Gaelic in Edinburgh: A Success Story

Eachdraidh Na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann: The History of Gaelic in Edinburgh James Gillespie’s High School are delighted to share that their “Eachdraidh Na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann – The History of Gaelic in Edinburgh” project, funded by a Jean Guild Grant, has emerged as a remarkable success. Igniting passion and curiosity among […]

Alexander Monteith: Beginnings of Anatomy in Edinburgh, 1694

Old Surgeon's Hall, Edinburgh

Alexander Monteith: his petition for a ‘gift of bodies’ On 24 October 1694 Alexander Monteith petitioned Edinburgh Town Council for ‘a gift of the bodies of those who die in the Correction House, and foundlings who die upon the breast, and to be allowed a convenient place for such, and the use of the College kirkyard […]

The Scottish Linen Trade: The Picardy Weavers

Picardy Village, by John Clerk of Eldin

The Picardy Linen Weavers in 18th century Edinburgh In the 18th century, a community of linen weavers from Picardy in France arrived and settled in cottages outside the limits of the royal burgh of Edinburgh. Today we know that area as Picardy Place. One of our Jean Guild Grant awardees, Jenny Bruce, has been researching this […]

Margaret Dickson: Half Hangit Maggie

The Remarkable Tale of Margaret Dickson: The Woman Who Survived the Hangman’s Noose In 1724, a young woman from Edinburgh named Margaret Dickson was accused of concealing her pregnancy and killing her newborn child. Despite her insistence on her innocence, she was sentenced to be hanged at the age of just 22. Against all odds, […]

Burnhead: a lost Lowland distillery

The lost distillery at Burnhead, Edinburgh A study of the history of the south side of Edinburgh has revealed that a whisky distillery was established at Burnhead, Gracemount in the late eighteenth century on a site at Lasswade Road. The distillery building was illustrated in a survey plan of the land and property of the […]

Trinity Apse: OEC Members visit, July 2024

The Trinity Apse visit Members of the Old Edinburgh Club were thrilled with their recent visit to the Trinity Apse to hear a talk on the history of the Trinity Collegiate Church by Lizzie Swarbrick and Jean Guild Grant awardee Jill Harrison, who organised the visit for the OEC and Scotland’s Churches Trust. The members showed just […]

Manuscript Cataloguing and the Butchart Bursary

Amanda Ramsey has followed in the footsteps of Matthew Ferrie on his Jean Butchart Bursary, cataloguing manuscripts held by the Edinburgh Central Library. We asked Amanda to reflect on her work as a placement student there and introduce how she is helping us improve access to back issues of the Book of the Old Edinburgh […]

General Register House: A Proper Repository

Register House just before completion

Laying the foundation of General Register House, 1774 Two hundred and fifty years ago today, on 27th June 1774, the foundation stone of Register House was laid. Although the biographer and diarist James Boswell thought the ceremony lacked the appropriate pomp, it was a long-awaited start to providing an appropriate home for Scotland’s national records. […]

Where is the old Scottish Parliament hiding?

Old Edinburgh Reborn: Update Where is the old Scottish Parliament Building hiding? Remarkably there are significant parts of the old Scottish Parliament Building still in existence if you know where to look. Robert Sproul-Cran’s new blog gives us an update on his research and explains where he has found some of the answers. You may […]

Winner of Great Debate 2024: Emma Crow

Great Debate finalists 2024

National debate for schools The Historical Association recently announced the winner of the Great Debate 2024: Emma Crow from Broxburn Academy, Broxburn, West Lothian.  The Old Edinburgh Club was asked to provide a judge for the Scottish Finals and we were represented by Jo Chapman. Jo and her fellow judges selected Emma and we are absolutely delighted to be able […]