XII. 74, 143.
Petersfield, John, goldsmith, XIX. 19.
Petgormo, Lord. See Scott, Thomas
Petition, to execute sentence of death, IV. 113; to delay execution, 115, 117, 121, 127; for relief from prison, 116, 119, 124, 131, 138; petition granted, 138; to secure person in prison, V. 99, 137-8, 145-6; for relief from prison, 101, 108, 111, 112 ; to be liberated for day time, 119.
Petrie, Alexander (1668), V. 141.
Petrie, James, student, VIII. 93.
Petrie, Patrick, schoolmaster, IV. 159, 160, 161, 166-8, 172; XV. 181, 200.
Petrie, Patrick, Provost of Aberdeen, VI. 128.
Petrie, Patrick, engraver, III. 231.
Pett Street’s Close, XII. 155.
Petter, William, warded, IX. 172. See Peter.
Pettie, John, R.A., IX. 107.
Pettigrew (Petticrew), Thomas, XI. 61, 65.
Pew, John, maltman, XV. 173, 186, 187, 196, 200.
Pewterers, VIII. 48, 61 ; Canongate, XIX. 23, 27 ; adulterate metal ; efforts to stop practice, 28.
Philip II., of Spain, V. 60.
Philip, John, of Philipstoun, VIII. 142. See Philp.
Philip, Robert, maltman, XX. 63.
Philo-Scotus (J. B. Ainslie), II. 221.
Philosophical Society, II. 10.
Philp, Adam, warded, VIII. 111. See Philip.
Philp, James, of Almrieclow, IX. 115.
Philp, John, covenanter, VIII. 157.
Philpe, Thomas, smith, in Falkirk, VI. 127.
Phin, Robert, deacon, II. 158.
Phinn, J. engraver, IX. 86; XII. 219.
Physic Gardens at Holyrood, XI. 12 ; XV. 66; at North Loch, II. 10; XI. 12; XV. 146; XVI. 157 ; at Tweeddale Court, XI. 12; XII. 136. See Botanic Gardens, Medicine Gardens.
Physicians, College of, II. 9 ; IV. 15 ; founding of Infirmary, V. 79 ; sick poor, XV. 139-42; 152, 153, 158; XVI. 113; oppose erection of theatre, 127; quack doctor, 167; XIX. 165.
Physicians’ Garden, XV. 146.
Physicians’ Hall, II. 9; XI. 12; XV. 146.
Picardy village, XV. 183; XVIII. App. 18.
Picat, William, covenanter, II. 95.
Picken, Ebenezer, poet, I. 53, 54.
Pickenella (or Petrenella), XII. 62.
Pickman, Captain, XVI. 9, 14.
Pier, East, Leith, extension scheme, XX. 70, 71.
Piershill, IV. 164; XX. 148.
Piggot, Gilbert, XI. 25 ; XII. 201.
Pillans, Prof. James, III. 115, 121 ; XI. App. 18; XVIII. 165.
Pilmour, James, writer, Dundee, VI. 142.
Pilrig, II. 3 ; historical and literary associations of, XI. App. 19-21; XX. App. 9, 20.
Pilrig, Well, XIX. 172.
Pilton, XIX. 143.
Piltoune, George, warded, IV. 127.
Pinkerton, Cuthbert, XIV. 37, 43; XVIII. 115.
Pinkerton, John III. 218; Vitae Sanctorum Scotiae, V. 8, 20 n.
Pinkerton, Matthew (1536), III. 97.
Pinto, Thomas, XIX. 221; engaged by Musical Society; troublesome habits, 218-19.
Pious Club, III. 178.
Piozzi’s visit to city, XIV. 138 ; XV. App. 13.
Pipes’ Close, XII. 8 ; XVII. 20.
Piple, John (1664), V. 121.
Piracy, IV. 84 and 12.; VI. 127; IX. 56; XV. 18; XVI. 92.
Pirates in Tolbooth, V. 117, 121.
Pirnie, William, bricklayer, XIX. 111, 112.
Pirniefield, XII. 120; XIV. 161.
Pirrie, Alexander, merchant, XII. 112, 113. See Peirrie, Perie, Pery.
Pirrie, David, XII. 112, 113.
Pirrie, James, staymaker, XII. 112.
Pirrie, Thomas, writer, XII. 112.
Pirrie, William, XII. 112.
Pirrie’s Close, I. 16, 27 ; XII. 112 ; XIV. 150.
Pitcairlie’s Close, XII. 156.
Pitcairn, Alexander, W.S., X. 212 n.
Pitcairn, Alexander (1671), bailie, VI. 108, 117.
Pitcairn, Archibald (1776), XIV. 143.
Pitcairn, Dr. Archibald, VIII. 84 ; XII. 103, App. 22; XVI. 141 ; XVII. 44 ; XVIII. 10; XIX. 192.
Pitcairn, Hary, of Larestone, VI. 125.
Pitcairn, Hary, of Pitlorne, VI. 125.
Pitcairn, John, covenanter, V. 114.
Pitcathlie, Archibald, cordiner, XIV. 44.
Pitiloch, Andrew, executed, VIII. 110.
Pitmilly, Lord (David Monypenny), his finding in case of H.M. Officers of State v. Lord Haddington, XVIII. 197-8.
Pitsligo, Lord, II. 54-5 ; his cavalry in Edinburgh, 40.
Pitt Club’s proposal to erect monument to younger Pitt, XV. 212-13.
Pittcur, laird of, VI. 151, 152.
Placentia, nunnery of St. Mary of, II. 65, 78, 79.
Plague in Edinburgh, IV. 102; 110; IX, 13, 22, 23, 26-7, 28; X. 143, 147, 148, 150, 222, 231, 234, 247; frequency of visitations, 164, 167 ; magistrates and, 174; outbreak of(1585), 184, 190, 192; measures taken, 184-5; gibbet for disorderly victims, 185; beer brewed for convalescents, 186; fresh outbreak (1601), 189; visitation of 1645, 194-5; buildings for victims at South Loch, 253, 254; XI. 111 ; App. 20; XV. App. 25; XVI. 74; victims in Calton in 1645, XVIII, 47 ; effects of, in Canongate (1645), 129; XIX. 5, 15, 21, 26, 27; XX. 79.
Plainstone Close, I. 16; II. 119; XII. 1, 26, 27, 105, 113.
Plainstones (High St.), XII. 113.
Plantations, prisoners sent to the, VI. 136, 137, 144, 145; IX. 143.
Playbills, Old Edinburgh, XVIII. App. 12.
Playfair, Prof. John, III. 107, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116, 151; IX. 106; XII. App. 33.
Playfair, William, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 175; IV. 52.
Playfair, W. H., XX. 158.
Playhouse Close, 1. 16; XII. 115.
Playing-card manufactory at Canonmills, XVIII. App. 22-3.
Pleasance, I. 34; II. 1, 69, 71, 72, 78, 79, 186; origin of name, 65; III. 24, 25, 30, 66, 96, 100, 103; V. 67; X. 61, 80; XII. 88; lands of, XIII. 79; superiority acquired by Earl of Roxburgh, 80; conveyed to town council, 80 ; XIV. 122, 138; numerous inns in, 124; Mar’s cannon in, XVI. 21 ; wapinschaw in, 75; XVIII, 102, 106, 122, 142; XIX. 10, 29, 115; XX. 24.
Pleasance, Port. See Cowgate Port.
Plenderleith, Rev. W., Wesley’s letter to, VIII. 179.
Plewlands, I. 85; III. 197 ; Over, X. 224; Wester, 224; XVIII, 172.
Plumbers, XIX. 30.
Plummer, Andrew, of Sunderland Hall, III. 161 ; V. 178 and n., 187, 188.
Plummer, Andrew, physician, XV. 145.
Plummer, Nicholas (1435), XIV. 112.
Pocketsleeve (Polcatslieve), XIV. 104; XVIII. 39.
‘Pockmanty Preaching,’ XVIII. App. 12.
Poets, Edinburgh, and Regent Morton, XVI. 26.
Pogg, John, cordiner, XIII. 122. See Pollock.
Poker Club, account of, III. 145-51, 162; Militia Bill, 150-1; members of, 151-4.
Police in early times, IV. 83. See Watch.
‘Poll Election,’ IV. 42.
Pollen, John, warded, XII. 195.
Pollock, James, of Balgray, XII. 202. See Pook.
Pollock, James, writer, III. 246.
Pollock, John, warded, VI. 128 ; IX. 170 ; XII. 166.
Pollock, John, stabler, XII. 127.
Pollock, Robert, shoemaker, XI. 22, 23.
Pollock, William, gardener, XI. 41.
Pollock, William, warded, IX. 170.
Pollock, of Bagra, IX. 163.
Pollock’s Close, XII. 127, 142.
Pollock’s Inn, XII. 127.
Pollock’s Plan of Edinburgh, XII. 243.
Polson, John, chairmaster, IX. 196.
Pont, Robert, minister of West Kirk, II. 129-31 ; XI. App. 17.
Pont, Timothy, II. 130; XII. 216.
Ponting, Mr., master of Canongate School, XX. 18.
Pook, John, skinner, VI. 64. See Pollock.
Poole, Matthew, his coffee-house in Princes Street, I. 143. See Poule.
‘Poor Folk’s Purses,’ XIV. 78.
Poor relief, XV. 38 ; contributions by inhabitants, XVI. 46.
Popery, XVI. 149, 150, 155, 160, 172. See Papists.
Porteous, Christian, VIII. 135, 136.
Porteous, Christopher (1685), XI. 57.
Porteous, George, Marchmont herald, XVIII. 25.
Porteous, George, painter, XX. App. 14.
Porteous, John, captain of town guard, IV. 22, 23, 24. 27, 29; riots, 22-5 ; original subscriber to Infirmary, XV. 145 ; XVIII. 182. See Porteous Mob.
Porteous, Stephen, Warded, IX. 154, 159.
Porteous, Thomas, of Glenkirk, XX. 6.
Porteous, William, warded, VIII. 123 ; XVI. 125.
Porteous Mob, XIV. 22 ; XVII. 6, 112, 120; XIX. 47 n. See Porteous, John.
Porteous MS., II. 140.
Porter or Charles, Mary, XVII. 135.
Porter Nicoll, III. 80.
Porterfield, Alexander, of Fulwood, IX. 166; XI. 49, 54; XII. 200.
Porterfield, Catherine, wife of Sir William Lockhart of Carstairs, XX. 54, 55.
Porterfield, Dame, XIII. 106, 109.
Porterfield, James, schoolmaster, XVIII. App. 12, 13.
Porterfield, John, of Douchill, VIII. 154; XII. 164.
Porterfield, Katherine, wife of Alexander Nisbet (who excambed Dean for Craigentinny), I. 107.
Porterfield, Walter, of Comiston, I. 107.
Porterfield, Walter, surgeon, X. 219 n., 220.
Porterfield, Walter (1690), VIII. 80.
Porters, Society of, IX. 213, 214, 224.
Portobello, II. 190; buses to, XIV. App. 10.
Portsburgh, II. 2, 123 ; Wester, 123, 125 ; Incorporated Trades of, 124; Tailors of Easter, 125; inscribed stones in, 122-5; meeting house in, XI. 11, 13; Wester, XIV. 109, 140; XV. 171 ; XVI. 55, 158; XVIII. 83, 149, 155, 169, 172, 178; XIX. 115; XX. 45-8, 60, 74.
Post-office, Old, II. 13; III. 229; XII. 32; XIV. 97.
Pot House Close, XII. 136.
Pott, Anthony (1666), V. 130.
Potter, Agnes, XII. 178 ; keeper of Charity Workhouse, Leith Wynd, XVII. 74.
Potter, Jane Caroline, X. 51.
Potter’s Close, XII. 54 n., 56.
Potterrow, II. 73, 88 ; village of, 70; VI. 25; X. 232, 239; XI. 6; XIV. 142; wapinschaw in, XVI. 75; XVIII. 134, 149, 151; XIX. 115.
Potterrow, Port, II. 1. 68, 70, 72, 73; II. 122; IV. 106; X. 230, 231; XI. 12; XIII. 120, 124, 133; XIV. 141, 143.
Poule, Robert (1664), V. 121. See Poole.
Poultry Market, XI. 11, 12; XII. 68.
Powburn, X. 5, 55, 61, 74, 75, 77, 153, 162, 176, 180, 185, 191, 212, 215, 217, 218, 263 ; first proprietors of, 219-20 ; XII. 219.
Powder, purchases of, by the Skinners, VI. 85, 86, 88, 90, 91, 93, 98-100.
Powderhall, XV. 171 ; XIX. 171, 177, 225 n.; gunpowder factory at, 172; XX. App. 21.
Power (or Poor), Laurence, XII. 142.
Power’s Close, XII. 84, 85, 141, 142.
Powis, Lady, XVI. 166.
Powley, Robert, watchmaker, XII. 95. See Purrie.
Powley, (Powrie) Thomas, physician, XII. 95.
Powrie’s Close, XII. 85, 142.
Praetorium (or Tolbooth), Leith, XV. 173.
Preaching Friars’ Vennel, XII. 81.
Prentice, John, warded, VI. 128.
Prepositus. See Provostship.
‘Presbyterian Inquisition,’ VIII. 79.
Presbyterians, Jacobite army mostly, II. 35, 36.
Presbytery of Edinburgh, XV. 152.
President of Club entertained, XVI. App. 28-9.
President’s Stairs, III. 235, 236 ; XII. 66, 131.
Preston, David, of Craigmillar, X. 55, 216. See Prestoun.
Preston, General, II. 17 and n., 48, 118.
Preston, Helenor, of Craigmillar, III. 183.
Preston, Henry (1492), XVIII. 152.
Preston, James, bailie, IX. 19, 41 n., 45.
Preston, James, skinner, VI. 83.
Preston, James, XX. App. 13.
Preston, Sir John, of Airdrie, X. 156.
Preston, Sir John, of Penicuik, X. 156.
Preston, Sir John, jun., of Penicuik, X. 57.
Preston, Sir John, of Valleyfield, XIII. 132.
Preston, John, Lord Fentonbarns, I. 95; XV. 105.
Preston, John, XII. 29.
Preston, John (1492), XVIII. 152.
Preston, John (1572), XVI. 5 ; XVII. 52, 54.
Preston, Mary, wife of Robert Bruce of Binning, XIV. 94.
Preston, Sir Michael, XIII. 112.
Preston, Sir Robert, VI. 123.
Preston, Sir Simon, his town house, XI. 12; XIV. 83, 94, 95; XV. 51 ; connection with Trinity College Hospital, 132, App. 11 ; XVIII. App. 25.
Preston, Simon, XII. 19.
Preston, Thomas, tailor, XII. 29.
Preston, William, XII. 29.
Prestonfield, Prince Charles at, II. 25, 58 ; IV. 13 ; X. App. 4; XIII. App. 13 ; XX. 112, 115. See also Priestfield.
Prestonfield, Gushet, X. 215, 217.
Prestongrange, Lord. See Grant, William
Prestongrange, Lady, XIII. 115.
Prestonpans, medical men on battlefield of, II. 26.
Preston’s Close, XII. 29.
Prestoun, John, III. 82. See Preston.
Prestoun, Robert (1669), V. 150.
Priestfield, X. 10, 13 and n., 55, 155, 156, 215 ; XV. 65, App. 17 ; mansion burnt, XVI. 106. See also Prestonfield.
Primrose, Sir Archibald, of Carrington, III. 244 n., 247, 249; IV. 139, 141 ; X. 46, 48; XVI. 57, 73; career, 57 n.
Primrose, David (1635), XIII. 107.
Primrose, Eleanor, wife of first Viscount, XII. 14.
Primrose, Gilbert, ‘chirurgeane,’ III. 188; XII. 32.
Primrose, Hugh, Viscount (d. 1741), X. 46-7.
Primrose, James, first Viscount, III. 244 n., 249 ; X. 46; XII. 14.
Primrose, James, clerk, XIII. 116, 131.
Primrose, Janet, XII. 32.
Primrose, Sir William, of Bambougle, III. 244 n.
Primrose, Sir William, of Carrington, X. 46.
Primrose, Sir William, of Elphinston, VIII. 124,
Prince, Sir Magnus, provost, II. 113 ; VI. 139; lessee of buildings and lands of Society of Brewers, X. 238, 239 ; XII. 139 n. ; XVI. 129; dean of guild, 145, 152 ; complaint against, 151 ; nominated by the King, 162 ; action against mob, 172 ; instructed to pay £40 Scots for ‘calsey’ stones, XVIII. 188.
Princes Street, amenity of, I. 137 ; exemption of first feuars in, from rates, 138, 139 ; early feuars and buildings at east end of, 138-45; dispute as to feuing on south side, 146, 147; compromise eifected, 148-9; power to feu on south side, west of Hanover Street, 148; originally called ‘South Street,’ 146; III. 110, 111, 129, 159, 207, 231; dispute as to building on south side, XII. 211 ; XIII. 91 ; completed, XIV. 156; App. 10; XVIII. 93.
Princes Street Gardens, XVIII. 85; prohibition of buildings in, 91, 96.
Pringle, Alexander, of Whytbank, Holyrood Ordinale in library of, VII. xv. See Hoppringill.
Pringle, Andrew, of Clifton, XII. 184.
Pringle, (Pringill) David, deacon of chirurgeons, I. 42; XIII. 40, 41 ; XVI. 140.
Pringle, George, escaped prisoner, IV. 96.
Pringle, Hugh, farmer, Woolmet, original member of Wagering Club, II. 152, 158.
Pringle, James, of Lees, XII. 163.
Pringle, James, of Torwoodlee, IX. 155, 163.
Pringle, James, schoolmaster, VIII. 108.
Pringle, John (1690), VIII. 93.
Pringle, Margaret, warded, VIII. 135, 136.
Pringle, Mark, Poker Club, III. 154.
Pringle, Robert, of Dewar, expelled from sanctuary, XV. 84.
Pringle, Robert, of Edgehill, a director of dancing Assembly, XIX. 88; and Musical Society, 195.
Pringle, Robert, coalman, VI. 155, 157.
Pringle, Thomas, covenanter, II, 97 ; VI. 136.
Pringle, Thomas, governor of Musical Society, XIX. 197; XX. 118.
Pringle, Sir Walter, of Newhall, IX. 82; XVII; 139.
Pringle, Walter (1690), VIII. 93.
Pringles of Yair, XV. 122.
Printers, imprisoned and fined, XVI. 160.
Printing-offices in old Edinburgh, II. 13-14.
Printing rights infringed, VI. 150-1, 156.
Priory Croft (Black Friars), III. 61, 66.
Prison. See Release and Relief from Irons.
Prison, Abbey, XV. 79-80.
Prisoners, custody of, before 1657, IV. 76, 77; methods of correction before imprisonment was in vogue, 79; called ‘wardouris,’ 80 ; magistrates and jailor responsible for, 96; in debt to jailor, 97; upkeep of, 98-9; confinement of, 104 ; allowed to attend to own affairs, 109 ; transported to Barbadoes, 111; caution for, 134; death of, 134, 138; waiting trial, 138; sent to England, 140; V. 112, 113, 124, 127, 136 ; sent to Stirling, 123 ; removed to Castle, 125; sent to Zetland, 127; to Barbadoes, 128-30; detained, 129; secured until transportation, 130; transported to Virginia, 131; caution for, 132; removed to Dunfermline, 133; sent to correction house, 137 ; allowed to attend to family affairs, 138 ; access to, when under sentence of banishment, l41; arrested for soothsaying, 143 ; to answer to Greyfriars kirk session, 145; to be alimented, 150, 151; arrested by caption, 154, 155; kept in irons, XI. 23, 55; banished, XII. 187, 188; Dutch, 208; transported by consent, 188. See also Orders, Prisons, Punishments, Relief, Statutes, Tolbooth.
Prisons, earliest authentic notice of, IV. 76; places of detention, 79; called ‘tolbooth,’ 88 ; scarcity of accommodation, 93; abuses, 97; prison dietary, 97, 99; obligation of burghs to provide, 104. See also Orders, Prisoners, Relief, Tolbooth.
Privy Council, II. 89-92, 94-8, 102 ; usurpation by, of the authority of Parliament, 82 and n. ; and imprisoned Covenanters, 93 ; extracts from register of, anent Covenanting prisoners, 103-14; and pre-Reformation clergy, III. 69 ; meets in Old Tolbooth, IV. 78 ; its rise and development, XI. 95, 117; XIII. 14, 15, 19, 21, 23, 26, 29, 30, 38, 43, 44, 51, 56, 57; want of accommodation for, 2; instructs magistrates to support introduction of Service Book, 51, 55; XX. 1, 12, 13, 28, 93, 94; complaints by Canongate School to, 6; Sir A. Brand obtains monopoly from, 30-1.
Profit, Alexander, IX. 213.
Property owners in Edinburgh in 1635, XIII. 93-145.
Protestancy to be Embraced, XVI. 153.
Protocol Books, reference to Black Friars’ ground in, V. 69; and to High School in, 70.
Prouille, house for women at, III. 17; sanctioned by Pope, 18, 21.
Provan, James, in Inchbellie, V. 124.
Provand, James, doctor of Canongate School, XX. 11.
Provand, John (1579), XV. 28.
Provincial Chapter of Black Friars meets in Edinburgh priory, III. 32.
Provincial Councils and Synods, Black Friars, III. 29, 63-4.
Provost Marschal, XVI. 35, 42.
Provost Stewart’s Close, XII. 24.
Provost’s Close, IV. 36 ; XII. 36.
Provost’s Lodging (College), XI. 7.
Provosts of Edinburgh, Famous, lecture by W. Forbes Gray, XV. App. 9-11.
Provostship, history of office, XV. App. 9; quaint usages connected with, 10; action against Sir A. Ramsay, XVI. 80-8 ; no holder to continue above two years, 88; King commands election of Bailie Drummond, 120; Sir Thomas Kennedy, 152; Sir Magnus Prince, 162.
Pryson, Friar James, III. 37.
Pudding Market, XIII. 126.
Puddocky. See Paddock-hall.
Pulteney, Sir William, of Westerhall. See Johnston.
Punishments – drowning, IV. 82; ducking, 90 ; to give coal to hospital, 101-2 ; escheat, 102; broken on wheel, 105; inflicted on dead body, 106 ; strangling and burning, 114, 121, 128, 133, 142; whipping, 116, 118, 131, 143; pillory, 106, 127; V. 104; put in irons, VI. 109; scourged, 109; tongue bored, 110; hanged, 116, 137, 156; beheaded, 120; banished, 134, 140, 152; mutilated, 135; VIII. executions, 102, 104, 110, 111, 125, 132, 152, 153; banished, 104, 109, 125, 132, 150; hanged, 117, 125, 132, 138, 140, 142; beheaded, 134; whipped, 136; transported, 137, 157; kept in irons, 152, 158; transported, IX. 123, 124, 131, 139, 143, 158, 168; executed, 127, 129, 132, 137, 141, 164-5; banished, 130, 147, 149, 155; kept in irons, 133, 135, 145, 176. See Executions and Penalties.
Punton, Archibald, baker, XVII. 71.
Puppo, Giuseppe, leader of orchestra at St. Cecilia’s Hall, XIX. 221-2, 240.
Purcell, Henry, musician, XI. 166 and n. ; XX. 37.
Purdie, Andrew, merchant, XII. 23.
Purdie, Andrew (1685), warded, XI. 28, 32.
Purdie, James (1685), XI. 28, 32.
Purdie, Marion, imprisoned as witch, XVI. 132.
Purdie, Walter, customer at West Port, VIII. 110.
Purdie, William, causey layer, XIX. 107.
Purrie, Gilbert, XII. 142.
‘Purses,’ XIV. 78.
Purves, Adam, carpenter, III. 78a, 81. See Purvis.
Purves, Allan, deacon of the Skinners, VI. 59, 68, 81-6, 88, 92, 105.
Purves, Andrew, deacon of Canongate cordiners, XVIII. 102.
Purves, Andrew, XII. 85.
Purves, Archibald, flesher, VI. 129.
Purves, Helen, XIV. 142 n.
Purves, Isabel, III. 78a.
Purves, James, W.S., dweller in sanctuary, XV. 90.
Purves, John, XII. 85.
Purves, Margaret, VI. 100, 104.
Purves, Thomas, New Assembly Close, XIX. 76.
Purves, William, of Abbeyhill, IV. 156 n.
Purves, William, apothecary, XV. 24.
Purves, William (1656), XVI. 46.
Purves’ Close, XII. 84, 85.
Purves’ Land, III. 82.
Purves’ Tavern, Parliament Close, III. 142, 144.
Purvis’ (Adam) Acres, X. 184, 185. See Purves.
Purvis, John, XII. 47.
Purvis, Close, XII. 47 .
‘Putrie’ or poultry lands of Dean, I. 97, 98.
Pye baxters, II. 198.
Pyncartonis alias Noryis land, III. 80.
Pyott’s land, III. 80.
Pytt, Robert, III. 78a.
Quakers’ Gardens, XI. 13.
Quakers’ meeting-house, II. 13.
Quarrelyairds, III. 25, 78a.
Quarries, Bruntsfield Links, X. 29.
Quarry Holes, Easter Road, IV. 92; Greyfriars’ Port, IV. 82 ; IX. 210.
Quarrying on Burgh Muir, X. 191, 240, 247; at Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 181-210. See also Salisbury Crags.
Quarter Miln Bridge, XV. 171.
Queen Mary’s Bath, I. 18; XVIII. App. 25.
Queen Street, XX. 141.
‘Queen’s Dead Room,’ XIV. 60.
‘Queen’s Post (Castle), XI. 13.
Queensberry, Charles, third Duke of, deputy governor of Royal Academy for Teaching Exercises, XX. 117, 123, 129.
Queensberry, James, second Duke of, III. 226; VI. 6; and John Gay, XI. 164 n.
Queensberry, William, first Duke of, II. 123; VIII. 88; XI. 53, 55; XV. App. 19; XVI. 130; action against Thomas Borelands, 140.
Queensberry, Earl of. See Douglas, Sir William, of Kellhead.
Queensberry House, I. 13, 18; described, 14 ; captured officers from Prestonpans lodged in, II. 32; XI. 13; XII. 121, 122, 152; history of, XV. App. 19-21 ; site of, in Dumfriesshire, 19-20; Lord Haltoun employs unfreemen in erection of, XVI. 106.
Queensferry, rest-houses for poor at, V. 14; earliest notice of, 14 n., 21, 25.
Queensferry, Road, old, I. 135.
‘Queenis Hie Gait,’ III. 101. See High St.
Quensay, Louis, stamper, XIX. 30.
Quhitness, John de, XV. App. 9.
Quin, Mrs., II. 46.
Quothquan, XX. 29.
Raa, Hector, XV. 17. See Rae.
Rab and Ringan, I. 53.
Radical Road, XVIII. 182.
Radulph, master of hospital of Soltre, V. 33.
Rae of Pitsindie, XII. 91. See Ra, Raa, Ray.
Rae, Adam, of Piteddie, XII. 25.
Rae, Agnes, XII. 138.
Rae, Alexander (1674), warded, VI. 127.
Rae, Anne, XII. 91.
Rae, Archibald, Restalrig, IV. 161.
Rae, Sir David, Lord Eskgrove, decreet-arbitral as to Princes Street feuing, I. 148, 149-50; XVII. App. 30; XIX. 244; XX. 115, 136.
Rae, David (1765), XII. 91.
Rae, David, minister, XII. 92.
Rae, or Keir, Elizabeth, XII. 91.
Rae, Henry, claim on Candlemakers, XIII. 135.
Rae, Isobel, VIII. 135, 136.
Rae, James, brewer, VIII. 114.
Rae, James, barber, XII. 91.
Rae, James, surgeon, XII. 91, 92.
Rae, James, banished, XII. 187.
Rae, John, Restalrig, IV. 163.
Rae, John, writer, V. 133 ; XII. 92, 93.
Rae, John, IX. 128; transported to the Bass, 155; XVI. 125.
Rae, John, surgeon-dentist, XII. 91.
Rae, John, bailie in Canongate, XII. 91.
Rae, John, candlemaker, XVII. 116, 131, 132.
Rae, John, XX. 24, 25.
Rae, Robert, account for Montrose’s re-interment, I. 40, 41.
Rae, Sir William, lord advocate, XV. 209; XVIII. 196.
Raeburn, Sir Henry, member of Cape Club, III. 160; VII. App. 7 ; IX. 87, 88, 94, 96, 102, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111, 113 ; XI. App. 18; XVIII. 6, 7.
Raeburn, Lady, XIV. 108 n.
Raeburn’s Brewery, I. 21.
Rae’s Close, I. 10; XII. 90, 91, 102 ; carved lintel in, XVII. 35.
Rae’s Land, XII. 91, 92.
Ragman Rolls, V. 21.
Railway proposed between Leith and Edinburgh and Dalkeith line, XX. 68.
Railway Tavern, Hope Street, III. 163.
Rainbow Tavern, North Bridge, II. 155; XIV. App. 10.
Rainie, Katherine, IV. 128. See Rannie, Rennie.
Rait, Francis, yr., of Canonsyth, VIII. 106.
Raith. See Rathe.
Ralph, Will., IV. 163.
Ralston, laird of, IV. 136.
Ralston, David, chapman, IX. 127.
Ralston, James, glazier, VI. 122.
Ralston, James, in Wester Harieburne, IX. 144.
Ramage, Margaret, XIV. 143.
Rambollat, M., French ambassador, XII. 94.
Ramsay, Lord, XVIII. 15.
Ramsay, Alexander, minister of Greyfriars, VI. 116; XVI. 150; assaulted, 113.
Ramsay, Alexander, of East India Coy., X. 224.
Ramsay, Alexander (1685), XII. 189.
Ramsay, Allan, poet, I. 8, 50, 54; builds ‘Guse Pie,’ 3 ; poetry debated at Pantheon, 53; II. 11 ; his circulating library, 10, 33; III. 234; on state of Edinburgh after Union, IV. 5; David Allan’s portrait of, IX. 84; shop in High St., XI. 13; house on Castlehill, 13, 166; his playhouse, 163; Gentle Shepherd performed in Tailors’ Hall, 163, 171; XII. 7, 151, 152; house on Castlehill, XIV. 58, 163; connection with Newhall (Habbie’s How), App. 19-24; XV. 166; XVII. 19, 85; XIX. 62; The Fair Assembly, 39-40; employed by Musical Society, 194; his songs brought out by Robert Bremner, 211 n. ; XX. App. 32.
Ramsay, Allan, of Kinkell, son of poet, I. 3; II. 11; IX. 108; XII. 7; buys Bell foundry, XVII. 19; paints Lord Drummore’s portrait for Musical Society, XIX. 198; appeals for better support of Musical Society, 239-40; supports project for riding school, XX. 112.
Ramsay, Sir Andrew, lord provost, V. 111, 116, 124, 138; XI. 59, 60; XII. 7; XIII. 97 n., 126n.; XV. App. 10, 11; and water supply, 18; XVI. Introd. xxvii, 98, 109, 117, 133, 137, 138, 145; knighted, 51 ; turned out of provostship, 51; career, 51 n.; sells Bass Rock, 79; law suit against, 80-8; delinquencies, 82-3; numerous ofiices, 84; Sir G. Lockhart’s defence of, 84-8 ; services to town, 86-7; goes to London, 125.
Ramsay, Andrew, minister of Greyfriars, XIII. 30, 57; translated to St. Giles’, 97 and n.
Ramsay, Archibald (1587), XV. 17.
Ramsay, Cuming, XIX. 237.
Ramsay, David, Courant Office, II. 164.
Ramsay, David (1635), XIII. 104.
Ramsay, David, tenant in Edgefield, XI. 28, 31.
Ramsay, Edward, Dean, IX. 113 ; XII. App. 11.
Ramsay, Euphame, V. 125.
Ramsay, George, eighth Earl of Dalhousie, XIII. App. 15.
Ramsay, George, ninth Earl of Dalhousie, XIII. App. 15.
Ramsay, George (1483), III. 91.
Ramsay, George, stabler, XII. 105.
Ramsay, Helen, warded, XI. 46, 48, 57.
Ramsay, Henry, burgess, III. 79, 99.
Ramsay, James, accomptant of Excise, XII. 7 ; XVIII. 164, 165.
Ramsay, James, slater, XIX. 57, 58, 226.
Ramsay, James, Queensferry, XII. 105.
Ramsay, Janet, wife of Lord Fountainhall, XVI. Introd. xxvii.
Ramsay, Janet, daughter of the poet, XIV, App. 22.
Ramsay, Jean, wife of John Kincaid of Warriston, XIX. 182.
Ramsay, Jean, relict of James Guthrie, V. 132, 137.
Ramsay, John, of Ochtertyre, III. 142, 143; XX. 41, 50, 51.
Ramsay, John, merchant, V. 152.
Ramsay, John, advocate, XII. 42.
Ramsay, Lieut.-General, III. 225.
Ramsay, Margaret, accused of child murder, IV. 143.
Ramsay, Miss, of Barnton, II. 164.
Ramsay, Nicholas, skinner, XV. 29.
Ramsay, Peter, stabler, XII. 105 ; XIV. 134, 135, 136, 146.
Ramsay, Richard, wigmaker, XV. 183.
Ramsay, Robert, of Blackcraig, IV. 60.
Ramsay, Robert, Gowks Club, III. 172.
Ramsay, Thomas, watchmaker, XIX. 13.
Ramsay, William, banker, XII. 105 ; XIX. 179 ; XX. App. 21.
Ramsay, William, cordiner, XVIII. 147.
Ramsay, William, surgeon, II. 56.
Ramsay Garden, I. 3 ; XII. 7.
Ramsay House, XIX. 142.
Ramsay Lane, I. 3 ; XII. 7 ; XIV. 58.
Ramsay Lodge, Castlehill, XII. 7 ; XVII. 19.
Ramsay Lodge, Lauriston, XII. 7 ; XVIII. 164-5, 166.
Ramsay’s Close, I. 13 ; XII. 105.
Ramsay’s Court, XII. 89.
Ramsay’s Land, XII. 7.
Ramsays, Bonars, & Co., bankers, XIV. 150, 164; XVIII. 85; XX. 52.
Ramsays, of Cockpen, XII. 7.
Ramsays, of Dalhousie, XIV. 58; XVII. 17.
Randolph, Thomas, Queen Elizabeth’s ambassador, V. 55; VI. 79 n.
Rankeillor, William, XII. 128.
Rankein, Robert, whiteironman, XIX. 29.
Ranken, Gabriel, of Orchardhead, XII. 126. See Rankin, Rankine.
Ranken, Robert, skinner, VI. 59.
Rankin, Alexander, of Pottie, VIII. 128. See Ranken, Rankine.
Rankin, James, warded, IX. 140.
Rankin, T., ‘taylor,’ III. 234.
Rankin, Walter, merchant, XIII. 97.
Rankine, George, wright, XII. 172. See Ranken, Rankin.
Rankine, John (1672), warded, VI. 115.
Rankine, Robert, warded, XII. 201.
Rankine, Walter (1674), warded, VI. 127.
Rankine, William, in Bankhead, VI. 127.
Rankine, William, schoolmaster, VIII. 157.
Rannie, David, of Melville Castle, XVII. 19. See Rainie, Rennie.
Rannie, James, Burlaw bailie, XV. 176, 185, 198.
-Janet, wife of Sheriff Archibald Cockburn of Cockpen, XVII. 19.
-Janet, Margaret, IV. 111.
Raploch, laird of, IV. 125.
Raploch’s Close, XII. 145, 146.
Rapperlaw, William, XII. 146, 147.
Rapperlaw’s Wynd, XII. 146, 147.
Ratcliff, Jem, II. 38.
Rathe, James, III. 78a.
Rattray, James, brewer, XII. 139.
Rattray, James, ‘indweller in Dron,’ VIII. 128, 132.
Rattray, James Clerk, baron of Exchequer, and building of College, IV. 148-9; XIV. 65, 73; XVIII. 203.
Rattray, John, Prince Charles’s surgeon, II. 4, 26, 56.
Rattray, Margaret, of Craighall, XIX. 165.
Rattray, Thomas, D.D., of Craighall, XIX. 165.
Rattray, Thomas, writer, XII. 26.
Rattray, first captain of Hon. Coy. of Edinburgh Golfers, II. 15.
Rattray’s Close, I. 21 ; XII. 139.
Ravelrig, Lord (Sir John Maitland, afterwards fifth Earl of Lauderdale), XIII.
App. 10.
Ravelston, I. 80, 92, 98; quarry at, II. 69; excursion to, IX. App. 3; XIII. 21, 22, 24-6, 31, 40, 41; XVII. 161; XIX. 157.
Ravelston, Dykes, I. 80; XVII. 77, 81.
Ray, David, tailor, XIV. 36, 42. See Ra, Raa, Rae.
Read, Captain, XVI. 9, 11, 13. See Reid.
Readdie, laird of, VI. 124, 125.
Rea’s Close, XII. 91.
Rebellion, VI. 134, 137, 138, 145, 150, 154, 156 ; battle at Pentland Hills, 134 ; battle of Airds Moss, 145; conventicle preachers executed, 135 ; women charged with sheltering Cargill, 150; battle of Bothwell Bridge, 156.
Records, Scottish, III. 229; stored in Edinburgh Castle, afterwards in Tower of London, XVII. 148; Forbes of Culloden on deplorable state of, 150.
Red Lyon Inn, XIV. 134-6, 138.
‘Red Walk,’ I. 127.
Redbraes, XV. 171; XIX. 172, 176; bought by Robert Mylne, architect; part of Powderhall; Hew Crauford builds mansion, 170; Captain Hew Craufurd of Jordanhill sells, 171.
Redfearn, Francis, XI. App. 17.
Redford House, V. 92.
Redhall, X. 19; XIX. 179. See also Reidhall.
Redhouse, Lady, XIII. 126.
Redhouse, XVI. 92.
Redpath (Redpetht), George, deacon of the Skinners, VI. 66, 78, 81, 86, 105. See Reidpeth, Ridpeth.
Redpath Patrick, III. 78a, 92, 96.
Redpath (Reidpetht), Thomas, deacon of the Skinners, VI. 66, 67, 79, 81, 82, 86, 105.
Reekpenny, XVI. 126.
Reform Bill of 1832, Candlemakers and, XVII. 122.
Reformation (the), brings increase of care to magistrates, XV. 6, 8, 31-8; right of ecclesiastical sanctuary removed, 62.
Regalia of Scotland, deposited in Dunnottar Castle, VIII. 205 ; transferred to Kineff Church ; taken to Edinburgh at the Restoration, 206 ; sentry placed at vault door, 207, 209; expenses incurred for repairs, drink money, etc., 208-11.
Regent Arch, XVII. 1.
Regent Bridge, VIII. 174 ; XII. 32 ; XVIII. 42, 80; XIX. 94; laying foundation stone of, 120.
Regent Road, XVIII. 195, 208; proposed riding school in, XX. 140.
Regiam Majestatem, V. 76; on rights of sanctuary, XV. 58; reference to Burlaw courts, 165.
Regis Vicus, XIV. 105. See High St.
Register House, I. 142, 151; in Castle, V. 64; VIII. 79; papers relating to Regalia in, 205; CIub’s visit to, XI. App. 4; receives £12,000 out of Forfeited Estates, XIII. 6; XX. 128, 145; App. 25. See also General Register House.
Register Street, III. 167 ; XX. 23.
Reid, Adam (1671), VI. 109. See Read.
Reid, Agnes, III. 78a, 99.
Reid, Alexander, XII. 17.
Reid, Andrew, bailie, Canongate, XII. 121, 122.
Reid, Andrew, covenanter, XII. 167.
Reid, (Rede) David, XVIII. 169 n.
Reid, Father, a Dominican, VIII. 94, 95.
Reid, General, founder of Music Chair, Edinburgh University, II. 4.
Reid, George, bailie, IV. 131; V. 103, 118; XII. 17, 18.
Reid, George, cutler, XII. 102.
Reid, George, hammerman, XX. 110.
Reid, Helen, of Cowthrople, XIII. 124.
Reid, Helene, III. 82.
Reid, James, of Northbrae, XII. 17, 18.
Reid, James, minister of West Kirk, II. 136.
Reid, James, conventicler, VI. 124.
Reid, James, notary, VIII. 10.
Reid, James, writer, XII. 102.
Reid, James, coachbuilder, XII. 101.
Reid, James, Burlaw bailie, XV. 185, 187, 198.
Reid, John, of Dalrymple, III. 88.
Reid, John, printer, VI. 150, 155, 156.
Reid, John, engraver, IX. 81.
Reid, John, part owner of Whitehouse, X. 53.
Reid, John, smith, XII. 102.
Reid, John, webster, XIII. 118.
Reid, John, skipper, XI. 73.
Reid, John, XII. 17.
Reid, Katherine, highway robber, V. 99, 107.
Reid, Marjory, quaker, V. 125.
Reid, Robert, architect of Parliament Square buildings, criticisms of, III. 237-42; his report on Old Tolbooth, XIV. 14; ‘surveyor of the General Register House,’ XVII. 167 and n., 168, 172; his plan for south and west approaches to the city, XVIII. 82.
Reid, Robert, buys lands of Whitehouse, X. 53.
Reid, Robert, brewer, XII. 121, 122. Robert, proprietor of George Inn, XIV. 145.
Reid, Robert, officer to Earl of Winton, VIII. 104.
Reid, Thomas, horologist, III. 231, 232.
Reid, Thomas, Wesley on his Inquiry into the Human Mind, VIII. 199.
Reid, Thomas, XII. 17.
Reid, William, merchant, XII. 17, 18.
Reid, William, merchant (1768), X. 232.
Reid, William, executed, V. 100.
Reid, William, warded, VIII. 117, 118 ; XII, 188.
Reid, William Crambe, X. 53.
Reid, W. R., of Lauriston Castle, XVII. 137.
Reid and Auld, clockmakers, III. 231.
Reidfurd, Lord (Sir James Foulis), VIII. 120.
Reidhall, XV. 171, 185; XVI. 22; XX. 29, 30. See Redhall.
Reidheid, Cuthbert, XV. 29.
Reidpeth (Rippit), Thomas, XIV. 37, 43. See Redpath, Ridpeth.
Reid’s Close, I. 14, 18, 110 ; XII. 101, 102, 121, 152.
Reid’s Court, I. 12 ; XII. 101.
Reid’s Yard, XII. 101.
Reinagle, Joseph, deputises for Schetky at St. Cecilia’s Hall, XIX. 220.
Reith, Alexander, merchant, XII. 23.
Reith, Jeanna, XII. 23.
Reith, John, XII. 23.
Release from prison, V. 96-8, 100-6, 108, 109-111, 112, 117, 118-23, 125-7, 129, 130, 135; VI. 109, 123-5, 133-147, 149, 151-4, 156; VIII. 103-5, 108-13; 115, 116, 118-22, 124-8, 130-2, 134-7, 140-2, 144-9, 153, 155. See Prisoners.
Relief for debt, IV. 114-24 ; 128-30, 133-4, 138-43 ; form of, 124; V. 103, 105, 111, 148.
Relief from irons, V. 115; warrant for, 116.
Remembrancer and riding school, XX. 154.
Reminiscences of Anchor Close, III. 165.
Rennet, James (1685), warded, XI. 29.
Rennie, John, engineer, III. 160. See Rainie, Rannie.
‘Rental Buke of Sanct Anthonis and Newhavin,’ XIX. 151.
Renton, George (1683), VIII. 145.
Renwick, James, covenanter, IV. 111 ; IX. 153; XI. 37; XVI. 141.
Reoch, John, fiddler, XIX. 49.
Restalrig, John Logan, laird of, his dispute with the town, XVIII. 40-1.
Restalrig, I. 107; James Nisbet acquires part of, 95-6; IV. 85, 153 ; parish transferred to South Leith, 153, 157 ; dispute over minister, 156 n.; school-house, 158 and n.; boundaries of the barony, 185-6; dean of, IX. 31 ; laird of (1523), 36, 91; X. 44; dean of, XI. 114, 120; XII. 101 ; Burlaw court, in, XV. 170, 181, 182, 194, 197, 200; Logan family own; sold to James, Lord Balmerino, XVIII. 33, 43; charter to Lord Balmerino, confirming right to, 47-9; XIX. 95, 126, 137; Incorporation of Wester, 127 ; burial ground of Friendly Society of, 126; Logans of, 148. See also Restalrig Society of Friendly Contributors.
Restalrig Church, IV. 153-4, 173, 178, 180-1; and South Leith, 155, 158 n.; memorial anent, 156, 157-9; chapter house, 157 n.; restoration of, 185, 186.
Restalrig House, IV. 179.
Restalrig Society of Friendly Contributors; purpose and membership of, IV. 154-5, 157-9; reason for founding, 155, 157; minutes and records of, 156, 161-2, 166-171, 173, 176-84; members and contributions, 159-60; first account for mortcloths, 160; charities of, 161, 164, 170; prices and hire of mortcloths, 161-2, 177; first complete page of entries, 163-4; from ‘Scots’ to ‘sterling,’ 165; ‘incidents,’ 166, 169; affairs in bad way, 171 ; discriminating fees for funerals, 173-4; directions for Keeper of the Cloths, 174; new book, 172, 175; hereditary membership, 176; ‘ribbons,’ 174, 177; society’s school, 179, 180, 182; unwritten law regarding schoolmasters, 179 ; quarrel with South Leith kirk-session, 183; declared proprietors of church and churchyard, 184 ; part with their rights and privileges; promote scheme for restoring church, 185.
Reston, James, in Grangeburnmilne, IX. 162, 174; XII. 166.
Revels, Master of the, XVI. 167.
Revolution Settlement, VIII. 79.
Rhetorical Society, V. 189.
Rhind, Janet, IV. 57 n.; XII. 71 n. See Rinde, Rynd.
John, cashier, XIV. 161.
John, William (ed.), Scottish Tourists’ Picturesque Guide to Edinburgh, XII. 246.
Riccarton, armorial stone at, III. 193; laird of, X. 10; XIX. 153, 156, 157; Club’s visit to mansion of, App. 15.
Riccio, David, V. 58, 62.
Richard n., his invasion of Edinburgh, XIV. 7 ; XV. 59.
Richard John Miller, typefounder, XVII. App. 9.
Richard Thomas, XII. 159, 167.
Richardson, Mrs. Christian, XI. 22.
Richardson, (Rechesoun, Richison, Richertsoun), David, deacon of the Skinners, VI. 64, 73, 74, 98, 106.
Richardson, Friar James, III. 73.
Richardson, John, town clerk, XVI. 136, 146, 149; clerk to Convention of Burghs, 141.
Richardson, John, secretary, Friday Club, III. 111, 114, 117, 123; presents poker to Cape Club, 163.
Richardson, John, XII. 90.
Richardson, John, covenanter, II. 97, 102, 105-6 ; VI. 136.
Richardson, (Richesoun), John, XX. 102.
Richardson, (Richison), Margrat, V. 137.
Richardson, (Rechartson), Patrick, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 71.
Richardson, Ralph, The History of Parliament Square, III. 207-42; his narrative of Coutts banking house, 236.
Richardson, Robert, W.S., XII. 35.
Richardson, Robert (1572), XVI. 6.
Richardson, William, baker, III. 92, 96.
Richardson, William, in Stenhouse, II. 98, 100, 106.
Richardson, Prof. William, III. 143.
Richardson, William, skinner, VI. 67.
Richardson, William, engraver, IX. 101, 102.
Richardson, (Richisone), William, IV. 133.
Richardson’s Close, XII. 34.
Riddell, Andrew, minister, XI. 40, 62, 72. See Riddle.
Riddell, Archibald, minister, VI. 152 ; VIII. 110.
Riddell, Christian, first wife of Sir Henry Nisbet (d. 1713) of Dean, I. 116, 120.
Riddell, George, wright, XII. 57, 58; XIV. 65.
Riddell, James, of Caister, XII. 58.
Riddell, James, merchant, VI. 144.
Riddell, James, smith, XII. 96.
Riddell, James, XII. 128.
Riddell, Jean, XI. 55.
Riddell, John, antiquary, I. 81, 125.
Riddell, Jonet, VI. 96.
Riddell, Walter, of Newhouse, XI. 53, 54.
Riddell, William, provost of Rutherglen, VIII. 111, 118.
Riddell, of Haining, XVI. 106.
Riddell’s Land, XII. 57.
Riddle, John, physician, XII. 96. See Riddell.
Riddle’s Court, I. 5 ; Macmorran mansion in, V. 74; XII. 16, 57, 59, 128; XIV. 65.
Riddle’s Entry, Canongate, XII. 96.
Riding the marches, VI. 80 n.
Riding in Queen Mary’s time, XX. 112 n. ; in Edinburgh, 113 ; rise of schools for, 111. See also Riding School.
Riding School, V. 172; X. 251; foundation and precarious existence, XX. 113 ; patronised by nobility and gentry; royal grant; original subscribers, 114-115; royal charter; directorate, 115; project launched, 116; governor and deputy governor; horses purchased, 117 ; Robert Adam’s design for building, 117-18; site of; architectural features, 118, 119; Topham describes, 120; scale of fees, 122 ; first master, 123; Angelo’s career, 123-4; carousels, 125, 126; fees reduced, 126; erected into body corporate; terms of patent; defaulting subscribers, 128; financial crisis, 129 ; ground feued to pay debts ; terms of feu-contract, 130; Merchant Co. lend money to; Angelo’s duties, 131 ; joint master appointed, 132; relief measures ; John Cammert, 133-4 ; fencing part of curriculum, 134 ; Signor Rossignoli, 135 ; dispute as to feu-duty, 136; deaf-and-dumb school and, 137 ; Angelo’s dispute with directors, 138; John Adams, joint master, 139; new building proposed ; Adams offers money for repairs, 140; fresh borrowing, 141 ; Angelo and Adams’s commission renewed, 142; improvement scheme, 143; memorial for increase of royal grant, 144, 145; James Leatham, sole master, 144; Exchequer reports and, 145; fresh subsidy, 146; another memorial, 146-50; Exchequer barons report on finance, 150-1; Leatham’s plight, 152-4 ; no more payments from public funds, 155; English traveller’s impressions, 156; sale of premises to College of Surgeons, 156-8 ; removal to Lothian Road, 158.
Ridotto, IX. 215 ; XIX. 62 ; Italian origin; what it signified ; Byron and, 33 ; Charity Workhouse benefits by, 63 ; Digges’ successful, 65-6.
Ridpeth, John, tinker, V. 104. See Redpath, Reidpeth.
Rig, Agnes, X. 28. See Rigg, Ryge.
Rig, Elizabeth, wife of John. Livingston of Greenhill, III. 200; X. 194-6.
Rig, Hugh, of Carberry, XIV. App. 15, 16.
Rig, James, of Carberry, XIV. App. 16.
Rig, John, advocate, X. 28; XIII. 124, 133.
Rig, Quintigernus, XIV. App. 16.
Rig, William, merchant, X. 192, 193, 195 and n., 196 n., 198, 221, 222; Society of Brewers sell land to, 234, 237 ; XII. 65 n.; XV. 17; legacy for weaving industry, XVII. 58.
Rigg, James Home, purchases lands and mansion of Drumdryan, XVIII. 172-4. See Rig, Ryge.
Rigg, James, chirurgeon, XIII. 129.
Rigg, Thomas, advocate, X. 28 ; XII. 155.
Rigg, William, of Downfield, XVIII. 173.
Rigg, William, of Eathernie, XIII. 138.
Rigg, of Rigsland, III. 201.
Right and Wrong Club, account of, III. 166-8.
Rigsland, III. 201. See also Baglap.
Rinde, Sir John, chaplain, V. 44, 48. See Rhind, Rynd.
Rioting, in church, VI. 128.
Riots of 1784, IX. 219.
Ritchie, ‘Admiral,’ XX. 72, 73.
Ritchie, James, smith, XVII. 131.
Ritchie, John, master mason, XIII. 25, 30, 32, 40, 50-2, 54, 64, 72, 73.
Ritchie, John, Kintyre pursuivant, XVIII. 14.
Ritchie, John, proprietor of The Scotsman, XVIII. App. 30.
Ritchie, Katherine Janet, X. 161, 166.
Ritchie, William, master of Canongate School, XX. 20.
‘River Tumble,’ XIV. 4.
Road trustees of Midlothian and their quarrying operations at Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 194, 201-4, 207-10; XIX. 106, 107.
Roads, between Edinburgh and London, XIV. 122-3; Gabriel’s and other old, XVII. 76-81.
Robb, Agnes, XIV. 108 n.
Robb, Andro, in Wailsley, VIII. 156.
Robb, or Paterson, Barbara, XIV. 108 n.
Robb, James, Orchardfield, XIV. 108 n.
Robb, Janet, XIV. 108 n.
Robbery, VI. 116, 147 ; by soldiers, XVI. 155, 161.
Robbie, John Cameron, The Embalming of Montrose, I. 31-46 ; III. 243 n. See Robie.
Robb’s Entry, XI. 13.
Robert I., grants charter in favour of burgesses of Edinburgh, X. 3.
Robert II., III. 40 ; IV. 78 ; charter by, quoted, V. 43; X. 10, ll, 18; his feu-charter of lands of Bruntsfield, 25 ; presents site for Old Tolbooth, XIV. 7, 8, 10 ; coronation at Holyrood, XVIII. 24.
Robert III., confirmation of charter quoted, V. 43-4; X. 12, 13.
Robert abbot of Holyrood, VII. lxxxvii.
Robert bishop of St. Andrews, V. 41.
Robert abbot of Dunfermline, V. 35.
Robert Agnes, charged with witchcraft, IV. 113.
Roberton William, master of High School, V. 71 ; XX. 1 ; closes Canongate School, 6.
Roberts, David, R.A., birthplace of, II. 131 ; III. 231 n. ; IX. 106-7; XI. App. 7; XII. App. 29; XIV. 71.
Robertson of Kincraigie, III. 222. See Robesone, Robison.
Robertson Agnes, XI. 23.
Robertson Alexander, of Struan, II. 33, 52; VIII. 102, 103, 125.
Robertson Alexander, brewer, VI. 139; XII. 148, 149.
Robertson Alexander, engraver, IX. 91, 92.
Robertson Alexander, minister, XIII. 103, 104.
Robertson (Robisoun), Andro, skinner, VI. 65, 66.
Robertson Bailie (1685), XII. 183 ; XVII. 82.
Robertson Charles, painter, I. 142, 144.
Robertson Charles, brewer, XII. 146.
Robertson Charles, chairmaster, IX. 226-7.
Robertson Daniel, tailor, XII. 51.
Robertson David, town clerk of Edinburgh, The Burlaw Court of Leith, XV. 165-205 ; lectures on ‘Town Council in Queen Mary’s Reign,’ App. 14-16 ; George IV. Bridge and the West Approach, XVIII. 79-99; The Magistrates and Masters of Leith, XX. 61-77.
Robertson, David, in Coates, VIII. 101.
Robertson, David, smith, XII. 149 ; XIX. 226.
Robertson, David, secy., Old Boys’ Club, XX. 24.
Robertson, Donald, chairmaster, IX. 226-7.
Robertson, Duncan, constable, IX. 234.
Robertson, Eleanora, III. 189.
Robertson, Mrs. Elizabeth, XII. 18.
Robertson, General, of Lude, IV. 60.
Robertson, George, of Lockhart, XIII. 123 rt.
Robertson, George, keeper of George Inn, XIV. 140-1, 142 n.
Robertson, George, goldsmith, XIII. 138.
Robertson, George, warded, VI. 115, 116.
Robertson, Gilbert, of Muirtoun, X. 48.
Robertson, Gilbert, of Whythouse, XII. 188, 189.
Robertson, James, treasurer, Restalrig, Society, IV. 159, 160, 169-73.
Robertson, James, innkeeper, XIV. 131, 132, 138, 139.
Robertson, James, warded, VIII. 135, 138, 140.
Robertson, Janet, XX. 102.
Robertson, John, of Chesterhall, XVIII. 163.
Robertson, John, of Muirtoun, X. 48.
Robertson, John, owner of Freris, X. 151, 164, 165, 211, 213 and n., 217, 219 n., 236.
Robertson, John, officer to Skinners, VI. 64, 96-9, 101, 102, 104.
Robertson, John, chairmaster, IX. 204.
Robertson, John, writer, XI. 23.
Robertson, John, brewer, XII. 149.
Robertson, John, town ofiicer, XIII. 137.
Robertson, John, bailie (1587), XV. 13, 27.
Robertson, John, builder of leper house at Greenside, XV. 136; XVII. App. 16.
Robertson, John, tacksman of Holyrood Park, protects himself against damage through quarrying at Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 184.
Robertson, John, accountant, XIX. 180.
Robertson, John, minister, VI. 114; XII. 158, 176; XVI. 64, 65, 157.
Robertson, Joseph, pastor of Leith Wynd Chapel, XI. 78; officiates at marriage of Shelley and Harriet Westbrook, 80; banished for celebrating clandestine marriages, 80 and n.
Robertson, Joseph, Restalrig, IV. 163.
Robertson, Joseph, VI. 37 ; responsible for publication of Register of Privy Council, XI. 109.
Robertson, J., bookseller, Fishmarket Close, XII. 225 ; XIX. 39.
Robertson, Lynart, VI. 58, 94.
Robertson, Major, III. 174.
Robertson, Margaret, gypsy, VIII. 137.
Robertson, Mary, of Prenderguest, XIX. 174.
Robertson, Misses, keepers of Assembly Room, Bell’s Wynd, XIX. 59-60.
Robertson, Patrick, Poker Club, III. 153.
Robertson, Patrick, jeweller, III. 232 ; IX. 216.
Robertson, Peter, Lord of Session, IX. 111.
Robertson, Richard, XII. 151.
Robertson, Robert (1638), XVIII. 122.
Robertson, Roger, of Ladykirk, XII. 154 ; XIX. 185.
Robertson, Stark, II. 4.
Robertson, Thomas, of Lochbank, X. 238; XII. 139 and n., 149; XIII. 81.
Robertson, Thomas, son of above, XIII. 81.
Robertson, Thomas, brewer, VI. 139.
Robertson, Thomas, bailie of Portsburgh, IX. 142.
Robertson, Thomas, musician, XIX. 50.
Robertson, Thomas, freeman in Calton, XIX. 122.
Robertson, Thomas (1684), warded, IX. 140, 146; XVI. 110, 154, 156, 161.
Robertson, (Rotsone), Thomas, bailie, XI. 54.
Robertson, William, Principal, II. 6 ; III. 152, 153, 189; IV. 37; V. 183; VIII. 176; Wesley’s opinion of his History of Charles V., 198-9 ; XII. App. 10; XIII. App. 10 ; XV. 162, App. 13 ; XX. 133 ; his scheme for reviving riding school, 137.
Robertson, William, Lord, III. 151.
Robertson, William, of Hillhousefield, XIX. 185, 186.
Robertson, William, W.S., Oyster Club, III. 173.
Robertson, William, master of Grammar School, XV. App. 16.
Robertson, William, cowfeeder, XII. 107.
Robertson, William, in Tenendry of Kilbride, V. 120, 123.
Robertson, William, printer of Caledonian Mercury, XVIII. 162.
Robertson’s Close, I. 19; V. 67, 80, 86; XI. 8; XII. 139, 140, 145, 147-9; XV. 102; Infirmary begun in, 143, 147, 150.
Robertson’s Close, Canongate, XII. 107.
Robertson’s (M’Conochie’s) Close, XII. 128.
Robertson’s Inn, XIII. 123.
Robertson’s Land, XII. 107.
Robertson’s Wynd, XII. 148.
Robesone, James, tenant of Cordiners, XVIII. 123. See Robertson, Robison.
Robesoun, the Tincler’s ‘land,’ III. 82.
Robie, John, jesuit, V. 59. See Robbie.
Robin Hood parade, IV. 88. .
Robin Hood and Little John, VI. 38 ; XVI. 5; XVIII. 103.
Robinhood Society (debating club), I, 49, 50; V. 173, 179, 184.
Robinson, Prof., VIII. 56.
Robison, Prof. John, III. 114, 153.
Robison’s Exchange, XVI. 161.
Robisoun, George III. 92.
Robson, Andro, quaker, V. 105, 121, 125, 138.
Robson, Elspeth, V. 137.
Robson, Rev. John (1846), IX. 110.
Rochead, Mrs., of Inverleith, IX. 217 ; XIX. 84. See Rocheid, Roughead.
Rochead’s Court, XII. 54.
Rocheid, Sir James, town clerk, XV. 182; XVI. 96, 117, 120, 125, 130, 141, 145, 147, 155, 159; charge of leasing-making, 109 ; ground at Inverleith, 115 ; sued for wrongous imprisonment, 123 ; charges against, 129; accused of malversation, 136; deprived of office, 136-137 ; petitions the King, 148 ; reinstated, 149 ; craves payment of expenses, 154; award for services, 161. See Rochead, Roughead.
Rocheids (or Rochead), of Inverleith, I. 98.
Rockville, Lord, judge, IX. 218 ; XI. App. 16. See also Gordon, Hon. Alexander
Rockville’s Close, XII. 52.
Rodd’s Land, III. 79.
Rodger, Captain (1654), XVI. 39.
Rodger, John, goldsmith, XIX. 14, 15 ; XX. 102.
Rodger, Ralph, IX. 172; XI. 69.
Roger, Archdeacon, VI. 37.
Roger, William, saddler, XX. 94.
Rogers, Samuel, poet, XIII. App. 16 ; XIV. 138; XV. App. 13.
Rogers, William, engraver, IX. 79.
Rogill (Bogill ?) Robert, IV. 136.
Rolland, Adam, of Gask, XI. App. 16.
Rollo, Andrew, Master of, V. 153.
Rollock, Henry, minister of Greyfriars, XIII. 57, 61, 110 and n.
Hercules, master of High School, V. 72.
Hercules, John, of Pilton, XIII. 112.
Hercules, (Rollok), John (1330), V. 42.
Hercules, Peter, of Pilton, XIII. 104, 112.
Rollock, Robert, principal of Town’s College, XII. 33; XIII. 110.
Rollock, (Rollog), Simeon, X. 178.
Rollock, Simon, his chapel, X. 49.
Romaine, William, V. 182.
‘Roman Eagle Hall,’ I. 5 ; XI. 13 ; XIV. 67, 166.
‘Roman Heads’ stone, XV. 111-12.
Roman road, surmise as to fragment of ancient causeway at Holyrood, IV. 194.
Romieu, West Bow, XI. 13.
Romilly Place, XX. 58.
Ronald, James, merchant, XII. 119.
Ronald, John, quarrier, XIII. 21, 24, 31, 40.
Ronald, John, XII. 17.
Ronald’s Close, XII. 17, 18, 19.
Ronalds, Dr. Edmund, XIX. 177.
Ronalds, Hugh, tenant of Hillhousefield, XIX. 177.
Ronaldson, Alexander, skinner, VI. 104.
Ronaldson, James, tailor, XVIII. 62.
Rood Chapel. See Crucifixion, Chapel of the.
Roome, George, warded, XI. 50.
Ros, James, town treasurer, V. 71. See Ross.
Ros, Mungo, baker, III. 69 n.
Rosamund, Addison’s, XX. App. 28.
Roscelin, Sir Thomas, V. 40.
Rose, Arthur, bishop. See Ross.
Rose of Kilravock, XI. 36.
Rose and Thistle Inn, XII. 19 ; XIV. 86.
Rosebank, X. 215, 220; XX. 52.
Rosebery, Archibald, first Earl of, buys Coates estate, II. 138 ; III. 244 n., 249 ; X. 212 n. ; XII. 8 ; buys Dalry House, XX. 40 ; and Pilrig, App. 20. See Dalmeny.
Rosebery, Archibald, fourth Earl of, III. 244 n.
Rosebery, Archibald, fifth Earl of, restores ‘Lady Stair’s House,’ I. 4 ; speech at first annual meeting of Club, App. 5-11 ; on old social clubs, II. 149 ; genealogical table showing connection with builder and former owners of Lady Stair’s House, III. 244 n.; purchases and restores Lady Stair’s House, 244 and 12., 251-2; XIV. 76; XVI. 57n., App. 4; services as Hon. President of Club, XVII. App. 30 ; suggests restoration of Market Cross, XX. App. 18.
Rosebery, James, second Earl of, III. 244 n. ; X. 46 ; grants sasine of Dalry House to Matthew Lant, XX. 40.
Rosebery, Neil, third Earl of, III. 244 n.; XX. 115, 116.
Roseburn House, I. 78 ; III. 197 ; history and architecture of, 184-5 ; sculptured stones at, 185-7 ; Russell family and, 188-9 ; XVII. App. 22 ; XX. 35.
Rosehall, lands of, X. 5 ; XX. App. 34.
Rosehall, Gushet, X. 215.
Rosehaugh’s Close, XII. 81.
Rosemary Cottage, Juniper Green, III. 183.
Roslin, laird of, XIII. 143.
Ross, Lord, VI. 114, 128, 131; XII. 160; XVI. 197. See Ros.
Ross, Agnes, XII. 53.
Ross, Alexander, depute clerk of session, XII. 53.
Ross, Alexander Mackenzie, XVII. 137.
Ross, Andrew, and Francis Grant, their edition of ‘Plates’ of Nisbet the Heraldist’s System, I. 79, 83, 91.
Ross, Andrew, merchant, VI. 155.
Ross, Andrew (1689), XVI. 183.
Ross, Anne, XIX. 167.
Ross, (or Rose), Arthur, bishop, XII. 102 ; XVI. 138 ; XVIII. App. 6.
Ross, Charles (1684), IX. 166-7, 168.
Ross, Daniel, schoolmaster, VIII. 108, 139.
Ross, David (Lord Ankerville), III. 148, 153, 154; XX. 116, 133.
Ross, Elizabeth, Countess of, XIII. 126 n.; XV. 101.
Ross, Elizabeth, wife of John, Lord Fleming, VI. 79 n.
Ross, Euphan, relict of Alexander Hay, wright, IX. 187.
Ross, Helene, III. 79.
Ross, James, city treasurer, X. 186 ; XV. 14, 35, 45.
Ross, James, skinner, VI. 70.
Ross, James, merchant, XII. 53.
Ross, James (1573), III. 84.
Ross, John, Poker Club, III. 153.
Ross, John, surveyor, X. 49.
Ross, Lady, XIII. 126 and n.
Ross, Matthew, advocate, XII. 53.
Ross, Mr., Drummond’s Land, XX. 125.
Ross, Mungo, baxter, XIII. 97, 139.
Ross, Robert, sells candles at the Cross, XVII. 115.
Ross, Robert, of Achlossin, IX. 123.
Ross, Thomas, LL.D., Statues of Justice and Mercy, from the Old Parliament House, II. 231-37 ; on sundials, IV. 63 ; An Old Edinburgh Monument now in Perthshire, 145-52; and St. Margaret’s Chapel, V. 29, 30; 77 ; VI. 2; leader of excursion to Craigmillar, VII. App. 8 ; The Magdalen Chapel, Cowgate (with Prof. Baldwin Brown), VIII. 1-78 ; leader of excursions, to Caroline Park and Grange House, App. 3, 6 ; to Ravelston House and Craigcrook, IX. App. 3 ; X. App. 4; (with G. Baldwin Brown and W. Forbes Gray) The Tailors’ Hall, Cowgate, XI. 125-71 ; conducts Club over St. Giles’, XII. App. 10; XIII. 52, 53; on architecture of Hatton House, App. 8, 9 ; and of Carberry Tower, XIV. App. 15 ; and of Dundas Castle, XVI. App. 11; C1ub’s resolution anent death of, XVIII. App. 3.
Ross, Thomas, skinner, VI. 70, 95.
Ross, Thomas, son of James, merchant, XII. 53.
Ross, Thomas, servant, XI. 39.
Ross, Walter, of St. Bernards, I. 86; II. 132 ; XIV. 52, 82, 95 ; XV. 101 ; XIX. 94; XX. App. 15, 19.
Ross, William, fourteenth Lord, XIII. 126 n.
Ross, William, chairman, Friday Club, III. 111, 118.
Ross, of Pitcalnie, II. 28-9.
Ross House, Bristo, XI. 13; XII. 224, App. 20; XIII. 126 n.
Ross Park, IX. 210 ; XII. App. 18 ; XIX. 81.
Rossetti, W. M., XI. 81.
Rossignoli, Signor, fencing master, XX. 134-5.
Rosslyn, James, second Earl of, XX. 146.
Ross’s Close, XII. 53, 109, 110.
Ross’s Court, IX. 184; XII. 52.
‘Ross’s Folly,’ XIV. 95.
Rosyth, Lady, XVI. 139.
Rothes, Duke of (1638), XI. 159-61 ; XIII. 71 ; XVI. 67, 70, 71, 74, 97, 98; XVIII. 11, 15, 22, 24.
Rothes, John, eighth Earl of, his daughters reside in Fountainbridge, XX. 55.
Rothesay, David, Duke of, IV. 62 ; XIV. 114.
Rotunda, XVIII. App. 12.
Rouche, Alysone, XVI. 4.
Rough, Friar, apostate, III. 57.
Rough, John, candlemaker, XVII. 132 n. 133, 134.
Roughead, James, merchant, XIII. 123, 125, See Rochead, Rocheid.
Row, James, merchant (1677), XVI. 101, 142. See Rowe.
Row, John, church historian, III. 212, 217.
Row, John, minister, V. 152.
Row, John, regent of St. Andrews, VIII. 96.
Row, Katherine, X. 192, 195 n.
Rowane, Thomas, skinner, VI. 76.
Rowat, John, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 71, 72, 75.
Rowatt, James, V. 95, 97, 98.
Rowe, George (1683), VIII. 144. See Row.
Rowe’s Tamerlane, XI. 164 and n. ; The Fair Penitent, 169 and n.
Roxburgh, Duke of, member of Wig Club, III. 141 ; town house of, XII. 121.
Roxburgh, Earl of, house in Canongate, XI. 13 ; obtains charter from Charles I. of Broughton, Canongate, and part of Leith, XIII. 80, 113 and n. ; XV. 66.
Roxburgh, Margaret Hay, Countess of, XVIII. 11.
Roxburgh, John, cook, XII. 25, 26 ; XIII. 105.
Roxburgh, John, deacon of Canongate cordiners, XVIII. 143 and n.
Roxburgh Place, XX. 119, 157.
Roxburgh’s Close, I. 7; XII. 25; XIV. 91, 92 ; carved stone at, XVII. 48.
Royal Academy for Teaching Exercises. See Riding School.
Royal Bank of Scotland, II. 13 ; Prince Charles and, 47-8 ; and Provost Drummond, IV. 30; XI. 13 ; XII. 35, 67-8; XIV. 150; XV. 67; XVII. 171, 173; XX. 40, 44, 49, 52, 82,115.
Royal Bank Close, XII. 61, 67; XIV. 81.
Royal Bounty, XX. 137, 142.
Royal Burgess Golfing Society, XVIII. 4, 8.
Royal Company of Archers. See Archers.
Royal Edinburgh Light Dragoons, X. 250.
Royal Edinburgh Volunteers, II. 163.
Royal Exchange, I. 7 ; II. 18, 154, 203, 208; building of, IV. 44-6, 48; Provost Drummond and, 53; XI. 7, 12, 13; XII. 28, 29; Adam Smith’s office in, XIII. App. 16; XIV. 95, 137, 151, 166, 170; banking firms in, 150; XVII. 151-2; XVIII. 86, 93; XX. 23, App. 16.
Royal Exchange Coffee-House, Wig Club at, III. 140; XII. 28; XVII. 130 n.; XX. 24, 68.
Royal Infirmary. See Infirmary.
Royal Medical Society, Hall of, V. 84, 88.
‘Royal Mile,’ sculptured stones of, XIV. 49-100; XV. 99-134 ; XVII. 22-48; from Castle to Netherbow, XVI. App. 10.
Royal Society of Edinburgh, II. 10.
Royal Standard, XVI. 68.
Royal Tradesmen. See King’s Tradesmen.
Royal Wall, III. 103.
Royalty, extension of, I. 138, 139 ; act passed regarding, 142; IV. 45, 48; V. 189 ; XII. 210, 218 ; suburban residences, XIII. 90.
Royston, Lord. See Sir James Mackenzie.
Royston, barony of, bought by John, second Duke of Argyll, XX. App. 26.
Royston, Castle, excursion to, VIII. App. 3, 4.
Royston’s Close, XII. 57, 58 ; XX. 125.
Ruddiman, Thomas, I. 50 ; his Weekly Magazine, or Edinburgh Amusement, 49; II. 12 n. ; founds Philosophical Society, 10 ; sent to jail for printing inaccurate news, 14 ; his Jacobitism, 58, 171 ; builds house in St. J ames’s Square, 169 ; IX. 59, 82 ; keeper of Advocates’ Library, XVIII. App. 24.
Ruddiman, Walter, II. 14, 171.
Rude Well, X. 3.
Rudiments of Music, published at request of town council, XIX. 211 n.
Rule, Bailie, XIII. 83.
Rule, Gilbert, sent to Bass Rock, XVI. 104.
Rule, Robert, tenant in Calton, XVIII. 45, 46.
Rules of the Thistle Golf Club, by John Cundell, XVIII. 10.
Rullion Green, X. 201.
Runciman, Alexander, painter, III. 159; IX. 86.
Runciman, (Runsyman), George, XV. 38.
Runciman, John, painter, IX. 86.
Ruskin, John, merchant, XII. 154; XV. App. 19.
Russel, Rev. Dr., Leith, XX. 66.
Russel, Prof. James, Poker Club, III. 152, 154.
Russel, Ninian, IV. 163.
Russell, Alexander, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 177.
Russell, Alexander, in Burgie, V. 141 ; VIII. 117.
Russell, Alexander James, III. 189.
Russell, Archibald (1570), XV. 37.
Russell, Sir Charles, III. 189.
Russell, Christian, XII. 204.
Russell, Christopher, XVIII. 66.
Russell, David, musician, XIX. 237.
Russell, David (1684), warded, IX. 140, 146.
Russell, Sir Francis, XVI. 9, 12, 13.
Russell, Gavin, executed, XII. 159, 171.
Russell, James, of Kingseat, III. 189.
Russell, James, of Roseburn, III. 188.
Russell, James, ‘indweller in Canaan,’ X. 178-9, 201.
Russell, John, second of Roseburn, III. 189.
Russell, John, of Braidshaw, III. 189.
Russell, John, Principal Clerk of Session, III. 189.
Russell, John, advocate, XIII. 121.
Russell, John, brushmaker, III. 249.
Russell, John, warded, VI. 128.
Russell, John, W.S., XIX. 202.
Russell, John, jun., XIX. 237.
Russell, John, VII. App. 7 ; lectures on ‘Old Leith,’ XII. App. 12 ; makes selections from Nicoll’s Diary, XVI. Introd. xxv; on ‘Royal Mile,’ App. 10; on history of Stenhouse, XVII. App. 22 ; Bonnington : Its Lands and Mansions, XIX. 142-88 ; on ‘Some Historic Leith Buildings,’ XX. App. 8-9; on ‘Lands of Pilrig, Warriston and Trinity,’ 20-3 ; leader of excursion to Caroline Park, 25-8.
Russell, Mungo, of Roseburn, III. 187-9, 196 ; XVII. App. 22.
Russell, Patrick, covenanter, XI. 33; XII. 166.
Russell, Robert, of Boghald, VI. 119, 128, 136.
Russell, Robert, warded, II. 99 ; XII. 163, 183, 196.
Russell, Thomas, acquires Roseburn, III. 187-8.
Russell, Thomas, skinner, VI. 80, 89, 91.
Russell, Thomas, warded, XI. 35 ; XII. 166.
Russell, (Russels), Theme, III. 79.
Russell, William, minister of Stobo, III. 188, 189.
Russell, William, warded, VIII. 156.
Russells of Slipperfield, or Kingseat, III. 188.
Rutherfoord of Edgerston, III. 154. See Rutherford, Rutherfuird, Rutherfurd.
Rutherfoord Edward, clerk to Merchant Company, XX. 131.
Rutherfoord, George, in Ancrum, II. 95.
Rutherford, Andrew (Lord Rutherford), X. 251. See Rutherfoord, Rutherfuird, Rutherfurd.
Rutherford, Andrew, secretary, Friday Club, III. 105, 115, 120, 124, 125, 169, 170, 172, 177.
Rutherford, Andrew, of Townhead, VI. 126.
Rutherford, Daniel, M.D., III. 151.
Rutherford, Edward (1516), III. 94.
Rutherford, John, Prof. of Medicine, XV. 145, 147 ; gives clinical lectures, 156-7.
Rutherford, John, hanged for forgery, XVI. 101.
Rutherford, Matty. See Nisbet, Lady, of Dean (1776).
Rutherford, Robert, W.S., Oyster Club, III. 173.
Rutherford, Robert, shopkeeper in Calton, XIX. 107, 108, 118.
Rutherford, Samuel, proclamation against his books, XVI. 55.
Rutherford, William, hanged, XVI. 101.
Rutherfuird, Arch., Lord, VI. 108. See Rutherfoord, Rutherford, Rutherfurd.
Rutherfuird, Captain John, VI. 108, 110.
Rutherfurd, Andrew, governor of Dunkirk and Tangier, XVI. 69. See Rutherfoord, Rutherford, Rutherfuird.
Rutherfurd, John, Jedburgh, V. 118.
Rutherfurd, Captain John, V. 154.
Rutherfurd, Mallie, wife of Sir Alexander Nisbet (d. 1756) of Dean, I. 125.
Ruthven, Lord, house in West Bow, XI. 13; XIV. 64; XIX. 36.
Ruthven, James, fifth Lord, III. 141.
Ruthven, James, merchant, IX. 126.
Ruthven, James, warded, V. 122.
Ruthven, Lord, of Ettrick, V. 64; warrant appointing him governor of Edinburgh Castle, VIII. App. 9-10.
Ruthven, Sir Patrick, XVI. 191.
Ruthven, William, Lord, IX. 13, 14, 23, 27 ; receives Margaret Tudor in Edinburgh, 28, 29.
Ruthven, William, fourth Lord (1571), X. 242.
Ruthven, William, Master of (1519), IX. 29.
Ryan, John, lays foundation stone of Canongate theatre, XVII. 26.
Ryge, John, skinner, VI. 58. See Rig, Rigg.
Rynd, David, bedeman, XVII. 52. See Rhind, Rinde.
Rynd, James, III. 82 ; XIV. 61.
Rynd, Janet, wife of Michael Macquhane, founder of the Magdalen Chapel, VIII, 2, 5-10, 11, 23, 26, 40; armorial bearings, 23, 68-9 ; tombstone, 16, 23, 51-60, 76.
Rynd, Nicol, tailor, XIII. 122.
Rynd, Robert, goldsmith, XVII. 52.
Rynd, William, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 71.
Sadler, Sir Ralph, ambassador, III. 57.
Sailors assisted by the town, XV. 40-1.
St. Andrew, Order of, II. 25; V. 50; Cross of, XX. 27 ; altar of, App. 11.
St. R. C. Chapel, XV. 106.
St. Andrew Square, I. 5 n.; proposal to erect High School in, V. 87 ; lecture by W. Forbes Gray on, XV. App. 11-14; XVII. 173; XVIII. 93; Sir Laurence Dundas’ House in, XX. 115.
St. Andrew’s Chapel, I. 50, 51, 55-7, 70; XIX. 228.
St. Andrew’s Port, XI. 12, 13; XVII. 77, 80; XVIII. 40-2, 56, 103. –
St. Andrews, Robert, bishop of, V. 41.
St. Anne, patron saint of Tailors’ Incorporation, XI. 127.
St. Anne Street, I. 145, 148; buildings in, described, 149-50; town council and, 151 ; demolition of, 152; IX. 225; tailor craft in, XI. 127.
St. Anne’s Yards, II. 23; XI. 13; XV. 74, 78.
St. Anthony, preceptory of, IV. 158; VII. xxvii, App. 7; Crawford family and, XIX. 151 ; XX. App. 9.
St. Anthony, altar of. See St. Giles’ Church.
St. Anthony’s Well, II. 25.
St. Augustine, Rule of, III. 19.
St. Barbara chantry chapel, in Church of Blessed Virgin Mary, Leith, XIX. 149.
St. Benedict, Order of, V. 34, 35.
St. Berchan, V. 19.
St. Bernard’s (mansion), Stockbridge, I. 86, 126; XV. 101.
St. Bernard’s Well, I. 127; XX. 52.
St. Bonaventura, III. 37.
St. Catherine of Siena, III. 27, 48, 52, 75 ; X. 14-17, 54, 75, 118 and n.; nunnery of, its origin, 103, 105 ; sisters infeft in chapel of St. John the Baptist, 108-9, 110, 111 ; supervised by provincial of Black Friars, 113 ; site and description of, 113-14; the foundresses, 114-16 ; building completed, 116 ; thirty sisters provided for, 117 ; manuscript volume owned by, 117-18; mode of life at, 119-20 ; donations to, 120-2, 124 ; barrel of salmon for, 121; hospital of St. Laurence, Haddington, annexed to, 122-4; damaged by Hertford, 126; nuns grant letter of reversion, 127; destroyed by Reformation mob, 128; list of sisters residing in, 129-30; rentals of, 131-2; annual income, 132; Queen Mary and, 133, 136-7; sisters dispone St. Laurence land to Bellenden family, 134; own croft at Greyfriars Port, 136; feu land to Kincaid of Warriston, 138; town council and, 142-3, 149 ; victims of plague confined in, 147-50; buildings demolished, 152; lands of, 159, 160, 163, 184, 229; XI. 130.
St. the Virgin, III. 27, 48; altar of, 89, 91.
St. Catherine’s Convent, Lauriston, XVIII. 166.
St. Well, XI. App. 4.
St. Cecilia, bust and painting of, belonging to Musical Society, XIX. 232.
St. Cecilia’s Day, XIX. 191, 193, 197, 203.
St. Hall, I. 19; XI. 13; XII. 134, 218; XIV. 136 n.; XV. 101; XIX. 193, 199, 201, 202, 215, 216, 220, 221, 222; movement for erection of hall near Mylne Square, 223-4; Lord Provost Drummond and ; new ‘musick room’ to be built in Niddry’s Wynd, 224; Robert Mylne as architect; committee to negotiate with tradesmen, 225; cost of, 226; subscriptions towards, 226, 228, 245 ; description of, 227-8; organ, 227; used for public worship; alterations on, 228; amenity affected by South Bridge, 228-30; Tenducci’s appearances in, 214 ; Burns and, 221 n., 233 n. ; sold to Baptists; Grand Lodge of Scotland purchase and extend; later history, 244; principal subscribers (with amounts) to building of, 245.
St. Christopher, altar of. See St. Giles’ Church.
St. Clair, Oliver, XVI. 182. See Sinclair.
St. William, of Roslin, XVIII. 6-7.
St. Columba, V. 3, 25.
St. Crispin and St. Crispinian, patron saints of Canongate cordiners, XVIII. 101-2.
St. Crispin’s Day, Canongate cordiners’ pageant on, XVIII. 135-6 and n.
St. Cuthbert’s Church (West Kirk), I. 104, 107, 112, 113, 115, 117, 120, 121, 131; II. 12, 39, 122, 127, 130, 136; in the ‘Forty-five, 37; sculptured stones at, 129-31; steeple of, 163; consecration of, III. 27 n., 199; IV. 27 ; David I.’s charter to, V. 47 ; 63 ; Wesley attends communion service in, VIII. 172-3; congregation granted use of Methodist chapel; Wesley’s followers worship in chapel of ease of, 173; assigned to canons of Holyrood, X. 6; teinds of Burgh Muir given to, 7 n. ; St. Roque’s Chapel and, 168; conveyed to Holyrood Abbey, 168; General Assembly meets in, 200; charter granted by town council to, 232; teinds due by Society of Brewers to ministers of, 235; XI. 10, 13; XII, 188, 221, 225; XIII. 84; glebe of, 82, 88 ; kirk session’s dispute with Hepburn of Bearford, 85 ; ‘green walk’ to, 86; XIV. 79; David I.’s grant to, 102, 103, 104; glebe of, 104, 117, 174; XV. 204; XVI. 35, 54, 126, 127, 187, 202, 203; disturbance at, 72; poor of, 147 ; XVII. 78, 81; glebe of, XVIII. 92, 159, 163, 173, 175; XX. 1; App. 7.
St. Churchyard, inscription on Bain Whyt’s tomb in, II. 153; Club’s visit to; list of famous personages buried there, XI. App. 16-19; Covenanters buried in, XVIII. 157 ; XX. 43, 46 n., 47, 48, 54, 57.
St. Close, II. 122.
St. Lane, II. 128; XX. 158.
St. Mineral Well, Bonnington, XIX. 177-8.
St. Poorhouse, XIV. 77 ; App. 10.
St. David Street, I. 5 n.
St. David’s Lane, XII. 224.
St. David’s Parish Church, XX. 59.
St. Dominic. See Dominic.
St. Duthac, altar of (St. Giles’), V. 45.
St. Francis of Assisi, III. 13 n., 14; rule of, 14, 21.
St. Gabriel, Altar of the Virgin and, II. 63; X. 21.
St. George’s Church, Charlotte Square, XIV. 151; XVII. 167 n.; XVIII. 82, 85.
St. George’s Episcopal Chapel, II. 172; XI. App. 15; Club visits, XII. App. 11; distinguished members of, 11 ; XX. App. 5.
St. George’s Square, XII. 220, 223, 224, 225.
St. Giles, patron saint of Edinburgh, III. 2 ; as supporter on burgh arms, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10 ; relic of, VII. xciv.
St. Giles’ charters, XX. App. 11.
St. Giles’ Church, I. 31, 34, 45, 101; St. John’s Chapel in, 45; restoration of, 45-6 ; Baxters’ altar in, 130 ; II. 12, 53, 63, 231; after Flodden, 64; cartulary of, 134; old cellars in rear of, 225; King’s seat in, 237 ; III. 49, 69; consecration of, 27 n. ; ‘purified ’ by Reformation mob, 65; situation of, 207 ; graveyard of, 208-10, 219; erected into collegiate institution, 208; altars in, destroyed, 213; manse of, 215-6; Charles I. at, 217 ; Cromwell and, 218; churchyard abandoned, 218, 220; song school, 219; nether kirkyard, 219; other references, 223, 229, 231-3, 241; IV. 44, 78, 82, 90 ; altar of St. Salvator, 66; part of, converted into tolbooth, 88; steeple as prison, 90; V. 86, 88; altar of St. Duthac in, 45; ‘St. Margaret’s licht’ in, 49; altar of St. Christopher in, VI. 17, 21, 30 and n.; 31, 32, 57; VIII. 20, 37; IX. 10, 31; bell-ringing at, 92; gifted to monastery of Harehope, X. 7 ; Alexander I. erects new church, 9; 13; altar of Virgin and St. Gabriel in, 21 ; forest of Drumselch conveyed to, 57; 154; connection with chapel of St. John the Baptist, 99-100; James IV.’s donation for masses in, 173 ; altar of St. Roch in, 173-4 ; piazza, east of, XI. 12; 13, 14 ; Tailors found altar of St. Anne, 127; chapel of the Holy Rood in, 1-29, 131 ; Chepman aisle, 129; XII. 32, 214; Club visits, App. 10; structural alterations ordered by Charles I., XIII. 1, 2, 26-7 ; to be made a cathedral, 29; eastern partition removed, 32 ; sermon by Bishop Forbes, 32; alterations in western portion, 33 and n. ; communion tickets, 36 n. ; shops and song school to be removed, 39; repairs on, 46; liturgy introduced, 55; eastern partition wall restored, 63; XIV. 7, 12; Albany aisle, 8; carved stones belonging to, 53, 79-80; St. Nicholas altar, 59; gardens of, 113, 141, 162; town clerk’s office in, 150; altar of Holy Blood; St. Anthony’s altar; repairs on, at Reformation; treasure taken from, XV. 32; St. Mary’s altar, 35; St. Gregory’s altar; St. James’ altar, 36; altar vessels, App. 15; XVI. 65, 68, 71, 73, 103, 144, 153; James VI. at, 29; royal pew, 39, 59; division of East Kirk, 47; structural alterations, 59 ; Glencairn, High Chancellor, buried in, 69-70; service for Charles I., 74; peal of bells, 110; XVII. 11, 79; alterations made in 1829, 88; candlemakers to support altar in, 94-5; chapel of the Holy Rood, App. 15; XVIII. 86, 88, 90; ‘restoration’ (1829), 91, 96 ; Trinity altar in aisle of St. Katherine the Virgin, 152 n. ; Club visits (1930), App. 32; XIX. 159; chartulary of, 93 ; XX. App. 7, 11, 13, 14, 18, 32. See also East Kirk, New Kirk, Old Kirk and Grange of St. Giles.
St. Giles’ Churchyard, XI. 12, 129, 131, 132; XII. 65, 76, 131; XIV. 78; XVI. 102.
St. Giles’ Day, procession on, III. 62.
St. Giles’ Grange. See Grange of St. Giles.
St. Giles St., XII. 21.
St. Gregory, altar of. See St. Giles’ Church.
St. James, altar of. See St. Giles’ Church.
St. James’s Episcopal Chapel, Leith, XX. 66.
St. James’s Square, at the back of, II. 167-75; III. 126 ; XVII. 162, 170, 174.
St. John, Knights of, XIV. 63.
St. John the Baptist, chapel of, X. 72, 73-4, 75, 115, 116, 121, 143, 144, 152; founded by Sir John Craufurd, 97 ; site and description of, 98, 101-2, 114; duties of chaplain, 100; hermit to reside at, 101-2 ; handed over to nuns of St. Catherine of Siena, 103; 110; Pope Leo X. approves of, 111 ; XVIII. 151-2 and n.
St. John the Baptist Church, Corstorphine, III. 180.
St. John Street, I. 16, 18; aristocratic houses in, 15; Richard Cooper resides in, II. 12 n.; XI. 13, 79; XII. 116, 118 ; XIV. 173 ; demolitions in, XVII. App. 30.
St. John’s Chapel, St. Giles’, I. 45; in Canongate, XIX. 220.
St. John’s Church, Leith, XX. 64.
St. John’s Close, I. 16; XI. 13; XII. 116; carved stones in, XVII. 26-7.
St. John’s Cross, I. 16; XI. 8, 12, 13; XII. 116; XIII. 115, 119; XVI. 18.
St. John’s Hill, I. 16 12.; XI. 13; XII. 116.
St. John’s Land, III. 92.
St. John’s Lodge, Canongate, XIX. 230.
St. Katherine the Virgin, aisle of. See St. Giles’ Church.
St. Laurence, church in honour of, V. 14, 15.
St. Laurence House, Haddington, X. 122; lands of, 134, 141.
St. Leonards, lands of, X. 5, 55 ; added to King’s Park, XVIII. 184; XX. 49; chapel of, III. 103; hospital of, XV. 135.
St. Leonard’s Gate, XVIII. 41, 102, 103.
St. Leonard’s Hill, XV. 65 ; XVIII. 204.
St. Leonard’s Mineral Well, Powderhall, XIX. 177.
St. Luke, Edinburgh school of, II. 11, 12 ; IX. 82, 84.
St. Margaret’s Chapel, date of foundation, V. 2; unique position, 2; association with Queen Margaret, 24; alterations made by David 1., 25; restored by command of Queen Victoria, 25, 65; description, 26-31 ; plan, 27 ; King Robert the Bruce orders its repair, 40 ; earliest identification by name, 41 ; chaplains of, 43-6, 56; ‘graith’ of, 48; Queen Regent’s cofffin placed in, 55; gunpowder stored in, 64; Sir Daniel Wilson and, 65; memorial windows, 65; VI. 2; stained glass windows renewed, VIII. App. 10-11; XI. 13 ; XVII. 7, 8.
St. Margaret’s Convent, V. 61 ; X. 31-5, 52-4, 189.
St. Margaret’s Festival, V. 61.
St. Margaret’s Hope, V. 5.
‘St. Margaret’s licht’ (St. Giles’), V. 49.
St. Margaret’s Sark, V. 46.
St. Margaret’s Well (Castle), V. 62, 63 ; XIV. 103-5, 120.
St. Margaret’s Well, Restahig, V. 47.
‘St. Margaret’s yett,’ V. 28, 31, 62.
St. Mary-in-the-Fields, XI. 7, 10, 13 ; XIV. 113; Wynd of, XII. 144.
St. Mary of Placentia, II. 78-9 ; nunnery of, III. 78a; XI. 12, 13; XII. 88.
St. Mary, altar of. See St. Giles’ Church.
St. Mary Street, lintel inscription in, XIV. 51.
‘St. Mary’s below the Castle Wall,’ XIV. 114-15.
St. Mary’s Chapel, Niddry’s Wynd, VIII. 182, 183, 187 ; Methodist preachers expelled from, 185; XI. 13; XII. 78, 134; XIII. 126 n.; XV. 101, 154, 155; XIX. 195, 196, 198-200, 223, 232, 236; weekly concerts in, 192 ; its associations, 193-4; United Incorporations of, 87, 193, 224; Handel’s music first heard in Scotland in, 194; in Bell’s Wynd, XV. 101 ; in Portsburgh, XI. 13; XVIII. 163.
St. Mary’s Port (Cowgate), II. 72.
St. Mary’s Wynd, II. 1, 11, 71, 203 ; prison-house in, IV. 93 ; V. 86 ; X. 61, 80; hospital in, XII. 88, 108, 109, 111, 112, 154; XIII. 115; XIV. 122, 129, 130, 134, 135; numerous inns in, 124; St. Mary’s Chapel in, 129 ; hospital in, XV. 40 ; 183 ; carved stones in, XVII. 23-4; candlemaking in, 99; XVIII, 109.
St. Michael’s Well, III. 78a, 88; XII. 151; XIII. 130.
St. Modwenna, III. 11.
St. Monan, Market Cross probably dedicated to, XX. App. 11.
St. Monan’s Wynd, XII. 67, 132; XX. App. 12, 13; in Cowgate, XII. 132.
St. Nicholas, on Aberdeen seal, III. 5.
St. Nicholas, altar of. See St. Giles’ Church.
St. Nicholas Church, XIX. 187.
St. Nicholas’ Wynd, XIX. 146, 182-4.
St. Ninian’s ‘aiker,’ XVIII. 42.
St. Ninian’s Chapel, XVIII. 41, 103 ; XIX. 92-4.
St. Ninian’s Close, XII. 67.
St. Ninian’s Row, XIII. 86; XVII. 75, 80; XVIII. 42, 75, 102, 103, 106, 142, 149; XIX. 10, 97, 101, 102, 104, 109, 110; not part of Calton, 95, 105.
St. Ninian’s Wynd, XIX. 183.
St. Patrick’s Church described, I. 18-19; IX. 109.
St. Paul’s Chapel, Carrubber’s Close, VIII. 170; XIX. 169, 176.
St. Paul’s Work, XV. 40 ; founding of hospital by Thomas Spence, bp. of Aberdeen, XVII. 49 ; references in protocol books, 49-50; town council as patrons, 51; applicants for bedemenship, 51-3 ; annual rents of hospital; collector having fled to Castle, bedemen petition for payment of their dues, 53 ; revision of rules, 54; proposed leper house; decay of hospital; stones to be used for repairing Trinity College Church, 55, 59-62, 67 ; correction house, 59-60, 67-70, 75; appointment of keepers, 68-70 ; Women transported to America, 70; workhouse sold by auction; properties owned by, 75; 170 n., App. 16 ; XVIII. 36, 40, 41.
St. Peter’s Close, XII. 143.
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, XX. App. 35.
St. P—’s Day, III. 140.
St. Ringans Row, XV. 171 ; XVIII. 42.
St. Roch. See St. Roque.
‘St. Roche’s aikers,’ X. 177.
St. Rollock’s Chapel, X. 49.
St. Roque, ‘patron of pestilences,’ X. 168; chapel in honour of, at Stirling, 172 ; legendary story of, 168-71.
St. Roque’s Chapel, III. 202, 206 n. ; X. 74, 97 ; erected for victims of plague, 158, 167, 173, 178, 182, 183, 185; James IV.’s gift to, 173-4; earliest reference to, 174; chaplain of, 175; repairs on, 176; Reformation and, 177 ; lands of, 177; demolished, 181; 221, 222, 224, 234-6; repair of, XV. 32; XVIII. App. 26.
St. Well, X. 176.
St. Salvator, altar of, St. Giles’, IV. 66.
St. Thomas Aquinas, III. 37 and n.
St Thomas’ Chapel, XII. 107.
St Thomas’ Hospital, VII. c.; XI. 10, 13; 107; XV. 135; XVII. 46-7 ; XX. 107.
St. Triduana. See Triduana.
St. Vigeans, Hon. Lord, his address at annual meeting of Club, XIX. App. 7 ; lectures on ‘Some Characters and Characteristics of Old Edinburgh,’ XX. App 23-4; on publications of Club, 41-5.
Salamander Land, XI. 13.
Salisbury, James, clerk of works, Register House, XVII. 160, 161, 164, 171.
Salisbury Crags, VII. lvii; X, 3; ‘romantic walk ’ at base of, XII. 237; XV. 65, 66 ; making of Radical Road, XVIII. 182; legal action taken to preserve Crags, 183, 185; King’s Park enclosed and extended by James V.; town council’s right to use stones for building operations, 184; Keeper of Royal Park, 185; Keeper claims privilege of quarrying within Park, 186 ; town council bargain for ‘wining of calsey stones ’ out of Park, 187 ; town treasurer instructed to pay £40 Scots to Keeper of Park in return for 2500 calsey stones; quarrying operations in 1697, 188; town council (in 1717) offers tenant yearly rent for calsey stones, 189; part of Park let to George Knox in 1748, including right to quarry, 189-90; rival quarry-masters, 190-1; London streets paved from, 192-4; Lord Haddington reserves for himself working of quarries, 192; stones used for Regent Road and Waterloo Place, 193 ; town council get nine years’ lease of portion of, 193-4; estimate of quarrying operations, 195-6 ; Lord Haddington’s claim to work quarries disputed in Court, 196; decision, 197 ; final judgment of House of Lords, 198-9; public feeling anent quarrying in King’s Park, 200-5; action taken by C. Kirkpatrick Sharpe and Lady Gwydyr, 205-7; defence of Lord Haddington by James Hope, W.S., 207; interdict granted, 209; Holyrood Park under control of Office of Works, 210; XIX. 108.
Sallarman, Patrick, III. 78a.
Salmond, Robbie, II. 205, 206.
Salt Tron, V. 75 ; well at, X. 256; XIII. XII. 112.
Saltcoats, laird of, VI. 101.
Saltoun, Harie, VIII. 145.
Salutation Close, XII. 49.
Salutation Inn, XII. 49.
Samell, John, feltmaker, V. 126.
Sampson, John, candlemaker, XVII. 110.
Samson, Handel’s, XIX. 198, 204, 205, 216, 238.
Sanctuary, XV. 55-8; Cunzie House as, XVI. 112 ; Holyrood, 101 ; Sir George Dmmmond takes refuge in, 144 ; carved lintel at courthouse, XVII. 33. See also Holyrood.
Sandby, Paul, V. 79, 83, 92 ; IX. 84; XV. 146; his etchings of Old Town, XVIII. App. 9.
Sandeman’s Close, XII. 46.
Sanderson, Hans, owner of Flying Ghost, IX. 62. See Saunderson.
Sanderson, Kenneth, W.S., lectures on William Cowan’s views and plans of Edinburgh, XVIII. App. 8-10; and on ‘Portraits in Mezzotint, after Scottish Artists,’ XIX. App. 11.
Sanderson, Thomas, collector of subscriptions for Musical Society, XIX. 239.
Sandilands, Agnes, sister of St. Catherine’s Convent, X. 120, 130, 132.
Sandilands, Captain Alexander, XII. 46.
Sandilands, Deborah, VIII. 122.
Sandilands, Sir James, of Calder, X. 120, 131, 132; XIX. 150, 152, 156, 157.
Sandilands, James, tailor, VIII. 122.
Sandilands, John, fourth Lord Torphichen, XIII. 123 n., 138 n.
Sandilands, John, of Calder, XIX. 150.
Sandilands, (Sandelandis), John (1570), V. 70.
Sandilands, John, warded, VI. 131.
Sandilands, Mark, XII. 46; XV. 183.
Sandilands, Matthew, XII. 46.
Sandilands, Robert, bailie, IV. 116, 118; V. 101, 103, 131, 133; XII. 46; XIII. 116; XVI. 45.
Sandilands, Robert, minister, XII. 46.
Sandilands, Thomas, obtains tack of Gallowsgreen, I. 34 ; X. 95, 96.
Sandilands’ Close, XII. 46 ; carved stones in, XV. 120-1.
Sandilands’ Land, XIV. 166.
Sands, Katherine, VI. 130.
Sands, W. H., Gowks Club, III. 172.
Sandwich Place, XII. 229.
Sanquhar declaration, VIII. 107.
Sark Wall, III. 210, 211.
Sarre, —, a mountebank, erects stage, XVI. 167.
Sauchy, Alexander, XV. 22.
Saughton, II. 20; III. 189, 194; bridge at, 190; farm at, 191; XIV. 108n.; carved stones at, XVII. 22.
Saughton, House, I. 78; III. 194-5; Wesley at, VIII. 190.
Saughton, Mills, III. 193; Stenhope family and, 194.
Saughtonhall, I. 78, 105; III. 184, 190, 192; sculptured stones at, 191-2; IV. 146, 150 ; XX. 45, 56; bridge at, 46.
Saunders, Dr., III. 167.
Saunderson, Hugh, Methodist preacher, VIII. 169, 196. See Sanderson.
‘Saut Maggie,’ II. 204-5.
Savage, Ernest A., lectures on books and pamphlets in Cowan Collection, XVIII. App. 10-14.
Sawar, Andro, in Restalrig, XVIII. 41.
Sawer’s Close, XII. 133.
Sawers, Charles, farmer, XV. 186.
Sawers, James, bookseller, IX. 97.
Sawers, John, painter, VIII. 30; XIII. 54, 64, 65.
Scad, George, soldier, IX. 138.
Scarlett, John, warded, VI. 157.
Scarth, Pillans, clerk to Magistrates and Masters of Leith, XX. 63, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76.
Scarvating, Orkney, II. 102.
Sceales, Adolphus, XIX. 173.
Sceales, Andrew, XIX. 173.
Schang, David, XX. 102.
Schang, Patrick, XVI. 6.
Scheirsmyth, William, X. 73.
Schetky, John C., XII. 151 ; puts up at Red Lyon Inn, XIV. 135 ; attends concert in St. Cecilia’s Hall, 136 n. ; XIX. 211 n., 221, 238, 242 ; services to music in Edinburgh, 219-21 ; Violoncello player to Musical Society, 219 ; social accomplishments ; friend of Burns; a founder of Boar Club ; president of Edinburgh Musical Fund, 220 ; his son Marine Painter in Ordinary to George IV., William IV. and Victoria, 221 ; Musical Society and, 233.
Scheves, Thomas, XIV. 37, 43.
Scheves, William, XIV. 37, 43.
School Chieff Wynd, XII. 144.
School House Wynd, XII. 144.
Schoolmasters, and the Visitation of the College of Edinburgh, VIII. 79-80; imprisoned for teaching Latin without bishop’s licence, XVI. 107.
Schools kept without bishop’s licence, VIII. 108; keeping disorderly, XI. 73.
Sciennes, Lady. See Sheens.
Sciennes, I. 94, 95; X. 27, 75, 107, 110, 114, 115, 125; origin of name, 117 and n.; lands of, 160, 163, 164, 213, 243, 246, 254; sisters of the, XI. 130; XII. 211 ; soldiers raise fire at, XVI. 23.
Sciennes, House, X. 164, 165.
Sciennes, Hill House (or Sciennes Hall), X. 101, and n. ; XX. App. 33.
Sciennes, Well, X. 145.
‘Sclait House,’ XII. 155 ; XIX. 95, 96.
Sclater, Andrew bailie, X. 186, 187; XV. 14. See Slater.
Sclater, Robert, deacon of Hammermen, XVII. 88.
Sclater, Thomas, prior of Friar Preachers, III. 92.
Scone, coronation stone of, V. 22, 23.
Scoon, John, mealmaker in Gorgie, X. 201, 202.
Scoone, Marion, V. 139.
Scot, Captain, King’s life-guard, XVI. 157. See Scott.
Scot, Francis (1687), XVI. 155.
Scot, James, of Bristo, VIII. 115; XVI. 133.
Scot, James, warded, VIII. 123, 124.
Scot, Sir John, of Scotstarvit, XI. 151.
Scot, John, in Ettrick Forest, II. 97.
Scot, John, in Uddingston, VIII. 103, 133.
Scot, John, seeks sanctuary in Holyrood, XV. 61.
Scot, John, quaker, XVI. 92.
Scot, John, chirurgeon, XVI. 182.
Scot, Patrick, engraver, IX. 81.
Scot, Robert, minister, XVI. 126.
Scot, Thomas, merchant, VIII. 133.
Scot, William, baron officer, Calton, XVIII. 66.
Scotia, term derived from Ireland, V. 3.
Scotia Depicta, Fittler’s, I. 143.
Scots Almanack, IX. 209, 224.
Scots Church, Rotterdam, IV. 28 ; at Campvere, XIV. 141 n.
Scots College, Douay, V. 60.
Scots Courant, XX. 35.
Scots Greys regiment, IV. 53.
Scots Parliament, end of, III. 224-7.
Scots settlement in Holland, XIV. 141 n.
Scotsman, IV. 36 ; office in Old Post Office Close, XI. 13; XIV. 98.
Scotstarvit, laird of, X. 45. See Scot,
Scott, Andrew, warded, XII. 166.
Scott, Barbara, XII. 148.
Scott, Bethia, III. 246, 247.
Scott, Charles, of Bavelaw, XI. 135; X1], 140, 141.
Scott, Christian, wife of Sir A. Brand, XX, 36.
Scott, Christian, wife of William Ker of Chatto, XI. 52; XII. 184.
Scott, David, R.S.A., IX. 92, 107, 109, 111 ; XV. 101.
Scott, David, Rutherglen, IX. 128; XII, 159, 161, 184.
Scott, General, of Balcomie, III. 126; builds Bellevue House, IV. 47.
Scott, George, of Pitlochy, VI. 124; XII. 174,
Scott, George (1583), XV. 31.
Scott, Henry, tailor, Canongate, XIV. 36, 42.
Scott, Hugh, of Galashiels, IX. 154, 175.
Scott, James, of Bowhill, XI. 47.
Scott, James, captain Town Guard, XI. 52.
Scott, James, owner of land in Leith Wynd, XII. 50.
Scott, James, portioner of Bristo, XIV. 140.
Scott, James, warded, XI. 33.
Scott, Lord and Lady John, XX. App. 26-7.
Scott, Sir John, of Ancrum, I. 108; III. 141.
Scott, Sir John (1568), XV. 35.
Scott, Sir John (1635), XIII. 113.
Scott, John, of Gala, member of Wig Club, III. 139.
Scott, John, merchant. I. 36, 38.
Scott, John, owner of land in High St., XII. 50.
Scott, John, wright, XII. 148 ; XIII. 53, 54
Scott, John, member of Burlaw Court, XV. 176, 186.
Scott, John, accused of witchcraft, VI. 109.
Scott, John, covenanter, VI. 136; XI. 61, 66; XII. 202.
Scott, John, Jedburgh, V. 130.
Scott, John, fasting man, XVI. 3.
Scott, Jonet, XII. 50.
Scott, Jonet, warded, XII. 184.
Scott, Lady, (the second) of Abbotsford, XII. App. 20. X
Scott, Laurence, advocate, XII. 50 ; XIII. 103.
Scott, L., bookseller, II. 182.
Scott, Marion (c. 1550), III. 82.
Scott, Marion, XII. 148.
Scott, Mrs., of Gala, XIX. 52, 90.
Scott, Sir Patrick (1685), XI. 39.
Scott, Richard, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 71.
Scott, Richard, Webster, XIII. 132.
Scott, Robert, engraver, IX. 92-3, 97, 107, 111 ; pupils of, 99-100; XII. 235-7.
Scott, Robert, writer, XII. 156.
Scott, Robert, of Hassendean, VI. 138.
Scott, Robert, warded, VIII. 106, 109 ; XII. 183.
Scott, Thomas, of Petgormo, Lord of Session, XI. 120.
Scott, Thomas, minister in South Leith, IV. 183.
Scott, Thomas, litster, XII. 50.
Scott, Thomas, brewer, XII. 140.
Scott, Sir Walter, of Abbotsford, I. 79, 80, 111, 125-6; birthplace, 19; II. 29, 38, 51, 147, 180, 182; and John Chiesley, 146; III. 105, 116, 119, 122-3, 135, 171, 221, 236, 239 ; member of Friday Club, 113; IV. 22, 23, 70, 75; and the Leith Tolbooth, 92; V. 85; IX. 100; Wilkie’s picture of, and his family, 105 ; 106, 226; and Sedan chair, 227; X. 36; and Bore Stone, 80; meeting of Burns and, 101 n. ; 176, 250 ; birthplace, XI. 13 ; worships in St. George’s Chapel, XII. App. 11 ; dines at Moray House, 23; XIII. App. 15; XIV. 22, 82, 172 ; contemplates residence in sanctuary of Holyrood, XV. 96-7; 142, 166; XVII. 2; XVIII. 7 ; and Salisbury Crags, 182 ; and Burke and Hare, App. 13 ; XIX. 214; on ‘George’s Square Assembly Rooms,’ 84; XX. 139, 157, App. 16, 19, 23 ; elder in Duddingston Church, 29.
Scott, Sir Walter, of Branxholm, X. 37.
Scott, Sir Walter, of Buccleuch, X. 45.
Scott, Walter, of Miltoun, VI. 138.
Scott, Walter, of Satchell, IV. 130.
Scott, Walter, W.S., father of author of Waverley, IX. 217; XII. App. 18-19; XV. App. 19; deaths of his children, XVII. 2; XX. 115.
Scott, Walter, bailie in Leith, XV. 183, 187.
Scott, Walter (1523), IX. 41 n.
Scott, Walter (1710), XII. 84, 85.
Scott, Walter, glazier, IX. 170.
Scott, Walter, his tavern in Geddes Close, III. 158.
Scott, Watt (1520), IX. 31.
Scott, Sir William, of Balweary, IX. 31 ; XI. 120.
Scott, Sir William, of Harden, VIII. 140, 141 ; IX. 117, 136, 137; XI. 36, 39, 42, 47, 52-5; XII. 193. See Harden, laird of.
Scott, William, of Langhope, IX. 176; XI. 23.
Scott, William, clerk to Scots Parliament, XIII. 71.
Scott, William, physician, XIII. 58, 125 and n., 131, 144.
Scott, William, skinner, VI. 77-9, 81-3, 85-9.
Scott, William, Prof. of Philosophy, XIV. 140.
Scott, William, notary and poet, XVI. 26.
Scott, William, covenanter, V. 128.
Scott, William Bell, engraver, IX. 92.
Scott, William Lamont, XVII. 111.
Scott, William, bailie of Leith (1827), XX. 63, 65.
Scott Monument, XVIII. 96.
Scottish trade in Netherlands, IX. 50-6.
Scottish Union Insurance Co., Candlemakers take shares in, XVII. 117.
Scott’s Close, High St., XII. 156 ; in Canongate, 50 ; in Cowgate, I. 21 ; XI. 135, 145, 150-3, 169; XII. 140; XIII. 133, 138.
Scott’s riding school, XIV. App. 10.
Scott’s Strangers’ Guide to Edinburgh, XII. 231.
Scougal, James (Lord Whitehill), III. 184.
Scougal, John, painter, XIV. 90.
Scougal, (Skuigall), William, skinner, VI. 64.
Scougall, Alexander, writer, XIII. 104.
Scougall, Sir John, III. 93.
Scougall, John, writer, XIII. 136.
Scoulbar (Scoullar), Margaret, XI. 33.
Scrope, Lord, III. 47.
Sculler, John, warded, V. 144.
Sculptured Stones of Edinburgh, Dean group, I. 77-135, West-End and Dalry groups, II. 121-47 ; city’s extension westward, 121-2 ; Portsburgh, 122-5 ; Lawsons of High Riggs, 125-7; Semple and Morrison Streets, 127, 128 ; Charity Workhouse (St. Cuthbert’s Lane) inscription, 128; inscriptions pertaining to West Kirk, 129-31; Persian inscription, 132; Drumsheugh, 132, 133; Byres of Coates, 133-43; Chiesley of Dalry, 144-7; Miscellaneous, III. 179-206; Forresters of Corstorphine, 179- 183; Long-Hermiston, 183; Russells of Rosebum, 184-9; Gorgie House, 190; Bairds of Saughtonhall, 191-2; Riccarton, 193; Saughton House, 194-5; Stenhopemills, 195-6; at Chamberlain Road, 199-200; at Bruntstfield House, 201 ; at Grange Loan, 202-6; Wrychtls-Housis, IV. 55-73; Napier monument, 58, 59; heraldic impediments at Gillespie’s School, 56, 60, 61; panel, 62-3 ; sundial, heraldic pediments, and other stones at Woodhouselee, 63-7, 69-71 ; at St. Margaret’s, North Queensferry, 67-9; Comiston panel, 71; heraldic pediment at Dalry cemetery, 72-3 ; ‘Royal Mile,’ XIV. 49-100 ; historical value, 49 ; ‘lost stones,’ 50, 53 ; carvings over doorways, 50; early lintel inscriptions, 51; XV. 99-134; XVII. 22-48. See also Heraldic devices.
Sea Wynd, XIX. 185.
Seafield, Lord Chancellor, resides at Moray House, XII. App. 22 ; XX. 49.
Seaforth, Lady, II. 51.
Seaton’s Close, XII. 93 ; carved lintel in, XVII. 36.
‘Seatoun’s Luging,’ I. 13.
Seceders, meeting-house of, Bristo Street, II. 13; Wesley and, VIII. 169, 173-4.
‘Second Covenant,’ XI. 158.
Secretary of Club (Lewis A. MacRitchie) entertained, XVI. App. 28-9.
Sedan chairs, introduction into England, IX. 178 ; origin of name, 179-81 ; construction, 181-3 ; dress of chairmen, 183 ; used in Edinburgh in 1661, 184; in other Scottish towns, 185; hiring charges, 186, 188-90, 195 ; town council regulations, 194-5 ; society formed, 196; rules, 196-7; grievances of the men, 197-8; two members of Society convey dead body through streets, 198-200; offenders banished and chair burnt, 201 ; chairman takes Jacobite side in theatre brawl, 202 ; ordered to carry lights, 203 ; complaints by shopkeepers, 203; list of chairmasters and men in 1752, 204; badges, 204-5; lights to be fixed on chairs, 205; Society petition for revision of regulations, 206-7 ; 188 chairs in 1779, 212; fares again revised, 209. 211, 213; petition against Society of Porters, 213-14; factor in social life, 215-17, 226-7 ; chairs to convey patients to Infirmary, 218; chair in Lord Milton’s house, 220; chairs for Lord High Commissioner, 220-1; hardships of chairmen, 222-3 ; revision of regulations, 224-5, 229-31; table of fares, 224-5; stances in 1814, 225; chairmasters and George IV.’s visit, 228; a decreasing list, 228-9; stance at Canonmills Bridge, 231 ; end of trafiic, 233-4; XVI. 162.
Seditious literature, VI. 154.
Segait, Alexander (1573), I. 89.
‘Seikmansacre,’ XVII. 65; XIX. 93.
Selby, Robert, plumber, XIX. 226.
Selby, William (1573), XVI. 14.
Selby, family, owners of Bonnyhaugh, XIX. 169.
Select Society, III. 146.
Selkirk, John, third Earl of, III. 114 ; family mansion in So. Gray’s Close, XI. 14; XIX. 34.
Selkirk, Countess of, XX. 126.
Selkirk, David (1632), XIII. 40.
Selkirk, (Selkrig), James, tobacco-cutter, IX. 157 ; XVI. 131.
Selkirk, (Selkrig), Marion, II. 158.
Selkirk, Robert, warded, IX. 154.
Selkirk and Peebles Inn, XIV. 146.
Sellar, A. C., Marrow-Bone Club, III. 177.
Sellar’s Close, II. 154 ; XII. 21 ; XIV. 87.
Sellars, Patrick, tavern-keeper, XII. 21.
Selway’s A Midlothian Village, III. 183.
Selyman, William (1526), III. 96.
Semingtoun, Sergt., IX. 140.
Sempill, Lord, his mansion on Castlehill, I. 3. See Semple.
Sempill, Francis, of Beltrees, XVIII. 3.
Sempill, Grissel, Lady, XII. 8.
Sempill, Hew, eleventh Lord, XII. 8.
Sempill, Hew, twelfth Lord, XIV. 59.
Sempill, Jean, warded, XII. 184.
Sempill, John, Lord, XII. 8; XIV. 59.
Sempill, Lady, III. 95.
Sempill Ballates, IV. 93.
Sempill House, XI. 14.
Sempill’s Close, carved stones at, XIV. 59 ; XIX. 80.
Sample, Andro, of Revelrige, VIII. 112. See Sempill.
Sample, James, of Cathcart, XI. 34.
Sample, James, maltman, VIII. 105.
Sample, Jean, XII. 167.
Sample, John, hanged, IX. 165.
Sample, John, brewer, XX. 60.
Sample, Robert, brewer, XIV. 108 n. ; XX. 60.
Sample, Street, carved stone in, II. 127 ; XX. 27, 56, 60.
Semple’s Close, XII. 8.
Semple’s Court, XX. 60.
Sergeand, William, saddler, XIX. 21.
Sergeantry lands, X. 18, 19, 25, 193, 239, 261-3.
Servants in Skinner craft, wages of, VI. 57 ; assault masters, 59.
Service Books, Holyrood Ordinale and other, VII. xxiii ; Scottish, xxv.
Session, Lords of, XVI. 43, 133, 143 ; oppose tax on ale, beer, and wine, 52 ; action by Town against, 101-103 ; Gunpowder Plot Day, 133; tumult in Outer House, 139; magistrates salute, 153 ; Popish pamphlet dedicated to, 153; declarator against Town, 156-7. See also College of Justice.
Seton, Sir Alexander, of Pitmedden, XII. 93. See Seaton, Seytoun.
Seton, Alexander, Lord Kilcreuch, XIII. 111.
Seton, Alexander, surgeon, XII. 93.
Seton, Anne, wife of Alexander, Viscount Fenton, XVIII. 28.
Seton, George, Lord (1473), III. 89.
Seton, George, fifth Lord, provost of Edinburgh, III. 65 ; XVI. 26.
Seton, George, Lord (1633), XVIII. 15.
Seton, George, third Earl of, X. 114, 115.
Seton, George, antiquary, VIII. 58, 67, 68.
Seton, Isobel, daughter of Robert, first Earl of Winton, X. 45.
Seton, Isobel, of Parbroath, III. 197.
Seton, James, XII. 93.
Seton, Lady Jane Hepburn, wife of third Earl of, X. 114, 117, 130.
Seton, Sir John, XIII. 129, 141.
Seton, (Seytoun), John, skinner, VI. 101.
Seton, Katherine, daughter of second Lord Seton, X. 115, 127, 130.
Seton, Robert, notary public, XIII. 86.
Seton, Sir Walter, collector of Customs, XVI. 71.
Seton, of Cariston, XVI. 120.
Seton’s Close, I. 11 ; XII. 93.
Seton’s Middle Close, XII. 93, 94.
Setons of Touch, II. 52.
‘Sett of the Burgh,’ VI. 29; XVII. 92, 118.
Sextus IV., pope, III. 41-2.
Seymour, Lord Webb, III. 114.
Seytoun, Lady, III. 110. See Seaton, Seton.
Seytoun, Ninian, of Tullibody, III. 62, 100.
Seytoun, Walter, of Tullibody, III. 100.
Seytoun, William, baker, XIV. 37, 43.
Shadwell’s Miser, XI. 165 and n.
Shairp, Christiana, wife of James Atcherley, proprietrix of Gardeners’ Hall, XX. 59. See Sharp.
Shairp, John (1577), XV. 45.
Shairp, Principal J. C., XII. App. 10.
Shakespeare Square, II. 187, 194 ; III. 110, 125, 167 ; XIV. App. 10; XV. 127, 136 ; XVII. 174 ; XVIII. App. 9 ; XIX. 84 n., 94, 110, 133.
Shakespearean plays in Tailors’ Hall, XI. 162-70.
Shand, A. B., Marrow-Bone Club, III. 177.
Shand, C. F., Marrow-Bone Club, III. 177.
Shanks, Katherine, VI. 97.
Sharp, James, archbishop, II. 87 ; murder of, 96, 97, 99, 101 ; VI. 122, 137-9 ; VIII. 152, 153; XII. 40; XIII. App. 9 ; XVI. 73 ; XVIII. 11 ; XIX. 159. See Shairp.
Sharp, James, quarrier, XIII. 40.
Sharp, John, postmaster, Canongate, XIV. 138.
Sharp, (Sharpe), John, XII. 118 ; XIII. 117, 139, 140; Canongate Hammermen buy property of, XX. 79.
Sharp, Sir William, of Scotscraig, XVIII. 25.
Sharp, Sir William, of Stoneyhill, II. 113, 114 ; VI. 143; XII. 204.
Sharp, William, of Ballendoch, XIV. 3.
Sharp, William, master of the Mint, XVI. 161.
Sharpe, C. Kirkpatrick, I. 100; II. 146; his etching of Wrychtis-housis, IV. 57, 80 ; and Leith Tolbooth, 92 ; publishes tract anent conversion of Jean Livingstone, 105; etchings of, IX. 104, 217 ; his collection of Old Town carvings, XIV. 52, 60, 61, 62, 68, App. 12 ; supplies material for Wilson’s Memorials XVII. 5-6, 10; his sketch of ‘Ballad Hawker at the Cross,’ 14 ; takes action for preservation of Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 205-7, App. 13.
Sharpe, William, (1669), V. 150.
Shaw, Alexander, writer, sells his lands in Lauriston, XVIII. 158-9.
Shaw, Anthony, minister, IX. 116, 118.
Shaw, Claud, engineer, XII. 239.
Shaw, George Baird, engraver, IX. 103.
Shaw, Gideon, of Lauriston, discovery of skulls on his land, XVIII. 156-7 and n. ; his building operations, 158-9, 161.
Shaw, Henry, chairmaster, IX. 204.
Shaw, Henry, covenanter, VI. 137.
Shaw, Sir John, of Greenock, VIH. 156.
Shaw, John, macer, VI. 125, 131, 132; VIII. 102, 143.
Shaw, John, minister, XVIII. 157.
Shaw, John (1760), XX. 55.
Shaw, John Stewart, Poker Club, III. 152.
Shaw, Patrick, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 175, 177.
Shaw, Patrick, minister, XVIII. 157.
Shaw, Patrick (1672), VI. 116.
Shaw, Robert, warded, VI. 116, 125.
Shaw, William, chairmaster, IX. 204.
Shaw, William, merchant, XII. 141.
Shaw’s Close, XII. 57, 58.
Shaw’s Land, XII. 54, 55.
Shear-smiths’ armorial shield, VIII. 62.
Sheathmakers, XIX. 2, 27.
Shed, Alexander, maltster, I. 113-15.
Shedd, Thomas, XV. 176, 186, 198.
Sheel’s Close, XII. 10, 55.
Sheens, Elizabeth Hamilton or Johnston, Lady, X. 151, 165.
Sheens Walls, X. 117, 147, 148, 150, 151, 163; litigation anent, 152-3. See also Sciennes.
Sheilds, Alexander, covenanter, warded, XI. 40, 49; sent to the Bass, XII. 172; escapes from Tolbooth, XVI. 152. See Sheill, Sheills, Shields, Shiels.
Sheilds, James (1666), warded, V. 131.
Sheill (Scheill), Thomas, XII. 10. See Sheilds, Sheills, Shields, Shiels.
Sheill William, merchant, XII. 10, 55.
Sheills, Alexander, Burlaw bailie, XV. 176, 184, 197, 205.
Sheills, James (1683), apothecary, VIII. 155.
Sheills, Thomas, farmer, XV. 184, 197 ; XIX. 129.
Sheills, William, baxter, XV. 185, 187, 194.
Shelley, Elizabeth, sister of poet, XI. 75.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, opposed to institution of marriage, XI. 75 ; proceeds to Edinburgh burgh with Harriet Westbrook, 76 ; couple reside at 60 George St., 77-8; a fraudulent marriage, 80 ; uncertainty as to validity of ceremony, 81 ; in York, 82; second residence in Edinburgh, 82-5 ; returns to London, 85 and n.
Shannon Close, XII. 156.
Shepherd, Robert, goldsmith, XIX. 15, 16.
Shepherd, T. H., his Modern Athens, V. 84.
Sheriff, David, brewer, XVIII. 123. See Shirreff.
Sheriffbrae, XIX. 149, 152, 156, 157, 165-7 ; XX. App. 9.
Sherwin, William, engraver, IX. 79.
Shewalton, Lord (Patrick Boyle), XX. 51.
Shield, George (1665), V. 128. See Sheill.
Shields, Alexander, farmer in Broughton, II. 170. See Sheilds, Sheills.
Shields, (Shiels), Archibald, merchant, XII. 71.
Ship Close, XII. 35.
Ship Inn, Leith, XX. App. 9.
Ship Tavern, XIX. 135.
Ship Tavern Close, XII. 35.
Shipping and the Staple, 1515-31, by R. K. Hannay, IX. 49-77.
Shirreff, David, tenant of cordiners, XVIII. 123. See Sheriff.
Shoemakers of Edinburgh, VI. 46 n. ; scale of taxation of, 27 ; contributions of, to ministers’ stipends, 34 ; lands and hall, XI. 14, 15 ; complaint by tanners, XVI. 109 ; candlemakers’ dispute with, XVII. 98 ; disputes with Canongate craft, XVIII. 112-14; 116-17, 119, 120.
Shoemakers of Calton versus shoemakers of Edinburgh, XVIII. 74-7.
Shoemakers of Canongate, XII. 97; XIV. 27, 29, 34 ; XVIII. 41 ; XX. 99.
Shoemakers. See also Cordiners and Souters.
Shoemaker’s Close, I. ll; XII. 97, 99; XVIII. 141, 148.
Shoemakers’ lands, I. 11; H. 125; XII. 97 ; carved stones on, XVII. 37-8 ; XVIII. 101, 122, 134; early tenants of, 123; sale of, 139.
Short’s Observatory, I. 3.
Sibbald, Co1., XVI. 34.
Sibbald, James, bookseller, III. 234.
Sibbald, James, deacon of the Hammermen, VIII. 26, 32.
Sibbald, John (1680), warded, VI. 152.
Sibbald, Sir Robert, and Sir Andrew Balfour acquire ground for rearing medicinal herbs, XV. 146; XVI. 146, 150; case anent burning of his house, 139; installed Prof. of Medicine, 141.
Sibbald, Sarah. See ‘Apple-Glory.’
Sibbald, (Sibbitt), William, hammerman, XIV. 36, 42.
Sibbald, William, pewterer, XX. 101.
Sibbald MSS., IH. 184.
Sickman’s Acre, XVII. 65; XIX. 93.
Siddons, Cecilia, XX. App. 35.
Siddons, Mrs., and the General Assembly, VIII. 170-1 ; XII. App. 9, 10, 11.
Sievwright, Thomas, of Plewlands and Meggatland, XVIII. 172.
Sighthill, III. 199.
Signal Tower, Leith, XX. App. 9.
Signet, Writers to H.M., XII. 28; XV. 152; XVII. 155.
Signet, Library, II. 10; III. 235, 237; IV. 88.
Silk mercers, XVI. 158.
Silk weavers, complaint against Town, XVI. 119.
Silver, pittance, XX. 80; banquet, 89.
Silverfield, XIX. 154.
Silvermills, XV. 171, 186, 197 ; XVII. 79, 81.
Silverwell’s Close, XII. 151.
Sim, John, shipbuilder, XV. 182. See Sym.
Sim House, XI. 14.
Sime, Rev. John, his drawings of Old Tolbooth, XIV. 16, 18, 20, 22; XVII. 11. See Syme.
Simpson, Agnes, widow of Walter Chepman, XVII. App. 15. See Simsone, Symsoun.
Simpson, Alexander, owner of High St. property, XII. 51.
Simpson, Alexander, maltman, XII. 164.
Simpson, Alexander, engineer, XVII. 136.
Simpson, Alexander, cordiner, XVIII. 119.
Simpson, Andrew, printer, XVIII. 59.
Simpson, Rev. Dr., Tron Church, XIV. 173.
Simpson, George, tailor in Leith, IV. 17 7.
Simpson, James, candlemaker, XVII. 133, 134.
Simpson, James, bookseller at the Cross, I. 50; original member of Wagering Club, II. 152.
Simpson, Rev. James, XVII. 135, 136.
Simpson, Sir James Y., IX. 219 ; XVII. App. 9.
Simpson, John, stationer, VIII. 155.
Simpson, John, warded, XI. 27 ; XII. 163, 167.
Simpson, John, merchant (1572), XVI. 6.
Simpson, John, his quarrying operations at Salisbury Crags, XVIII. 207-8; interdict granted, 209.
Simpson, William, feuar in Newington, X. 217, 219 n.
Simpson’s Close, Cowgate, XII. 143.
Simpson’s Court, Potterrow, carved stone in, XVII. 24.
Simsone, James, deacon of Canongate Baxters, XIV. 37, 43. See Simpson, Symsoun.
Simsone, John, hammerman, XX. 110.
Sinclair, Andrew, physician, XV. 145. See St. Clair.
Sinclair, Andrew, tenant of King’s Park, his quarrying operations, XVIII. 190-2.
Sinclair, Alma, wife of Viscount Tarbat, VIII. App. 5.
Sinclair, Archibald, advocate, XIV. 46.
Sinclair, Catherine, of Longformacus, XIV. 172.
Sinclair, Elizabeth, from Caithness, first patient in Old Infirmary, XV. 144.
Sinclair, George, prof. of Nat. Phil., XV. App. 18.
Sinclair, G., bailie, VIII. 166; XVI. 152.
Sinclair, Henry, dean of Glasgow, XVII. 97.
Sinclair, Henry, brother of ‘late Laird of Gosfurde,’ XV. 63, 64.
Sinclair, Henry, XII. 91.
Sinclair, Sir James, of Mey, VIII. App. 5.
Sinclair, James, conventicler, VI. 141.
Sinclair, James, Unicorn pursuivant, XX. App. 16.
Sinclair, Janet, College Wynd, XVII. 144.
Sinclair, Sir John, of Ulbster, XII. 118 ; XVIII. 90, 92; on proposed city improvements, 97, 99, 173.
Sinclair, Sir John, of Harmistone, IV. 129.
Sinclair, John, town clerk, XIV. 148, 152 n., 157, 159, 167; XVII. 11.
Sinclair, John, son of Sir William, of Rosslyn, IV. 129.
Sinclair, John, dean of Restalrig, XIV. 78.
Sinclair, John (1680), warded, VI. 144 ; VIII. 146.
Sinclair, Isabella Ker, Lady, of Longformacus, XIX. 52 ; a directress of dancing Assembly, 90.
Sinclair, Margaret, second wife of Sir Henry Nisbet (d. 1713) of Dean, I. 116.
Sinclair, Margaret (1712), VIII. 48.
Sinclair, Matthew, physician, XII. 189.
Sinclair, Oliver, favourite of James v., X. 190.
Sinclair, Oliver, warded, XI. 48.
Sinclair, Sir Robert, of Stevenson, VIII. 156.
Sinclair, Sir William, of May, IV. 100.
Sinclair, Sir William, Lord Justice-General, X. 92.
Sinclair, Sir William, of Roslin, IV. 129; XII. 137.
Sinclair, William, baron bailie, XIH. 118 ; XVIII. App. 17.
Sinclair, William, shoots John Macmorran, V. 74; XII. 58; XIV. 66.
Sinclair, William (1680), VI. 144.
Sinclair’s Close, XII. 49.
Sir James Stansfield’s Close, XII. 88.
Sir James Stewart’s Close, XII. 24, 66.
Sir John Cockle at Court, XI. 169.
Sir John Smith’s Close, XII. 57, 58.
Sir William Todd’s Close, XII. 63.
Siward, Earl of Northumbria, V. 3.
Skarthmure, Robene, III. 79.
Skathowie, James, XX. 101.
Skealdie, Archibald, blind preacher, XIII. 128 and n.
Skeine, James (1680), VI. 149. See Skene.
Skeletons unearthed at Glengyle Terrace, XVIII. 176.
Skelton, Sir John, his home at Hermitage of Braid, XI. App. 16.
Skene, Alexander, advocate, IV. 89. See Skeine.
Skene, Dame Catherine, XIV. 46.
Skene, Dr. Gilbert, IX. 22.
Skene, Sir James, of Curriehill, I. 95; house of, IV. 146, 148 ; V. 76, 77 ; XIII. 132; XIV. 73.
Skene, Sir John, of Curriehill, I. 95 ; V. 76, 77, 80; VI. 13.
Skene, Mrs. Pixie, or, XII. 112.
Skene, Sir Thomas, chaplain of the Holy Rood chapel, XV. 36.
Skene, Thomas, advocate, XI. 34.
Skene, William, schoolmaster, VIII. 127.
Skinner, Robert T., compiles list of famous personages whose graves are in St. Cuthbert’s Churchyard, XI. App. 16. 19; in Calton burying grounds, XII. App. 28-39; notes on Hatton House, XIII. App. 9-11; on Holy. rood tombs and monuments, XVI, App. 15-26; conducts Club members over Donaldson’s Hospital, II. App. 5; XVIII. App. 35.
Skinners, Incorporation of, VI. 11; earliest reference to craft in public records, 12 n. ; complaints against their trade tricks, 13 ; a religious fraternity, 16, 30; grievances laid before town council, 17-18; obtain power to regulate own aifairs, 18-20; seals of cause, 20; minute book, 20-1 ; powers, duties, etc., 22-34; complaint by furriers against, 23; attitude to Reformed Church, 33-4; heraldic arms, 35 n.; processions and miracle plays, 35-7; care of poor, 39-40 and n., 41, 81, 85-8, 90, 91, 94, 96, 97, 99, 100-102, 104; internal organisation, 42-55; support of church, 91-3; friction with town council, 27 n., 48 n.; ‘kyrkgeir’ sold by roup, 32, 67, 80, 81; apprentices, 57, 58, 59-63, 69, 71, 74, 78, 102; numerical strength, 48 n.; deacons, 51-3; quartermasters, 54; booths, 55; export trade, 55-6; admission of freemen’s daughters, 62; deacon’s oath, 74; extracts from acts and statutes, 57-64 ; miscellaneous extracts, 64-77; accounts, 30 n. 77-104; oath of fidelity, 104-5; craft prayer, 105; list of deacons (1549-1602), 105-6; XII. 8, 83; shops of, removed, XIII. 23, 99, 130; XIX. 172; XX. 96.
Skinner’s Close, Castlehill, XII. 8.
Skinner’s Close (High St.), XII. 83, 156 ; XIX. 61, 62.
Skinner’s Close, Cowgate, XII. 127.
Skirling, Lady, XIII. 121 and n.
Skirving, John, of Plewland Hill, II. 62; X. 82.
Skithera Verborum, V. 173.
Skull Club, III. 178.
Slackjaw, M., XIX. 66, 67.
Slangar, Marius, XII. 159.
Slateford, II. 127 ; Highland army at, 20, 24.
Slater, Andrew, slater, XII. 38, 117, 118. See Sclater.
Slater, (skleather), Andrew, XVI. 6.
Slater, John, XII. 118.
Slater, William, webster, XIII. 124.
Slater, William, alias Spens, III. 94.
Slater’s Close, III. 99; XII. 38, 39, 117, 156.
Slater’s Court, XII. 117, 118.
Slater’s Entry, I. 14.
Slaughter. See Murder.
Slaughter-houses, XI. 14.
Slezer, John, Theatrum Scotiae, II. 88 and n., 107; V. 64; XII. 216, 217.
Sligo, —, member of Oyster Club, III. 174.
Sloas, Robert, of Arrothill, IX. 162 ; XII. 166. See Sloss.
Slockindrought, IX. 224.
Sloss, James, XII. 201. See Sloas.
Sloss, John, murdered on High St.,XII. 206.
Slowane, John, merchant, XV. 27.
Slowman, Alexander, X. 211, 212 n., 213, 214 n.
Slowman, David, X. 214 n.
Slowman, Margaret, X. 212 n., 213, 214 n.
Small, Adam, XII. 15.
Small, ‘Admiral,’ of Leith, XX. 65.
Small, Charles, owner of ‘Comely Garden,’ XIX. 69.
Small, David A., lectures on changes in city since 1860, XVII. App. 10-11.
Small, Elizabeth, XVIII. 164.
Small, Thomas (1685), XI. 27.
Smart, Archibald, candlemaker, XVII. 145.
Smart, James,warded, V. 113, 115, 116, 118.
Smeabeard, Helen, IV. 133.
Smeiton, Joseph, hatter, XX. 53. See Smiton.
Smellie, Agnes, X. 152.
Smellie, Alexander, his printing office, IV. 36, 38; IX. 224; XIV. 153, 154; XVII. 10.
Smellie, William, son of above, I. 8; III. 163, 164, 165; his History of Anchor Close, IV. 38; IX. 85; XIV. 153 n., 154; XX. App. 30.
Smellie, William, XII. 70 ; XIX. 43.
Smith, Adam, I. 12; II. 6; member of Poker Club, III. 153 ; IV. 37, 53; XI. 12, 14; XII. 99 ; XIII. App. 10; resides at Panmure House, Canongate, 16 ; visited there by Burke and Samuel Rogers, 16; dies there, 17 ; XIV. 151 ; XV. App. 13 ; XVIII. 158. See Smyth.
Smith, Alexander, murdered, VI. 137.
Smith, Alexander, skinner, VI. 76, 98.
Smith, Alexander, warded, XI. 33 ; XII. 167.
Smith, Alexander, minister, XVI. 73.
Smith, Alexander (1833), III. 159.
Smith, Mrs. Ann, XVI. 192, 199, 200.
Smith, Colonel, on riding school, XX. 156.
Smith, David, member, Burlaw Court, XV. 176, 184, 187, 193.
Smith, David, leases ‘grass and pasturege’ of Holyrood Park, XVIII. 189, 190.
Smith, Donald, lord provost, III. 159 ; XIV. 150, 162, 166.
Smith, Donald, & Co., bankers, XVIII. 85.
Smith, Edward, gardener, XII. 172, 173, 183.
Smith, Egidia, wife of Sir William Gray, of Pittendrum, III. 244 n., 245 ; XIV. 76.
Smith, George, town councillor (1585), X. 186.
Smith, George, merchant and burgess (1628), X. 28.
Smith, George, merchant, Stockholm, XII. 46.
Smith, George, Deacon Brodie’s accomplice, XII. 60; XIV. 66.
Smith, Gilbert, mason, XII. 45 ; XIX. 118.
Smith, Helen, wife of John Chepman, X. 75.
Smith, Helen, warded, XII. 184.
Smith, Helen, wife of James Balfour of Pilrig, XX. App. 20.
Smith, Helenor (1659), IV. 131.
Smith, Isobel (1684), IX. 170; XII. 167.
Smith, James, of Whitehill, XII. 45.
Smith, James, his song ‘The Cries o’ Edinburgh,’ II. 182, 192.
Smith, James, servitor, VI. 147.
Smith, James, staymaker, XII. 99.
Smith, James, clockmaker, XIX. 12.
Smith, Sir John, of Grothill, II. 136; III. 244 n., 245; V. 102, 150; XII. 13, 58, 92 n. ; XIV. 65, 66, 76; commissioner to Breda, XVI. 33-4 ; XVIII. App. 29.
Smith, John, his ‘Hand Book and Directory of Old Scottish Clockmakers,’ III. 231-233 ; XII. 3 ; Notes on Lands of High Riggs, Drumdryan and Tollcross, XVIII. 151-80; Dalry House : Its Lands and Owners, XX. 26-60.
Smith, John, shoemaker, VIII. 114, 116.
Smith, John, skinner, VI. 91, 97, 101.
Smith, John, wine merchant, XIV. 161.
Smith, John, tailor (1556), XV. 22.
Smith, John, candlemaker, XVII. 110, 111.
Smith, John, gardener, XX. 58.
Smith, John, treasurer, Holyrood kirk session, XX. 11.
Smith, John, warded, VI. 115, 116; VIII. 133, 135; IX. 140, 146.
Smith, John Christopher, amanuensis to Handel, XIX. 203 and n., 204.
Smith, Margaret, wife of Robert Pont, II. 130.
Smith, Margaret (1632), X. 28.
Smith, Mausie, XII. 96.
Smith, Michael, XI. 61 ; XII. 165.
Smith, Patrick, saddler, VIII. 48.
Smith, Robert, of Smithston, IX. 162, 173.
Smith, Robert, merchant, VI. 115.
Smith, Robert, merchant in Stockholm, X. 28.
Smith, Robert, skipper, IX. 167.
Smith, Robert A., musical composer, XI. App. 18.
Smith, Samuel, warded, IX. 144.
Smith, Sydney, III. 107, 110, 113, 116; IV. 70.
Smith, Thomas, warded, V. 101-2, 146.
Smith, Thomas, assistant, Canongate School, XX. 21.
Smith, Walter, covenanter, VIII. 111.
Smith, William, blacksmith, XX. 101.
Smith, William, beadman of Magdalen Chapel, XV. 12.
Smith, William, clockmaker, XIX. 12-14.
Smith, William, hammerman, XX. 107.
Smith, William, warded, VIII. 133, 135.
Smith, William, chirurgeon (1689), XVI. 192.
Smith, William, of Newburn, preacher, IV. 26.
Smith’s Close, XII. 44, 45, 99.
Smith’s Land, XII. 45.
Smith’s stables, II. 167.
Smiton, Walter, bailie, XX. 21. See Smeiton.
Smollett, Tobias, resides in St. John Street, I. 15; VIII. 163, 164, 192 n.; IX. 98; XIX. 162, 175, 200 n.; his allusion to the ‘rout,’ 33-4.
Smyth, Agnes, second wife of John Byres, first of Coates, II. 136.
Smyth, Alexander, covenanter, V. 129.
Smyth, David, of Methven, Lord Methven, III. 153; XV. App. 13.
Smyth, Edmond, tailor, XIV. 36, 42.
Smyth, Geills, XIII. 117.
Smyth, James, maltman, Leith, IX. 44.
Smyth, James, to carry out work on pedestal for statue of Charles 11., XVII. 83.
Smyth, James, servant to Earl of Argyle, II. 94.
Smyth, Sir John. See Smith.
Smyth, John, of Balharry, II. 172.
Smyth, Friar John, X. 123.
Smyth, John, hammerman, XIV. 36, 42; XX. 109.
Smyth, Robert, merchant, II. 136.
Smyth, Sergt., XVI. 23.
Smyth, Walter, servant, XX. 108.
Smyth, William, covenanter, II. 95.
Smyth, William, mariner, V. 155.
Snadoun’s Close, XII. 74, 143 ; XVII. 50,
Snetzler, John, organ builder, XIX. 231.
Snodgrass, Andrew, covenanter, II. 95.
Snodgrass, Hew (1683), warded, VIII. 147.
Snow, Edgerton, XII. 204.
Snype, Robert, ‘master porter’ of Castle, IV. 141.
Social clubs, characteristics and purposes of, II. 150.
Societies, literary and debating, I. 47-8.
‘Society,’ I. 22; X. 125, 146, 148, 228, 238, 239; XII. 137, 140; XVII. App. 11.
Society Close, XII. 48, 49 ; carved stones in, XV. 125-6.
Society Hall (or House), XII. 49.
Society Muir (Bruntsfield Links), X. 240, 257.
Society Port, II. 70, 72-5, 83, 85, 86, 92 ; XI. 12; XIV. 140; XVII. 105.
Society quarry, XIII. 21, 22, 25, 31, 40.
Society Yard, XII. 142.
Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, premises of, XV. 125.
‘Society’s grass,’ X. 234.
Solemn League and Covenant, XVI. 62, 112; XVIII. 127; XX. 11.
Soltre, Radulph, master of hospital of, V. 33.
Somer, David, master of works, IV. 87. See Symar.
Somer, John, XII. 133.
Somerset, Earl of, V. 53.
Somervail, James, commissariat officer, II. 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 108; his account for food for Covenanting prisoners, 109-14. See Somervaill, Somervell, Somervill, Somerville, Somerwel.
Somervaill, Ninian, in Calton, XVIII. 45.
Somervaill, Robert, in Calton, XVIII. 45.
Somervell, Agnes, warded, V. 136. See Somervail, Somervaill, Somervill, Somerville, Somerwel.
Somervell, Bartholomew, leaves 40,000 merks to the city, IV. 145-6; death of, 146; effigy of, 149; parentage and connection with Saughtonhall, 150; house in Lawnmarket, 150-1 ; mortification by, V. 76, 77; XI. 14; XII. 153; XIII. 97 n., 100; XIV. 64, 73; XV. 27, 28.
Somervell, Elizabeth, IV. 150.
Somervell, James, of Castle Somervell, a dweller in sanctuary, XV. 81.
Somervell, James, merchant, IV. 136.
Somervell, James, gentleman usher, V. 141 ; VI. 125.
Somervell, (Sumervell), James (1665), V. 126.
Somervell, John, innkeeper, XIV. 128.
Somervell, Margaret, IV. 150.
Somervell, Peter, father of Bartholomew, IV. 150; XIII. 97, 100, 141 ; XIV. 64, 73.
Somervell, Peter, jun., IV. 150.
Somervill, Major (1689), XVI. 205, 206, 210. See Somervail, Somervaill, Somervell, Somerville, Somerwel.
Somerville, Daniel, line engraver, IX. 99; his pencil sketches of Edinburgh, XVII. 10. See Somervail, Somervaill, Somervell, Somervill, Somerwel.
Somerville, Grizel, warded, XII. 191, 192, 197.
Somerville, Hugh, sixth Lord, XX. App. 31.
Somerville, James, tenth Lord, XIV. 96.
Somerville, James, eleventh and twelfth Lords, XX. App. 32.
Somerville, James, banished, XII. 187.
Somerville, John, of Cambusnethan, VI. 117; VIII. 145.
Somerville, John, minister of Cramond, VIII. 127.
Somerville, John, gunsmith, XII. 103; XVIII. 10.
Somerville, John, warded, XII. 200, 201.
Somerville, Marie, wife of Sir Lewis Craig, III. 193.
Somerville, Dame Marion, X. 237.
Somerville, Nicol, clerk to Magdalen Chapel meeting, XVI. 93.
Somerville, Patrick, merchant, X. 228, 237 .
Somerville, Robert, skinner, XV. 186.
Somerville, (Symervell), Thomas, skinner, VI. 81, 95
Somerville, Thomas, tailor (1683), XVI. 118.
Somerville, William, town officer, XIII. 115.
Somerville’s Close, XII. 102, 103.
Somerville’s Land, XII. 103 ; XIV. 73, 74.
Somerwel, David, in East Calder, II. 97.
Sommers, Anne, wife of John Fortune, tavem-keeper, Stamp Office Close, III. 128, 129. See Summers.
Sommers, Thomas, treasurer of Pantheon, I. 59; tavern-keeper, II. 154; III. 128, 144, 147; Speculative Society sup at his tavern, V. 173 and n. 181.
Sommers, Thomas, H.M. Glazier for Scotland, III. 230.
‘Sommervel house,’ XIV. 138.
Songs of Edwina, II. 211.
Songs of the Edinburgh Angling Club, IX. 102.
Sorning and robbery, VI. 116.
Souter, William, clockmaker, VIII. 48.
Souter’s Clods, III. 135.
Souters (or shoemakers), VI. 12.
South Back of Canongate, I. 15, 17, 18, 108.
South Bridge, construction of, II. 162, 163; V. 83; opening of, 86; Wes1ey’s opinion of, VIII. 165; trustees of, X. 259; XIV. 84; XVIII. 92; XIX. 240; spoils amenity of St. Ceci1ia’s Hall, 228-30; trustees of, interviewed by directors of Musical Society, 229, 230.
South Cross, XV. 74.
South Foulis Close, I. 9; XII. 35, 84, 86; carved stone in, XV. 110.
South Gray’s Close, I. 9, 10, 18, 19; XI. 8, 11, App. 6; XII. 43, 83, App. 4, 5; carved stones in, XV. 108-10.
South Leith, Restalrig Church and, IV. 153, 155, 157, 158 n., 180, 183-5; XIX. 103, 113, 126, 128, 149, 167; kirk session and Calton, 123, 136-8. See also South Leith Church.
South Leith Church, XIX. 163, 187; foundation of, IV. 186; visit to, VII. App. 7 ; XVIII. 38; XX. 72.
South Loch, X. 5, 54, 65, 71, 72, 75, 125, 148, 163, 164, 200, 227-35, 240, 241, 246, 252-63; emptied by Society of Brewers, 236, 255-6; draining of, 253, 257, 259; ground reclaimed, 253; condition of south side, 254; main source of water supply, 254-5; grass of, 256 ; leased by John Straiton, 257 ; XII. 100, 140 n.; XIV. 140; XV. 18, 49; XVI. 49: XVIII. 151, 153, 163, 169.
South Meadow Walk, X. 164, 247, 256.
South Muir, X. 73, 76, 162, 200, 227.
South Niddry Street, XII. 148.
South St., Cowgate, XII. 126.
South St. (Princes Street), I. 146.
Southbank, X. 225.
Southey, Robert, at Friday Club, III. 116 ; VIII. 175.
‘Southgaitt,’ XII. 126.
Southside, lands of, I. 85 ; III. 197, 198.
Soutra, a sanctuary, XV. 57.
Sowmertoun, William, XVIII. 45. See Sumertoune.
Spain, Edinburgh merchants and, XVI. 27.
Spalden, Agnes, wife of John Morison, saddler, VIII. 48.
Spalding, James, farmer, XV. 186; XIX. 178.
Spalding, John, member of Burlaw Court, XV. 176.
Spanish leather, Sir A. Brand’s monopoly of, XX. 30.
Spankie, Sergt., XVIII. 95.
Spark’s Close, XII. 136.
‘Speaking House,’ I. 15 ; XVII. 29.
Speculative Society, V. 163 ; founded by John Bonar and five others, 164; original members, 164-5 ; entry money, 165; first president, 165; first secretary, 165 ; alteration of laws, 170-1, 180 ; new members admitted, 171 ; demission of member, 172, 177, 187 ; first ordinary meeting, 172; extraordinary meeting, 173, 175 ; extrusion of member, 177 ; questions and debates, 179; abstract from book of minutes, 186-8; XII. App. 10.
Speech-criers, II. 221.
Speeches against the King, VI. 119.
Speir, James, slater, XIII. 130.
Speir, James (1587), XV. 17.
Speir, John (1585), X. 143.
Speir, John (1683), VIII. 157.
Speirs, Catherine Ann Grant or, X. 52.
Speirs, Dame Ann O.H., X. 53.
Spence, Alexander Ogilvy, I. 127. See Spens.
Spence, David, bailie, IX. 172; XI. 22, 29; XII. 176, 177.
Spence, David, Secy., Bank of Scotland, XV. 141, 144.
Spence, David, his factory in Fountainbridge, XX. 53.
Spence, Sir James, vicar of Alves, I. 128.
Spence, James, Ormonde pursuivant, XVIII, 25
Spence, Jerome, of Over Manbeen, I. 128.
Spence, John, of Wormiston, XVIII. 14.
Spence, John, provincial of Black Friars, III. 44; X. 106, 111.
Spence, Friar Quintin, X. 110.
Spence, Thomas, bishop of Aberdeen, XV. 133 ; founder of hospital of St. Paul’s Work, XVII. 49-51.
Spence, Thomas (1658), IV. 123.
Spence, Walter, II. 76, 77.
Spence, William, covenanter, VIII. 158 ; IX. 135, 142, 143 ; XI. 28, 29, 62, 67 ; XII, 161, 190; XVI. 142.
Spence, William, servant, XII. 178, 179.
Spencer, William, in Hillhousefield, XIX. 181.
Spendthrift Club, III. 178.
Spens, Adam (1550), III. 81. See Spence.
Spens, Alexander (1515), bailie, IX. 20; X. 175.
Spens, Friar John, III. 28, 91, 93, 94.
Spens, John (1562), IV. 90.
Spens, John, burgess, and Magdalen Chapel, VIII. 50.
Spens, Dr. Nathaniel, IX. 96; XVIII. 172.
Spens, Thomas, of Lathallan, XVIII. 172.
Spens, Walter, of Iruin (1458), III. 88.
Spens, William, alias Slater, III. 94.
Spethy, Nicholas, III. 94, 96.
Spittal, Henry (1536), X. 124, 132.
Spittal, Margaret, XIX. 144, 146, 147, 182.
Spittalfield, I. 34; X. 96.
Spittelrig, X. 124, 128, 131, 133.
Spittletoun (or Liberton), X. 7-10; XV. 135.
Spot, Ninian, chaplain, V. 44.
Spott, laird of, IX. 20.
Spottiswood, John, archbishop, his History, III. 23, 24, 45, 78a; town house of, 215; V. 55; XI. 14; XII. 41 ; XIII. 45, 141 and n. ; officiates at coronation of Charles I. at Holyrood, XVIII. 15-23.
Spottiswood, John, of that Ilk, XII. 25.
Spottiswood, Sir Robert, president of Court of Session, XI. 95.
Spottiswood’s land, III. 80.
Spreule, John, town-clerk of Glasgow, IV. 135-7; V. 122-3; VI. 114; VIII. 114, 143, 144, 157. See Sproul.
Spreule, John, yr., writer in Glasgow, VI. 135, 150.
Sprot, John (1550), III. 82.
Sprott, John, legacy to Candlemakers, XVII. 110.
Sprott, Robert, candlemaker, XVII. 111.
Sproul, William, XII. 166. See Spreule.
Sprout, William (1684), warded, IX. 168.
Spur (Castle), V. 63, 64; XVI. 12.
Spynie, Lord, XVIII. 15.
Stabalini, H., performer at St. Cecilia’s Hall, XI. App. 18 ; XIX. 221, 222, 233, 242.
Stablers, XIV. 125 n.
Stabling, act anent, XIV. 125.
Stacey, Joseph, Ross herald, XVIII. 25.
Stage, plays performed by legal fiction, II. 10 ; licence craved to set up, XVI. 127.
Stage, roads from London to Edinburgh, XIV. 122.
Stained-glass windows in Magdalen Chapel, VIII. 66-72.
Stair, Elizabeth, first Countess of, III. 246-7 ; Lady Stair’s House called after, 246, 249-50 and n. ; XII. 13, 14; XIV. 76; XV. 110.
Stair, Joamia Gordon, Countess of, XI. App. 15.
Stair, John, first Earl of, III. 244 n., 246; VIII. 96, 98; XII. 13 ; XV. App. 20; XVI. 34. See Dalrymple, Sir John.
Stair, John, second Earl of, III. 244 n., 247 n., 249, 250 ; XII. 14.
Stair, John, fifth Earl of, III. 244 n., 249.
Stair, North-Hamilton, ninth Earl of, III. 177.
Stairhead, John, sailor in Leith, XIX. 144.
Stairhead, Mariota, XIX. 147.
Stair’s Close, XII. 14.
Stalker, Henry, goldsmith, III. 103 ; feus land from Black Friars, 78a.
Stalker, John, of Easter Drylaw, XII. 114.
Stalker’s Close, XII. 36, 114.
Stamp Office, XI. 14; XII. 35.
Stamp Office Close, I. 8, 11 ; III. 127, 129.
Stamp and Linen Manufacture, offices of, III. 229.
Stamper trade, XIX. 30.
‘Standand Stane ’ (Hare-stane), X. 58-9, 80. See Bore Stone.
‘Stane chacks,’ XII. 154.
Stanelaw’s Close, XII. 75.
Stanfield, Sir James, IV. 108 ; XII. 108 ; XV. 113 ; action against, XVI. 115 ; XIX. 160.
Stanfield, Philip, IV. 108; XH. 88; XV. 113.
Stansfield, Gilbert, goldsmith, XIX. 16.
Stansfield, Robert, keeper of Correction House, XVII. 68, 69.
Stansfield, William, keeper of Correction House, XVII. 68; XIX. 16.
Staple, I. 89, 97 ; shipping and the (1515-31), IX. 49-77; XVI. 145.
Stapylton, Sir Robert, IX. 180.
Star and Garter tavern, III. 167.
Starch Close, XII. 145.
Stark, John, his Picture of Edinburgh, II. 90 ; XI. App. 18 ; XII. 212, 230, 235-8.
Stark’s Close, XII. 145.
Starmer, W. W., campanologist, VIII. 38, 39.
State Ceremonials in Edinburgh in the Olden Time, by Francis J. Grant, Lyon King of Arms, XVIII. 11-32.
Stationers or Cadies, Society of Running, II. 219-22.
Statues of Justice and Mercy, II. 231-37.
Statuta Gilde, VI. 13.
Statutes, anent beggars, fools and bards, IV. 98 ; upkeep of prisoners, 98-9 ; provision of prisons and maintenance of inmates, 104 ; penalties for insolvency, 106-7 and n.
Steel, Alexander, carting contractor, XIII. 22, 24, 31. See Steell, Steill.
Steel, David, tailor, XII. 100.
Steel, Isabella, wife of Walter Oliphant, X. 210.
Steel, Patrick, XII. 28.
Steel, Thomas, surgeon, X. 194, 207.
Steele, George, town ofiicial, XIV. 17 8.
Steele’s The Tender Husband, XI. 163, 167.
Steell, Gourlay, R.S.A., XVIII. 165. See Steel, Steill.
Steell, Sir John, sculptor, XVII. 169; XX. 159.
Steil, James, hostler, XX. 133.
Steill, Adam, fiesher, XIII. 122. See Steel, Steel].
Steill, Andrew, merchant, IV. 120.
Steill, George, infeft in Common Myre, X. 154-6.
Steill, James (1664), warded, V. 122.
Steill, John, of Houston, sells Common Myre, X. 156; XII. 149.
Steill, Patrick, vintner, VIII. 99 ; XII. 67, 71 ; XIX. 191, 192.
Steill, Robert, warded, VIII. 102; XII. 169.
Steill, Robert, smith, XII. 180.
Steill, Robert, infeft in Common Myre, X. 156.
Steill, Thomas, warded, XII. 196, 203.
Steill, William, warded, XII. 196.
Steill’s Close, XII. 67, 70-2 ; XIX. 39, 43, 44.
Stenhope, Janet, wife of Richard Watson of Saughton, III. 194.
Stenhopemill, I. 85, 113 ; II. 144; III. 184, 190, 193, 194, 198 ; mansion described, 195-6, 199; Club visits, XVII. App. 22; XX. 26.
Stenhous, William, XX. 110.
Stenhousemills. See Stenhopemill.
Stent Master, XVI. 45.
Stereotyping, II. 14 and n.
Steuart, David, lord provost, XII. 223. See Stewart, Stuart.
Steuart, Sir Gilbert, VI. 133.
Steuart, James, writer in Edinburgh, II. 169; his house in Cleland’s Yards, 170; its Jacobite associations, 171-4; entertains Burns, 173-4.
Steuart, Mrs. James, daughter of Thomas Ruddiman, II. 172.
Steuart, James, W.S., At the Back of St. James’s Square, II. 167-75; IV. 151.
Steven, Alexander, in Bothwell, II. 97. See Stevin, Stiven.
Steven, Grizel, XII. 183.
Steven, (Stevine), James (1685), XI. 61, 64.
Steven, John, XII. 166.
Steven, Thomas (1684), IX. 123.
Steven, William, author of History of High School, V. 72; XX. 17.
Steven, William, baker in Canongate, XIV. 37, 43.
Stevenlaw’s Close, XII. 26, 75; XIV. 82, 163; XIX. 45, 56.
Stevenson, Abraham, XII. 169, 180.
Stevenson, Alexander, merchant, XII. 10.
Stevenson, Andrew, owner of lands at Burgh Muir, X. 49, 177, 182, 193, 196 n., 198, 199, 212, 215, 222.
Stevenson, Andrew, of Pitroddie, X. 218.
Stevenson, Andrew, minister of Dunbar, X. 201.
Stevenson, Andrew, a regent of the College, X. 159 n., 193, 198.
Stevenson, (Stevinsoun), Andre (1580), IV. 99, 100-1.
Stevenson, Sir Archibald, M.D., X. 201.
Stevenson, David, XII. 86.
Stevenson, Duncan, printer of Beacon, IH. 234.
Stevenson, George, builder of Royal Exchange, IV. 46.
Stevenson, Hugh (1686), XII. 204.
Stevenson, James, warded, IX. 131, 144.
Stevenson, Sir John, his house within sanctuary invaded, XV. 64.
Stevenson, John, of Pitroddie, X. 218.
Stevenson, (Stevinsoun), Friar John, III. 73.
Stevenson, John (1629), X. 159 n.
Stevenson, John, deacon of Websters, X. 186.
Stevenson, John, nephew of Andrew, of Pitroddie, X. 218.
Stevenson, Lawrence (1550), III. 98, 99.
Stevenson, Patrick, keeper of Register of Deeds, XIV. 162.
Stevenson, Patrick, XII. 51.
Stevenson, Robert, engineer, XV., 208, 210; his scheme for improved access to Grassmarket, XVIII. 84.
Stevenson, Robert, warded, VI. 121.
Stevenson, R. L., his opinion of Speculative Society, V. 163 ; and Pilrig House, VII. App. 7 ; XI. App. 21 ; XIX. 163, 174; XX. App. 20.
Stevenson, Thomas, mason, XVIII. 72 ; XIX. 111.
Stevenson, T. G., I. 149.
Stevenson, William (1735), XII. 155.
Stevenson’s Close, XII. 85, 86.
Stevin, Robert, master of Canongate School, XX. 7-8. See Steven, Stiven.
Stewart of Coltness, yr., XII. 159. See Steuart, Stuart.
Steuart, Adam (1515), IX. 19.
Steuart, Adam, prior, X. 154 n.
Steuart, Alan, captain of Milan, IX. 14, 16, 34.
Steuart, Alexander, bishop of Moray, XI. 119.
Steuart, Alexander, to catalogue Musical Society’s collection, XIX. 234.
Steuart, Allan, provost of Edinburgh, III. 95.
Steuart, Andrew, Poker Club, III. 153.
Steuart, Anna, of Stewartfield, XIX. 174.
Steuart, Anna, XII. 29.
Steuart, Anne, wife of Colin Maclaurin, XX. 53.
Steuart, Archibald, lord provost, II. 15 n., 18; summoned to surrender the city, 20; conduct during Highland occupation, 20-3 ; imprisonment and trial, 21 n. ; later career; ancestor of Lord Tweedmouth, 22 n. ; IV. 39, 40, 41 ; Provost Drummond a witness against, 42 ; house in West Bow, XI. 14; XII. 55; XV. App. 11; XIX. 173.
Stewart, Archibald, to repair High School, V. 70, 71, 80; his house bought by Infirmary managers, 82.
Stewart, Archibald, warded (1680), VI. 150; VIII. 150.
Stewart, Prior Bernard, III. 66, 69, 100; receives pension, 73, 74.
Stewart, Daniel, founder of hospital, XII. App. 32.
Stewart, David, of Coltness, XII. 178, 179.
Stewart, Dugald, I. 12; III. 113, 116; member of Friday Club, 118, and of Poker Club, 151; X. 101 n.; XI. 14; XII. 124; XIII. App. 10.
Stewart, Francis, Earl of Bothwell, X. 40-2, 43, 45 ; superior of lands of Whitehouse, 44.
Stewart, Gilbert, of Bonnyhaugh, XII. 29; XIX. 168, 169, 176.
Stewart, Hugh, chairmaster, IX. 204.
Stewart, Sir James, of Coltness, II. 18, 55 ; XII. 24; XIV. 90.
Stewart, Sir James, of Goodtrees, II. 3; XII. 24, 25, App. 5; XIV. 90; XVI. 34 n., 37 n., 52, 55, 75 n.
Stewart, Sir James, Poker Club, III. 153.
Stewart, James, of Hartwood, VIII. 155; IX. 140, 164; XII. 199.
Stewart, James, of Stewartfield, merchant and banker, XIX. 164, 174 ; connection with ‘Forty-five,’ 173.
Stewart, James, bailie, his evidence in Provost Archibald Stewart’s trial, II. 23.
Stewart, James, town clerk, XIII. 84.
Stewart, James, engraver, IX. 99, 101, 102.
Stewart, James, chairmaster, IX. 204.
Stewart, James, apothecary, XII. 29.
Stewart, James, advocate (1687), XVI. 161.
Stewart, James, covenanter, VIII. 117 ; XI. 67 ; XII. 166.
Stewart, James, illegitimate son of James V., X. 154.
Stewart, James, in Glasgow, XIII. 113.
Stewart, Janet, of Stewartfield, XIX. 173.
Stewart, Jean (1659), IV. 133.
Stewart, Sir John, of Allanbank, XX. App. 26.
Stewart, Sir John, husband of Lady Jane Douglas, II. 133.
Stewart, John, of Bogs, XVI. 200.
Stewart, John, of Calzeniore, VIII. 134, 138.
Stewart, John, of Kettlestoune, X. 16.
Stewart, John, prior of Coldingham, X. 40. 154 n.
Stewart, John, Friday Club, III. 118, 175.
Stewart, John, admiral depute, V. 118, 120, 132.
Stewart, John, warded, XI. 29, 36, 62, 68.
Stewart, John (1525), brother of St. Paul’s Work, XVII. 50.
Stewart, John Roy, Jacobite, II. 28, 42.
Stewart, Katherine, of Stewartfield, XIX. 173.
Stewart, Sir Lewis, of Kirkhill, I. 94, 110 ; XIII. 109, 110, 113, 114, 125.
Stewart, Ludovic (1587), X. 212 n., 219 n.
Stewart, Ludovic, advocate, I. 105.
Stewart, Margaret, of Bonnyhaugh, XIX. 176.
Stewart, Margaret, daughter of laird of Ochiltree, XI. App. 14; XIII. 123 n.
Stewart, Mary, of Stewartfield, XIX. 164, 174.
Stewart, Sir Michael, Poker Club, III. 152.
Stewart, Neil, his music shop, III. 234.
Stewart, Neil, merchant, XII. 88.
Stewart, Lord Robert, commendator of Holyrood, III. 194; X. 154 n. ; XV. 62, 63, 66; XX. 5, 6, 93.
Stewart, Sir Robert, of Allanbank, II. 18.
Stewart, Robert, chairmaster, IX. 213.
Stewart, Robert (1673), VI. 117.
Stewart, Robert, warded, VIII. 134.
Stewart, Thomas, of Coltness, XII. 178.
Stewart, Walter, in Wilkie’s ‘Land,‘ IX. 122.
Stewart, William, of Allingtoun, IX. 140, 164; XII. 199.
Stewart, William, depute town clerk, X. 211, 212, 214 n., 216, 217, 219 n.
Stewart, William, merchant, XII. 29.
Stewart, William, chairmaster, IX. 204.
Stewart, William, scribe, XV. 20.
Stewart of Invemahyle and Colonel Whitford, II. 52.
Stewartfield, XIX. 159, 164, 166, 171-4, 176 ; feu-charter in favour of Humphry Colquhoun, 172 ; sold to Mylnes of Powderhall, 173 ; Jas Stewart owns, 173-4 ; sold to Hugh Veitch, town clerk of Leith; converted into hotel; purchased by Caledonian Railway Company, 174; sold to William Walker Gibson, 179.
Stewart’s Close, I. 14; II. 12 n.; XII. 24, 29, 88, 121 ; XIII. 109.
Stewart’s oyster rooms, III. 144.
Stewart’s tavern, Fishmarket, II. 154, 158.
Stiffingwell, XIX. 101.
Stinking Close, XII. 109, 126.
Stinking Style, XII. 65, 66; XIII. 107; XVI. 6.
Stirk, Andrew (1680), warded, VI. 139.
Stirk, Katherine, warded, XI. 59, 60.
Stirk, Robert (1679), VI. 136.
Stirling, Earl of. See Alexander, Sir William of Menstrie.
Stirling, Sir Alexander, of Glorat, XVII. App. 9.
Stirling, of Keir and Meldrum of Binns, encounter between, H. 126.
Stirling, Irvine A., Mylne Square, XIV. 45-48.
Stirling, Sir James, lord provost, II. 162 ; XV. App. 13.
Stirling, James, wright, XIII. 109.
Stirling, James, treasurer, Charity Workhouse, XIX. 48, 57 ; a director of dancing Assembly, 88.
Stirling, James, manager of lead mines, II. 3.
Stirling, Sir John, governor of Castle, V. 40-2.
Stirling, John, minister of Tron Church, IV. 148; V. 77.
Stirling, Sir Mungo, of Glorat, IV. 143.
Stirling, William, merchant, IV. 136.
Stirling, William, writer, VI. 135.
Stirling, William, Caltonhill Foundry, XIX. 120.
Stirling, William, XII. 47.
Stirling, William, deacon of bonnet-makers, XVI. 129.
Stirling, William, fishmonger, II. 2.
Stirling’s Close, XII. 47.
Stitt, Edward, transported, XII. 170, 171.
Stiven, Margaret (1684), IX. 171. See Steven, Stevin.
Stobbie, George, in Meiklecairnie, II. 94.
Stobo Church, III. 188.
Stockbridge, I. 98 ; II. 131 ; IX. 107, 232; XI. 10, 13; XIV. 156, App. 10; XV. 182, 184, 197 ; XVII. 77, 81 ; XX. App. 15.
Stocks, William, in Calton, XIX. 103.
Stoddart, James, lord provost, XII. 129.
Stoddart, John (1572), XVI. 6.
Stoddart, Thomas, warded, VIII. 123 ; executed, XII. 166, 171.
Stoddart, Thomas, schoolmaster in Calton, XIX. 113.
Stoddart’s Close, XII. 128.
Stone shop, XVI. 35.
Stonyhill (Stainyhill), Lady, XIII. 125.
Storehouse (Castle), XI. 14.
Storer’s Views in Edinburgh, II. 227 ; V, 85; XII. 235.
Storie, Alexander, legacy to Candlemakers, XVII. 110. See Story.
Storie, James (1683), warded, VIII. 153.
Storie, Richard (1682), warded, VIII. 133, 134.
Stormonth, Viscount, XIII. 66.
Storrie’s Alley, XIX. 184 n.
Story. Steven, III. 66, 100. See Storie.
Strachan, Sir Alexander (1635), XIII. 131.
Strachan, Captain, II. 90.
Strachan, Douglas, stained-glass artist, VIII, 67, 71.
Strachan, Francis, musician, XIX. 237.
Strachan, Sir John (1662), I. 37, 38.
Strachan, John, prof. of divinity, VIII. 79, 81 ; XVI. 155.
Strachan, John, regent in Aberdeen, VIII. 94, 95.
Strachan, John, bailie of Musselburgh, IX. 121, 127.
Strachan, John, W.S., warded, XII. 195, 196.
Strachan, Major Robert, VI. 153.
Strachan, Thomas, watchmaker, XIX. 19.
Strachan, William, XII. 201.
Strachan’s Close, XII. 81, 104, 121.
Strachey, John, ‘armiger,’ XII. 145.
‘Strait Bow,’ IV. 24 ; XII. 50.
Straitane, Robert, captain of Castle of Edinburgh, IV. 141 ; XVI. 166.
Straiton, Arthur, of Whitehouse, XII. 100. See Straton.
Straiton, Arthur (1683), XVI. 123.
Straiton, Arthur, Wigmaker, XII. 100, 101.
Straiton, Catherine (1600), VI. 101.
Straiton, James, writer, XIII. 115, 124.
Straiton, John (1691), in Calton, XVIII. 77.
Straiton, John, merchant, leases South Loch and Bruntsfield Links, X. 257; XII. 100.
Straiton, Mrs., brewer, XV. 186.
Straiton, Robert, XV. 190, 191.
Straiton, William, farmer, XV. 186.
Straiton’s Loch, XX. 36.
Straiton’s Park, X. 257 ; XII. 100.
Strand, Canongate, XII. 118, App. 25 ; XIV. 3, 4.
Strand, (Jordan Burn), X. 186.
Strang, Alexander, schoolmaster, XVI. 107 ; XX. 10-11, 13.
Strang, David, gunsmith, XIX. 22.
Strang, George, skinner, XV. 25.
Strang, George (1572), XVI. 6.
Strang, Jonet (1604), XI. 131.
Strang, William, minister, XIII. 100 and n., 102, 114.
Strange, Sir Robert, II. 11 ; his engraving of Prince Charles; studio in Stewart’s Close, 12 n. ; paper money engraved by, 49; career as engraver, IX. 82-4, 85, 91.
Strange, William (1682), warded, VIII. 123, 126.
Stranger’s Guide to Edinburgh, XII. 227.
Strathesk, Countess of, XII. 54.
Strathie’s Close, XII. 121.
Strathie’s Entry, I. 14.
Strathie’s Land, XII. 121.
Strathmore, Patrick, first Earl of (1688), XVI. 166.
Straton, David, religious martyr, III. 54; XVII. App. 14. See Straiton.
Straton’s Close, XII. 100, 101.
Street Traders and their Cries, II. 177-222.
Strelley, Captain, XVI. 9, 11.
Strichen, Lord. See Fraser, Alexander, of Strichen.
Strichen’s Close, I. 10; XI. 11 ; XII. 81 ; carved stones in, XV. 102-3.
Strickland, George, Friday Club, III. 114.
Strippling Close, XII. 1, 54 n., 56.
Strudgeon Charles, case-maker, XIX. 27.
Stuart, Alexander, secy. of Wig Club, III. 139, 141. See Steuart, Stewart.
Stuart, Andrew, Poker Club, III. 152.
Stuart, Anne, niece of Earl of Moray, XIX. 41, 42.
Stuart, Charles, of Duunearn, V. 170, 172, 173; discourse on ‘Reflection,’ 169, 178 ; XII. App. 20.
Stuart, Lady Euphemia, XVIII. 178.
Stuart, Dr. Gilbert, Crochallan Fencibles, III. 165.
Stuart, H. M., Wig Club, III. 139.
Stuart, Hon. James, Poker Club, III. 153, 172.
Stuart, James, of Dunearn, III. 234.
Stuart, John, of Innerneity, XIV. App. 21.
Stuart, John, writer, XII. 29.
Stuart, Robert, assessor, XVI. 146.
Stuart, Sophia, XII. 29.
Stuart, Walter, W.S., XII. 29.
Stuart’s Close, XII. 29.
Studeman, Charles, ‘cuik at Cannogait port,’ XVI. 6.
Sturley, Captain, XVI. 14.
Suburban Railway, X. 226.
Sugar Work, XI. 14; XII. 117 ; XIV. 4.
Sugarhouse Close, XII. 117.
Sultani, Signora, XIX. 221.
Sumertoune, Janet (1684), IX. 170. See Sowmertoun.
Summers, —, commissioner of Customs, IV. 30. See Sommers.
Summerside, XIX. 180.
‘Summons of Plotcock,’ II. 126.
Summonses, ‘Drunken,’ II. 222.
Surgeons, II. 31; IV. 13; seal of cause, V. 78; grant from town council, 78; IX. 90; Royal College of, XII. 91 ; XV. 140, 143, 146, 147, 152, 158, 159; permitted to serve in Infirmary, 149; XVII. 120 ; purchase riding school, XX. 158.
Surgeons’ Hall, Old, II. 1, 8 and n. ; IV. 148 ; V. 77-80, 84 ; new hall in Nicolson Street, 87; old premises acquired by Infirmary, 88 ; original doorway of, 92; XI. 14; XV. 146, 162; XX. 118.
Surgeons’ Hospital, founded in 1736, XV. 147-149 ; candlemakers subscribe for, XVII. 118-19.
Surgeons’ Square, V. 84, 88; XV. 147.
Surrey, Earl of, II. 70; guardian of Princess Margaret, III. 50 ; at marriage of James IV., X. 62-3.
Suther, Thomas George, bishop of Aberdeen, XII. App. 11.
Sutherland, John, thirteenth Earl of (1661), XVI. 59.
Sutherland, Anne, Duchess of, XX. App. 33-4.
Sutherland, Colin (1689), XVI. 203.
Sutherland, Elizabeth, Countess of, XII. App. 20; XVIII. 171.
Sutherland, George, methodist, VIII. 196.
Sutherland, James, bailie, XII. 188, 197, 204.
Sutherland, James, keeper of Physic Garden, XVI. 157.
Sutherland, James B., An Eighteenth Century Survival : The Wagering Club, 1775, II. 149-166.
Sutherland, Mary, Countess of, VIII. 181 and n. ; resides at Leven Lodge, XVIII. 171.
Sutherland, William, seventeenth Earl of, VIII. 181 and n.
‘Sutlary’ in Old Tolbooth, IV. 97.
Sutor’s shops, Cowgate, XIII. 136.
Suttie, George, bailie, V. 130, 131, 133.
Suttie, George, flesher, IV. 117, 118.
Suttie, Miss, XIX. 71.
Suttie’s Close, XII. 68, 69, 71.
Sutton, Thomas, master of ordnance, XVI. 9, 14.
Swan’s Close, II. 14 and n. ; XII. 34, 35.
Swanston, George N., engraver, XII. 247.
Swanston, R. L. Stevenson cottage at, XIV. 53 ; town acquires, XV. App. 18.
Swanston’s tavern, Leith, III. 158.
Sweating Club, III. 177 .
Sweet Singers of Bo’ness, VIII. 109; XVI. 108.
Sweit’s Close, XII. 86, 87.
Swift, Alexander, XII. 69.
Swift, John, XII. 69, 87.
Swift, Thomas, XII. 63, 69.
Swift’s Wynd, XII. 63, 68, 69, 87.
Swinburne, Major-Gen., Marrow-Bone Club, III. 177.
Swine in streets, IV. 79-80; ordered to be slain along with cats and dogs, 94.
Swinton, John, Lord Swinton (1660), IV. 115; XVI. 58.
Swinton, Sir Alexander of that Ilk, IV. 141 n.
Swinton, (Swintoune), Alexander, VI. 140.
Swinton, Archibald, of East India Company, XVIII. 171.
Swinton, Archibald, W.S., XX. 138.
Swinton, Catherine, II. 171 ; XIX. 110 n.
Swinton, David, bailie (1681), XVI. 105.
Swinton, (Swentoun), George, saddler, XIII. 122 ; XIX. 21.
Swinton, Jean, wife of James Winram of The Inch, XVIII. App. 28.
Swinton, John, son of Sir Alexander of that Ilk, IV. 141 n.; V. 111.
Swinton, Captain John, Corstorphine, V. 113-17.
Swinton, John, quaker, V. 125, 126.
Swinton, Katherine, wife of Sir Alexander Nisbet of Nisbet, I. 82.
Swinton, Patrick, Abbeyhill, XIX. 116.
Swinton, (Swyntone), Robert, warded, V. 114.
Swinton, Row, II. 171.
Sword, Agnes, X. 27, 192.
Sword, Andrew, Borgue, II. 97, 99.
Sword, John (1658), IV. 123.
Sword in executions, IV. 85.
Swordmakers of Canongate, XIX. 22.
Sword-slipper trade, XIX. 22.
Sydserf, Alexander, XII. 42.
Sydserf, James, merchant, XII. 42.
Sydserf, Jean (1659), IV. 133.
Sydserf, Sir John, XII. 42.
Sydserf, John, XII. 42.
Sydserf, Katherine, XII. 42.
Sydserf, Thomas, his ‘True Funerals of Montrose,’ I. 35.
Sydserff, Archibald, knighted, XVI. 56.
Sydserff, Helen, XII. 92.
Sydserff, Margaret, XII. 29.
Sydserff, Thomas, bishop, II. 136 ; XII. 42 ; XIII. 114 and n.; XVI. 67 and n.; XVIII. App. 12.
Sym, John, bailie, II. 75; XV. 19. See Sim.
Sym, Robert, W.S., XII. App. 20.
Symar, David (1562), VI. 81. See Somer.
Syme, Andrew, cooper, XIX. 111. See Sime.
Syme, Ann, XIX. 123.
Syme, James, of Northfield, XVIII. 163.
Syme, Patrick, clerk of Canongate, XVI. 146.
Syme, Patrick, sent to Barbadoes, V. 128.
Syme, William, in Leny, II. 95.
Syme, William (1685), XVI. 147, 148.
Syme’s Court, Calton, XIX. 111, 112.
Symonds, Paul, goldsmith, XIX. 18, 19.
Symons, Captain, IV. 163.
Symontoun, John, skinner, VI. 100, 104.
Symor, Alexander, Restalrig, IV. 163. See Somer.
Symson, Andrew, printer, III. 79; XI. 14 ; XII. 143 ; XIV. 76 ; XVII. App. 31.
Symsoun, Andrew, erects new ‘Prysoun Hous,’ XIV. 11. See Simpson, Simsone.
Symsoun, James, skinner, VI. 74.
Symsoun, James, deacon of baxters of Canongate, XIV. 34.
Taaphall, XIX. 180.
‘Tabernacle,’ original name of Mirror Club, III. 142.
Tabernacles, Feast of, III. 142-4.
‘Tail of the butts,’ X. 98, 144, 152.
Tailors’ Incorporation of Edinburgh, complaints against, by furriers, VI. 23 ; scale of taxation of, 27 ; contributions by, to ministers’ stipends, 34 ; XI. 125, 150; material available for history of, 126 ; altar of St. Anne in St. Giles’ founded by ; connection with St. Anne Street, 127 ; site of convening hall, 129, 131; acquire Walter Chepman’s property in Cowgate, 133; buildings of, 134, 135-6; their garden, 135, 137, 140, 143 ; description of property, 136, 142 ; interested in brewing, printing, and education, 137-9; alterations on convening hall, 139-42 ; buildings described, 143-58; inscribed stones, 149, 150; Covenanters meet in convening hall re National Covenant, 158-61 ; that document signed in hall, 161 ; preaching in Tailors’ Hall, 162 ; hall as courthouse for administration of Forfeited Estates, 162; theatrical performances in convening hall, 162-71 ; XV. 32.
Tailors’ Hall, Cowgate, described, I. 20-1 ; II. 119; theatrical performances in, 11 ; XI. 14, 162-71, App. 6; XII. 139-41 ; ‘ XIII. 137. See also Tailors’ Incorporation.
Tailors’ Hall, Easter Portsburgh, XIV. 77 ; XVII. 38.
Tailors’ Incorporation of Canongate, XI. 127 ; XIV. 27, 29, 34; altar in the Abbey, XVIII. 41, 114, 128, 135; XX. 98, 99.
Tailors’ Well, XIII. 42.
Tailzies, register of, XX. 42.
Tait, Alexander, clerk of Session, XVII. 162.
Tait, John, tailor, XII. 26, 27.
Tait, John, besom-seller, II. 209.
Tait, John, tinsmith, XII. 37.
Tait, Margaret, warded, VIII. 101, 104.
Tait, Rev. Mr., founder of Rowites, I. 51.
Tait, Robert, XII. 26.
Tait’s Close, XII. 26.
‘Tam o’ the Cowgait,’ XII. 137. See Haddington, Thomas, first Earl of.
Tanistry, Gaelic law of, V. 19.
Tanners, as proprietors or tenants of King’s Stables, XIV. 115; and foreign leather, XVI. 109 ; supply inferior leather, XVIII. 119; English craftsmen imported, 120.
Tanners’ Brae, XIX. 175 n.
Tanpits, XI. 14.
Tarbat, George, Viscount, VIII. App. 4, 5; erects Caroline Park House, XX. App. 27.
Tarbet, Sir James, XV. App. 16.
Tarbet, John, waukmaster, XII. 153.
Tarbolton, Lord, XVI. 62.
Tarras, Earl of, VIII. 133.
Tavern-keepers, III. 125-30.
Taverners fined, XV. 3 ; regulations as to lodgers, 4.
‘Taverners’ boyes,’ XVI. 100.
Tavernour, John, XII. 78.
Tavernour’s Close, XII. 77, 78 ; XV. 100.
Taverns, business done in, II. 2 ; women not to serve in, XVI. 120.
Tawse, John, writer, XVIII. 165.
Taxton, XII. 8.
Taylor (or Cowan), Mrs. Ann, XVII. 135.
Taylor Christian, XII. 55.
Taylor Gilbert, granted gift of Canongate School, XX. 5.
Taylor Hary Lumsden, IV. 160.
Taylor (Tailyer), James, tailor, Canongate, XI. 51.
Taylor John Melvill (1684), IX. 129.
Taylor (Tailzier), Jonnet (1684), IX. 118.
Taylor Joseph, author of Journey to Edenborough, XX. 36.
Taylor Robert, shoemaker, II. 40 ; XVIII. 142 n.
Taylor William, highway robber, V. 99.
Taylor (Tailzeour), William (1610), XIV. 36.
Taylor’s Close, XII. 138, 139, 141.
Telfer of Symington, XIX. 237.
Telfer Alexander (1635), XIII. 104-6.
Telfer Charles, XII. 27 .
Telfer Cornelius, XIII. 131.
Telfer James, treasurer, Restalrig Society, IV. 159-161, 163, 164, 166-9, 172, 173.
Telfer (Taliphore), John, contractor, encloses town’s acres at High Riggs, II. 83; XVIII. 155, 156; XX. App. 13.
Telfer (Taillefeir), Katherine, wife of James Bannatyne, writer, I. 92.
Telfer Laurence, XII. 26, 75, 76.
Telfer Marion, wife of Bartholomew Somervell, IV. 146; XII. 76.
Telfer Mrs., of Scotstoun, I. 15.
Telfer Patrick, M.D., XII. 82.
Telfer Robert, mealman, X. 219 n.
Telfer Robert, painter, XIII. 50.
Telfer (Talfeir), Robert, cutler, XX. 102.
Telfer William, of Restalrig, IV. 175, 177.
Telfer’s Close, XII. 26, 27, 75, 76.
Telfer’s Wall, II. 73, 78, 83 ; XVIII. App. 31.
Tempest, Mrs., of Dalguise House, V. 163.
Templar, Knights, their property in Grassmarket and West Bow, XI. 14; XIV. 63, 106.
Templars’ Land, XIV. 64.
Temple, Lady, XIII. 113.
Temple, (Tempell), William, chirurgeon, V. 115, 116.
Temple Lands of Canongate, I. 16 n.
Temple Lands, Castlehill, XII. 128.
Temple Lands, Orchardfield, XIV. 106, 116.
Templeman, Thomas, sergeant for sheriffdom of Edinburgh, X. 19.
Temple’s Land, XII. 120.
Tenant, Robert, in King’s Knows, XIV. 108 n.
Tenducci, Giusto, most famous of professional singers engaged by Musical Society, XIX. 213-6.
Tenducci, Signora, XIX. 215-16.
Tennant, John, of St. Rollox, his property at Bonnington, XIX. 177.
Tennent, Francis, provost, XVI. 21. See Tenant.
Tennent, Francis, flesher, XII. 22.
Tennent, John, skinner, VI. 97.
Tennent, Kentigern, XII. 22 ; XIV. 72.
Tennent, Patrik (1550), III. 80.
Tennent, Robert, skinner, VI. 73, 75.
Tennent’s Close, XII. 21, 22 ; XVI. 5.
Tennis Courts, XI. 14 ; XII. 38, 47 ; XIII. 112 n.; XVIII. App. 12, 25.
Territ, William (1595), VI. 97.
Test, refusal to take, XVI. 118.
Teviot Chambers, XVI. 69 n.
Theatre, opposition of clergy to, II. 10; proposed building in Princes St. Gardens, XVIII. 96.
Theatre-going in Edinburgh, VIII. 170.
Theatre Royal, Shakespeare Square, II. 163; IX. 208-9 ; XIV. App. 10 ; XIX. 63, 64, 94, 218 ; Corri’s engagement with lessee of, 217.
Theatres in Edinburgh in early eighteenth century, XI. 162-71.
Theatrum Scotiae, Slezer’s, II. 88 and n. See also Slezer.
Theodoric, supposed author of Life of Queen Margaret, V. 8.
Theron and Aspasia, VIII. 176.
‘Thief Raw,’ II. 72 ; III. 72.
Thieves’ Hole, Tolbooth, IV. 85-6; VIII. 123, 142; XVI. 72, 73, 131.
Thin, Robert, The Old Infirmary and Earlier Hospitals, XV. 135-63.
Thistle, Order of the, XIII. App. 14 ; XVII. App. 21 ; history of knights of, XVIII. 11; ceremonial of investiture, 31-2 ; chapel of, II. 225; III. 209, 242 ; XVIII. 28 n.
Thistle Court, New Town, first, feu in, I. 138; IX. 211.
Thistle Golf Club, XVIII. 10.
Thistle Lodge, I. 50; XIX. 62.
Thom, Marjory, vintner, XII. 154.
Thomas Rigg’s Close, XII. 155.
Thomas of Wateristona, III. 32.
Thomas of Wateristona, surgeon, XVI. 189.
Thomas, ship, IX. 54, 67.
Thomas’s Hospital, founded by George Crichton, abbot of Holyrood, VII. 3,
Thompson, David, W.S., XVIII. 160.
Thompson, Sir Thomas, of Duddingston, IV. 133.
Thomson, Adam, bailie, XX. 88.
Thomson, Adam, apothecary, XV. 46.
Thomson, Adam, brewer, XII. 123.
Thomson, Alexander, minister of New Kirk, St, Giles’, XIII. 37, 98.
Thomson, Alexander, deacon of Skinners, VI. 71-4, 95, 106.
Thomson, Alexander, cutler, VIII. 35; XII. 153; XIII. 118.
Thomson, Alexander, merchant (1583), XV. 46.
Thomson, Alexander, taverner, XV. 46.
Thomson, Dr. Andrew, St. George’s Church, XVII. 118.
Thomson, Andrew, Sauchie, II. 98, 100; VI. 121.
Thomson, Andrew (1526), III. 96.
Thomson, Archibald, tailor, XIII. 115.
Thomson, Charles, engraver, XII. 238; XX. 140.
Thomson, Charles, warded, IX. 121, 123.
Thomson, David, skinner, VI. 62, 102.
Thomson, David, cordiner, XIV. 44.
Thomson, Edward, son of Walter, X. 73.
Thomson, George, friend of Burns, IX. 106; XIX. 201, 202, 221 n., 244; on Tenducci and Stabilini, 214, 222.
Thomson, George, Stamp Office, XII. 35.
Thomson, George, town clerk, Musselburgh, XIV. 154.
Thomson, Henry, quarrier, XIII. 41.
Thomson, Isobel (1685), XI. 51.
Thomson, James, prior of Black Friars, III. 93.
Thomson, James, deacon of Candlemakers, XVII. 110-11, 127, 131, 132, 134.
Thomson, James, poet of the Seasons, III. 157; XII. 220.
Thomson, James, W.S., XVIII. 174.
Thomson, James, conventicler, VI. 144 ; VIII. 133; XII. 195.
Thomson, James, in Park of Mauldslie, VIII. 155.
Thomson, James, footman, XII. 201.
Thomson, John, writer, V. 80.
Thomson, John, painter, III. 115 ; XVII. 166 ; XX. App. 29.
Thomson, John, physician, member of Friday Club, III. 113.
Thomson, John, deacon of Skinners, VI. 91, 95, 106.
Thomson, John, carver, XII. 142, 143.
Thomson, John, stabler, IV. 134.
Thomson, John, tailor, Canongate, XIV. 36, 42.
Thomson, John, town officer, XVI. 103.
Thomson, John, bailie of Canongate, XVIII. 117.
Thomson, John, bassoon player, XIX. 49, 50.
Thomson, John, clockmaker, XIX. 17.
Thomson, John (1583), XV. 46.
Thomson, John (1631), in Calton, XVIII. 45.
Thomson, John, gardener, III. 223.
Thomson, John, covenanter, II. 99; VI. 136.
Thomson, John, in Livingstoune, VIII. 153.
Thomson, John, Shotts, II. 97.
Thomson, Friar John, III. 43, 96.
Thomson, John Maitland, advocate, XVII. 165.
Thomson, Joseph, covenanter, II. 95 ; XI. 47 ; XII. 166.
Thomson, Matthew, tavern-keeper, II. 154.
Thomson, Maurice, starch-maker, XII. 145.
Thomson, Patrick, city treasurer (1647), XII. 216.
Thomson, Richard, Shotts, II. 99.
Thomson, Robert, skinner, VI. 84.
Thomson, Robert, writer, X. 241.
Thomson, Robert, merchant (1583), XV. 46.
Thomson, Thomas, antiquary, III. 105, 106, 107, 110, 116, 121, 124, 125; original member of Friday Club, 113; IX. 1, 103; XI. 87, 92, 109 ; his Acts of Parliament, 109 and n. ; deputy clerk register, XVII. 166-7; portrait of, 168.
Thomson, Thomas, skinner, VI. 66.
Thomson, Thomas, baker, XII. 107.
Thomson, Thomas, warded, VI. 119; VIII. 123, 124.
Thomson, Walter, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 71, 72, 73.
Thomson, Walter, warded, IX. 138 ; XI. 51.
Thomson, Sir William, town clerk, IV. 141; V. 113 ; X. 249 ; XVI. 70, 73, 79, 83, 137.
Thomson, William, skinner, VI. 97 .
Thomson, William, W.S., XII. 114.
Thomson, William, in Calton, XVIII. 45.
Thomson, William, conventicler, VI. 133; VIII. 145.
Thomson’s Close, XII. 113, 114, 123.
Thomson’s Court, I. 13, 23 ; XII. 123.
Thomson’s Place, Leith, XVIII. 5.
Thomson’s Yards, V. 80, 81.
Thorn, David, Marrow-Bone Club, III. 177.
Thorniedykes, laird of, VIII. 150.
Thornton (Thometoun), John (1550), III. 79.
Thornton John (1683), warded, VIII. 153.
Thornton Lewis, skinner, VI. 67, 69, 100.
Thornton Symon, officer of Skinners, VI. 75, 98.
Thomtree, London Road, XV. 171.
Thomybauk, II. 127 ; XVIII. 177.
Thraple’s Close, XII. 145, 146 ; XIII. 120, 125.
Three Riggs, XVIII. App. 17.
Threipland, Sir David, of Fingask, IX. 190.
Threipland, Sir Stewart, of Fingask, II. 4.
Threipland, Miss. of Fingask, II. 56 n.
Thyer, Geills, surveyor, V. 127.
Tilbourne, Cornelius, XVI. 127.
Tillidaif, William, warded, V. 114; XI. 69. See Tullidaff.
Tillo, Michael, of Hilcamo, VIII. 10.
Tilloch, Alexander, stereotyper, II. 14 n. See Tulloch.
Tillyhewan quarry, XV. 171.
Tilney, Master, XVI. 9, 14.
Timber-fronted buildings in Edinburgh, X. 69, 70.
‘Timothy Tickler,’ Noctes Ambrosianae, XII. App. 20. See Sym, Robert
Tincklarianism, XVIII. App. 13.
Tinkers, XVI. 129.
Tipperlixm, X. 55, 58, 80, 203, 206 ; chemical factory at, 207, 210.
Tipperlixm, Loan, X. 206.
Tirol, M., lecture on ‘French Teachers of Old Edinburgh,’ XVII. 7-8.
Tiviedaill, Robert, warded, VIII. 151.
Toak, Alexander, quarrier, XIII. 40. See Took.
Tobago St., XX. 59.
Tod, Alison (1542), III. 98.
Tod, Sir Archibald, provost, Gordon’s plan of Edinburgh dedicated to, XII. 215; XIII. 125; XVI. 37 n., 40; XX. 29.
Tod, Catherine, wife of Walter Chiesley of Dalry, II. 146; XX. 29.
Tod, Hugh, merchant, XII. 84.
Tod, John, merchant (1775), XVIII. 171.
Tod, Sir Laurence, chaplain, V. 45, 46.
Tod, Margaret, wife of John Fawside, X. 156.
Tod, Patrick, merchant (1767), XII. 106.
Tod, Robert, merchant, XII. 96.
Tod, Sir Thomas, X. 38-40 ; XII. 63 ; XVII. 50; XVIII. 41.
Tod, Thomas, of Whitehouse, X. 38-9.
Tod, Thomas, Snowdon herald, XVII. 53.
Tod, Thomas, skinner, VI. 76 ; XII. 9.
Tod, William, burgess, V. 129.
Tod, William, leather merchant, XII. 9.
Tod, William, waxmaker, XII. 63.
Todrick, Archibald, XV. 108. See Todrig, Todrik.
Todrick, John (1508), III. 72.
Todrick’s Wynd, III. 43, 94, 97, 99 ; XII. 82; carved stones in, XV. 108; XIX. 61.
Todrig, Alexander, ‘keiper of the King’s Park,’ XVIII. 188. See Todrick, Todrik.
Todrig, Archibald, baker, XII. 82.
Todrig, George, merchant, X. 237.
Todrig, George, bailie, XII. 82.
Todrig, William, XII. 82.
Todrig’s Land, XII. 82.
Todrik, George (1550), III. 80. See Todrick, Todrig.
Todrik, John (1508), III. 93.
Todrik’s land, Leith, III. 82.
Tod’s Close, XII. 9, 61, 63; XIII. 99; XIV. 59.
Tod’s tanworks, XIV. 60.
Todshall, John (1665), V. 128.
Tolbooth, Broughton, XVIII. App. 19.
Tolbooth, Canongate, prisoners from Prestonpans lodged in, II. 32, 213 ; Covenanters warded in, 102; XI. 14; XII. 98, 180, 194, 206 ; XV. 80, 92, 93 ; XVI. 72, 97, 109, 110 ; prisoners escape from, 106, 131, 146 ; keeper of, imprisoned, 149 ; carved stones at, XVII. 40-2 ; history and description of, App. 21; XVIII. 109, 121; XIX. 23; XX. 99 ; Hammermen meet in, 90.
Tolbooth, Dean, I. 134, 135.
Tolbooth, Holyroodhouse, XV. 68 n.
Tolbooth, Leith, IV. 92-3; attempted escape of prisoners, XII. 184-5 ; XX. 62-4, App. 9. See Praetorium.
Tolbooth, New, III. 219; meeting-place of Parliament and Court of Session, 221 ; order of town council to build, IV, 87 site of, 88 ; Parliament vacates, 111-12 ; XIV. 12, 23 ; XV. 23, 24. See also Old Tolbooth.
Tolbooth, Old, I. 32, 36, 37, 41, 107 ; Montrose’s head affixed to, 34; II. 7, 90, 98, 99, 103, 106, 171; Covenanters warded in, 102; III. 60, 98, 221 ; IV. 22, 24; town council meet in, 45; earliest known prison in Edinburgh, 78; Robert II.’s charter for erection of, 78 ; referred to as the ‘netherhole,’ 80 ; heads of noted persons placed on, 81-2 ; escapes from, 84, 107-8 n.; repairs on, 85, 86, 99; iron room, 85; partly demolished, 87-88; provost, captain of, 88 n. ; jail broken open and prisoners liberated, 88. 89; troublous times, 93; jailer imprisoned, 100; Regent Morton’s head on, 101 ; the pest in, 102; James VI. releases debtors, 103; trouble among prisoners, 109; VI. 55; skinners contribute to building of, 33 ; John Wesley and, VIII. 196; IX. 20, 21, 39, 99; X. 95, 106, 150; XI. 9, 14; building material obtained from Chapel of the Holy Rood (St. Giles’), 131; XII. 32, 100, 185; XIII. 17, 24, 108; site of, XIV. 7, 8 ; tower of, 9-11 ; west block, 11 ; pulled down, 12 ; precincts in 1808-1817, 11-14 ; building described, 14-16; north front, 16-17; probable arcade, 16 ; prints and drawings of, 18 n. ; west front, 18 ; ground floor and south front, 20; doorway, 22, 78, 159; place of execution, 160; 170; lecture on, by Henry F. Kerr, App. 8 ; booths round, XV. 7, 14, 27, 41, 84 ; XVI. 58, 73, 105, 110, 191 ; bailie warded, 45; Johnston of Wariston imprisoned, 66 ; Hew Mackail confined in, 75 n.; escapes from, 92, 105, 120, 123, 156; Gordon of Earlston attempts escape, 131; Lady Colvill, an inmate, 135 ; keepers of, sued, 152; XX. 13, 101, App. 7. See also Orders, Prisons, Prisoners, Statutes, Goodman of the Tolbooth.
Tolbooth Records, IV. 75, 97 n., 112 ; extracts from, 113-44; V. 95-155; VI. 107-57; VIII. 101-58; IX. 115-76; XI. 21-73; XII. 157-208. See also Executions, Petition, Relief.
Tolbooth Church, II. 12 ; Wesley attends service in, VIII. 169; XI. 14; XIV. 174; XVI. 65 n., 111 n., 153
Tolbooth Close, XII. 65 ; XIX. 95.
Tolbooth Wynd, Canongate, I. 17; XII. 98, 99, 102.
Tolbooth Wynd, Leith, XI. 157 ; XII. 58 ; XX. 63.
Toll-bar at Bruntsfield, X. 242.
Tollcross, II. 127 ; XIV. 106-8; XV. 182, 185, 202; XVIII. 152, 157, 169, 172, 176-80 ; origin of name unknown, 176 ; lands acquired in 1642 by Thomas Moodie of Dalry, 177.
Tolls, candlemakers and, XVII. 120.
Toms, Alexander (1681), VI. 153.
Tontine Tavern, Fortune’s, I. 144-5.
Took, William (1666), V. 132, 133. See Toak.
Topham, Captain, IX. 211 ; XV. 202 ; XIX. 53, 54, 61, 65-6, 73, 189 ; on Scottish neglect of horse-riding, XX. 111-12 ; description of riding school, 120; on Angelo, riding master, 123.
Torphichen, Elizabeth, Lady, XIX. 207.
Torphichen, James, ninth Lord, member of Wig Club, III. 141.
Torphichen, Walter, eighth Lord, XIX. 158.
Torphichen, Torrance, Alexander, XX. 25.
Torphichen, Rev. William, V. 170 and n., 172, 188; essay on ‘Virtue,’ 178.
Torrent, XV. App. 19.
Torry, James, cloth merchant, XIV. 147, 160.
Touch, Lady, XIII. 115.
Touch, William, Speculative Society, V. 170.
‘Toun End’ (Fountainbridge), II. 127.
Touris of Inverleith, XIX. 144. See Inverleith, laird of.
Touris Sir Alexander, of Inverleith, III. 94; XIII. 12912.; XVIII. 158.
Touris Clement, XIII. 65, 131, 140.
Touris George, of Inverleith, II. 62, 65, 75; sells portion of High Riggs to town, 82, 83; IV. 81; feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 71 ; acting chief magistrate, 81 ; XII. 28; XIX. 155.
Touris James, of Inverleith, XVIII. 152.
Touris John, of Inverleith, XII. 28 ; owner of High Riggs, XIV. 106 ; charter conveying lands to his son Peter, XVIII. 151-2 and n., 168-9, 177; XIX. 183.
Touris Josias, XIX. 156.
Touris, Mariot, wife of Henry Kincaid of Warriston, X. 145, 146.
Touris, Nicol, XVIII. 168-9 and n.
Touris, Peter, XVIII. 151-2 and n.
Touris, William, of Inverleith, II. 144 ; XX. 28.
Touris Close, XII. 28, 29.
Tournaments, XIV. 114-15.
Tower, The, Portobello, sculptured stones at, XIV. 53, 79, ’84, 85.
Town captains take oath of loyalty, XVI. 76.
Town Clerk, XVI. 136; not to meddle with elections, 120 ; Rocheid’s petition to King, 148.
Town Council, insignia on printed acts of, III. 8, 9; colour of robes, 12; make grants to Black Friars, 60 ; given yards and cemetery of Black Friars for erection of hospital for poor, 100 ; property of Black Friars given by Queen Mary to, 102; feus lands of Black Friars, 102; relations with Knox, 213 ; and St. Giles’ Churchyard, 219; in eighteenth century, IV. 7-9 ; and Bartholomew Somervell’s legacy, 146; and house of College professor, 146, 149 ; resolutions and minutes quoted, V. 68-71, 73, 75-78 ; receives grant of Black Friars’ ground to erect hospital, 68; new site more suitable ; receive grant from James VI. ; relieved from condition in Queen Mary charter, 69; get control of High School, 70; new school in Black Friars’ ground, 71; resolve to erect two churches, 74; benefactions from Lady Yester, 74 ; new High School on Calton Hill, 87 ; attend laying of foundation of High School, 87 ; grants feu to Paxton’s congregation, 88 ; reservation therein, 89 ; request by Infirmary managers, 89 ; relations with crafts, VI. 18-20 ; and vassals in Burgh Muir, X. 22 ; licence to feu Burgh Muir, 67 ; encourage inhabitants to buy wood from Burgh Muir, 69; forbid wooden fore-stairs, 70 ; feu Sir John Craufurd’s acres in Causewayside, 102 ; patrons of chapel of St. John the Baptist, 107, 142- 143; and Common Myre, 158; build St. Roque’s Chapel, 167 ; dispones lands of Canaan, 179 ; and plague, 186-7 ; feu Burgh Muir, 192 ; sell superiority over Burghmuirhead, 202; parts of Burgh Muir sold by, 221-3 ; brewing company formed by, 227, 233 ; grant charter to Society of Brewers, 228 ; feuing of Bruntsfield Links, 244, 246 ; rights reserved anent Bruntsfield Links, 247 ; transfer golf from Bruntsfield Links to Braids, 252 ; resolve to drain South Loch, 257 ; efforts to improve Meadows, 260-1 ; and naming of streets in New Town, XII. 1 ; resolve to have names of closes painted up, 2 ; purchase 50 copies of Kincaid’s plan of city, 224; and building of Parliament House, 21 XIII. 17-20; remove ruinous shops of goldsmiths and skinners, 23 ; make alterations in St. Giles’, 27 ; decline to build church for South-East parish, 33; borrow money to complete Parliament House, 42, 45, 59, 62; movement to establish trading companies, 47 ; financial worries and excessive taxation, 48 ; to restore eastern partition wall of St. Giles’, 63 ; petitions for financial help, 72, 77; construct boom across Leith harbour, 76 ; superiority of Canongate, Pleasance, and part of Leith conveyed to, 80 ; encroachments on North Loch, 83 ; grant feu to Hepburn of Bearford, 87-8; purchase Lochbank, 88-90 ; assess property owners for ministers’ stipends, 94; acquire superiority of Canongate, XIV. 3; buy ‘Huntly House,’ 4 ; act anent stables, 125 ; and , Spanish Armada, XV. 52-3 ; order dyke to be erected round Kirk of Field yard, 14 ; lecture on, in Queen Mary’s reign, App. 14-16 ; and candlemakers, XVII. 96, 97-100, 104-6, 138 ; purchase ten Scots acres at High Riggs, XVIII. 154; granted nine years’ lease of portion of Salisbury Crags for quarrying, 193-4; buy St. Cecilia’s Hall, XIX. 244; XX. 118, 121, 126, 133, 136, App. 13, 14, 16, 17. See also Magistrates.
‘Town’ of Dalry, XX. 35.
Town Eclogue, II. 199.
Town Guard, I. 32; II. 7, 24, 90, 92; supersession of, by Highland army, 38; IV. 39, 40, 49, 53, 81 n.; measure to abolish, 23; and Porteous mob, 24; origin of, 112; V. 137; VI. 114; IX. 191, 194, 197, 206; no member of, to be a sedan chairman, 195; X. 247; XI. 52; XII. 82, 185, 188; XIV. 141 ; last parade of, 170 ; XVI. 123, 124, 150: 171 ; magistrates to levy and pay 103 men; Patrick Graham, captain, 114; to be paid out of Common Good, 133; reduced to 50 men, 166; XVII, 73, 120; candlemakers and, 121 ; XIX 45, 76; XX. App. 16.
Town Hall, Leith, XX. 64.
Town Major, XVI. 101.
Town mills, attack on, XVI. 22.
Town Wall, XVI. 71; Mar’s cannon batter, 21 ; repair of, 21. See also Flodden Wall and Wall, City.
Townis, James (1550), III. 79.
Townley, Richard, merchant, XV. 93.
Trade with the Continent, XV. 2-5 ; Committee of, XX. 31.
Traders, Street, and their Cries, II. 177. 222.
Trades, Incorporated, dispute with merchants, XVI. 86; masons and Wrights, 88-91; revolt against magistrates’ decision, 94-100; rescue James VI., 99; Canongate inhabited mostly by, 100; prentices charged with causing uproar, 113; representation, 120; strengthened against merchants, 133; Four United, XVIII. 128.
Trades Maiden Hospital, II. 8, 62 n.; IV. 9; and Wrychtis-housis, 60; X. 82; XII. 139, 141.
Trades’ ‘land’ (Calton), IV. 188; XIX. 99, 134.
Tradesmen, right of Lords of Session to employ unfreemen, XVI. 157.
Traile, John, bookseller, II. 3.
Traill, David, church provost, XIV. 113 n.
Traill, Effie, VI. 87, 88.
Traill, James (1687), XVI. 161.
Traill, Robert, covenanter, XVI. 50, 52, 72.
Trained Bands, II. 7, 21-2, 88, 161 ; IV. 53; X. 247; XII. 10, 45, 150, 155; white colours of, 144 ; XVI. 94, 99, 114, 172, 173, 176; XVIII. 29; XIX. 192.
Traquair, Earl of, XIII. 66-70; XVI. 39.
Traquair, Lady, XVI. 133.
Travelleler’s Companion … to City, XII. 226.
Treason, VI. 109, 138, 149; VIII. 103, 117, 140, 142, 149, 151.
Treasurer, Town, no holder to continue above two years, XVI. 88.
Treasury, The, III. 228 ; Lords of, in Scotland, XX. 31, 32.
Treaty of Edinburgh, III. 59, 68 n.
Tremamondo, A. Angelo M. See Angelo.
Tremamondo, Antonio, joint riding master, XX. 132.
Tremamondo, Domenico, XX. 124.
Trent, Maurice, of Larkbank, XIX. 175.
Trials by combat, XIV. 115.
Triduana, saint of Restalrig parish, IV. 153, 157 n.; well of, 153, 157 n.
Trinity, altar of the. See St. Giles’ Church.
Trinity, II. 234; plan of feuing at, XII. 232 ; XIV. 80 ; lands of, XX. App. 20.
Trinity College Church, II. 1, 12, 71 ; ‘purified ’ by Reformation mob, III. 65; 103; V. 69; X. 132, 177; XI. 14; XII. 40; XIII. 29, 64 n., 80; XIV. 53, 97; XV. 114, 127-8 ; carved stones, 128-33 ; XVI. 67 n., App. 9; vandalism, XVII. 7, 50, 62, 63, 65; stones from St. Paul’s Work to be used in repairing, 55 ; XVIII. 36-8, 40 ; drawings of, App. 10; XIX. 92-4, 109, 126; XX. 98; Canongate Hammermen meet in, 90, App. 7.
Trinity Fair, VI. 80 n. ; XV. App. 10.
Trinity Grove, XIV. 163 ; XV. 198 n. ; literary associations of, XX. App. 22-3.
Trinity Hospital, Dean Park and Blinkbonny sold to, I. 125; VIII. 113; XI. 10; XIII. 117; gift to, XV. 17; 34, 40, 122, 135, 136; carved stones at, 132; garden of, 146; 167 ; XVII. App. 16; XIX. 171.
Trinity House, Leith, visit to, VII. App. 7 ; IX. 107; XIX. 158, 173, 185; XX. 62, 64; Magistrates and Masters meet in, 63; App. 9 ; buys acres in Newhaven, 22.
Trinity Hut, XV. 186.
Trinity Lodge, XX. App. 22.
Trinity Mains, XX. App. 22.
Tron, IV. 98, 127; V. 57; VI. 22; ears nailed to, XVI. 33, 52, 104, 158.
Tron Kirk, I. 112, 114; II. 12, 38, 181, 182, 185, 190, 195, 203, 204; panel above door of, III. 6; erection of, V. 75; IX. 190, 191, 193, 217, 218, 226; Sedan chair stance at, 194; XI. 9, 14; XII. 77, 97, 113, 144; purchase of ground for, XIII. 58-9, 112 n.; XIV. 46, 50, 81; inscribed stone at, 83-4, 162, 172, 173, 181 ; XV. 99; XVI. 65 n. 102, 111 n. ; XVII. 87 ; rioting at, 121 ; XVIII. 84.
Tron Square, I. 20.
Trotter of Mortonhall, apprehended for accusing Papists of burning Priestfield House, XVI. 106.
Trotter, Elizabeth, III. 205.
Trotter, Gavin, gipsy, IV. 110; X. 91-2.
Trotter, George, abuses town treasurer, XVI. 144.
Trotter, Henry, of Mortonhall, X. 225.
Trotter, Hugh, warded, XII. 201.
Trotter, Jean, of Mortonhall, XIX. 179.
Trotter, John, of Mortonhall, III. 205.
Trotter, John, manager of weaving industry, XVII. 59; obtains tack of St. Paul’s Work houses for woollen or linen manufactory, 64.
Trotter, John, brewer, XII. 156.
Trotter, John, the elder, merchant (1635), XIII. 115.
Trotter, John, writer, VI. 129.
Trotter, Robert, contract re weaving industry, XVII. 60; legacy to St. Paul’s Work, 61.
Trotter, Robert, advocate, XIII. 107, 120.
Trotter, Thomas, merchant, X. 225; XI. 136, 137, 140; XII. 56.
Trotter, William, of Ballindean, lord provost, XVIII. 85; his furtherance of scheme for new West approach, 88-90, 92, 96, 97, 99; and quarrying at Salisbury Crags, 200, 203, 207, 208.
Trotter, William, merchant, XIX. 80.
Trotter, William, & Co., confectioners, XII. 56.
Trotter’s Close, XII. 44, 56, 57, 156.
Trotter’s Court, XII. 56.
Trotter’s lands of Blackford, X. 183.
Trotters of Mortonhall, III. 204; XII. 44; XV. 117.
Troyfet, Jonye, IV. 95.
‘True Funerals of Montrose,’ I. 35.
Trumbill, Agnes, XII. 77. See Turnbull.
Trunk’s Close, I. 9; V. 158, 159; XII. 47, 48, 63, 85; carved stones in, XV. 121-2; XVIII. App. 32.
Trustees’ Academy, IX. 104, 107.
Trynpyk, Dionece, tries to alter price of salt, XV. 16.
Tueddall, Alexander (1684), IX. 121, 159, 160.
Tuedeis land, III. 81.
Tuesday Club, III. 147.
Tullibardine, Marquis of, II. 6.
Tullidaff, William, warded, IX. 172. See Tillidaff.
Tullis, Bailie, XIV. 156. See Tullos.
Tulloch, Sir John Bayne, XIII. 117 n. See Tilloch.
Tullos, Michaell, III. 80. See Tullis.
‘Tumble’ river, XIV. 4.
Tunbridge Walks, XI. 170.
Tup-Well, IV. 92.
Turf Hotel, XIV. App. 10.
Target, bishop of St. Andrews, V. 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 24, 25, 31, 32; writes biography of Queen Margaret, 7, 8, 23.
Turing, James, of Foveran, XII. 47.
Turing, Walter, XII. 47.
Turing’s Close, V. 158; XII. 47.
Turings of Foveran, V. 158.
Turk’s Close, XII. 63.
Turnbull, Elizabeth, wife of Sir John Preston, X. 58. See Trumbill.
Turnbull, George, warded, IX. 162 ; XI. 32.
Turnbull, James, covenanter, XI. 61, 66.
Turnbull, Thomas, publisher of octavo edition of Arnot’s History, XII. 231.
Turnbull, Thomas, covenanter, XII. 167.
Turnbull, Walter, owner of Valleyfield House, XVIII. 176.
Turnbull, William, poet, XVI. 26.
Turnbull, William B., founder of Abbotsford Club, XVII. 10.
Turner, Archibald, minister, North Berwick, XVI. 64, 65.
Turner, A., minister of High Church, XVI. 104, 105.
Turner, Charles, engraver, IX. 95.
Turner, Dr., XIX. 178.
Turner, (Tumour), George, skinner, VI. 65, 93.
Turner, Isobel, III. 100.
Turner, Sir James, IX. 138 ; XI. 33.
Turner, James, cabinetmaker, XI. 34.
Turner, (Turnet, Towner), Peter, deacon of Skinners, VI. 71, 78, 82, 89, 90, 105.
Turnpike Road Act, XIX. 163.
Turnpike Trustees, XIX. 167.
‘Turtle Feast,’ III. 156.
Tweeddale, George, eight Marquess of, member of Wig Club, III. 141 ; IV. 11. See Tueddall.
Tweeddale, John, first Earl of, V. 74.
Tweeddale, John, second Earl of, IX. 122 ; XII. 86, 87 ; XVI. 183.
Tweeddale, John, fourth Marquess of (1754), XII. 87, 108.
Tweeddale, Court, I. 9, 18 ; IX. 212 ; XL 12, 14, App. 6; XII. 87; XIV. 150; carved stone at, XV. 112-13.
Tweedie, Alexander, gardener in Lauriston, XVIII. 156, 157. See Tuedeis.
Tweedie, (Tuedie), Gilbert, skinner, VI. 68,
Tweedie, James, skinner, XIII. 99.
Tweedie, John, his property in Burgh Muir, X. 178, 195 n., 196 n.
Tweedie, John, writer, XIII. 127.
Tweedie, (Tuedie), John (1682), VIII. 123.
Tweedie, Walter, skinner, VI. 71, 76, 103,
Tweedmouth, Lord, III. 205.
Twopenny ale, III. 135.
Twopenny Custom, IX. 210; XVIII. 81, 171.
Tyndale, Sir John, chaplain of St. Paul’s Work, XVII. 51.
Tynecastle, XX. 56.
Tyro, King, of Scotland, III. 7.
Tytler, Alexander Fraser (Lord Woodhouselee), III. 144, 151; IV. 64; V. 188; treatise on ‘Supernatural Appearances,’ 186; a director of Musical Society, XIX. 233.
Tytler, William, his Enquiry into the Proofs of the Charges against Mary, Queen of Scots, VIII. 192 and n. ; XIV. App. 21 ; XIX. 201 ; his essay on ‘Fashionable Amusements and Entertainments in Edinburgh,’ 191 ; a director of Musical Society, 233.
Tytlers of Woodhouselee, IV. 69.
Uddert (or Udward), Nicol, See Edward.
Udney, Arthur, leases Inner Greyfriar Yard, II. 85 ; keeper of Old Tolbooth, IX. 137, 138, 143-5, 155, 157, 169; XI. 25, 44, 52, 54, 55, 60, 62; XII. 167, 174, 176, 177, 180, 183, 187, 190, 192, 194, 204; XVI. 152, 156. See Woodney.
Udward, Alexander, XII. 85. See Edward.
Udward, Grizel (1635), XIII. 127.
Unfreemen, VI. 22-6.
Union, Treaty of, summer-house in which partly signed, I. 15; protests against, III. 224-7; effect of, IV. 4-6; XII. App. 22; XX. 48.
Union, Bank, III. 235; XII. 68; XX. App. 34.
Union Canal, II. 121; XII. 41; XVIII. 94, 179; XX. 44, 54, 55.
‘Union Cellar,’ XII. App. 22.
United Friendly Societies, XIX. 125.
University of Edinburgh, I. 101; II. 8, 10, 11; IV. 15; Provost Drummond and, 54; building of, 148-9; endowment of Divinity professorship, 146; V. 80; north gateway and tower of old building, XI. 7 ; Club’s visit to old buildings of, XIX. App. 13; XX. 12, 146, 157; Chair of Humanity in, 10. See also College.
University Library, II. 10; III. 145, 153; IV. 21; X. 103, 117, 119; XX. 7, 10, ll.
University tavern, XVIII. 2.
Uphall Church, Club visits, XII. App. 10.
Upper Baxters’ Close, XII. 14, 15.
Upper Bow, XII. 53, 75, 128, 152.
Upper Fleshmarket Close, XII. 38.
Upper Playhouse Close, XII. 115.
Upper Quarrel Holes, XV. 184.
‘Uppermost Yard,’ Greyfriars, II. 75.
Urbani, Pietro, XIX. 112, 233 n. ; at St. Cecilia’s Hall, 221 ; edits collection of Scotch songs; Burns and, 221 n.
Urquhart, Adam, of Meldrum, IX. 118.
Urquhart, James, minister, XI. 36, 69.
Urquhart, John, warded, XI. 72; 164, 185, 186.
Urquhart, Mrs., lodging-house keeper, H. 2.
Urquhart, (Vrchart), Thomas, macer, VI. 155.
Urquhart, William (1689), XVI. 193.
Usher, Andrew, brewer, XVII. App. 9. XII. 160,
Vaitch, Samuel, attorney, IV. 150. See
Valentine’s Entry, XII. 122.
Vallance’s Entry, I. 14.
Vallange, Adam, XII. 122. See Wallance.
Vallange, Alexander (1684), warded, IX. 164; XII. 166.
Vallange, Andrew, skinner, XV. 25.
Vallange, (Vallenge), John, XIV. 36, 42.
Vallence Close, XII. 122.
Vallentyn, James, soothsayer, V. 143.
Valleyfield, lands of, X. 5, 241-2, 246 ; mansion of, XVIII. 175, 176.
Valuation roll containing list of landlords and tenants (1635), XIII. 94.
Vanbrugh’s Relapse, XI. 166.
Vanderheill, Jeromias, dyer engaged for weaving industry, XVII. 58.
Vanheggin (Verhagans), Francis, printer-engraver and bookseller, XII. 109; XIX. 30.
Vasa, Gustavus, XX. 157.
Vass (or Vaus), John, keeper of Tolbooth, VI. 138, 140, 143, 149, 151, 155; VIII. 102, 110, 114, 119, 125, 137, 139, 144, 157; IX. 128, 135, 137, 138, 140, 143, 144, 149, 155, 157; XI. 25, 35, 44, 49, 51, 55, 60; XII. 167, 172-4, 176, 177, 187, 192, 194, 201, 204. See Vaus, Wause.
Vass (or Vaus), Patrick, goodman of the Tolbooth, VI. 122, 130. See Vaus.
Vass (Vaus), Robert (1479), III. 90, 91.
Vassie, Hugh, XII. 109.
Vassie, Mary, XII. 109.
Vaughan, Robert, engraver, IX. 79.
Vaus, John, of Bainbarroch, XII. 20. See Vass, Wause.
Vaus, Thomas, merchant, XIX. 152.
Vavassour, Isaac, ‘horologe maker,’ XV. 21.
Veitch, Hugh, of Stewartfield, XIX. 174 ; town-clerk of Leith, and grandfather of Earl Haig, XX. 63, 72. See Vaitch.
Veitch, James (Lord Elliock), III. 149, 153, 154; XX. 133.
Veitch, James, covenanter, V. 95, 96, 98.
Veitch, Sir John (1662), V. 98.
Veitch, John, burgess, XII. 90, 91.
Veitch, John, covenanter, XII. 177, 182, 189, 190, 192.
Veitch, Rachel, of Stewartfield, XIX. 17 4.
Veitch, Thomas, surgeon, XII. 90.
Veitch, Thomas, advocate, XII. 90.
Veitch, William, covenanter, VI. 134.
Veitch, William, burgess, XII. 90.
Veitch’s Close, XII. 90.
Veitch’s Land, XII. 90.
Vennel, I. 22; II. 1, 65, 69, 75, 76, 82, 123; tower in, 73, 77-8, 79; III. 92; XVI. 194; XVIII. 156, 159.
Vennel, (Blackfriars’ Wynd), III. 24.
Vennel, Bristo Port, XIV. 142.
Vennel, (Castle), XII. 51.
Vennel, (Kirk of Field), XII. 75.
Vennel, Preaching Friars’, XII. 81.
Verner, Patrick, covenanter, VIII. 120, 129.
Vernor, John (1670), V. 153, 154.
Vernour, John, writer, XVII. 54.
Vernour, John (1550), III. 82.
Vernour, Patrick, preceptor of St. Paul’s Work, XVII. 54.
Vernour, Robert, skinner, VI. 64, 95. See Warno.
Vert, Alexander (1686), XII. 201.
Via Vaccarum (Cowgate), III. 25; XII. 126.
Victoria, Queen, and restoration of St. Margaret’s Chapel, V. 65.
Viewforth, XX. 59.
Viewpark, X. 247. See also Brown’s Acres.
Views of Edinburgh, bird’s-eye, XII. 209.
Vigilantibus, motto on Acheson House, I. 15.
Villour, Sebastian du, XV. 20.
Vint, John, boxmaster, XVIII. 64.
Vintners fined for overcharging, XVI. 159 ; penny weddings, 162.
Violant, William (1684), IX. 143, 149.
Violanti, Signora, teacher of dancing ; Allan Ramsay and, XIX. 62.
Violins, directors of Musical Society and performers of the Ripieno, XIX. 234. Virgin, altar of the. See St. Giles’ Church.
Virginia, prisoners sent to, V. 131, 153.
Visitor, in craft organisation, VI. 50.
Vitae Fratrum, III. 77.
Vitalis, Ordericus, V. 14, 25.
Vivers, table of, XVI. 163.
Vocat, David, master of grammar school of Edinburgh, XX. 3.
Vod, William, skinner, VI. 68. See Wood.
Vogel’s concert in St. Cecilia’s Hall, XIX. 243.
Volunteers, raising and disbandment, of, II. 23, 24 ; Edinburgh, 153 ; Royal Edinburgh, III. 162 ; Hammermen and Royal Edinburgh, VIII. 77 ; Royal, XVII. 122; XVIII. 168.
Vyse, General, XX. 144, 145, 152 ; reports on regulations of riding school, 142, 143.
Waddell, John, Shotts, II. 97. See Weddell.
Waddell, Thomas, spurrier, XVI. 131.
Waddell, William, Marrow-Bone Club, III, 175, 177.
Wade, General, II. 19.
Wagering Club, its formation, II. 149, 150 ; regulations and original numbers, 151, 152; dates of meeting, 152, 154; where held, 154-5; membership, 155, 156; mode of betting, 156; two standard wagers; general character of bets, 157; typical examples, 168-66; III. 170, 178.
‘Wairde Hous,’ XIV. ll, 17, 18. See Tolbooth.
Waite, William, Poker Club, III. 151.
‘Waiters’ lodge,’ Bristo Port, II. 74.
Waiters’ Lodge, near Trinity College, XIX. 109.
Waldie, Jonet, wife of Peter Somervell, IV. 150.
Walker, Alexander, tailor, XIII. 133.
Walker, Alexander, baker in Canongate, XIV. 37, 43.
Walker, Alexander, owner of Wester Croft, Bristo, XIV. 140.
Walker, Andro, smith, VIII. 125, 132.
Walker, Bailie (1772), XIX. 107.
Walker, Barbara, of Coates and Drumsheugh, II. 139.
Walker, Donald, XII. 171.
Walker, Elspeth, XII. 184.
Walker, Francis, of Dalry, marries heiress of Hawthornden, XX. 44.
Walker, Isobel, centenarian, IX. 94.
Walker, James, first laird of Dalry ; acquires portion of North Merchiston, XX. 43-4.
Walker, James, second of Dalry, II. 146 ; XIV. 108 n. ; XX. 44.
Walker, James, third of Dalry, XX. 44.
Walker, James, of Drylaw, XII. 114.
Walker, James, skinner, warded, XII. 200, 201.
Walker, Jane, wife of James Hope of Wardie Lodge, XX. 44.
Walker, John, skinner, XVII. 71.
Walker, John, tenant in Calton, XIX. 118.
Walker, John, vintner, XIX. 59, 76.
Walker, John, master of Canongate School, XX. 18.
Walker, John, warded, XII. 200, 201.
Walker, John, pupil at Canongate School, XX. 25.
Walker, John (1583), IV. 82 n.
Walker, Juliana, wife of Sir John Hall of Dunglass, XX. 44.
Walker, Mary, of Coates and Dmmsheugh, II. 139.
Walker, Mrs., tavern-keeper, II. 52.
Walker, Murdoch, mason, III. 59, 78a, 103.
Walker, Sir Patrick, of Coates, II. 139 ; XIV. 88; negotiations to erect Melville Monument on his ground, XV. 208, 209 ; prepares a ceremonial in connection with George IV.’s visit to Edinburgh, XVIII. 12, 90, 205.
Walker, Patrick, covenanter, warded, IX. 141, 170; XII. 166.
Walker, Robert, minister of High Church, VIII. 182-3.
Walker, Robert, minister of Canongate, XX. 21.
Walker, Robert, minister of Cramond, II. 162.
Walker, Robert, tanner, XII. 111.
Walker, Robert (1682), warded, VIII. 123, 124.
Walker, William, of Coates, XII. 23.
Walker, William, provost, V. 133.
Walker, William, engraver, IX. 108.
Walker’s Close, XII. 114.
Walker’s hotel, Princes Street, II. 155.
Walker’s stables, Calton, XIX. 109.
Walkers of Coates, II. 139.
Walkers of Dalry, II. 147; XI. App. 16.
Walkers, Incorporation of, IX. 121. See Waulkers.
Walker-Drummond, Sir Francis, XX. 44.
Wall, City (1450), erected by James II., III. 210, 211 ; VI. 8. See also Flodden Wall and Town Wall.
Wallace, Adam, burnt at stake, III. 55, 59.
Wallace, Andrew (1679), sent to plantations, VI. 136.
Wallace, Archibald, bailie (1720), XX. 18.
Wallace, Charles, candlemaker, XVII. 115.
Wallace, Euphame (1662), V. 96.
Wallace, Francis, in Whytehill, II. 94.
Wallace, Hew, H.M. cashkeeper, VIII. 144; IX. 117; XVI. 122.
Wallace, (Wallas) Hugh, of Ingliston, W.S., IX. 166; XI. 56.
Wallace, James (1675), warded, VI. 128.
Wallace, James, XII. 140.
Wallace, Captain John (1689), XVI. 172, 173, 176.
Wallace, John, of Riglomhead, VIII. 153.
Wallace, John, apothecary, XX. 57.
Wallace, Jonet (1685), warded, XI. 29; XII. 167.
Wallace, Lady, of Craigie, XIX. 72.
Wallace, Lady, IV. 80.
Wallace, Laurence (1478), III. 61, 90.
Wallace, Lewis A., XX. 25.
Wallace, Margaret, widow of Robert Cook, XVIII. 50.
Wallace, Marion (1674), VI. 124.
Wallace, Moses, skinner, VI. 95, 96.
Wallace, Nicoll, hammerman, XIV. 36, 42.
Wallace, Peter, skinner, VI. 97.
Wallace, Robert, in Phunuch, II. 95.
Wallace, Sir Thomas, of Craigie, XX. App. 33.
Wallace, William, Scottish patriot, V. 22.
Wallace, William, of Restalrig, IV. 163.
Wallace, William, of Woolmet, XX. App. 33.
Wallace, William, portioner of Mainhill, VIII. 103.
Wallace, William, proprietor of George Inn, XIV. 144-5.
Wallace, William (1512), III. 93.
Wallace, William, & Son, builders, XVII. 168.
Wallace Tower, XVI. 201.
Wallance, Frances (1561), VI. 78. See Vallange.
Wallance, James (1680), warded, VI. 145.
Wallans, Andrew (1578), VI. 70.
Wallet, James, XII. 166.
Wallet, John (1684), warded, IX. 168.
Walls, John, of Restalrig, IV. 180, 181.
Walsh, — , compiler of Caledonian Dances, XIX. 34. See Welsh.
Walter Willie’s Close, XII. 60, 61 ; XIV. 67.
Walwod, Robert, bailie (1666), V. 133, 154.
Walwood, James, doctor of medicine, IX. 145, 158.
Wane, Dr. Daniel, Bonaly Friday Club, III. 134.
Wanweyneburgh, A., clockmaker, XIX. 11.
Wapinschaws, VI. 29-30 and n. ; X. 43 ; XVI. 75, 94-100.
War Memorial, National, XI. App. 8.
Warbeck, Perkin, at priory of Black Friars, III. 48.
Warden, John, minister of Canongate, XVIII. 143 and n.
Warden’s Close, I. 22.
Wardie, XV. 171, 185 ; XIX. 148 ; tower, 153 ; moor, 163 ; manor-house, 183 ; proposed harbour at, XX. 71-2.
Wardie, burn, XX. App. 25.
Wardie, Lodge, XX. 44.
Warding, John, ‘yeoman of wyne cellar,’ VIII. 117.
Warding, meanings of, IV. 80. See Prisoners.
Wardlaw, Andrew, charter in his favour of Priestfield and Grange of St. Giles, X. 13, 14.
Wardlaw, Helen, X. 161.
Wardlaw, Sir Henry, of Pitreavie, XIII. 110, 129.
Wardlaw, Henry (1549), III. 98.
Wardlaw, James, owner of Temple lands, XII. 128.
Wardlaw, James, XII. 58.
Wardlaw, John, of Torry, III. 98.
Wardlaw, John, XII. 59, 128.
Wardlaw, Richard, webster, IX. 20.
Wardlaw, Walter de, cardinal bishop of Glasgow, X. 10.
Wardlaw’s Close, XII. 58, 152 ; XIII. 137.
— — Cowgate, XII. 128.
Wardrop, Alexander (1658), IV. 123.
Wardrop, John, mason, XII. 15, 16.
Wardrop, William, treasurer, Surgeons’ Hospital, XVII. 119.
Wardrop’s Close, XII. 16, 110; XIV. 75.
Wardrop’s Court, I. 25 ; III. 251 ; XII. 15, 17.
Wark Castle, besieged by Duke of Albany, IX. 47.
Warno (Vemour), Henry, XIX. 23.
Warrack, William, grieve, XIII. 86.
Warrant for Execution, V. 100, 107, 116, 124, 126-7. See Executions, Penalties.
Warrender, Sir George, III. 201 ; X. 29, 247 ; acquires estate of Bruntsfield by purchase (1695), 24 and n.; XV. App. 24.
Warrender, Sir George, second bart., X. 25.
Warrender, Sir George (son of Sir John), X. 26, 29-32, 34, 52, 54, 225.
Warrender, Sir George, sixth bart., X. 29-34, 54, 225.
Warrender, Hugh, of Bruntsfield, X. 225.
Warrender, Sir John, X. 26, 31-2, 54.
Warrender, Miss, her Walks near Edinburgh, III. 201.
Warrender, Sir Peter, III. 138, 139, 141.
Warrender, estate, X. 18, 33, 34, 163, 261 ; feuing of, 32.
Warrender House. See Bruntsfield.
Warrender Lodge, III. 176.
Warrender Park, III. 200 ; X. 52.
Warriston, Lady, XX. App. 10.
Warriston, bought by Sir John Byres, second of Coates, II. 137 ; Heriot Trust buys, 138; IV. 105, 159; East, XV. 185; West, 185, 186; XIX. 143, 144, 153, 154-6, 163, 172, 177, 180, 182,187; East, 142, 146, 179; XX. App. 20, 22; farm and village, 21 ; East, 22 ; West, 22.
Warriston, Close, I. 7; IV. 151 ; V. 108; XII. 27, 28, 31 ; XIV. 17, 65 ; carved stones in, 91, 93.
Warriston, House, builder of, XX. App. 21.
Wasoun, John (1600), VI. 101, 103.
‘Wastlin herrin,’ II. 188.
Watch of Edinburgh, IV. 102, 112; pay of, 112 n. See Police.
Watching and warding, VI. 28.
Watchmakers, XIX. 10, 12.
Water Company, II. 166.
Water Gate, I. 13, 17, 31, 32; V. 190; VII. c; XI. 6, 8, 11-15; XII. 107, 157, 214; XIV. 122, 126; XV. 65, 66, 75, 135.
Water Supply, X. 256; XV. App. 18-19; XVI. 102, 109; a seventeenth-century scheme, XVIII. App. 22.
‘Water’ Willie, XII. 61.
Water of Leith, I. 98, 113, 114, 125, 129, 132; II. 20, 121, 131, 133, 145; X. 126, 236, 260; XX. 27; mills at, II. 132.
Waterhouse, Castlehill, XII. 51; XVII. 20.
Watering Stone, XV. 65.
Wateristoun, Thomas of, III. 32.
Waterloo Hotel (Steventon), II. 155.
Waterloo Place, making of, XVIII. 193; XIX. 134.
Waterloo Tavern, XVIII. 99.
Waterloo victims, XVII. 122.
Water’s Close, Leith, XIX. 181.
Waterston, John, drummer in Calton, XIX. 117. See Watterston.
Watkinson, Richard, Methodist preacher, XIX. 111.
Watson, Alexander, keeper of Correction House, XVII. 69.
Watson, Charles, upholsterer, XIV. 164.
Watson, C. B. Boog, Notes on the Names of the Closes and Wynds of Old Edinburgh, XII. 1-156; reads notes on Moray House, App. 21-6 ; List of Owners of Property in Edinburgh, 1636,
XIII. 93-145 ; lectures on ‘Cleansing the Town in Early Times,’ XV. App. 17-19; and on ‘Queensberry House,’ 19-21 ; notes on Merchiston Castle and Bruntsfield House, 23-5 ; lectures on Chapel House, XVII. App. 8-9 ; and on ‘Popular Errors Regarding Old Edinburgh,’ XVIII. App. 24-6.
Watson, David, of Saughton, III. 194, 199.
Watson, Deacon (1685), XVII. 83.
Watson, George, his hospital, II. 8; V. 80-2; X. 202 ; sasine vesting governors in lands of Merchiston, 204, 205, 210; purchased for new Infirmary, XV. 163 ; XVIII. 157, 159.
Watson, George (1686), XII. 190.
Watson, George, P.R.S.A., IX. 85, 109 ; XI. App. 19.
Watson, George, writer, XIII. 136.
Watson, George P. H., architect, XIII. App. 17.
Watson, Helen, of Saughton, III. 194.
Watson, Henry, Borthwick’s Close, XIX. 43.
Watson, Hugh, W.S., Oyster Club, III. 174.
Watson, James, of Saughton, III. 194.
Watson, James, goldsmith, VIII. 208.
Watson, James, printer, IX. 82 ; XVI. 153, 160; XVIII. App. 11, 12.
Watson, James, litster, XII. 114.
Watson, James, bookseller, XII. 226.
Watson, James, deacon of Masons, XVII. 106, 107.
Watson, James, ‘causey layer,’ XIX. 132.
Watson, James, slater, XIX. 57.
Watson, James (1572), XVI. 5.
Watson, John, founder of Institution, I. 80.
Watson, John, skinner, VI. 58.
Watson, John (1664), owner of Drumdryan estate, XVIII. 169.
Watson, John, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 71, 72.
Watson, John, tailor, XII. 104.
Watson, John, yr., merchant, XX. 35.
Watson, (Watsoun), John (1550), III. 80.
Watson, Sir Laurence, chaplain, V. 45, 46.
Watson, Nicol, skinner, VI. 68.
Watson, Richard, acquires Saughton from Holyrood Abbey, III. 194.
Watson, Robert, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 74, 159.
Watson, Stewart, painter, XIX. 220.
Watson, Thomas, writer, IX. 148.
Watson, Thomas, litster, XII. 114.
Watson, William, skinner, VI. 59, 79, 80.
Watson, William, deacon of Cordiners, VIII. 49; XVI. 138.
Watson, William, warded, VI. 128.
Watson, William (1587), XV. 17.
Watson, William Smellie, R.S.A., IX. 109.
Watson’s Close, I. 16; XII. 114.
Watson’s George, College, XIV. 116.
Watson’s land at the Musewell, III. 81.
Watsons of Saughton, III. 194.
Watt, Adam, writer, XIII. 127.
Watt, Alexander, mason, VIII. 30.
Watt, Allan, in Kirktoun, VIII. 155.
Watt, George, surgeon, X. 225.
Watt, George, farmer, XV. 186, 188, 200.
Watt, George, founder in Caltoun, XIX. 138.
Watt, James, covenanter, VIII. 113.
Watt, James, at Friday Club, III. 116; 160.
Watt, John, ironsmith, X. 74, 144, 145, 151, 161, 165; leases ‘St. Roch’s aikers,’ 177.
Watt, John, mason, XIII. 142.
Watt, John, tobacconist, XVII. App. 9.
Watt, John, heelmaker, Calton, XVIII. 62.
Watt, John (1815), XX. 25.
Watt, John, warded, V. 152 ; IX. 163 ; XII. 166.
Watt, John (1570), XV. 40.
Watterston, Robert, Restalrig, IV. 178. See Waterston.
Watt’s Hospital, XVIII. 5.
Watts, Isaac, VIII. 168 n.
Watty and Meg, I. 53.
Wauchope, Captain (1572), XVI. 24.
Wauchope, Francis, of Cakemuir, XII. 125.
Wauchope, George (1828), XX. 68.
Wauchope, Sir John (1667), V. 136; XVI. 34.
Wauchope, John, of Hill, XII. 125.
Wauchope, William, bailie, IV. 141.
Wauchope Close, XII. 125.
Wauchopes of Niddrie, XII. 78 ; XV. 100; XVIII. App. 32.
Wauchopes of Don, XIX. 149.
Waugh (Wauche), Adrian, III. 78a.
Waugh Bailie (1815), XIV. 166 ; XVII. 122.
Waugh David, tenant of Holyrood Park, XVIII. 192-3.
Waugh (Wauch), James, minister of South Leith, XVI. 151.
Waugh (Wauch), John (1679), minister, III. 182; V. 105; VI. 115.
Waugh (Wauchis), John, III. 81.
Waugh Robert, flesher, XV. 193-6, 201.
Waugh, and Innes, publishers of Views of Principal Buildings, etc., … in Edinburgh, XII. 232.
Waulkers, Incorporation of, IX. 121; XIV. 179. See Walkers, Websters.
Wause, John, keeper of Tolbooth, XVI. 105, 123, 152, 156. See Vass.
Wause, Patrick, keeper of Tolbooth, XVI. 92.
Wawanis or Wairin’s Croft, XI. 129, 132.
‘Way to St. Cuthbert’s,’ XIV. 104, 120.
Weavers, Incorporation of, II. 125, 127 ; imported from Holland, XVII. 56-8; occasion a May Day scandal, 59; legacies, 58, 60-2; appointment of officials, 59 ; complaint against master of correction house, 61 ; suggested improvements, 62-3; Canongate, XII. 122; XX. 103; Portsburgh, 60. See Websters.
Webster, Alexander, minister of Tolbooth Church, founder of Ministers’ Widows Fund, II. 12-13; V. 189; VIII. 182-3; his interview with Wesley, 184 ; house in Castlehill, XI. 15; XII. 52; XIV. 57.
Webster, Alexander (1673), warded, VI. 117, 118.
Webster, Bessie, V. 128.
Webster, (Webster), John, warded, XI. 72; XII. 160, 164, 185, 186.
Webster, Robert McGill, in Gallowshiels, II. 97, 98.
Webster’s Close, XII. 51, 52.
Websters and Waulkers, their grievance against Canongate craftsmen, VI. 25; scale of taxation of, 27 ; contributions by, to ministers’ stipends, 34; dispute with Bonnetmakers, 36 ; Portsburgh, XX. 60. See Weavers.
Weddell, Alexander (1682), warded, VIII. 133, 134. See Waddell.
Weddell, Helen (1680), VI. 141.
Weddell, James (1674), VI. 127, 136.
Weddell, (Weddall), John, Liddesdale, II. 99.
Weddell, Neil, chirurgeon, VI. 146.
Weddell, Thomas, skinner, VI. 78, 81.
Wedderbum, Adam, tenant of Cordiners, XVIII. 123.
Wedderbum, Alexander, advocate, XII. 62 n.
Wedderbum, Andrew, minister, VI. 121.
Wedderbum, James, dean of Chapel Royal, XIII. 46, 57.
Wedderbum, John, of Gosford, III. 152.
Wedderbum, Matthew, XVIII. 123.
Wedderbum, Sir Peter, of Gosford, V. 102-5, 110. 113, 117, 119, 120, 121, 123-5, 128, 133, 138 ; XII. 62 n.
Wedderbum, Peter, a director of Musical Society, XIX. 195, 236 n.
— — solicitor-general, XV. 209.
Wedding Day, The, XI. 168.
Weekly Magazine or Edinburgh Amusement, I. 49; XX. 126.
Weigh-house, II. 39, 46, 48; III. 226; XI. 7, 15; XII. 10, 11, 13, 55, 56, 153; XIII. 112 n. ; XIV. 58; XVI. 50, 187, 195 ; XVII. 142 ; XVIII. 83, 84; XIX. 162.
Weill, James, of Whitehouse, X. 43, 189.
Weir, Adam, covenanter, executed, IX. 127.
Weir, Alexander, Burlaw bailie, XV. 184, 187, 188.
Weir, Alexander, captain of the trades youths, VIII. 49.
Weir, Archibald, covenanter, V. 137.
Weir, David, skinner, VI. 69, 71, 79, 89, 97, 98.
Weir, Donald, warded, XII. 195, 201.
Weir, Francis, skinner, VI. 64, 96.
Weir, Gabriel, bailie, West Port, XVI. 55 ; his lands at Tollcross, XVIII. 177.
Weir, George, brewer, XII. 115.
Weir, George, in Carmichaell, II. 95.
Weir, Gideon, Carrick pursuivant, XVIII. 14.
Weir, Major James (not the notorious Major Weir), XVIII. 178.
Weir, James, wright in Tollcross, XVIII. 172, 177, 178.
Weir, James, chapman, VIII. 114.
Weir, Jean, quaker, V. 125.
Weir, John, of Kerse, XIV. 153.
Weir, John, of Newton, IX. 157.
Weir, John, brewer, XII. 115.
Weir, John, gardener, XX. 57.
Weir, John, covenanter, VIII. 158.
Weir, Marie (1670), V. 153.
Weir, Mausie, her gift to bedemen, VIII. 48.
Weir, Rachel, XIV. 153.
Weir, (Were), Richard (1415), HI. 88.
Weir, Robert, murderer, IV. 104-5.
Weir, Major Thomas, IV., 112, 143 ; X. 95 n. ; house in West Bow, XI. 15 ; XII. 58, 127 ; XIV. 63, 64.
Weir, Thomas, deacon of the Hammermen, VIII. 26, 31, 32, 33, 35, 38.
Weir, Thomas, merchant, XII. 109.
Weir, Thomas, pewterer, XIII. 112, 123, 125.
Weir, Thomas, Burlaw bailie, XV. 185, 198, 205.
Weir, Thomas, warded, XII. 166.
Weir, Walter, succeeds to lands of Tollcross, XVIII. 177.
Weir, William, flesher, XVII. 138.
Weir, William, warded, XI. 63.
Weir’s Close, I. 16 ; XII. 115, 127 ; XIV. 66.
Weir’s Land, XII. 115; XIX. 61.
Weld, Isaac, X. 220.
Well-House Tower, II. 1; V. 47, 62, 63 and n. ; IX. 4; X1. 15; XIV. 103, 104, 118.
Well-House in Castle, XI. 15 ; Bowfoot, 6; near Bell’s Wynd, Cowgate, 15; at Tailors’ Hall, Cowgate, 133, 137.
Well Park, XIX. 143.
Wellgate, XII. 126.
Wellington Bridge, II. 164.
Wellington Street, XVIII. 178.
Wells, city, X. 255, 256; XVI. 39, 41, 49.
Wells, of Wearie, XV. 65.
Welsh, David, Disruption leader, IX. 110 ; XI. App. 19. See Walsh.
Welsh, James (1662), warded, IV. 143-4.
Welsh, John, owner of property at Burghmuirhead, X. 202.
Welsh, John, treasurer of Musical Society, advises drastic economy, XIX. 238 ; becomes bankrupt, 239.
Welsh, William, goldsmith, III. 234.
Wemyss, David, of Fingask, XVI. 135.
Wemyss, David, grocer, XII. 105.
Wemyss, Francis, seventh Earl of, resident in Lauriston, XVIII. 163-4.
Wemyss, Francis, eighth Earl of, member of Wig Club, III. 141.
Wemyss, John, first Earl of, XVIII. 15.
Wemyss, Margaret, Countess of (1699), VIII. App. 5.
Wemyss, Janet (1526), III. 96.
Wemyss, (Weymes), Captain John, VI. 111.
Wemyss, (Weems), Dame Margaret, Lady Colvill, XI. 46; XVI. 135.
Wemyss, Matthew, minister of Canongate, XX. 104.
Wesley, Charles, VIII. 162.
Wesley, John, his valuable Journal, VIII. 159; failure to convert Scotland to Methodism, 160-1; frequent visits to Edinburgh, 162; first impressions of city, 164 ; description of Arthur’s Seat, 165; citizens compared with those of Glasgow and Greenock, 166; opinion of Edinburgh audiences, 166 ; preaches to crowds on Calton Hill, 166-7 ; possible reason for his failure in Edinburgh ; surprised at ministers preaching such poor sermons, 169; favourably impressed with Episcopal service, 170; shocked at behaviour in General Assembly, 171 ; at communion service in West Kirk, 172-3; his chapel in Low Calton, 173; cause of decline of Methodism in Edinburgh, 174-5; controversy with Dr. John Erskine, 175, and with James Hervey, 176-7; his interview with Erskine, 179; becomes acquainted with Lady Glenorchy; interview with Dr. Webster, 184; procures preacher for Lady Glenorchy’s chapel, 185; on causes of failure of Methodism in Edinburgh, 186 ; friendship with Lady Maxwell, 188-9; a guest at Saughton House, 190; defender of Mary, Queen of Scots, 192-3; on neglect of Holyrood, 193-4; 9. medical consultation, 195; narrowly escapes imprisonment in Tolbooth, 196; interview with Boswell, 197 ; his criticism of Knox, Wodrow, etc., 198-201; appreciation of Home’s Douglas, 202; believer in witchcraft, 202-3; XIX. 110, 111.
Wesley’s Principles Detected, VIII. 178.
West Approach, scheme for, XVIII. 77-99.
West Bow, I. 4, 5, 22, 23; II. 11, 32, 62, 198, 209; IV. 23, 40; house of Somervell family in (‘Old Assembly Rooms’), 150, 151; V. 86; IX. 191, 192; X. 80, 81, 95; timber-fronted building at top of, 70; XI. 7, 12; XII. 50, 54-7, 59, 70, 126; Thomas Hamilton’s elevations of, 250; XIII. 143 ; XIV. 17, 58 ; carved stones in, 63-5, 66, 159; XV. App. 18; XVIII. 80, 88; improvement of, 96, 134; XIX. 39, 71, 86; Assembly Room, 36-8; XX. App. 8.
— — Port, XIX. 38.
— — Wall, XIX. 65.
West Bull’s Close, XII. 151.
West Campbell’s Close, XII. 139, 140.
West Common Close, XI. 10 ; XII. 89, 90.
West Entry to Old Fishmarket Close, XII. 132.
West Gordoun in the Merse, III. 83.
West House, Morningside, X. 210.
West Kirk. See St. Cuthbert’s.
West Mills, Dean, I. 129.
West Port, I. 100, 130; II. 1, 68, 69, 72, 88, 121, 122, 124, 127, 146 ; IV. 40, 106, 140; VI. 25, 157 ; XI. 12; XIII. 143 ; probable origin of, XIV. 109 ; XV. App. 10; XVI. 20, 25, 187, 194, 195, 203 ; now called Portsburgh, 55 ; wapinschaw in, 75; Boreland’s houses at, 107 ; importation of cloth, 107 ; tolbooth for, 110; XVIII. 35, 81, 155, 156, 170; XX. 45.
West Quarry, XV. 197.
West Yard (Blackfriars), II. 72.
Westbrook, Harriet, under Shelley’s influence as to marriage ceremony, XI. 75 ; travels to Edinburgh with Shelley, 7 7-8 ; fraudulent certificate of residence, 79 ; wedding ceremony, 80 ; her praise of Edinburgh, 84. See also under Shelley.
Westbrook, John, XI. 76.
Wester Burgh Muir, X. 27, 90, 177, 186, 189, 191, 202-4 ; feuing of, 192, 193, 199; rouped for feuing purposes, 206, 221, 222.
Wester Grange, X. 178, 179, 182.
Wester Morningside, X. 204.
Wester Restalrig, IV. 186.
Westhall, Lord (David Dalrymple), XII. 24.
Westmacott, Sir Richard, sculptor, XVII. 88 and n.
Westoun, Elizabeth, wife of John Fairlie, X. 24.
Westoun, John, city treasurer, I. 33 ; X. 83.
Whale Inn, Newhaven, XIV. 130.
Wharton, Thomas, commissioner of customs, V. 174; XVIII. 158.
Wharton House, XVIII. 158.
Wharton Lane, XVIII. 157, 158.
Wharton Place, XVIII. 158.
Wheat, illegal transport of, XVI. 4.
Whilleis, Margaret (1661), X. 177.
Whin Bush Club, III. 177.
‘Whingers’ much in use, XIX. 25-6.
Whippings, IV. 116, 118, 131, 143, 144; V. 104; XII.56. See also Punishments.
Whist Club, III. 173.
White, Adam, provost of Leith, VII, App. 7. See Whyt, Whyte.
White, (Quhyte), Allan, skinner, VI. 104,
White, (Quhyte), Andro, keeper of Tolbooth, IV. 108, 110.
White, (Quhyte), Gilbert, tailor, IV. 101,
White, (Quhite), Henry, dean of Brechin, III. 97.
White, (Quhite), Henry, official of Dunblane, XI. 114, 120.
White, Sir John (1513), III. 94.
White, Martha, Countess of Elgin, XIV, 77,
White, (Qwhyt), Mary, V. 137.
White, Robert, engraver, IX. 79, 80.
White, (Quhyt), Robert, hammerman, XIV. 36, 42.
White, Thomas, skinner, VI. 68, 71, 89, 103, 104.
White, Thomas, boxmaster of Hammermen, VIII. 32, 35.
White, William, smith, XII. 27.
White, William, gardener, XV. 186, 202.
White, Hart Inn, Grassmarket, I. 23 ; II. 3 ; XI. 15; XIV. 146; in Pleasance, 137, 138.
White, Herring Fishery, subscription from Candlemakers, XVII. 113.
White, Horse Close, I. 13, 17 ; XI. 15 ; XII. 1, 105; XIV. 127; carved stone in, XVII. 46.
— — Inn (Boyd’s), Canongate-head), I. 17-18; II. 3; XI. 15; XII. 109, 155; XIV. 97, 129-31, 137.
— — — Canongate-foot, XII. 107 ; XIV. 126-8.
— — Stables, XIV. 126.
— — House (Wester Coates), II. 133.
— — Paper Manufactory, friction with Candlemakers, XVII. 101-2.
Whiteburgh, Elizabeth (1665), V. 127.
Whitecroft, lands of, I. 140; XIII. 81; XVIII. 43.
Whitefield, George, preacher, V. 182 ; VIII. 162, 168 and n., 177, 185 ; and General Assembly, 171.
Whitefoord, Allan, of Ballochmyle, owner of ‘The Grove,’ XX. 51 ; cashier Royal Bank, and Receiver General of Taxes, 52; buys linen factory in Fountainbridge, 53.
Whitefoord, James, warded, VIII. 104.
Whitefoord, Sir John, of Ballochmyle, III. 141, 148, 149, 152, 154; XV. App. 13 ; XX. 115, 139.
Whitefoord, Sir John, of Milntoun, VI. 143; VIII. 104.
Whitefoord, John, of Blairquhan, XI. 48, 50, 54 ; XII. 160.
Whitefoord, John, servitor, VIII. 155.
Whitefoord House, I. 13, 17; XI. 15.
Whitehill, Lord. See Scougal, James
Whitehouse, or Hogistoun, provostry lands of, III. 201 ; not included in David I.’s gift of Burgh Muir, X. 5, 26, 27, 31-3 ; part of provostry of collegiate church of Crichton, 32, 35-54; prebendary of, 40, 41, 46, 47, 50, 55 ; burnt by Hertford, 126, 182 ; plague victims taken to, 187-9, 221, 222, 224, 262, 263; XII. 81, 213.
Whitehouse, Loan, V. 61; X. 26-7, 32, 34, 35, 50, 199.
Whiteironmen, XIX. 2 ; relations with coppersmiths or braziers, 28-9.
Whitekirk, East Lothian, a possession of Holyrood, VII. xci.
Whitelie, Matthew, quaker, V. 125, 126. See Whytlie.
White’s Court, XII. 27.
Whitford, Colonel, II. 52.
Whithill (Whytthill), John, XI. 61, 64.
Whiting Road, XIX. 158, 159, 166, 180.
Whitness, John de. See Quhitness.
Whitslade’s Close, XII. 12 ; XIV. 75.
Whitson, Sir Thomas B., Lady Stairs House, III. 243-52.
Whyt, Andrew (1669), warded, V. 146. See White, Whyte.
Bain, founder of Wagering Club, II. 152, 153 ; inscription on his tombstone, 153; XI. App. 17.
Whyte, Andrew, governor of Edinburgh Castle, XI. 69. See White, Whyt.
Whyte, Edward (1686), XVI. 151.
Whyte, John, banished, XII. 177.
Whyte, John, hangman, XVI. 108.
Whyte, Major (1686), XVI. 150.
Whyte, Margaret, wife of Thomas Mathison, XVIII. 3.
Whyte, Robert, advocate, V. 173, 188; discourse on ‘The Love of Life and Fear of Death,’ 186.
Whyte, Thomas, goldsmith, XIX. 16.
Whyte, William, cutler, XIX. 25.
Whyte’s New Picture of Edinburgh, XII. 229.
Whytlaw, John, of High School, IV. 134.
Whytlie, William, whipt for rioting, IV. 118. See Whitelie.
Whytt, Robert, prof. of medicine, XV. 147. See White, Whyte.
Wicht, John (1523), III. 95. See Wight, Wycht.
Wicht’s land, III. 82.
Wickedshaw, John (1635), XIII. 112, 113, 136.
‘Widows’ garret,’ XIX. 121-3.
Wig Club, account of, III. 135-41, 149, 160.
Wight, Alexander, advocate, III. 152, 165 ; XV. App. 13; XIX. 202.
Wight, Hew, burgess, XII. 9.
Wight, Dr. William, Poker Club, III. 152.
Wightman, John, of Maudslie, lord provost, XII. 10; XIV. 108 n.
Wightman, Robert, city treasurer, XIII. 88.
Wigmakers, XVII. 120.
Wigtown, Earl of (1635), XIII. 118.
‘Wild Adventures,’ XV. 15, 18, 30, 31.
Wilkie, Andrew, lorimer, XII. 100 ; XIX. 21; XX. 95, 109.
Wilkie, Archibald, of Bonnington, XIX. 160.
Wilkie, Archibald, of Harlowmuir, XIII. App. 13.
Wilkie, Sir David, III. 231 n. ; IX. 95, 99, 100 ; his revival of etching, 104-5 ; XX. App. 29.
Wilkie, David, of Bonnington, XIX. 159, 160.
Wilkie, David, dean of guild, IV. 122.
Wilkie, Gilbert (1593), III. 104.
Wilkie, Henry, candlemaker, XVII. 99.
Wilkie, Henry, conservator of Scottish Privileges in Netherlands, XIX. 160.
Wilkie, James, of Harlowmuir, XIII. App. 13.
Wilkie, James (1573), Canongate, X. 141.
Wilkie, James, warded, XII. 195.
Wilkie, John, skinner, VI. 71.
Wilkie, Robert (1593), III. 104.
Wilkie, Thomas, minister at Edinburgh, XVI. 111.
Wilkie, William, tailor, XIV. 180.
Wilkie’s Close, XII. 100, 101.
Wilkieson, James, XII. 171. See Wilkison.
Wilkieson, (Wilkesoune), Walter (1593), III. 104.
Wilkin (Wilkyne), John, deacon of the Skinners, VI. 70, 71, 88, 93, 106. See Wilkie.
Wilkins (Wilkynes), John, XV. 18.
Wilkinson, — , musician, XIV. 139.
Wilkison, Alexander, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 74, 159. See Wilkieson.
Wilks, Colonel, deputy-governor of Leith, XIX. 183.
William the Conqueror, arrangement with Malcolm III., V. 16; invades Scotland, 15, 16.
William II., V. 16.
William IV., Candlemakers present address to, XVII. 123; proclaimed at Leith; congratulatory address to, XX. 65.
William the Lion, V. 10, 34.
William Bothwell’s Close, XII. 10.
William Hiltray’s Close, XII. 156.
William Hucheson’s Close, XVII. 97.
William Lothian’s Close, XII. 94, 95.
William Smellie’s Land, XII. 154.
Williams, Friar, apostate, III. 57.
Williams, Hugh William, ‘Grecian,’ I. 12; IX. 104, 106; XVIII. 10.
Williamson, Alexander, in Blackcraig, IX. 151 ; XI. 43.
Alexander, his ballroom at Comely Garden, XIX. 69.
Alexander, Alexander, servitor, VIII. 145.
Alexander, Andrew, in Sciennes, XII. 172.
Alexander, Andrew, mason, XII. 183.
Alexander, Archibald, XII. 12.
Alexander, David, Lord Balgray, I. 102.
Alexander, David, of St. Cuthbert’s (‘Dainty Davie ’), I. 113, 114, 115; II. 131 ; XI. App. 17; XIV. 66; XVI. 72; XVIII. 175.
Alexander, David, dean of guild, I. 102 ; X. 211, 214 n.
Alexander, David (1604), burgess, XIV. 63.
Alexander, Major David, XVIII. 175, 176.
Alexander, Douglas, XII. 12.
Alexander, Emelia, Valleyfield House, XVIII. 176.
Alexander, George, cordiner, XV. 84.
Alexander, Gillis, XII. 192.
Alexander, Helen, warded, XII. 169.
Alexander, James A., city architect, XVII. 89.
Alexander, John, poulterer, XV. 201.
Alexander, John, preceptor of St. Paul’s Work, XVII. 50.
Alexander, John, covenanter, XI. 61 ; XII. 162.
Williamson, John, servant, VI. 141.
Williamson, John, in Douglas, II. 95.
Williamson, Jonet, first wife of Sir William Nisbet, first of Dean, I. 101, 106.
Williamson, Joseph, advocate, XII. 8; acquires Leven Lodge, XVIII. 171, 174-5.
Williamson, Joseph, grandson of owner of Leven Lodge, XVIII. 175.
Williamson, Peter, his first ‘Directory,’ III. 228, 230, 232, 234; his list of wynds and closes, XI. 3, 16 ; XII. 11, 35, App. 30; XVIII. App. 13.
Williamson, Robert, hatter, XIII. 115.
Williamson, Thomas, of Northfield, XIX. 180.
Williamson, Thomas, VIII. 10.
Williamson, Thomas, in Over-cranstoun, II. 97, 98, 100; VI. 136.
Williamson, William, skinner, VI. 92.
Williamson, William, warded, XI. 30, 50.
Williamson, of Cardrona, member of Crochallan Fencibles, III. 165.
Williamson, of Foxhall, XII. 8; XIV. 59.
Williamson’s Close, XII. 8.
Willison, David, printer, XVIII. 55, 59.
Willison, George, portrait painter, IX. 97.
Willison, James, XII. 166.
Willock, John, reformer, V. 54.
Willow Grove, XVIII. 165 n.
Willox, John, Edinburgh Tourist and Itinerary, XII. 246.
Willson, James, in Balgeddie, II. 94. See Wilson.
Willson, James (1658), IV. 123.
Willson, Robert, in Douglas, II. 95.
Willson, Thomas (1658), IV. 120, 135.
Wilson, Adam (1685), XI. 28. See Willson. Agnes (1551), III. 99.
Wilson, Agnes (1682), warded, VIII. 121, 122.
Wilson, Alexander, provost, arrested for neglect of duty, IV. 22, 23.
Wilson, Alexander, hammerman, XX. 109.
Wilson, Alexander, author of Watty and Meg, I. 53, 54.
Wilson, Alison, bequest to Hammermen, VIII. 48.
Wilson, Andrew, Speculative Society, V. 190; essay on ‘Pride,’ 17 9.
Wilson, Andrew, smuggler, IV. 23, 24, 27; XIV. 141 n.
Wilson, Archibald, father of Sir Daniel, XVII. 1, 2.
Wilson, Charles, town official, XIV. 174.
Wilson, Christian, wife of Robert Steill, X. 156.
Wilson, Colonel (1689), 212.
Wilson, Sir Daniel, his Scrap Book, XIV. 11 ; drawings of Tolbooth, 16 ; birth and parentage, XVII. 1; school days; at twelve edits and illustrates weekly journal; founder of Juvenile Society for Advancement of Knowledge, 2; his Life of William Nelson, 3 ; engraver with William Miller; student in Edinburgh University; secy. of Zetalethic Society; literary adviser to publishing house of Macmillan, 4 ; marriage ; printseller in Edinburgh; publishes volume of poems; friendship with C. K. Sharpe, 5 ; secy. to Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 6; present at last services held in Trinity College, 7 ; aids in restoring St. Margaret’s Chapel, 7-8; publishes his Pre-Historic Annals of Scotland, 8; his Memorials of Edinburgh, 8-13; indebtedness to David Laing and W. B. Turnbull, 10; Memorials ‘a free common for poachers’ ; financial results, 12; pirated editions; 25; new edition published in 1891, 13; Reminiscences of Old Edinburgh, 14; professor of English Literature in Toronto; knighted; longing to return to Scotland, 14-15; made Burgess and Guild Brother of Edinburgh, 16 ; note on Ramsay Lane and lairds of Cockpen, 18-20; lecture on, by Hugh Hannah, App. 8; XVIII. 9, 42, 136; his drawing of Assembly Room, West Bow, XIX. 38.
Wilson, David, ale seller in Calton, XVIII. 72.
Wilson, Ebenezer, beadle, Tron Kirk, XIV. 181.
Wilson, Gavin, shoemaker, III. 139, 160.
Wilson, George, author of Five Gateways of Knowledge, XII. App. 32 ; XVII. 1-5.
Wilson, George, barrister, III. 115, 117.
Wilson, George, chapman, VIII. 130.
Wilson, Helen, witch, IV. 133.
Wilson, Henry (1520), IX. 31.
Wilson, Henry, XII. 70.
Wilson, Isobel (1658), IV. 123.
Wilson, James, poet. See ‘Claudero.’
Wilson, James, servitor, IX. 151.
Wilson, James, dyer, XIII. 96.
Wilson, James, skinner, XIII. 98, 100.
Wilson, James, candlemaker, XVII. 110.
Wilson, Jeanie, sister-in-law of Mrs. Oliphant, novelist, XVII. 1-2.
Wilson, Sir John, chaplain of St. James’s
altar, XV. 34.
altar, John, owner of property in St. Anne Street, I. 151.
altar, John, painter, III. 231 n.
altar, (Wolsoun), John, deacon of Skinners, VI. 68,69, 84, 85, 91,93,105; XIII.100.
altar, John, smith, VI. 34.
altar, John, ‘dempster,’ VI. 109.
altar, John, cordiner, Canongate, XIV. 44.
altar, John, maltman (1579), XV. 37.
altar, John, mason, XVII. 161.
altar, John, fiddler, XIX. 49.
altar, John, hammerman, XX. 110.
altar, John (Christopher North), IX. 110.
altar, Jonet (1598), VI. 75.
altar, Lucas, skinner, VI. 75 ; XV. 24, 25.
altar, (Wilsoun), Luce, city treasurer, IV. 90.
altar, Patrick, burgess, III. 99.
altar, Patrick, Carrick pursuivant, XVIII. 25.
altar, Patrick, architect, XVIII. 161.
altar, Patrick, covenanter, II. 99; VI. 136.
altar, Richard, skinner, VI. 59, 64.
altar, Robert, schoolmaster, warded, VIII. 108.
altar, Robert, wigmaker, XII. 145.
altar, Robert, wright, XII. 150 n. ; XIII. 127.
altar, Robert, farmer, XV. 186.
altar, Robert, merchant, in Dieppe, taxed as burgess of Edinburgh, XV. 16.
altar, Roger, master of St. Paul’s Hospital, XVII. 54, 55.
altar, S., dancing-master, XIX. 62.
altar, Thomas, skinner, VI. 104.
altar, Thomas, bailie (1684), IX. 138.
altar, Thomas, of ‘Ship’ tavern, XII. 35.
altar, Thomas, cowfeeder, XII. 107.
altar, Thomas, wright, XII. 119 n.
altar, Thomas, dyer, XIII. 142.
altar, Thomas, skipper (1555), XV. 19.
altar, Thomas, ‘peuderer,’ XV. 37.
altar, William, of Soonhope, XII. 117, 118, 122.
altar, William, skinner, VI. 96.
altar, William, owner of property in Newington, X. 215.
Wilson, William, mason, X. 242.
Wilson, William, writer (1762), XIV. 2; XX. 82.
Wilson, glazier, XIX. 226.
Wilson’s Court, I. 14; XII. 118, 145.
Wilson’s Land, XII. 145.
Wincester, Ensign, XVI. 186, 188, 206.
Winderaham, John, leases Sheens Walls, X. 151. See Windram, Winram.
Windham, William, statesman, XIII. App. 16; XV. App. 13.
Winding Close, XII. 127.
Windlestrawlee, XV. 171, 182, 184-6, 189, 198 n.; XIX. 148.
Windmill of Society of Brewers, X. 232, 239.
Windram, Robert, W.S., XII. 73. See Winderaham, Winram.
Windram, Robert, Albany herald, XVIII. 14.
Windygowl, XVIII. 201.
Wines, XVI. 47 ; early arrival of French, 53 ; prices of, 164.
Winram, Captain (1672), VI. 113.
Winram, George, Lord Libbertoun, XVI. 33 ; XVIII. App. 28-30.
Winram, James, builder of The Inch, XVIII. App. 28.
Winram, (Winraham), James, XII. 155.
Winram, James, of Craigton, XVIII. App. 28.
Winram, James, of Wiston, III. 194 ; IV. 150.
Winram, (Wymam), James, skinner, VI. 96.
Winram, James, writer, XX. App. 14.
Winram, Jean, Lady Curriehill, IV. 132.
Winram, John, helps to compile First Book of Discipline, XVIII. App. 28.
Winram, Rachel, wife of Dr. William Lauder, X. 212 n., 219.
Winram, Robert, W.S., XII. 155.
— — lieut.-govemor of Edinburgh Castle, XVI. 174 n., 178, 179, 201, 202,
Wint, John (1724), XIX. 127.
Winter, Edward, prof. of physic, VI. 130 ; XII. 188.
Winton, George, third Earl of, X. 45 ; XIX. 24.
Winton, George, fifth Earl of, XI. 52 ; XII. 104, 105.
Winton, Robert Reid, officer to Earl of, VIII. 104.
Winton House, XI. 15.
Wise. See Vyse.
Wiseman, James, a regent of the College, VIII. 49.
Wiseman, James, hammerman, VIII. 47.
Wishart, Alexander, merchant, VI. 117.
Wishart, (Wisheart), Alexander (1685), XV. 83.
Wishart, Captain (1675), VI. 131, 132.
Wishart, George, Reformer, IX. 103.
Wishart, George, bishop of Edinburgh, XVI. 64, 67
Wishart, Dr. George, member of Poker Club, III. 152.
Wishart, John (1724), XIX. 127.
Wishart, Robert, warded, VI. 137.
Wishart, Robert, in Calton, XIX. 103.
Wishart, Robert, bishop of Glasgow, V. 22.
Wishart, Thomas (1704), in Calton, XVIII. 77.
Wishart, William, secundus, principal, College of Edinburgh, II. 74.
Wishart, William, student at Utrecht, IX. 135, 137, 138.
Wishart, (Wisheart), William, minister, (1685), XV. 83.
Wit, D., his plan of Edinburgh, XII. 216-17.
Witchcraft, IV. 90, 113; Act anent, 91 ; strangled and burnt for, 114, 121, 128, 133, 142 ; torturing for, V. 95; VI. 109, 130, 142; Wesley and, VIII. 202-203; X. 188; XV. 47; women burnt on Castlehill, XVI. 45, 49, 53 ; case of Marion Purdie, 132 ; XVIII. App. 16.
Withren, Robert (1674), VI. 124.
‘Wobsteris hous,’ IV. 90.
Wodrow’s Sufferings of the Kirk of Scotland, II. 102, 145; Analecta, IV. 17;
Wesley’s view of his History, VIII. 198 ; XX. 13, 28.
Wolsey’s complaint against Scots merchants in Netherlands, IX. 53.
Wood, Alexander, surgeon, IV. 183 ; X. 213 n., 214; XV. 182. See Vod.
Wood, Alexander, W.S., IV. 183, 184.
-Alexander, deacon of Skinners, VI. 59, 66, 67, 80, 81, 105.
-Alexander, Alexander, brewer, X. 238.
-Alexander, Alexander, town officer, XIII. 129.
-Alexander, Captain (1573), XVI. 9, 14.
-Alexander, Christian (1670), warded, V. 155.
-Alexander, James, commissioner to Breda, XVI. 34.
-Alexander, James, baxter, VI. 88.
-Alexander, James, portioner in Broughton, XIX. 152.
-Alexander, James, covenanter, II. 95, 97, 99.
Wood, John, sent to Barbadoes, V. 128.
Wood, John, pirate, V. 121.
Wood, Katherine, hanged, IV. 133.
Wood, Marguerite, The Domestic Affairs of the Burgh, 1554-1589, XV. 1-53 ; makes selections from Historie and Life of James Sext, XVI. Introd., xv, and from Fountainhall’s Historical Notices, xxix ; on work of sixteenth-century magistrates, App. 8; St. Paul’s Work, XVII. 49-75; The Hammermen of the Canongate (Part I.), XIX. 1-30; (Part II.), XX. 78-110; lectures on ‘Work of the Canongate Courts,’ App. 9-10.
Wood, Marie, warded, VIII. 135, 136.
Wood, Mrs., of Restalrig, IV. 159, 164.
Wood, Patrick, XIII. 52, 54, 59, 105, 114.
Wood, Robert, engraver, IX. 81.
Wood, Thomas, farmer, IV. 159, 160, 161, 164, 172, 183; XV. 182, 184, 185, 198.
Wood, Thomas (1658), IV. 118 n.
Wood, William, succeeds to father’s portion of Bonnington, XIX. 153.
Wood family and Restalrig Churchyard, IV. 181.
Woodhall, IX. 189, 190.
Woodhouselee, Lord. See Tytler, Alexander Fraser.
Woodhouselee, sculptured stones at, IV. 57 and n., 63-7, 69, 70, 71; Club excursion to, XII. App. 27-8.
Woodney, Arthur, keeper of Tolbooth, XVI. 123. See Udney.
Wood’s tavern, III. 158.
Woods, William, actor, XII. App. 29.
Woolley, Richard, of Whitehouse, X. 51, 52.
Woolmet, excursion to, XX. App. 32-5.
Wordsworth, William, poet, XIV. 146.
Workman, James, painter, XIII. 132.
World’s End Close, I. 9 ; XII. 56, 87, 88; carved stones at, XV. 113 ; XVI. 115 n. ; XX. 135.
‘Worthies,’ The (social club), XIV. App. 21.
Wotherspoon, William, accountant, XIV. 155.
Wrangling Lovers, The, XI. 170.
Wricht, John, III. 79. See Wright, Wrycht.
Wright, Alexander, maltman in Leith, buys Lochbank, XIII. 81. See Wrycht.
Wright, Alison (1658), IV. 128.
Wright, Bailie (1811), XIV. 163.
Wright, Donald, mason, VI. 127.
Wright, Guthrie, W.S., member of Oyster Club, III. 174.
Wright, James, hatter, XIII. 113.
Wright, James, stabler, XIII. 117.
Wright, James, of Glaidswood, XIII. 133.
Wright, John, Bull’s Close, XII. 120.
Wright, John, covenanter, V. 135.
Wright, Margaret, in Calton, XVIII. 38.
Wright, Robert, servant, VIII. 117.
Wright, Thomas, of Greenhill, X. 194, 197.
Wright, Thomas, town officer, IV. 118.
Wright, Thomas, hatter, XIII. 132.
Wright, T. G., Gowks Club, III. 172.
Wright’s Close, XII. 137, 147.
Wrights and Masons, II. 128 ; seal of cause, VI. 19; scale of taxation, 27 ; contributions by, to ministers’ stipends, 34; 42 ; XIII. 126 ; acquire St. Mary‘s Chapel, XV. 101 ; XVI. 130 ; imprisoned and fined, 88 ; raise declarator against eight trades, 88-91 ; XIX. 193.
Wrights of Canongate, XIX. 21 ; XX. 99.
Wrightshouses (mansion). See Wrychtis-housis.
Wrightshouses, village of, X. 93, 229, 241, 242, 247-9, 260; mentioned in Diurnal of Occurrents, 242-3; James Brownhill’s feu at, 243-6; demolition of part of, 249; XII. 8; XV. 183; XVIII. 2, 170, 171, 178, 203; XIX. 151, 152; XX. 47.
Wrightslands, Lord. See Craig, Sir Lewis.
Writers’ Court, I. 7 ; II. 3, 154; III. 144, 167 ; IV. 46; XI. 7; XII. 28.
Writers to the Signet, Society of, II. 231. See Signet.
Wrycht, Francis, prior of Elgin, III. 74. See Wricht.
Wrycht, Matthew (1523), IX. 44.
Wrycht, William, of Restalrig, IV. 85.
Wrychtis-housis, baronial mansion on outskirts of Burgh Muir, III. 180; demolished, IV. 55; Wilson and Cockburn on, 56-8 ; owners of lands, 58-60, 69; old names of, 60; haunted, 60; sundial, 63-4; IX. 91 ; X. 5 ; toll, 52 ; laird of, 56, 204 n., 206.
Wycht, Thomas, XII. 29. See Wicht, Wight.
Wycht, Walter (1552), burgess, III. 99.
Wyer, Mr., Leith, XX. 67.
Wylie, John, baker, Canongate, XIV. 37, 43.
Wylie, Thomas, tenant to Earl of Loudoun, II. 95.
Wyllie, Christian ( 1683), VIII. 148.
Wyllie, James, mason, X. 152.
Wyllie, Thomas, merchant, VIII. 148.
Wyllie, Thomas, banished, XII. 187.
Wyncreppis or Stevinsoun land, III. 80.
Wynd of Blessed Virgin Mary-in-the-Field, XII. 144.
Wynds and Closes in ‘Historic Mile,’ list of, XI. 16-19.
There are no entries in this section of the index.
Yardheads of Leith, XV. 184; XVIII. 43, 50; XIX. 172; XX. 17.
Yarley, Captain, XVI. 9.
Yeaman, John, student, VIII. 84.
Year’s Close, XII. 113, 114. See Zair’s Close.
Yester, Lord (1685), XI. 38.
Yester, Domina de, XII. 149.
Yettis, Cornelius, watchmaker, XIX. 12, 13.
Yewdall, Zechariah, VIII. 174 n.
Yoke glass, XI. 141 and n.
Yonger, William (1679), VI. 136. See Younger.
York, Duke of (James vII.), III. 223 ; and New Town, IV. 50 ; V. 168 ; XVI. 106, 108, 109, 112, 114; XVIII. 124.
York, Building Co., XIII., App. 14, 15.
Young, Agnes, X. 218 17..
Young, Alexander, feuar on Burgh Muir, X. 74, 161.
Young, Alexander, XII. 86.
Young, Archibald (1631), in Calton, XVIII. 45.
Young, Sir David, chaplain, V. 45.
Young, Gavin, tailor, XIV. 36, 42.
Young, George, Lord Young, member of Marrow-Bone Club, III. 177.
Young, George, archdeacon, XII. 48, 156; XIII. 117 n.
Young, George, Warded, XII. 166.
Young, Henry, baxter, XIII. 129.
Young, Henry, in Inchgarvie, IX. 20.
Young, Sir James, chaplain of St. Anthony’s altar, XV. 33.
Young, James, covenanter, II. 95.
Young, James (1685), IX. 171 ; sent to plantations, XII. 171.
Young, James (1686), warded, XII. 194, 199.
Young, James (Zowng), skinner, VI. 93.
Young, James, tailor, XIII. 96.
Young, James, tailor, Canongate, XIV . 36, 42.
Young, James, cutler, XV. 50 ; XVI. 6.
Young, James, pensioner in Calton, XIX. 122.
Young, James, his protocol book, XIX. 143, 181.
Young, James (1568), XV. 35.
Young, James, of Evandale, VIII. 155.
Young, Sir John, chaplain, St. Roque’s Chapel, X. 158, 175, 176.
Young, John, Somerset Herald, III. 50; his account of marriage of James IV., X. 62-6.
Young, John, tailor, X. 27; feus Baglap, 192.
Young, John, owner of land at Burgh Muir, X. 49, 50.
Young, John, litster, XII. 106 n.
Young, John, wright, XII. 110.
Young, John, maltman, XIII. 118.
Young, John, covenanter, VIII. 133, 138, 147, 153; XII. 195.
Young, Margaret, XII. 110.
Young, Mungo, tailor, XV. 17 7.
Young, Nicol, of Baglap, X. 28; XV. 17.
Young, Robert, chapman, IX. 127.
Young, Robert, covenanter, II. 99; VI. 136 ; XII. 166, 204.
Young, Sandie, III. 82.
Young, Sarah, West Warriston, XV. 186.
Young, Thomas, professor of midwifery, V. 164.
Young, Thomas, physician, XII. 93, 95, 96.
Young, Thomas, merchant, VIII. 119; XVI. 155.
Young, Thomas, writer, XIII. 123.
Young, Thomas, town clerk, XVI. 73.
Young, Thomas, brewer, XVIII. 62.
Young, Thomas, his importation of playing cards, XVIII. App. 23.
Young, Walter, bailie (1511), X. 71.
Young, Walter, keeper of Tolbooth, XII. 166; warded, 168; XVI. 149.
Young, William, in Evandale, II. 95.
Young, William, in Seamore, II. 94.
Young, William (1684), executed, IX. 158.
Young, William, alias Babelon, VIII. 156.
Young, supposed first feuar in New Town, I. 138.
Young and Trotter, upholsterers, feuars at St. Anne Street, I. 145-6, 148.
Young St., Canongate, XII. 95, 96 ; XIV. 173.
Younger, Alexander (1684), IX. 151. See Yonger.
Younger, William, brewer, XII. 124.
Younger, William, covenanter, II. 95, 99.
Young’s Close, XII. 87, I09, 110.
Young’s tavern, Jackson’s Close, II. 155.
Yule, David, wright, XIII. 111, 129.
Yule, James, XX. 25.
Yule, Thomas, W.S., XIX. 1 n.
Yule, William, in Potterrow, XV. 202.
Yule, William (1683), warded, VIII. 153.
Yutson, Andrew (1387), XV., App. 9.
Zair’s Close, XII. 70, 71. See Year’s Close.
Zeigler, Alexander, jeweller, original member of Wagering Club, II. 152.
Zetalethic Society, XVII. 4.
Zetland, Crown lands of, XX. 32, 35.
Zoological Gardens, old, XIV. App. 11.
Zurich Armorial, fourteenth century MS., III. 7.