The 117th Annual General Meeting of the Club was held in person at the City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1YJ on Wednesday, 18 September 2024 at 7.00pm.
You can download a copy of the AGM minute here.
You can read or download a PDF copy of our Annual Report 2023-24 here. This was approved by the OEC Council on 27 August 2024.
- Welcome by the Depute Lord Provost, Lezley Marion Cameron
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the AGM held on 20 September 2023 (PDF copy here)
- Intimation of items for inclusion under 12. Other Competent Business
- President’s Report
- Secretary’s Report and Marketing Report
- Editor’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Re-election of our Independent Examiner, Stuart Lockhart
- Proposed amendment to the Constitution (see the bottom of the page)
- Election of Office Bearers and Council:
Honorary President: | Lord Cullen of Whitekirk |
Honorary Vice President: | Iain Gordon Brown |
President: | Edward Duvall |
Vice Presidents: | Steven Robb Alison Macdonald |
Treasurer: | Jim Gallacher (co-opted as Treasurer-designate August 2023) |
Secretary: | Derrick Johnstone |
Editor, Book of the Old Edinburgh Club: | Wilson Smith |
Membership Secretary: | Jerry Ozaniec |
Programme Secretary: | Richard Rodger |
Publicity Officer: | Joanne Chapman |
Web Manager: | vacant |
Council Members: | Andrew Boyd (appointed Sept 2022) Fiona Alexander (co-opted July 2023) Hetty Lancaster (co-opted July 2023) Alison Moodie (elected September 2023) |
Guest speakers: Jean Guild Grant awardees
The AGM was followed by short talks by Jean Guild Grants awardees:
- Charlie Ellis, on the social history of Table Tennis in Edinburgh
- Jill Harrison, on the Trinity Stones project
- Donna MacIver, on Gaelic in Edinburgh (James Gillespie’s High School)
- Robert Sproul-Cran, on ‘Old Edinburgh Reborn’
Proposed amendment to the OEC Constitution (item 10)
In view of the importance to the Club of building and sustaining our marketing efforts, we proposed an amendment to Clause 6 of our Constitution, creating an office of Vice President (Marketing) with no time limit on the appointment (as in the case of Treasurer, Secretary, Programme Secretary and Publicity Officer).
The Clause currently begins: ‘The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Council of paid-up members of the Club, consisting of the following Office-bearers: the President, Vice President(s), Secretary, Treasurer, Programme Secretary, Membership Secretary, Editor, Publicity Officer, Minutes Secretary, Web Manager and up to eight Ordinary Members. The President and Vice Presidents shall hold office for no more than three years.’
We proposed that the final sentence above reads as: ‘The President and one Vice-President shall hold office for no more than three years. The term of office of the second Vice-President (Marketing) is not limited.’
This was amended in discussion at the AGM to read, “The President and Vice-President(s) shall hold office for no more than three years, excepting that of Vice-President (Marketing) whose term is not limited.” This revision was accepted by the AGM.
The full constitution can be found here.