The 115th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Club will be held in the City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1YJ on Wednesday, 21 September 2021 at 7.00pm.
We are at an exciting time in our development. If you are interested in shaping the future of the Club and contributing to our activities as a Council Member and trustee, you can download details here.
We would love to find someone to take on management of our website as a new trustee – details here. Please read this in conjunction with the trustee spec above.
Our Annual Report has been approved by the OEC Council of trustees and is available to download here.
The minutes are available to download.
- Welcome by the Lord Provost
- Apologies for absence
- Minute of the AGM held on 22 September 2021
- Intimation of items for inclusion under 12, Other Competent Business
- Annual Report
- Secretary’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Re-election of our Independent Examiner, Stuart Lockhart
- Editor’s Report
- Amendment to item 6 of the Constitution, to add ‘Web Manager’ to the list of office-bearers and reduce the maximum number of Ordinary Members from nine to eight
- Election of Office Bearers and Council:
Honorary President: | Lord Cullen of Whitekirk |
Honorary Vice President: | Professor Robert J Morris Dr Iain Gordon Brown (nomination) |
President: | Dr Edward Duvall (nomination in succession to Rev W Peter Graham who completes his term of office) |
Vice Presidents: | Mr Steven Robb Ms Alison Macdonald (nomination) |
Hon. Treasurer: | Mike Harrison |
Hon. Secretary & Minutes Secretary: | Derrick Johnstone |
Editor: | Dr Wilson Smith |
Membership Secretary: | Jerry Ozaniec |
Programme Secretary: | Prof Richard Rodger |
Publicity Officer: | Mrs Pat Jones |
Council Members: | Dr John McAleese Nominations are invited |
12. Any other competent business of which notice is given at the start of the meeting.
Any member wishing to make a nomination for an office-bearer or an ordinary member of Council is invited to send the name of the nominee together with a note of their agreement to stand for election to the Secretary, Derrick Johnstone ( by Friday, 16 September.
Nominations may be made at the AGM provided the nominee is present or has agreed in writing to stand.
Please note: Three current Council Members, Dr Diana Leat, Dr Neil MacGillivray, Ms Alison Macdonald were elected in 2019 and have come to the end of their terms and we thank them wholeheartedly for their contribution to the work of the Club.
After the business of AGM is complete, we would like to sound out members on some of our plans.
Readers of the Annual Report will see that we have recently benefited from two legacies. We intend to use these wisely in promoting research and access to historical information and bringing Edinburgh history to life. We shall introduce our thinking, outline proposals for piloting a grants programme and invite feedback on promoting the Club.