BOEC Index 1991-2002 (New Series)

The first number in each item refers to the Volume number, followed by the page number. 

Compiled by Dr Andrew Fraser, with the assistance of Dr Tristram Clarke. Digitised by Graham Rule from the index printed in Volume 5 .


Abbey Brewery, Canongate, view of, NS-5. note about cover illus..
Abbey Court, plan by James Craig, NS-5. 111, 112.
Abbey Mount, NS-2. 102.
Abbeyhill, nurseries at, NS-1. 11, 13, 15; NS-2. 40, 66; NS-5. 112.
Abbeyhill, loop, see North British Railway.
Abbotsford House, Roxburghshire, NS-1. 44-45; NS-2. 63-64, 64, 109, note about cover illus..
Abbotsford Park, NS-3. 92.
Abercorn, James Hamilton, 8th Earl of, NS-1. 37.
Abercorn brickworks, West Lothian, NS-2. 61.
Abercrombie, Sir Patrick, town planner, NS-4. 17; NS-5. 47-49, 51-52, 56, 65; Abercrombie and Plumstead, Civic Survey and Plan, 52, 54, 56.
Abercromby Place, NS-3. 41, 50-53.
Aberlady, Fife, NS-4. 137.
Académie Royale, Paris, NS-4. 37.
Adair, John, surveyor and cartographer, map of Midlothian, 1682, NS-3. 1, 2; Canonmills gunpowder manufactory, 1706, NS-4. 103-106, 104.
Adam, Dr Alexander, rector, Royal High School, NS-2. 47, 91; Antiquities, 70, 73; Classical Biography, 91.
Adam, James, architect, brother of Robert, NS-2. 28-29; NS-3. 47; NS-5. 94.
Adam, Janet, sister of Robert, NS-5. 94.
Adam, John, architect, brother of Robert, NS-1. 40; NS-2. 3, 6.73; NS-3. 133; NS-5. 93-101, 111.
Adam, Mary, Sister of Robert, wife of Dr John Drysdale, NS-2. 24.
Adam, Robert, architect. NS-1. 28-33, 37-38, 37, 40, 47; NS-2. 23-33, 29; collection of drawings by, 23-33; Works in Architecture, 140; NS-3. 37, 40, 47, 55, 123; (review), 149; NS-4. 113-114, I 16-I 17; NS-5. 56, 67, 90, 93.
Adam, William, architect, father of Robert, NS-1. 40.44-45, 44; NS-2. 51; NS-3. 133; NS-4. 1-4; NS-5. 93, 99.
Adam, William, brother of Robert, NS-2. 23.
Adam, William, son of John, NS-5. 98.
Adam Ferguson Building, George Square, NS-5. 68-69.
Adam House, Chambers Street, NS-2. 78; NS-5. 66, 94.
Adam mausoleum, Greyfriars Churchyard, NS-3. 110; NS-5. 93.
Adam Square, NS-2. 77-78; NS-5. 22, 93-101, 95-97.
Adam’s Court, Cowgate, NS-5. 98-99.
Adamson, James, Whitehouse, NS-1. 79.
Adamson, Robert, photographer (review), NS-3. 143-144, 143; NS-4. 62, 63; see also Hill, David Octavius.
Adelphi, London, NS-5. 98.
Adie, Alexander, scientific instrument maker, NS-1. 49, 51-52, 57, 64-65, 67-68, 67.
Adie, John, scientific instrument maker, NS-1. 65-66.
Adie, Patrick, scientific instrument maker, NS-1. 68.
Advocates, Faculty of, NS-3. 29, 123; art collection (review), NS-5. 125.
Advocates’ Library (review). NS-1. 85-86; NS-2. 57; NS-3. 40, 123; NS-4. 114.
African Company (Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies), NS-2. 118.
Agnew, Gerald, Chancelot, NS-3. 18.
Agnew Terrace, Ferry Road, NS-3. 1 8.
Agra Lodge, Ferry Road, NS-3. 18.
Agricultural Society, see Royal Highland and Agricultural Society.
Agriculture, chair of, Edinburgh University, NS-1. 31; see also Edinburgh and East of Scotland College of Agriculture.
Ainslie, David, Costerton, East Lothian, NS-2. 108.
Ainslie, Douglas, Cairnbank, Duns, Berwickshire, NS-2. 48.
Ainslie, Captain George Hewett, Peelrig, Duns, NS-2. 44, 48, 59, 108.
Ainslie, John, surveyor, NS-3. 37, 41, 42, 54, 57 n19, 60 n58, 114, 11 NS-5. 118, 121; plan of Old and New Town of Edinburgh and Leith, 1804, 37, 38-39, 41, 50, 61 n72; plan of parks and gardens at Wrights-houses, 1785, 114; plan of Edinburgh, c. 1780, 133.
Ainslie, Rachel, sister of Robert, NS-2. 48.
Ainslie, Robert, friend of Robert Burns, NS-2. 48.
Aitchison, Mrs, midwife, NS-4. 12.
Aitken, Rev. David, NS-4. 142.
Aitken, David, deacon of the Weavers of Portsburgh, NS-5. 3.
Albacini collection of plaster casts, NS-2. 26.
Albany, Duke of, see James VII.
Albert Terrace, NS-3. 90.
Alemoor, Lord, see Pringle, Andrew.
Alexander, Rev. W. L., NS-2. 115.
Alison, Rev. Archibald, NS-1. 76.
All Hallow’s Fair, NS-2. 76-77; NS-4. 29, 138.
Allan, David, artist, master of the Trustees Academy. ‘The Connoisseurs’, NS-2. 15-21, 15; NS-4. 37-39, 41, 43; NS-5. 9, 66, 84, 97.
Allan, Jessy, diarist, see Harden, Jessy.
Allan, Robert, banker, NS-3. 40-41.
Allan, Sir William, artist, NS-2. 96-97; NS-4. 86-87.
Allan, William H., Allanbank, NS-2. III.
Allan, Mr, Trinity, NS-1. 39.
Allanbank, Lauder, Berwickshire, NS-2. 111.
Allman, George, professor of Natural History, NS-4. 74.
Almond, river, NS-4. 23.
Amsterdam, street lighting, NS-3. 33.
Anatomy, chair of, Edinburgh University, NS-3. 134; Anatomical Museum, NS-5. 14, 26-29. 28-29; extramural teaching of, 19; women students of, 39.
Anchor Close, NS-3. 108, 110.
Anderson, Dame Elizabeth, NS-5. 2.
Anderson, Elizabeth, NS-5. 83, 89.
Anderson, Henry, farmer at Broughton. NS-3. 37.
Anderson, James. policeman. NS-4. 132.
Anderson, John, bootmaker, NS-2. 71.
Anderson, Leslie and Co., seedsmen, NS-1. 10-11, 23, 29, 30-31.
Anderson, Peter, review of Richard Jaques and Charles McKean, West Lothian: An Illustrated Architectural Guide, NS-4. 152.
Anderson, Robert, seedsman, NS-1. 10-11, Catalogue, 11.
Anderson, Sir Robert Rowand, architect, NS-1. 30; (review), NS-2. 145-147; NS-5. 27. 38-39, 44.
Anderson, W. and Co., seedsmen, NS-1. 11.
Andersonian Institution, Glasgow, NS-4. 35.
Anderson’s pills, NS-4. 13.
Angus, George, architect, NS-4. 37.
Angus, John, tacksman, Warriston, NS-3. 5-6.
Angus, Lord, regiment of, NS-2. 118.
Ann Street, NS-2. note about cover illus.; NS-4. 29.
Anne, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, NS-1. 3.
Anstruther, Fife, boat from Leith to, NS-2. 73.
Antigua Street, NS-2. 75.
Apograph, NS-1. 54, 56-57, 58-60, 62-64.
Appleton, Sir Edward. principal of the University, NS-5. 53-55, 58-65, 69, 72.
Appleton Tower, George Square, NS-5. 67. 69, 7 1-72, 75.
Arbuthnot, Robert, secretary to Board of Trustees, NS-2. 30.
Arbuthnot, Sir William, Lord Provost, NS-4. 33, 35.
Archer, Thomas, director of Industrial Museum of Scotland, NS-4. 145-147.
Archerfield, Dirleton, East Lothian, NS-2. 56; NS-4. 114.
Archibald, Joseph, seedsman, NS-1. 20; Botanist’s and Nurseryman’s Companion, 20.
Archibald Place, Lauriston, NS-1. 20.
Architectural drawing lessons, NS-2. 103-115.
Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland, see Georgian Group of Edinburgh.
Argyle Brewery, Chambers Street, NS-5. 74.
Argyle Square, NS-4. 74; NS-5. 22, 94.
Argyle Square Congregational Chapel, NS-2. 115.
Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 1st Duke of, NS-2. 118.
Argyll, 1st or 2nd Duke of, NS-4. 103.
Arkley, Patrick, advocate, NS-4. 134.
Armstrong, Norma, and White, Alan, Lum Hats in Paradise: Edinburgh City Libraries, 1890-1990 (review), NS-1. 89.
Arniston House, Midlothian, NS-5. 98.
Arnot, Hugo, historian, NS-3. 29, 113.
Art education, NS-4. 33-50.
Arthur, Andrew, businessman, NS-2. 88.
Arthur, William, bailie, NS-2. 79.
Arthur, Arthur Street, NS-2. 98.
Arthur’s Seat, NS-2. 36, 44, 81, 94, 100-101, 107; and miniature coffins, NS-3. 63-81; NS-4. 107, 115-116, 141; NS-5. 50.
Arup, Ove, civil engineers, NS-5. 68, 72.
Ashanti War (1873-74), NS-4. 146.
Ashford, Zella, ‘The Connoisseurs Identified?’, NS-2. 15-2 1; ‘The Lands of Warriston’, NS-3. 1-24.
Ashworth, James H., professor of Natural History, NS-5. 41, 74.
Assembly Hall, Tolbooth Church, NS-2. 107.
Assembly Rooms, George Street, NS-2. 93, 100.
Associated Artists in Edinburgh, NS-5. 87.
Artists in London, NS-4. 44; NS-5. 86-87.
Association of English Episcopalians in Scotland, NS-4. 60-61.
Astley-Ainslie Hospital, NS-2. 108.
Atholl, James Murray, 2nd Duke of, NS-1. 16.
Auchmore House, Perthshire, NS-3. 47.
Audubon, John James, Birds of America, NS-1. 49.
Auld, Robert, printer, NS-3. 107.
Auld, William, printer, NS-3. 105, 107.
Auld Hansel Monday, NS-4. 137.
Aytoun, Colonel Roger, NS-3. 53.
Aytoun, William Edmonstone, author, NS-3. 83, 86; Norman Sinclair, 86.


Baberton House, Midlothian, NS-3. 113, 115, 118.
Backgammon, NS-2. 36, 60, 92.
Bagatelle, NS-2. 36, 44, 72, 77, 96.
Bagot, Rev. Daniel, NS-4. 54-5 NS-5. 57, 59.
Bailie Fyfe’s Close, NS-1. 9.
Baillie, Alexander, engraver, NS-2. 2.
Baillie, Lady Grisell, NS-1. 7, 15.
Bain, James, gardener, NS-3. 29.
Baine, John, designer and planner, NS-3. 47-49; NS-5. 7, 9.
Bakers, see Incorporation of Baxters.
Balfour, Dr Andrew, printer and publisher, NS-4. 107-108, 110.
Balfour, Isabella, sister of James Hutton, NS-4. 108.
Balfour, James, of Pilrig, NS-3. 1, 4.
Balfour, James, merchant, NS-4. 103.
Balfour, Dr John Hutton, professor of Botany, NS-4. 60, 63, 13 1-133.
Balfour, John, printer, NS-3. 105, 107.
Balfour, Magdalene Howden, daughter of Dr Andrew Balfour, mother of Sir James Crichton-Browne, NS-4. 108.
Balfour, Sarah, mother of James Hutton, NS-4. 108.
Balfour, Rev. William, son of Dr Andrew Balfour, NS-4. 110.
Balfour, Mr, missionary, NS-2. 86.
Ballachulish, Argyll, slate from, NS-3. 70.
Ballantine, James, poet, NS-4. 138.
Bangholm, NS-3. 1, 15-16.
Bangholm, Bower, NS-3. 15.
Bank of Scotland, NS-1. 74, 77; NS-2. 16, 85, 87; NS-3. 49; (review), NS-4. 149-150.
Bank Street, NS-2. 82, 89, 92; NS-4. 123.
Bannatyne Club, NS-3. 72.
Baptist Church, Marshall Street, NS-5. 46.
Barclay, Agnes, wife of William Grainger, NS-3. 8.
Barclay, John, anatomist, NS-4. 120, 121-122; NS-5. 14.
Barclay, John B., ‘John Gulland’s Diary, 1846-1849: A Transcript and Commentary’, NS-2. 35-115.
Barclay, Robert, tailor, Canongate, father of Agnes, NS-3. 8.
Barclay Church, Bruntsfield Links, NS-3. 113.
Barfoot, Michael, review of Lisa Rosner, Medical Education in the Age of improvement: Edinburgh Students and Apprentices, 1760-1826, NS-2. 143-145; ‘To Ask the Suffrages of the Patrons’: Thomas Laycock and the Edinburgh Chair of Medicine, 1855 (review), NS-4. 153-154.
Baring, Charles, Bishop of Durham, NS-4. 60-61.
Barmagachan, Kirkcudbrightshire, NS-2. 117.
Barnton House, NS-1. 40, 44; NS-3. 11, 113; NS-4. 28.
Barony Church, NS-2. 82.
Barony Street, NS-2. 52, 77, 79, 82, 104.
Barony Barratt, Oliver, review of Charles McKean, Edinburgh: An Illustrated Architectural Guide, NS-3. 144-146.
Bartholomew, George, engraver, NS-1. 58.
Bartholomew, John, cartographer, NS-1. 58.
Bartholomew, John and Son, cartographers, NS-1. 61, 64, 67.
Bartholomew, Robert, The Grange: A History in Maps (review), NS-2. 150.
Basevi, George, architect, NS-5. 88.
Bate, Robert Brettell, scientific instrument maker, London, NS-1. 51, 58, 61, 62, 64-65.
Bathing, Portobello, NS-2. 55-62.
Baths, Hill Street, NS-4. 37, 38.
Baunetti, model of Jerusalem, NS-2. 80.
Bauress, Sarah, mother of Hippolyte Blanc, NS-3. 96.
Baxendine, booksellers, Chambers Street, NS-2. 54.
Baxter, Catherine, wife of William Cheape, NS-5. 10.
Baxter Place, NS-4. 33.
Baxters, see Incorporation of Baxters.
Baxters, Close, NS-1. 12.
Bearford’s Parks, NS-4. 115.
Beatson, David, Clifton Lodge, NS-3. 18.
Beattie, James, philosopher, NS-1. 76-77.
Beaver Hall, Canonmills, NS-4. 104.
Beckford, William, Fonthill, NS-5. 87.
Bedlam Hospital, NS-2. 119; NS-3. 28.
Beekeeping, NS-1. 79-81, 80-81.
Begbie, Patrick, engraver, NS-2. 138-140, 137-138; Vases after the Manner of the Antique, 140.
Begbie, Thomas, photographer (review), NS-3. 148-149.
Begg, Ian, architect, NS-4. 7, 17-18.
Begg, Rev. James, NS-2. 86, 110.
Begg, John Henderson, NS-5. 26.
Belford Bridge, NS-4. 24-25.
Belford Road, NS-4. 25, 29-30.
Bell, Andrew, engraver, NS-3. 107.
Bell, Dr Andrew, NS-2. 88; Dr Bell’s Schools (Madras system), 88.
Bell, Andrew, smith, Leith Wynd, NS-5. 97.
Bell, Dr Joseph, surgeon, NS-5. 19-21.
Bellevue, nursery at, NS-1. 11, 23; NS-3. 37, 45-52, 55.
Bellevue, Crescent, NS-3. 50, 54-55.
Bellevue, House, NS-1. 37, 37; NS-3. 37, 45-46, 49-50.
Bell’s Brae, NS-4. 23-24, 29-30.
Bell’s Mill, Belford, NS-4. 24-25, 30.
Bell’s Mill Road, NS-4. 29.
Bells, St Giles Church, NS-2. 119, 119.
Belmont, Murrayfield, NS-2. 81.
Belses, Station, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 69.
Bemersyde, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 65.
Bennet, John Hughes, professor of Physiology, NS-5. 19.
Berry, Elizabeth, The Writing on the Walls (review), NS-1. 89.
Berry, George, FRSE, NS-2. 127.
Berry, James, gardener, NS-2. 118.
Berrywell, Duns, Berwickshire, NS-2. 48.
Berwick on Tweed, NS-2. 42, 52.
Bett, Helen, sister of Isabella, Clifton Lodge, NS-3. 18.
Bett, Isabella, wife of David Beatson, Clifton Lodge, NS-3. 18.
Beugo, John, engraver, NS-2. 29.
Bewick, William, artist, NS-1. 50.
Bible Land, Canongate, NS-4. 15.
Bideke, Henryk, weaver, NS-5. 2-4.
Billings, Robert William, architect, NS-4. 91.
Binns Department Store, Princes Street, NS-5. 44.
Binns House of The Binns, Linlithgow, West Lothian, NS-3. 115.
Birrell, Robert, Diary, NS-3. 3.
Black, Adam, publisher, Lord Provost, NS-2. 35, 47, 55; statue, 47.
Black, A. and C., publishers, NS-2. 35, 47.
Black, Dr Alexander, police surgeon, NS-4. 132-134.
Black, Rev. Dr Alexander, Free Church College, NS-2. 101.
Black, Dr Alexander Longmore, NS-4. 132-133.
Black, Dr Joseph, professor of Chemistry, NS-4. 124; NS-5. 84.
Blackadder, river, Duns, Berwickshire, NS-2. 49.
Blackfriars Wynd, NS-1. 7, 9; NS-4. 4.
Blackhall, NS-4. 23, 28.
Blackie, John Stuart, professor of Greek, NS-3. 86.
Blacklock, Dr Thomas, poet, NS-4. 108.
Blackwell and Fox, grocers, NS-2. 80-81.
Blackwood, William, publisher, NS-3. 85.
Blackwood, publishers, NS-1. 49, 51.
Blackwood’s Magazine, NS-3. 83, 85-86, 108.
Blaikie, Helen, see Bett, Helen, Clifton Lodge.
Blaikie, Thomas, landscape gardener (review), NS-5. 125-126.
Blair, Rev. Hugh, professor of Rhetoric, NS-4. 117.
Blair, Peter, skinner, NS-3. 37.
Blair Adam, Kinross-shire, NS-5. 93.
Blair Street, NS-1. 24; NS-2. 106.
Blanc, Hippolyte, architect, NS-3. 96, 97-98.
Blanc, Victor, NS-3. 96.
Blandfield, nursery at, NS-1. 21.
Blanc, Gilbert, President of Royal Medical Society, NS-4. 119.
Blind Asylum, Nicolson Street, NS-1. 76; NS-2. 100.
Blinkbonny, NS-4. 25; toll, 29.
Blomfield, S., see Kaufman, M. H., and Blomfield, S., ‘The Museums of the Edinburgh Phrenological Society’.
Bloody Mary’s Close (Plainstanes Close), NS-4. 11.
Blyth’s Close, Castlehill, NS-2. 140.
Board of Customs, Bellevue House, NS-3. 46.
Board of Manufactures, see Board of Trustees.
Board of Ordnance, NS-5. 96.
Board School, St John’s Hill, see St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Primary School.
Board of Trustees, NS-1. 58, 61, 64, 76; NS-2. 25-31, 140; NS-4. 33, 35-40, 43; NS-5. 1-12, 84.
Board of Trustees for Fisheries, Manufactures and Improvements, see Board of Trustees.
Bodies sold by Burke and Hare, NS-3. 76-77.
Bonaly, Midlothian, NS-1. 39.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, Emperor, NS-5. 83, 87.
Bonar, Andrew, banker, East Warriston, NS-3. 8, 11-12, 17, 20-22.
Bonar, John, Excise official, NS-2. 15-18, 15; NS-4. 12.
Bonar, John, minister, Perth, NS-2. 16.
Bonar, Margaret Cunninghame, daughter of William, East Warriston, NS-3. 18.
Bonar, William, son of Andrew, East Warriston, NS-3. 17-18.
Bonar Place, NS-3. 18.
Bone, James, Edinburgh Revisited, NS-4. 13.
Bo’ness, West Lothian, NS-4. 103.
Bonnington, NS-2. 106; ford, NS-3. 1, 6; lands of, 5, 7, 17.
Bonnington, Grove, NS-3. 17.
Bonnington, Logans of, NS-3. 5.
Bonnington, Mills, NS-2. 38; NS-5. 2, 3, 6.
Boog Watson, Charles B., local historian, NS-2. 61, 84; NS-4. 4-5, 11; Maps of Edinburgh, NS-5. 109.
Bookshops, NS-2. 54.
Booth, Christopher, see Lawrence, Christopher, et al., The Letters of Anthony Fothergill to James Woodeforde, 1789-1813.
Border Railway, NS-2. 62, 66.
Boroughmuir, NS-3. 113; see also Burgh Muir.
Boroughmuirhead (Morningside Road), NS-3. 92, 95.
Borthwick, William, seedsman, NS-1. 1 NS-2. 17.
Boswell, Sir Alexander, of Auchinleck, antiquary and poet, NS-1. 62.
Boswell, James, advocate and biographer, NS-1. 76; NS-2. 18; NS-3. 124; NS-4. II; (review), NS-5. 121.
Boswell, Dr John, NS-2. 140.
Botanic Garden, see Royal Botanic Garden.
Bothwell, Adam, Bishop of Orkney, Commendator of Holyroodhouse, NS-3. 2-3.
Bothwell Castle, Lanarkshire, NS-4. 90.
Boulton, Matthew, engineer, NS-1. 28.
Boutcher, William, gardener, NS-1. 12.
Boutcher, William, nurseryman, NS-1. 8-9, 12-15; Treatise on Forest Trees, 11, 13, 14; Pomona, or a Treatise on Fruit Trees, 13.
Bowls (carpet). NS-2. 99.
Box and Cox, NS-2. 87.
Boyd’s Entry, Canongate, NS-4. 1, 5.
Boyd’s Inn, Head of Canongate, NS-4. 11-12.
Boyle, David, Lord President of Court of Session, NS-2. 25, 81.
Boyle, Rev. John, NS-2. 58.
Braco, William Duff, Baron, NS-4. 3.
Bradshaw, Captain, NS-4. 42.
Braehead, Cramond, NS-4. 30.
Braid Burn, NS-2. 60, 62.
Brakinrig, William, miller, NS-2. 94.
Bramwell, Sir Byrom, Atlas of Clinical Medicine, NS-4. 125.
Brand, Sir Alexander, bailie, NS-3. 27.
Braxfield, Lord, see McQueen, Robert.
Brechin, Bishop of, see Forbes, A. P..
Brereton, Sir William, NS-3. 113.
Brewster, Sir David, physicist, principal of the University, NS-1. 47, 49-54, 50, 57-64, 67; Treatise on New Philosophical Instruments, 51; NS-2. 127; NS-4. 35.
Bridge of Dee, Aberdeen, NS-4. 103.
Bridge Street (North Bridge), NS-1. 12; NS-5. 113.
Bridges, The, NS-5. 54; see also North Bridge and South Bridge.
Briggs, Francis, Chancelot, NS-3. 18.
Bristo House, NS-3. 134; see also Ross Park House and Park House.
Bristo Place, NS-3. 132; NS-5. 47.
Bristo Place Baptist Church, NS-2. 88, 101.
Bristo Port, NS-2. 17; NS-3. 132.
Bristo Square, NS-2. 93, 104; NS-4. 119-120. 127.
Bristo Street, NS-3. 133; NS-5. 46, 49-50, 71.
British Anti-State Church Association, NS-2. 115.
British Association for the Advancement of Science, NS-1. 52, 64, 66, 68.
British and Foreign Review, NS-2. 103.
British Library, London, NS-4. 113.
British Linen Bank, NS-2. 103-104, 112.
British Linen Company, NS-1. 75; NS-5. 6. 9-10.
British Museum, London, NS-2. 23, 25, 130; NS-4. 71.
British Order of Ancient Free Gardeners Friendly Society, see Free Gardeners.
Brockie, James, Tweedbank, NS-2. 68.
Brockie, William, cousin of John Gulland, NS-2. 35-115 passim; family tree, 39; signature at Abbotsford House, 64.
Brockie, William, ‘Uncle Brockie’, NS-2. 35-1 15 passim.
Brockie, William, cousin of ‘Uncle Brockie’, NS-2. 100.
Brockie, William, senior, NS-2. 81.
Brockie, William, Ireland, NS-2. 113.
Brodie, Alexander, of Brodie, Lord Lyon, NS-1. 4-5.
Brodie, Francis, furniture maker, NS-2. 19.
Brodie, William, deacon of the Wrights, NS-2. 18-19; NS-4. 12.
Brooks, A., coach builder, Princes Street, NS-2. 96.
Broomhall, Fife, NS-5. 96.
Brotherstone, Peter, weaver, Pencaitland, NS-5. 3.
Brougham, Henry, Baron Brougham and Vaux, Lord Chancellor, NS-4. 108.
Broughton, Lady, of Cally, NS-2. 118.
Broughton, nursery at, NS-1. 10-1 I. 23; NS-3. 7, 37; quarries, 10 ???.
Broughton, Barony of, NS-3. I, 37.
Broughton, Free Gardeners, NS-2. 45.
Broughton, Loan, NS-3. 10.
Broughton, Park, Zoological Gardens, NS-2. 84.
Broughton, Place, NS-4. 54.
Broughton, Place Church, NS-2. 76, 90, 92.
Broughton, Street, NS-2. 71, 89.
Brown, Rev. Archibald, NS-5. 99.
Brown, David, WS, NS-4. 14.
Brown, George Douglas, author, see Douglas, George.
Brown, Iain Gordon, ‘Causey Clash of Kirk, Town and College, 1747-48’, NS-1. 82-84; Building for Books: The Architectural Evolution of the Athocates’ Library, 1689-1925 (review), 85-86; Robert Adam’s Drawings: Edinburgh’s Loss, London’s Gain’, NS-2. 23-33; ‘John Kay’s Satires on Sir Lawrence Dundas’, NS-3. 123-130, 126, 128; note about cover illus.; ‘Surpassing Expectations: An East Anglian Visitor’s Report of 1790’, NS-4. 113-118; Elegance and Entertainment in the New Town of Edinburgh: The Harden Drawings (review), 151; reviews of David Daiches et al. (eds), The Scottish Enlightenment, 1730-1790: A Hotbed of Genius, 160-161; and Colin Sutherland and Roger Craik (eds), Parliament House Portraits, NS-5. 125.
Brown, James, builder, NS-3. 132-134; NS-5. 35, 94.
Brown, John, corrector of the press, Encyclopaedia Britannica, NS-3. 107.
Brown, Major General John, sketch by, NS-4. 116.
Brown, John, portrait painter, NS-2. 17, 18-19; NS-3. 106.
Brown, Rev. Dr John, father of Dr John Brown, author, NS-2. 76, 90-91.
Brown, Dr John, author, NS-2. 76; Horae Subsecivae, 76; Rab and his Friends, 76; NS-4. 86-88; Rab and his Friends, 86-87; ‘Our Dogs’, 87.
Brown, John, NS-5. 19.
Brown, John Coltman, NS-2. 71.
Brown, Joseph, baker, bailie of the Canongate, NS-4. 12-13.
Brown, Lancelot, landscape designer, NS-1. 15.
Brown, Stephen, ‘William Smellie, FRS, FSA Scot, 1740-1795’, NS-3. 105-111; review of William Zachs, Without Regard to Good Manners: A Biography of Gilbert Stuart, 147-148 ???.
Brown, Captain Thomas, Illustrations of the Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, NS-2. 128-130.
Brown Square, NS-5. 19.
Browne, George Washington, architect, NS-5. 37.
Browne, Dr William Alexander Francis, father of Sir James Crichton Browne, NS-4. 108.
Brown’s Close, Canongate, NS-4. 15.
Brown’s Court, kindergarten, NS-4. 15.
Broxmouth Estate, East Lothian, NS-4. 103.
Bruce, Andrew, apprentice seedsman, NS-1. 8.
Bruce, Edward William, hatter, NS-2. 102.
Bruce, George, review of Charles McKean, Edinburgh: Portrait of a City, NS-2. 152-153.
Bruce, James, depicted in David Allan’s ‘The Connoisseurs’, NS-2. 15, 15.
Bruce, James, Accountant of Excise, NS-2. 18.
Bruce, James, of Kinnaird, ‘Abyssinian Bruce’, NS-2. 18-19, 19.
Bruce, Rev. John, NS-2. 84.
Bruce, Michael, seedsman, NS-1. 17-18.
Bruce, Peter, printer, NS-2. 133, 135.
Bruce, Robert, King of Scots, NS-2. 68.
Bruce, Sir William, architect, NS-1. 7.
Brunstane Burn, NS-2. 62.
Brunstane (Brunstain) House, NS-2. 61; NS-3. 118.
Brunstane Road, NS-2. 6 1-62.
Brunswick Street, NS-2. 108.
Brunton, Mr, tailor, High Street, NS-2. 104.
Bruntsfield, NS-1. 44.
Bruntsfield, Castle, see Wrightshouses.
Bruntsfield, Gymnastic Club, NS-2. 54.
Bruntsfield, House, NS-3. 113.
Bruntsfield, Links, NS-2. 37, 54, 62, 102; NS-3. 113; NS-4. 138.
Bruntsfield, Links Golfing Society (review), NS-3. 149.
Bruntsfield, Place, NS-2. 87; NS-3. 115.
Bryce, David, architect, NS-2. 87. 100, 104; NS-3. 95; NS-4. 122-123.
Bryce, booksellers, Lothian Street, NS-2. 54.
Bryden, Andrew, Weirgate, St Boswells, NS-2. 6 1-6 NS-2. 65.
Bryden, Andrew, Crossflat, St Boswells, NS-2. 65.
Bryden, David, lawyer, St Boswells, NS-2. 62.
Bryden, George, of Lessudden, NS-2. 59, 65.
Bryden, J., rag and metal merchant, Canongate, NS-2. 106.
Brvden, J. and Sons, bellhangers, NS-2. 55.
Brvden, William, Maryfield, Portobello, NS-2. 55.
Bryson, Alexander, NS-2. 130.
Buccleuch, Elizabeth Montagu, Dowager Duchess of, NS-5. 85.
Buccleuch, Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of, NS-1. 35; NS-5. 84.
Buccleuch, William Francis, 5th Duke of, NS-2. 53, 55; kennels at St Boswells, 69.
Buccleuch Parish Church, Chapel Street, NS-2. 45; NS-5. 69, 74.
Buccleuch Place, NS-5. 47, 50, 54, 58, 59-60, 62-63, 67-69, 7 1-73.
Buchan, David Steuart, 11th Earl of, NS-2. 18-19, 65; NS-3. 105, 110; NS-4. 42; NS-5. 115.
Buchan, Francis, architect, NS-3. 118-119, 1)8.
Buchan, William, Domestic Medicine, NS-3. 108.
Buchan, William, shop assistant, NS-4. 132-134.
Buchanan, James, wine merchant, town councillor, NS-4. 147.
Buchanan, John, of Carbeth, Stirlingshire, NS-4. 57.
Buckmaster, Thomas, NS-4. 57, 59.
Buffon, George Louis Leclerc, Comte de, Natural History, NS-3. 108.
Burdiehouse Burn, NS-2. 62.
Burgess Golfing Society, NS-4. 138.
Burgh Loch, NS-2. 87.
Burgh Muir, NS-1. 1-2; NS-2. 62.
Burke, Edmund, statesman, NS-1. 76.
Burke, and Hare murders, NS-1. 48; NS-3. 63-81; NS-4. 121.
Burke, William, murderer, NS-3. 65, 74-77; NS-4. 8.
Burlaw Courts of Leith, NS-3. 7.
Burn, Robert, architect, NS-2. 62.
Burn, William, architect, NS-2. 57, 100; NS-4. 43.
Burn Hospital, Surgeon Square, NS-5. 18, 31 n35.
Burnet, James, Lord Monboddo, Lord of Session, NS-3. 108; NS-4. 108; NS-5. 114.
Burnet’s Close, NS-3. 31.
Burnett, John, ‘Shinty in Nineteenth-Century Edinburgh and a Painting of Duddingston Loch by Charles Altamont Doyle’, NS-4. 137-143; ‘The Conversazione at the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art, 1875’, 145-148; reviews of Michael Barfoot, ‘To Ask the Suffrages of the Patrons’: Thomas Lavcock and the Edinburgh Chair of Medicine, 1855, 153-154; Alan Lugton, The Making of Hibernian, 155; and of Christopher Lawrence et al., ‘Take Time by the Forelock’: The Letters of Anthony Fothergill to James Woodeforde, 1789-1813, NS-5. 120.
Burns, Gilbert, NS-2. 56.
Burns, James, provision merchant, NS-2. 109.
Burns, Robert, poet, NS-2. 48, 56. 107; NS-3. 105, 107, 109, 123.
Burns, Dr Thomas, minister, NS-2. 56, 59.
Burns, Mr, Castle Wemyss, Wemyss Bay, NS-4. 61.
Burns Monument, NS-1. note about cover illus..
Burntisland, Fife, NS-2. 36, 40, 72; NS-4. 29.
Burnt, Elihu, NS-2. 99.
Butcher, Norman E., ‘James Hutton’s House at St John’s Hill, Edinburgh’, NS-4. 107-112.
Butchercoat, farm, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 65, 68.
Bute, James Stuart, 2nd Earl of, NS-1. 15.
Butter, William, wright, NS-5. 115.
Byrom, Connie, ‘The Development of Edinburgh’s Second New Town’, NS-3. 37-61; review of Patricia Taylor, Thomas Blaikie: The Capability Brown of France, 1751-1838, NS-5. 125-126.
Byrom, John, review of Andrew McMillan et al., Building Stones of Edinburgh, NS-5. 120-121.


Cadell, Patrick, and Matheson, Ann, For the Encouragement of Learning: Scotland’s National Library, 1689-1989 (review), NS-1. 85-86.
Cadell, Thomas, publisher, London, NS-3. 108.
Caird, Rev. John, NS-2. 58.
Cairnbank, Duns, Berwickshire, NS-2. 48.
Cairns, Mr, wright in Leith, NS-5. 114.
Cairns Memorial Church, see Gorgie Road United Presbyterian Church.
Calder, James Moray, The Edinburgh Highland Reel and Strathspey Society: A History (review), NS-5. 117-118.
Caldwell Brothers, stationers, NS-2. 106.
Caledonian Hotel, NS-2. 93; NS-4. 57.
Caledonian Mercury, NS-1. 9, 15; NS-2. 8, 57, 94-95, 102; NS-3. 72; NS-4. 37; NS-5. 1, 4, 97, 114.
Caledonian Railway, NS-2. 93; NS-3. 19.
Caledonian Station, NS-2. 93.
Caledonian Youths, NS-2. 37, 57.
Caley Cinema, Lothian Road, NS-5. 44.
Calotype, NS-2. 78.
Calton, NS-3. 30.
Calton, Convening Rooms, Waterloo Place, NS-2. 114; NS-5. 14, 88.
Calton, Hill, NS-2. 5, 35, 43, 54, 73, 80, 98-99 etpassim; NS-3. 7; (review), 152-153; NS-4. 114, 116, note about cover illus.; NS-5. 88-89; note about cover illus..
Calton, Hill Observatory, see Royal Observatory.
Calton, Jail, NS-1. note about cover illus..
Calton, Road, NS-2. 41, 43.
Calton, Street, NS-2. 71, 78.
Cambridge University, plans by Robert Adam, NS-4. 113-114.
Camiston, farm, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 69.
Cammo House, Midlothian, NS-1. 38.
Campbell, Alexander, Journey from Edinburgh, NS-1. 39, 40.
Campbell, Archibald, professor of Public Law, NS-5. 50.
Campbell, Donald, Playing for Scotland: A History of the Scottish Stage, 1715-1965 (review), NS-4. 149.
Campbell, Elizabeth, wife of Archibald Eagle, seedsman, NS-1. 9.
Campbell, Elizabeth, widow of James Drummond, NS-4. 5.
Campbell, Ian, ‘Changing Edinburgh’, NS-3. 8 3-87; review of D. L. G. Hunter, Edinburgh’s Transport, Vol. 1, The Early Years, 154.
Campbell, James, of Burnbank, father of Elizabeth, NS-1. 9.
Campbell, Colonel James, Lawers House, NS-4. 1.
Campbell, Rev. James, NS-2. 86.
Campbell, Mungo, murderer, NS-3. 75.
Campbell, Thomas, sculptor, NS-4. 35.
Canada, ice hockey in, NS-4. 137.
Canal Street Station, NS-2. 40, 58.
Candlemaker Row, NS-2. 17; NS-3. 26, 29.
Candlish, Dr Robert Smith, principal of New College, NS-2. 54, 76.
Candlish Hall, St George’s West Church, NS-2. 54.
Canongate, NS-1. 35-36, 35; gas works chimney, note about cover illus.; NS-2. 35, 55-56, 65-66 et passim; NS-3. 29; NS-4. 1-22, 107-108; NS-5. 1-12, 95, 112, note about cover illus..
Canongate, Boys Club, see St Giles-Canongate Boys Club.
Canongate, Burgh School, NS-2. 78, 104.
Canongate, Church, NS-5. 4.
Canongate, Church Hall, NS-4. 8, 16.
Canongate, Churchyard, NS-2. 18; NS-5. 10, 89.
Canongate, Redevelopment Plan, 1952, NS-4. 11, 15-16.
Canongatehead, NS-3. 33; NS-4. 1, 4.
Canonmills, NS-2. 40, 55, 62, 72, 77, 81; NS-3. 1, 5, 7, 10; lade, NS-4. 103; dyehouse at, NS-5. 6.
Canonmills, Bridge, NS-3. 10-11, 15.
Canonmills, Gunpowder Manufactory, NS-4. 103-106, 104.
Canonmills, Hall, Tanfield, NS-2. 85-86.
Canonmills, Royal Patent Gymnasium, NS-4. 141.
Cant, Malcolm, Edinburgh: Gargle and Dairyi (review); Villages of Edinburgh: An Illustrated Guide, Vol. 1 (review), NS-4. 162-163; The District of Greenbank in Edinburgh (review), NS-5. 118; Marchmont, Sciennes and the Grange (review), 118-119.
Capital punishment, NS-2. 87.
Cards (game), NS-2. 36, 71-72, 76-77, 86, 92.
Carfrae, James, treasurer, Heriot’s Hospital, NS-3. 53.
Cargil, Thomas, NS-2. 56.
Carlton Street, NS-2. note about cover illus..
Carlyle, Rev, Alexander, Inveresk, NS-2. 59.
Carlyle, Thomas, author, NS-3. 84-87; Reminiscences, 84.
Carmichael, John, bailie, NS-4. 4.
Carmichael, John, teacher, NS-2. 79.
Carmichael, William Walker, teacher, NS-2. 79.
Caroline Park, NS-1. 43; see also Royston House.
Carpet manufacture, NS-5. 6.
Carpet sweepers, NS-2. 113.
Carron Iron Company, NS-2. 30; NS-5. 98-99.
Carrubber’s Close, NS-4. 52.
Carrubber’s Close Mission, NS-4. 59.
Carson, Dr Aglionby-Ross, rector, Royal High School, NS-2. 54, 70.
Cary, William, optician, London, NS-1. 52.
Cassie, Margaret, wife of William Miller, ‘the Quaker’, NS-1. 15.
Castle of Edinburgh, see Edinburgh Castle.
Castle Grant, Moray, NS-5. 93.
Castle Hill, NS-1. 36; NS-2. 37, 108, 118; NS-3. 29.
Castle Street, NS-2. 54; NS-3. 49, 84; NS-5. 87.
Castlecraig, Blyth Bridge, Peebles-shire, NS-2. 43, 72, 94, 110, 113-1 14.
Cat Nick, Salisbury Crags, NS-3. 75.
Cathcart, Charles, NS-5. 17.
Cathcart, George, High School Yards, NS-3. 27.
Catholicism, see Roman Catholicism.
Cave, Joseph, Robertson’s Close, NS-3. 30.
Cavers, Keith, A Vision of Scotland: The Nation Observed by John Slezer, 1671-1717 (review), NS-3. 153-154.
Caw, David, Crieff, Perthshire, and South Carolina, NS-2. 16.
Caw, Isobel, daughter of David, NS-2. 18.
Caw, James L., Scottish Painting Past and Present, NS-5. 83.
Caw, John, Excise official, NS-2. 15-20, 15, 17; NS-4. 12.
Caw, John, merchant, Perth, NS-2. 16-17.
Caw, Mary, cousin and wife of Dr Thomas, NS-2. 17.
Caw, Dr Thomas, NS-2. 15, 16-17; thesis De Homoptoeae, NS-2. 16-17.
Caw, Thomas, brewer, Crieff, NS-2. 16.
Chalmers, Charles, of Portlethan, NS-1. 4.
Chalmers, George, portrait painter, NS-1. 4, 5.
Chalmers, George, weaver, NS-5. 6.
Chalmers, Peter MacGregor, architect, NS-3. 95.
Chalmers, Robert, NS-5. 6.
Chalmers, Roderick, Ross Herald, NS-1. 4-5, 4.
Chalmers, Dr Thomas, principal of New College, NS-2. 54-55, 58; NS-3. 91.
Chalmers, William, distiller, NS-3. 26.
Chalon, Alfred, artist, NS-5. 86.
Chamber of Commerce, Edinburgh, NS-2. 38.
Chamberlain Road, NS-3. 93.
Chambers, Ephraim, Cyclopaedia, NS-3. 106.
Chambers, Robert, author and publisher, NS-2. 78; NS-4. 13, 138; Traditions of Edinburgh, NS-5. note about cover illus..
Chambers, Sir William, architect, NS-3. 123.
Chambers, William, Lord Provost, publisher, NS-2. 78; NS-4. 88; NS-5. 22.
Chambers, W. and R., publishers, NS-2. 78; Mechanics, 78, 82; wareroom, High Street, 78.
Chambers Street, NS-2. 54, 72, 78, 86, 115; NS-4. 70, 74, 145; NS-5. 14, 22-27, 24-25, 47, 50-5 1, 94, 99.
Chancelot, NS-3. 17-19.
Chancelot, Grove, NS-3. 1.
Chancelot, Mill, NS-3. 18.
Chancelot, Terrace, NS-3. 18.
Chancelot, Villa, Ferry Road, NS-3. 18.
Chapel Street, NS-1. 20; NS-2. 72; NS-3. 13 NS-3. NS-5. 48, 50, 57, 62, 69, 73; see also Buceleuch Parish Church.
Chapman, Robert, NS-3. 7 1-72.
Charades, NS-2. 36, 102.
Charity Workhouse, NS-1. 76; NS-3. 29-30.
Charles I, King of Great Britain and Ireland, NS-4. 108.
Charles II, King of Great Britain and Ireland, NS-1. 2, 80.
Charles Edward Stewart, Prince, NS-1. 4-5, 83; NS-4. 4, 51.
Charles Street, NS-5. 36, 68.
Charles Street Lane, NS-5. 38, 44.
Charlotte, Queen, NS-5. 9.
Charlotte Square, NS-2. 81, 90; NS-3. 44, 54-55; NS-4. 113-114; NS-5. 56, 93, 95.
Charlotte Street, Leith, NS-2. 61.
Charter, James, husband of Mary Williams, NS-5. 83.
Charteris, Dr Samuel, NS-3. 109.
Chatelherault, Lanarkshire, ‘dog kennels’, NS-4. 3.
Cheape, Christian, daughter of William, NS-5. 10.
Cheape, George, collector of customs at Prestonpans, uncle of William, NS-5. 2, 10.
Cheape, Harry, of Rossie, brother of William, NS-5. 9.
Cheape, James, of Rossie, father of William, NS-5. 1.
Cheape, James, vintner, NS-5. 10.
Cheape, William, ‘of the Canongate’, linen manufacturer, NS-5. 1-12; patent drawloom, 8.
Chemistry laboratory, Royal Medical Society, NS-4. 120-121.
Cheron, Louis, artist, NS-5. 90.
Chesham, Francis, engraver, NS-3. note about cover illus..
Chessels, Archibald, wright, NS-4. 1-6, 11-12.
Chessels, Helen, daughter of Archibald, NS-4. 4, 6; see also Scott, Helen.
Chessels, William, father of Archibald, NS-4. 1.
Chessels Building, NS-4. 1, 12.
Chessels Court, Canongate, NS-2. 18; NS-4. 1-22; garden, 16-17.
Cheyne, Dr John, surgeon, Leith, NS-3. 17.
Chinese puzzles, NS-2. 36, 72.
Chisholm House, 2 Surgeon Square, NS-5. 18-19.
Chloroform, NS-2. 106.
Cholera, outbreak in 1832, NS-4. 133.
Chorograph, NS-1. 66.
Christ Church, Episcopal Church, Morningside, NS-3. 95-98, 96, 100.
Christison, Sir Robert, professor of Medical Jurisprudence, NS-3. 137; NS-4. 132, 138.
Christmas Day, NS-2. 84.
Christopher North, see Wilson, John.
Church Association Clerical and Lay Union, NS-4. 61.
Church Missionary Society, NS-4. 59.
Church of Scotland, NS-2. 35, 37; NS-4. 51; student residence, 14 George Square, NS-5. 37.
Churchhill, NS-3. 91-92.
City Chambers, NS-2. 38, 73; see also Royal Exchange.
City Hospital (review), NS-5. 127-128.
City Wall, NS-4. 108; NS-5. 17; see also Flodden Wall.
Claremont Street, East, NS-2. 108.
Clark, Elizabeth, widow of John, seedsman, NS-1. 12, 16.
Clark, James, hotel keeper, Chessels Building, NS-4. 12.
Clark, John, seedsman, NS-1. 12, 16.
Clark, J., slater, NS-4. 13.
Clark, Rev. Thomas, NS-2. 82.
Clark, Thomas, publisher, NS-3. 64.
Clarke, Perry, review of Jane Thomas, Midlothian: An Illustrated Architectural Guide, NS-4. 151-152.
Clarke, Tristram, reviews of Stuart Harris, The Place Names of Edinburgh, NS-4. 156-158; Lynne Gladstone-Millar, The Reverend Rabert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch, 159-160; and Duncan Thomson, Raeburn: The Art of Sir Henry Raeburn, 1756-1823, 159-160; NS-5. note about cover illus.; review of Richard Rodger, The Transformation of Edinburgh: Land, Property and Trust in the Nineteenth Century, 122-124; index to BOEC, New Series, Vols 1-5, 137-171 ????.
Clarke, T. N., Morrison-Low, A. D., and Simpson, A. D. C., Brass & Glass: Scientific Instrument Making Workshops in Scotland (review), NS-1. 88-89.
Clarke, Walter, University Clerk of Works, NS-5. 38-39, 39.
Clark’s Hotel, Chessels Building, NS-4. 12.
Clarkson, James, Kintyre Pursuivant, NS-1. 5.
Clayton, Thomas, plasterer, NS-4. 1-4, 7.
Cleghom, John, brewer, NS-2. 17.
Cleland, James, statistician, Glasgow, NS-1. 57.
Clephane, Arthur, seedsman, NS-1. 8.
Clerk, Sir George, 4th Baronet of Penicuik, MP, NS-2. 6, 28; NS-5. 111.
Clerk, Sir George, 6th Baronet of Penicuik, NS-3. 12.
Clerk, Hugh, brother of Sir John, 2nd Baronet of Penicuik, NS-1. 83.
Clerk, Sir James, 3rd Baronet of Penicuik, NS-2. 6; NS-5. 111.
Clerk, Sir John, 2nd Baronet of Penicuik, NS-1. 35, 38, 45, 82.
Clerk, John, of Eldin, artist and naval tactician, son of Sir John, 2nd Baronet of Penicuik, NS-1. 35, 36, 82.
Clerk, John, Lord Eldin, Lord of Session, son of John Clerk of Eldin, NS-2. 23-26, 31.
Clerk, Susanna, sister of Robert Adam, wife of John Clerk of Eldin, NS-1. 39-40.
Clerk, Susanna, sister of John Clerk, Lord Eldin, NS-2. 23, 31.
Clerk, William, brother of John Clerk, Lord Eldin, NS-2. 24; NS-5. 85.
Clerk Street, NS-2. 53, 80, 86, 110.
Clifton Lodge, Ferry Road, NS-3. 18-19.
Clockmill, nursery at, NS-1. 12.
Clyde, J. L., KC, NS-5. 45.
‘Clyde Report’, NS-5. 46.
‘Clyde Street, St Andrew Square, NS-4. 52, 54; NS-5. 14-15, 19-20.
Clydesdale Bank, NS-2. 76, 85, 87 et passim.
Coaches, NS-2. 47-48, 87, 96, 106; to Leith, NS-3. 28.
Coates, NS-3. 16, 20, 55.
Cochrane, John, weaver, Lauriston, NS-5. 7.
Cockburn, Henry, Lord of Session, NS-1. 34, 39, 45; NS-3. 83-87; Memorials of his Time, 46, 83-85, 113; NS-5. 90.
Cockburn, James, Warriston, NS-3. 5.
Cockburn, John, of Ormiston, NS-1. 8.
Cockburn Association, NS-5. 48, 50-51, 61, 74.
Cockerell, Charles Robert, architect, NS-2. 24-25; NS-5. 88.
Coffins, miniature, found on Arthur’s Seat, NS-3. 63-81.
Coldstream, Berwickshire, NS-2. 51-52; monument to Sir Charles Marjoribanks, 51-52.
Colinton, NS-1. 79-80.
Colinton, House, NS-1. 42, 77; NS-3. 113.
Colinton, Road, NS-3. 91.
College of Edinburgh, see University of Edinburgh.
College Street, North, NS-2. 72; NS-5. 22, 99.
College Street Church, NS-2. 99.
Collessie, Fife, NS-5. 1.
Colonial and Continental Aid Society, NS-4. 59.
Colquhoun, Humphrey, Macer to High Court of Justiciary, NS-3. 5-8, 11.
Colquhoun, Robert, of Camstradden, NS-3. 8.
Coltbridge, NS-2. 101.
Columba Road, Blackhall, milestone, NS-4. 30.
Combe, Dr Andrew, NS-5. 13, 15.
Combe, George, phrenologist, NS-5. 1 NS-3. 15-16, 24; Essay on the Constitution of Man, 13, 15.
Comely Bank, NS-4. 29.
Comely Garden, nursery at, NS-1. 12-13.
Commercial Bank, High Street, NS-2. 71, 81, 84 et passim.
Commercial Place, Leith, NS-2. 90.
Committee on Communication with the Fields on the North, see Edinburgh Town Council, Bridge Committee.
Committee on Free Admission to Museums, NS-4. 73.
Communion services, NS-2. 74-75.
Comprehensive Development Area (CDA), South Side, NS-5. 65-67, 66, 71-72.
Conchological Club of Leeds, NS-2. 128.
Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, NS-2. 128.
Connaught Place, Ferry Road, NS-3. 20.
‘Connoisseurs’, painting by David Allan, NS-2. 15-2 1, 15.
Constable, Archibald, publisher, NS-3. 85, 107.
Constable, and Co., publishers, NS-1. 49; NS-5. 88.
Convention of Royal Burghs, NS-2. 3.
Conversazione at the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art, 1875, NS-4. 145-148.
Cooper, Richard, senior, artist, NS-5. 90.
Corbiehill Road, NS-4. 23.
Cordiner, James, University Clerk of Works, NS-5. 44, 4 NS-4. 45.
Corelli, Arcangelo, musician, NS-1. 83.
Corn Exchange, Edinburgh, NS-2. 38, 62.
Cornillon, Hippolite, French teacher, NS-2. 99, 102, 110.
Coronation robes, exhibition of, 1937, NS-4. 80.
Corstorphine, NS-1. 80; NS-2. 35-36, 109-110, 112; (review), 151-152.
Corstorphine, Hill, NS-2. 109; NS-4. 23, 28.
Corstorphine, House, NS-2. 109.
Corstorphine, Station, NS-2. 109.
Costerton, East Lothian, NS-2. 108.
Council for the Committee on Education, NS-4. 73.
Country Life, magazine, NS-5. 71.
Couper, Christina, wife of Rev. David, NS-3. 63-64.
Couper, Rev. David, minister of Tynron, Dumfries-shire, NS-3. 64.
Courant, see Edinburgh Evening Courant.
Court of Session, NS-3. 31; NS-4. 103, 114.
Cousin, David, architect, NS-2. 93; NS-3. 16, 95; NS-4. 57; NS-5. 22-25, 24-25, 38-39.
Coutts, John, banker, NS-1. 74.
Coutts, John and Co., bankers, NS-1. 74-75.
Covenant Close, NS-3. 31.
Coventry, Rev. George, NS-4. 53.
Cowan, Charles, MP, NS-2. 55, 83, 88.
Cowan, Dr George, NS-2. 53, 74, 87, 99.
Cowan, Dr James, NS-2. 53.
Cowan, Robert, tailor, NS-2. 71, 109.
Cowan, Dr Thomas, general manager, Leith Docks, NS-5. 41.
Cowan, William, Maps of Edinburgh, NS-5. 109.
Cowan House, University residence, NS-5. 38, 41-42, 60.
Cowgate, NS-1. 35, 79; NS-2. 17, 98; NS-3. 31, 33; NS-4. 108, 147; NS-5. 94-95, 97.
Cowgate, Episcopal Chapel, NS-1. 76.
Cowper, Alexandrina S., Historic Corstorphine and Roundabout (review), NS-2. 151-152.
Cowper, William, poet, NS-2. 46.
Cox, Robert, WS, NS-5. 21.
Craig, James, architect and planner, NS-1. 37; NS-2. 5-10, 138-140; NS-3. 40-41, 44, 46-47, 55, 123; NS-4. 113-114; (review), 150-151; date of birth, NS-5. 103-10 NS-5. plans for First New Town, 107-109. 108; works and projects by, 111-116, 112; Plan for Improving the City of Edinburgh, 114.
Craig, James, father of Robert, NS-5. 103.
Craig, Robert, Dean of Guild, father of William, NS-5. 103-104.
Craig, William, merchant, father of James, architect, NS-5. 103-104.
Craigcrook, NS-1. 45; NS-2. 81; NS-3. 113; NS-4. 28.
Craigends Villa, Ferry Road, NS-3. 18.
Craigentinny, NS-1. 15.
Craighouse, NS-2. 137-138.
Craigie Hill, NS-4. 23.
Craigleith quarry, fossil tree, NS-2. 124; NS-4. 25, 29.
Craigleith Road, NS-4. 25.
Craiglockhart, NS-2. 138.
Craigmillar, NS-2. 108.
Craigmillar, Castle, NS-2. 61.
Craigmillar, Park Church, NS-2. 97.
Craignethan Castle, Lanarkshire, NS-4. 94.
Craig’s Close, NS-1. 10; NS-3. 31.
Craigside House, Dumbiedykes, NS-5. 84, 84.
Craik, Roger, see Sutherland, Cohn, and Craik, Roger (eds), Parliament House Portraits.
Cramond, NS-3. 10-11.
Cramond, Bridge (1823), NS-4. 26-28, 27, 30; tolls, 30.
Cramond, Bridge Trust, NS-4. 23, 28.
Cramond, Brig (Old). NS-4. 23-24, 26-28, 27, 30; toll, 29.
Cramond, District Road Trust, NS-4. 23-25, 28-29.
Cramond, turnpike road to, NS-4. 23-31.
Crawford, T. A., NS-5. 62.
Crawford, Rev. T. J., NS-2. 82.
Crawford, Mr. Duns, NS-2. 111.
Crawford Priory, Fife, NS-2. 138.
Creech, William, publisher, Lord Provost, NS-2. 96; NS-3. 105, 107-110.
Crichton, Alexander, printsellers, Princes Street, NS-2. 58.
Crichton, D. M. Makgill, of Rankeillour, NS-2. 113-114.
Crichton, Dr James, bequest for Crichton Royal Institution, Dumfries, NS-4. 108.
Crichton, Lt Colonel Patrick, Royal Edinburgh Volunteers, NS-3. 69.
Crichton, Richard, architect, NS-3. 49.
Crichton-Browne, Sir James, physician, grandson of James Hutton, NS-4. 107.
Crichton Royal Institution, Dumfries, NS-4. 108.
Crichton Street, NS-5. 48, 69, 71-72.
Cricket, NS-2. 36.41, 58-61, 71, 112.
Crime, NS-4. 131-135.
Croall, Messrs, coach operators, Princes Street, NS-2. 47, 72.
Crochallan Fencibles, NS-3. 108-110.
Crombie, William, seedsman, London, NS-1. 8.
Cross of Edinburgh, NS-1. 4, 10-11.
Crosscauseway, NS-2. 74.
Crossflat, farm, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 64-65.
Cruden, Stewart, Bruntsfield Links Golfing Society: A Short History (review), NS-3. 149.
Cruft, Kitty, NS-1. note about cover illus.; review of Andrew G. Fraser, The Building of Old College: Adam, Playfair and the University of Edinburgh, 86-87; NS-2. note about cover illus.; reviews of Ian Gow, The Scottish Interior: Georgian and Victorian Decor, 147-148; and Ted Ruddock (ed.), Travels in the Colonies 1773-1775, described in the Letters of William Mylne, NS-3. 155; Cruft, Kitty and Fraser, Andrew (eds), James Craig, 1744-1795: ‘The Ingenious Architect of the New Town of Edinburgh’ (review), NS-4. 150-151; ‘James Craig, 1739-1795: Correction of his Date of Birth’, NS-5. 103-105; review of Malcolm Cant, The District of Greenbank in Edinburgh, 118.
Cruickshank, Graeme, review of Charles J. Smith, Looking Back: An Autobiographical Journey through South Edinburgh and Beyond, NS-5. 124.
Cullen, William, professor of Medicine, NS-1. 48; NS-3. 105, (review), 151-152; NS-4. 119, 124.
Cullen, William, extramural lecturer, NS-5. 19.
Culzean Castle, Ayrshire, NS-4. 114; NS-5. 93.
Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of, NS-1. 5; NS-3. 125.
Cumberland, James, flesher, NS-3. 37.
Cumming, James. flesher, NS-3. 37.
Cumming, Rev. J., Baptist minister, NS-3. 91.
Cunliffe, Jocelyn, review of Joyce Wallace, Traditions of Trinity and Leith, NS-4. 158-159.
Cunningham, Charles. NS-4. 12.
Cunningham, Rev. George, Duns, NS-2. 48.
Cunningham, Dr William, principal of New College, NS-2. 54.
Cunningham, Mrs, NS-4. 12.
Cunninghame, John, of Eriterkine, WS, NS-3. 29.
Curle and Erskine, solicitors, St Boswells, NS-2. 63-64.
Curling, NS-4. 139-141.
Curling, pond, Duddingston, NS-2. 90.
Currie and Lamb, bookbinders, NS-2. 106.
Currie William and John, wholesale grocers, High Street, Dalkeith, NS-2. 53.
Currie, Midlothian, NS-1. 80.
Currier, Christian, widow of John Bonar, Perth, NS-2. 16.


Daiches, David, Jones. Peter, and Jones, Jean (eds), The Scottish Enlightenment, 1730-1790: A Hotbed of Genius (review), NS-4. 160-161.
Daguerre, Louis, photographer, NS-2. 78.
Daguerreotype, NS-2. 78.
Dalgleish, George R., ‘Two Robert Adam Buildings illustrated on Edinburgh Trade Tokens’, NS-1. 28-33.
Dalkeith, Midlothian, NS-2. 36, 53, 74, 108; NS-5. 84, 93.
Dalkeith, Palace, Midlothian, NS-2. 53, 66, 69.
Dallas, Mr, artist, NS-4. 122, 122.
Dalmeny Estate. South Queensferry, NS-4. 24, 30.
Dalry, NS-1. 80; (review), NS-4. 162-163.
Dalrymple, Sir John. NS-3. 105.
Dalziel, Andrew, professor of Greek. NS-2. 24.
Dalziel, Mary, daughter of Andrew, NS-2. 24.
Damask, see Linen manufacture.
Dancing, NS-2. 36, 77, 88, 95, 104.
Danube Street, NS-2. note about cover illus..
Darien Scheme, NS-2. 118; NS-3. 33.
Darnick Tower, Melrose, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 67-69.
Dartmouth, Lord, George Legge, 1st Baron, NS-2. 133.
Darwin, Charles, naturalist, NS-4. 115.
David I, King of Scotland, NS-3. I.
David Hume Tower, George Square, NS-5. 60-63, 60, 67, 74.
David’s Tower, Edinburgh Castle, NS-4. 89, 92-95, 100.
Davidson, Dr George Ramsay, minister, Lady Glenorchy’s Free Church, NS-2. 54.
Davidson, Henry, father of Randall Thomas, NS-4. 63.
Davidson, John, merchant in Rotterdam, NS-3. 37.
Davidson, Randall Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, NS-4. 63.
Davidson, William, cooper, NS-1. 20.
Davidson, Yaxly, weaver, Picardy, NS-5. 2.
Davidson’s Mains (Muttonhole), NS-4. 23-4, 28-30.
Dawson, Alexander, painter and rioter, NS-2. 98.
Deaf and Dumb Institution, see Edinburgh Institution for the Education of Deaf and Dumb Children.
Dean, Rev. George, NS-2. 60.
Dean Bank, nursery at, NS-1. 21.
Dean Bridge, NS-2. 51, 101, 107; performance of Hughes’ Equestrian Establishment, 51; NS-4. 25, 28-30, 53.
Dean Cemetery, NS-2. 101.
Dean of Guild Court, NS-3. 54; NS-5. 16, 44, 94-95, 97.
Dean House, NS-3. 113; NS-4. 28.
Dean Park, NS-4. 29.
Dean Park Crescent, NS-4. 29.
Dean Path, NS-4. 23, 30.
Dean Village, NS-4. 23, 29; bridge. 30.
Deas, George, advocate, NS-2. 81.
Deas, Mr, pattern-drawer, NS-5. 7.
Defoe, Daniel, author, NS-1. 35.
Delacour, William, artist, master of Trustees’ Academy, NS-2. 28, 140; Eight Books of Ornament, 140; NS-4. 40; NS-5. 4, 98.
Dempster, James, shop assistant, NS-4. 132-133.
Department of Science and Art, see Science and Art Department.
Deskford, Lord, see Seafield, 4th Earl of.
Devlin-Thorp, Sheila, ‘Sir William Forbes, 1739-1806, Banker and Philanthropist’, NS-1. 74-78; reviews of Norma Armstrong and Alan White, Lum Hats in Paradise: Edinburgh City Libraries, 1890-1990, 89; Ann Mitchell, The People of Calton Hill, NS-3. 152-153; and David Patterson and Joe Rock, Thomas Begbie’s Edinburgh: A Mid-Victorian Portrait, 148-149.
Devonshire, Duchess of, edition of Virgil’s Aeneid, NS-5. 88.
Dewar Place, NS-2. 101.
Dewint, Peter, artist, NS-5. 86.
Diary of John Gulland, 1846-49, NS-2. 35-115.
Dick, J., printmaker, NS-3. 115, 117.
Dick, William, veterinary surgeon, NS-5. 14-15, 20.
Dick Lauder, Sir Thomas, NS-2. 25; Royal Progress in Scotland, 66.
Dick Peddie and McKay, architects, NS-5. 44.
Dick Place, NS-4. 141.
Dickens, Charles, novelist, NS-2. 35, 36; Dombey and Son, 83; Pickwick Papers, 87-88; Nicholas Nickleby, 87; Barnaby Rudge. 100. 105, 108.
Dickson, Archibald, seedsman, NS-1. 21.
Dickson, Archibald and Co.. seedsmen. NS-1. 21.
Dickson, Brothers, seedsmen, NS-1. 11, 23.
Dickson, and Fair, seedsmen, NS-1. 21.
Dickson, George, seedsman, NS-1. 11, 23-24.
Dickson, James, seedsman, NS-1. 11, 23.
Dickson, James, son of Robert, seedsman, NS-1. 21.
Dickson, Robert, seedsman, NS-1. 21.
Dickson, Robert, Bangholm, NS-3. 15.
Dickson, and Shade, seedsmen, NS-1. 11, 23.
Dickson, and Shankley, seedsmen, NS-1. 21.
Dickson, Thomas, seedsman, NS-1. 21-23.
Dickson, Walter, seedsman, NS-1. 21.
Dicksons and Co., seedsmen, NS-1. 21-23, 23.
Diorama, NS-2. 95.
Diploma certificates, midwifery. NS-3. 131-141, 132-133.
Dirleton, Lord, see Erskine, Thomas, of Gogar.
Dirleton, Lord, see Nisbet, Sir John.
Dirleton, East Lothian, NS-2. 36, 56.
Dirleton, Bowling Club, NS-2. 56.
Dirleton, Castle, NS-2. 56; NS-4. 90.
Dirleton, Castle Inn, NS-2. 56.
Disruption of the Church of Scotland, 1843, NS-2. 86; NS-3. 91; NS-4. 51, 63.
Distillery Park, Canonmills, NS-4. 14.
Docherty, Mary, victim of Burke and Hare, NS-3. 77.
Dog cart, NS-2. 69.
Dogs, NS-4. 85-88.
Doig, Andrew et al. (eds), William Cullen and the Eighteenth Century Medical World (review), NS-3. 15 1-152.
Donaldson, James, weaver at Drumsheugh. NS-5. 1, 3, 5.
Donaldson, John. professor of Music, NS-2. 93, 100.
Donaldson, T.L., NS-2. 27.
Dougall, John, Warriston. NS-3. 5.
Douglas, Lord, Archibald Douglas, Baron Douglas, NS-2. 48.
Douglas, (Douglas Brown), George, The House with the Green Shutters, NS-3. 87.
Douglas, John, seedsman, NS-1. 9.
Douglas, Robert, merchant, NS-2. 117.
Douglas, William, of Orchardton, MP, NS-5. 8 NS-5. 87.
Douglas’s Tavem, Anchor Close, NS-3. 108. 110.
Dowie, David, seedsman, NS-1. 8, 16, 20.
Dowie, David and Adam, seedsmen, NS-1. 16-17.
Dowie, Mary, daughter of David, seedsman, NS-1. 16.
Downie, John, weaver, NS-5. 3-4.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, author, NS-4. 139.
Doyle, Charles Altamont, architect and illustrator, father of Arthur Conan, NS-4. 137-143; ‘Winter Sports on Duddingston Loch’, 139-142, 140.
Doyle, Henry Edward, director of National Gallery of Ireland, brother of Charles, NS-4. 139.
Doyle, Richard, cartoonist, brother of Charles, NS-4. 139, 142.
Dragoons, at Portobello, NS-2. 37, 56-59, 84; disperse the mob, 98; see also Royal Dragoons.
Draughts, NS-2. 36, 96-97.
Drawing School, see Trustees’ Drawing Academy.
Drawings by Robert Adam, NS-2. 23-33.
Dreghorn Castle, Midlothian, NS-3. 47.
Drem, East Lothian, NS-2. 56.
Drum, The Drum (Somerville House), NS-4. 3.
Drum, Brae, milestone, NS-4. 30.
Drummond, Anderson and Whyte, seedsmen, NS-1. 10, 23.
Drummond, and Co., seedsmen, NS-1. 10.
Drummond, Rev. David Thomas Ker, NS-4. 51-67, 62; Scenes and Impressions in Switzerland and the North of Italy, 62; photography, 62-63; Last Scenes in the Life of Our Lord, 63.
Drummond, Ellen Sherwood, adopted daughter of D.T.K. Drummond, NS-4. 52.
Drummond, George, Lord Provost, NS-1. 38, 48; NS-2. 1; NS-3. 37, 49.
Drummond, Harriet, wife of D. T. K. Drummond, NS-4. 52, 62.
Drummond, Harriet Elizabeth Beatrice, daughter of D. T. K. Drummond, NS-4. 52.
Drummond, Henry James, son of D. T. K. Drummond, NS-4. 52, 64.
Drummond, James. artist, NS-4. 11.
Drummond, James Rutherford. father of D. T. K. Drummond, NS-4. 52.
Drummond, Patrick, father of Patrick, seedsman, NS-1. 10.
Drummond, Patrick, seedsman. NS-1. 9-10, 12, 20.
Drummond, Patrick, merchant, NS-5. 104.
Drummond, Thomas, inventor of the magic lantern, NS-2. 95.
Drummond, Mrs, widow of Patrick, seedsman, NS-1. 10.
Drummond Lodge, Bellevue, NS-3. 37.
Drummond Place. NS-3. 49-50, 51, 54.
Drummond Street, NS-5. 67.
Drumsheugh, Lord Moray’s house at, NS-1. 44; NS-2. note about cover illus..; NS-5. 1.
Drumsheugh, Gardens, NS-2. 84.
Drumsheugh, Toll, Belford Road, NS-4. 29-30.
Drury, Captain Theodore, NS-4. 92.
Dryburgh Abbey, Roxburgh shire, NS-2. 63, 65.
Drysdale. Anne, wife of Professor Andrew Dalziel, NS-2. 24.
Drysdale. Dr John, NS-2. 24.
Dublin Street, NS-2. 76, 114; NS-3. 44, 5 2-54.
Ducks, on Nor Loch, NS-3. 29.
Duddingston (review), NS-1. 87-88; NS-2. 36, 55, 60, 76, 84; NS-3. 105.
Duddingston Church, churchyard, NS-4. 64.
Duddingston Crossroads, NS-2. 44.
Duddingston Easter, NS-3. 72.
Duddingston Gardens, NS-2. 57.
Duddingston House, NS-1. 37.
Duddingston Loch, NS-2. 36, 59. 86, 90-91; winter sports on, NS-4. 137-14 NS-3. 140; (review), 159-160.
Duddingston Mills, NS-2. 44, 46, 57-58, 61, 75, 78, 80, 96, 106.
Duddingston Road, NS-2. 44, 56-57.
Dufresne, Louis, collection of stuffed birds acquired by University Natural History Museum, NS-4. 71.
Duke Street, Edinburgh, NS-3. 44; NS-5. 86; see also Dublin Street.
Dumbarton Castle, Dunbartonshire. NS-4. 90.
Dumbie House, Dumbiedykes, NS-5. 84, 84.
Dumbiedykes, NS-2. 105.
Dunbar, Archibald, of Thunderton, NS-2. 118.
Dunbar, George, professor of Greek, NS-2. 54.
Dunbar, John, deacon of the Skinners, NS-2. 120.
Dunbar Castle (Lauderdale House), East Lothian, NS-4. 114.
Duncan, Andrew, senior, professor of Medicine, NS-3. 137-138; NS-4. 124.
Duncan, and Flockhart, chemists, NS-2. 106, 108.
Duncan’s Land, Plainstones Close, Canongate, NS-4. 7.
Dundas, Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Pine, NS-4. 5.
Dundas, Henry, 1st Viscount Melville, NS-1. 34, 43, 76, 77.
Dundas, Sir Lawrence, 1st Baronet of Kerse, NS-1. 36, 37; NS-3. 123-130; NS-4. 12.
Dundas, Robert, 2nd Viscount Melville, Lord President of Court of Session, NS-1. 62; NS-5. 97-99.
Dundas, Thomas, Baron, of Aske, NS-3. 123.
Dundas House, St Andrew Square, NS-3. 123.
Dundas Street, NS-2. 101; NS-4. 131.
Dundee, John Graham, Viscount, NS-1. 2-3.
Dundee, buildings illustrated on trade tokens, NS-1. 32.
Dundee, railway to, NS-2. 40-41.
Dunedin, New Zealand, NS-2. 56.
Dunfermline, Fife, NS-2. 72; NS-5. 1, 6.
Dunipace, Stirlingshire, NS-1. 79, 80.
Dunlop, Sir Derrick, professor of Therapeutics, NS-4. 127.
Dunlop, Rev. Ian, reviews of Alexandrina S. Cowper, Historic Corstorphine and Roundabout, NS-2. 151-152; and James S. Marshall, North Leith Parish Church: The First Five Hundred Years, NS-3. 157.
Dunlop, Sir James, son of Sir John, NS-2. 114.
Dunlop, Sir John, of Dunlop, NS-2. 114.
Dunn, James B., architect, NS-5. 18.
Dunn, John, scientific instrument maker, NS-1. 54, 66-68, 67.
Dunn, Thomas, scientific instrument maker, NS-1. 67-68, 67.
Duns (Dunse), Berwickshire, NS-2. 37, 44, 48-52, 104; by railway and coach, 1846, 48, 79.
Dunsapie Loch, NS-2. 107; skating an, NS-4. 141.
Dune, Alastair, review of Richard Saville, The Bank of Scotland: A History, 1695-1995, NS-4. 149-150.
Durham, Sir Alexander, of Largo, Lord Lyon, NS-1. 2.
Dutch frigates in Leith Roads, 1847, NS-2. 60-61.
Dyce, J. Neil, MA, NS-4. 56.
Dysart, Fife, NS-2. 59.


Eagle, Archibald, seedsman, NS-1. 8-9, 12, 24.
Eagle, and Henderson, seed merchants, NS-1. 9.
Eagle, Margaret, widow of Archibald, seedsman, NS-1. 9, 17, 20.
Easdale, Argyll, slate from, NS-3. 70.
East Anglia, visitor to Edinburgh from, NS-4. 113-118.
East Claremont Street, see Claremont Street.
Easter Road, NS-2. 108.
Edgar, William, plans of Edinburgh, 1742, 1765, NS-2. 17; NS-3. 132; NS-4. 5-6, 5; NS-5. 96, 111.
Edinburgh, ceremonial and Jacobite Risings, NS-1. 1-6; seedsmen and nurserymen, 7-27; trade tokens, 28-33; ‘The Edinburgh Villa’, 34-46; science and society in 1820, 47-49; letters describing, 1747, 82-84; Town Council election, 1847, NS-2. 75; Portrait of a City (review), 152-153; ‘Fire and Filth’, NS-3. 25-36; literary life, 83-87; Architectural Guide (review), 144-146; letters describing, 1790, NS-4. 113-118; place names (review), 159-160; ‘Civic Survey’ by Patrick Geddes, NS-5. 107; building stones (review), 120-121; nineteenth century development (review), 122-124; development proposals, see ‘Mears Plan, ‘Clyde Report’, Abercrombie and Plumstead, Civic Surtey and Plan; see also Edinburgh maps and plans.
Edinburgh, Academy, NS-2. 76; NS-3. 72; NS-4. 138.
Edinburgh Advertiser, NS-2. 97.
Edinburgh Architectural Association, NS-5. 51.
Edinburgh Assembly, NS-1. 83.
Edinburgh Astronomical Institution, NS-1. 52.
Edinburgh Camanachd Club, NS-4. 142.
Edinburgh Castle, NS-1. 1, 3; NS-2. 40, 44, 58, 60, 73, 85, 98; view from the south, by Paul Sandby, NS-3. note about cover illus. palace at, NS-4. 89-102, 89-91, 93-94, 96-100; sieges, 1544 and 1547, 89, 90, 1573, 89-90. 89, 93, 100; Crown Square, 89-102, 93, 96-100; Half Moon Battery, 89, 93; Portcullis Gate, 90; Constable’s Tower, 90, 92; Great Hall, 92-95, 100.
Edinburgh Castle Esplanade, NS-2. 40.
Edinburgh Cemetery Company, NS-3. 15.
Edinburgh City Libraries (review), NS-1. 89; NS-2. 58, 113.
Edinburgh City Mission, NS-4. 59.
Edinburgh City Road Trust, NS-3. 91.
Edinburgh College of Art, NS-5. 43, 56, 75.
Edinburgh Courant, see Edinburgh Evening Courant.
Edinburgh and Dalkeith (Innocent) Railway, NS-2. 108.
Edinburgh Dental Hospital and School, NS-5. 69, 72.
Edinburgh Drawing Institution, NS-4. 33-50.
Edinburgh and East of Scotland College of Agriculture, NS-5. 40-41, 40, 43-44.
Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, NS-1. 49, 51, 60; NS-2. 45.
Edinburgh Evening Courant, NS-1. 10, 12, 19; NS-2. 40-41, 43, 51, 59, 76, 80-81, 90-91, 98, 104; NS-3. 45-46, 46; NS-4. 11, 37; NS-5. 9.
Edinburgh Evening Dispatch, NS-3. 71; NS-4. 79.
Edinburgh Evening News, NS-3. 73.
Edinburgh Evening Post, NS-3. 63, 7 1-72.
Edinburgh Festival Society, NS-4. 18; exhibitions, 82; NS-5. 29.
Edinburgh Free Kindergarten, Canongate, NS-4. 15.
Edinburgh Friendly Fire Assurance Company (review), NS-1. 85.
Edinburgh Gaslight Company, New Street, I. note about cover illus.; NS-2. 72; chimney, 61, 72.
Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, NS-2. 109, 112-113.
Edinburgh Highland Reel and Strathspey Society (review), NS-5. 117-118.
Edinburgh Highland Society, NS-4. 142.
Edinburgh: Illustrated Architectural Guide (review), NS-3. 144-146.
Edinburgh Institution for the Education of Deaf and Dumb Children, NS-4. 14.
Edinburgh Jail, NS-4. 133-134.
Edinburgh Ladies’ Institution for the Southern Districts, NS-2. 104.
Edinburgh and Leith Brewery, NS-4. 13.
Edinburgh and Leith Gas Company, Tanfield, NS-2. 72.
Edinburgh Leith and Newhaven (Granton) Railway, NS-2. 40, 57-5 8, 113; NS-3. 15-16.
Edinburgh Magazine, NS-2. note about cover illus.; NS-3. 107-108; NS-4. 34, 44.
Edinburgh maps and plans; Leith Walk, Kirkwood, 1817, NS-1. 22; First New Town, NS-2. 1-10; Warniston, NS-3. 1-24, Second New Town, 37-61, Holy Corner, 1868, 89; Canongate, NS-4. 5; turnpike road to Cramond, 24-26; St John’s Hill, 109-111; George Square, NS-5. 35-8 1; Adam Square, 96; New Town, 108; Canongate, 112.
Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society (review), NS-2. 149-150; NS-4. 59.
Edinburgh Middle District Road Trust, NS-4. 25; NS-5. 111.
Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art, see National Museums of Scotland.
Edinburgh and Northern Railway, NS-2. 112-I 13.
Edinburgh Perth and Dundee Railway, NS-2. 113.
Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, NS-1. 51, 58, 64.
Edinburgh Philosophical Society, NS-3. 105.
Edinburgh Photographic Society, NS-4. 62-63.
Edinburgh Phrenological Museum, NS-5. 13-33.
Edinburgh Phrenological Society, NS-5. 13-33, 89.
Edinburgh Post Office Directory, plan, 1868-69, NS-3. 89; NS-4. 12-13; NS-5. 19.
Edinburgh Public Library, see Edinburgh City Libraries.
Edinburgh Review, NS-1. 77; NS-2. 55, 81; NS-3. 108.
Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, see Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
Edinburgh School of Arts, NS-1. 52, 66.
Edinburgh School of Design, NS-3. 47.
Edinburgh Skating Club, NS-4. 14 1-142.
Edinburgh Social Union, NS-4. 14-15.
Edinburgh Society for Encouraging Arts, Sciences. Manufactures and Agriculture in Scotland, NS-5. 4.
Edinburgh Southern Academy, George Square, NS-2. 41, 105.
Edinburgh Subscription Library, NS-2. 57.
Edinburgh Sugar Company, NS-4. 4.
Edinburgh Sunday Society, NS-4. 80.
Edinburgh Town Council, NS-2. 1-9, 37-38, 73, 88, 109; Bridge Committee, 3-10; College Committee, 94; NS-3. 27-29, 33, 37, 40, 45-55, 75, 13 NS-1. 134-139; NS-4. 71-7 NS-2. 74, 103, 120-121, 125, 145; George Square plans. NS-5. 43, 45-59, 61-67. 71-73.
Edinburgh University, see University of Edinburgh.
Edinburgh University Worthies: Biographies of Selected Pre-1901 Alumni and Staff of the University of Edinburgh (review), NS-5. 126-127.
Edinburgh Young Men’s Christian Association, NS-5. 99.
Edmonston, Janet, daughter of Thomas, NS-2. 75.
Edmonston, Thomas, iron merchant and seedsman, NS-2. 7 NS-5. 90.
Edmonstone House, NS-2. 74.
Ednam, Roxburghshire, NS-5. 103.
Edwards, Alexander Mackenzie, extramural lecturer. NS-5. 19.
Edwards, James, medical graduate. NS-3. 132.
Eginton, John, engraver, Birmingham. NS-5. 85.
Eidograph, NS-1. 54, 58-68, 61, 63, 67.
Eildon Street, NS-3. 15.
Elder Street. NS-3. 44; NS-5. 14.
Eldin, Lord, see Clerk, John, Lord Eldin.
Electric telegraph, NS-2. 94-95.
Elephant, NS-2. 84.
Elgin, Charles Bruce. 5th Earl of, NS-5. 96.
Elgin marbles, casts of, NS-2. 30.
Elliot, Archibald, architect, NS-3. 47.
Elliot, Hon. Charles, NS-2. 70.
Elliot, Charles. publisher, NS-3. 10 NS-5. 108. 110.
Elliot, Sir Gilbert, 3rd Baronet of Minto, NS-3. 25.
Elliot, James, architect, NS-3. 47, 48.
Elkingtons of Birmingham, NS-4. 147.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, NS-1. 49, 51, 60, 64; NS-2. 35; NS-3. 106-108.
Episcopal Church in Scotland, NS-2. 37; NS-4. 51-67; Code of Canons, 51, 53-55, 61; General Synod of, 53.
Eric Liddell Centre, Morningside. NS-3. 93, 100.
Erroll, William Henry, 19th Earl of, NS-2. 113.
Erskine, Sir Alexander, 2nd Baronet of Cambo, Lord Lyon, NS-1. 1-5.
Erskine, of Cambo, genealogical tables. NS-1. 1.
Erskine, Sir Charles, 1st Baronet of Cambo, Lord Lyon, NS-1. 1, 5.
Erskine, David, Lyon Clerk, NS-1. 1.
Erskine, Sir David, of Dryburgh Abbey, NS-2. 67.
Erskine, Sir Harry (Henry), 5th Baronet of Alva and Cambuskenneth, NS-5. 6.
Erskine, Henry, advocate, NS-4. 108.
Erskine, John, see Mar, 6th Earl of.
Erskine, Thomas, of Gogar. 1st Baron Dirleton and 1st Earl of Kellie, NS-2. 56.
Erskine (Rutland) Place, NS-4. 57.
Esk, river, NS-2. 59, 75, 96.
Esk, South Esk, river, NS-2. 62.
Eskgrove. Inveresk, East Lothian, NS-1. 44.
Estates of Parliament, NS-1. 2.
Evangelical Alliance. London, 1846, NS-4. 60.
Ewing, Sir Alfred, principal of the University. NS-5. 41.
Exchequer Court, NS-1. 82.
Excise Office, Chessels Court, NS-2. 18; NS-4. 12.
Excise Cowgate, NS-2. 16-18.
Excise St Andrew Square, NS-3. 123.
Exhibition, Meadows, 1886, NS-2. 38.
Exhibitions at National Museums of Scotland. NS-4. 80-82.
Extramural Medical School, NS-5. 14, 17, 19.


Faed, John, painter, NS-2. 96-97.
Fairholme, Adam, NS-5. 97.
Fairholme, Thomas, West Bow, NS-3. 28.
Fairhurst, John A., see McMillan, Andrew, et al., Building Stones of Edinburgh.
Fairley, Patrick, weaver, Broughton, NS-5. 4, 8.
Falcon Avenue, NS-3. 98.
Falcon Hall, Morningside, NS-3. 95.
Falconer, John, Lord Provost, NS-5. 46-47, 50-52.
Falconer, Miss, Falcon Hall, NS-3. 95.
Falkland, Fife, NS-1. 80; Palace, NS-4. 90, 92, 94.
Falkner, Andrew, town councillor, NS-2. 75.
Falshaw, Sir James, Lord Provost, NS-4. 145.
Farmer, John, baker, NS-3. 92-93.
Farquharson, Francis, Henderson trustee, NS-5. 21.
Farquharson, Mrs. grocer, NS-4. 12.
Fast days, NS-2. 74.
Fencing, NS-2. 114-115.
Fenton, Clive, ‘A Century of Change in George Square 1876-1976’, NS-5. 35-81.
Fergus, John, surveyor, NS-3. 1.
Ferguson, Adam, professor of Moral Philosophy, NS-1. 48; Essay on the History of Civil Society, NS-3. 109; NS-4. 108; NS-5. 98; see also Adam Ferguson Building.
Findlay, teacher, Easter Duddingston, NS-3. 72.
Findlay, George, classics master, Edinburgh Academy, NS-3. 72.
Findlay, Henry, seed merchant, NS-1. 7.
Findlay, Sir James, of Kilkerran, NS-3. 29-30.
Findlay, John, Henderson trustee, NS-5. 22.
Findlay, Walter, St James’s Square, NS-2. 137.
Fergusson, Robert, poet, NS-4. 145.
Fernieside, NS-2. 74.
Ferrier, Mrs Catherine, see Waterston, Catherine.
Ferrier, Robert, stepfather of George Waterston, stationer, NS-4. 109.
Ferrier, Susan, author, NS-1. 35, 38.
Ferry, Granton to Bumtisland, NS-2. 36, 40.
Ferry, Road, NS-1. 20; NS-3. 1, 10-11, 16-18; NS-4. 24, 28, 145.
Fettes Row, NS-2. 81.
Fever statistics in Edinburgh, NS-2. 76, 80.
Fever Hospital, NS-2. 76.
Figgate, Portobello, NS-2. 55.
Figgate, Burn, NS-2. 44, 60.
Findlater and Seafield, James Grant, 6th Earl of, NS-2. 28.
Findlay, John Ritchie, Henderson trustee, NS-5. 22.
Finlay, Peter, spirit dealer, NS-4. 13.
Finlayson, Alexander, gardener, NS-3. 45.
‘Fire and Filth: Edinburgh’s Environment, 1660-1760’, NS-3. 25-36.
Fires, insurance (review), NS-1. 85; NS-2. 72, 80, 85; NS-3. 3 1-33; fire engines, 32; firemen, 32; at Chessels Court, NS-4. 6, 13; fire engines, 6; insurance, 6.
First New Town of Edinburgh, NS-1. 1-13; NS-3. 37, 40, 43-44, 46, 54-55; NS-4. 113-1 14, 116, 117; (review), 150-151; NS-5. 107-109, 111-113; see also New Town.
Fisherrow, NS-2. 108.
Fishing, NS-2. 36, 48-49, 57, 59-61, 65-67, 69, 110-112.
Fishwives Causeway, NS-2. 61, 100.
Fitton, William Henry, NS-4. 115.
de Fivas, Victor, teacher of French, NS-2. 70, 97, 104.
Fleshmarket, NS-3. 26.
Fleshmarket, Close, NS-1. 11, 31; NS-3. 34.
Fletcher, Andrew, Lord Milton, Lord of Session, NS-1. 12; NS-5. 93.
Fletcher, Mr, farmer, St Leonards, Lauder, NS-2. 65, 111.
Flodden Wall, NS-3. note about cover illus.; see also City Wall.
Floors Castle, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 51.
Football, NS-2. 36, 78-80; NS-4. 138-139.
Forbes, Alexander, see Pitsligo, 4th Lord.
Forbes, A. P., Bishop of Brechin, NS-4. 53.
Forbes, Christian, wife of Sir William, 5th Baronet of Pitsligo, 74, 77.
Forbes, Duncan, NS-3. 31.
Forbes, James, 17th Lord, NS-5. 98.
Forbes, James David, professor of Natural Philosophy, NS-1. 77.
Forbes, John, of Boyndlie, NS-1. 74.
Forbes, Hon. John, son of 4th Lord Pitsligo, NS-1. 75.
Forbes, Sir William, 5th Baronet of Pitsligo, NS-1. 74.
Forbes, Sir William, 6th Baronet of Pitsligo, banker, NS-1. 42, 74-78, 74, 76; Memoirs of a Banking House, 77; Account of the Life and Writings of James Beattie, LLD, 77; NS-2. 23; NS-3. 110; NS-4. 39.
Forbes, Sir William, 7th Baronet of Pitsligo, banker, NS-1. 76-77; NS-3. 89.
Forbes, Sir William, James Hunter and Co., bankers, NS-1. 74-75, 75.
Ford, David, ‘D. T. K. Drummond and the Foundation of St Thomas’s Church’, NS-4. 5 1-67.
Fordyce, James, Snowdon Herald, NS-1. 5.
Forestry and Agriculture building, University of Edinburgh, George Square, NS-5. 39-40, 39, 43, 44, 73.
Forrest, Sir James, Lord Provost, NS-2. 66.
Forrest, and Ruthven, engineers, NS-2. 74.
Forrest Road, NS-2. 75; NS-5. 47, 50.
Forrester’s Wynd, NS-1. 74, 79.
Fort George, Inverness-shire, NS-5. 96.
Forth and Clyde Canal, NS-2. 113; NS-4. 103.
Forth Rail Bridge, NS-4. 29.
Forth Road Bridge, NS-4. 26, 29-30.
Fossils, NS-2. 124.
Foster’s Wynd, NS-1. 79.
Fothergill, Anthony, physician (review), NS-5. 120.
Foulis, Adam, brother of Sir John, NS-1. 79.
Foulis, Sir John, of Ravelston, NS-1. 7, 79-81; Account Book of Sir John Foulis of Raveiston, 1671-1707, 79.
Foulke, Francis, President of Royal Medical Society, NS-4. 124.
Fountain Well, Canongate, NS-4. 12.
Fountainbridge, nurseries at, NS-1. 9, 11, 18, 20; mills, NS-2. 94, 109; NS-5. note about cover illus..
Fowke, Captain Francis, architect, NS-4. 70; NS-5. 22.
Fowler, Marion, mother of William Nicol, NS-2. 125.
Fowler’s botanical thermometer, NS-1. 10.
Fox Talbot, William Henry, photographer, NS-2. 78, 128.
Foyer, John, hatter, NS-2. 90.
Fraser, Andrew G., The Building of Old College: Adam, Playfair and the University of Edinburgh (review), NS-1. 86-87; reviews of Charles J. Smith, Edinburgh’s Contribution to Microbiology, NS-4. 154-155; Malcolm Cant, Edinburgh: Gorgie and Dairy, and Villages of Edinburgh: Vol. 1, 162-163; Bill Yule, Matrons, Medics and Maladies, NS-5. 119-120; Hugh M. Milne (ed), Boswell’s Edinburgh Journals, 1767-1786, 121; Edinburgh University Worthies, 126-127; Reginald Passmore, Fellows of Edinburgh’s College of Physicians during the Scottish Enlightenment, 126-127; and James A. Gray, The Edinburgh City Hospital, 127-128; index to BOEC, New Series, Vols 1-5, 137-171; see also Cruft, Kitty, and Fraser, Andrew (eds), James Craig, 1744-1795.
Fraser, Barclay S., ‘The Turnpike Road to Cramond and Queensferry’, NS-4. 23-31.
Fraser, Sir John, principal of the University, NS-5. 49-50, 52.
Frazer, Robert, jeweller and seal engraver, assistant curator, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, NS-3. 63-65, 63, 70.
Frederick Street, NS-2. 86, 89, 101; NS-3. 54, 84; NS-4. 25, 44; NS-5. 108.
Free Church of Scotland, NS-2. 35, 37, 41, 72; NS-3. 91; NS-4. 51, 63; see also Disruption of the Church of Scotland.
Free Church College, NS-2. 76, 101; NS-4. 74.
Free Church of Holyrood, manse at St John’s Hill, NS-4. 110.
Free Church Widows and Orphans Fund, NS-2. 76.
Free Gardeners, St Andrew Order of Ancient Free Gardeners, NS-2. 37, 45.
Free High Church, NS-2. 40, 45.
Free St George’s Church, NS-2. 76.
Free St John’s Church, NS-2. 54.
Free Tolbooth Church, see Tolbooth Free Church.
Freemasons, Sir William Forbes, 6th Baronet of Pitsligo, Grand Master Mason, NS-1. 75; see also Lodge of Edinburgh.
Freemasons, Hall, Niddry Street, NS-2. 41, 101.
French, Rev. John, NS-2. 99.
French lessons, NS-2. 76, 99-103.
Freshwater, Peter B., Sons of Scotia Raise your Voice (review), NS-3. 146-147.
Friendly Society of the Heritors of Edinburgh, NS-3. 32.
Fullerton and Co., printers, NS-2. 85.
Fullerton John, Lord of Session, NS-2. 81.
Funerals, arrangements for, NS-2. 89-91.
Fuseli, Henry, artist, NS-4. 44.
Fushiebridge, Midlothian, NS-2. 62, 70.
Fyfe House, NS-3. 133.


Gaelic Schools Society, NS-4. 59.
Gairdner, Ebenezer, weaver, Portsburgh, NS-5. 8-9.
Galashiels, Selkirkshire, NS-2. 111.
Gall, Dr Franz Joseph, phrenologist, NS-5. 13, 21, 24.
Galloway, Alexander, artist, NS-5. 85.
Galloway’s Entry, Canongate, NS-4. 15.
Game Laws, see National Anti-Game Law Association.
Games, NS-2. 36, 8 NS-4. 112-113; NS-4. 138-139; see also bagatelle, bowls, cards, cricket, football, etc.
Garden, Frances, of Troup, NS-2. note on cover illus.
Gardens, in Old Town, NS-3. 28-29.
Gardiner, John, solicitor, NS-2. 101.
Gardner, James, grocer, NS-2. 101.
Garthshore, Maxwell, physician, NS-2. 125.
Gasworks, see Edinburgh Gaslight Company and Edinburgh and Leith Gas Company.
Gavin, Hector, engraver, NS-3. 131, 133, 133, 139.
Gaw, Robert, of Ironeraig, NS-2. 117.
Gayfield House, NS-2. 55.
Gayfield Square, NS-2. 85.
Gedde, John, of Falkland, NS-1. 80-8 1.
Geddes, Sir Patrick, sociologist and town planner (review), NS-3. 155-156; NS-4. 14; NS-5. 4 NS-3. 107-109.
General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, NS-1. 83.
General Post Office, see Post Office.
General Register House, see Register House.
General Strike, 1926, NS-5. 41.
George I, King of Great Britain and Ireland, coronation, NS-1. 3.
George III, King of Great Britain and Ireland, NS-4. 120, 123.
George IV, King of Great Britain and Ireland, NS-1. 58, 62; royal visit to Edinburgh, 1822, 6, 49; NS-2. 107; royal visit, 53, 55, 63; NS-5. 9, 89.
George IV Bridge, NS-1. 24, 25; NS-2. 58, 113; NS-4. 86, 122-123, 145; NS-5. 22.
George Heriot Trust, see Heriot Trust.
George Heriot’s Hospital (School), see Heriot’s Hospital (School).
George Square, NS-1. 36; NS-2. 41, 98, 105; NS-3. 132-133; ‘A Century of Change in George Square, 1876-1976’, NS-5. 35-81, 94; Gardens, 48, 56, 63; aerial view, 70.
George Street, NS-1. 74; NS-2. 41, 44, 46, 57, 70-71, 78, 84, 100, 104, 107; NS-3. 41, 64; NS-4. 115, 117, l31; NS-5. 108.
George Watson’s Hospital, see Watson’s Hospital.
George Watson’s Ladies College, see Watson’s Ladies College.
Georgian Group of Edinburgh (later Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland), NS-5. 61, 71.
Georgii, Augustus, phrenologist, London, NS-5. 21.
Gib, Adam, NS-5. 4.
Gibb, Robert, coachmaker, NS-4. 8.
Gibb, Robert, Catalogue of the National Gallery of Scotland, NS-5. 83.
Gibb’s Close, Canongate, NS-4. 8.
Gibbon, Edward, historian, NS-1. 76.
Gibbon, Lewis Grassic, Sunset Song, NS-3. 87.
Gibson Craig, Sir James T., 1st Baronet of Riccarton, lawyer, NS-2. 26.
Gibson Craig, Wardlaw and Dalziel, lawyers, NS-2. 3 1-32.
Gifford, T. J. Carlyle, NS-5. 46.
Gifford, Mr, lawyer, NS-4. 122.
Gig, NS-2. 63, 69, 74.
Gilbert, V. S., Pirates of Penzance, NS-4. 146.
Gilhooley, James, The Edinburgh Recorder: Spotlight an the Personalities, Properties and their Fire Insurance Policies from 1720 to 1840 (review), NS-1. 85.
Gillanders, Richard J., see McMillan, Andrew, et al., Building Stones of Edinburgh.
Gillespie, James, see Graham, James Gillespie.
Gillespie Crescent, NS-3. 113.
Gillespie’s Hospital and School (James Gillespie’s), NS-1. 76; NS-2. 75; NS-3. 113, 119, 119.
Gillies, Christian, Inveresk, wife of George Seton, NS-2. 53.
Gilmore Place, NS-3. 91.
Gilmour, Sir John, Craigmillar, NS-2. 61.
Gilmour, Sir John Little, of Craigmillar and Liberton, NS-2. 61.
Gilpin, Charles, London, NS-2. 88.
Gilpin, William, author, NS-1. 35.
Giri, G., leather merchant, NS-4. 13.
Girthon, Kirkcudbrightshire, NS-2. 117.
Gladow, Mr, janitor, Royal High School, NS-2. 92-94.
Gladstone-Millar, Lynne, The Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch (circa 1784) by Sir Henry Raeburn (1756-1823): The Story behind the Painting (review), NS-4. 159-160.
Gladstone’s Land, Lawnmarket, NS-3. 33.
Glasgow, NS-2. 55, 58; riot, 1848, 97-98; Theatre Royal disaster, 1849, 102.
Glasgow, Ecclesiolngical Society, NS-3. 95.
Glasgow, Philosophical Society, NS-1. 57.
Glasgow, Road, NS-4. 64.
Glasgow, Union Bank, NS-1. 77.
Glenlee, Lord, see Miller, Sir William.
Glenorchy, Lord, John Campbell, later 3rd Eari of Breadalbane, NS-5. 9.
Glover, John Hardie, architect, NS-5. 62, 69, 72; see also Spence, Glover and Ferguson.
Godwin, William, author, NS-3. 109.
Gogar Castle, NS-3. 115.
Goldenacre, NS-3. 10.
Goldsmith, Oliver, playwright, NS-1. 76; NS-2. 101.
Goldsmiths, see Incorporation of Goldsmiths.
Golf, NS-4. 137-138.
Golfer’s Land, Canongate, NS-4. 18.
Goodwin, Harvey, Bishop of Carlisle, NS-4. 61.
Gordon, Charies, WS, of Braid and Cluny, NS-2. 62; NS-4. 12.
Gordon, Crouther, David Allan, The Scottish Hogarth, NS-2. 18.
Gordon, and Dermor, seedsmen, London, NS-1. 11.
Gordon, George, 1st Duke of, NS-1. 2.
Gordon, James, of Rothiemay, cartographer, NS-4. 91, 92.
Gordon, James, seedsman and florist, NS-1. 18-20; Planters, Florists and Gardeners Pocket Dictionary, 20.
Gordon, James, son of James, seedsman, NS-1. 20.
Gordon, Dr John, extramural anatomy lecturer, NS-4. 120, 124, 124; NS-5. 13.
Gordon, John Thomson, Sheriff of Midlothian, NS-4. 134.
Gordon, Sir John Watson, artist, NS-4. 124.
Gordon, Lady Katherine, daughter of 3rd Duke of Gordon, NS-4. 12.
Gordon, Maxwell, WS, NS-3. 45, 53.
Gordon, Dr Robert, minister, NS-2. 45, 52, 76, 89, 94.
Gordon, Sir William, of Park, NS-1. 5.
Gordon Castle, Moray, NS-5. 93.
Gorgie, NS-2. 110; (review), NS-4. 162-163.
Gorgie, Mains, NS-2. 76-77.
Gorgie, Mills, NS-3. 89.
Gorgie, Road United Presbyterian (Cairns Memorial) Church, NS-3. 95.
Gorrie, James, police sergeant, NS-4. 13 1-132.
Gosford House, East Lothian, NS-4. 114.
Gosford Place, NS-3. 20.
Gott, Benjamin, Leeds, NS-5. 90.
Gourlay, Robert Gourlay’s House, NS-4. 123.
Gow, Ian, ‘The Edinburgh Villa’, 1, 34-46; ‘A Scottish Rococo Bookplate and its Peers’, NS-2. 137-141; The Scottish Interior: Georgian and Victorian Decor (review), 147-148; review of Sam McKinstry, Twenty Seven Queen Street, Edinburgh, NS-5. 129.
Graham, Helen, diarist, NS-5. 89.
Graham, James Gillespie, architect, NS-2. 49; NS-3. 14; NS-4. 28.
Graham, John, artist, master of the Trustees’ Academy, NS-4. 33, 35, 39-41, 43.
Graham, Robert, of Redgorton, NS-2. 25.
Grainger, Ellen, daughter of James, NS-3. 8.
Grainger, James, physician in America, brother of William, NS-3. 8.
Grainger, William, Warriston, NS-3. 1, 8-9, 11.
Grand Lodge of Scotland, NS-4. 35.
Grange, The Grange (review), NS-2. 150-151; (review), NS-5. 118-119.
Grange, House, NS-2. 102.
Grange, Loan, NS-2. 102.
Grant, Elizabeth, of Rothiemurchus, Memoirs of a Highland Lady, NS-4. 41.
Grant, Sir Francis, president of the Royal Academy, NS-4. 42.
Grant, James, Old and New Edinburgh, NS-3. 14, 115; NS-4. 13.
Grant, John, seller of beeskeps, NS-1. 79.
Grant, John, portrait painter, NS-4. 42.
Grant, Marianne (Mary), of Kilgraston, NS-4. 41-42.
Granton, station and railway ferry, NS-2. 36, 40, 58, 113; harbour, 53; NS-4. 23, 29.
Granville Terrace, NS-3. 90.
Grassmarket, NS-1. 17; NS-2. 55, 62, 77, 80, 110; NS-3. 26, 74; NS-4. 23.
Gray, Sir Alexander, professor of Political Economy, NS-5. 46, 51.
Gray, Charles, 12th Lord Gray, NS-5. 98.
Gray, James, merchant, NS-3. 5.
Gray, James, History of the Royal Medical Society, 173 7-1 937, NS-4. 127.
Gray, James A., The Edinburgh City Hospital (review), NS-5. 127-128.
Gray, James and John, publishers, NS-4. 123.
Gray, John, Town Clerk, NS-4. 12.
Gray, John, master of Greyfriars’ Bobby, NS-4. 85, 87.
Gray, Robert, Procurator Fiscal, NS-5. 114.
Gray, William, Dingwall Pursuivant, NS-1. 5.
Gray, Mr, plan of property, by James Craig, NS-5. 114.
Gray’s Annual Directory, NS-4. 13, 46.
Great Exhibition, London, 1851, NS-4. 70, 72, 147.
Great King Street, NS-2. 43, 77, 96; NS-3. 50, 51; NS-4. 86.
Green, J. M., writing master, NS-2. 104.
Green, Simon, review of Donald Smith, John Knox House: Gateway to Edinburgh Old Town, NS-4. 152-153.
Greenbank (review), NS-5. 118.
Greendykes, NS-2. 62.
Greenend, farm, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 66-69; railway cutting and stables, 67.
Greenhill, NS-3. 89.
Greenside, NS-2. 41, 81.
Greenside, Church, NS-2. 88, 107.
Greenside, Place, NS-2. 41, 55.
Greenside, Row, NS-2. 88.
Greenside, School, NS-2. 88.
Greenside, Street, NS-2. 37, 41, 53, 55, 83 etpassim.
Greenside, Subscription (Free) School, NS-2. 88.
Greenwich time, NS-2. 91.
Gregory, James, professor of Medicine, NS-3. 137; NS-5. 14.
Gregory, Mrs, teacher, NS-4. 13.
Greig, Alexander, butcher, NS-5. 114.
Greig, Andrew and Co., carpet manufacturers, NS-2. 109.
Greville, Dr R. K., NS-4. 56.
Grey, Rev. Henry, NS-2. 82.
Greyfriars Church, NS-3. 33.
Greyfriars Churchyard, NS-1. 77; NS-2. 108, 138; burial of Lord Provost Samuel McClellan, 121; NS-3. 26, 28, 105, 110; NS-4. 85; NS-5. 93, 113.
Greyfriars’ Bobby (dog), NS-4. 85-88, 85; statue, 86.
Grieve, Rev. Dr Henry, NS-3. 53.
Grieve, Robert, coach currier, NS-2. 108, 110.
Grose, Francis, NS-3. 115, 118, 121; Antiquities of Scotland, 115, 116, 118.
Guard House, High Street, NS-1. 17.
Gullan, Andrew, weaver, Balmerino, NS-2. 63-64.
Gulland, Andrew, corn merchant, uncle of John, NS-2. 53, 89.
Gulland, Elisabeth, wife of Andrew, NS-2. 89.
Gulland, George, baker, father of John, NS-2. 35, 43, 65-66, 75, 93, 107.
Gulland, George Lovell, professor, NS-2. 38.
Gulland, James, farmer at Newton, Fife, NS-2. 59, 81.
Gulland, James, draper, JP, uncle of John, NS-2. 40, 60, 67, 91.
Gulland, Joan, wife of George Seton, Sherifthall Mains, NS-2. 42.
Gulland, John, corn merchant and Town Councillor, schoolboy diary, 1846-1849, NS-2. 35-115, 112; family tree, 39; signature at Abbotsford, 64; John Gulland, A Memoir, 112.
Gulland, John William, MP, NS-2. 38.
Gulland, Laurence, baker, NS-2. 74.
Gulland, Mrs Laurence, ‘Aunt Gulland’, NS-2. 85.
Gullan’s (Gillan’s) Close, Canongate, NS-4. 1, 8, 15, 17, 60.
Gunn, Dr William Maxwell, teacher, NS-2. 41.
Gunpowder Manufactory, Canonmills, NS-4. 103-106.
Gusthart, John, son of Rev. William, NS-5. 104.
Gusthart, Rev. William, NS-5. 104.
Guthrie, Henry, lawyer, NS-4. 4.
Guthrie, John, weaver, NS-5. 9.
Guthrie, Dr Thomas, minister, Free St John’s Church, NS-2. 54.
Gymnastic games, NS-2. 54.


Habib, Vanessa, ‘William Cheape of the Canongate, an Eighteenth Century Linen Manufacturer’, NS-5. 1-12.
Hackney coaches, NS-4. 117; charges, 26, 30.
Haddington, NS-2. 107.
Haddington, Market, NS-2. 82.
Haddington, New Mills, NS-2. 117.
Haddington, Place, NS-2. 74.
Haddoway, Bessie, Caldhame, NS-1. 79.
Hague, The Hague, Street lighting, NS-3. 33.
Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig, Field Marshal, NS-2. 63, 65.
Hailes, NS-1. 38.
Haldane, George Cockburn, of Gleneagles, NS-2. 16.
Haldane, Margaret, victim of Burke and Hare, NS-3. 77.
Haldane, Mary, victim of Burke and Hare, NS-3. 76.
Halkerston’s Wynd, NS-3. 26.
Hall, Sir James, 4th Baronet of Dunglass, NS-1. 49.
Hall, Robert, merchant, NS-3. 12, 21.
Hallidean Mill, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 65.
Halloween, NS-2. 75-77.
Hamilton, Alexander, professor of Midwifery, NS-3. 131, 134-136, 139; Elements of the Practice of Midwifery, 135.
Hamilton, Balfour and Neil, printers, NS-3. 105.
Hamilton, Eleanor, damask table napkin, NS-5. 5.
Hamilton, Sir James, of Finnart, King’s Architect, NS-4. 94.
Hamilton, James, 4th Duke of, NS-4. 103.
Hamilton, James, 5th Duke of, NS-4. 3-4.
Hamilton, James, professor of Midwifery, NS-3. 131-141; Select Cases in Midwifery, 136.
Hamilton, Thomas, architect, NS-2. 27, 62; NS-4. 121; NS-5. 89.
Hamilton, William, biss-maker, Potterrow, NS-3. 7.
Hamilton, William, seedsman, 1, 17.
Hamilton, William Douglas, 3rd Duke of, nursery garden, NS-1. 7; patron of William Miller, gardener, 15; NS-2. 117.
Hamilton, Mrs, widow of William, seedsman, NS-1. 17; advertisement, 18.
Hamilton-Dairymple, Sir John, 5th Baronet of North Berwick, NS-3. 12.
Hamilton Parish Church, Lanarkshire, NS-4. 3.
Hammermen, see Incorporation of Hammermen.
Hammond, Thomas, firework maker, NS-4. 13.
Handyside, David, extramural lecturer, NS-5. 19.
Handyside, Robert, Lord of Session, NS-4. 134.
Hanover Street, NS-2. 40, 60, 67, 71, 92, 98, 102, 104; NS-4. 36, 13 1-134.
Hansel Monday, NS-2. 87; NS-4. 137.
Harden, Jessy (Jessy Allan), diarist, NS-1. 43; NS-4. 115; (review), 151.
Harden, John, artist (review), NS-4. 151.
Hardy, Lileen, kindergarten teacher, NS-4. 15.
Hardy, Rev. Thomas, professor of Church History, NS-4. 117.
Hare, William, murderer, NS-3. 74-77.
Harper, Rev. James, NS-2. 90.
Harris, Robert, merchant, NS-3. 29.
Harris, Stuart, ‘New Light on the First New Town’. NS-2. 1-13; The Place Names of Edinburgh: Their Origins and History (review), NS-4. 156-158.
Harris, William, scientific instrument maker, London, NS-1. 51.
Harvey, George, artist, NS-2. 108.
Hastie, David, weaver, 5, 1.
Hastie’s Close, Cowgate, NS-5. 95, 96.
Haswell, James, wine merchant, NS-2. 55.
Haswell, James, son of James, wine merchant, NS-2. 55, 59, 84.
Hatton House, Ratho, Midlothian, NS-1. 42, 43.
Haughpark Cottage, Cramond Brig, NS-4. 30.
Havard, Germain, carpet weaver, NS-5. 6.
Hävernick, Dr Walter, NS-3. 65, 72-73.
Hawes Inn, South Queensferry, NS-4. 30.
Hawkhill, NS-1. 40, 42; NS-5. 93.
Hay and Addis, Hill Street Lane, NS-2. 85.
Hay Ann, shop assistant, NS-2. 43.
Hay Elizabeth, wife of Sir William Forbes, 6th Baronet of Pitsligo, NS-1. 74, 77.
Hay Sir James, of Haystoun, NS-1. 74.
Hay Sir John, 6th Baronet of Smithfield and Hayston, NS-4. 35.
Hay Colonel John, of Cromlix, NS-1. 3.
Hay John, bailie, NS-3. 26.
Hay John, banker, NS-1. 77.
Hay Margaret, shop assistant, NS-2. 43.
Hay Peter, watchmaker, NS-2. 74.
Hay Robert, of Drumelzier. NS-2. 49.
Hay William, of Drumeizier and Duns, NS-2. 49.
Hay Mr. silversmith, NS-2. 91.
Haymarket, NS-2. 113.
Heiton and Gulland, drapers, NS-2. 60, 67, 70, 92.
Heiton John, Darnick Tower, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 67, 69.
Helicon Vase, exhibited in Edinburgh, NS-4. 146.
Henderson, Alexander, Lord Provost, banker, NS-1. 9; NS-3. 12-14, 21; NS-5. 15.
Henderson, and Co., seedsmen, NS-1. 9.
Henderson, David, architect, NS-2. 3.
Henderson, Eagle, son of Alexander, Lord Provost, NS-1. 9.
Henderson, Elizabeth, wife of Robert Kay, farmer at Warriston, NS-3. 5.
Henderson, John, curator of the Phrenological Museum, NS-5. 25-27.
Henderson, Richard, seedsman, NS-1. 7.
Henderson, William, treasurer of Canongate, NS-2. 18.
Henderson, William Ramsay, supporter of phrenology, NS-5. 14-15, 24.
Henderson Free Church, NS-2. 97.
Henderson Row, NS-4. 14; NS-5. 15.
Henderson Trust (phrenology), NS-5. 13-33.
Henderson Henry, Prince of the Netherlands, NS-2. 60-61.
Heppell, David, see Swinney, Geoffrey N., and Heppell, David, ‘Public and Privileged Access: A Historical Survey of Admission Charges and Visitor Figures for Part of the Scottish National Collections.
Heraldic offices held by Erskines of Cambo, table, NS-1. 1.
Heralds and Jacobite risings, NS-1. 1-6.
Herdman, Ursula, kindergarten teacher, NS-4. 15-16.
Heriot, Robert, seedsman, NS-1. 12.
Heriot Place, NS-3. note about cover illus..
Heriot Row, NS-2. 81, 98; NS-3. 50, 5 NS-2. 54.
Heriot Trust, NS-1. 12; NS-2. 1-3, 38; NS-3. NS-1. 5-16, 20-22.
Heriot’s Croft, NS-5. 63.
Heriot’s Hospital (School), NS-1. 7; NS-2. 70; NS-3. 28, 37-45, 49-55, 97, note about cover illus.; NS-4. 103, 106.
Heriot’s Work, nursery at, NS-1. 15.
Heriot-Watt College (University). NS-1. 52; NS-2. 38, 58, 78; NS-5. 22-27, 25, 43, 97, 99.
Hermiston, NS-2. 36, 110.
Hermitage of Braid, NS-2. 62.
Hermits and Termits, St Leonards, NS-4. note about cover illus..
Herries, Sir Robert, banker, NS-1. 74.
Hewat, William, Williamfield House, Portobello, NS-2. 42.
Hewitson, T. T., Town Planning Officer, NS-5. 62.
Hibbs, Rev. Richard, curate, NS-4. 60.
Hibernian Football Club (review), NS-4. 155.
High Church, see St Giles Church.
High Court, Edinburgh, NS-4. 131, 133.
High Kirk, see St Giles Church.
High School, see Royal High School.
High School Wynd, NS-3. 26.
High School Yards, NS-2. 54, 76, 78; NS-3. 27; NS-5. 14-18, 43, 47, 59; Nursery School, 18.
High Street, NS-1. 30-31; NS-2. 47, 57, 71-73 et passim; NS-3. 31, 86; NS-4. 4, 108, 145.
Highland and Agricultural Society, see Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland.
Highland Railway, NS-4. 142.
Highlanders in Edinburgh, NS-4. 137, 142.
Hiley, Alison, review of James Moray Calder, The Edinburgh Highland Reel and Strathspey Society: A History, NS-5. 117-118.
Hill, David Octavius, artist and photographer (review), NS-3. 143-144; view along Newhaven beach, calotype, 143; NS-4. 41, 62, 63, 86; ‘View of Edinburgh from the Castle Rock’, 138.
Hill, Octavia, philanthropist, NS-4. 14.
Hill, Peter, scientific instrument maker, NS-1. 57.
Hill Square, NS-4. 125, 127.
Hill Street, NS-4. 37, 37, 40, 44-46.
Hill Street Lane, NS-2. 85.
Hillyard, Yvonne, ‘The Holy Corner: A Study in the early History and Development of an important Piece of Edinburgh Townscape’, NS-3. 89-104.
Historic Buildings Council, NS-5. 61.
Hodgson, William Ballantine, professor of Political Economy, NS-5. 21.
Hogg, James, author, NS-3. 86.
Hogg, Jimmy, reviews of Malcolm Cant, Marchmont, Sciennes and the GrangeNS-5. 118-119; and Walter M. Stephen, Fabric and Function: A Century of School Building in Edinburgh, 125.
Hogmanay, NS-2. 84-85.
Holcombe, Colonel I. F., NS-4. 56.
Holden, Dr Charles, architect, NS-5. 48-52, 49, 56, 71.
Holland, Sir Thomas, principal of the University, NS-5. 46.
Holm, John D., phrenologist, London, NS-5. 21.
Holy Corner, Morningside, NS-3. 89-104, 89.
Holy Corner Church Centre, NS-3. 100.
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Dean Bridge, NS-4. 52-53, 55, 57.
Holyrood Abbey, funeral of James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose, NS-1. 1; NS-3. 1; NS-4. 108.
Holyrood Abbey Church, Royal Chapel in, NS-2. 133-134.
Holyrood Palace, see Holyroodhouse.
Holyrood Park, NS-2. 36, 114; NS-3. 63; see also King’s Park, Queen’s Park.
Holyrood Press, NS-2. 133.
Holyrood Road, NS-2. 105; NS-4. 1, 6, 10, 16, 108; NS-5. 43, note about cover illus..
Holyrood School of the Royal College of Holyrood House, NS-2. 133-135.
Holyrood Street, NS-2. 105.
Holyroodhouse, Palace of, NS-1. 15; NS-2. 133-134; NS-3. 119; NS-4. 89-102, 142; NS-5. 89, Ill, 112; breweries in precincts of, note about cover illus..
Home, Bruce J., artist, NS-4. 11, 17.
Home, Admiral Sir David, NS-2. 49.
Home, David Milne, of Billie and Wedderburn, NS-2. 49.
Henry, Lord Kames, Lord of Session, NS-2. 6, 8; NS-3. 105, 109-110; NS-5. 111.
Honeyman, David, St Boswells, NS-2. 63.
Honeyman, John, architect, Glasgow, NS-3. 91.
Hope, Sir Alexander, of Kerse, NS-4. 103.
Hope, Charles, of Granton, Lord President of Court of Session, NS-2. 25.
Hope, Sir John, 11th Baronet of Craighall, NS-2. 25.
Hope, Dr John, professor of Botany, NS-1. 16, 20; NS-3. 105.
Hope, Thomas, of Rankeillor, NS-5. 2.
Hope, Dr Thomas Charles, professor of Chemistry, NS-1. 48; NS-3. 137-138; NS-5. 14.
Hope Park, NS-3. 29.
Hope Park Church, NS-2. 45.
Hopetoun, Countess of, NS-1. 18.
Hopetoun House, West Lothian, NS-4. 116; NS-5. 93.
Homer, Leonard, educationalist, NS-1. 52; NS-4. 35.
Horse Wynd, Canongate, NS-5. 111, 112; note about cover illus..
Horsfield, A. E., architect, NS-3. 20.
Hossack, Daniel (Donald), message boy, NS-4. 132-134.
Hotels, NS-4. 117.
House of Correction, NS-3. 29.
Houston, Rab, ‘Fire and Filth: Edinburgh’s Environment, 1660-1760’, NS-3. 25-36.
Howard Place, Inverleith Row, NS-3. 14-15.
Howie, Archibald, deacon of the Weavers, NS-5. 3.
Hugh Robson Building, George Square, NS-5. 59, 73.
Hughes’ Equestrian Establishment, NS-2. 50-5 1.
Humane Society, NS-2. 90.
Humble, Midlothian, NS-2. 123-124.
Hume, David, dyer, NS-4. 4.
Hume, David, philosopher, NS-3. 105, 109; NS-4. 108; mausoleum, Calton Graveyard, 114, 116; NS-5. 93; see also David Hume Tower.
Hume, Joseph, MP, NS-4. 72.
Humphrey Clinker, novel by Tobias Smollett, NS-3. 84.
Hunter, D. L. G., Edinburgh’s Transport, Vol. 1, The Early Years (review), NS-3. 154.
Hunter, James, warehouseman, NS-3. 107.
Hunter, James, banker, see Hunter Blair.
Hunter, James, of Thurston, NS-4. 35.
Hunter, Captain Patrick, Queen Street, NS-3. 43.
Hunter Blair, Sir James, banker, Lord Provost, NS-1. 74, 76-77, 77; NS-5. 94.
Hunter Square, NS-2. 90, 106; NS-4. 42.
Hunter’s Bog, Arthur’s Seat, NS-2. 44, 79.
Huntley Street, Canonmills, NS-2. 81.
Huntly House Museum, Canongate, NS-2. 66, 93; NS-5. 4, 107, 108.
Hurd, Robert, architect, NS-4. 7, 17; NS-5. 50-51, 55, 62-63, 62, 74; Hurd and Reiach, Rebuilding Scotland, 74.
Hurst and Robinson, publishers, NS-5. 88.
Hutcheson, Matthew, flesher in Leith, tenant at Warriston, NS-3. 15-17.
Hutchison, John, staymaker, NS-4. 12.
Hutton, Harriet, wife of D. I. K. Drummond. NS-4. 52.
Hutton, Dr James, geologist, NS-4. 107-112, 115; Memorial Garden, 110.
Hynd, Neil, architect, NS-4. 93.
Hyndford’s Close, Netherbow, NS-5. 10.


Ice hockey, NS-4. 137.
Improvements, civic, NS-2. 107; NS-4. 122.
Inch House, NS-3. 113.
Incorporation of Baxters, NS-2. 93; NS-4. 24, 30.
Incorporation of Goldsmiths, NS-3. 28.
Incorporation of Hammermen, NS-3. 26.
Incorporation of Mary’s Chapel (Wrights and Masons), NS-5. 94.
Incorporation of Skinners, NS-3. 9, 26.
Incorporation of Tailors of the Canongate, NS-4. 11.
Incorporation of Trades of Calton, NS-2. 114.
Incorporation of Weavers of the Canongate, NS-5. 1.
India Place, NS-2. note about cover illus..
Indian Students Union, 11 George Square, NS-5. 43.
Industrial Museum of Scotland, NS-4. 70, 74, 145-148; see also National Museums of Scotland.
Infirmary, see Royal Infirmary.
Infirmary, Street, NS-2. 41, 76, 78, 101; NS-4. 119; NS-5. 16, 18, 93.
Influenza, NS-2. 79-80.
Inglis, Alexander, agent for Duke of Hamilton, NS-4. 3-4.
Inglis, John, of Eastshiell, NS-2. 118.
Innes, Sir Malcolm of Edingight, ‘Ceremonial in Edinburgh: The Heralds and the Jacobite Risings’, NS-1. 1-6.
Innocent Railway, NS-2. 108.
Institution for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts in Scotland, NS-4. 34-36, 41.
Inveraray, Argyll, NS-4. 103.
Inveresk, East Lothian, NS-1. 38, 38, 43-44; NS-2. 59.
Inveresk, Church, NS-2. 59.
Inverleith, nursery at, NS-1. 11, 23; NS-2. 74; NS-3. 5, 8.
Inverleith, House, NS-1. 39, 40.
Inverleith, Row, NS-1. 44; NS-3. 1, 5, 10, 14, 16, 20.
Ireland, NS-4. 139.
Irish labourers, NS-2. 59.
Irvine, James, artist, NS-5. 88.
Irving, Mrs, mother of General Irving, NS-4. 13.
Isaac, James, draper, Melrose, NS-2. 67-68.
Italian Evangelism, NS-4. 59.


Jack’s Close, Canongate, NS-2. 106; NS-5. 10.
Jackson, James, Dean of Guild, treasurer of Heriot’s Hospital, NS-3. 50.
Jackson, John Baptist, designer, NS-5. 6.
Jackson’s Close, NS-1. 11.
Jacobite risings, NS-1. 1-6; NS-2. 1, 16; NS-3. 124; NS-4. 4, 13, 51.
Jacob’s Ladder, Calton Hill, NS-2. 35, 43, 45.
Jaifrey, Rev. John, NS-2. 86.
James IV, King of Scots, NS-4. 93, 101.
James VII and II, King of Great Britain and Ireland, NS-1. 1, 3; NS-2. 1, 133-134; NS-4. 51.
James, Henry, glover, NS-4. 12.
James Court, Lawnmarket, NS-2. 57; NS-4. 11.
James Gillespie’s Hospital, see Gillespie’s Hospital.
Jameson, Laurence, nephew of Robert, NS-4. 73.
Jameson, Robert, professor of Natural History, NS-1. 49, 51, 58; NS-2. 86, 126-127; NS-4. 69-73.
Jameson, William, Portobello, NS-2. 42, 55.
Jamieson, Patrick, deacon of the Masons, NS-5. 103-104.
Jaques, Richard, and McKean, Charles, West Lothian: An Illustrated Architectural Guide (review). NS-4. 152.
Jardine, James, civil engineer, NS-1. 5 NS-4. 60. 64, 66; NS-4. 28.
Jardine, Sir William, ‘Memoir of William Smellie, NS-3. 109.
Jeanniefield, farm, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 66.
Jeffrey, Francis, Lord of Session, NS-1. 34, 42, 4 NS-5. 77; NS-2. 81; Edinburgh Review, 81; NS-3. 86.
Jeffrey, Rev. John, NS-2. 101.
Jeffrey Street, NS-4. 15.
Jerusalem, model of, NS-2. 80.
Jerusalem, Diocesan Fund, NS-4. 59.
Jessfield House, Dewar Place, NS-2. 101.
Jesuit College at Holyroodhouse, NS-2. 133-135.
Jock’s Lodge, nursery at, NS-1. 9; NS-2. 113.
John Ker Memorial Church, Polwarth Gardens, NS-3. 95.
John Knox House, High Street, NS-1. 3 review, NS-4. 152-153.
John Watson’s Institution, see Watson’s Institution.
John’s Coffee House, NS-5. 97.
Johnson, Jean, NS-3. 29.
Johnson, Samuel, lexicographer, NS-1. 76; Dictionary, NS-2. 82; NS-4. II, 115.
Johnson-Marshall, Percy, professor of Urban Design and Regional Planning, NS-5. 65-73, 66, 75; Rebuilding Cities, 67.
Johnston, Alexander, of Straiton, NS-5. 98.
Johnston, Alexander Keith, cartographer, NS-2. 42, 95; family tree, 39.
Johnston, George Harvey, NS-2. 38.
Johnston, Isabella, mother of John Gulland, NS-2. 38, 107; family tree, 39.
Johnston, John, of Grange, NS-4. 11.
Johnston, Patrick, Lord Provost, NS-2. 118.
Johnston, Thomas Brumby, mapmaker, NS-2. 43, 77.
Johnston, Sir William, of Kirkhill, Lord Provost, NS-2. 35, 62, 99, 107.
Johnston, William, cartographer, NS-2. 42.
Johnston, W. and A. K., cartographers, NS-2. 38, 42.
Johnstone, Wynn, of Hilton, NS-4. 12.
Jones, Jean, see Daiches, David, et al. (eds), The Scottish Enlightenment.
Jones, Peter, see Daiches, David, et al. (eds), The Scottish Enlightenment.
Joppa, NS-2. 56, 61.
Justice, James, botanist, NS-1. 9-10, 12-13; Scots Gardiners Director, 9, 12; British Gardners Calendar, 12-13.


Kaleidoscope, NS-1. 49-51.
Kames, Lord, see Home, Henry.
Karikari, Kolli, King of Ashanti, NS-4. 146.
Kaufman, Matthew H., ‘The First and Second Halls of the Royal Medical Society’, NS-4. 119-129, 126; Kaufman, M. H., and Blomfield, S., ‘The Museums of the Edinburgh Phrenological Society’, NS-5. 13-33.
Kay, Alexander, son of Robert, NS-3. 5-6, 9.
Kay, Elizabeth, wife of Robert, NS-3. 5.
Kay, John, son of Sarah, Widow Kay, NS-3. 9.
Kay, John, caricaturist, NS-1. 76, 76-77; NS-3. 69; satires on Sir Lawrence Dundas, 123-130, 126, 128; Original Portraits and Caricature Etchings, 69, 124.
Kay, Robert, farmer at Warriston, NS-3. 5-6; NS-4. 105.
Kay, Sarah (Widow Kay), wife of Alexander, NS-3. 5-9.
Keay, Sir Lancelot, architect, NS-5. 52-53.
Kedzlie, Alexander, shopkeeper, NS-4. 131-134.
Keir Street, NS-2. 53; NS-3. note about cover illus..
Keith, Dr J., NS-4. 56.
Kelso, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 5 1-52, 66; NS-5. 103.
Kemp, Rev. Dr John, NS-3. 53.
Kemp, K. T., lecturer in chemistry, NS-5. 19.
Kempson, Peter, medallist, Birmingham, NS-1. 30-32.
Kenmure, Alexander Gordon, 5th Viscount, NS-2. 118.
Kensington, South Kensington Museum, London, NS-4. 146.
Ker Memorial Church, see John Ker Memorial Church.
Kerr, John, NS-5. 62.
Kerr, Robert, Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Correspondence of William Smellie, NS-3. 105, 109.
Kerr, William, secretary to the General Post Office, Edinburgh, NS-3. 53.
Kerse, Stirlingshire, NS-3. 123.
Kilbaberton House, see Baberton House.
Kildrummy Castle, Aberdeenshire, NS-4. 90.
Kilt, NS-4. 142.
Kincaid, Alexander, Lord Provost, NS-2. 138; NS-5. 113.
Kincaid, family, of Warriston, NS-3. 5.
Kincaid, John, of Warriston, NS-3. 2-3.
Kincaid, John, murder of, 1600, NS-3. 3.
King, David, review of Margaret Sanderson, Robert Adam and Scotland: Portrait of an Architect, NS-3. 149-151.
King, James, miller, Duddingston, NS-2. 44, 57, 71, 75, 80, 96.
King George V Memorial Trust for Playing Fields iii Scotland, NS-4. 80.
Kinghom Parish Church, Fife, NS-5. 113.
King’s Buildings, University of Edinburgh, NS-5. 41, 43-47, 49, 53-55, 59, 69.
King’s Park, quarry, NS-2. 119; see also Holyrood Park, Queen’s Park.
King’s Stables Road, NS-4. 23.
Kininmonth, Sir William, architect, NS-5. 75, 78 n69.
Kinnaird House, Stirlingshire, NS-2. 18.
Kinniburgh, Robert, headmaster of Deaf and Dumb Institution, NS-4. 14.
Kinnoull, Thomas Hay, 7th Earl of, NS-1. 3.
Kirk, Rev. John, Arbirlot, NS-2. 91.
Kirk, Dr John, African explorer, son of Rev. John, NS-2. 91.
Kirkbraehead, NS-4. 23; toll, 29.
Kirkcaldy, Fife, NS-5. 93-94.
Kirkheugh, NS-2. 118.
Kirkhill House, Gorebridge, Midlothian, NS-2. 62.
Kirking of the Town Council, NS-2. 109.
Kirkliston, West Lothian, NS-4. 30.
Kirknewton, Midlothian, NS-3. 5.
Kirkwood, James and Sons, engravers, NS-2. 42.
Kirkwood, Dr Robert, cartographer, NS-1. 49; Ancient Plan of Edinburgh, 3, 1, 3; Plan of Edinburgh and Environs, 1817, 12, 13; NS-4. 104, 108, 109, note about cover illus..
Kites, NS-2. 50-51.
Knights of the Order of the Thistle, NS-2. 133-134.
Knoblauch, Hugo, merchant in Leith, Agra Lodge, NS-3. 18.
Knox, James, plan of Edinburgh, NS-5. 36.
Knox, John, see John Knox House.
Knox, Dr Robert, anatomist, NS-1. 48; NS-3. 74-75, 74; NS-4. 120, 121.
Kyle, Agnes, wife of George Bryden of Lessudden, NS-2. 65.


Laboratory of the Royal Medical Society, NS-4. 121.
Ladies, tickets for Natural History Museum, NS-4. 72.
Lady Glenorchy’s Church, NS-2. 55, 86.
Lady Yester’s Church, NS-2. 58, 101, 109; NS-3. 44; NS-5. 16.
Laing, David, antiquary, NS-2. 24.
Laird, Michael, and Partners, architects, NS-2. note about cover illus..
Lamps, NS-2. 98.
L’Amy, James, advocate, NS-5. 15.
Lancefield, Alfred, Plan of Edinburgh, 1850, NS-3. 14.
Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry, painter, NS-2. 58.
Lang Dykes, NS-2. 1, 9; NS-4. 115.
Lartington Conchological Society, Yorkshire, NS-2. 128.
Lasswade, Midlothian, NS-1. 37.
Lauder, Berwickshire, NS-2. 65, 111-112; fairs, 112.
Lauderdale, John Maitland, 2nd Earl and 1st Duke of, NS-1. 42; NS-2. 61.
Laurent, Peter, designer, NS-5. 4.
Laurie, A. E., rector of Old St Paul’s Episcopal Church, NS-4. 15.
Laurie, Gilbert, Lord Provost, NS-2. 8.
Laurie, James, Town Clerk, NS-4. 12.
Laurie, John, surveyor, NS-2. 1-10; plans, 2, 4, 7; NS-3. 41.
Lauriston, NS-1. 20.
Lauriston, Lane, NS-2. 42, 95.
Lauriston, Place, NS-5. 41, 93.
Lawers House, Perthshire, NS-4. 1.
Lawnmarket, NS-1. 10, 12, 16, 79; NS-2. 41, 55; NS-3. 26, 33; NS-5. 71.
Lawrence, Christopher, Lucier, Paul, and Booth, Christopher C. (eds), ‘Take Time by the Forelock’: The Letters of Anthony Fothergill to James Woodeforde, 1789-1813 (review), NS-5. 120.
Lawrence, Sir Thomas, collection of architectural casts, NS-2. 26-27.
Lawrie, Mary, shop assistant, NS-2. 77-78.
Lawrie, Thomas, blacksmith, St Boswells, NS-2. 67.
Lawson, Charles, wright at Monzie, NS-1. 9.
Lawson, Charles, son of Peter, seedsman, NS-1. 25.
Lawson, Patrick, weaver, NS-5. 3.
Lawson, Peter, seedsman, NS-1. 9, 24-25.
Lawson, Peter and Co., seedsmen, NS-1. 25.
Lawson, Peter and Son, seedsmen, NS-1. 24.
Lawson, Seed and Nursery Co., NS-1. 24; NS-4. 145.
Laycock, Thomas, professor of Medicine (review), NS-4. 15 3-154.
Leader Water, Berwickshire, NS-2. 66, 111.
Leaderfoot viaduct, Berwickshire, NS-2. 66.
Learmonth, John, of Dean, Lord Provost, NS-2. 104; NS-4. 28.
Lees, George, lecturer in natural philosophy, NS-5. 19.
Leggat, Henry, NS-2. 118.
Leishman, John, Corstorphine, NS-2. 109-110.
Leith, NS-2. 32, 36, 54, 57-61, 82, 108, 120; NS-3. 7, 15, 26, 28, 30, 41; NS-4. 23-24, 29, 104, 116; (review), 158-159; NS-5. 98.
Leith, Bridge (Old), NS-4. 24, 29.
Leith, Coburg Street (Harper Memorial) Church, NS-2. 90.
Leith, Custom House, NS-2. 74.
Leith, Docks, NS-2. 57. 6 NS-1. 100. 106. 115; NS-3. 18-19; strike at, NS-5. 41.
Leith, Fort, NS-4. 29.
Leith, Links, NS-1. 44; NS-2. 58-6!.
Leith, North Leith Parish Church (St Ninian’s) (review), NS-3. 157.
Leith, Roads, NS-2. 60.
Leith, Shore, NS-2. 61.
Leith, Siege of, 1560, NS-3. 1.
Leith, South Leith Parish Church (St Mary’s), NS-2. 60; NS-5. 114.
Leith, Street, NS-1. 21, 30; NS-2. 4 NS-1. 7 NS-1. 7 NS-3. 77, 98.
Leith, Town Council, NS-4. 145.
Leith, Walk, NS-1. 17, 21, 22; NS-2. 5, 74, 85, 106; NS-4. 23.
Leith, Wynd, NS-2. 78; NS-3. 1; NS-5. 97.
Leith, Wynd Church, NS-2. 87.
Leithmount, NS-1. 43.
Leny Hill, NS-4. 23.
Leslie, Andrew, seedsman, NS-1. 10-Il.
Leslie, John, professor of Mathematics, NS-1. 48-50, 52.
Leslie, Lewis, priest, NS-2. 133.
Lessudden, see St Boswells, Roxburghshire.
Leven, Alexander Melville, 4th Earl of Leven and Melville, NS-1. 83.
Lewis, Anthony, Additions to Descriptive List of Works and Projects by James Craig’, NS-5. 111-116.
Lewis, Frederick Christian, engraver, London, NS-5. 85.
Lewis, Colonel, Deputy Governor of Gibraltar(?), NS-5. 83.
Lewis, Miss (Mrs Williams), mother of H. W. Williams, NS-5. 83.
Liberton Church, NS-2. 86, 110.
Libraries, NS-2. 36-37, 57-58. 92-93; see also Advocates Library, Edinburgh City Libraries, National Library of Scotland, Royal Medical Society.
Librights, Jacobus, Dutch weaver, NS-5. 2.
Liddell, Eric .see Eric Liddell Centre.
Lillyput, Trinity, NS-1. 39.
Lindsay, Ian, architect, NS-4. 17.
Lindsey, David, merchant, NS-5. I.
Lindsey, William, plumber, NS-3. 30.
Linen Hall, Moray House, NS-2. 139, 140; NS-5. 7-9.
Linen manufacture, NS-5. 1-12.
Linlithgow, West Lothian, NS-4. 26; Palace, 95.
Lithgow, Stephen, farmer at Warriston, NS-3. 5-6, 8-9.
Little France, NS-2. 62, 74; NS-5. 74.
Livestock, in Old Town, NS-3. 26-27.
Livingston Yards, NS-1. 16.
Livingstone, David, explorer, NS-2. 6!.
Livingstone Place, Meadows, NS-2. 61.
Lizars, Alexander Jardine, professor of Anatomy, Aberdeen, brother of William, NS-5. 19.
Lizars, John, anatomist, brother of William, System of Anatomical Plates, NS-1. 63; NS-5. 16, 17, 19.
Lizars, William Home, artist and engraver, NS-1. 49, 58, 63-64; NS-2. 129; NS-5. 16-19. 17, 88.
Lochbank, farm on site of New Town, NS-2. 1.
Lochend, NS-3. 30.
Lock Shott, Warriston, NS-3. 5-6.
Lockhart, Sir Alexander, of Craighouse, Dean of the Faculty of Advocates, NS-2. 137-138; NS-5. 98.
Lockhart, George, of Carnwath, NS-3. 134.
Lockhart, John Gibson, NS-3. 84-86; Peter’s Letters to his Kinsfolk, 84.
Lockhart, William, of Craighouse, bookplate of, NS-2. 137-138. 137.
Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary’s Chapel No. 1), NS-4. 46.
Logan family, of Bonnington, NS-3. 5.
Logie Green, Canonmills, NS-3. 1, 16.
Logie Mill, Canonmills, NS-4. 104.
London, street lighting, NS-3. 33.
London, Leith, Edinburgh and Glasgow Shipping Company, NS-2. 83.
London, Road, NS-2. 107.
London, Street, NS-3. 50.
London, Veterinary College, NS-5. 14.
Longman, Rees and Co., publishers, NS-5. 88.
Lonsdale, Henry, extramural lecturer, NS-5. 19.
Lord Angus’ Regiment, NS-2. 118.
Lord Lyon, King of Arms, NS-1. 1-6.
Lorimer and Matthew, architects, NS-3. 20; NS-5. 42, 75.
Lorimer Sir Robert, architect, NS-3. 99-100; NS-4. 91.
Lothian, William John Kerr, 5th Marquess of, NS-1. 35.
Lothian Burn, NS-2. 62.
Lothian Hut, residence of Marquesses of Lothian, Canongate, NS-5. note about cover illus..
Lothian Road, NS-2. 93, 113; NS-5. 44.
Lothian Road Church, NS-2. 92.
Lothian Street, NS-2. 54; NS-5. 46-47.
Loudon, John Claudius, NS-1. 14; Arboretum et Fruticeticum Britannicum, 21; Encyclopaedia of Gardening, 21.
Louis Philippe, King of France, NS-2. 35-36, 95, 97.
Lovers’ Loan, NS-2. 102.
Low Calton, NS-2. 43, 84.
Losve, Joseph, Dancing Academy, NS-2. 88-89.
Lowrey, John, review of Sam McKinstry, Rowand Anderson, ‘The Premier Architect of Scotland’. NS-2. 145-147.
Lowry, Wilson, engraver, London, NS-1. 62.
Lubeck, Germany, NS-3. 73.
Lucier, Paul, see Lawrence, Christopher, et al., The Letters of Anthony Fothergill to James Woodeforde, 1789-1813.
Lumley, William, builder, NS-3. 43-44.
Lunar Society, Birmingham, NS-2. 125.
Luncarty, Perthshire, NS-5. 4, Lynedoch Place, NS-4. 29-30.
Lyon, John, baker’s van driver, NS-2. 41.
Lyon King of Arms, see Lord Lyon.
Lyttelton, George, 1st Baron Lyttelton, NS-5. 115.


Macaulay, Thomas Babington, MP, NS-2. 35, 37, 55, 93; History of England, 55.
MacBean, Aeneas, WS, NS-5. 87, 89.
McCallum, R. Ian, ‘Historical Notes on Chessels Court’, NS-4. 1-22.
McClellan, Patrick, minister of Girthon, Kirkcudbrightshire, NS-2. 117.
McClellan, Robert, of Barclay, NS-2. 118.
McClellan, Robert, of Barmagachan, NS-2. 117.
McClellan, Robert, of Bombie, 1st Lord Kirkcudbright, NS-2. 117.
McClellan, Samuel, Lord Provost, NS-2. 117-121, 119; coat of arms, 120.
McClellan, William, of Borness, NS-2. 117.
Macdonald, Alexander, assistant curator, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, NS-3. 64.
McDonald Brothers, stationers, NS-2. 77-78.
Macdonald, Flora, Jacobite heroine, NS-1. 83.
MacDonald, George, author, NS-3. 87.
Macdonald, John, teacher, George Street, NS-2. 46, 78.
McDonald, William, WS, Adam Square, NS-5. 98.
M’Dougal, Ann, victim of Burke and Hare, NS-3. 77.
M’Dougal, Helen, common-law wife of William Hare, murderer, NS-3. 75.
Macdougall, Patrick Campbell, professor of Moral Philosophy, NS-2. 76.
MacDowell, Sir William, NS-4. 92-93.
McEwan Hall, University of Edinburgh, NS-5. 27, 38, 43, 46, 49, 66.
McFarlane, Robert, advocate, NS-2. 81.
McFarquhar, Cohn, NS-3. 107.
MacGibbon, David, architect, NS-3. 91-93.
MacGibbon, and Ross, architects, NS-3. 91; NS-5. 37.
McGill, Alexander, architect, NS-4. 103.
Macgill, William, printsellers, NS-2. 71, 104.
McGlashen, Donald, grocer, NS-2. 71.
McGowan, John, NS-2. 30.
McGregor, Ewan, of Glencairnoch, NS-2. 47.
Macgregor, Forbes, Greyfriars Bobby: The Real Story at Last, NS-4. 85.
Macgregor, Lt Colonel Peter, see Murray.
MacIndoe, A. T., National Trust for Scotland, NS-5. 62, 62.
McInnes, Thomas, mason, NS-4. 119.
McIntosh, James, bookseller, NS-2. 72.
McIntosh, Robert T., seedsman, NS-2. 67.
MacIver, lain F., review of Peter B. Freshwater, Sons of Scotia Raise your Voice, NS-3. 146-147.
MacKay, Lt General Alexander, Commander in Chief in Scotland, NS-3. 136.
MacKay, John Ross, architect, NS-5. 44-45, 45, 74.
McKean, Charles, Edinburgh: Portrait of a City (review), NS-2. 152-153; ‘The Wrychtishouses: A Very Curious Edifice’, NS-3. 113-122, 120-12]; Edinburgh: An Illustrated Architectural Guide (review), 144-146; ‘The Palace at Edinburgh Castle’, NS-4. 89-102, 93-94, 96-99; see also Jaques, Richard, and McKean, Charles, West Lothian.
McKean, William, tenant of Chancelot, NS-3. 18.
Mackenzie, A. G. R., architect, NS-5. 53.
Mackenzie, Hon. Elizabeth Charlotte, daughter of Lord Seaforth, NS-4. 46.
Mackenzie, Sir George Stewart, 7th Baronet of Coul, mineralogist, NS-1. 57-58.
Mackenzie, Henry, author, NS-1. 76; NS-3. 106, 133.
Mackenzie, Joshua Henry, Lord of Session, NS-2. 81.
Mackie, J. W., confectioner, Princes Street, NS-2. 84.
McKinstry, Sam, Rowand Anderson, ‘The Premier Architect of Scotland’ (review), NS-2. 145-147; Twenty Seven Queen Street, Edinburgh, Home of the Scottish Chartered Accountants, 1891-2000 (review), NS-5. 129.
Mackintosh, Charles, waterproof clothing, NS-2. 112.
MacKnight, Rev. James, minister of Old Church parish, NS-4. 117.
McLachlan, James, architect, NS-3. 98-100.
McLachlan, and Stewart, booksellers and binders, South Bridge, NS-4. 72.
Maclagan, Mary, Sunday School teacher, NS-4. 16.
Maclaurin, Cohn, professor of Mathematics, NS-1. 48.
Maclay, John S., Secretary of State for Scotland, NS-5. 6 1-63.
MacLean, Ruth, NS-5. 26.
McLeod, D. and Son, booksellers, NS-2. 80.
McLeod, John B., teacher, NS-2. 104, 106-107.
Macleod of Morar, NS-4. 142.
McMillan, Andrew A., Gillanders, Richard J., and Fairhurst, John A., Building Stones of Edinburgh, 2nd edn (review), NS-5. 120-121.
Macmillan, Duncan, art historian, NS-5. 71.
Macmillan, John, teacher, Royal High School, NS-2. 47, 70-71, 76-77, 82-84, 96, 101.
McNab, James, gardener, NS-1. 16.
Macniven and Cameron, stationers, NS-2. 106.
Macniven P. and W., stationers, NS-2. 106.
Maconochie, Alexander, Lord Meadowbank, Lord of Session, son of Allan, NS-2. 25; NS-4. 35-36.
Maconochie, Allan, Lord Meadowbank, Lord of Session, NS-2. 25.
Maconochie, William, wright, NS-2. 17.
MacQueen, Robert, Lord Braxfield, Lord of Session, NS-4. 108.
MacRae, Ebenezer J., City Architect, NS-4. 17.
McVicar, Neil, bailie, NS-3. 53.
McWatt, local family, Duns, Berwickshire, NS-2. 50.
Mack, Charles, mason, NS-3. 28.
Magdalen Chapel, Cowgate, NS-2. 18.
Magic lantern, NS-2. 36, 95.
Main, Rev. Thomas, NS-2. 84-85.
Main, William, student, NS-2. 71, 78, 80, 110.
Main Street, Davidson’s Mains, NS-4. 23, 30.
Maitland, Robert, stabler, NS-2. 74.
Maitland, William, History of Edinburgh, NS-3. 113.
Makellar, Rev. Angus, NS-2. 72.
Malleny House, Midlothian, NS-3. 113.
Mansfield Place, NS-2. 71.
Manuel, David, innkeeper, Melrose, NS-2. 64, 68.
Manuel, John, solicitor’s clerk, NS-2. 64.
Manufactures, Board of, see Board of Trustees.
Mar, John Erskine, 6th Earl of, NS-2. 1, 5, 10.
Marchfield, Davidson’s Mains, NS-4. 28.
Marchmont (review), NS-5. 118-119.
Marjoribanks, Sir Charles, monument at Coldstream, Berwickshire, NS-2. 5 1-52.
Marjoribanks, Sir John, Baronet, Lord Provost, NS-2. 47.
Market Street, NS-2. 114; NS-4. note about cover illus..
Markinch, Fife, NS-4. 137.
Marlin (Merhioun), John, NS-4. 93, 95.
Marlin’s Wynd, NS-3. 28; NS-5. 94.
Marmion Terrace, NS-3. 92.
Marr, Miss F. M., Royal Medical Society, NS-4. 126.
Marriage Bill, 1849, NS-2. 113-114.
Marshall, Rev. Charles, Dunfermline, NS-2. 45.
Marshall, James S., North Leith Parish Church: The First Five Hundred Years (review), NS-3. 157.
Marshall Street, NS-5. 46, 48, 59, 69, 71; Baptist Church, 46.
Martin, David, artist, NS-2. 19; NS-4. 124.
Martin, Thomas, accountant, NS-2. 71.
Martyrs’ Monument, Greyfriars Churchyard, NS-3. 105.
Marwick, Thomas P., architect, NS-5. 40-41, 40, 45.
Mary, Queen of Seats, NS-2. 61, 73.
Mary King’s Close, NS-3. 29.
Mary’s Chapel, see Incorporation of Mary’s Chapel and Lodge of Edinburgh.
Maryfield, Portobello, NS-2. 55, 60, 62.
Mason, James, grocer, NS-4. 12.
Masson, Rosaline, I can Remember Robert Louis Stevenson, NS-3. 83.
Masson Hall, University residence, NS-5. 37, 38, 41, 60.
‘Master Plan’ for University development in George Square, by William Oliver, NS-5. 45-49, 45, 53-54.
Matheson, Ann, see Cadell, Patrick, and Matheson, Ann, For the Encouragement of Learning.
Mathie, Robert, baker, Leith, NS-2. 61, 77.
Matthew, Sir Robert, professor of Architecture, NS-5. 48-49, 56-57, 59-65, 59, 68, 72, 74-75.
Matthew, Robert, Johnson-Marshall and Partners, architects, NS-5. 60, 60, 68.
Maxton, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 66, 68.
Maxwell, James Laidlaw, NS-2. 35, 43, 45, 80-81, 91.
Maxwell, Richard, NS-2. 35, 43, 45, 78, 83, 91.
Maxwell, Stuart, review of Stewart Cruden, Bruntsfleld Links Golfing Society: A Short History, NS-3. 149.
Maybury Road, NS-4. 30.
Mayfield Church, NS-3. 96.
Mayfield Free Church, NS-3. 96.
Mayfield Loan, NS-2. 104.
Meadow Lane, NS-5. 41.
Meadow Place, NS-2. 52, 87.
Meadow Walk, see Middle Meadow Walk.
Meadowbank, Lord, see Maconochie, Alexander, or Allan.
Meadows, NS-2. 38, 87, 102, 107, 114; NS-3. 29; NS-5. 43, 47, 50, 54, 57, 59, 62, 67, 93.
Meal Market, NS-3. 31.
Mears, Sir Frank C., architect and planner, NS-5. 42, 43, 48, 74-75.
‘Mears Plan’, NS-5. 42, 43, 45-47, 50-51, 53, 56.
Mechanics’ Institutes, NS-2. 126-127; NS-5. 15.
Mechanics’ Subscription Library, NS-2. 57-58, 81, 83.
Medical School, NS-1. 82; (review), NS-2. 143-145; NS-3. 13 1-141; plans for development into George Square, NS-5. 35-81, 37, 44-45, 59-60, 70; Wilkie Surgical Laboratory, 39; see also University of Edinburgh.
Meggat, Alexander, bookseller, Dalkeith, NS-5. 84.
Meggatland, NS-3. 89.
Mein, Robert, mason, NS-4. 3.
Melbourne Place, NS-4. 119, 122-127.
Mellerstain, Berwickshire, NS-5. 93.
Melrose, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 63-70; market, 70.
Melrose, Abbey, NS-2. 68.
Melrose, Station, NS-2. 68.
Melville Street, NS-2. 58, 81; NS-4. 86.
Menefee, Samuel Pyeatt, and Simpson, Allen D. C., ‘The West Port Murders and the Miniature Coffins from Arthur’s Seat’, NS-3. 63-81.
Mercer, Dr James, extramural lecturer, NS-5. 19.
Merchant Company of Edinburgh, NS-2. 38; NS-3. 90-91, 125; NS-5. 15, 36, 40, 44, 50, 73-74.
Merchant Maiden Hospital, NS-3. 30.
Merchiston, NS-3. 89.
Merchiston, Avenue, NS-3. 89.
Merchiston, Castle, NS-3. 89, 119.
Merchiston, Castle Park, NS-3. 93.
Merchiston, North Merchiston House, NS-5. 93.
Merchiston, Terrace, NS-3. 92-93.
Merigot, J., engraver, NS-5. 85.
Merlin’s Wynd, see Marlin’s Wynd.
Messer, Dr Adam, NS-2. 111.
Miall, Edward, editor of Non-Conformist, NS-2. 115.
Michaelis Nursery, Plainstanes Close, Canongate, NS-4. 16.
Michaelson, Kitty, review of Edinburgh Review, issue no. 88, Patrick Geddes, NS-3. 155-156.
Microbiology in Edinburgh (review), NS-4. 154-155.
Microscope, NS-2. 36, 43; thin section microscopy, 123, 128.
Middle Meadow Walk, NS-2. 87; NS-3. 133; NS-5. 41, 45, 47, 49, 5 NS-1. 58.
Midlothian; Illustrated Architectural Guide (review), NS-4. 151-152.
Midlothian Turnpike Act, 1751, NS-4. 23.
Midwifery in the Edinburgh Medical School, NS-3. 131-141.
Milestones, NS-2. 74; turnpike road to Cramond, NS-4. 24, 25-26, 30.
Miller, Hugh, geologist and writer, NS-2. 56, 76.
Miller, John, scientific instrument maker, NS-1. 49, 57.
Miller, Philip, Chelsea Physic Garden, London, NS-1. 13.
Miller, Robina, wife of H. W. Williams, NS-5. 89.
Miller, Sir William, Lord Glenlee, Lord of Session, NS-1. 61; NS-3. 124-125.
Miller, William, ‘the Quaker’ (‘the Patriarch’), gardener at Holyroodhouse, NS-1. 7, 15.
Miller, William, junior, gardener at Holyroodhouse, NS-1. 15-16.
Miller, William, son of William junior, seedsman at Holyroodhouse, NS-1. 7-8.
Miller, William and Son, seedsmen, NS-1. 15-16.
Miller, William, engraver, NS-5. 87, 88.
Millerhill Station, NS-2. 53, 75, 96.
Mills, George, farmer, St Boswells, NS-2. 66.
Mills, Nicola J., ‘An Accidental Crime’, NS-4. 131-135; review of lain Gordon Brown, Elegance and Entertainment in the New Town of Edinburgh: The Harden Drawings, 151.
Mills, Thomas, shopkeeper, NS-4. 12.
Mills, Misses, NS-2. 58, 66.
Milne, David, merchant, NS-4. 4.
Milne, David, employee of National Museum of Science and Art, NS-4. 145- 147; ‘The Conversazione’, 145- 146.
Milne, Hugh M. (ed.), Boswell’s Edinburgh Journals, 1767-1786 (review), NS-5. 121.
Milne, James, brass-founder, NS-1. 66.
Milne, James, civil engineer, NS-4. 28.
Milne, Thomas, of Milnfield, NS-5. 99.
Milne, Thomas, mason, NS-4. 4-5.
Milne, William, architect, see Mylne.
Milroy, Rev. Andrew, NS-2. 97.
Milton, Lord, see Fletcher, Andrew.
Milton House, Canongate, NS-5. 6, 93; School, NS-5. note about cover illus..
Minay, Priscilla, ‘Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century Edinburgh Seedsmen and Nurserymen’, NS-1. 7-27.
Mineralogy, NS-2. 123.
Miniature coffins from Arthur’s Seat, NS-3. 63-81.
Minto House, Edinburgh, NS-3. 133; hospital, NS-4. 86; NS-5. 74.
Miralles, Enric, architect, NS-5. note about cover illus..
Mitchell, Ann, The People of Calton Hill (review), NS-3. 152-153; ‘No More Corncraiks’: Lord Moray’s Feuars in Edinburgh’s New Town (review), NS-5. 121-122.
Mitchell, Dr Arthur, Henderson trustee, NS-5. 22.
Mitchell, Sydney, and Wilson, architects, NS-5. 38.
Mitchell, William, tinsmith, NS-3. 33.
Model soldiers, NS-3. 68.
Modern Athens, NS-3. 85.
Moffat, William, mathematics master, Royal High School, NS-2. 43, 70, 90, 99.
Moffat House, Dumfries-shire, NS-5. 93, 96.
Moir, David MacBeth, author, NS-3. 83, 86.
Moir, Dr John, Dispensary for Women, Children and Midwifery, NS-5. 19.
Monboddo, Lord, see Burnet, James.
Moncreiff, David Stewart, lawyer, Moredun, NS-1. 20.
Moncreiff, Lord, see Wellwood, James.
Moneypenny, David, Lord Pitmilly, Solicitor General, NS-3. 21.
Monro, Alexander, primus, professor of Anatomy, NS-1. 48, 82, 83-84.
Monro, Alexander, secundus, professor of Anatomy, NS-3. 134-135.
Monro, Alexander, tertius, professor of Anatomy, NS-3. 65.
Mons Hill, NS-4. 23.
Mons Meg, NS-3. 64.
Montague Street, NS-2. 98.
Montrose, James Graham, 1st Marquess of, execution and funeral, NS-1. 1-2.
Montrose, Angus, NS-4. 139.
Moore, Rev. C. T., Leamington, NS-4. 52.
Moore, Thomas, carpet manufacturer, London, NS-5. 6.
Moray, Francis Stuart, 9th Earl of, NS-1. 37, 44; NS-2. note about cover illus.; NS-3. 46.
Moray Estate, NS-1. 37; NS-3. 54-55; (review), NS-5. 121-122.
Moray House, Canongate, NS-5. 9.
Moray House College of Education, NS-2. 105; NS-4. 1, 11, 16; NS-5. 43.
Moray Place, NS-1. 34, 37.
More, Hannah, poet and dramatist, NS-2. 46.
More, Jacob, artist, NS-5. 90.
Moredun, NS-1. 20.
Morison, John, WS, NS-3. 45, 53.
Morison, Robert, architect, NS-3. 47, 48; Designs in Perspective for Villas in the Ancient Castle and Grecian Styles, 47.
Morningside, NS-1. 38; NS-2. 56, 59, 62; NS-3. 89-104.
Morningside, Baptist Church, NS-3. 90-93, 90, 100.
Morningside, Congregational Church, NS-3. 93, 98-100, 99.
Morningside, East Morningside House, NS-1. 35.
Morningside, Free Church, NS-3. 90-93, 90.
Morningside, Free School, NS-3. 91.
Morningside, Road, NS-3. 89-104.
Morningside, United Church, NS-3. 98-100, 99.
Morningside, United Presbyterian Church, NS-3. 93, 94, 98.
Morocco Land, Canongate, NS-4. 17.
Morrison, James, merchant in Leith, NS-5. 114.
Morrison, Thomas, builder, NS-3. 53, 58 n40.
Morrison-Low, A. D., ‘William Nicol, FRSE, c. 1771-1851: Lecturer, Scientist and Collector’, NS-2. 123-13 1; review of Sara Stevenson, Hill and Adamson’s The Fishermen and Women of the Firth of Forth, NS-3. 143-144; see also Clarke, T. N., et al., Brass & Glass.
Mortimer, William, weaver, Sciennes, NS-5. 8.
Morton, James Douglas, 10th Earl of, NS-1. 7.
Morton, Neilson and Smart, lawyers, NS-5. 26.
Mortonhall, NS-3. 30.
Mossman, George, NS-2. 118.
de la Motte, Pierre, dancing master, NS-1. 39.
Moubray, George, merchant, NS-1. 7-8.
Mound, NS-2. 45, 82, 87, 98, 107; NS-3. 49, 64; NS-5. 71.
Mowat, Ian R. M., ‘Adam Square: An Edinburgh Architectural First’, NS-5. 93-101.
Moyes, Charles, brother of Henry, NS-2. 125.
Henry, scientist and blind lecturer, NS-2. 125, 126.
Henry, Rev. James, brother of Henry, NS-2. 125.
Muir, Alexander, dux, Royal High School, NS-2. 47.
Muir Hall, University residence, NS-5. 37, 43.
More, Thomas, West Warriston, NS-3. 11.
Murray, Sir Andrew, Lord Provost, NS-5. 52, 55.
Murray, David, of Murrayshall, father of Margaret, NS-1. 9.
Murray, Elizabeth, wife of Alexander Pine, NS-4. 5.
Murray, Sir James, of Kilbaberton, King’s Architect, NS-3. 115, 118; NS-4. 93-95, 100-101.
Murray, John, publisher, London, NS-3. 107.
Murray, Margaret, wife of Archibald Eagle, seedsman, NS-1. 9, 24.
Murray, Sir Patrick, of Ochtertyre, NS-1. 3.
Murray, (MacGregor), Lt Colonel Peter, Royal High School medal, NS-2. 47.
Murray, Mrs, of Broughton, NS-1. 4.
Murrayfield House, NS-1. 40.
Murrayfield Real Estate Company, NS-5. 65.
Muschet’s Cairn, Arthur’s Seat, NS-3. 72, 75.
Muse Well, Grassmarket, NS-3. 30.
Museum of Childhood, Edinburgh, NS-4. 16.
Museum of the Edinburgh Phrenological Society, NS-5. 13-33.
Museum of Science and Art, NS-2. 86; see also National Museums of Scotland.
Museum of Scotland, NS-3. 63, 65, 131; NS-5. 94; see also National Museums of Scotland.
Music Hall, George Street, NS-2. 37, 41, 45, 76, 82, 88, 93-94, 100, 107, 114.
Muss, Charles, artist, NS-1. 62.
Musselburgh, East Lothian, NS-2. 57, 59, 62, 100; NS-5. 84.
Musselburgh, Bridge Street, NS-2. 57.
Musselburgh, Links, NS-2. 57.
Musselburgh, Riding of the Marches, NS-2. 57.
Musselburgh, silver arrow trophy, NS-2. 57.
Mutter, Thomas, seedsman, NS-1. 17-18.
Muttonhole, see Davidson’s Mains.
Mutual Improvement Societies, NS-2. 101, 109.
Mylne, James, WS, NS-4. 56.
Mylne, Robert, architect, NS-1. 40.
Mylne, William, architect, NS-2. 3, 6-10; NS-3. 10; (review), 155; NS-5. 111-113.


Nachot, Dr H. W., German teacher, NS-2. 99.
Nairn, Rev. Charles, NS-2. 75.
Namur, France, water supply, NS-3. 30.
Napier, William, Constable of Edinburgh Castle, NS-3. 113.
Napiers of Kilmahew, Dumbartonshire, NS-3. 113.
Napiers of Merchiston, NS-3. 89, 113.
Napiers of Wrychtishouses, NS-3. 113.
Napoleon, see Bonaparte.
Nasmyth, Alexander, artist and designer, NS-1. 40; NS-2. note about cover illus.; NS-3. 47, 115, 117, 118, 120; NS-4. 36, 41, 42.
Nasmyth, James, NS-4. 115.
National Anti-Game Law Association, NS-2. 113-114.
National Archives of Scotland, NS-5. 7.
National Bank of Scotland, NS-5. 15.
National Gallery of Scotland, NS-2. 1 NS-5. 25; NS-3. 115, 123; NS-5. 83, 89-90.
National Library of Scotland (review), NS-1. 85-86; NS-3. 40; NS-5. 2.
National Monument, Calton Hill, NS-5. 88, 90.
National Museum of Science and Art, see National Museums of Scotland.
National Museums of Scotland, NS-3. 63-65, 71, 73, 131; NS-4. 69-8 NS-4. 139, 14 NS-1. 145-148; admission charges and attendance figures, 69-84, 76-78; admission of students, 7 1-79, 79; opening hours, 7 1-82, 76, 81; refreshment facilities, 78-79, 82; NS-5. 22, 26; see also Royal Museum of Scotland.
National Photography Collection, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, NS-4. 85.
National Security Savings Bank, NS-2. 37, 82, 102.
National Trust for Scotland, NS-5. 6 1-62, 74.
Natural History Museum, see University of Edinburgh and National Museums of Scotland.
Navvies, NS-2. 65, 67, 69.
Negus (drink), NS-2. 105.
Neilson, Richard, NS-5. 6.
Nelson, Edward Little, NS-2. 54, 58, 88.
Nelson, Sir Hugh Muir, NS-2. 58.
Nelson Street, NS-3. 50.
Netherbow Port, NS-3. 1, 28; NS-4. 4.
Netherlands, Visit by ships of, NS-2. 60-61.
New College, Mound, NS-2. 45, 54-56, 76, 86.
New Mills, Haddington, East Lothian, NS-2. 117.
New North Church, George IV Bridge, NS-2. 45.
New Pitsligo, Aberdeenshire, NS-1. 75.
New Road, South Back of Canongate, NS-4. 12.
New Street, NS-2. 35, 58, 62, 72 et passim.
New Town, Edinburgh, NS-1. 28, 34, 37, 47; NS-2. 1-13, 79; competition for plan of, 1766, 3-6; Craig’s plan, 138; NS-3. 83, 86, 123; NS-4. 2 NS-5. 108; (review), 151; NS-5. 35, 72, 9 NS-3. 99, 103, 107-109, 111-113; Lord Moray’s Feuars (review), 121-122; see also First New Town and Second New Town.
New Year’s Day, NS-4. 137-138, 141, 142.
Newbiggin, Penicuik, Midlothian, NS-1. 82.
Newcastle, Sir Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of, NS-1. 5.
Newhaven, NS-2. 100, 102, 106; NS-3. 2, 7, 15; NS-4. 23.
Newhaven, Chain Pier, NS-2. 60.
Newhaven, Road, NS-3. 17.
Newington Free Church, NS-2. 86, 110.
Newlands, James, architect, NS-3. 91.
Newton, Bessie, wife of John Dougall, Warriston, NS-3. 5-7.
Newton (farm), Fife, NS-2. 59, 81.
Newtonian Society, University of Edinburgh, NS-3. 110.
Newtown St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 65, 67-68.
Nicholson, William, artist, NS-5. 89.
Nicol, Marion, sister of William, NS-2. 125.
Nicol, Walter, father of William, NS-2. 125.
Nicol, William, lecturer, scientist and collector, NS-2. 123-131, 126.
Nicoll (Nickol), Walter, father of William Nicol, NS-2. 125.
Nicol’s cone (Conus nicolii), NS-2. 128, 129 ???.
Nicol’s prism, NS-2. 123, 128, 123.
Nicolson, Alexander, Sheriff of Kirkcudbright, NS-4. 142.
Nicolson Park, NS-1. 20.
Nicolson Square, NS-5. 54.
Nicolson Street, NS-2. 75, 80, 86, 88, 98, 100; NS-4. 122, 145; NS-5. 53, 54, 56, 84.
Niddry, NS-2. 57.
Niddry, Burn. NS-2. 62.
Niddry, Street, NS-2. 41, 87, 88, 101; NS-4. 35; NS-5. 22.
Nisbet, James, builder, NS-3. 53, 58 n40.
Nisbet, Sir John, Lord Dirleton, Lord of Session, NS-2. 56.
Nisbet, Robert, architect, NS-2. 59.
Nixon, R., Royal Medical Society, NS-4. 126.
Noddy (carriage), NS-2. 57, 63.
Nor Loch, NS-2. 1; NS-3. 25-26, 29, 40-41.
Norrie, George, painter, NS-4. 4.
Norrie, James, senior, painter. NS-4. 1-4, 7-8.
Norrie, James, junior, NS-4. 3.
Norrie, Robert, painter, NS-4. 4, 7.
Norman, Joseph, wright, NS-4. 13.
North Berwick, East Lothian, NS-2. 43, 73; NS-4. 137.
North Bridge, NS-1. 12, 28, note about cover illus.; NS-2. 1-5, 48, 77, 90, 106; foundation stone, 1763, 1, 3; competition for design of, 1765, 3; NS-4. 115, note about cover illus. NS-5. 46, 93, 114.
North Bridge Station, NS-2. 113; see also Waverley Station.
North British Advertiser, NS-3. 18.
North British Railway, NS-1. note about cover illus.; NS-2. 35, 37, 43-48, 56, 90, 94, 96, 100, 103-104, 110-112; Abbeyhill loop, 40; NS-3. 18.
North College Street, see College Street.
North Loch, see Nor Loch.
North Morningside United Presbyterian Church, NS-3. 93-95, 94, 100.
Northumberland Street, NS-2. 82.
Nouroji, Rev. Danjiboy, NS-2. 86.
Nurserymen and gardens, Edinburgh, NS-1. 7-27.
Nuttall, Robert, review of T. N. Clarke et al., Brass & Glass: Scientific Instrument Making Workshops in Scotland, NS-1. 88-89.


Observatory, Calton Hill, see Royal Observatory.
Office of Works for Scotland, NS-3. 96; NS-4. 139.
Official Illustrated Guide to the North British Railway, 1861, NS-5. note about cover illus..
Ogilvie, George (1684), NS-2. 118.
Ogilvie, George (1794), NS-1. 75.
Old Bank Close, NS-2. 87; NS-4. 123.
Old Edinburgh Club, NS-5. 51.
Old Glasgow Road, NS-2. 110.
Old Kirk, St Giles, NS-3. 32.
Old Parochial Registers, NS-5. 103-105, 104.
Old Playhouse Close, Canongate, NS-4. 15.
Old Provost’s Close, NS-3. 27.
Old St Paul’s Church, see St Paul’s Episcopal Church.
Old Town of Edinburgh, NS-2. 1, 75; NS-3. 25-36; NS-4. 115, 117; (review), 152-153; NS-5. 35, 93, 95, 107.
Oldrieve, William Thomas, HM Office of Works, NS-4. 100.
Oliphant, Ebenezer, jeweller, NS-3. 30.
Oliphant, Margaret, author, NS-3. 87.
Oliver, William, professor of Commerce, NS-5. 43, 45-50; see also ‘Master Plan’ for George Square.
One o’Clock Gun, Edinburgh Castle, NS-4. 85.
Orchard Brae, NS-4. 29.
Ord, Robert, Chief Baron of Scottish Exchequer, NS-3. 40-41.
O’Reilly, Sean, review of Kitty Cruft and Andrew Fraser (eds), James Craig, 1744-1795: ‘The Ingenious Architect of the New Town of Edinburgh’, NS-4. 150-151.
Orphan Hospital, NS-1. 76.
Osborne, John Gulland, NS-2. 39, 66.
Otago, New Zealand, NS-2. 56.
Outlook Tower, Castle Hill, NS-5. 107, 109.
Outlook Tower Open Spaces Committee, NS-4. 16.
Ovenscloss House, Selkirk, NS-4. 15.
Owen, Philip Cunliffe, Director of South Kensington Museum, NS-4. 146.
Owen, Captain William, RN, NS-1. 62.
Oxford Movement, NS-4. 60.


Paddock Hall, Canonmills, NS-3. 1.
Paisley, Renfrewshire, thread mills at, NS-3. 70.
Palmer, Janet, wife of John Bonar, NS-2. 18.
Panmure Close, Canongate, NS-4. 15.
Panorama, NS-2. 79, 97, 103-104.
Pantograph, NS-1. 47-73, 55, 65.
Pantomime, NS-2. 87.
Paris, NS-2. 94-97; water supply, NS-3. 30; street lighting, 33.
Park, ‘Old’ Willie, golfer, NS-4. 138.
Park House Lying-in Hospital, NS-3. 13 1-141; see also Ross Park House.
Park Place, NS-2. 93, 104; NS-5. 38-39.
Parliament Close, NS-2. 118; NS-3. 28, 33, 139.
Parliament House, NS-3. 28-29, 31.
Parliament Square, NS-1. 74; NS-2. 87; NS-4. note about cover illus..
Passmore, Reginald, Fellows of Edinburgh’s College of Physicians during the Scottish Enlightenment (review), NS-5. 126-127.
Pastoral Aid Society, NS-4. 59.
Paterson, George, architect, NS-5. 113.
Paterson, John, Leith, NS-4. 28.
Paterson, Mary, victim of Burke and Hare, NS-3. 76; NS-4. 8.
Paterson, Robert, architect, NS-3. 92-93.
Paterson’s Court, NS-1. 12.
Paton, Elizabeth, wife of John Cunninghame of Enterkine, NS-3. 29.
Paton, Hugh, publisher of Kay’s Portraits, NS-3. 124.
Paton, Sir Noel, artist, NS-2. 96.
Paton, William, NS-2. 118.
Patrick, John Shedden, of Hazlehead, NS-4. 56.
Patterson, David, and Rock, Joe, Thomas Begbie’s Edinburgh: A mid-Victorian Portrait (review), NS-3. 148-149.
Pattison, Jacob, Royal Medical Society, NS-4. 124.
Paul, A. F. Balfour, architect, NS-5. 41.
Pavements, NS-4. 114, 117.
Pavillon, Charles, master of Trustees’ Academy, NS-2. 29.
Peace Society, NS-2. 99.
Peddie, Dr Alexander, NS-2. 115.
Peddie, John Dick, architect, NS-3. 18; see also Dick Peddie and Mackay.
Peelrig, Duos, Berwickshire, NS-2. 44, 48-52, 101.
Penicuik (Pennycuick), Lady, NS-5. 94.
Penicuik, Midlothian, NS-2. 55, 110.
Peotlaod, Eliza, Agra Lodge, NS-3. 18.
Pentograph, NS-1. 66-68, 67.
Pereira, Dr Jonathan, Materia Medico, NS-4. 132.
Perigal, Arthur, senior, artist, NS-4. 44-46.
Perigal, Arthur, junior, artist, NS-4. 46.
Petro, Mr, Master of the Powder Works, Canoomills, NS-4. 106.
Phaeton, NS-2. 63.
Pharmaceutical Society, NS-4. 145.
Phrenological Association, NS-5. 21.
Phrenological Journal, NS-5. 13, 15.
Phrenological Museum, NS-5. 13-33.
Phrenological Society, see Edinburgh Phrenological Society.
Physic Garden, NS-1. 7; NS-2. 73-74; NS-3. 28; NS-5. 111, 112; see also Royal Botanic Garden.
Picardy Place, NS-2. 25; NS-4. 35-37, 40.
Piershill, NS-2. 98-99.
Pilrig Avenue, NS-1. 17.
Pilrig Street, NS-2. 106.
Pilton, West, NS-3. 7.
Pinkiehill, Musselburgh, East Lothian, NS-2. 59.
Pine, Alexander, NS-4. 5.
Pine, David, mason, NS-4. 4-5.
Pine, Thomas, lawyer, NS-4. 5.
Pirrie’s Close, Canongate, NS-4. 1, 5, 8-9, 12-14.
Pirrie’s Land, Canongate, NS-4. 6, 17.
Pitcairn, John, merchant, NS-3. 53.
Pitcairn, Robert, WS, NS-4. 56.
Pitmilly, Lord, see Mooeypenny, David.
Pitreavie House, Dunfermline, Fife, NS-3. 115.
Pitsligo, Alexander Forbes, 4th Lord, NS-1. 75.
Pitsligo, Aberdeeoshire, NS-1. 75.
Pitt, William, the younger, statesman, NS-1. 76; statue, NS-2. 107.
Pitt Street, NS-2. 108.
Pittencrieff, Dunfermline, Fife, NS-4. 92.
Pittenweem, Fife, Royal Velvet Carpet Manufactory, NS-5. 6.
Plainstanes Close, Canongate, NS-4. 5, 7-11, 16.
Planta, Joseph, librarian, British Museum, NS-2. 25.
Plaster casts, for Trustees’ Academy, NS-2. 26-27, 30; NS-4. 33, 35-36, 40; for Edinburgh Drawing Institution, 40, 43.
Playfair, James, architect, NS-1. 43.
Playfair, John, professor of Natural Philosophy, NS-1. 49, 52-54, 57-58; Biographical Account of the late Dr James Hutton, NS-4. 107.
Playfair, William Henry, architect, NS-1. 47, 54; NS-2. 24-25, 45, 51; NS-3. 54; NS-4. 36, 43, 70; NS-5. 88-89.
Playhouse Theatre, Greenside, NS-2. 41, 55.
Pleasance, NS-3. 105; NS-4. 1, 108; NS-5. 43, 46, 54, 59, 73.
Plummer, Andrew, professor of Medicine and Chemistry, NS-1. 83-84.
Plumstead, Derek, Town Planning Officer, NS-5. 50; see also Abercroinbie, Sir Patrick, and Plumstead, Civic Survey and Plan.
Pocket money, NS-2. 36-37.
Police, NS-4. 139, 141, 147.
Police, station, Chessels Court, NS-4. 13.
Pollock, Sir Donald, rector of the University, NS-5. 46-48, 50-5 1, 74.
Pollock Gymnasium, Pleasance, NS-5. 46.
Pollock Memorial Hall, Marshall Street, NS-5. 46, 57.
Pollock Trust, University of Edinburgh, NS-5. 46, 48, 50-51.
Port Hopetoun, NS-2. 112.
Porteous, Mr, Whitburn, NS-2. 17.
Portobello, NS-1. 38; (review), 87-88; NS-2. 36-37. 42-17, 52, 55-62, 75, 96. 100; bathing at, 55-62; dragoons at, 37, 56-59. 84, 98.
Portobello, Adelphi Grove, NS-2. 61.
Portobello, Baptist Church, NS-3. 9!.
Portobello, Bath Street, NS-2. 55, 57. 60.
Portobello, Brighton Street, NS-2. 100.
Portobello, Episcopal Church (St Mark’s), NS-2. 37, 58.
Portobello, Free Church, NS-2. 56.
Portobello, Livingstone brickworks, NS-2. 61.
Portobello, Livingstone Place, NS-2. 61.
Portobello, Magdalene Bridge, NS-2. 62.
Portobello, Old and Windsor Street Church, NS-3. 44.
Portobello, Regent Street, NS-2. 42, 56.
Portobello, Station, NS-2. 44.
Portobello, Tower, NS-2. 55.
Portobello, Towerbank School, NS-2. 55.
Portobello, United Presbyterian Church, NS-2. 57.
Portobello, Williamlield House, NS-2. 42.
Portobello, Wilson’s Park, NS-2. 55.
Portobello, Windsor Place Church, NS-2. 57. 60.
Portsburgh, NS-3. 74.
Portsburgh, United Presbyterian Church, Vennel, NS-2. 60.
Post Office, NS-2. 6 NS-3. 66, 74, 78, 87, 9 NS-5. 105; NS-4. 30; NS-5. 114.
Post Office Directory, see Edinburgh Port Office Directory.
Potterrow, NS-2. 91; NS-3. 7; NS-5. 46-47.50-5 NS-1. 5 NS-3. 54, 67.
Poultry Market, NS-3. 28.
Powder Hall, see Canonmills Gunpowder Manufactory.
Preston, Sir Simon, of Gorton, NS-2. 61.
Prestonfield House, NS-3. 113.
Prestongrange, East Lothian, NS-3. 119.
Priestly, Joseph, scientist, NS-2. 125.
Princes Street, NS-1. 21, 45, 76; NS-2. 47, 52, 58, 77, 79 et passim; NS-3. 84-86; NS-4. 25, 36, 52, 57, 115, 116; NS-5. 44, III.
Princes Street Gardens, NS-2. 47, 114; NS-4. 138; NS-5. 15.
Pringle, Andrew, Lord Alemoor, Lord of Session, NS-1. 42; NS-2. 8; NS-5. 93.
Promenade of Edinburgh, NS-3. 84-85.
Proposals for Carrying out Certain Public Works in the City of Edinburgh, NS-2. 3.
Prospectus of the Edinburgh Drawing Institution, 1825, NS-4. 33-34, 37. 39-40.
Prospectus of the New Drawing Academy, 1831, NS-4. 45.
Protestant Institute, Infirmary Street, NS-2. 101.
Proudfoot, J., farmer, Pinkiehill, NS-2. 59.
Proudfoot, Thomas, baker, Portobello, NS-2. 42.
Public Health Bill (Scotland), 1849. NS-2. 114.
Puddocky, Canonmills, NS-3. 1.
Purdie, Andrew, tailor, NS-2. 118.
Purdie, W., surgeon, NS-4. 13.
Pyper, Dr, teacher, Royal High School, NS-2. 47.


Quakers, NS-1. 15.
Quality Street, Davidson’s Mains. NS-4. 28; milestone. 30.
Quarry, King’s Park, NS-2. 119.
Quarry, Holes, Leith Walk, nursery at, NS-1. 17.
Queen Street, NS-1. 43; NS-2. 4 NS-1. 8 NS-2. 99; NS-3. 37. 40-4 NS-1. 43-16, 49-50; NS-4. 25, 115; NS-5. 87, 93.
Queen Street Free Church, NS-2. 41.
Queen Street Gardens, NS-3. 37, 40. 50.
Queen’s Drive, NS-2. 107, 109.
Queen’s Park, NS-2. 77. 79. 8 NS-4. 99-100, 107; NS-4. 142; see also Holyrood Park, King’s Park.
Queen’s Road, NS-2. 97. 105.
Queensberry, William Douglas, 1st Duke of, NS-5. note about cover illus..
Queensberry House, Canongate, NS-5. note about cover illus..
Queensferry (South Queensferry), NS-2. 72; NS-4. 26, 29-30.
Queensferry Road, NS-4. 23-29; tolls, 29; milestones, 30.
Queensferry Road Trust, West Lothian, NS-4. 23, 26, 29.
Queensferry Street, NS-4. 23.
Queensferry Terrace, NS-4. 25, 29; milestone, 30.
Queensferry turnpike road to, NS-4. 23-31.
Queensland, Australia, NS-2. 58.


Rachel, Mme, actress, NS-2. 59.
Racine, Jean, dramatist, Phoebe, NS-2. 59.
Radical Road, Salisbury Crags, NS-4. 108.
Rae, Sir David, 1st Baronet, and Lord Eskgrove, Lord of Session, NS-1. 44.
Rae, Sir William, Lord Advocate, NS-2. 25.
Raeburn, Sir Henry, portrait painter, NS-1. 34; NS-2. note about cover illus.; NS-3. 55; NS-4. 26; (reviews), 159-160; NS-5. 89. 89.
Ragged Schools, NS-2. 54.
Railways, NS-2. 35-115 passim; see also individual railway companies.
Ramadge, Alexander, NS-3. 41.
Ramsay, Alexander, weaver, NS-5. 4.
Ramsay, Allan, painter, NS-1. 36-37; NS-2. 29.
Ramsay, Allan, poet, NS-1. 36.
Ramsay, Sir Andrew, Lord Provost, NS-3. 27.
Ramsay, Rev. Edward Bannerman, Episcopal Dean of Edinburgh, NS-3. 86-87; Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character, 86; NS-4. 52, 55-56.
Ramsay, George, banker, NS-1. 40, 44.
Ramsay, John, of Auchtertyre, NS-3. 123.
Ramsay, Peter, stabler, tenant of Warriston, brother of William, banker, NS-3. 10-1 NS-1. 15.
Ramsay, Walter, architect, NS-5. 53, 58-59, 59-60, 72-73.
Ramsay, William, banker, West Warriston, later Barnton, NS-1. 77; NS-3. 10-I I, 21; NS-4. 28.
Ramsay, William, nephew of William, banker, NS-3. 12-14, 21-22.
Randolph Crescent, NS-2. 81.
Rankeillor Street, NS-2. 53.
Raphael, Italian artist, NS-2. 19.
Ravelston, NS-1. 79.
Ravelston, House, NS-3. 113.
Rebus satires on Sir Lawrence Dundas, NS-3. 124.
Record, evangelical newspaper, NS-4. 5 NS-3. 55, 57. 64.
Redbraes, nursery at, NS-1. 21.
Regalia of Scotland, NS-2. 73.
Regent Bridge, Waterloo Place, NS-2. 78, 98, 106. 115.
Regent Road, NS-2. 35, 43.
Regent Terrace, NS-2. 99-100. 107.
71st Regiment, NS-2. 85.
76th Regiment, NS-2. 73-74.
Register House, NS-1. 28-31, 29; NS-3. 84; NS-4. 114, 117; NS-5. 93.
Register of Sasines, Clerk of, NS-1. 79.
Register Street, NS-2. 70, 83, 88, 106.
Reiach, Alan, architect, NS-5. 74-75; Robert Hurd and Alan Reiach, Rebuilding Scotland, 74.
Reiach, Alan, Eric Hall and Partners, architects, NS-5. 69.
Reid, Alexander, mason, NS-3. 49.
Reid, Alexander George, Annals of Auchterarder, NS-2. 16.
Reid, General John, NS-2. 93.
Reid, John, architect, Ian G. Lindsay and Partners, NS-5. 71.
Reid, Keith, seedsman, NS-1. 9.
Reid, Robert, architect, NS-2. 87; NS-3. 49-55, 51-52.
Reid, Robert, gardener, NS-3. 29.
Reid, Thomas, Tarbolton, NS-1. 59, 62.
Reid Memorial Church, Blackford, NS-2. 45.
Reid Memorial Concerts, NS-2. 37, 93, 100.
Reid School of Music, Park Place, NS-2. 93; NS-5. 23, 38-39, 60.
Reid’s Court, Canongate, NS-4. 15.
Religious Tract Society, NS-2. 46.
Rennie, John, civil engineer, NS-2. 5 1-52; NS-4. 26, 28-30.
Rennie, John, son of John Rennie, civil engineer, NS-4. 28.
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, painter, NS-1. 76; NS-2. 23.
Rhind, David, architect, NS-3. 90-93, 96.
Richards, John, architect, NS-5. 64.
Richardson, David, architect, NS-3. 17-18; feuing plan for Chancelot, 17.
Richardson, John, of Kinnaird, NS-3. 53.
Richmond, David, seedsman, NS-1. 17.
Richmond, Helen, wife of James Williamson, seedsman, NS-1. 20.
Richmond, James, surveyor, NS-3. 11.
Richmond, John, seedsman, NS-1. 16-17.
Richmond, John, nurseryman, NS-3. 45.
Richmond, John and Co., seedsmen, NS-1. 16.
Richmond, Surrey, NS-5. 115.
Richmond, Place, NS-2. 72.
Richmond, Street Church, NS-2. 98.
Riddell, Maria, poet, NS-3. 105, 109-110.
Riddell, Peter Fletcher, collection of photographs by, NS-4. 85.
Riddle, Rev. Henry, Duns, Berwickshire, NS-2. 48-5 1.
Riddle, General Henry James, NS-2. 58.
Riding of the Marches, see Musselburgh.
Ridpath, David, confectioner, NS-2. 75.
Riot, 1848, NS-2. 97-99.
Robertson, C. H., painting of All Hallows Fair, Grassmarket, NS-2. 77.
Robertson, David, architect, NS-3. 94-95.
Robertson, George Andrew, NS-2. 42, 60.
Robertson, Harriet, lodging house keeper, NS-4. 13 1-132, 134.
Robertson, Rev. James, NS-2. 60.
Robertson, Jean, wife of William Smellie, NS-3. 105.
Robertson, John, NS-2. 42, 60.
Robertson, Robert, farmer at Broughton, NS-3. 37, 40.
Robertson, Thomas, builder, NS-2. 118; NS-3. 33.
Robertson, Una A., ‘An Edinburgh Lawyer and his Bees’, NS-1. 79-81; review of Elizabeth Berry, The Writing on the Walls, 89.
Robertson, Dr William, historian, principal of the University, NS-1. 30, 48; NS-2. 28; NS-3. 105; NS-4. 115, 117; NS-5. 98; see also William Robertson Building.
Robertson, engraver, NS-2. note about cover illus..
Robertson’s Close, Cowgate, NS-3. 30-31; NS-4. 119; NS-5. 94-95, 96, 113.
Robinson, Robert, surveyor, NS-1. 14-15; NS-3. 1.
Robison, John, professor of Natural Philosophy, NS-1. 49, 58.
Robson, Hugh, principal of the University, see Hugh Robson Building.
Robson, Samuel, Kelso, Roxburghshire, NS-1. 7.
Rocheid (or Rochead) of Inverleith, family, NS-1. 40.
Rocheid Sir James, of Inverleith, 3, 8, 11.
Rock, Joe, ‘Hugh William Williams (‘Grecian’ Williams), 1773-1829’, NS-5. 83-91; see also Patterson, David, and Rock, Joe, Thomas Begbie’s Edinburgh.
Rococo design, NS-2. 137-141.
Rodger, Richard, The Transformation of Edinburgh: Land, Property and Trust in the Nineteenth Century (review), NS-5. 122-124.
Roebuck, Dr John, iron-master, Canon Company, NS-2. 30; NS-5. 84.
Roebuck, William, son of John, NS-5. 84.
Rogers, George, Newcastle, NS-2. 94-95.
Rohan, Duc de, NS-3. 113.
Roland, George and Son, fencing and gymnastic masters, Royal High School, NS-2. 37, 114-115.
Rolland, Adam, NS-3. 53.
Roman Catholic Church, NS-2. 37, 97, 133-135; hostel for women students, 26 George Square, NS-5. 42.
Rose Court, Edinburgh, NS-2. 24.
Rose Street, NS-2. 1, 55; NS-4. 131.
Rose Street Free Church, NS-2. 76.
Rose Ville, Duddingston, NS-2. 55, 84.
Rosie, Alison, reviews of Elizabeth Sanderson, Women and Work in Eighteenth Century Edinburgh, NS-4. 156; and Ann Mitchell, ‘No More Corncraiks’: Lord Moray’s Feuars in Edinburgh’s New Town, NS-5. 12 1-122.
Rosner, Lisa, Medical Education in the Age of Improvement: Edinburgh Students and Apprentices, 1760-1826 (review), NS-2. 143-145.
Ross, A. and R., bootmakers, NS-2. 85.
Ross, George, 13th Lord, of Hawkhead, Renfrewshire, NS-3. 13 2-133.
Ross, John, tavern keeper and coach operator, High Street, NS-2. 47.
Ross, Thomas, architect, NS-3. 91.
Ross, Walter, WS, NS-1. 43; NS-2. note about cover illus..
Ross Folly Tower, Stockbridge, NS-1. 39, 43; NS-2. note about cover illus..
Ross Park House, George Square, NS-1. 36; NS-3. 132-133; NS-5. 35, 38; see also Bristo House and Park House.
Rotunda, Mound, NS-2. 104.
Row, James, NS-2. 118.
Rowan, Alistair, architectural historian, NS-5. 71, 73.
Roxburgh Castle, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 51.
Roxburgh Place, NS-2. 86.
Roxburgh Street, NS-5. 73.
Roxburghe, John Kerr, 1st Duke of, NS-4. 103.
Roxburghe’s Lodging, residence of Dukes of Roxburghe, Canongate, NS-5. 4, 6, note about cover illus..
Royal Academy, London, NS-2. 27, 31; NS-4. 33, 42, 44; NS-5. 86-88, 107.
Royal Adelaide, steamboat, NS-2. 82-83.
Royal Bank of Scotland, NS-1. 74-75; St Andrew Square, NS-3. 123; NS-4. 12.
Royal Border Bridge, NS-2. 52.
Royal Botanic Garden, NS-1. 40; NS-2. 73-74; NS-4. 63, 71, 141; see also Physic Garden.
Royal Circus, NS-3. 50, 54-55.
Royal College of Holyroodhouse, NS-2. 133-135.
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, NS-1. 48; NS-3. 135-136; NS-4. 119; (review), NS-5. 126-127.
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, NS-1. 48; NS-3. 134-136; NS-4. 119-120, 122, 125; NS-5. 19.
Royal Commission of Visitation to the Scottish Universities, 1826, NS-3. 131-132, 138.
Royal Company of Archers, NS-2. 53, 57.
Royal Crescent, NS-3. 54.
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, NS-5. 14.
Royal Dragoons, NS-4. 146; see also Dragoons.
Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Momingside, NS-1. 38, 76.
Royal Edinburgh Volunteers, NS-3. 69.
Royal Exchange, High Street, NS-1. 10; NS-2. 25, 73; NS-5. 93.
Royal George, shipwreck, NS-3. 64.
Royal High School, NS-1. 75, note about cover illus.; diary of John Gulland, schoolboy, NS-2. 35-99; punishments, 36. 7 NS-1. 83; prize list, 1846, 46; books read in second class, 1846, 46-47; medals, 47, 55, 79; school holidays, 47; matriculation fee, 54, 70; Saturday school, 54; start of session, 70; tunnel, 71; yards, 78; janitor, 92-95; fencing masters, 114-115; 133; NS-4. 52, 63, 119, 121; NS-5. 89, note about cover illus..
Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, NS-1. 2 NS-4. 25; NS-2. 113; museum, 113; NS-4. 70; Veterinary School, NS-5. 14.
Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, NS-5. 53.
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, NS-1. 48, 76; NS-2. 38, 76, 80, 93; NS-3. 134-136; NS-4. 59, 119, 121-122, 126; Surgical Hospital, 122-123; NS-5. 19, 22, 41, 5 NS-4. 75, 9 NS-3. 113; (review), 119-120.
Royal Institute of British Architects, NS-5. 48, 52, 65, 107.
Royal Institution, Mound, NS-2. 27, 93, 98, 107; NS-3. 64; NS-4. 36, 44; NS-5. 88.
Royal Medical Society, NS-4. 119-129; halls, 119-129. 120, 122-126; library, 119, 121, 125-127; charter, 120; laboratory, 121.
Royal Military College, NS-1. 59, 62.
Royal Museum of Scotland, see Royal Scottish Museum and National Museums of Scotland.
Royal Observatory, Calton Hill, NS-1. 52, 54; NS-4. 11 NS-4. 116.
Royal Patent Gymnasium, Canonmills, skating at, NS-4. 141.
Royal Scots Regiment, NS-2. 40. 44; NS-4. 146.
Royal Scottish Academy, NS-2. 37, 93, 96, 100, 107-108; NS-3. 64, 95-96; NS-4. 36, 43, 139; NS-5. 89-90.
Royal Scottish Museum, NS-2. 86, 115, 130; NS-3. 65, 69; NS-4. 70, 70, 75, 81, 145-148; NS-5. 22, 26, 47, 51; see also National Museums of Scotland.
Royal Scottish Society of Arts, NS-1. 47-73, 53, NS-2. 127.
Royal Society of Arts, London, NS-1. 52, 63.
Royal Society of Edinburgh, NS-1. 49, 61-62, 67, 76; Transactions, 67; NS-2. 29; NS-3. 64-65; NS-4. 33, 36, 63, 73, 107, 145.
Royal Sunnyside Hospital, Montrose, NS-4. 139.
Royalty of the City of Edinburgh, extension of, NS-2. 1-5.
Royston House (Caroline Park), NS-1. 43; (review), NS-2. 148- 149.
Ruddiman, Jane, wife of Thomas Brumby Johnston, NS-2. 57.
Ruddiman, Thomas, Latin grammarian, NS-2. 57.
Ruddock, Ted (ed.), Travels in the Colonies 1773-1775, Described in the Letters of William Mylne (review), NS-3. 155.
Rudyerd, Captain, NS-4. 25.
Ruffini, Louis, muslin manufacturer, NS-5. 83-86.
Rules of the Schools of the Royal Colledge at Holy-Rood-House, NS-2. 133.
Runciman, Alexander, artist, master of Trustees’ Academy, NS-2. 29; NS-4. 40-42; NS-5. 7, 84.
Run-rig system of agriculture, NS-3. 7.
Russel, Henry, American composer, NS-2. 82.
Russel, and McNee, coachworks, Princes Street, NS-2. 96.
Russell, James, professor of Surgery, NS-4. 35; NS-5. 19.
Rutherford, Andrew, Lord Advocate, NS-2. 81.
Rutherford, Daniel, professor of Botany, NS-3. 137.
Rutherford, William, auctioneer, NS-2. 87, 89. 90-91, 102-103.
Ruthven, James, architect and teacher of drawing, NS-2. 103-115 passim.
Ruthven, John, engineer, NS-1. 52; NS-2. 74.
Ruthven, M. W., engineer, NS-2. 74.
Rutland Place, NS-4. 51, 57-58.
Rutland Street, NS-4. 57-58, 64.


St Andrew Order of Ancient Free Gardeners, see Free Gardeners.
St Square, NS-1. 36, 37; NS-2. 40-42, 53, 57-58, 62 et passim; NS-3. 123; NS-4. 12, 116; NS-5. 14.
St Street, NS-2. 67, 7 NS-1. 75; NS-3. 63; NS-5. 85-86.
St Andrew’s Free Church, NS-2. 8 NS-4. 114.
St Parish Church, George Street, NS-2. 82, 84; spire, NS-3. 43; NS-4. 62.
St Andrews, Fife. NS-5. 113.
St Bernard’s House, NS-2. note about cover illus..
St Well, NS-1. 39; NS-2. note about cover illus..
St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 37, 55, 6 1-70, 77.
St Cecilia’s Hall, Niddry Street. NS-4. 35.
St Clair, Charles. advocate, Adam Square, NS-5. 98.
St Colme Street. NS-2. 81; NS-5. 87.
St Cuthbert’s Church, Dalmeny, West Lothian, NS-3. 94.
St Parish, NS-3. 33.
St Parish Church, NS-1. 76; NS-3. 1, 5; manse. 44: NS-4. 57: NS-5. 115.
St David Street. NS-3. 50.
St Fond, Barthelemy Faujas de, French geologist, NS-4. 115.
St George’s West Free Church, Shandwick Place, NS-2. 54.
St Giles Church (Cathedral), NS-1. 40, 79: NS-2. 41, 45, 73, 119; NS-3. 32-33.
St Canongate Boys Club, NS-4. 8.
St James’s Church. Broughton Place, NS-4. 54.
St Square, NS-2. 138, 137; NS-5. 67, 114.
St John’s Cross, Canongate, NS-4. NS-4. 6.
St Episcopal Church, Princes Street, NS-1. 76: NS-2. 107; NS-4. 52, 57.
St Hill, James Hutton’s house at, NS-4. 107-112; NS-5. 9.
St Street, Canongate, NS-2. 98; NS-4. 15, 108: NS-5. 10.
St Leonards, NS-3. 105; NS-4. 107.
St Church, NS-2. 107.
St College Chapel, StAndrews, Fife, NS-5. 113.
St farm, Lauder, Berwickshire, NS-2. 65-66, 112.
St Lane, NS-2. 108.
St Station, NS-2. 108.
St Luke’s Free Church, Queen Street. NS-2. 41.
St Margaret’s Chapel, Edinburgh Castle, NS-4. 90-91.
St Hope. North Queensferry, Fife, NS-3. 119.
St Loch, skating on. NS-4. 141.
St Mark’s Bridge, Water of Leith, NS-3. 1.
St Park, NS-3. 20.
St Mary’s Brewery, Canongate, NS-4. 16.
St Church, Edinburgh Castle, NS-4. 90-92.
St Church, Leith, see Leith, South Leith Parish Church.
St Free Church, NS-2. 82, 85.
St Parish Church, Bellevue Crescent, NS-2. 82.
St Street, NS-4. 1, 8.
St Wynd, NS-4. 6, 8.
St Michael’s Church, Inveresk. East Lothian, NS-2. 59.
St Patrick Square, NS-2. 71.
St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Primary School, St John’s Hill, NS-4. 108, 110.
St Paul’s Episcopal Church, Carrubber’s Close (Old St Paul’s Church), NS-4. 15-16, 52-53, 59.
St Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, Falcon Avenue. NS-3. 98-99.
St Salvator’s College Chapel. StAndrews, Fife, NS-5. 113.
St Saviour’s Child Garden, Chessels Court, NS-4. Il, 15-16.
St Stephen’s Church, NS-3. 54.
St Swithin, bishop of Winchester, NS-2. 45.
St Thomas’s English Episcopal Church, Rutland Place, NS-4. 8. 51-67: architecture. 58; lighting, 58; organ, 58; later uses, 64.
St Episcopal Church, Glasgow Road, NS-4. 64.
St Episcopal Mission, Canongate, NS-4. 15, 59.
St Valentine’s Day, NS-2. 94.
St Vincent Street, NS-3. 54; NS-4. 44.
St Vincent’s English Episcopal Chapel, NS-4. 60. 64.
Ste Chapelle, Paris, NS-3. 98.
Sabbath Alliance in Scotland, NS-4. 80.
Saintsbury, George, professor of English, NS-3. 86.
Sales of Robert Adam drawings. NS-2. 23-33.
Salisbury Crags, Arthur’s Seat, NS-2. 45; NS-3. 75; NS-4. 6, 107-108, 115; NS-5. 50.
Salisbury Green, University halls of residence, NS-5. 46, 56.
Saltire Society, NS-5. 50.
Samson’s Ribs, Arthur’s Seat, NS-4. 115.
Sandby, Jean. servant to John Caw of the Excise, NS-2. 17.
Sandby, Paul, artist. NS-3. 113, note obour cover illus.; NS-5. 90.
Sandby, Thomas, artist, NS-4. 6. 7, 16.
Sandeman, Catherine, see Waterston, Catherine.
Sanderson, Elizabeth, Women and Work in Eighteenth Century Edinburgh (review), NS-4. 156.
Sanderson, George, lapidary, NS-2. 128.
Sanderson, Margaret, Robert Adam and Scotland: Portrait of an Architect (review), NS-3. 149-15 1.
Sandford, Daniel, Bishop of Edinburgh, NS-2. 58.
Sands, Murray and Cochrane, printers, NS-3. 105.
Sandyknowes, farm, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 68.
Sanitary state of Old Town of Edinburgh, 1660-1760, NS-3. 25-36.
Saughton Station, NS-2. 109.
Saul, Berrick, vice-principal of the University, NS-5. 73.
Saunders Street, NS-2. note about cover illus..
Saville, Richard, The Bank of Scotland: A History; 1695-1995 (review), NS-4. 149-150.
Savings Bank, see National Security Savings Bank.
Schemer, Christoph, Jesuit astronomer, NS-1. 54.
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, architect, NS-5. 90.
Schmitz, Dr Leonhard, rector, Royal High School, NS-2. 70; Grammar, 70.
Schola Regia, magazine of Royal High School, NS-2. 40.
School of Arts, NS-2. 58, 78; NS-4. 35; NS-5. 22, 25, 97, 99; see also Heriot Watt College (University).
School of Design, see Trustees’ Academy.
School of the Royal College of Holyroodhouse, NS-2. 133-135.
Science and Art Department, School, NS-3. 97; Privy Council Committee on Education, NS-4. 146; see also Select Committee on Museums.
Sciennes (review), NS-5. 118-119.
Sciennes Road, NS-2. 102.
Scot, William, of Bavely, NS-3. 28.
Scotland Street Station, NS-2. 40, 58; railway tunnel, NS-3. 18.
Scot’s Close, Cowgate, see Scott’s Close.
Scots Magazine, NS-3. 105-106; NS-5. 85.
Scotsman, newspaper, NS-2. 40, 52, 83, 100; NS-3. 63-64, 66, 68, 71;4 69; descriptions of winter sports on Duddingston Loch, 141-142; NS-5. 63, 114.
Scott, David, artist, NS-2. 108.
Scott, Helen, daughter of Archibald Chessels, NS-4. 12.
Scott, and Green, writing masters, NS-2. 104.
Scott, James. merchant, son in law of Alexander Chessels, NS-4. 4, 12.
Scott, James, bookbinder, NS-2. 140.
Scott, Major General John, of Balcomie, Fife, NS-1. 37; NS-3. 37.
Scott, J., leather merchant, NS-2. 86.
Scott, J. and Co., Waterloo Hotel, NS-2. 77.
Scott, Peter, teacher, NS-2. 41.
Scott, Robert, solicitor, NS-2. 104.
Scott, Robert, father of Robert, engraver, NS-4. note about cover iOns.
Scott, Robert, engraver, father of William Bell Scott, NS-4. note about cover illus..
Scott, Sir Walter, author, NS-1. 34, 37, 49, 76-77; NS-2. 3 NS-5. 55, 6 NS-3. 65, 67-68, 72-73, 91, 107, note about cover illus..; Marniion, 55; StRonan’s Well, 91; Talisman, 91; NS-3. 83-87; Redgauntlet, 86-87; NS-4. 35; NS-5. 85; Minstrelsv of the Scottish Border, 85; Provincial Antiquities, 88.
Scott, William, wright, NS-3. 31.
Scott, William, Chessels Court, NS-4. 12.
Scott, William Bell, artist, Sceneri’ of Edinburgh and Midlothian, NS-4. note about cover illus..
Scott, Mr, draper, Lauder, Berwickshire, NS-2. 111.
Scott-Moncrieff, Rev. W., curate of St Thomas’s Church, NS-4. 63-64.
Scott Monument, NS-2. 37, 47, 49, 52; NS-4. 86.
Scottish Academy, see Royal Scottish Academy.
Scottish Chartered Accountants (review), NS-5. 129.
Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, NS-3. 18.
Scottish Institution for the Education of Young Ladies, NS-2. 104.
Scottish Interior (review), NS-2. 147-148.
Scottish Mint, NS-3. 64.
Scottish National Portrait Gallery, NS-4. 62, 85; NS-5. 29.
Scottish National War Memorial, Edinburgh Castle, NS-4. 90-91.
Scottish Naval and Military Academy, NS-2. 99, 114.
Scottish and Newcastle plc, brewers, NS-5. note about cover illus..
Scottish Parliament, site of new, NS-5. note about corer i/Ins.
Scottish Provident Institution, NS-2. 83, 108.
Scottish theatre (review), NS-4. 149.
Scottish Union Insurance Company, NS-5. 15.
Scottish United Services Museum, NS-2. 74.
Scott’s Close, Cowgate, NS-3. 28; NS-5. 25.
Scripture Readers Society of Ireland, NS-4. 59.
Seafield, James Ogilvy, 1st Earl of, Lord High Commissioner, NS-3. 33.
Seafield, James Ogilvy, 3rd Earl of, NS-5. 98.
Seafield, James Ogilvy, Lord Deskford, 4th Earl of, NS-5. 98.
Seafield, NS-2. 60.
Sealing wax factory, George Waterston and Sons, St John’s Hill, NS-4. 109.
Seatoun, James. priest, NS-2. 133.
Secession Church, Infirmary Street, NS-2. 41, 101.
Second New Town, Edinburgh, development of, NS-3. 37-61, competition for design, 46-50; see also New Town.
Secular School, see Williams Secular School.
Seedsmen, NS-1. 7-27.
Select Committee on Museums, Department of Science and Art, NS-4. 78-80.
Select Society, NS-3. 109.
Select Subscription Library, NS-2. 57-58, 62, 72-73.
Selkirk, George Douglas-Hamilton, 10th Earl of Selkirk, NS-5. 51.
Sellars, James, architect, NS-3. 98.
Sermons, NS-2. 37.
Seton, Elizabeth Gulland, daughter of George, farmer, NS-2. 42.
Seton, George, farmer, uncle of John Gulland, NS-2. 42, 53.
Seton, George, Newton, Fife, NS-2. 53.
Seton, Sir Hugh, of Touch, NS-4. 12.
Seton Castle, East Lothian, NS-4. 114.
Seven Years War, NS-3. 123, 125.
Shakespeare Square, NS-2. 87.
Sharp. James, Archbishop of St Andrews. murder of, NS-2. 38, 63-64.
Sharp. Thomas, merchant, NS-3. 10.
Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick, antiquary, NS-3. 115.
Shepherd, Thomas H., artist, NS-4. 100, 120.
Sheriffhall House, Midlothian, NS-2. 42.
Sheriffhall Mains, farm. Midlothian, NS-2. 4 NS-2. 52-53, 59. 74, 96.
Station, Midlothian, NS-2. 53.
Shewell, John. silk merchant, London, NS-2. 118.
Shinty, NS-4. 137-143.
Shoemakers Land, West Port, NS-1. 79.
Shooting, on Nor Loch, NS-3. 29.
Sibbald, William, senior, architect and Superintendent of Works, NS-3. 43-45, 47-49, 45, 48, 54.
Sibbald, William, junior, architect, NS-3. 57 n.26,.
Sim, John Walker, NS-2. 45.
Sim, Robert, shop assistant, NS-4. 132-133.
Simon, Frank, Bits of Old Edinburgh, NS-4. 9, 10.
Simpson, Abigail, victim of Burke and Hare, NS-3. 76.
Simpson, Alexander, farmer at Warriston, NS-3. 5.
Simpson, Allen D. C., ‘An Edinburgh Intrigue: Brewster’s Society of Arts and the Pantograph Dispute’, NS-1. 47-73; ‘James Hamilton’s Lying-in Hospital at Park House and the Status of Midwifery Instruction in the Edinburgh Medical School’, NS-3. 131-141; NS-4. note about cover illus.; see also Menefee, Samuel Pyeatt, and Simpson, A. D. C.. ‘The West Port Murders and the miniature Coffins from Arthur’s Seat’; and Clarke, T. N. et al., Brass & Glass.
Simpson, Rev. Ian, 25 George Square, NS-5. 64.
Simpson, James, advocate, NS-5. 15.
Simpson, Sir James Young, professor of Midwifery, NS-2. 106; NS-3. 137.
Simson, David, sculptor, brother of William, NS-4. 43-46.
Simson, William, artist, NS-4. 43-46.
Simsons’ New Drawing Academy, NS-4. 44-46, 45.
Sinclair, Cecil, review of Donald Campbell, Playing for Scotland: A History of the Scottish Stage, 1715-1 965, NS-4. 149.
Sinclair, Sir John, of Ulbster, NS-3. 7, 15, 109; General Report of Agricultural State of Scotland, 7.
Sinclair, Mr, japanner, NS-2. 94.
Sinclair, Mrs, NS-4. 12.
Siree, Horatio Nelson, druggist. NS-4. 132.
Skating, NS-2. 86, 89-91; NS-4. 139-142; (review), 159-160.
Skene, James, of Rubislaw, secretary, Board of Trustees, NS-2. 25-27; NS-3. 115, 120; curator, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 64; NS-4. 35.
Skidmore, Peter, ironmonger in London, NS-1. 32.
Skinner, Basil, reviews of James Gilhooley, The Edinburgh Recorder: Spotlight on the Personalities, Pmperties and their Fire Insurance Policies from 1720 to 1840, NS-1. 85; lain Gordon Brown, Building for Books: The Architectural Evolution of the Advocates’ Library 1 689-1925, 85-86; Patrick Cadell and Ann Matheson, For the Encouragement of Learning: Scotland’s National Library, 1689-1989, 85-86: Dennis B. White, Exploring Old Duddingston and Portobello, 87-88; Robert Bartholomew, The Grange: A History in Maps, NS-2. 150; and Charles NS-1. Smith, Morningside, 150-151.
Skinner, Lydia, review of John Wilkinson. The Coogate Doctors: A History of the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society 1841-1991, NS-2. 149-150.
Skinner, Rev. William, NS-2. 78, 87.
Skinners, see Incorporation of Skinners.
Slaughter houses, Nor Loch, NS-3. 41.
Slezer, Captain John, surveyor and artist (review), NS-1. 42, 43; NS-3. 153-154; NS-4. 90. 91-92.
Smailes, Helen, ‘A Genteel Academy: The Edinburgh Drawing Institution, 1825-1836’, NS-4. 33-50.
Smailholm Tower, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 65, 68.
Smallpox, NS-3. 29.
Smeaton, Dr George, minister, Auchterarder, NS-2. 56-57.
Smellie, Alexander, son of William, NS-3. 105, 107, 109.
Smellie, John, son of William, NS-3. 105, 110.
Smellie, Rebecca, daughter of William, NS-3. 105.
Smellie, William, FRS, FSA Scot, Memoirs of the Life of William Smellie, NS-2. 18; Account of the Institution and Progress of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 20; NS-3. 105-111, 106; Philosophy of Natural History, 105, 108-109; editor of Scars Magazine, 105; editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 106-108; ‘Biographia Scotia’, 109; keeper and secretary of Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 110.
Smith, Adam, economist, NS-1. 76; NS-3. 105, 109; NS-4. 108, 114; NS-5. 98.
Smith, Adam, deacon of the Skinners, NS-3. 125.
Smith, Andrew, scientific instrument maker, Ayrshire, NS-1. 54, 56-57, 57-64, 60, 65.
Smith, Charles J., Edinburgh ‘s Contribution to Microbiology (review), NS-4. 154-155: Looking Back: An Autobiographical Journey through South Edinburgh and Beyond (review), NS-5. 124.
Smith, David, tea dealer, NS-5. 114.
Smith, Donald, John Knox House: Gateway to Edinburgh Old Town (review), NS-4. 152-153.
Smith, James, architect, NS-4. 103.
Smith, John Rubens, portrait painter, NS-2. 126.
Smith, J. L., stationer, NS-2. 75.
Smith, Sir Robert Murdoch, director of National Museum of Science and Art, NS-4. 78-79.
Smith, Sir Sydney, professor of Forensic Medicine, NS-5. 52.
Smith, William, brother of Andrew, scientific instrument maker, NS-1. 58.
Smith, W. and A., scientific instrument makers, NS-1. 64.
Snowball riots, NS-2. 92-93.
Soane, Sir John, architect, NS-2. 24-25, 3 1-32; Museum, London, 23, 31; NS-3. 47; Museum, NS-4. 114.
Societies for Mutual Improvement, see Mutual Improvement Societies.
Society, NS-2. 17-18; NS-3. 29.
Society, of Antiquaries of Scotland, NS-1. 76; NS-2. 18; list of John Caw’s collection deposited with, 20; portraits of early members by John Brown, 18-19; NS-3. 63, 72, 105, 109-110; museum, 63-65; Proceedings, 63-65, 68, 72-73; NS-4. 36.
Society, of Artists of Great Britain, NS-1. 62.
Society, of Arts, see Royal Scottish Society of Arts.
Society, of Brewers, NS-2. 17.
Society, of the Burgh and Parochial Schoolmasters of Scotland, NS-2. 47.
Society, for the Encouragement of the Arts and Manufactures, London, see Royal Society of Arts.
Society, for the Encouragement of the Useful Arts in Scotland, see Royal Scottish Society of Arts.
Society, of Painters in Watercolours, NS-5. 86.
Society, for the Promotion of Christianity amongst the Jews, NS-4. 59.
Society, for Relieving Indigent Pregnant Women, NS-3. 136.
Society, of Scottish Artists, NS-5. 51.
Somerville, Andrew, drawing teacher, NS-4. 43.
Somerville, Gilbert, deacon of the Tailors, NS-2. 119.
Somerville, James, 12th Lord, NS-4. 3.
Somerville, John Southey, 14th Lord, NS-1. 35.
Somerville, Mary, mathematician, NS-4. 42.
Somerville, Rev. Robert, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 64-68.
Sorby, Henry Clifton, Sheffield, NS-2. 128.
Sotheby and Co., auctioneers, NS-4. 126.
South Back of Canongate (Holyrood Road), NS-2. 105.
South Bridge, NS-1. 30, 76; NS-2. 54, 70, 75, 80, 88 et passim; NS-3. 47; NS-4. 115, 145; NS-5. 22, 46-47, 53, 94, 97, 99.
South Clerk Street, see Clerk Street.
South Side, see Comprehensive Development Area.
Spalding, James, Bonnington, NS-5. 2.
Spanish flies (Cantharis vesicatoria), poison, NS-4. 132-133.
Speculative Society, NS-2. 17.
Spence, Sir Basil, architect, NS-5. 56-63, 58-60, 65, 67-69, 74-75.
Spence, Basil and Partners, architects, NS-5. 58-59, 60.
Spence, Glover and Ferguson, architects, NS-5. 62, 73.
Spence, James, extramural lecturer, NS-5. 19.
Spencer, George John, 2nd Earl, NS-1. 63.
Sports and pastimes, NS-2. 3 6-37.
Spottiswood, John, Archbishop of St Andrews, NS-4. 108.
Spring cleaning, NS-2. 113.
Spurzheim, Dr Johann Gaspar, phrenologist, NS-5. 13, 21, 24; phrenological collection, 21.
Stables, NS-2. 106.
Standard Life Assurance Company, NS-2. 86.
Stanley, Montague, ARSA, NS-4. 56.
Stark, James, Inquiry into some Points of the Sanatory State of Edinburgh, 1847, NS-3. 29.
Stark, Mark, weaver, Dunfermline, NS-5. 6.
Statement by the Directors of the Edinburgh Drawing Institution, NS-4. 34, 34, 40, 42-43.
Statistical Account of Scotland, NS-3. 109.
Stead’s Place, Leith Walk, NS-2. 85.
Steam engines, NS-2. 94.
Steel, John, Jamaica, father of Mary, NS-5. 84.
Steel, Mary, wife of Louis Ruffini, NS-5. 84.
Steel, William, farmer, NS-2. 76-77.
Steele, Mr, tin plate worker, NS-4. 13.
Steell, Gourlay, artist, NS-2. 108.
Steell, Sir John, sculptor, NS-2. 52; NS-5. 89.
Stellionate (crime), NS-4. 133-134.
Stephen, Walter M., Fabric and Function: A Century of School Building in Edinburgh, 1872-1972 (review), NS-5. 125.
Stephenson, William, lecturer on Infancy and Childhood, NS-5. 22.
Steuart, David, Lord Provost, banker, NS-3. 40-46, 40, 46, 52-53.
Steuart, John, of Dalguise, NS-3. 40.
Steuart, T., engraver, NS-1. note about cover illus..
Steuartown, NS-3. 41, 42.
Stevens, Alexander, senior, architect and civil engineer, NS-2. note about cover illus.; NS-3. 10.
Stevens, Alexander, junior, architect, NS-5. 115.
Stevens Auction Rooms, London, NS-2. 130.
Stevenson, James, artist, NS-5. 90.
Stevenson, Robert, civil engineer, NS-1. 49, 58, 66-67; NS-2. 52; NS-4. 28, 33.
Stevenson, Robert, surgeon, son of Robert, civil engineer, NS-4. 33, 35.
Stevenson, Robert Louis, author, NS-1. 44, 49; NS-3. 83, 87; Weir of Hermiston, 86.
Stevenson, Sara, Hill and Adamson ‘s The Fishermen and Women of the Firth of Forth (review), NS-3. 143-144; ‘Greyfriars’ Bobby Dog or Myth?’, NS-4. 85-8 8.
Stewart, Rev. Alexander, NS-2. 76.
Stewart, Alexander, weaver, NS-5. 4.
Stewart, Alexander, curator of the Phrenological Museum, NS-5. 19-21, 23, 25-26.
Stewart, Charles H., secretary of the University, NS-5. 52, 58, 62.
Stewart, David, banker, see Steuart.
Stewart, Gilbert, linen printer, Bonnington, NS-5. 2.
Stewart, James, drawing teacher, NS-4. 43.
Stewart, Janet, mother of Archibald Chessels, NS-4. 1.
Stewart, John, japanner, NS-5. 19.
Stewart, John, barber, NS-5. 104.
Stewart, Joseph, nurseryman, Warriston, NS-3. 16-17.
Stewart, Robert, Bristo, father of Janet, NS-4. 1.
Stillie, James, bookseller, NS-2. 101, 110.
Stirling, Sir James, Lord Provost, NS-4. 117.
Stirling, John, cotton and linen printer, NS-2. 30.
Stirling, Rev. William MacGreggor, NS-5. 87.
Stirling Castle, NS-4. 89, 9 1-92, 94-95.
Stobo Castle, Peebles-shire, NS-3. 47.
Stobs Mill, Midlothian, gunpowder mill, NS-4. 106.
Stockbridge, NS-3. 54-55; NS-4. 24-25, 132; toll, 29.
Stockbridge, and St Bernard’s, NS-2. note about cover illus..
Stoddart, James, coach builder, NS-2. 102-103.
Stoddart, John, Remarks on Local Scenery and Manners in Scotland, NS-5. 85.
Stonehewer, William, silk merchant, London, NS-2. 118.
Storer, J. and H. S., Views in Edinburgh, NS-3. 132-133, 134, 139; NS-4. 6, 9, 14.
Stott, J. H., bailie, NS-2. 87.
Stow, Midlothian, NS-2. 110-112.
Strachan, Miss, milliner and room setter, Adam Square, NS-5. 98-99.
Strahan, William, publisher, London, NS-3. 107-108.
Strange, John, naturalist, NS-4. 107.
Strange, Robert, engraver, NS-2. 29.
Stratton, Major James, Commanding Royal Engineer to North Britain, NS-3. 49.
Street cleaning, NS-3. 27.
Street lighting, NS-3. 29, 33-34.
Street maintenance, NS-3. 29.
Street paving, NS-3. 27-28, 30-31.
Stuart, Andrew, NS-4. 57.
Stuart, Gilbert, author, NS-3. 105, 107-109; (review), 147-148.
Stuart, Williamina Belches, NS-1. 77.
Students Union, Teviot Row, NS-5. 38, 43; see also University of Edinburgh.
Stukeley, William, antiquary, NS-1. 82.
Summerhall, NS-5. 14.
Summers, Thomas, publisher, NS-1. 4.
Sun Fire Office, NS-3. 32.
Sunday opening of museums, NS-4. 79-80.
Sunnyside House, NS-1. 40.
Surgeon Square, High School Yards, NS-3. 74; NS-4. 119-122, 120, 122, 125-126; NS-5. 14, 16-22, 17-19, 25.
Surgeons’ Hall, NS-4. 120, 122; NS-5. 17-18, 59.
Surtout (frock-coat), NS-2. 109.
Surveying, methods, NS-4. 105.
Sutherland, Ann, victim of poisoning, NS-4. 13 1-135.
Sutherland, Cohn, and Craik, Roger (eds), Parliament House Portraits: The Art Collection of the Faculty ofAdvocates (review), NS-5. 125.
Sutherland, Daniel, town councillor, NS-4. 147.
Sutherland, David, porter, father of Ann, NS-4. 13 1-133.
Sutherland, John and Co., newsagents and music sellers, NS-2. 71, 78, 88, 110.
Sutherland, William, 16th Earl of, NS-1. 5.
Swain, Margaret, historian of embroidery, NS-5. 83-84.
Swan, Alexander, gardener, Castlecraig, Peebles-shire, NS-2. 43, 94.
Swan, Harold, review of Andrew Doig et al. (eds), William Cullen and the Eighteenth Century Medical World, NS-3. 15 1-152.
Swan, Janet, wife of Alexander, NS-2. 43.
Swann, Michael, Baron Swann, principal of the University, NS-5. 71.
Swans, on Nor Loch, NS-3. 28-29.
Swanston Burn, NS-2. 62.
Swinney, Geoffrey N., and Heppell, David, ‘Public and Privileged Access: A Historical Survey of Admission Charges and Visitor Figures for Part of the Scottish National Collections’, NS-4. 69-84.
Sykas, Philip, NS-3. 70.
Syllabus, William Nicol’s lectures on natural philosophy, NS-2. 127.
Symonds, John, professor of Modern History, Cambridge, letters describing Edinburgh by, 1790, NS-4. 113-118.
Sympiesometer, NS-1. 52.


Taap, Thomas, shipmaster, NS-3. 17.
Taap Hall, Ferry Road, NS-3. 18.
Tailors, see Incorporation of Tailors of the Canongate.
Tait, Alan A., NS-2. 23, 25, 32.
Tait’s Royal Saloon, Princes Street, NS-2. 80.
Talbot Rice, David, professor of Fine Art, NS-5. 50.
Tanfield, Canonmills, NS-2. 72, 86.
Tarbat, George Mackenzie, 1st Viscount, NS-1. 42-43.
Tathwell, Cornelius, letters by, NS-1. 82-84.
Taylor, Daniel, Shoemakers Land, West Port, NS-1. 79.
Taylor, G. and Co., North Bridge, coachmen, NS-2. 48, 110.
Taylor, Joseph, A Journey to Edenborough in Scotland, NS-3. 25.
Taylor, Patricia, Thomas Blaikie; The Capability Brown of France, 1751-1838 (review), NS-5. 125-126.
Taymouth Castle, Perthshire, NS-3. 47.
Telford, Thomas, civil engineer, NS-1. 66; NS-4. 28-29.
Temperance movement, NS-2. 38.
Terrot, Rev. C. H., Bishop of Edinburgh, NS-4. 52, 54-55, 57-58.
Teviot Place, NS-3. 132; NS-5. 47.
Theatre Royal, Shakespeare Square, NS-2. 59, 87, 101; NS-5. 85.
Thermometer, NS-2. 41.
Thin, James, booksellers, South Bridge, NS-2. 54.
Thistle Street Academy (School), NS-2. 41.
Thom, Rev. John, NS-2. 72.
Thomas, Jane, Midlothian: An Illustrated Architectural Guide (review), NS-4. 151-152.
Thompson, Katherine, wife of Thomas Shedd, Warriston, NS-3. 6.
Thomson, Dr Allen, extramural lecturer, NS-5. 19.
Thomson, Rev. Andrew, NS-2. 92.
Thomson, Dr Anthony Todd, NS-5. 83.
Thomson, C., engraver, NS-5. 89.
Thomson, Duncan, Raeburn: The Art of Sir Henry Raeburn. 1756-1823 (review), NS-4. 159-160.
Thomson, Eliza, see Pentland, Eliza.
Thomson, James, poet, NS-2. 138; NS-5. 103, 115.
Thomson, James, designer, Drumsheugh, NS-5. 9.
Thomson, James, farmer, St Boswells, NS-2. 66.
Thomson, James U., Edinburgh Curiosities: A Capital Cornucopia (review), NS-4. 155.
Thomson, Rev. John, Duddingston, artist, NS-4. 139; NS-5. 88.
Thomson, Rev. John, Maxton, NS-2. 66.
Thomson, John, spatterdash maker, NS-4. 12.
Thomson, John, extramural lecturer, NS-4. 120.
Thomson, John, professor of Music, NS-2. 93.
Thomson, Mary, mother of James Craig, architect, NS-5. 103.
Thomson, and Paterson, builders, NS-3. 52.
Thomson, Roy, Baron Thomson of Fleet, proprietor of the Scotsman, NS-5. 63.
Thomson, Rev. Thomas, father of James, NS-5. 103.
Thomson, William, weaver, NS-5. 3.
Thomson, W. J., artist, NS-5. 89.
Thomson’s Close (Plainstanes Close), NS-4. 11.
Thornielaw, farm, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 66, 68.
Threipland, Sir Stuart, physician, NS-4. 4, 12.
Times, newspaper, NS-4. 61.
Tolbooth, NS-1. 1-2.
Tolbooth, Church, St Giles, NS-2. 73, 90-91, 101.
Tolbooth, Free Church, Lawnmarket, NS-2. 37, 41, 73, 75, 90.
Tolls, turnpike road to Cramond, NS-4. 29.
Topham, Edward, Letters from Edinburgh Written in the Years 1774 and 1775, NS-3. 25; NS-5. 7.
Torrance, Richard, ‘Samuel McClellan: Lord Provost of Edinburgh, 1706-1708’, NS-2. 117-121.
Torsonce, Midlothian, NS-2. 70.
Town Council of Edinburgh, see Edinburgh Town Council.
Town Wall, see City Wall.
Trade tokens, NS-1. 28-33.
Trades, see Incorporation of Trades of Calton.
Transactions of the Edinburgh Phrenological Society, NS-5. 13.
Traquair, Christine, grocer, St Boswells, NS-2. 64-65, 77.
Treaty of Leith, 1560, NS-3. 1.
Trespassers at Warriston, NS-3. 7.
Trinity, NS-1. 39, 39, 40; (review), NS-4. 158-159.
Trinity, College Church and Hospital, NS-1. note about cover illus.; NS-2. 54, 114; NS-3. 26, 28, 30.
Trinity, Station, NS-2. 40.
Tron Kirk, NS-1. 83; NS-2. 87; NS-3. 28; NS-4. 1; NS-5. 4.
Trotter, Beatrix, wife of Rev. Thomas Thomson, NS-5. 103.
Thomas, upholsterer, NS-5. 6.
Thomas, William, Lord Provost, house furnisher, NS-1. 34; NS-4. 43.
Thomas, Mr, of Fogo, father of Beatrix, NS-5. 103.
Troughton and Simms, scientific instrument makers, London, NS-1. 66.
Trunk Close, NS-3. 49.
Trustees, Board of, see Board of Trustees.
Trustees, for Turnpike Roads, Queensferry and Cramond District, NS-3. 10; see also Edinburgh Middle District Road Trust, and West Lothian Road Trust.
Trustees’ Drawing Academy, NS-2. 25-30, 140; NS-4. 33, 35-4 1, 43-44, note about cover illus.; NS-5. 4, 9. 84; see also Board of Trustees.
Turnbull, Hector, bleachfield at Luncarty, Perthshire, NS-5. 4.
Turner, Charles, engraver, London, NS-5. 85.
Turner, John William, surgeon, NS-5. 19.
Turner, J. M. W., artist, NS-5. 86-88, 90.
Turner, Sir William, professor of Anatomy and principal of the University, NS-5. 14, 27.
Turnpike Act, Midlothian, 1751, NS-4. 23.
Turnpike gates, Cramond Road Trust, NS-4. 29.
Turnpike road, to Cramond and Queensferry, NS-4. 23-3 1.
Tweed, river, NS-2. 5 1-52, 62-63.
Tweedbank, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 63, 68, 81.
Tweeddale, John Hay, 4th Marquess of, NS-5. 93.
Tweeddale House, NS-5. 93.
Tweedie, Rev. William King, NS-2. 37, 41 et seq., 70 et seq., 101, 105; The Atonement of Christ, 78.
Tyson, Martin, review of James U. Thomson, Edinburgh Curiosities: A Capital Cornucopia, NS-4. 155.


Umbrella, NS-2. 94; of King Kolfi Karikari, exhibited in Edinburgh, NS-4. 146.
Union, Act of, 1707, NS-2. 119-120.
Union, Bank of Scotland, NS-1. 77.
Union, Canal, NS-2. 37, 76, 112-113, 115: NS-3. 74.
Union, Street, NS-2. 72.
United Presbyterian Church, NS-2. 37.
United Presbyterian College, NS-4. 74.
United Services Museum, Edinburgh Castle. NS-4. 9 1-92.
Universities Scotland Act, 1858, NS-3. 131.
University of Edinburgh, NS-1. 28-3 1, 29, 47-48, 50, 82-84; Old College and dome, 30; letters describing, 82-84; (review), 86-87; NS-2. 16-17, 28, 37-38, 41, 45, 98, 100-101, 110; Natural History Museum, 86; snowball riots, 92-93; chair of Music, 93: NS-3. 83, 85, 131-141, 105, 110; plans by Robert Morison, 47: NS-4. 52, 69-74, 78, 114-115, 117, 120, 127: Natural History Museum. 69-74; Museum attendance figures, 71; Student Centre, 127; chair of Medicine, 1855 (review), 153-154; microbiology in (review), 154-155; NS-5. 16, 18, 26-29, 35-8 1, 93-95, 97; Medical School, 14, 27; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 14; Old College, 22, 27: Library, 28; development in George Square, 1876-1976, 35-81; Main Library, 57, 60, 67, 69, 74; Student Centre, 69, 71-72; Erskine Medical Library, 72-73; Edinburgh University Worthies (review), 126-127; see also Anatomy Museum, King’s Buildings, McEwan Hall, Medical School, Moray House College, New College, Reid School of Music.
University Grants Commission, NS-5. 53, 57, 59, 63, 71-73.
University Settlement, High School Yards, NS-5. 18.
University of Strathclyde, archives, NS-5. 108.
Upper Gray Street, NS-2. 88.
Usher Hall, NS-2. 38.


Valleyfield, Penicuik, Midlothian, NS-2. 55.
Value added tax (VAT), NS-4. 82.
Vasey, Peter, review of: Keith Cavers, A Vision of Scotland: The Nation Observed by John Slezer 1671-] 71 7, NS-3. 153-154; ‘The Canonmills Gunpowder Manufactory and a Newly Discovered Plan by John Adair’, NS-4. 103-106.
Vennel, NS-2. 60; NS-3. note about cover illus..
Veterinary College of Edinburgh, see Royal (Dick) Veterinary School of Edinburgh.
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, NS-2. 35, 40, 51, 53, 58, 61, 66, 107: NS-4. 146.
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, NS-4. 139.
Victoria Park Hotel, Ferry Road, NS-3. 18.
Victoria Place, NS-2. 105.
Victoria Street, NS-2. 113.
Victoria Terrace, NS-2. 58.
Viewcraig Gardens, NS-4. 110.
Villa, The Edinburgh, NS-1. 34-46.
Villiars, J. Huet, artist, S. 86.
Villiers, Henry Montagu, Bishop of Carlisle, NS-4. 60.
Vincent, Henry, NS-2. 88, 115.
Virtuosi’s Museum, NS-3. note about cover illus..
Visitor numbers, National Museums of Scotland, NS-4. 69-84, 76-77, 79.
Vote creation, Warriston, 1817, NS-3. 12-14, 20-22.


Waddell, William, solicitor, NS-5. 15.
Waldegrave, Samuel, Bishop of Carlisle, NS-4. 60.
Waldie, Janet, mother of Robert Craig, NS-5. 103.
Walker, Alexander, seedsman, NS-1. 9.
Walker, George, landscape painter, NS-4. 42.
Walker, James, Bishop of Edinburgh, NS-4. 52-54.
Walker, John. professor of Natural History, NS-3. 110.
Walker, John, employee of National Museum of Science and Art, NS-4. 147.
Walker, Rev. Robert, minister of Canongate parish (review), NS-4. 159-160.
Walker, Robert, tanner, NS-4. 4.
Walker, William, of Coates, NS-3. 20.
Walker Estate, Coates, NS-3. 55.
Walker’s Hotel, 1 Princes Street. NS-4. 116.
Walkinshaw House. Renfrewshire. NS-5. 93.
Wallace, Alexander. son of William, professor of Mathematics, NS-1. 62.
Wallace, Captain John, NS-2. 134.
Wallace, Joyce, Traditions of Trinity and Leith (review), NS-4. 158-159.
Wallace, Rev. Robert, NS-5. 104.
Wallace, R. and Co., printers, NS-2. 83.
Wallace, William, professor of Mathematics, NS-1. 48-49, 54-55, 58-68, 6], 63, 67.
Wallace, William, statue of, Bemersyde, Berwickshire, NS-2. 65.
Walpole, Horace, author, NS-3. 125.
Wanlockhead, Lanarkshire, NS-2. 79.
Ward, T. A.. Doncaster. NS-2. 125.
Ward, William, engraver. NS-2. 126.
Wardie, NS-3. 7.
Wardlaw, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William, NS-4. 13.
Wardlaw, Sir William. NS-4. 13.
Warriston Cemetery, NS-2. 58, 81, 90-91, 96, 102; NS-3. NS-5. 16, 20.
Warriston Crematorium, NS-1. 20; NS-3. NS-1. 11, 12, 20.
Warriston Crescent, NS-2. 82; NS-3. 15-16.
Warriston Easter, NS-3. 5-6, 11-12, 16-17, 20.
Warriston House, East, NS-1. 39; NS-3. 1, 5, 7-8, 11, 12.
Warriston House, West, NS-1. 40, 4]; NS-3. II; NS-5. 15.
Warriston lands of, NS-3. 1-24: table showing tenants after 1707.6.
Warriston Mains. NS-3. 1, 6.
Warriston Park. NS-3. 15.
Warriston Place, NS-3. 15.
Warriston Road. NS-3. 1, 1 NS-1. 16, 20.
Warriston Wester, NS-3. 5-6, 11-13, 1 NS-5. 20.
Water Board, Edinburgh. NS-2. 38.
Water of Leith, river, NS-1. 20, 37, 39; NS-2. 101, note about cover i/Ins.; NS-3. NS-1. 9-lI, 16-17; NS-4. 23-24, 28, 30, 53, 116: at Canonmills, 103- 106.
Water of Leith (Dean) Village, NS-4. 23.
Water supplies, NS-3. 30-32.
Water Trust, NS-2. 114.
Watergate, Canongate, NS-5. 6-7.
Waterloo Hotel, NS-1. 76; NS-2. 77, 114.
Waterloo Place, NS-1. 21: NS-2. 57, 62, 77-78, 80. 87. 106, 114: NS-4. 30: NS-5. 88.
Waterloo Rooms, NS-2. 80, 8 NS-4. 113-114.
Waterston, Catherine (Catherine Sandeman, later Mrs Ferrier), mother of George, stationer. NS-4. 109.
Waterston, George. stationer, NS-4. 108.
Waterston, George and Sons, stationers, NS-4. 108, 109-110: Bi-Centenary History, 1752-1 952, 108-109.
Waterston, John James, NS-4. 109.
Waterston, William, stationer, NS-4. 108.
Watson, Rev. Charles, NS-2. 84.
Watson, George, portrait painter, NS-3. 105.
Watson, James. printer. NS-2. 133.
Watson, James, Canongate. NS-4. 4.
Watson’s Close. Canongate, NS-4. 4.
Watson’s Hospital (George Watson’s Hospital), NS-1. 76; NS-3. 89, 9 1-93, 133; NS-5. 93, 103-104.
Watson’s Institution (John Watson’s Institution), NS-2. 45.
Watson’s Ladies College (George Watson’s Ladies College), NS-5. 36-37, 37, 39-40, 44, 48, 50, 59, 68, 73-74.
Watt, James, engineer, NS-1. 28; NS-2. 125.
Watt Institution and School of Arts, see Heriot-Watt College (University).
Wauchope, Sir John. of Edmonstone. NS-4. 55, 63.
Waugh, Gavin. baxter, tenant at Warriston. NS-3. 9-11, 15.
Waugh, Lieutenant John, son of Gavin. Warriston, NS-3. 10.
Waverley Bridge, NS-2. 40. 58.
Waverley Station, NS-2. 53, 74, 113; NS-3. 18.
Waverley Steps, NS-2. 80.
Waverley Terrace, NS-3. 92.
Weavers, NS-2. 118; NS-5. 1-12; pattern book, 2; see also Incorporation of Weavers.
Webb, John, seedsman. London, NS-1. 10.
Wedderburn House, Berwickshire, NS-2. 49-50.
Weelbrae Well. St Boswells. Roxburghshire. NS-2. 63, 65-67.
Weir, David, merchant in Leith. NS-3. 18.
Weir, James, seedsman, NS-1. 7.
Weir, James, Tollcross, NS-5. 115.
Weir, John, gardener at Heriot’s Hospital. NS-1. 7. 16.
Weir, Mary, daughter of John, gardener. NS-1. 16.
Weirgate, house and farm, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, NS-2. 6 1-69.
Wells, NS-3. 30.
Wellwood, Sir James, Lord Moncreiff, Lord of Session, NS-4. 134.
Welter, Volker M., ‘An Undocumented Plan for Edinburgh’s First New Town by James Craig’, NS-5. 107-109.
Wemyss, David Charteris. 12th Earl of Wemyss and 8th Earl of March. NS-5. 62-63.
Wemyss, Captain James Erskine, of Wemyss and Torrie. MP. NS-2. 81.
Werner. Abraham Gottlob, German geologist. NS-2. 126.
Wernerian Natural History Society. NS-1. 49.58, 60: NS-2. 126-127.
West Bow. NS-1. 8. 16-18, 20: NS-2. 17, 90: NS-3. 28.
West Linton, Peebles-shire. NS-2. 110.
West Lothian: Illustrated Architectural Guide (review), NS-4. 152.
West Lothian Road Trust, NS-4. 26, 29.
West Mains farm, site of King’s Buildings, University of Edinburgh, NS-5. 41.
West Port, NS-1. 79; nursery at, 16; NS-2. 85, 110; NS-3. 74; West Port murders, 63-81: NS-4. 23.
West Register Street. NS-2. 70-71, 83, 96.
White, Alan, see Armstrong. Norma. and White. Alan, Luin Hats in Paradise.
White, Dennis B.. Exploring Old Duddingston and Portobello (review), NS-1. 87-88.
White Hart Inn. Grassmarket, NS-2. 77.
Whiteadder, river, Berwickshire, NS-2. 48.
Whitehill, near Dalkeith, Midlothian, NS-2. 41.
Whooping cough, NS-2. 106.
Whyte, Robert, seedsman, NS-1. 20.
Whytt, Robert, professor of Medicine, NS-1. 82-83.
Wigham, John, silkman, NS-2. 88.
Wightman, A. G., silversmith, NS-2. 128.
Wilkie. Sir David. artist. NS-4. 43.
Wilkinson, John, The Coogate Doctors: A History of the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society, 1841-1991 (review), NS-2. 149-150.
William II, King of the Netherlands, NS-2. 61.
William Robertson Building, George Square, NS-5. 68-69.
William’s Hut, NS-1. 40.
William’s Secular School, NS-5. 16, 19-20, 19.
Williams, Hugh William (‘Grecian’), artist, NS-4. 35; NS-5. 83-91; Etchings of Local Subjects, 85; Travels in halt; Greece and the Ionian Islands, 88, 88; Select Views iii Greece, 88-89.
Williams, Mary, sister of Hugh, NS-5. 83.
Williams, William Mattieu, educationalist, NS-5. 16.
Williams, Captain, father of Hugh, NS-5. 83.
Williamson. James, seedsman, NS-1. 20.
Williamson’s Directory, NS-2. 18; NS-4. 12; NS-5. 98.
Willich, C. M., scientific instrument maker, London. NS-1. 63.
Willis, R. L., Journal of a Tour from London to Elgin, NS-1. 34.
Willowbrae, NS-2. 76.
Wilson, Andrew, landscape painter, master of the Trustees’ Academy. NS-2. 27-28; NS-4. 41-43.
Wilson, Sir Daniel, Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time, NS-3. 113, 115, 119.
Wilson, George, director of Industrial Museum, professor of Technology, NS-4. 74, 145.
Wilson, James, ‘Daft Jamie’, victim of Burke and Hare, NS-3. 77.
Wilson, James, Illustrations of Zoology, NS-2. 128, 129.
Wilson, Rev. John, NS-2. 86.
Wilson, John, ‘Christopher North’, professor of Moral Philosophy, NS-3. 83-86; Isle of Palms, 85; Trials of Margaret Lindsay, 85; Noctes Ambrosianae. 86.
Windlestrawlee, nursery at, NS-1. 25.
Windmill Acres, NS-5. 63.
Windmill Street, NS-5. 50, 57, 60, 62, 67, 69.
Windy Gowl, Arthur’s Seat, NS-3. 72.
Winter sports, NS-4. 137-143, 140.
Winton, George, builder, NS-3. 53, 58 n40.
Winton, and Morison, builders, NS-3. 52.
Wishart, George, minister, NS-1. 83.
Wishart, William, principal of the University (father), NS-1. 83.
Wishart, William, principal of the University (son), NS-1. 83.
Witchcraft, NS-3. 72.
Witham, Henry, NS-2. 128.
Witness, newspaper, NS-2. 56, 115.
Wolseley, Major General Sir Garnet, NS-4. 146.
Women, art education for, NS-4. 40-41; and work in Edinburgh (review), 156; students of anatomy, NS-5. 39; see also Ladies.
Women’s Union, George Square, NS-5. 42.
Wood, Alexander, NS-2. 119.
Wood, Alexander, advocate, NS-4. 35.
Wood, Dr Andrew, NS-4. 56.
Wood, Hugh, gardener to the Duke of Hamilton, NS-1. 7.
Wood, Thomas, ‘of Warriston’, farmer at Broughton, NS-3. 23 n40, 37, 40, 44.
Woodforde, James, medical student (review), NS-5. 120.
Woodhall, Colinton, NS-1. 79; NS-3. 113.
Woodhouselee, Midlothian, NS-3. 119.
Woolford, Harry, picture restorer, NS-4. 17.
Worcester College, Oxford, NS-4. 52.
Working Men’s Institute, Infirmary Street, NS-2. 41, 101.
Workington, Cumberland, NS-4. 137.
Wright, James, junior, of Dundee, NS-1. 30-33; Virtuoso’s Companion, 31; Arrangement of Provincial Coins, 31.
Wright, John, draper, NS-1. 30-31.
Wright, John. seed collector, Quebec. NS-1. 16.
Wright, Ronald Selby, minister of Canongate parish, ‘The School of the Royal College of Holyrood House’, NS-2. 133-135; NS-4. 8.
Wright, William, hatter, NS-2. 90.
Wright, Mr, NS-5. 95.
Wrightshouses (Wrychtishouses), Bruntsfield, NS-3. 113-122, 114, 116-118, 120-12].
Wunsch, Frederick, tailor, NS-2. 71.
Wyld, James, merchant in Leith, NS-3. 17.
Wylie, Margaret, nursery school teacher, NS-4. 16.
William, NS-2. 83, 94.
Wyon, of London, diecaster, NS-1. 30-31.


This section is empty.


Yasyinski, Mr, Polish farm servant, NS-2. 74-75.
Year’s Close (Plainstanes Close), NS-4. 11.
Yeomanry, review at Portobello, NS-2. 55.
York Place, NS-3. 40, 44; NS-4. 4], 42.
Young, Arthur, agriculturist, NS-4. 113, 115.
Young, Robert, upholsterer, NS-5. 6.
Young, R. Maxwell, University administrator, NS-5. 62.
Young, Sarah, wife of Alexander Kay, farmer at Warriston, NS-3. 5, 9.
Young, Thomas, professor of Midwifery, NS-3. 134-135.
Young, William, Corstorphine, wife of, NS-1. 80.
Young Street, NS-4. 56.
Younger, Archibald Campbell, brewer, NS-5. note about cover illus..
Younger, William, brewer, NS-5. note about cover illus..
Younger, William and Co., brewers, NS-5. note about cover illus..
Youngson, Alexander J., vice-principal of the University, NS-5. 72.
Yule, Bill, Matrons, Medics and Maladies: Inside Edinburgh Royal Infirmary in the 1840s (review), NS-5. 119-120.


Zachs, William, Without Regard to Good Manners: A Biography of Gilbert Stuart, 1743-1786 (review), NS-3. 147-148.
Zoological Gardens, Broughton Park, NS-2. 84, 86.